Monday, April 27, 2015

JADE HELM - MORE BEING EXPOSED! Canadian Troops Will Help Enforce Martial Law on Americans


Under Jade Helm, Canadian Troops Will Help Enforce Martial Law on Americans

Ex-intel running for the hills.

                                                    Ex-intel running for the hills

In December of 2012, I reported that several retired officials from FEMA were relocating to the rolling hill areas in North Carolina. Their enclaves contained the same resources involving air, water, food and guns. These enclaves also included underground structures which are sensibly self-contained and can serve to isolate the inhabitants from the outside.
I personally knew one ex-FEMA official who chose to relocate with several like-minded people because of what was coming. In a conversation with both the ex-FEMA official and his wife, they told me the following:
1. A major military crackdown is coming to America and it will emanate from agencies within the United States government and the intended targets are the citizens of this country.
2. Millions will be incarcerated in mass detention centers for their suspected anti-establishment views. Most of these detainees will never see freedom again as the majority will be exterminated.
3. Martial law will be declared and the operation will eventually give way to United Nations control.
4. The ex-FEMA official did not want to be caught in the middle, hence the move to isolate his family with likeminded people.
5. The former FEMA official informed me that there is a hierarchy of institutionalized martial law protocols that will be enforced. This will include a false flag attack which will lead to a declaration of martial law. Martial law will initially be enforced by the U.S. government, with Canadian and Mexican assistance. Later, the  UN will be present and will be led by the Russians, If mass arrests fail to quell the ensuing widespread dissent, stronger measures will be employed. The stronger measures include bio-terrorism. These will be the weapons of last resort. The specialty of this ex-FEMA official was bioweapons counter terrorism.
The ex-FEMA official felt that relocation was his best insurance in order to avoid being “Blue Listed”. As with the Nazi Brown Shirts who carried out Hitler’s dirty work, the henchman who are carrying out Red List extractions and executions will someday be targeted themselves in an attempt to cover up the event. He felt that would be his fate, because of his expertise in counter bioterrorism, should bioagents be released upon the American public during times of extreme dissent.
In October of 2012, I asked this person how long he thought we had and he said I would be surprised if this goes much beyond two years. Along these same lines, Doug Hagmann has revealing the contents of “Rosebud“, a covert DHS informant, who was releasing very similar information to my FEMA source.
“According to every internal document I’ve seen and read, and from the few people I’ve spoken with who understand what’s going on, preparations have been finalized to respond to a crisis of unprecedented magnitude within the United States. The response will include the use of lethal force against U.S. citizens under the instructions of Barack Obama.” 
“Rosebud” December 29, 2013
I also find interesting that Cheyenne Mountain was just reopened as a refuge center for the elite (i.e. not you and me).

Repositioning of Military Assets

My ex-FEMA informant was clear on one point, when Americans begin to see the massive shifting of military assets and the co-opting of major box stores for military use, along with the control of food, the beginning of the end is near. He named Walmart, Target, Home Depot and Sam’s Club as future partners in this venture. We are already seeing the cooperation of Walmart in the United States and the participation of Target in Canada. Yes, there are parallel Jade Helm 15 exercises going on inside of Canada along with the participation of the U.S. military.

Trouble In Canada

Yesterday, I received the following email which serves to substantiate a lot of what I already know to be true with regard to Jade Helm activities in Canada.

Dear Dave
I have just read your article, ‘Jade Helm is Tightening the Noose Around America’s Neck’, and I was taken back to notice the similarities of the movement of military equipment to Grayling, Michigan with a recent news article about the movement of military vehicles, also on flatbed trucks to Alberta, Canada. The connection I made is that both of these activities/exercises are in the far north of the US and US/Canada border with direct highway link to the US…
I am a Canadian and writing to you regarding a news article I read in one of the alternative media sites and confirmed here about a combined US, UK and Canadian military drill which will take place April 20 till May 23. Seventy-two American flatbed trucks will load Canadian military vehicles to transport them across Canada to Wainwright, Alberta. There are several troubling aspects of this drill which are obvious to me and listed here:
The timing relative to Jade Helm 15 is highly suspect;
There is direct highway access from Wainwright into Montana;
Reference is made to “domestic” deployment and similar language to the Jade Helm exercises, ( i.e. nothing to worry about, great opportunity for training, etc.).
A Canadian vehicle leading each caravan could conceivably hide the fact that transport vehicles are American;
Reference is made to “cross-border” logistics;
Cost effective way (paid for by US??) to manage a large equipment movement to a major training exercise site. Why would it be necessary to move this equipment?
As I read this article I became alarmed at how this drill/exercise might conceivably be used as an attack force from the north.
Some things I considered:
Would the Canadian military have known in advance the coincidental timing relative to Jade Helm and would they have been complicit?;….
Would Canadians be involved if this scenario were to manifest or is their involvement limited to training?
Would the UK forces be called upon to assist the US, either with or without the Canadians?
Could the UN force Canadian participation?
I have been closely watching the events in the US unfold as I have 2 children, 2 brothers and their descendants (18 in total) living in the US who all refuse to acknowledge the coming collapse. I have been under the assumption that we have In Stephen Harper a responsible leader who seems not to be involved in the tyranny of the rest of the western world. This recent revelation has shaken my belief system in my beloved country and as any citizen would hope that there is nothing suspect in the above scenario. I am bringing this to your attention in the off-chance that you are not aware of this drill and with the hope that you might investigate if it seems worthwhile to you.
Your website is one of my daily, trusted go-to news sites . May the Lord continue to bless you for this great service you are providing to mankind.
In short, the following is precisely what the author of this email is referring to.

