Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Epochal Stock Market Flash Crash Reconnects Stocks and Bonds, Portends End of Fake Recovery

It took sixteen months to build the exceptionally steep Trump Rally, and just one week to eliminate a quarter of it. While I wouldn’t call that jolting reversal a stock-market crash, the largest one-day point fall in the history of the market (by far) certainly marks a massive change in market conditions. From this point forward, it won’t be the same market it was….
Now that the event has happened, there is not a lot of disagreement on the primary cause, but what I find remarkably telling is how minuscule the trigger turned out to be. There are certainly other dynamics and secondary causes involved than just the little bump in long-term bond interest, but that little bump created an avalanche that went all the way around the world for several days … and may continue to reverberate in the days ahead … and the details are telling….
And this is just a foreshock of the events to come.

—David Haggith

Charity at Home

By Anna Von Reitz

Among all the questions I get--- and I get some strange questions -- none perplex me more than inquiries about where I donate money and why?  

Well, obviously, for some years now my husband and I have been supporting a mammoth effort to research America's history and the history of law and religion throughout the world.  This has not been a small or inexpensive endeavor for an oil painter and a legal beagle.  The bulk of whatever charitable giving we have goes to the members of The Living Law Firm and the researchers and paralegals supporting them.  That's the way it is, and the way it has to be, if we are to continue to make the strides homeward that we have made. 

That said, there are lots of worthy efforts and we don't forget them or fail those duties, either.  

We just got our "21 years" card from the Paralyzed Veterans of America.   My husband put it most succinctly: "Their sacrifice continues, so our support  continues, too." 

Easy enough. 

The family motto is "Loyal unto death." So it was and is and always will be.

Paralyzed Veterans of America
7 Mill Brook Road
PO Box 9533
Wilton, NH 03086-9533

We have been contributing for a long time, though I have no specific number of years, to Food for the Poor, also.  This organization provides food, clean water, housing, medical help, orphan care, and whatever it can do to help our neighbors in the Caribbean and Meso-America.  It has one of the lowest administrative costs of any such organization on Earth, and when they invite you to make a prayer request--- they are serious.  They will call you up and pray for you and with you. As you all have cause to know, I am a skeptic--- so when I say, "Yeah!" -- it means something.  The people this organization supports are our neighbors; they are desperately poor and many have suffered the ravages of severe storms, earthquakes, and other disasters.  If we have a calling to help beyond our borders, let it begin here with our offshore neighbors and with organizations like Food for the Poor --- mission driven, unselfish, effective, and sincere.    

Food for the Poor
PO Box 979003
Coconut Creek, Florida 33097-9989

Then, I have two schools I support, both of them Church Residential Schools for Native Americans.  Although I do not and never did support the enforced residential schools imposed by the government, these Christian institutions fulfill a desperate need in some of the poorest counties in America and protect some of those who are most worthy of our care: Native American children. 

It is a terrible scandalous situation that continues to blemish our great nation that these First People have suffered all that they have suffered and continue to suffer: poverty, neglect, prejudice, and truncated opportunities.  Life "on the Res" is often brutal and the clash of cultures and values that continues to this day destroys health, destroys families, and too often, destroys hope itself. 

I know that Kevin Annett has made a name decrying abuses that went on in similar schools fifty or a hundred years ago.  What I can tell you for sure is that both of these schools have no such history of child abuse and have many, many successful graduates who are making a difference in the arts and sciences, in the military, in education, and in government.  Giving these Americans a decent chance in life is--- in my view--- another sacred duty.  Nobody knows or loves this country more than the Native Americans.  Enough said. 

St. Labre Indian School 
P.O. Box 216 
Ashland, Montana 59002-9989

Serves the Crow and Flathead tribes in Montana, some of the most expert traders and craft artists on this continent. 

St. Joseph's Indian School
P.O. Box 326
Chamberlain, SD 57326

Serves the Lakota Sioux, among the bravest warriors who ever lived on Earth. 

My charity also extends to animals, especially draft horses and elderly black cats. 

