Friday, June 26, 2015

‘We Know America is Providing ISIS with Weapons & Food’


(*The USA criminal cabal corporation, Washington, DC)
“We now think ISIS is being used as a tool by America* to divide and weaken Iraq"
Iraq Residents: 'We Know America is Providing ISIS with Weapons & Food'
by Mikael Thalen | | June 26, 2015

The people of Iraq are increasingly blaming the United States for the spread of ISIS in their country, a Wall Street Journal report reveals.
While interviewing Iraqi refugees in a tent city in Baghdad, journalist Yaroslav Trofimov discovered that a growing number of residents believe ISIS is receiving direct support from the American 'government'.
We all know that America is providing ISIS with weapons and food, and that it is because of American backing that they have become so strong,” said Abbas Hashem, a 50-year-old who recently fled Ramadi.
Others, such as prominent lawmaker Alia Nusseif made equally striking comments, accusing the US of using ISIS as a proxy army to split up the country.              
“We don’t have any trust in Americans anymore,” Nusseif said. “We now think ISIS is being used as a tool by America to divide and weaken Iraq.” Sabah Karhout, chairman of the Anbar Provincial Council, stated that America’s shockingly “shy” role towards ISIS has been disastrous for opposition groups. “If you want to help someone, do it with strength to achieve results, not with drip-drip-drip as if you expect them to die anyway,” said Karhout. “The Americans are playing a very shy role—and if this American support had not been so shy, the Sunni tribes would not have gone over to the side of ISIS.” In response to the comments, the Wall Street Journal alleged that “such conspiracy theories about America’s support for Islamic State are outlandish, no doubt,” a statement that ignores key points regarding the continued rise of ISIS. Declassified Pentagon documents recently obtained by political watchdog Judicial Watch revealed that the US has deliberately supported al-Qaeda and other radical groups in an attempt to destabilize Syria. As noted by Insurge Intelligence writer Nafeez Ahmed, the US went forward with the policy despite admittedly knowing it would lead to the rise of ISIS and the fall of Iraq. “According to the newly declassified US document, the Pentagon foresaw the likely rise of the ‘Islamic State’ as a direct consequence of this strategy, and warned that it could destabilize Iraq,” Ahmed wrote. “Despite anticipating that Western, Gulf state and Turkish support for the ‘Syrian opposition’ — which included al-Qaeda in Iraq — could lead to the emergence of an ‘Islamic State’ in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the document provides no indication of any decision to reverse the policy of support to the Syrian rebels.” Since the secret 2012 report was written, the Obama administration has continued its support of so-called “rebel” groups despite their admitted ties with ISIS. Just last September, a commander with the Free Syrian Army (FSA), a group deemed “moderate” by the President, admitted to cooperating with multiple terrorist groups including ISIS. “We are collaborating with the Islamic State and the Nusra Front by attacking the Syrian Army’s gatherings in… Qalamoun,” Bassel Idriss, an FSA commander, told the Daily Star. In July of 2014, “several factions within the FSA” openly gave their US-supplied weapons to ISIS shortly after pledging allegiance to the group. An ISIS fighter speaking with Al-Jazeera the year prior confirmed that the FSA would regularly donate or sell their weapons after receiving shipments from the US, a well-known issue ignored by the Obama administration and supporters of the Syrian war. “We are buying weapons from the FSA,” Abu Atheer said. “We bought 200 anti-aircraft missiles and Koncourse anti tank weapons. We have good relations with our brothers in the FSA.” One of the most troubling aspects for Iraqis has also been the repeated US weapons airdrops to ISIS fighters, a continuous mistake according to US officials. The Obama administration’s transparent support of radical extremists in the region, a move aimed solely at toppling the Assad government, has even lead to a drop in ISIS’ recruitment numbers, causing ISIS leaders to demand potential jihadists ignore “sinful” conspiracies. US troops also protested the arming of terror groups in 2013 by posting photos of themselves online holding up signs stating they would not fight on the same side as terrorists in Syria. Unsurprisingly, this endlessly-documented issue is mainly deemed conspiratorial by mainstream news outlets, ISIS recruiters and corrupt elements of Western intelligence.  