The above email is significant because, in 2008, Canada and the U.S. signed an agreement that paves the way for military forces from either nation to send troops across each other’s borders during an “emergency”. The Canadian/American drills on the border are significant as they clearly signal that Jade Helm is far more than a drill, it entails martial subjugation of the American people by an international force.

Operation Maple Leaf: Canada Joins Jade Helm against Americans

In Canada, just like Walmart in the United States, Target is laying off of 17,000 people across 133 stores that now lay empty. These buildings are huge, each store being around 130,000 square feet. The amount of space being freed up for military use is enormous and dwarfs what is happening inside the United States with Walmart and Jade Helm

Why the Box Stores Are Being Commandeered

Dr. William Mount, a veteran of military logistics and supply, stated that Walmart, in time of U.S. military need, becomes a supplier to the military. According to Mount, this is easy to accomplish because Walmart’s logistics and the U.S. military’s logistics are one in the same. Instead of selling Walmart hunting rifles, M-16’s along with their accompanying ammunition are delivered to the Superstore. Meanwhile, 2300 employees are cut loose with no notice and with no ability to obtain unemployment.

Walmart has had a long and shameful past as the when it comes to their relationship with the government. Who could ever forget when Walmart instituted an East German snitch program called “See something, say something” in which Americans were encouraged to turn in other Americans in a manner which was  reminiscent of the Stasi.

As watch the following video, which side do you find yourself on?


Both my FEMA source and Doug Hagmann’s DHS source got it right and we are now witnessing the sum and substance of what both men tried to previously warn us about.
The enormity of Jade Helm is beyond comprehension and I do not feel that we have yet hit bottom.
Nearly everyone I speak with in the Independent Media have a very similar feeling of foreboding. The warnings and dire predictions are no longer warnings and predictions, they are now our stark reality.

Dave Hodges is the Editor and Host of The Common Sense Show.

Global Financial Reset Is Coming


A Global Financial Reset Is Coming: ‘A Deal Is Being Made Between All The Central Banks’

Mac Slavo
April 5th, 2015
There is an unprecedented reset coming to world financial markets and if you’ve been paying attention it’s impossible to ignore the signs. In fact mega-investment funds, governments and central banks have been secretly buying up and storing physical gold in anticipation of an event that will leave the U.S. dollar effectively worthless and governments around the world angling for a new global currency mechanism, according to mining executive Keith Neumeyer.
But before the reset can happen Neumeyer, who recently founded First Mining Finance and has partnered with billionaire alternative asset investors like Eric Sprott and Rick Rule, says that foreign creditors must first deleverage their U.S. dollar debt, a move that is happening right now and is evidenced by the recent strength of the U.S. dollar.
Once these U.S. debt holders unwind their positions, however, the dollar will be allowed to crash and we should prepare for a total financial, economic and monetary realignment.
 (Watch the full interview at Future Money Trends)
With the central banks now buying gold… which is quite unique… we haven’t seen that  in our lifetimes… they’ve always been sellers of gold and now they’re buyers of gold… I think there will be a reset of the financial industry… 
I think China is being allowed to accumulate gold purposefully by the American government… I believe that the Chinese need to own at least the same amount as the U.S. owns before this reset occurs. I think that there’s some kind of deal that’s being made between all the central banks behind the scenes and that’s why you’re seeing governments accumulating the metal.
I do believe there will be some kind of new currency created with the backing… and it might not be a direct backing of the metal… but it’ll be some kind of blend of currency.. it could be through SDR’s… Special Drawing Rights… or some type of mechanism… I think that’s where we’re going.
And when that reset occurs I think gold will be left to rise… and I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see three…four… five thousand dollar gold over the next five years.
Because the price of gold has been suppressed to allow governments and central banks to accumulate it cheaply, Neumeyer sees opportunity in the mining industry and that’s why his latest mineral bank project is mimicking their actions and buying up physical mining assets around the world.
And though Western mainstream media pundits argue that the recent strength of the U.S. stock market and the U.S. dollar are proof positive that an economic recovery has taken hold, Neumeyer says exactly the opposite is happening.
The reason for the recent rise in the value of the world’s reserve currency, he suggests, is a result of the massive unwinding of U.S. debt as private investors and governments around the globe know a rush for the exits is coming soon:
The view on the strength of the dollar recently is the fact that it’s short-term. You’ve got so much U.S. debt out there and governments are now getting rid of their U.S. debt and converting all the debt to local debt… that’s causing a huge demand for dollars in order to make that conversion, so this whole dollar rally is basically a deleveraging against the U.S. dollar… you’re not seeing that story showing up anywhere in North America.
Once the world is deleveraged than the U.S. dollar… then basically the U.S. dollar will crash and that will be the beginning of this new reset.
Everything, of course, is very hush-hush but, as Neumeyer explains, most of the influential players involved know exactly what is going on and they are making their moves right now to ensure they survive the coming financial reset:
The gold accumulation that’s going on… this is gold that’s outside of the system… you don’t hear about it… these are big sovereign wealth funds, these are government funds, these are banks that are buying the physical metal… they are very intimately involved in the sector and they know what’s going on.
Definitely world governments and central banks around the world are unwinding their U.S. debt. They’re trying to bring their debt home and that’s causing the upside pressure on the dollar.
If Neumeyer is right, and all the signs suggest his assessment is fairly accurate, then the recent strength of the U.S. dollar will be short-lived. Once deleveraging by governments and central banks has been completed they will unleash an economic, financial and monetary storm that will change the very fabric of the global order.
The consequences are difficult to predict, but given that these entities have been buying up gold like their lives depended on it, the notion of an ounce of the precious metal being valued at $5,000 per ounce isn’t out of the question.

