Friday, July 29, 2011


(Post at OOMF, originally from March 2011 - On How Iraq Can Afford to RV)

irst off, I’ll use the exchange of a 10,000 IQD (Iraqi Dinar) note as my example. To help explain the economics of this cash-in example, I will use a 1:1 cash-in ratio between the USD (US Dollar) and IQD (Iraqi Dinar), that is given a two-tier payout, and a 2% bank spread.

What You Will Receive:
If you were to cash in your 10,000 IQD note with a bank that charges you a 2% spread, you would personally receive a net take-home of $9,800 credited to your bank account.

What Your Bank Will Receive:
Your Bank will receive a $10,000 credit to its Federal Reserve Account. They will also be able to add the $200 profit to their “capital account”.

If you don’t understand the “Fractional Banking“ concept that runs our country, you may want to, as that is what this is based on, and is what is behind this entire concept and plan. To learn more about this concept, I suggest you click HERE, and go to a video post I brought to the forum previously, and posted in my “Tidbits“ section.
Read More button on right
Ultimately, the bank wins because they are able to gain $2,000 in lending power under the 10% “Fractional Banking“ model.

What the US Treasury Will Receive:
First off, the US Treasury will receive $3,500 in estimated taxes in the quarter after the exchange, because you are now in the “rich” category and get to enjoy the 35% tax bracket. This lowers the “net cost” of the IQD exchange to the US financial system to $6,500 USD (i.e. $10,000 out – $3,500 in). Furthermore, the US Treasury’s rate is higher than the banking rate (we will use in this example 1.25), thereby further reducing their “net cost” from $6,500 to $4,000.

Oil Now Enters the Picture:
At some point, a Fed-appointed agent orders $12,500 worth of oil from Iraq. Payment will consist of a $12,500 transfer from the Fed’s foreign currency reserve IQD account to the IRAQ Oil payment account at the CBI (Central Bank of Iraq) in a form otherwise known as PetroDollars/PetroDinar. Even though the world spot price of oil is defined in terms of USD, the actual transaction may take place in any internationally recognized currency agreed to by the parties. For example, Iran only accepts Yen from Japan for their oil orders, because they don’t want USD in their foreign currency reserves.

How the CBI “RECAPTURES” the Money:
The $12,500 order is filled with 250 barrels of oil based on the spot price on the date of the sale (for this example we used a $50 USD spot price). What does it cost Iraq to produce the oil to fill this order? Well they have negotiated productions agreements for approximately $1.50 USD/barrel. From that price $.50 USD goes to the national Iraqi oil company who is the partner in the field the oil came from. Out of the remaining $1.00 the other oil field partners have to pay the Iraq government a profit tax of $.35 USD (35%). The net cost to Iraq to produce a barrel of oil used in this scenario is $.65 USD. (i.e. $1.50 – .50 – .35)

What does all that mean? It cost Iraq $162.50 to bring back a 10,000 IQD note! Can they afford that? I think so! So, instead of paying out $12,500 for a 10,000 IQD note, they only pay $162.50! That doesn’t add to the money supply much at all does it! They receive their IQD back and place it in the CBI, or destroy it.

The transaction is completed with the Federal Reserve exchanging foreign reserve credits which are equal to $12,500 USD (which had a net acquisition cost of $4,000 USD for the US) for 250 barrels of oil (which has a TOTAL COST to produce of $162.50 USD for Iraq.

More completely explained, and simply put, it cost Iraq $162.50 USD from their foreign currency reserve accounts to redeem the value of 10,000 IQD, which goes into their operating accounts. At the same time the US got $12,500 worth of oil for a net cost of $4,000. That’s how it was originally planned for Iraq to RV at 1 IQD = 1 USD, with the variable being the political element (i.e. UN Sanctions, GOI (Government of Iraq) actions, IMF actions, World Bank actions etc.)

Other Factors that Strengthen Iraq’s Position and Ability to RV:
■DFI (Development Fund for Iraq) Funds Returned & Other Assets: $280+ Billion USD, plus other frozen assets (estimated at $100 billion) will be returned back to Iraq and added to their foreign currency reserve, bringing it up to $430+ billion USD.
■CBI IQD Reserve Requirement Adjustment: The CBI will change the current fractional IQD reserve requirements from 100% to 15% at the appropriate time. As a result, the the total potential money supply will be raised in value to $2.8 Trillion (430 billion/15), while at the same time, the total physical IQD in circulation will be reduced by removing the large bills with the 3 zeros over a period of 2 years, as they have indicated.
■Oil Production Increased: Iraq will also execute the plan they announced to increase oil production from 2+ million barrels/day to 10 million barrels/day with the resulting revenues flowing directly to the Iraq treasury.
■Oil Futures & Forex Contracts Added: To further stir the pot, the CBI will continue to use it’s sales window to market oil futures and forex contracts. They have shown they can generate significant cash flow in the private market. Think of their impact in public markets.

There, my friends, is how this plan will be enacted and made possible. Taking NOTHING, and turning it into SOMETHING, then bringing it back to a “manageable and reasonable something” that is accepted and supported by seeming endless supplies of oil. This is how the world’s ENTIRE NEW MONETARY SYSTEM will be regenerated and supported and backed, given, in essence, a re-birth and renewed for most governments and economic regions… even by “Black Gold”.

So, here’s the summary for all the “players” involved, giving ballpark numbers, and not taking into account superfluous costs, fees, and other small details that don’t really affect the larger picture:

■Investor’s Net Gain: $10,000 – $200 = $9,800 x .65 = 6,370 for an investment that cost $10
■Bank’s Net Gain: $200 added to “capital account”, plus $2,000 they can use to loan out.
■US Treasury Net Gain: $2,500 from the .25 spread on top + $3,500 in quarterly taxes = $6,000
■CBI/GOI/Iraqi People Net Gain: $12,500 – $162.50 = $12,337.50 + Profits from “Other Factors”
■Overall Net Gain for All Involved: $6,370+$200+$6,000+12,337.20 = $24,907.20
This is the wealth that was generated from a single 10,000 IQD note that was given an original value of approximately $10! Is that amazing or what?! You tell me… can Iraq afford NOT to RV?!!! Will the IMF allow them to NOT RV their currency, but simply replace their large denoms for smaller ones?!!! LOL!!!

Are we moments away from a New Earth?

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum

Are we moments away from a New Earth?

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 29-Jul-2011 14:26:50

Are we moments away from a New Earth? Thursday, July 28, 2011

(Submitted by reader Titus - Thank you!)

It seems as if the end-game for the Illuminati is quickening. On 7/27/11, present and former military officials and government officials met in Washington, DC and gave a historical press conference that is going unreported in the Mainstream media. Basically, they admitted that there seems to be an extra-terrestrial presence currently engaging Earth. They used such occurrences such as the shutting down of airports and nuclear sites as evidence. At the same time, various insiders are reporting that the Chinese have officially called in their debts. It has been suggested for years that when the Chinese finally decided to do this, the Illuminati will be finished. It seems as if the time is finally right for this blow to be administered. Also, Ron Paul released an urgent warning on his website recently stating that at some time in the near future the U.S. dollar will crash. This is all evidence that the U.S. Dollar, which is controlled by an Illuminati-controlled organization, the Federal Reserve, is crashing and there is nothing that can solve the problem. All of these different occurrences would explain the relentless coverage of the debt ceiling by the mainstream media. The media is trying to keep us distracted for as long as possible. Complete UFO disclosure along with a new financial system is next. This could be coming in the next few weeks or even days. I seriously doubt that it will be months before any changes occur. It is almost August of 2011, that leaves us less than 18 months to prepare for our Ascension into the 5th dimension.

For years there has been an on-going chess match behind the scenes between the Illuminati and the White Knights. The White Knights are a group of military and government officials from all around the world who strive to end the reign of the Illuminati and promote light on Earth. They have been aided substantially through the years by the Galactic Federation of Light which is a group of extra-terrestrials from various star systems from all over the Galaxy. This galactic organization has been responsible for the various shutdowns of nuclear sites that have been reported all over the world. They also are the ones responsible for the increased number of UFO sightings. The Galactic Federation has been monitoring Earth since humans created the nuclear bomb in the 1940s. They have been active behind the scenes since the early 90’s. The first major blow came to the Illuminati when their former masters, the Reptilians switched sides in the mid 90’s. Apparently the Reptilians understood that it was hopeless to try and keep Earth in the dark because of her impending crossing of the Galactic center in December of 2012. This is a natural cycle that cannot be stopped. Unfortunately, the Illuminati refused to step down and their reign of power continued.

As time went on, the Illuminati eventually split into a few different factions. The two major ones are the Illuminati who are based in Europe and the New World Order which is the American version. In the last few months this organization has basically disintegrated. Although, they still have the power of mass media to keep most of the public in the dark. Yet, as we have gotten closer and closer to 2012, awakenings have begun to occur in mass.

Pretty soon new governments will be announced, followed immediately by a more publicized UFO disclosure, possibly done by the Galactic Federation them selves. After the settlement funds are released around the world, and the public is given some time to digest everything that has occurred, there will be first contact. The first extra-terrestrials to come to Earth publicly will be humans. As we get used to the idea of humans from different galaxies, the non-human races will make themselves known. These races include the Greys, the white beings, our former masters the Reptilians, and others. They will mentor us on how to live in the higher dimensions and they will help us release any emotional blocks that are harming our spiritual growth. As this is happening, we will be well into the 4th dimension and everything will feel like a dream. In a few months time, the Earth will be completely clean of pollution and the environment will be restored because of ET technology. In December of 2012, we will ascend into the 5th dimension and there will be heaven on Earth.

The endgame for the Illuminati is occurring as we speak. A New Age is only moments away! Peace on Earth.

Ron Paul warning
Ascension News: Urgent Warning from Ron Paul


UFO disclosure
?Out of the Blue - Military Disclosure Has Begun - National Press Club LIVE, Washington D.C?? - YouTube

Ascension News: Urgent Warning from Ron Paul


Debts being called in
Benjamin Fulford, July 26, 2011…”The debts are finally being called in and those who thought they were Gods fall to earth”

Ascension News: Are we moments away from a New Earth?

Is the 1st Family Clones from Egypt?

You might find this website interesting {Scroll down near the middle on the website to find the Obama info}.
Remember..if they are "telling us about it" is already OLD HISTORY and been "perfected" in many cases.
The Annunaki used "cloning" when they arrived on this planet...long-long ago, per Ages of Uras website..
Note the date of April 16, 1985 on the article below about Human Genetics.
Could it be? Anything is possible.

April 16, 1985
"Human genetic material, largely undamaged after 2,400 years, has been extracted from an Egyptian mummy and has been grown in the laboratory.
One 2,400-yr-old mummy of a child was found to contain DNA that could be molecularly cloned in a plasmid vector. These analyses show that substantial pieces of mummy DNA can be cloned and that the DNA fragments seem to contain little or no modifications introduced postmortem."

President Barack Obama looks amazingly like Akhenaten the father of monotheism. Michelle Obama looks amazingly like Akhenaten's mother, Queen Tiye. Akhenaten had two daughters by Nefertiti They look amazingly like Malia and Sasha. The code names of Renegade, Renaissance, Radiance and Rosebud correlate well with the ancient depiction of the Royal Family.

Are the First Family clones?

I have been showing off my art work of Barack Obama as Akhenaten to see what people think. Admittedly, most of my friends already see the world differently than your average citizen. Let's just say they already come with a conspiracy bent. My hope is to instill wonder in our world and to say that things just might be a little stranger than you thought.
I would show my friends this picture and say, "What do you think?" Without any other comment.
They would say, "Well, he does look a lot like Akhenaten."
My jaw would dangle just a bit.
"OK, I understand that you do not know that this woman next to Barackhenaten is Akhenaten's mother, Queen Tiye."
"That's really her face?"
"I have done nothing to alter their faces. I simply found a photo that was facing the right direction and their mouth was closed. I cut the face in half and super-imposed it on the ancient busts."
"That is amazing!"
"It gets even stranger. I found that two of the six daughters of Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti became Queens themselves...
I wait for it.
"They do look like Akhenaten's children!"
"Notice in this ancient frieze of Akhenaten and Nefertiti with their two girls, what is the other most prominent features of this picture?"

"Didn't Akhenaten worship the sun god Aten?"
"Oh, and the flowers."
"Exactly. Do you know the code names the secret service gave the first family?"
"Isn't that a secret?"
"I guess it should be but, no, it was in the news. Their names are Renegade, Renaissance, Radiance, and Rosebud."
"Radiance and Rosebud?"
"Absolutely. Here look for yourself."

"Well, what do you think now?"
"Are there family connections?"
Come on, what are the odds that a woman that looks exactly like the mother of Akhenaten would marry a man who looks exactly like Akhenaten and have two children that look exactly like the offspring of Akhenaten and Nefertiti?
As a child, my mind was open to wondrous possibilities. As I studied the pyramids and ancient astronauts, I learned that mummification had a mysterious property that we in the, then, 20th century could not reproduce. Our new mummies decompose. The ancient Egyptian mummies did not. I knew this allowed for the retrieval of a viable cell for cloning and I pondered if there would be some day when "they" would bring back the Pharaohs. I was thinking of some Armageddon script when the dead would walk the Earth. What I never thought of, was the clones coming out as the first family of America!
Today is a great day to live.

There are definitely questions of Barack's origins.
"Mr. Obama is not a natural born citizen." What kind of riots or Constitutional erosion would occur if this is true?
The revolution is manufactured.
Were there other clones like Barack?

Illegal Obama youtube

?BLOCKBUSTER REVELATION! - MINI Documentary - Illegal Obama "Propped Up" By Co

Uploaded by ppsimmons on Jul 1, 2011

SEE THE World Net Daily story ABOUT THIS VIDEO - Here!


Hear Carl Gallups (Narrator of this video) on Live talk radio on NW FL's TALK RADIO - 1330 WEBY AM - broadcasting to a 4 state area on the Gulf Coast - every Friday afternoon -

Every Friday 4-6 PM CT.



I am NOT the "original discoverer" of this information. I have been clear about this from the first day this video was posted. I found the information on several blogs, posts and internet sites where no original author was given credit. I did my own research to confirm the information that I was reading. I found all the materials and the congressional reports on each HJR - myself. I created the video and drew my own conclusions and created the ending synopsis. The video work and compilation is my product. I do not want to give the impression, though, that I "discovered" this information without help from other's hard work. I had no idea who FIRST made these startling discoveries when I put this vid together. As far as I know to date - this is the first VIDEO presentation made of this information.
The SOURCE that claims to be the originator of most of the info contained in this video. LIVE LINK - The author is listed as J.B. Williams

Pastor Carl Gallups


Dinar RV'ing Intel

Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 11:38 AM
> > Good morning! Hope all is going well for you. I thought these were good
> > posts below (by the way, O's bday is August 4). It makes sense that the
> > drop-dead date for RV would be next week. we shall see, huh? Great big
> > hugs - DJ
> >
> > On July 28th, 2011, 8:59 pm, DELTA wrote:duscajun .....UNFORTUNATELY THE
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> > by G-Money71 » July 28th, 2011, 11:55 pm . [Post 130]
> > Sounds good to me (well, not the AAA Downgrade) .
> > Fit's Frank/Delta's Tue,Wed,Thu theory.
> > US Possible downgrade/default on Tuesday/Wed, RV Released Thu,
> > Cash in next week !!!
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> > On July 28th, 2011, 6:58 pm, footforward wrote: Family I believe Delta is
> > right. I dont think the US will default, but I believe they will be down
> > graded late tomorrow, the dollar will fall, and they will reach a deal on
> > Saturday. But for those that hold dinar in the US, this will be a good
> > thing because we will see a higher rate. This is almost over! The RV is
> > coming right away! They cant default because the fall out will be a huge
> > mess that Washington doesnt need or want.
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Postby footforward » July 29th, 2011, 1:12 am . [Post 136]
> > I think we will see this on or before Aug 4. Obama is having a huge
> > birthday party on the 3rd..dont think they would be doing that if the RV
> > and an agreement on the debt ceiling hadnt been reached. We also know that
> > Iraq really needs this badly, and while a down grade makes sense in a lot
> > of ways, default doesnt. A default creates many more problems then it
> > solves for anyone. This will go after we see the down grade, and its not
> > all bad. That means a higher rate for the dinar.
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> > by PartyTime » July 29th, 2011, 1:47 am . [Post 142]
> > VERY interesting indeed!
> > It must be part of the plan. And being that it is part of the plan, some
> > insider information has been tipped where this $1 Billion bet can be
> > wagered that the credit rating will be dropped down. Then a quck easy $10
> > Billion is made off this on the side, then they pass the bill to raise the
> > debt limit. Meanwhile the markets are going to go crazy from the credit
> > rating being dropped down, and come next Thursday Obama steps in giving
> > himself a nice birthday present by RV'ing the Iraq Dinar, the government
> > rakes in TRILLIONS on their Dinar holdings plus BILLIONS in taxes from all
> > the investors holding dinar, then Obama uses some of that to bring the
> > debt under control to get the credit rating brought back up again, and
> > Obama comes out playing the hero who saved America from their disaster of
> > losing their credit rating. All the insiders on this plan come out
> > smelling like a rose and Obama has something to use to try and win getting
> > re-elected come 2012 which by then the economy should be doing much better
> > as a result of all the new wealth being poured into the country off the
> > Dinar RV'ing.
> > Interesting indeed.
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> > by papajoe » July 29th, 2011, 1:48 am . [Post 143]
> > Not only that, but can you imagine how bad this will look if he's out
> > partying and this hasnt been solved yet?

Sequence of events leading to ascension

Minor grammatical editing for better readability purposes. –B
The Galactic Free Press:
The sequence of events leading to ultimate Planetary ascension will be along these lines....
Messenger FathermotherGod Amon Ra
A message from Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew
July 27, 2011
Dear Lightbearers,
The sequence of events leading to ultimate Planetary ascension will be along these lines:
Initial arrests, of all primary accused parties within the Illuminoid families and their cohorts....completed on an international scale. They are already contained and trapped on earth, so currently denied the freedom to travel off-world to escape justice. The arrested will be sent to prison or jail, to await trial, in any country they are detained in. International legal processes are in place and primed to act.

Next, the sequence of events requires the political changes, in the form of the global regime changes we are expecting, including the UK & US, those most powerful pillars that support the dark empire that spans earth. It is particularly important that the USA Corporation is dis-assembled by the caretaker regime that wins back constitutional power over a restored republic. As the regime announces the restored rights, freedoms and liberties of citizens, it will also align the new policy with a global rollout, sharing the United States bill of rights, with the whole world, politically.

Peace is declared, as well as a new financial system, based on sound money and precious metals-backed currencies. The dollar, backed by gold-silver-platinum-palladium will be catapulted into such a high value, that all other nations will likewise have to back their currencies, to level the playing field, fiscally...(or, all companies would relocate to America.)

New education programs are announced and unveiled using a co-operative international media, operating under new mandates and without the former restrictions on what they report, the press too.

The history books are formally re-written and science is also corrected by learned scientists....religion will be required to reflect upon its many errors over the centuries.

Then new programs of achieving zero taxation, neutralizing the Federal Reserve bank and IRS, will be put in place....only sales tax will be permitted, and no income tax for individuals. Again this US constitutional policy will be mirrored in other countries, including my own, in which a reformed Bank of England, with co-operative links to the new Treasury bank in the US, as well as central banks globally.

All financial debts, both national and individual, are cancelled and the old banking order placed under bankruptcy proceedings. The stock markets will be dismantled and corporations will be re-chartered as servants of the people of the World. The competitive motive will be replaced by the co-operative motive...announced formally.

Then, the prosperity programs will be announced, which will be massive financial injections into economies from the Saint Germain World Trust and former Illuminoid trusts, with Monies [provided] for charities, as well as basic infrastructure projects, to massively redress the imbalance between the small number of "haves," and the vast numbers of "have nots." Lord Maitreya's call for SHARING, will become state policy.

Then the Day of Declaration and the Ascended Masters will officially externalize the Spiritual Hierarchy...The "World Teacher" (his title) will be revealed and exposed to full publicity and he will introduce the other Masters, initially including Master Jesus, Master Koothumi and Master Racoczi (Saint Germain.)

Then the secrecy and "national security" restrictions will be lifted on etheric energy devices, and many such devices will be marketed and sold over the counter to people all over the globe, and even the charity organizations will be distributing such devices to the needy in the most remote regions on earth, power for homes, but drawn independently of the electric grid, for example.

Many Lightworkers will be involved in obtaining, training, applying and teaching others how to use the etheric energy based technology of Light. Then special environmental clean-up technologies will also be unveiled and purchased (with people's great abundance) by teams of world anti-pollution project members. Many will volunteer, as the spirit of altruism, joy of service and deep dedication to helping others, as well as mother earth, takes hold in hearts and minds.

Nobody will need payment, as all will be extremely wealthy and comfortable...with no debts, no taxes, no lack and no worries. In spite of this, others will still work for a wage, as they prefer to and are used to that lifestyle.

THEN GOVERNMENTS WORLDWIDE WILL ANNOUNCE UFO DISCLOSURE...the media and science will be onboard with this and the reformed governments....the "national security" blocks having been lifted....First Contact will be officially announced, before the mass landings are allowed...(we do have an emergency alternative plan, though.)

After several mass fly-overs, each getting vaster and vaster, the GFL will also station the motherships in orbit and decloak, so [that] ALL WILL SEE THEM WITHOUT FAIL. The press will report the "cities in the sky." They will be seen by all and also on TV and in the papers, clearly.

In response, the people and governments will invite the Mass landings with joy. MASS LANDINGS using millions of scout ships, globally, landing in every open space, national parks, rural fields, public greens, etc., not in city centers, though, unless [it is] parkland. They will be met by officials and the people will surround their craft.

ET personnel will be formally introduced to the world and seen on TVs everywhere. They will be seen with political leaders from the caretaker regimes, as well as GFL Ground Crew personnel. The initial tranche will be humanoids and people will be surprised at how "normal" they appear, although wearing strange clothing and carrying exotic equipment. Technologies [will be] shared with all, freely.

After the mass landings, the technology roll out programs will include GFL technologies and techniques, also, alongside the more backward Illuminoid devices, already distributed, which include some Atlantean technologies. The Sirians and others will be offering replicator devices, to help manifest numerous items, including food, clothing and any molecular structure.

The trials of the Illuminoid families will commence, for the interest and education of the entire world to witness.

As you see, the steps are dynamic and bold....each one starts and triggers the next to start, in close succession, like a line of dominoes. The destination is the Light Chamber, where all [those ascending] are due to make their ultimate transformations.

The GFL Ground Crew will be active in supporting all steps, but our public announcements will only be completed at the same time as First Contact. We are a mirror of the GFL Flight Crew, and together victorious.

Selamat Kasijaram Zau.. (Sirian for "be blessed in the love and joy of spirit...!")
Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew


Our God is an Awesome God!!

Miracle, Moses... and us!!!

WOW!!!! This puts a whole new perspective on God's ability to provide!

A new way to think about how Moses fed everyone.

Read and feel comforted.

Amazing Data on Moses

Moses and the people were in the desert, but what was he going to do with them? They had to be fed, and feeding 2 or 3 million people requires a lot of food.

According to the Quartermaster General in the Army, it is reported that Moses would have to have had 1500 tons of food each day. Do you know that to bring that much food each day, two freight trains, each at least a mile long, would be required!

Besides you must remember, they were out in the desert, so they would have to have firewood to use in cooking the food. This would take 4000 tons of wood and a few more freight trains, each a mile long, just for one day.

And just think, they were forty years in transit.

And Oh yes! They would have to have water. If they only had enough to drink and wash a few dishes, it would take 11,000,000 gallons each day and a freight train with tank cars, 1800 miles long, just to bring water!

And then another thing!

They had to get across the Red Sea at night. Now, if they went on a narrow path, double file, the line would be 800 miles long and would require 35 days and nights to get through. So there had to be a space in the Red Sea, 3 miles wide so
that they could walk 5,000 abreast to get over in one night.

But then, there is another problem...............each time they camped at the end of the day, a campground two-thirds the size of the state of Rhode Island was required, or a total of 750 square miles long........Think of it! This much space for camping.

Do you think Moses figured all this out before he left Egypt?
I think not!

You see, Moses believed in God. God took care of these things for him.

Now do you think God has any problem taking care of all your needs?

I asked the Lord to bless you As I prayed for you today. To guide you and protect you as you go along your way. His love is always with you and His promises are true, If we give Him all our cares, rest assured He'll see us through.

Our God is an Awesome God!!

So when the road you're traveling on seems difficult at best, just remember, keep on praying, and God will do the rest.

Pass this to people you want God to bless.

"To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." Thomas Jefferson


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room


Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Friday, 29-Jul-2011 12:39:48


The US Supreme Court overturned a US Court appeals ruling and reinserted state Sovereignty & individual Sovereignty as well!!!

Carol Anne Bond vs. United States, No. 09–1227, 564 U. S. ____ (June 16, 2011)

Full document:

Are You Brave Enough?

Are You brave enough to read this and accept the Truth?

This article will be very important to read for your own knowledge about what is
and has been going on financially in the world.

Before you read this, you should know that this world is controlled by the ones that control the money of the world. That would be the Illuminati aka, the elitist, plutocracy and/or the owners of the Federal Reserve which is neither federal nor reserve (this is a privately owned institution which is owned by bankers).
It has been said, "the ones that control the money (of the world), control the world". If you listen to "The Creature from Jekyll Island" or read the book, this will explain it all. It has been a few years since I have heard it so it would be good for me to revisit it. Another good DVD is the Money Masters.
There is so much that we don't know that is going on behind the scenes that if we knew what was going on, it would cause us to go into a tailspin of unbelief. If you read that article about George Soros, then you'll have an idea about what is going on. As a nation, we have been hoodwinked, duped and railroaded. Most people are "sheeple", not having any idea about what is going on in the world.
Years ago (early 1990s) I remember Bush Sr. on television talking about the "New World Order" (this is the agenda of the Illuminati) ie., one world government and one global economy. That will happen, but we still have a few years before that comes to fruition. Read about Leo Wanta and how Bush Sr. stole trillions of dollars.
We are in the "Matrix" just like the movie. We are just living a life which unbeknownst to us, is under the control of the plutocracy. I barely know very much about these subjects and there are some that know a lot more than me and they only know in part, but at least my eyes and ears are open to what is really going on, even if it just an infinitesimal amount. There is so much corruption in our government and in the world, it belies our imagination of what is real and perhaps, not real.
The POTUS (whom ever it may be at the time) is only a "puppett" for the ones that are really in control
and the POTUS obeys the agenda that they are told to implement and if they did not acquiesce, they would have a "Kennedy " experience done to what ever president is in office (remember that JFK wanted to get rid of the Federal Reserve so they got rid of him instead).
There is more info on this on the video "Dark Secrets" about the Bohemian Grove. Anyway, here is a smattering of information about the "Federal Reserve". Raul


The first ever GAO (Government Accountability Office) audit of the Federal Reserve was carried out in the past few months due to the Ron Paul, Alan Grayson Amendment to the Dodd-Frank bill, which passed last year. Jim DeMint, a Republican Senator, and Bernie Sanders, an independent Senator, led the charge for a Federal Reserve audit in the Senate, but watered down the original language of the house bill (HR1207), so that a complete audit would not be carried out. Ben Bernanke (pictured to the left), Alan Greenspan, and various other bankers vehemently opposed the audit and lied to Congress about the effects an audit would have on markets. Nevertheless, the results of the first audit in the Federal Reserve�s nearly 100 year history were posted on Senator Sander�s webpage earlier this morning. What was revealed in the audit was startling: $16,000,000,000,000.00 (TRILLION) had been secretly given out to US banks and corporations and foreign banks everywhere from France to Scotland. From the period between December 2007 and June 2010, the Federal Reserve had secretly bailed out many of the world�s banks, corporations, and governments. The Federal Reserve likes to refer to these secret bailouts as an all-inclusive loan program, but virtually none of the money has been returned and it was loaned out at 0% interest. Why the Federal Reserve had never been public about this or even informed the United States Congress about the $16 trillion dollar bailout is obvious � the American public would have been outraged to find out that the Federal Reserve bailed out foreign banks while Americans were struggling to find jobs.
To place $16 trillion into perspective, remember that GDP of the United States is only $14.12 trillion. The entire national debt of the United States government spanning its 200+ year history is �only� $14.5 trillion. The budget that is being debated so heavily in Congress and the Senate is �only� $3.5 trillion. Take all of the outrage and debate over the $1.5 trillion deficit into consideration, and swallow this Red pill: There was no debate about whether $16,000,000,000,000 would be given to failing banks and failing corporations around the world.

In late 2008, the TARP Bailout bill was passed and loans of $800 billion were given to failing banks and companies. That was a blatant lie considering the fact that Goldman Sachs alone received 814 billion dollars. As is turns out, the Federal Reserve donated $2.5 trillion to Citigroup, while Morgan Stanley received $2.04 trillion. The Royal Bank of Scotland and Deutsche Bank, a German bank, split about a trillion and numerous other banks received hefty chunks of the $16 trillion.
�This is a clear case of socialism for the rich and rugged, you�re-on-your-own individualism for everyone else.� � Bernie Sanders(I-VT)
When you have conservative Republican stalwarts like Jim DeMint(R-SC) and Ron Paul(R-TX) as well as self identified Democratic socialists like Bernie Sanders all fighting against the Federal Reserve, you know that it is no longer an issue of Right versus Left. When you have every single member of the Republican Party in Congress and progressive Congressmen like Dennis Kucinich sponsoring a bill to audit the Federal Reserve, you realize that the Federal Reserve is an entity onto itself, which has no oversight and no accountability.

Americans should be swelled with anger and outrage at the abysmal state of affairs when an unelected group of bankers can create money out of thin air and give it out to megabanks and supercorporations like Halloween candy
If the Federal Reserve and the bankers who control it believe that they can continue to devalue the savings of Americans and continue to destroy the US economy, they will have to face the realization that their trillion dollar printing presses can be stopped with five dollars worth of bullets.

[Regardless of whether this money is fiat money (money printed with nothing of value to back it), if it is a currency forced on society and the world, with enforcement by the Fed, IRS, the U.S. military, et al, --which it is-- the acts of the Federal Reserve are, in essence, the transfer of greater wealth to the rich insider banks and corporations, while the rest of the world grows poorer, and as the value of this funny money grows less and less in purchasing power.
(This is what happens when you put money into the economy that has not been earned but just "created" devalues our money that was earned.)
These insider banks, etc., then, exchange this funny money for gold and silver, the real wealth of the world, which, then, reinflates the world with more and more devaluing federal reserve notes. This, then, creates hyper-inflation, increasing the cost of all resources and commodities, while gold and silver climb to never-seen-before levels of value.

This is how the Federal Reserve insiders steal the wealth of the world and why the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. It's the world's largest Ponzi scheme! The Federal Reserve is nothing but a front for a small group of families who run a very large and successful white collar criminal Ponzi scheme. This criminal institution should be seized by the U.S. Treasury department and all assets frozen, and returned to the coffers of the U.S. Treasury in order to settle the U.S. debt and help begin to balance the U.S. deficit. All banks (listed below) should be forced to return the money received by the Federal Reserve.
All families in ownership of the Fed and their agents should be located, caught, tried and jailed for grand larceny and treason against the people of the U.S.A. All government agents who protect and help facilitate this criminal organization should be fired from the positions and similarly tried and jailed for grand larceny and treason. Meanwhile, Congress should return our country to its original monetary system (Lincoln greenbacks backed by precious metals) and, again, do its duty to regulate the coining of the currency of America as per the U.S. Constitution.]

The list of institutions that received the most money from the Federal Reserve
can be found on page 131 of the GAO Audit and are as follows..
Citigroup: $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000)
Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000)
Merrill Lynch: $1.949 trillion ($1,949,000,000,000)
Bank of America: $1.344 trillion ($1,344,000,000,000)
Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868 billion ($868,000,000,000)
Bear Sterns: $853 billion ($853,000,000,000)
Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ($814,000,000,000)
Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $541 billion ($541,000,000,000)
JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000)
Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion ($354,000,000,000)
UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000)
Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion ($262,000,000,000)
Lehman Brothers: $183 billion ($183,000,000,000)
Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181 billion ($181,000,000,000)
BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion ($175,000,000,000)
In the end, Truth will prevail. Evil will fail.
God Bless America.
And you also by forwarding this email to your entire list.

Help Ron Paul --- Debt Ceiling Petition

Dear Concerned American,

With the White House determined to tack on TRILLIONS more to our national debt, I need your IMMEDIATE help to send a critical message to the Republican congressional leadership.

"Lead - or get out of the way!"

The sad fact is, right now, Republican leaders can't make up their minds as to whether they want to lead or cut a backroom deal with President Obama.

What you and I need is someone who stands for conviction over compromise.

I have spent my entire career standing up for what I believe in, even if it meant standing alone.

Conviction and leadership go hand in hand. If you don't know where you want to end up, it's virtually impossible to lead.

That's the problem Republican leaders in Washington have right now.

But you and I can help them make up their minds.

The Republican congressional leadership is susceptible to our pressure - good old-fashioned grassroots pressure.

That's why I need your help to DEMAND Republican leaders show some backbone and loudly say "No!" to any business as usual, status quo-empowering compromises to raise the debt ceiling.

Sign the Debt Ceiling Betrayal Petition by  Clicking Here

The current debate is filled with talk of fake cuts, budget gimmicks, and political stunts that both parties use to try to lay blame on each other without solving the problem.

That's why we need to act TODAY.

Without your help, I'm afraid you and I will get sold down the river - and President Obama could put the Tea Party on life support.

Even as I write you, rumors are swirling fast and furious.

News reports are that Speaker Boehner is trying to ram through a deal to raise the debt ceiling by $900 billion with no real spending cuts.

This is NOT what the American people overwhelmingly elected Republicans to do in 2010.

So if the Republican leadership shrinks from this fight, they'll pay the price for this BETRAYAL at the ballot box in 2010.

That's why it's vital you urge your representative and senators to pledge to stand up and oppose backroom, business as usual deals from Speaker Boehner to raise the debt ceiling.

The good news is, your IMMEDIATE action will make an enormous impact.

Sign the Debt Ceiling Betrayal Petition by  Clicking Here

The establishment is in full crisis mode.

They see their gravy train of deficit spending and pork barrel politics in jeopardy.

They see Wall Street fat cats in a full-blown panic.

They're bringing out the usual suspects to scare everyone - Geithner, Bernanke, and even Bush-era Treasury officials are being brought into secret congressional briefings to try to scare your representative and senators.

In fact, this is eerily reminiscent of something . . .

The 2008 bank bailouts.

The Republican establishment lining up to make a deal because they just don't have the backbone to fight.

The White House promising certain doom if it doesn't get its way.

Well, I fought the leadership of BOTH parties in 2008 when they bailed out Wall Street.

And I'm still fighting them today.

And I'm the only one who can stop this Washington machine because I'm not beholden to it.

But I can't win this fight without you.

Sign the Debt Ceiling Betrayal Petition by  Clicking Here

I know millions of Americans share my belief that it's time to stop selling our children's futures to finance more debt.

So Congress needs to hear from each of them that they are ready to fight for fiscal responsibility.

If you have not yet done so, please sign the No Debt Ceiling Deal PETITION today.

After you sign the petition, please follow up with your representative and senators by calling their offices today.

And be sure to spread it through email and your social networks.

Don't let the Republican leadership cave in. Together, you and I can FORCE them to fight.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. It's up to you and me to FORCE the Republican leadership to show some backbone.

If you haven't signed the No Debt Ceiling Deal petition yet, please do so right away.

We can stop Congress from selling us down the river and enabling President Obama to put the Tea Party on life support.

But only if we take action immediately!

Sign the Debt Ceiling Betrayal Petition by  Clicking Here

Message from SaLuSa, July 29, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum

Message from SaLuSa, July 29, 2011 by Mike Quinsey

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 29-Jul-2011 05:14:57

SaLuSa, July 29, 2011

For some people who are aware of the pending changes, their understanding does not embrace the idea of Ascension. That will therefore limit the extent of their experiences, but their level of consciousness can still expand. For them that is important, as they will continue their next lives at a similar level in duality. They will still have subconscious memories of the past, that will enable them to aspire to higher levels than before. When the cycles change, you do not lose the benefit of your experiences, and you will commence a new one with that advantage. Those of you who have decided upon Ascension, will go forward with full awareness of your experiences and also your consciousness levels will have substantially increased.

Your experiences on Earth were created by you, having been given freedom of choice. They bear little resemblance to life in the higher dimensions and in fact you could not have created the same level of existence, unless you experienced a quantum leap in your consciousness. It is what is happening now, and the more your individual levels increase, the more your powers of creation will also rise. Belief in your power will help when you set about self-healing, but you need to be 100% positive in your ability to do it. The Law of Attraction comes into play, and you will achieve more success if you take the positive approach that “you are healed”. Normally you take the view that you should first ask to be healed, rather than inform your body “it is healed”. Those of you who regularly state that “you are healthy, and in harmony and balance” are maintaining a fully positive approach, and as a result that is what you attract to yourself. Looking at the reverse side is it not true that some people are always telling themselves that they are ill, and consequently never seem to get better. That is not to say that they are not ill, but they are unwittingly prolonging their problems by dwelling on their illnesses, rather than the cure.

However, before the end of this cycle many opportunities will be granted for all manner of illnesses and afflictions to be healed. It will come in various types of healing, but all aligned with New Age technologies that have absolutely no side affects. As you are probably aware by now, in the higher dimensions your body will comprise of matter of a much higher vibration, that will be disease free. It is why everything around you will also be in a state of perfection, meaning that if you have imperfections now such as some form of disablement, it will have been corrected before you ascend. That is possible because even now you carry the original blueprint of your perfect body, and it can be activated. Perhaps the most welcome change will be to find that your new body will stay in its perfect condition, and you will be forever young and in your prime. Furthermore, through your individual powers, you will be able to change any of your features as you desire.

You will soon be seeing us amongst you, and will note that we are all in our prime. You will find us happy and always in a totally peaceful state. We are not prone to having moods such as humans have, and certainly do not get angry or bad tempered. We do not of course have to suffer your experiences, but even so we are always calm and peaceful. All these positive attributes will also become yours, and as the vibrations continue to increase around you, you too will change for the better and able to eliminate anything that is less. Even between now and the end of the cycle, you will notice quite big changes within yourselves. Harmony and balance in all things is taking place, and it will continue even until after Ascension.

Regardless of what some people learn about the future, they do not want to give up their earthly enjoyments. The point is that some of them cannot be taken beyond this dimension anyway. However, they can be replaced by something that is much more satisfying, but it is for you to discover this through your own experiences. Man’s pleasures are often the very things that cause disease and distress, but some people cannot see the connection. You who are more enlightened will know of what we speak, and because you do have found no difficulty in giving them up. Your body is your temple, and it is your responsibility to look after it if it is to serve you well. Smoking and the taking of drugs are most damaging, and sometimes it is irreversible. Indeed, most pursuits of this nature are leading you onto the path of ruin.

Dear Ones, it is more important than ever that you handle your body with love and caring. Help it to lift up its vibrations by clean living and actions, and words that are also carrying the Light. What you create within will in part determine whether you are sufficiently prepared to go the whole way to Ascension. Think upon what you need to do to become a Light Being, as that is your goal and time is rapidly running away from you. If you have already overcome most of your lower vibrations, then you are well on the way to success. It shows that you have exercised your intent to cleanse yourself of what we often call your unwanted baggage. Once you know that you can do it, your strength of mind and willpower will carry you ever onwards. You will have absolutely nothing to fear.

This period of time is going to be dynamic as so much is about to happen. The dark Ones cannot keep the floodgates shut for much longer. The pressures are mounting and the hard work of our allies will soon pay off. Battles between the dark and Light are going on all over the Earth, and people are being mobilized to confront their authorities to demand an end to their rule. The deceit and lies can no longer fool the people, who have been taking back their power for quite some time. There is nothing greater for forcing change than people power, and it continues to grow day to day. Fear is having less success in keeping the people under the control of the dark Ones. They are losing their grip, and also their belief that they can truly continue to guide the world in their direction and make them bow to a World Government. That will not happen and total slavery is out of the question.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and see the net closing in on those who have been responsible for your current problems. Believe us they are far more extensive than you can possibly imagine, but all will come out in due course.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.

Saint Germain

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum

Saint Germain

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 29-Jul-2011 02:42:29

?Saint Germain Pt 1: The Man Who Would Not Die?? - YouTube

?Saint Germain Pt 2: The Man Who Would Not Die?? - YouTube

?Saint Germain Pt 3: The Man Who Would Not Die?? - YouTube

?Unveiled Mysteries?? - YouTube


Rumor Mill News Agents Forum


Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 29-Jul-2011 05:01:50


Welcome beloveds we are here to reassure you that all is well and all is perfect around you. Many of you will have spent the past few days “remembering” events , people and places that you have thought about in many cases for years. This is all part of the cleansing and allowing to go that must happen for the elevation of the human vibration. To allow all to go, to cleanse the heart from all that is stored there is to allow the LOVE that IS to flow freely through your BEing. That is what this next part of the life experience is all about dear ones, for it frees YOU to be who YOU in truth are.

Many of you have struggled as you tried to keep the emotions and FEELings pent up, to suppress the pain that you have been taught resides in your hearts. This has left many frustrated and angry as the FEELings rise up again and again for clearance. To try to push these FEELings away results in more frustration and so it goes on. For those who trusted in the process and have faith in themselves this will have been an intense time of shifting that which no longer serves. It is in having faith and trust in YOU that the movement through this cleansing is done.

We come to guide on the process and how to move the human vibration higher. This is a natural process that occurs when living from the heart centre. As more and more is cleared from the heart another veil is lifted, as more veils are lifted the human vibration is heightened. We guide strongly that there is no way around this, it is the clearing and moving of people, events and places from the heart that triggers the elevated vibration, there is no “quick fix”. Illusion teaches that there is no need to do any of this work, that a visit back into the heart will result in more pain and as events over the world have shown it is a depth of teaching that is taken without question by many. As more fear is triggered within the human BEing, more close their hearts are to the pain, that they have been taught lives there. In TRUTH dear ones the way out of pain is through your hearts.

We are the Andromedans and we ask you to be open to our words of guidance. We sit on the Galactic Council and come through this channel to show UNITY. Many across the planet now accept and embrace the concept of ONENESS and we are here to guide how to reach UNITY. ALL ARE ONE. Many will once more question this channel and question the words that she brings through, we wish to thank her for her openness at channelling an energy that she has not channelled publicly before. Once more we guide humans to be aware of the illusions teaching around judgement. We ask you not to judge the channel but to process our words through your hearts. For it is only within your hearts that you will find TRUTH. Illusion will seek to teach you that only certain channels exist for the channelling of our energies and we guide you strongly to detach from this teaching.

As many will find over the course of the coming days, weeks and months, many different channels will be sought and used to convey the messages of UNITY that will begin to show across the planet. This channel is but one of those, many channels are contacted but not all channels trust the process nor trust themselves and as yet many have not honoured the request from the many different planets to bring through words from energies they do not “usually” connect to.

We guide now on the connection to energies and wish to guide strongly that ALL can connect to whichever star system energy they wish. All that is needed is the vibration to be able to connect. This is done through the work that humans do on themselves and is through living from the heart. Many will question this guidance and we seek to draw your attention to the teaching of illusion which will teach that rules and regulations are needed before attempting to connect to other energies. We ask who this serves? In a universe full of different energies who sits in judgement of whether YOU can connect to US. For dear ones ALL ARE ONE, that alone gives you all the information YOU need.

The rules and regulations governing the connection of the human to any other energy in the universe are illusion dear ones. Whilst you are taught that YOU need to do x and Y we ask who decided that this was the case? Why would you be taught that you need to protect yourself from an energy that YOU are part of? ALL ARE ONE dear ones and we guide you to take this into the silence within and ask the questions and listen to the answers. The energy that many across the planet term “reiki” is universal energy, why would you need to follow rules and regulations around the use of this energy? Do plants follow these rules? Do animals? They are all part of the universal energy that exists throughout the universe.

We guide you to question teachings that are put in place that plant seeds of fear. We see many humans struggle with the teachings they undertake when they begin to realise that they have all the knowledge they need within them. For it is this knowledge that you reconnect to dear ones, it is not a “new” skill that you learn when you use energy, you are reconnecting to life times of work previous to the incarnation that you are currently in. We guide you to process this TRUTH with your heart. There is no one way of working with energy and we see over and over many humans who struggle with this concept. Who are taught that there is only one way and this causes them frustrations when they reconnect to the energies and find that they work in a slightly different way than they were taught.

Each one of you is unique and each one of you will hold and process energy at a slightly different level and way. There is no one way dear ones there just IS. For many the frustrations are borne out of following anothers teachings, for many find that the energies begin to work at various levels they have not been guided on from the teachings and this prompts seeds of fear to germinate. This is illusion dear one, there is no right and no wrong there just IS. If you use a crystalline BEing in a certain way that is different from a colleague then so BE it. That is the way that YOU work uniquely with that crystalline BEing. There is no right and wrong, there just IS.

Illusion teaches at all times to move the human BEing away from the heart, away from the seat of truth, we guide you to be alert at all times to this and to detach from it. When you are taught that you need to practice energy work for hours at a time or take weeks or years to move through what needs to be learned we guide you to question this. Does this come from the fear that is present within the teacher or does it come straight from illusion? Who sits in judgement of YOU? Who is in place to decide whether or not YOU can connect back into the energy source that YOU are? Who does this serve?

We expect that many humans reading our words will be triggered and we guide you to look at why the seeds of fear have germinated within YOU at our words. There are no rules and regulations dear ones there just IS. It is not possible for a human to misuse the energy that they ARE. Energy just IS. LOVE just IS. It is the interpretation of what these are that governs how a human interprets them. It is humans who decide black and white, right and wrong and this is always based on a level of fear.

The new energies have propelled many humans past where they have been before. These new energies are intense and move humans into their heart centres, it is from here that TRUTH is discerned and that the life experience is created. For those who still choose to use the logical mind this will be an intense period of nightmare proportions as the mind cannot process emotion and the world will cease to make much sense. Life that is lived from the heart is life lived in TRUTH. That TRUTH is a FEELing, we ask you to FEEL how YOUr life is, to move away from the logical mind that will be driven into working overtime trying to make sense of something that is emotionally based.

The new world is based on heart living and will make little sense to the mind. When humans FEEL the right way to live they will be at ONE with the universe and themselves. They will bring themselves into alignment with the universe and miracles will start to happen. Humans who live within the mind will see all that they thought existed begin to crumble as the logical mind will make no sense of the FEELings that are being lived by. This will cause chaos and may send many into panic and lower vibration. We guide you strongly to allow your heart to rule your life. The heart is the instrument of TRUTH, it is the ONLY instrument of TRUTH that human BEings have. Use this wisely dear ones for it is your path home.

We are the Andromedans and we sit on the Galactic Council. The Council are available for ALL to connect to. When you read words of guidance that perhaps do not make sense to you or you wish to process at a deeper level, then by all means dear ones contact us directly and we will define further for you. Be aware that to fight over the guidance and fight over the channel brings you into illusion. For illusion teaches separation. A human is in no place to judge another human for ALL ARE ONE. As such all are equal and there is no hierarchy, that is a teaching of illusion who would seek to teach humans that some are above others. We guide you to process our words through your heart. The message of UNITY will come through other channels, we guide you to look for the messages of UNITY as they begin to appear across the planet earth. ALL ARE ONE.