Greece Deal Falls Apart - The IMF will cause a chain reaction of CHAOS

Greece Deal Falls Apart

- The IMF will cause a chain reaction of CHAOS

    Greece Deal Falls Apart as Banks Get ELA Bailout 5th Time in 8 Days!


Déjà vu it seems as negotiations fail quickly as Greece is unable to present an
offer which suits the technocrats. Time is RAPIDLY running out for Greece as
they face a strict deadline for which they hope to receive a pardon on their debt.
There is significant concern in the markets for Greece to default on it's debt it
owes to the IMF which will cause a chain reaction of CHAOS.

ISIS Attacks: What They’re Not Telling You


Islam is not a religion of peace. When are we going to acknowledge this fact?
by Paul Joseph Watson | June 26, 2015





The End Of Mankind

"Leaked Document" 2013

 Deborah Tavarres - NASA Website Report



Published on Jun 26, 2013

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David Wilcock - The plan to take down the illuminati (MUST WATCH)

Published on May 16, 2015
No Security Without Freedom! New World Order Agenda is to Divide & Conquer. Awakening is a Must. Or We Will All Fall. We need to Wise Up and STOP using.

Arrest a criminal Commander in Chief

To: US Provost Marshall General, US Army
Dear General, Sir:
The US Congress is no longer responsive nor does it represent the American people as demonstrated most recently by the passage of TPP legislation. Other than for armed revolution, the US Military, sworn to uphold & defend the Constitution, is the last hope of the American people. This country is being destroyed by enemies within!
I hereby request, once again, that you take action against the criminal Commander in Chief, Barack Obama, (real name Barry Sotero), and bring about his arrest and detention before he can damage our dear country to any greater extent and cause World War III. Please prevent our country from becoming a presidential dictatorship!
Thank you sincerely,
Alexander Smart
United States Citizen 
p.s. As a reference, I include my attached Calling Card

South Carolina General Assembly 118th Session, 2009-2010

South Carolina General Assembly
118th Session, 2009-2010

Constitutional Tender Act
Most importantly, this bill would protect the people of Georgia from the continued depreciation of the dollar and probable eventual hyperinflation!
Constitutional Tender Act
The United States Constitution declares, in Article I, Section 10, "No State shall... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts". This means that no State can make something besides gold or silver a "tender in payment" (which means they cannot "make something else an offer as payment") for any debts, which would include debts owed by and to the State. However, EVERY State in the United States of America HAS made some other "Thing" an offer as payment - they have by law declared that they will accept, and pay out, Federal Reserve Notes for any debts owed by or to them. Therefore, every State is in violation of Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution. Thus the need for the "Constitutional Tender Act" -- a bill template that can be introduced in every State legislature in the nation, returning each of them to adherence to the United States Constitution's actual legal tender provisions.

South Carolina General Assembly
118th Session, 2009-2010


We The People command the removal of Obama
and all of his baggage from the continental….
united states of America Immediately!

Signed: We The People


To: the Military of the united states of America

From: We The People

Re: Getting rid/gone/vamoose/hasta la vista baby to the commie traitor Obama and his commie circus of clones / clowns….

Dear Military Commanders / High level Officers…

We know that a lot of you did not know what the hell the cabal and their thug Obama was up to, but you now know and it is up to you to honor your oath and decide what side of the line you want to tug on… We The People would like to see a faster movement of getting rid of these incredulous SOB’s and their brigade of B.S. from this great nation. We, as a nation, have been duped our entire lives putting up with these self-proclaimed ‘elitists’ saying they are better than everyone in our Nation.

We are at war within this nation.  There is a reported 65,000 plus foreign troops here under the U.N. (United Nazi’s) banner. There are a lot - and we mean a lot - of people either dying or have been killed by the toxins these AHO’s have been bombing us with from their high flying bombers. They have used many methods to poison our food, water, land and air with the chemtrails and other poisons. They have murdered countless numbers of people around the world with the Joseph Tesla invention called the HAARP located in Alaska and they do not seem to be letting up. HAARP is being used to create earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, destroying the ionosphere, and the destruction of America’s food crops and water.  This also adversely affects you, your families and loved ones now and into our future….

We are commanding you to immediately take down HAARP and the chemtrail planes and take them off line.  Do your part to RESTORE our nation and help make this country once again the greatest nation on earth. We need our military to show the world our nation will no longer take any crap from stinking banker thugs (cabal)…


----------> MISSOURI <----------

truther June 26, 2015                                                           

Imagine if you will: You’re hiking along one of your favorite trails, enjoying nature and time to yourself, and all of a sudden you come across a military base camp in the middle of nowhere, yet not too far away from roads, etc. in order to make shipments and maneuvers to and from said base camp quite easy and efficient.

Hiker Stumbles Across United Nations Base Camp Hidden In Plane Sight In The Middle Of America!

This was the case for one American citizen who recently contacted the online watchdog group Operation Jade Helm And Beyond with the following message:
This was an active nine hole golf course hidden by trees less than 600 feet from the JC (Jefferson City, Missouri) airport and they are building something. Idk what’s about to happen but that white tent is surrounded by Mercedes vans that have no licensing and UN stickers on them. I need to get this out because idk how much more is going on but people need to know. 
When asked for follow up, the informant also stated:
…it’s kinda hidden and people will drive by never paying attention it’s there
Strange military bases have been popping up seemingly overnight in many places across the U.S. in the last couple of months, and many fear they are all related to what is supposed to be nothing more than a military exercise known as Operation Jade Helm 15, which many concerned Americans feel is going to be more than an ‘exercise.’
Gun grabbing and body snatching are rumored to be in the works for Patriots loyal to the Constitution yet not necessarily loyal to the Obama regime and their seemingly anti-Constitutional agenda.
Only time will tell if there is any truth to the Jade Helm ‘conspiracy’ as the mainstream media seems to call it, and we can only hope that our time has not run out. 


Published on Jun 12, 2015 



Potential, rumored, asteroid strike

How JADE HELM 15 correlates with a potential, rumored, asteroid strike

Potential ‘flight path’, strike window, revealed if said impact rumors true

  • NASA has denied claims and rumors of an impending asteroid strike
  • Conspiracy theorists say impact in September
  • Possible links to JADE HELM 15 military exercises
  • Russia monitoring the situation
  • FEMA and DHS gear up for major event
  • Former NASA warning now makes more sense
By Shepard Ambellas

The Rumors

(INTELLIHUB) —  Rumors on the Internet tell of an impending asteroid strike which has been said will take place in late September between the 22nd and 28th, striking somewhere near Puerto Rico in the Atlantic Ocean. Although the rumors really are just that — rumors, some are still concerned.

NASA’s response

In fact NASA was even forced to respond to the recent Internet claims and issued a statement saying:
“NASA knows of no asteroid or comet currently on a collision course with Earth, so the probability of a major collision is quite small.
“In fact, as best as we can tell, no large object is likely to strike the Earth any time in the next several hundred years.”

Do you trust your government?

I guess you have to ask yourself if the government would tell us if a strike from a massive asteroid was impending.

Some conspiracy theorists believe that governments-of-the-world are already aware of an impending strike which could quite possibly trigger an “ELE” (Extinction Level Event) and are currently concealing the information from the populace.
Interestingly enough and dovetailing with this we see that the Russians have been closely monitoring several objects over the past year or so which are headed toward earth. If the object deviate their trajectory enough, while passing through the gravity wells of other planets in our system, they could possibly strike earth in the future as reported by RT earlier this year.

However, sadly, whichever way you slice it, we are defiantly past due for an asteroid strike upon the earth.
Additionally I want to mention that one of my military connections, stationed in Hawaii, told me that the U.S. Government has shot down so many asteroids over the past few years that the planet would have already been impacted 10 times over without the technology. While I can not verify my source’s statements to be true, it’s worth noting here and now.
But even more shocking is the fact that NASA has recently teamed up with the National Nuclear Security Administration in effort to launch a massive nuclear asteroid defense/deflection campaign, which has now been publicly announced, as soon as possible.

Possible connection to JADE HELM 15

To boot it’s also important to point out that if you draw a line directly from the said asteroid impact zone near “Puerto Rico” directly through the center of the original JADE HELM states a potential flight path, impact swath emerges. While this is all just speculation at this time, let’s log this here and now as a possibility.

What has FEMA and DHS been preparing for?

We also have to ask ourselves what FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security have been gearing up for, purchasing millions of dollars worth of meals ready to eat, water, and supplies, along with billions of rounds of ammo for use domestically.

So why the strange NASA warning?

Thursday, June 25, 2015





     Leave it up to the Obama White House and the American economy is supposed to crash in September, 2015 with the collapse of the American dollar as it is anticipated that there will be little or no gold backing to American dollars when the audited figures are supposed to be released internationally. Pass my proposed Omni Law and fast and I think that we can head off the potential pending collapse of the American economy caused by the predicted pending collapse of the American dollar. Our Omni Law (full name "Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America" on our website) gives the American people the right of national referendum on laws and policies when submitted to them by ten trustees set up by the Omni Law. These ten trustees over the federal government will be named civil tribunes after the ancient civil tribune concept of constitutional government of ancient Rome that James Madison, "Father of the U.S. Constitution," and "Father of the U.S. Bill of Rights, endorsed as the smartest legal concept of ancient man to protect his legal rights from tyranny in government and force the government to be the servant instead of intended master of the people of the nation. The American people have lost effective control over the federal government and only passage of the proposed Omni Law is going to restore control over the federal government back to the American people. 

      I spent eleven calendar years in military academies which means that it is easy for me to assume responsibility for major national projects and see that they get carried out correctly and on time schedules. I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe and know angles of economic science probably no other economist in America knows. Also, I got heavily involved with military intelligence activities and got access to many military intelligence documents in national economic secrets that economists generally do not get access to through university studies, etc. 

     Once the Omni Law is passed, I will be one of the ten legal trustees over Wash., D.C. and whenever necessary, I can under Omni Law authority propose national referendums on how to solve major economic problems of America. The other nine of the ten legal trustees created by the Omni Law can also propose national referendums on how to solve problems that America has now. If we make sense to you in our proposal for national referendum, you the American people vote for it. If you are not convinced that this is the right course for America, then you do not vote for it. You are the boss over government, not us. We act only by your authority and when you authorize us to set up policies and laws to govern America with. This breaks the Congressional gridlock in Wash., D.C. and correct laws and policies will be set up for America instead of compromised to death answers that are pathetic and not the realistic answers that America needs at this time. 

      Also, these ten legal trustees over presently very corrupt and irresponsible Congress, federal agencies, White House, etc. will study suggestions that you send in that you think should be put up to national referendum and if you make good sense in the eyes of the legal trustees, you may suddenly be surprised to see a national referendum listing you as the source of this proposal and the nation votes on your idea or proposal for America. We tap the brainpower of the American people which Congress is arrogant and does not want your ideas or suggestions for laws and policies, and the government has access to a lot more smart ideas than it had before. There will also be ideas that are not backed by common sense, practical engineering or economics, etc. and so not all proposals sent in will be voted upon nationally in national referendums. And with elections of these civil tribunes of America every four years, if any impress you that they are not smart and what you want to represent you in Wash., D.C., you vote in what replacement or replacements for that leader or those leaders who you want replaced. Now if the man or woman is doing a good job, you may want to vote them back in for a second term, but that is your decision, not that of the ten legal trustees over Wash., D.C. called the "Civil Tribunes" over America named after the ancient civil tribunes of ancient Rome. The civil tribunes kept the Roman people free, and honest government, prosperous nation, and this brought out the greatness in the Roman people making them the greatest race on earth for several centuries until they became corrupt and no longer possessed Roman virtue in their characters. Then Rome collapsed!

      If the Omni Law was already a passed constitutional amendment in America, I would propose immediately a way or two how to head off the pending collapse of the American economy of America many in Wash., D.C. privately predict will occur in September, 2015. You vote by national referendum if I made good sense to you or not and whether you want this law or policy set up so the American dollar and American economy does not collapse come September, 2015. 

     And a friend of mine with good national connections said that he understood that members of Congress could be bought off with secret, tax-free bribes of one million dollars from such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and others of their secret world banking group. Many in Congress had been secretly paid off with illegal bribes like this that they did not report on their income tax returns and the money would be deposited abroad so they would not be caught accepting bribes from these big banking families. That is why Obama has never been seriously investigated nor removed from the White House even though secretly probably all members of Congress know that he was born abroad, not in America, and was never even made a legal American citizen. And they know that Obama can never legally be made President of America under the U.S. Constitution but that illegal bribe of one million dollars tax-free since never reported to the I.R.S. is so sweet to have to sell their souls to the devil for! 

     Only corrupt members of Congress would not want you the American people to have a legal way to clean out corruption and treason in Congress, etc. That is why they would not want to submit a bill with my proposed Omni Law to be voted upon by members of Congress and once passed by Congress, then submitted to the state legislatures for final ratification as a new constitutional amendment to the U.S. Constitution. And I say it should be added to the officially recognized U.S. Bill of Rights as it powerfully protects your legal rights under law from tyranny in government in Wash., D.C.

      I suggest that you push this report all over America. Living in a nation with a crashed national economy is no fun and a nightmare to live in! When the Weimar Republic of Germany crashed as a national economy after World War I, where previously maybe two to four German Marks could buy a German citizen a loaf of bread, things got so bad that later a wheelbarrow of German marks adding up to one half million German Marks or even one million to two million German Marks is what the price of a loaf of bread in Germany ended up as under hyperinflation hitting Germany due to the collapsed national economy with the German Mark now worth so incredibly little in purchasing power. After going through hyperinflation, Germany was ready for Hitler who said that he would restore soundness and prosperity to the German economy. They figured "What did they have to lose?!!" And wildly once German intelligence located this answer and reported it to Hitler and his associates, they found this answer originally suggested by Bernard Baruch to boom the American economy and stop serious inflation in America. The Americans were too busy with partying after World War I and so never heard what Bernard Baruch told them. The German Nazi leaders listened and suddenly had a total cap on national inflation and the fastest growing economy in the world which made Hitler very popular with the German people then!

      Now if you the American people do not want to pass the Omni Law and stop the American economy from predicted soon national collapse according to a number of sources inside the government of Wash., D.C. and financial newsletters elsewhere, then as a backup to potentially saving your life in a collapsed national economy and protecting your family from starvation and living in a world of no electricity, no running water, no food available, etc., these survival reports can help save your life and protect your family from living like the poorest family in a Third World country and in conditions like "hell on earth" to put up with.

     I had studied with an engineering school years ago and was very good at it. These reports are written so non-engineers can easily understand them but practical and show how to solve so many of the problems of personal and family survival you will face if the American economy shortly collapses as many "insiders" in government are already predicting for America and you personally. Most of these reports were written by me and proved popular with many people. A few of the reports were written by others and I bought reprint rights for several of these reports. These are basically cheap, practical, and not hard to make homemade systems to keep yourself and family alive and able to maintain some level of a civilized life with. As for Obama and Congress, they would just leave you to die if the American economy collapses, so better get these reports while available! I can only send them by email to you including a 242 page book which has beautiful pictures included in it. These are not available to be printed up on paper and sent by regular mail to you. We are offering these reports for free to you on certain conditions but only in electronic form to be sent through the internet to you. If you do not have your own email address, ask a friend to receive these for you and then both he and you can share the information from these very valuable reports designed so you can survive in a world made brutal by collapse of the national economy of America. As these reports will be sent out electronically as emails, people from other nations can receive these also if ordering by the same terms as Americans will.  

     My national website is  My email is My mailing address for orders and payments not sent through my website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what your payment is for. If orders sent in by mail on this offer, give us an email address we can send your requested reports to as we cannot send them out as free bonuses if we have to print them up on paper and mail them to you by regular mail. Most of these reports supplied now for free originally sold for $25.00 each. You give us your orders for survival reports you want for free listed by number such as Survival 1, 3, 5,7, 8,11 in memo section for Paypal payments or in your order by regular mail if sending this in by stamped letter instead of listed electronically with your PayPal order. 

     For every $25 loan payment you make into our Omni Law Loan Program shown on our national website, you get three of these reports listed below for free but make sure that we are supplied an email address for you to send these reports to you as free bonuses. We include one book (242 pages) that originally cost $25 as one of the three bonuses as we think it will be very important to rebuild the morale of America with if the nation collapses and can give you a vision for a better society to live in for a future America. 

     Report List And One Book Free Bonus Offered, Three Bonus Offers Sent With Each $25 Loan Payment into our Omni Law Loan Program shown on our national website  .

Bonus 1: Water Wheel Generator. If you have running water such as a tiny spring or stream running close to your home, you can build a basically inexpensive and not hard to build water wheel generator to power generation of electricity for your home. Build it bigger or in multiple units and you could even generate electricity for a small business or farm, etc. 
Bonus 2: Fresh Water Still - Simple to make and cheap water still drawing water from plants and using solar energy.
Bonus 3: Salt Water Distiller - Simple Design cheap to build, solared power and converts ocean water to fresh water for drinking, etc. Use this concept for larger units and you can convert larger amounts of ocean water into fresh water for whatever use you need. 
Bonus 4: Wind Driven Electrical System - Build Simple Systems for house, bigger for farm or business.
Bonus 5: Simple Wind Generator - can generate electricity in light breeze, charge up batteries, and use electricity whenever needed. These systems listed you can buy are pretty much cheap to build in comparison to other answers like them if available.
Bonus 6: Garden Cold Frame - variety of cold frames to extend growing season for what you grow.
Bonus 7: 94 Miles Per Gallon and Gasohol - How with a few cheap modification tricks, I got a 76 Chevy Monza up to 94 miles per gallon. You might get some trick tactics for you from this!
Bonus 8: How To Power Your House With Electricity For Free - This is more expensive to make but well worth it how some have done this. This is stepping on toes!
Bonus 9: The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity written by Erasmus of America (me). 242 pages. Both Protestant and Catholic liked this very much. Miracles of God the atheists are silenced by. Early Christian writings of what first Apostolic Christianity taught. Eye opening for both Protestant and Catholic. We forgot some early teachings with fall of the Roman Empire! Bible economics which boomed national economies and forgotten by modern man.
Bonus 10: Malnutrition Is The Cause Of All Diseases.
Bonus 11: Building Mega Farms On Wasteland. How to build large farms inexpensively. Some said this report of mine made me the founder of a major new branch of agriculture. 
Bonus 12: Organic Farming Report: High powered method of organic farming and on low budget.
Bonus 13: Affordable Greenhouses: Can be used for hydroponic growing or for organic farming or for other uses. Inexpensive, quality greenhouses you can build and not that hard to build. Photos on first page a bit dark, but can still see what is being built. Rest of report with illustrations of how to build, very clear to see. 
Bonus 14: The Legal Words That Are Magic For You - Simple words some use to bypass will for passing property, etc. on to family or other sources. Treasury Regulations about 2 years ago quoting when exchanging of currency is not taxable.
Bonus 15: 7 Bonus Answers: 1. University professor shows driving system how he got car up to 124.6 miles per gallon by driving method. 2. Electrical device to raise miles per gallon by up to 20% on cars. 3. System of two auto mechanics how to even double gas mileage of car with simple supplies. 4. 120 mile digital TV antenna for outside mounting and gets free HD TV signals up to 120 miles away. 5. Wallets to protect your credit cards from being read  by scanners walking by you. 6. Three currencies were recommended safer to own if American currency collapses. 7. Apartment Gardening With Hydroponic Methods And It Is Easy.

      Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (Pen Name for that American who has a large starting scientific, engineering, agricultural, economic, business, military, religious, historical, cultural library for our Camelot location once set up. Join our Camelot location once available and add to our large technical library if you also have quality reference books for it. We don't think that EMP attacks can destroy the knowledge represented in our large selection of important references in book form that could rebuild human society from scratch if necessary.  We also have a respectable collection of electronic references, but many of the book references we have are no longer published and important in the knowledge that they contain.)

COMMENT DUE TO THE SHOOTING OF 9 BLACKS. If I were a judge and our legal system clearly identified who the murderer was of these 9 Blacks, I would not hesitate to order the execution of the murderer of these 9 Blacks in church as I do not tolerate cold-blooded murder of innocent people in church. If 9 Whites were murdered in church by some fanatical Black murderer, I would act the same way in legal judgment and seek a fast sentencing of death for this murderer who murdered without any moral justification or argument of self-defense. This young man if guilty as all current evidence seems to indicate would find me a harsh judge and seeking maximum punishment for him allowable under law. As Jesus said, we have the authority of Caesar representing the state as temporal authority to rule over temporal affairs of mankind and God rules through appointed authorities as the religious authority over religious affairs in the true religion and religious structure set up by God in human society. This young man is an utter insult to the honor and moral code of the original Confederate States of America and in no way represents what was called the Confederate Cause in America. I think the attack on the Confederate flag is a false front to blame it for what is contrary to its moral code of 1861-5.

      But for the record as what does not vindicate one side of an argument is often ignored by the side pretending more righteousness than it really possesses, we have the Truman Report to the U.S. CONGRESS IN 1866! He reported that many Blacks died the first year as ex-slaves in the South because they did not know how to support themselves and when winter came, they perished. The figure of Blacks died that first year when "liberated" by the Union Army was apparently around 500,000 to 600,000 died of famine and cold according to Southern records of the states that they lived in. The South was smashed and could help no one then including themselves. The Union Army and Wash., D.C. watched and did nothing as all these ex-slave Blacks died in that first year. I think this was the largest massacre of Blacks in world history the year Wash., D.C. came to "liberate" the Blacks in the South. A huge number was liberated into the hereafter, but not in this life.

     This flag issue is dangerous to America and all sides need to drop it. Under the arguments it raises in America, finally all values and belief systems are overthrown in America and we end up with a predictable Communist society in values and beliefs. And when the Soviet spy ring met with my father in I think 1950. he told the F.B.I. afterwards where they forced this meeting as they were after his industrial food process. They admitted that they controlled the Black civil rights movement in America and would use it to turn Wash., D.C. into a Communist government. Then once this happened, then they would kill all the Blacks in America as the Communists said that the Black race was an "inferior" race and you could not build a successful Communist society based upon an "inferior race." Karl Marx lived in America awhile and despised the Blacks in America. Probably Karl Marx made this mass genocide policy towards Blacks in America part of his secret instructions for the Communist movement that he founded worldwide. As I was writing this, the Obama Boys federal operatives turned on their erasing software trying to erase this part of the report. I have a witness who watched as they tried to erase part of this report. 

     A warning to the Blacks in America. Some in America who pretend to be your friends are your secret enemies and deadly monsters if you let them gain the power to destroy you in 
America. Years ago I used to have some good Black Christian friends in Wash., D.C. and their churches were fine Christian churches in Wash., D.C. Some of the best Christians I have seen have been Black and I will speak up for them when necessary! Many of them have not been cynical in attitude whereas some Whites are cynical in their version of Christianity and do not take the Bible, etc. seriously as Christians! They are too "intellectual" to take Christianity seriously!

HOT Explosive Breaking News : Monty Hall Has Left The Building

Thursday   June 25, 2015
Monty Hall Has Left The Building
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America  -  It can now be reported that the euro-Greece negotiations have collapsed as the ECB (European Central Bank) and its creditors aka crooked Luxembourg banks still want to loot the pension funds of average Greek citizens to 'bail-out' the crooked derivative trading of German Nazi Deutsche Bank.

We can also divulge that the derivative debt ratio tied to the euro-Greek financial debacle has reached 25 trillion combined dollars and euros of worthless cross-collateralized derivatives that is infecting every crooked bank in the world with massive contagion.

Note:  There is NO liquidity because there is NO more cash!

P.S.  The euro clearing house for this financial algorithm-driven farce is both the Dutch bank ABN AMRO and U.S. Citibank that face total collapse before and even after June 30th.

Note:  Austrian banks also face total insolvency because they have written naked cross-collateralized derivatives tied to the Central Bank of Japan and simultaneously created a massive black hole in the U.S. Treasury. 

"Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the U.S. government

allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best rogue 'Black Ops' specialists for scripted activity outside of the U.S. government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police,
an entity of the U.S. government itself." (2006)

~ Tom Heneghan, great American Patriot and International Intelligence Expert

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. (1755) 
 ~ Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, great American Patriot

The Declaration of Independence
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

enhanced excerpt

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, 
it is their right, it is their duty,  to throw off such Government, and to prove new Guards for their future security. (1776)  ~ Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, great American Patriot, author of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd U.S. President

Noriega asks for Panama's forgiveness

Noriega asks for Panama's forgiveness in jailhouse interview                 

General Manuel Noriega speaks on May 20, 1988 in Panama City (AFP Photo/Angel Murillo

PANAMA CITY (AP) — Former dictator Manuel Noriega broke a long silence to ask his compatriots on Wednesday to forgive actions by his military regime that culminated in the 1989 U.S. invasion.
Noriega began the brief jailhouse interview with local network Telemetro reading a handwritten statement in which he said his apology came after days of reflection with his family and members of the church.
He said he wasn't motivated by any personal interest but a sincere desire to bring closure to the military era, a dark chapter in Panama's history that left the country in ruin and hundreds dead.
"Before the altar of my conscience I've come to express myself in the spirit of forgiveness," Noriega said, his hand shaking but otherwise appearing in good health for his 81 years.
The onetime CIA informant hadn't spoken to a journalist since a 1996 interview with CNN's Larry King from a Miami federal prison, where following his capture by American troops he was sent for being a major conduit for Colombian cocaine traffickers.
After completing his sentence in the U.S., Noriega was extradited to France to serve time for money laundering. He returned to Panama in 2011 to complete a 60-year sentence for murder, corruption and embezzlement during the military's three-decade rule.
Referring to himself as the "last general of the military era," Noriega apologized to those "offended, affected, injured or humiliated" by his own actions or those of his superiors and subordinates during the regime that he began serving as a low-ranking officer in the 1960s.
He didn't comment on any specific abuses and refused to take the bait when pressed about whether his act of contrition involved clarifying the still murky circumstances that led to the disappearance and murder of two prominent opponents.
Saying he was "totally at peace" with himself, Noriega said he didn't want to distract from the "solemnity" of his statement.
Reaction among Panamanians was mixed.
Many on social media saw the apology as a surprising capitulation from the famously stubborn strongman, who lost his apparent interest and power to influence Panamanian politics years ago.
But others judged it as a sly move to pave the way for a presidential pardon or for him to finish his sentence under house arrest, something his lawyers have been seeking on medical grounds for years. Indeed, he prefaced his written statement with a brief protest against what he said were excessively long sentences imposed by Panamanian courts in absentia.
"The problem with Noriega is you can never distinguish between what's true or not," said R.M. Koster, an American novelist and biographer of Noriega who has lived in Panama for decades.
Associated Press writer Juan Zamorano reported this story in Panama City and Joshua Goodman reported from Bogota, Colombia.