Monday, November 3, 2014

Thrive Producers discuss the global financial reorganization

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Thrive Producers discuss the global financial reorganization
Posted By: JediShaman [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 3-Nov-2014 07:56:59

Foster & Kimberly Gamble discuss the global financial changes:
- Jedi 

New Mexico Upset

GOP Within 2% in New Mexico!
WorldNetDaily has a new report out today indicating that Republicans are poised for the potential for an historic upset in the New Mexico U.S. Senate race, and the latest polling data shows our Republican U.S. Senate candidate Allen Weh is now only 2% behind Democrat incumbent Tom Udall:
We are doing everything we can to win this race for our Republican candidate, Allen Weh, and help him defeat Democrat incumbent Tom Udall.
IMPORTANT:  Today is the absolute final deadline for us to place ad buys in this campaign to support our Republican candidate, Allen Weh.  So any ads we want to run before the polls close on Tuesday must be purchased TODAY.  
Please support our our independent expenditure radio ad campaign for Republican Allen Weh by making a contribution online - HERE.

You can contribute any amount from as little as $5 up to the maximum allowed contribution of $5,000.

Take a LISTEN to our radio ad below, and then please make a contribution online - HERE.
You can help us narrow the gap further by making a contribution to our independent expenditure campaign to Defeat Tom Udall - HERE.

We still need 11 more people to make a contribution of $100 or more before the day is over to help us win this race for Republican Allen Weh.  If you can contribute $100 or more - PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Additional news coming out of New Mexico shows that the disastrous ObamaCare policy has caused even more Americans to lose their health insurance coverage:

So who is Allen Weh?
Ret. Marine Colonel Allen Weh was the Republican nominee for Governor of New Mexico in 2010.
Weh is president of an Albuquerque-based small business - CSI Aviation Services.  Weh graduated from the University of New Mexico.  Perhaps most impressively, Weh is a highly-decorated veteran, serving two tours of duty in the Vietnam War, and was activated three times for duty during the Persian Gulf War.  Weh has earned the Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, two Purple Hearts with two gold stars, and the Meritorious Service Medal.
Republican Allen Weh is running against Democrat incumbent Senator Tom Udall, who has voted for Barack Obama's agenda 94% of the time.
New Mexico voters deserve a better choice than Democrat Tom Udall.
Please support our independent expenditure campaign to Defeat Tom Udall.
You can make a contribution to Defeat Tom Udall online by - CONTRIBUTING HERE.

If you prefer you can also mail in a contribution to our headquarters:
Conservative Campaign Committee
ATTN:  Defeat Tom Udall
P.O. Box 278855
Sacramento, CA 95827

P.S.  Please be sure to share our new radio ad to Defeat Tom Udall with your friends - we need to get conservatives nationwide aware of what is happening in this race, so that Republican Allen Weh can get all the support possible:  

Paid for and authorized by the Conservative Campaign Committee.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Maliki and his personal secretary in prison (see picture)

Urgent .. Maliki and his personal secretary in prison (see picture)
03-11-2014 03:14 PM

The court confirmed the government sources, that the second Karkh court in Baghdad, announced a call Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, former Prime Minister and his personal secretary, on criminal charges of attempted murder.

A judicial source said: "The Second Court of Karkh issued a request to bring the Vice President of the Republic of Iraq and the former Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, and his personal secretary, Kata stapes nicknamed" Abu Mujahid, "to look into the complaint filed against them on charges of attempted murder."

He said observers and human rights activists that Maliki was able during his reign, to be judged on the clout of the judiciary in the country, which made him the first offender in the country, and accused of criminal cases and international crimes against humanity, genocide .. According to the Geneva Center for Justice.

Extensive report in which Justice Center revealed serious criminal information, documents and records condemns al-Maliki of war crimes, as a measure of arbitrary arrests and collective campaigns without any warrant of arrest, and the high rates of death to record levels scary, in addition to increasing the assassination operations against specific people, including heads of clans The imams and journalists. Many of the victims were opponents who abducted from their homes by men dressed in military uniforms and using military vehicles

Iraqi jurists and confirms, that the owners of hundreds of cases, individuals, organizations and groups, preparing to prosecute al-Maliki, for crimes and violations of operations and administrative corruption, and they are waiting for the opportunity to provide Athbatadthm Dlaúlhm and condemning the former prime minister.



