Saturday, June 27, 2015

Bitter dissents in gay marriage case


Interns with media organizations run on Friday in Washington with copies of the Supreme Court decision that the U.S. Constitution gives same-sex couples the right to marry. (Photo: Joshua Roberts/Reuters)

Justice Anthony Kennedy almost always votes alongside his four conservative colleagues on the Supreme Court. But when he doesn’t, it’s often in big, transformative cases, like Friday’s gay marriage decision. His defection clearly has made his conservative peers hopping mad.
Each of the four conservative justices in the minority wrote his own dissent, a sign that their disappointment and anger at the decision striking down gay marriage bans could not be combined into one response. Separately, their writings bordered on the caustic, sometimes even making personal attacks on Kennedy’s jurisprudence and writing style.  
Kennedy, who is known for rhetorical flourishes and sweeping legal writing, begins his opinion with a broad statement: “The Constitution promises liberty to all within its reach, liberty that includes certain specific rights that allow persons, within a lawful realm, to define and express their identity.” He concludes that the 14th Amendment guarantees the right to marriage to same-sex couples, and that denying them marriage robs them of liberty entitled to them by law. And on his way, Kennedy colorfully explains that marriage is an ennobling institution that bestows dignity upon those who enter it. (“Marriage responds to the universal fear that a lonely person might call out only to find no one there,” Kennedy writes.)
The opening seemed to enrage Justice Antonin Scalia, who went even further than usual in his criticism of Kennedy’s signature flowery language. He wrote in a footnote that he would “hide his head in a bag” if he ever signed onto an opinion containing this first sentence, which he said contained “the mystical aphorisms of a fortune cookie.”
Bitter dissents in gay marriage case lay bare deep divide in high court
Justices Kennedy (left) and Scalia. (Photos: U.S. Supreme Court via Wiki Commons)

Chief Justice John Roberts, who read much of his dissent aloud from the bench, a sign of his deep displeasure, called the opinion’s reasoning “unprincipled.” He even compared it to the infamous Dred Scott case from the 19th century, when the Supreme Court held that no one of African descent could be an American citizen.
Conservative judges also lambasted Kennedy for skipping some key legal details in his opinion, such as what level of scrutiny the high court used to examine gay couples’ claims.
Doug NeJaime, a professor of law at UCLA, says that conservative justices have long criticized Kennedy’s opinions for this sort of gloss-over when he writes with the liberals. “This is classic Justice Kennedy,” he said. “It’s not the kind of mechanical, constitutional analysis that some of the other justices might want.”
Complaints about Kennedy’s writing style pepper the dissents. Roberts mocks its “shiny rhetorical gloss,” Scalia calls the opinion’s style “pretentious” and full of “silly extravagances.” Justice Clarence Thomas objects to the majority’s characterization of marriage as ennobling. “I am unsure what that means,” he wrote. “People may choose to marry or not to marry. The decision to do so does not make one person more ‘noble’ than another.” At one point, Scalia even goes line by line through parts of the opinion, adding critiques in parentheses, such as, “Huh?” and “What say?” He ends by declaring that the opinion will “diminish this Court’s reputation for clear thinking and sober analysis.”
Perhaps most striking was when Roberts went so far as to tell gay people in his dissent that they should not celebrate the Constitution today, because that document had nothing to do with their legal victory.
The statement gets to the heart of the conflict between the majority and the minority in today’s decision: Whether the Constitution is a living document that evolves with the times or whether it is frozen in the 18th century. Though Kennedy generally sides with his conservative colleagues who more strictly interpret the Constitution, he has argued for a more expansive interpretation of the document in this case as well as in Lawrence v. Texas, which struck down state laws that criminalized sodomy.
“The nature of injustice is that we might not always see it in our own times,” Kennedy wrote in Friday’s opinion. “The generations that wrote and ratified the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment did not presume to know the extent of freedom in all of its dimensions, and so they entrusted to future generations a charter protecting the right of all persons to enjoy liberty as we learn its meaning.”
Kennedy thinks we are still learning this meaning. His colleagues do not.