You can watch Keith Neumeyer’s full interview here. To learn more about the First Mining Finance Corp mineral bank project with billionaire contrarian investors Eric Sprott and Rick Rule, click here.

CNN Reporter Stutters Through CIA Script -- ISIS Planning Attack On America



Sunday, April 26, 2015

BRILLIANT dissertation by G.Edward Griffin





So why is this important…?


Please make sure every person in America hears this !








Monsanto is forcing its GMOs on Africans who don’t want them

Monsanto is forcing its GMOs on Africans who don’t want them
Monsanto is busy doing what it does best, spreading contamination throughout the world. Find out what it is doing to farmers who don't want GMOs.
See also:
FDA Banning Food Makers from Telling the Truth about Non-GMO Foods

EXPLOSIVE Breaking News : The Time is Now the Match is Hot

Endured hours of NAZI Paperclip computer/email/phone hacking to prevent this VITAL intelligence briefing from being posted - take special note

ALL Patriot Americans MUST know with sources inside
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the
corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly
propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Protect and defend   your   Constitution Bill of Rights,
the Supreme Law of the United States

Sunday   April 26, 2015
The Time is Now the Match is Hot!
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

source    source

UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that U.S. Army Special Operations has identified 19,000 illegal offshore bank accounts tied to major worldwide crooked banks reference JPMorgan, Citibank, the Central Bank of Japan, Bank of America and notably the German Deutsche Bank.
The clearing house is none other than the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve.
Note:  These accounts have a direct link to the fundraising mechanism that supports the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and U.S. propaganda media control.
Further, these accounts are parking lots for laundered U.S. Treasury funds and major tax havens for U.S. political and media moguls.
Reference:  FOX News Rupert Murdoch
In addition, these illegal accounts have had their funds comingled to support major crooked derivative trading that engage in worldwide trading of the financial markets.
We are happy to report that the IRS has been alerted and thanks to the U.S. Military, the U.S. Treasury has been forced to freeze all of these illegal offshore accounts.
Whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld
Scott Bennett is a U.S Army Special Operations Officer
...and since 2010 has filed numerous military-government whistle-blowing reports with Congressional Committees, including: the Intelligence, the Armed Services, the government Oversight and Reform, the Homeland Security, the Judiciary, the Foreign Affairs, the Banking, and the Terrorism Committees.  He has communicated with over a hundred Federal Representatives, Senators, senior military officers and Pentagon officials, and journalists about the scandalous abuses of power and deception being employed against the American people by its own military-intelligence community; and filed legal action against Booz Allen Hamilton and the Department of Defense for their involvement in secret Swiss Bank Terrorist Finance Operations, which he uncovered with the help of Union Bank of Switzerland whistleblower, Brad Birkenfeld.!bio/c1ktj

P.S.  We can now also divulge that the nation of Greece has already defaulted creating even more derivative debt for U.S. banking giant JPMorgan, which is currently facing major margin deficiencies aka naked written put and call options on every major foreign currency that are traded on worldwide exchanges.
Effectively what JPMorgan has been trying to do is eliminate all volatility from worldwide financial markets and use the premium collected on both sides of the box, and along with the Federal Reserve itself, bail out the European Central Bank (ECB).
Note:  This ass backwards accounting will not work given the Deutsche Bank's insolvency and lack of real credit.
Accounting lesson:  Derivatives are NOT assets they ARE liabilities aka I.O.U.s between banks; they are debt instruments.
Again, the Time is Now the Match is Hot!

Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Assassinated John F. Kennedy Jr.

In closing we can report that the Bush-Clinton Pegasus Unit aka assassination teams operating on U.S. soil are about to face major retaliation from the patriotic U.S. Military and the Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force operating on American soil for over 200 years.



CME Group PE Ratio (TTM) (CME)