16 Of The Most Magnificent Trees

In The World

125+ Year Old Rhododendron “Tree” In
This huge 125-year-old rhododendron is
technically not a tree – most are considered to be shrubs. You can find out
more about it here. (Image credits: reddit)

144-Year-Old Wisteria In Japan

Image credits:
At 1,990 square meters (about half an
acre), this huge wisteria is the largest of its kind in Japan . Read more
about it here. (Image credits: y-fu)

Wind-Swept Trees In New Zealand

These trees on Slope Point, the southern
tip of New Zealand , grow at an angle because they’re constantly buffeted by
extreme antarctic winds. Find out more here. (Image credits: Seabird Nz)

Beautiful Japanese Maple In Portland ,

Image credits: falcor88
Image credits: Tom Schwabel

Antarctic Beech Draped In Hanging Moss In

The antarctic beech is native to Chile and
Argentina , though this specimen is from the U.S. ’ North Pacific region.
(Image credits: Drew Hopper)

Blooming Cherry Trees in Bonn ,

This beautiful tunnel of cherry blossoms
blooms in Bonn , Germany in April. To see more tunnels like this one, click
here. (Image credits: Adas Meliauskas)

Angel Oak In John’s Island In South

The Angel Oak in South Carolina stands
66.5 ft (20 m) tall and is estimated to be more than 1400 or 1500 years old.
(Image credits: Daniela Duncan)

Flamboyant Tree , Brazil

The flamboyant tree is endemic to
Madagascar , but it grows in tropical areas around the world. (Image credits:
Salete T Silva)

Dragonblood Trees, Yemen

The dragonblood tree earned its fearsome
name due to its crimson red sap, which is used as a dye and was used as a
violin varnish, an alchemical ingredient, and a folk remedy for various
ailments. (Image credits: Csilla Zelko)

The President, Third-Largest Giant Sequoia
Tree In The World, California

President, located in Sequoia National
Park in California , stands 241 ft (73m) tall and has a ground circumference
of 93 ft (28m). It is the third largest giant sequoia in the world (second
if you count its branches in addition to its trunk). (Image credits: Michael

Maple Tree Tunnel in Oregon

Image credits: Ian Sane

Rainbow Eucalyptus In Kauai ,

Image credits: jwilsonnorton
The rainbow eucalyptus, which grows
throughout the South Pacific, is both useful and beautiful. It is prized for
both the colorful patches left by its shedding bark and for its pulpwood,
which is used to make paper. (Image credits: Christopher Martin)

Jacarandas in Cullinan , South

These beautiful Jacarandas, with their
violet flowers, grow in South Africa . (Image credits: Elizabeth Kendall)

Avenue Of Oaks At Dixie Plantation In South

This avenue of oak trees was planted some
time in the 1790s on Dixie Plantation in South Carolina . (Image credits:
Lee Sosby)

Baobab Trees In Madagascar

These baobabs in Madagascar are excellent
at storing water in their thick trunks to use during droughts. (Image
credits: confitalsurf)

The Dark Hedges In Northern

Image credits: Stephen Emerson
Ireland’s Dark Hedges were planted in the
18th century. This stunning beech tree tunnel was featured on Game of
Thrones as well. Read more about it here. (Image credits: Christopher Tait)


Full screen

Newsweek – Hit the Road Barack!!!

Newsweek – Hit the Road Barack!!!!