I have always loved the Gentle Giants and revered their strength and contribution to building this country.  It was draft horses that pulled the millstones and worked the fields and hauled the stones and logs and now many of them need help.  A draft horse needs a lot of food and care and pays back in love and strength and willingness to work.  Maybe we can't go back to a truly agrarian farm culture, but my "horse sense"--- pardon the pun--- tells me that we would be better off if we did, and that if we betray these patient, trusting creatures we betray ourselves and our roots and our culture.  If everyone reading this contributed just $10 a year, it would totally revolutionize the work that the good people at Gentle Giants do to save and defend and preserve this precious living heritage.

My own Black Cat Rescue began many years ago when I was adopted by an elderly black cat.  He was a denizen of the salty piers in Juneau, Alaska, a tough, cold, and rainy place if there ever was one, but Poontah of the Punjab, so called because of his regal demeanor, panther-like grace, unfailing civility, and noble temper--- as well as the fact that he wore a collar of Hindu beads--- was equal to any challenge.  Even me.  

I had never been owned by a cat and never imagined that I would be, but he won me over and together we survived some very, very tough times.  When the Old Hero died, I wept for three days.  Among the lessons he taught me were patience, respect for others, grace, mercy, and forgiveness.  Who can repay such a debt? 
And among the things I learned because of him is that life for a black cat, especially an elderly black cat, can be very desperate indeed.  

People are superstitious about black cats, so they have a lower than average chance of being adopted into a good home to begin with, and as they get older, those slim chances decline.  Despite the advantages that many older and more experienced cats offer to a family, they aren't as cute and playful as kittens. So, in memory of my first cat, I began putting out the word that when rescuers found elderly black cats in need of a sponsor..... four elderly black cats later, I can tell you that I have no regrets.  They each gave me love and entertainment and good luck equal to winning a lottery.  

As with most things, patience and dedication and goodwill are what pay off, not the amount given, but the fact of the giving, not the grand gesture, but the day by day and year by year support that fills in the blanks and tides over the rough spots and makes it possible to keep going when all you have is faith that someone, somewhere cares enough to help. 

You realize that fully when you get a membership card in the mail that says you've been a supporter for 21 years. 

So for all those who are curious about my own giving habits, these are "my" charities above and beyond The Living Law Firm and the Asset Recovery Team that I contribute to faithfully every year.  I can recommend them all as worthy efforts and good places to weigh in and make a difference.  The important point is to thoroughly check out the organizations and causes you give money to, and make those choices in alignment with your own values and experience in life---and then give and keep on giving.  Make it count.  Make it a commitment.  There are times in my life when I only had $5 to give, but I gave it. 

When I turn up my heels, I will know that I kept my faith with my country and my countrymen, with our veterans, with the Native children, with the Gentle Giants, and a certain number of very special elderly black cats.  That may seem to be an odd assortment, and I fully admit that it is, but then, I am an odd person.  It all fits me to a "t".  So go forth, America, in the dark days of the winter and let your light shine when it is least expected; give in support of the people and causes that matter to you, because in the end, you are giving back to yourself and "voting" in a far more meaningful way than by checking a box on a ballot. 

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

2.6 - Memo Fallout/Media in Panic/Black Project Tech Slowly Coming Into ...

Russians spoofed Adam Schiff with claim of naked Trump pictures

The Market Was Brought Down On Purpose, To Show Who Has Control Of The S...

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

I want one!

Fort Worth father now an amputee after flu complications

A North Texas man is working to recover after losing both feet to amputation as part of complications from the flu.

The series of serious complications mark the latest example of a dangerous and deadly flu season nationwide and in Texas.

Brian Herndon, 51, was diagnosed with the flu on January 4.  He was admitted to a Fort Worth hospital the following day with pneumonia and quickly went into septic shock.

The husband and father of two was airlifted to Baylor Hospital in Dallas on January 6 where he has been for the past four weeks, most of that time intubated and in and out of consciousness.

He spoke with WFAA via Skype from his hospital room Sunday and in a voice just above a whisper shared what the last month has been like
"One minute you’ve got the flu and the next minute you’re septic," Herndon said.
Jaye Herndon says her husband had no underlying medical conditions that would make him more susceptible to more than just typical flu symptoms, like high fever and aches.

"He had a 104.7 temperature right away," Herndon said.  "And then he had trouble breathing.  We didn't wait, we went to the ER.  It was that quick."
Effects of the septic shock led to blood clots in his extremities.  Earlier this month both of his feet and lower legs were amputated right above the ankle.
His wife, a nurse by profession, says he will likely lose most of his fingers as well.

She hopes he can move to a rehabilitation stage of recovery in the coming weeks, but for now, it is still day by day.

"Right now I'm still in 'whatever he needs mode'," Herndon said. "That’s what you’re focused on and then you trade out with a family member and you go home and take care of the kids.”

Friends have set up a GoFundMe to help when Brian Herndon begins rehabilitation and will need to acquire prosthetics.

Uh-Oh! Dossier Writer Christopher Steele Failed To Show Up For Court

Former British MI-6 Intelligence Officer Christopher Steele, who was paid $168,000 by Fusion GPS’ Glenn Simpson to write and promote the dossier funded by the Democratic National Committee was a no-show in a civil court case.

The multi-million dollar libel case has brought against Buzzfeed after the media outlet published the unverified disinformation dossier at Steele’s insistence.
Steele was paid to promote the fake dossier among select journalists in a smear campaign against President Donald Trump.

According to reports from Fox News, Steele was a no-show Monday for a long-requested deposition in London.

The news comes as Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Senator Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., have announced a criminal referral on Steele.

Evan Fray-Witzer, a Boston-based attorney representing Russian tech tycoon Aleksej Gubarev in multi-million dollar civil litigation, described Monday’s U.K. court actions to Fox News.

My understanding is that Mr. Steele’s lawyers spent a good deal of time arguing why they thought he (Steele) should not be required to sit for a deposition and that ultimately the court took the entire matter under advisement.”

Gubarev is suing the British-based Steele’s company Orbis Business Intelligence because the dossier also smeared Gubarev’s companies which include XBT Holdings and Webzilla.

The dossier claimed the companies used “botnets and port traffic to transmit viruses, plant bugs and steal data.”

Fray-Witzer said, “Certainly with respect to Mr. Gubarev, Webzilla and XBT there has never been a single scrap of evidence about them in the dossier.”

As Fox News has reported based upon a review of British court records, Steele promoted and met with five media outlets repeatedly between the spring and fall of 2016. 

At the same time, Steele was also meeting with the FBI in Rome, according to reports.

Records obtained and reviewed by Fox News from related civil ligitation in Florida reveal that Steele maintains that even showing up for a deposition would “implicate state secrets in London.”

Fray-Witzer stressed in that hearing that the British government “has not asserted” Steele’s claims.

The attorney has said Steele “is asserting he can’t speak about things.  We have pointed out that he’s spoken to anyone who is willing to listen, every journalist, and the FBI.”

Missouri: Father Saves Wife, Daughter & 30 Strangers From Armed Robber - Cops Show Up & Shoot Him With Hands In The Air

No, this is not Ferguson, Missouri.  It's Independence, and it's not a young black man, it's a white husband and father.

Mike Becker, 31, saved his wife, his daughter at about 30 strangers at a Dollar General from an armed robber on Tuesday.

Becker's wife called him to inform him that a man with a gun was threatening the patrons.

Mr. Becker arrived on the scene to discover the armed man beating on the glass doors while the people inside were huddled near the back.  He then drew his gun and rushed to put himself between the man and the people inside.

“The only thing in my mind was my baby and wife,” he said. “There was no way the gunman was getting in that store.”

The Kansas City Star reports what happened next.
When police arrived minutes later, witnesses said, Becker dropped his handgun, raised his hands — and then an officer with a rifle shot him in the hip.
The gunman Becker confronted was initially concealed from police behind a cooler, said Raymond Watts, 28. The Kansas City man said he was in a vehicle with his two children on 23rd Street near the store.
“I was figuring, ‘How the hell do they shoot him?’ He never pointed a gun at the cops,” Watts said. “He complied with everything they said ... and then you heard a pop.”
Gunfire then broke out between police and the gunman, who was wounded, said Watts and his girlfriend, Whitney Thomas of Raytown.
No officers were injured.
Whitney Thomas, also told the Kansas City Star that Becker’s gun was clearly on the ground at the time police opened fire. “His gun was on the ground. He didn’t have it in his hands any longer,” she said.

“I understand as police you have to put your life on the line … but to take it into your own judgment to shoot an innocent man when he didn’t fit the description?” Thomas added.

Some of those that Becker saved were shouting at the police officers that they had shot an innocent man, and Becker's wife, Amber, said that some were mentioning to her daughter that her father was shot and killed.

Both Becker and the robber were wearing two different color jackets and while Becker is heavier, the gunman was much more slender. Becker complied with the orders to drop his weapon as the other man proceeded to fire at police.

John Syme, a spokesman with the Independence Police Department, would not say much on Saturday except that police responded to a call of an armed robber and that when they got there both men were armed.

Sounds to me like we have a trigger happy policeman looking for a reason to shoot his rifle.

In a followup story, The Star reported:
Investigators canvassed the area for surveillance footage from surrounding businesses. An employee at the nearby Church’s Chicken, located across the street from the Dollar General, said police had obtained video from the restaurant.
Syme said any dashcam footage or business surveillance footage would likely not be released to the public “to preserve the integrity of the investigation.”
Independence officers are not equipped with body cameras, he added.
Well, dashcam footage should really be enough, don't you think?
Will the truth actually come out in what took place here?  Watch the video below.

Winter Olympics security workers hit with vomiting illness; military personnel called in for backup

PYEONGCHANG, South Korea – The organizing committee for the Pyeongchang Olympics has called in 900 military personnel after more than 1,200 security workers were pulled off duty because of concerns about the spread of the Norovirus, Christophe Dubi, IOC executive director of the Olympic Games said Tuesday. 

Later Tuesday evening, the organizing committee said 32 cases of Norovirus had been confirmed and those people were quarantined after being treated. Those 32 cases involve 21 private security staff members from the Horeb Youth Center and 11 people from other locations, including three foreigners.

In a statement, POCOG said that starting Sunday workers reported headaches, stomach pain and diarrhea. The Gangwon Province Health and Environment Research Center found  41 workers with symptoms that might be related to the virus. The others have been pulled from duty to prevent possible spreading of the illness.
The workers are largely responsible for checking credentials and screening baggage entering the venues. The military personnel were brought in from about 40 minutes away.

 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Norovirus is considered highly contagious and typically includes symptoms of diarrhea, stomach pain, vomiting and nausea.

The organizing committee said ground water used in food and beverages at the Horeb Youth Centre -- a housing facility -- was suspected. In a statement late Tuesday, the committee said the Ministry of Food And Drug Safety and Ministry of Environment had checked the water used for cooking and consumption over five days and found it tested negative for Norovirus.

On Monday, the Korean Centre for Disease Control and Prevention began a survey of everyone staying there. Those workers displaying symptoms will be sent to the hospital and those that do not will remain at the center until there are no further cases.

The affected workers have been isolated and asked to stay in their accommodations.

In their absence, 900 military personnel will work across 20 venues until the affected workers can return.

The organizing committee is working with the Korean CDC to stop the spread of the virus, including disinfecting facilities and equipment.

Organizers shared tips to help prevent the virus, which include washing hands with soap for more than 30 seconds, eating food that is thoroughly cooked and boiling water before drinking. 

Amtrak train breaks apart at 125 mph

A high-speed Amtrak train bound for Penn Station broke apart as it was cruising through Maryland on Tuesday, sources told The Post.

A high-speed Amtrak train bound for Penn Station broke apart as it was moving at top speed through Maryland.
The 2150 Acela was traveling from Washington, DC, to the Big Apple when the incident happened at about 6:30 a.m. The train was traveling at about 125 mph, according to the source.

“Someone could have been walking through the train when that happened and fell to their death,” said the source.

Amtrak officials confirmed the incident and said there were 52 passengers aboard at the time.

A photo shows the connector between two coupled trains broken and separated. Only the air hoses remained connected between the two cars, which both had passengers in them, said the source.

“There was a lot of sparking and smoking at the head of the train and a lot of bouncing around,” the source said.

A rescue train pulled up next to the crippled Acela and took the passengers to Philadelphia, where they then got on other trains to continue on to New York City.
There were no injuries, said Amtrak officials, who added that they are investigating the incident.

“We are currently investigating the cause of the car separation, inspecting every Acela trainset, and taking any necessary actions to prevent a reoccurrence,” said Amtrak spokesman Jason Abrams.

The incident happened just two days after an Amtrak train traveling through South Carolina slammed into the back of a freight train, killing two workers. And last week, an Amtrak train carrying several members of Congress slammed into a garbage truck in Virginia.