White House Lit Up In Rainbow Colors

White House Lit Up In Rainbow Colors to Celebrate Same-Sex Marriage Decision - ABC News
The Associated Press
Obama White House

The White House
"This ruling is a victory for America." —@POTUS

7 Things You Didn’t Know About the Civil War


Daniel Ameduri Future, Money Trends
 June 25 2015


With all of the controversy surrounding the Confederate Flag, and with Apple Inc. now removing all civil war related games from their app offerings, we have reached a point where propaganda has begun to outweigh the real truth.
The following seven points from Daniel Ameduri of Future Money Trends is an effort to clear up some of the erroneous information being disseminated by agenda-driven politicos and activists:

1. The SLAVE states of Maryland, Missouri, Delaware, Kentucky, as well as the District of Columbia, were SLAVE STATES in the Union that fought for the NORTH.

2. Two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was made in 1863, the Union states of Delaware and Kentucky continued to have slavery until the Thirteenth Amendment was passed that abolished slavery.
The Emancipation Proclamation only freed Confederate slaves. It was Lincoln’s punishment for them, but it didn’t affect the slaves that remained in union control, including New Orleans, Tennessee, or Norfolk, Virginia, which were under the control of Union armies.

3. A year into the war, President Lincoln wrote a letter to the New York Tribune stating, “If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that.” Not exactly a civil rights leader…
Lincoln opposed inter-racial marriages, supported the Illinois Constitution’s prohibition of immigration of blacks into the state, defended a slave owner who was seeking to retrieve his runaway slaves but never defended slaves or runaways themselves, and he was a lifelong advocate of colonization — of sending every last black person in the U.S. to Africa, Haiti, or central America — anywhere but in the United States.

4. Most white southern families had no slaves, which means most white soldiers in the south had no slaves.
And they definitely didn’t have slaves like some of the NORTHERN army soldiers who were from the states of Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, and Kentucky.
According to the census of the entire United States, with 27 million people, about 1.4% were slave owners, or 4.8% of southern whites owned slaves.

5. Here is something you won’t learn about in Black History Month: There were over 3,000 BLACK slave owners who lived in the south.
According to the U.S. census, in South Carolina in 1830, about a fourth of the negro slave masters owned 10 or more slaves.

6. The north had laws preventing “free” black people from actually getting rights as citizens.
Two acts of Congress were passed during the Civil War, one in 1864 and one in 1866, which allowed slave owners whose slaves enlisted or were drafted into the Union military to file a claim against the federal government for loss of the slave’s services.

7. Abraham Lincoln was a tyrant and acted as America’s first dictator…
He arrested Maryland legislators to prevent them from voting on secession. He shut down at least 300 northern newspapers opposing his war policies. He imprisoned 10,000 Union citizens without due process of law. And he even provoked the south into war, even after North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Virginia voted to stay in the Union.

This article has been contributed by Future Money TrendsAre you looking for strategies and ideas to prepare for the unknown? Learn about some incredible opportunities today. Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

Contributed by Daniel Ameduri of Future Money Trends.

See more at:

Elites Planning Fall Of America

Elites Planning Fall Of America:
"This Reset Is The Next Stage In The Plan For Total Global Economic Centralization"  

One man's opinion.....................
The U.S. And EU Will Collapse Regardless Of Economic ‘Contagion’

Wednesday, 24 June 2015 05:59 Brandon Smith

In order to understand what is really going on around the globe in terms of the collapsing economy, we must set aside false mainstream versions of reality. When it comes to the EU and its current fiscal turmoil, it is very important to, in some respects, ignore Greece entirely. That’s right; forget about all the supposed drama surrounding Greek debt obligations. Will they find a way to pay creditors? Will they default? Will they make a deal with Russia and the BRICS? Will there be last-minute concessions to save the system? It doesn’t matter. It’s all a soap opera, an elaborate Kabuki theater run by international financiers and globalists.

It is most important to remember the fundamentals. Greece will default on its debts. Period. There is no way around it. Maybe Greece makes a deal today, maybe it makes a deal tomorrow; but eventually, the country’s ability to stretch out its resources in order to meet its exponential liabilities will end. It is inevitable, and no last-minute "deal" is going to change the math at the core of it all.

Why are so many economists so worried about a little country like Greece? It's all due to a great lie: a dishonest narrative being perpetuated by the establishment that if Greece falls, defaults or leaves the EU, this could trigger a domino effect of other nations hitting a debt wall and following suit. The lie embedded in this narrative is the claim that Greece will cause a "contagion" through the act of default. Let's be clear - there is no contagion. Multiple countries within the EU have developed their own debt problems in spite of Greece over the past couple of decades, not because of Greece. Each of these countries, from Italy, to Spain, to Portugal, etc. has its OWN sovereign debt disasters to deal with caused by its own fiscal irresponsibility. The only legitimate reason for a so-called contagion is the fact that these countries have been forced into socialist interdependency through the EU structure.

Never forget this: The EU is in trouble not because of Greece, but because of forced supranational interdependency. The EU by all rights should not exist, nor should any centralized supranational single currency system.

I would also point out that globalist institutions like the International Monetary Fund are highly motivated to initiate disaster in the EU, despite some people’s assumptions that the EU is some kind of representative model of globalization. It’s not. If this were the case, then the IMF would not be stiffing Greece on debt aid while continuing to help Ukraine despite Ukraine’s similar inability to pay.

Why would the globalists want a partial breakup of the EU? What would they gain from such an event? That’s easy; they gain crisis, chaos and an opportunity to present a false dialectic.

Europe is not at all representative of what globalists really want in terms of economic and political structure, no matter what many people assume. It is a, rather, a kind of facsimile; a half measure. When Europe hits the bottom of the financial abyss and the bewildered public begins asking what the hell happened, the elites will be there with an immediate explanation. They will claim that it was not the EU’s interdependency that was the problem. Instead, they will assert that the EU was actually not centralized ENOUGH. They will claim that in order for a supranational economy and currency to work, we must also have supranational governance. In other words, the system failed because it needs to be stabilized by global government.

The Fabian socialists will argue that it was the barbaric and outdated institution of national sovereignty that caused the full-spectrum crisis. They will completely gloss over the negative effects of an interdependent economic system and the fact that a lack of redundancy leaves cultures simpering and impotent. We’re all one big human village after all, so we should accept the idea that we all succeed or fail together. Free markets and individual innovation apparently have nothing to do with a thriving economic structure. What we really need is a hive mind amalgamation that turns us all into easily replaceable parts in a massive rumbling lawnmower that chews up our heritage, history and principles for the sake of some arbitrary greater good and the promise of alchemical floating cities in the sky where no one has to work anymore.

The fall of the EU is a means to an end for globalists. There is almost no nation or institution they will not sacrifice if that sacrifice can be exploited to further their goal of total global political and economic dominance. They don’t just want a completely centralized system; they want all of us to BEG them to put that system in place. They want the masses to think it was all our idea. This is the most pervasive and effective form of slavery, when the slaves are manipulated into demanding their own enslavement. When the slaves are fooled into believing their enslavement is something to be proud of — a badge of honor in service of the collective, if you will.

The fall of the U.S. will be no different in this regard. We do not necessarily have a supranational structure like the EU. So our narrative for collapse will be slightly different, and the engineered lesson we are meant to learn will be carefully crafted.

You see, Americans are meant to play the role of the spoiled imperialists who are finally getting what we deserve, an economic punch in our tender parts. We are the new Rome, bread and circuses and all. And when the U.S. comes crashing down like Europe, the Fabians will be there yet again to admonish the greed inherent in national sovereignty and the destructive aspirations of power that must be squelched by a more evenhanded global political system. I don’t really know how many people out there realize this, but we are meant to play the bad guys in the global theater being put on by the elites. Americans are the villains, the rest of the world plays the role of innocent victim, and globalist centers like the IMF and the BIS are meant to play the heroes, coming to the rescue of humanity when all appears lost.

Our debt generation by far outmatches that of the whole of EU nations combined, a fact I outlined in Part 3 of my series One Last Look At The Real Economy Before It Implodes. Unlike Greece, though, the U.S. has the direct option to print fiat at will in order to prolong punishment for our massive debt spending. However, as we have seen with recent market reactions to the very notion of an interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve in September, such an event will trigger extensive outflows from stock markets and herald the end of the "new normal." Again, why would the banksters do this? Why not keep interest rates at a constant near zero? It is not as if there is any public pressure to raise rates; in fact, it's quite the opposite. Why is the Fed ignoring the hundreds of signals showing that the U.S. is in a recession and pushing ahead with discussion of interest rate hikes despite what one might logically conclude would be in the Fed's best interest?

The Fed knows that the only things propping up American markets are free money and blind faith by the public that banks and government will act to stop any pain or economic suffering, should such a potential for crisis arise. When the free money is gone and that faith disappears, then we will have an epic catastrophe on our hands. The globalists within the Fed know this, and they want this - at least , they want a controlled version of this. The elites NEED the fall of the current U.S. system exactly because this will make way for the rise of what they often term the "great economic reset." This reset is the next stage in the plan for total global economic centralization.

This is not about contagion. There is no such thing. It is an excuse, a scapegoat designed to distract from the real problem. This is about a concerted effort over the past several decades by internationalists to maneuver Western cultures into a position of vulnerability. When people are weak and frightened, they become malleable. Social changes you would have never thought possible today become very possible tomorrow in the midst of a crisis. I believe we are now seeing the onset of the next great crisis, and the fundamentals of economy support my view. When the entire European system hangs by the thread of Greek debt and the entire U.S. system hangs by the thread of near zero interest rates and blind market faith, something is about to shatter. There is no going back from such a condition. There is only the path forward, and the path forward is not pleasant or comfortable and it cannot be ignored.

We cannot forget that crisis is in itself a distraction as well. Whatever pain we do feel tomorrow, or the next day, or the next decade, remember who it was that caused it all: the international banks and their globalist political counterparts. No matter what happens, never be willing to accept a centralized system. No matter how reasonable or rational it might sound amid the terror of fiscal uncertainty, never give the beast what it wants. Refuse to conform to the dialectic. This is the only chance we have left to get back to true prosperity. Once we cross the line into the realm of worldwide institutionalized interdependency, we will never know prosperity or freedom again. 

Black Mailing, Bribing, Intimidating, and/or Threatening Conservatives in 'Government'?


Was Supreme Court Justice John Roberts Blackmailed?

Friday, June 26, 2015

Isis Expansion Along U.S. Borders


Tunnels could easily be an underground highway for ISIS
Isis Expansion Along U.S. Borders
by Siouxland News | June 26, 2015

Our southern border is long and U.S. border patrol agents work to fight illegal activity like illegal immigration, drugs and now according to an FBI consultant, the border could be an attractive region for ISIS thanks in part to powerful drug lords.
“Drug dealers have found a way to move money without it being followed,” said Tyrone Powers, Former FBI Agent. “They found a way to move people in and out and they found a way to move product.”
That product powers refers to is tons and tons of meth, heroin and pot transferred through a labyrinth of tunnels from Mexico.
Drugs that are headed for the streets of the U.S.
But these tunnels could easily be an underground highway for ISIS to spawn its brutality here.
“The stronger they get over there, the more power they have so I can definitely see, in the future, collaboration between terrorist groups and drug dealers to our south,” said Senator Lindsey Graham, South Carolina, 2016 Presidential Candidate
“It’s individuals they bring into this country, maybe at some point, suicide bombers which is really scary and then weapons of mass destruction,” said Powers.
Terrorist experts say the epidemic of unstable leadership in Mexico, combined with ruthless drug cartels creates a vacuum.
"What's been going on in Mexico creates an opportunity for any organization to try to take advantage of it, whether it's ISIS or Al Shabbab," said Brandon Behlendorf, Terrorist Targeting Strategist.
Two major drug cartels that could attract ISIS cover a lot of land in Mexico. Both skirt the U.S. border. The Sinalos Federation takes up western Mexico and borders Texas to California. Los Zetas occupies eastern Mexico and hugs the southern Texas border. Experts say Al Qaeda already tried linking up with drug lords in Mexico roughly 15 years ago. But to no avail. But Isis is far more determined than Al Qaeda."It makes logical sense for ISIS to do this,” said powers. “But I do not think they'll be catching the intelligence agencies off guard, because this has been a persistent problem whether it was Al Qaeda or any other group."

Dr. Wiliam Mount: It's Not Just The Bankstas Being Killed

Apparently it is not just the Bankers in America that are being Murdered.

Russel Smith, 29 years old, was found in his home in Roy Utah - about
30 Miles North of Salt Lake - was found dead in his home with his entire family.
The local stories is made it sound like Russel took a hunting rifle and with a bolt
action rifle shot his two children, his wife, and then himself. None of them ran as
he apparently reloaded each round into the rifle.

So a young guy with a Beautiful working wife, working for a company that makes Top-Secret stuff for the US Department of Defense on his way up the corporate
ladder just went off the deep end and his family just sat there as he shot them
one by one?


Russel Smith had been working for L-3 Communications. They claimed that he no
longer worked there - but that is not what his parents were told the day before he
was found dead.

So if you are working for a company in America that is designing and manufacturing
Top secret Weapons - like Cloaked Nuclear Bombs - and somebody in the company
thinks you may be a threat then they just order you and your family killed.

No interview, no arrest - they just kill you and your family.

Why not - the US Corporate President Barack Obama (Barry Soetorro)
does it all the time.

Welcome to America.

If you have those kinds of skills - work overseas where they are at least loyal
to their employees.
I received a call from someone (Call him Joe) who worked for Homeland Security
(The US SS). He signed on years ago and was never able to get a copy of the
papers he signed when he was hired. Apparently Homeland Security (SS) does not
have to obey Corporate Law or the UCC. The US SS is above the law, Zeig Heil.

Joe was injured pretty badly on the job and was sent to the hospital for a day and
then transported home. There he lay in bed for months so Homeland Security
fired him. The SS has interfered with any Disability he has applied for and they still
refuse to give him a copy of the papers he signed when he was hired.

If you have any skills, and you work for any company associated with the US Fascist Corporation (US Code 2, Section 286) you are basically screwed.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt:


May those who believe in Freedom pray with me:

"Father In Heaven, please immediately and permanently immobilize all those on
this planet who are working to destroy both America and our Freedom."

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount
PS - Great Stories Dr Will P Wilson, Priest of Russian Orthodox Church,
St Petersburg Russia

Red Dragon Family - You are in big trouble with the Living GOD.

Press Releases - Media Center - L-3

L-3 Communications

Family killed in murder-suicide missed Father's Day visit - Roanoke Times:

The Sun Today:

Montana Alert! Group wants to bring in Syrian refugees to replace your aging population

Although, Montana is not like Wyoming which has never had a refugee program (only a smattering of refugees have been resettled in ‘Big Sky Country’ over the last several years), but that could soon change.
Based on the comments to an opinion piece at the Helena Independent Record, the citizens there have no clue what “welcoming” Syrians is all about.  LOL!  They even think that since they don’t have mosques they might get all Christian Syrians.  NO THEY WON’T!   Over 90% of the Syrians being admitted to the US right now are Sunni Muslims!   Guess what!  The mosques will follow!  And, so will the unfunded mandates as the feds pass the cost of the resettlement and care of the refugees on to the state of Montana.
From the Independent Record (author Stephen Maly).  Emphasis is mine:
Montana S. Maly
Stephen Maly of World Montana wants to bring Syrian refugees to Montana!
What if Montana had a program to take in a select few of these folks? What if a coalition of nonprofits and volunteers worked with federal and state agencies to establish an immigrant and refugee resettlement entity of our own? What if, over the course of the next few years, the residents of Helena and other communities in Montana were to encounter a Syrian-owned and operated restaurant, bakery, medical clinic or some other small business in their midst? I believe that would be a good thing.
Montana as a whole has perhaps the least diverse population in the United States, with fewer foreign born citizens per capita than any other state. At the same time, our state is one of the fastest aging. That’s going to be a problem in the decades ahead, as we are going to demand more health care services. New businesses are going to need educated and skilled workers. These demographic patterns are occurring just as we are entering a period of entrepreneurial dynamism and related prosperity in Montana. We are going to have to import relatively young workers. What if we brought some in from Syria?
I know there are people who will be skeptical about this proposition. They will worry about the risks of opening our doors to anyone from the Middle East. They might think it’s just fine to have a remarkably homogeneous population. They might figure that Montana would not be a good fit for Syrians, culturally or otherwise. Looking at the experience of other jurisdictions in the West, the risks and costs of ushering in carefully vetted refugees can be managed and mitigated. Foreign Service professionals have effective means of filtering out malcontents and miscreants. According to a State Department brief, ”refugees are subject to an intense security screening process involving federal intelligence, law enforcement, defense, and homeland security agencies.”  [Perhaps Mr. Maly is completely in the dark and doesn’t know that the FBI has testified that they cannot screen the Syrians!—ed]
Our landscape is well suited to just about anyone from anywhere, really. People adapt. It might be impractical to start with Syrian Muslims. Unlike Detroit and San Diego, which both have sizeable Syrian expatriate communities, we don’t have mosques or halal markets. No matter, there are hundreds of thousands of Syrian Christians and others who will qualify as refugees.
There is a lot more, read on.  If you have had negative experience with the refugee program where you live, please take time to comment at the Independent Record.  And, there is contact information for Maly if you want to tell him politely why he is misguided.  You should be grateful to him for so publicly asking how citizens feel about the idea.

I guess Mr. Maly didn’t get the message that you are supposed to keep refugee resettlement plans secret until the refugees have already begun to arrive.   Remember this March 2014 story about Lutheran Social Service of Rocky Mountains being angry that their plans for Wyoming were leaked prematurely.

Folks in Montana better get organized starting with research on who exactly is behind WorldMontana!   Lefties or big businesses looking for cheap labor?  Are local government ‘leaders’ or Chamber of Commerce types involved?  Gee, any meatpackers or yogurt-makers on the way to Montana?

The Secret Meeting to Destroy America


TPP will plunge America's economy to the same level as Mexico's
The Secret Meeting to Destroy America
Image Credits: Russavia / Flickr.
by Infowars Nightly News | June 26, 2015

The end result of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) passed by a traitorous Congress will be to reduce America to a third world wasteland on par with Mexico where the median household income is $4,500.
Infowars Nightly News

But you can safely bet your sweet biffy that these TRAITORS AND SCUMBAGS will continue to accept  bribes and gifts from the lobbyists buying special rights, privileges and exclusions

ZeroHedge Frontrunning: June 26

Frontrunning: June 26

  • Chinese Stock Plunge Leaves State Media Speechless (Read More)
  • China's Market Selloff Accelerates (Read More)
  • Any Deal on New Greek Bailout Funds Put Off Until Weekend (Read More)
  • ECB keeps ELA funding limit for Greece unchanged for third day in a row (Read More)
  • Impoverished Greek City Stands With Alexis Tsipras (Read More)
  • Why It Won't Be a Default If Greece Misses IMF Payment Next Week (Read More)
  • Valeant Makes Takeover Approach to Zoetis (Read More) - or how Ackman assures himself another good T+3 quarter
  • From Deutsche Bank to Siemens: What's Troubling Germany Inc.? (Read More)
  • Obamacare ruling puts Supreme Court on hot seat in U.S. presidential race (Read More)
  • IAC/InterActive Plans an IPO for Its Matchmaking Business (Read More)
  • Brooklynites Can Work Near Home as Offices Start to Rise (Read More)
  • Russia 'playing with fire' with nuclear saber-rattling: Pentagon (Read More)
  • Japan's Economy to Grind to a Halt in 2nd Quarter, JPMorgan Says (Read More)
  • Chief Justice John Roberts Charts Own Path, Frustrating Right Again (Read More)

‘We Know America is Providing ISIS with Weapons & Food’


(*The USA criminal cabal corporation, Washington, DC)
“We now think ISIS is being used as a tool by America* to divide and weaken Iraq"
Iraq Residents: 'We Know America is Providing ISIS with Weapons & Food'
by Mikael Thalen | | June 26, 2015

The people of Iraq are increasingly blaming the United States for the spread of ISIS in their country, a Wall Street Journal report reveals.
While interviewing Iraqi refugees in a tent city in Baghdad, journalist Yaroslav Trofimov discovered that a growing number of residents believe ISIS is receiving direct support from the American 'government'.
We all know that America is providing ISIS with weapons and food, and that it is because of American backing that they have become so strong,” said Abbas Hashem, a 50-year-old who recently fled Ramadi.
Others, such as prominent lawmaker Alia Nusseif made equally striking comments, accusing the US of using ISIS as a proxy army to split up the country.              
“We don’t have any trust in Americans anymore,” Nusseif said. “We now think ISIS is being used as a tool by America to divide and weaken Iraq.” Sabah Karhout, chairman of the Anbar Provincial Council, stated that America’s shockingly “shy” role towards ISIS has been disastrous for opposition groups. “If you want to help someone, do it with strength to achieve results, not with drip-drip-drip as if you expect them to die anyway,” said Karhout. “The Americans are playing a very shy role—and if this American support had not been so shy, the Sunni tribes would not have gone over to the side of ISIS.” In response to the comments, the Wall Street Journal alleged that “such conspiracy theories about America’s support for Islamic State are outlandish, no doubt,” a statement that ignores key points regarding the continued rise of ISIS. Declassified Pentagon documents recently obtained by political watchdog Judicial Watch revealed that the US has deliberately supported al-Qaeda and other radical groups in an attempt to destabilize Syria. As noted by Insurge Intelligence writer Nafeez Ahmed, the US went forward with the policy despite admittedly knowing it would lead to the rise of ISIS and the fall of Iraq. “According to the newly declassified US document, the Pentagon foresaw the likely rise of the ‘Islamic State’ as a direct consequence of this strategy, and warned that it could destabilize Iraq,” Ahmed wrote. “Despite anticipating that Western, Gulf state and Turkish support for the ‘Syrian opposition’ — which included al-Qaeda in Iraq — could lead to the emergence of an ‘Islamic State’ in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the document provides no indication of any decision to reverse the policy of support to the Syrian rebels.” Since the secret 2012 report was written, the Obama administration has continued its support of so-called “rebel” groups despite their admitted ties with ISIS. Just last September, a commander with the Free Syrian Army (FSA), a group deemed “moderate” by the President, admitted to cooperating with multiple terrorist groups including ISIS. “We are collaborating with the Islamic State and the Nusra Front by attacking the Syrian Army’s gatherings in… Qalamoun,” Bassel Idriss, an FSA commander, told the Daily Star. In July of 2014, “several factions within the FSA” openly gave their US-supplied weapons to ISIS shortly after pledging allegiance to the group. An ISIS fighter speaking with Al-Jazeera the year prior confirmed that the FSA would regularly donate or sell their weapons after receiving shipments from the US, a well-known issue ignored by the Obama administration and supporters of the Syrian war. “We are buying weapons from the FSA,” Abu Atheer said. “We bought 200 anti-aircraft missiles and Koncourse anti tank weapons. We have good relations with our brothers in the FSA.” One of the most troubling aspects for Iraqis has also been the repeated US weapons airdrops to ISIS fighters, a continuous mistake according to US officials. The Obama administration’s transparent support of radical extremists in the region, a move aimed solely at toppling the Assad government, has even lead to a drop in ISIS’ recruitment numbers, causing ISIS leaders to demand potential jihadists ignore “sinful” conspiracies. US troops also protested the arming of terror groups in 2013 by posting photos of themselves online holding up signs stating they would not fight on the same side as terrorists in Syria. Unsurprisingly, this endlessly-documented issue is mainly deemed conspiratorial by mainstream news outlets, ISIS recruiters and corrupt elements of Western intelligence.  

Greece Deal Falls Apart - The IMF will cause a chain reaction of CHAOS

Greece Deal Falls Apart

- The IMF will cause a chain reaction of CHAOS

    Greece Deal Falls Apart as Banks Get ELA Bailout 5th Time in 8 Days!


Déjà vu it seems as negotiations fail quickly as Greece is unable to present an
offer which suits the technocrats. Time is RAPIDLY running out for Greece as
they face a strict deadline for which they hope to receive a pardon on their debt.
There is significant concern in the markets for Greece to default on it's debt it
owes to the IMF which will cause a chain reaction of CHAOS.

ISIS Attacks: What They’re Not Telling You


Islam is not a religion of peace. When are we going to acknowledge this fact?
by Paul Joseph Watson | June 26, 2015