I have told the story how the Republicans had me meeting with potential candidates for President under the pretense I was there to advise them of the state of the global economy. In fact, I was asked routinely my “opinion” of their capability. Then came the call they wanted me to fly to Texas to meet with George Bush, Jr.. I was told this was different – “he is stupid.” I was shocked. They never used such a word that derogatory toward any individual. I asked why did they want to make him President? They said he had the “name”. They then asked if I would consider taking the chief economic slot. I said no way. I would not give up my business for such a post and the senate hearings would be a fiasco given all the companies and governments I had advised. They said they needed people to surround him to run the country. That is how President Dick Cheney took power.
I have said privately I had the sneaky suspicion the same was done with Obama. The news filtering out about his ability is on par with Bush, Jr. Well what I have been hearing through the Grape-Vine, others have as well. Now Matt Patterson and Newsweek speaks out about Obama and it is not pretty. It appears that the bureaucracy wants stupid men at the top so they can run the show. This is what appears to be taking place.
Newsweek is known as a Democratic mouthpiece so for this to come from that source it would be like the Ed Show on CNBC finally coming clean. This is timely and a very tough review. The fact that their editor saw fit to even print this article about Obama prior to the election is truly an amazing event in itself worthy of news coverage. At last, the truth about Obama and his Marxist agenda are starting to trickle through the “protective wall” built around him by the liberal media to say the least. This should not be about politics. This should be about putting incompetent people to run the country that are pawns for the deeper agenda.
Except from Newsweek
I Too Have Become Disillusioned
By Matt Patterson (Newsweek Columnist Opinion Writer)
The man thinks and speaks in the hoariest of clichés, and that’s when he has his Teleprompters in front of him; when the prompter is absent he can barely think or speak at all. Not one original idea has ever issued from his mouth -
it’s all warmed-over Marxism of the kind that has failed over and over again for 100 years. (An example is his 2012 campaign speeches which are almost word for word his 2008 speeches)
And what about his character? Obama is constantly blaming anything and everything else for his troubles. Bush did it; it was bad luck; I inherited this mess. Remember, he wanted the job, campaigned for the task. It is embarrassing to see a president so willing to advertise his own powerlessness, so comfortable with his own incompetence. (The other day he actually came out and said no one could have done anything to get our economy and country back on track). But really, what were we to expect? The man has never been responsible for anything, so how do we expect him to act responsibly?
In short: our president is a small-minded man, with neither the temperament nor the intellect to handle his job. When you understand that, and only when you understand that, will the current erosion of liberty and prosperity make sense. It could not have gone otherwise with such an impostor in the Oval Office.

Govt Prep For Doomsday In Dallas! Elites Plan To Kill Off Millions Underway!

Govt Prep For Doomsday In Dallas!  Elites Plan To Kill Off Millions Underway!
By Live Free or Die

While we learn in the 1st video from TheAlexJonesChannel that the US govt has secretly ordered 250,000 HAZMAT suits for Dallas, Texas, in the 2nd video below featuring Steve Quayle we learn that the elites plan to kill MILLIONS of Americans is now underway.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the population of Dallas was 1.25 million in 2013Why is the govt seeking HAZMAT suits for 1/5 of the population? Will the suits even be GIVEN to the population or does Steve Quayle call it much more clearly in the 2nd video where we tells us what the ‘big picture’ is?

A manager with a major shipping company has exclusively revealed to Infowars that the U.S. government has ordered 250,000 Hazmat suits to be sent to Dallas, the location of the first Ebola outbreak in the United States.

The manager of the shipping company proved his credentials to Infowars by providing a photo ID and sending a verified email from the company account, but wishes to remain anonymous due to understandable fears that he could be fired for revealing the information.

“I just learned we have been asked to ship 250,000 HAZMAT suits to Dallas, TX. for the US Government. Again this is happening today.  We are pulling these suits for the US Government to Dallas, TX,” states the individual, who manages the drivers who work for the shipping company.

The Presidency and the Constitution.

Firewire from THE BLAZENovember 03, 2014
 This is a sponsored message from our friends at Hillsdale College. 
The Presidency and the Constitution - Hillsdale's new online on-demand course
Dear Friends,

Learn how to preserve and pass on our heritage of liberty to future generations - Sign up for this course hereMany Americans —especially young people —have not been educated about our Constitution.

And if we allow that to continue, America will become less free and less prosperous, while our national government will become larger and more despotic.

To turn our nation in the right direction, Americans must once again be educated for liberty, based on our Constitution and its founding principles.

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  • How Americans can begin to restore constitutional limits on federal executive power;
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Best of all, you will be equipped to understand and defend the timeless principles of liberty upon which America was founded.
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So sign up today to have Hillsdale College teach you about the Presidency and the Constitution, which will enable you to defend the Constitution and restore liberty in America.

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Warm regards,

Dr. Larry P Arnn

Larry P. Arnn
Hillsdale College

P.S. Sign up for Hillsdale's newest, no-cost online course "The Presidency and the Constitution" today.
The Presidency and the Constitution - Register for this online course from Hillsdale College

33 East College Street ~ Hillsdale, Michigan 49242
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Message from Montague Keen - November 2, 2014

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Montague Keen - November 2, 2014
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 2-Nov-2014 23:10:35

Message from Montague Keen - November 2, 2014

My friends on Planet Earth, I ask you to take time to consider your position. It is critical that you understand fully what you are faced with. Every one of you must play a part in saving humanity and your planet. There is sufficient information available to you, to enable you to see what is being done by those who wish to take over your planet. Do not close your eyes to the grave situation you are in. Atlantis and Lemuria failed to take action and suffered the consequences. Listen to your hearts and souls, not the trolls who try to hold you in a 3D world; they will one day have to face the consequences of their actions. To try to hold humanity in 3D is a crime.
Evidence of the corruption is exposed every day. It is in your interests to explore it and take steps to release your souls from such bondage. The prison gates have opened. Do you have the courage to walk free? Your souls were harvested at baptism. Take them back! It is your right. You alone are responsible for your own soul. The decisions you make now are for all eternity. Please give serious thought to this. It takes courage to step up and be counted. Do you have the courage which this requires?
The battle to take over your planet is raging all around you. Do you have eyes to see it? Closing your eyes to it, is not an option. It will not go away. Each day those who are awake, see more clearly what is happening, and get together to oppose it, and help you to see what you are faced with. Take back your power. Use the Declarations. Stop being mindless slaves. Prepare to make changes and create a future that will respect all life on Earth.
When the corrupt fall (and fall they will), are you ready to produce food and all that is necessary to support life on Earth? With your support our Centers will do that, but it cannot be done without your help. Veronica is aware of the steps which the corrupt are prepared to take, in order to hold on to power. Ancient demons are used to steal frequencies and hold on to them. They can use many forms to attack, such as animals, etc. People are not aware of such possibilities and so dismiss them out of hand. They have been used throughout time very successfully indeed. Ignorance will not protect you. Life on Earth has become hazardous. Research ways to protect you and yours. Earth is the catalyst. Other planets are depending on you to make the right decisions. Many souls have returned from Atlantis in the hope that they can prevent such a disaster happening again. They make contact with Veronica from so many countries: Canada, Spain, Austria, Holland, Russia, etc.
Understand that sport, music, TV, films, etc., are all designed to keep you asleep and controlled. They have been used as prison guards and you have enjoyed your captivity until now. Your eyes have been opened and you want to be free. Your captors have had hundreds of years to prepare for this takeover. You, on the other hand, have only just awakened to it, and you need to take action. The information is there, so you cannot plead innocence. There are good people out there who give of themselves in order to help you awaken, to save your souls and your planet.
Those who suggest that I am creating fear, will learn what real FEAR is, should the takeover of your planet ever succeed. It is alarming to see that the 'A' virus has got to so many people, who now mix good information with inaccurate and misleading information. These are people who were trusted; but now, can no longer be trusted. It is a battle for the minds of Man. Be aware and alert to it. This change happens overnight. It is shocking to see. The Corrupt Ones use all the weapons at their disposal. Their arsenal is huge. You have been made aware of how words are used and how black magic is used every day. It is powerful and it has been their weapon of choice for centuries. Veronica experienced it first-hand recently and learned to her cost how effective it is. Those who rule your world have agents and emissaries who act when ordered to do so, and will go to any lengths to hold on to power. They are not allowed to know each other, as that would weaken the control system. You need to understand all this, so you can protect yourselves. I am one of twelve, on what you call the other side of life. We are the Network. Our mission is to protect Planet Earth. Veronica has met my colleagues in the Network. We will act as advisors during the Transition. This is our wish. We will be able to show ourselves and speak freely with you, once the controls that bind you come down. Then, all is possible, and all will be revealed. The battle for your soul is relentless. If you gain the whole world and lose your eternal soul, you are as nothing.
My messages have become more serious. We need you to awaken to your plight. Love, and love alone, will help you. Love for your fellow man. Compassion for those who suffer because of the Cabal's desire for wars. Send love and light to all of humanity, especially to those souls whose frequencies are being held captive by the rulers of your planet. They need your assistance to break free. Please use your meditation to send them love and light. We need your help to free them. Come together as never before and work towards freeing humanity from slavery.
"Nothing is as it seems." It is usually the opposite. Do not blindly accept what you are told through the television, etc. It is not true. Stop being puppets.
My dear, we are getting there. Things are opening up speedily. Your workload is increasing daily. Try to rest. It is difficult to deal with everything but people will understand.
We are here for you. Always, your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation