Sunday, June 11, 2017

Satanists are now teaching about devil worship, openly and publicly.

On Tuesday, May 30, at 11AM, high priest Adam Daniels, a Satanist and registered sex offender who has performed several public sacrileges and black masses, staged an event at the Oklahoma State Capitol to teach the general public about devil worship!
Sign this statement to Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallain
against this public instruction in devil worship

According to a press release:

"This year we have been approved to educate folks at the State Capitol about our religion and tradition. Dastur [i.e. "high priest"] Adam Daniels will do a reading from our scriptures known as the Devil's Yasna, and also explain how our prayers and chants work differently than standard Christian and Islamic practices.


"[W]e [the Satanists] are hoping to educate our law makers, so that they can properly educate others on real Devil Worship. We will be passing out books and religious tracks."

Click here. Tell Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin
how shocked you are

Devil worship is a real and open threat to morality and the common good. This is an attack against the rights of God. Therefore:

I would like to urge you to please
sign our petition telling Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin that you oppose all such public instruction in devil worship and urge her to refuse any such sessions in the future.
Thank you.

I remain,

John Horvat
Vice-President, Tradition, Family and Property (TFP)

Comey is freaking out!!!


 June 10 2017

This week’s biggest news story was the testimony given before Congress by former FBI Director James Comey. He admitted that Trump did not “collude” with Russia, and even that he was the source of one of the biggest leaks in recent memory!

Now, thanks to this admission, Comey has received a letter from President Trump’s personal lawyer. Marc Kasowitz has filed a complaint with the Department of Justice and the Senate Judiciary Committee over Comey’s leaking of material intended to encourage that special counsel be appointed, via NBC.

Furthermore, many in the alternative media have noted that Comey likely leaked twice, and thus is guilty of perjury via Medium.

Comey’s very selfish decision to call in his Columbia law professor friend, which in turn brought The New York Times into the equation, is a very clear example of Comey’s underhanded tactics.

Mr. Comey is nothing but a political hack and a liar. Amateur sleuths on reddit have poked major holes in Comey’s claim that he decided to leak information to the media after President Trump made threats about taping their conversations.

Online posters found that The New York Times published stories about the taped conversations long before President Trump made any comments about their existence. This could mean that Comey was the source of multiple leaks, via reddit.

As a whole, the story of Comey’s treachery not only paints him in an awful light, but it makes The New York Times, a once respected institution, look like an amateur show run by lazy conspiracy theorists.

Even Comey himself chastised The Times for publishing “fake news” after his own memo leaks were distorted by writer Michael Schmidt.  This is not Schmidt’s first time in the limelight for bogus reporting. In 2015, Schmidt co-authored a story about how U.S. intelligence forces had uncovered several pro-ISIS, pro-jihad posts on the social media accounts of the San Bernardino shooter, Tashfeen Malik. No such posts ever existed via The Daily Caller.

When CNN labels you as fake news, you know you’re in trouble. That’s exactly what is happening to The Times.

The best possible outcome here would be if Comey decided to further testify on Loretta Lynch’s efforts to persuade him to change the direction of the Hillary Clinton email server investigation. Doing so would open the floodgates for more investigations into the corrupt world of the Democrats and the Obama administration.

What charges should James Comey face for leaking intelligence to the mainstream media?  Share this story on Facebook, with other alternative media and with family and friends.

George Roof, Chief Master Sergeant, USAF (Retired)

Read This And Get Educated.
He leaves no doubt how he feels....
rather refreshing really
  rticle-2560261-1B86F08F00000578-792_634x757.jpg (634×757)
              by George Roof, Chief Master Sergeant, USAF (Retired)
George Roof, Chief Master Sergeant, USAF (Retired)
Direct statement on the transition(s) 
Esprit d’corps of our military (well said)
Because I am a “lifer” in the military, I’ve seen the impact of a president more than many of you can imagine.  I enlisted with LBJ and saw just what a Democrat clusterflock was all about.  I went to Vietnam and saw how we were constantly and incessantly bombarded with micromanagement from Washington that got thousands of military people killed. I sometimes wonder if I’ll get to heaven but, if I go to hell, I’m sure I’ll still be a few hundred floors above that bastard Robert McNamara, LB Johnson, John Kerry, Jane Fonda and, yes, even the “hero” John McCain.

After Johnson “abdicated” rather than having his ass waxed, I lived through Nixon who was hawkish but allowed the generals (and there WERE a few real generals back then versus now) run the show.  Nixon was so out of touch that he never knew North Vietnam was about to surrender when the Paris Accord was presented.

Only God could help us after Gerald Ford was beaten by Jimmy 'Peanuts' Carter who’d been funded by Saudi money.  The military was turned into Section 8 and even the Whitehouse suffered the austerity.

Then the light began to shine and Ronald Reagan swept into the fray.  He not only loved the country and the military, they loved him back.  Esprit d’corps was off the scale during his presidency. The Liberals were slowly turning into socialists, however, and about this time all the draft dodgers of the 1960’s who’d been given amnesty by Jimmy 'Peanuts' were turning out college graduates with degrees in socialism.

Bush 1 was an enigma from the CIA and, though he never did much either way, he NEVER DID MUCH EITHER WAY.

Welcome to Bill Clinton.  Clinton spent most of his two terms wagging the dog and creating the 'Oral' Office, sending a bomber to blow up Quaddafi’s tent and killing a goat or two, while allowing the UN to set up the infamous Black Hawk Down situation.  He made history by becoming only the second president to be impeached.

I actually felt sorry for Bush 2.  He was doomed to infamy from the start.  He thought most of America was still the rah rah patriots of WWII when they were 'simply socialists' waiting to feed him to the sharks.

Then there came the Manchurian Candidate Obama with a faked (OK Democrats, let’s say “of questionable origin” to assuage your PC brains) birth certificate, who’d gotten a free ride through college under a foreign student exemption, and whose college records and complete life history had been 'sealed.'  (We know more about Thomas Jefferson’s bastard children than we do about Obama, Michelle , OR their two faked kids.)  From his inaugural address, he slandered America and within days had begun to encourage dissension of the races as well as slandering police who “acted stupidly.” That was mild to the crap that would come in doubling the national debt from what had been built by ALL THE PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED, feeding us bullshit about how Muslims built this country, and nationalizing American industries.  Fueled by George Soro's money and using the Air Force fleet as his personal charters, he appointed malcontents and traitors into positions of authority.  He trashed the Constitution by installing “czars” (interesting he chose a title like that) to bypass Congressional authority.  By that time, Congress was completely corrupt on both sides of the aisle.  No one had balls to impeach this charlatan Obama.
Mysteriously, the lone outspoken conservative Supreme Court Justice Scalia suddenly dies in his sleep at an Obama pal’s hunting lodge and the Supreme Court is evenly split.  Finally, Congress shows some balls and rejects Obama’s Supreme Court Justice nomination.  The Libertards aren’t worried because the fix is in. Soros 'has paid' demonstrators to cause turmoil at 'all the Republican gatherings.'  Obama concedes that illegal aliens should vote as they won’t be prosecuted, and Soros's manufactured voting machines are caught switching votes in certain precincts.  Hillary has cheated her way to the nomination and her lies are completely ignored by the brainwashed minions of sycophants who follow her.

But a shocking thing happened on the way to the forum.

Middle America had had enough and although the pollsters and the pipers tried to convince middle America not even to bother to vote, they were fed up with the denizens of the swamp.  It was time.  Florida was designated a “swing” state ignoring that all those old retirees living in St. Petersburg and the fed up Cuban Americans of Miami weren’t interested in their platform.  Ohio and Pennsylvania, where coal production was blacklisted and where Obama had ridiculed them for “clinging to their Bibles and their guns,” lay awaiting this supposed “landslide” Hillary vote .... and creamed it.

The Socialist world of the Democratic Party disintegrated.  An American who expressed unbridled love of country and respect for police, firemen and military steamrolled across the heartland and the liberals realized their scheme was trashed. A CONSTITUTIONALIST would be nominated to the Supreme Court and if the old hag Ginsburg who’d claimed to retire if Trump were elected would actually retire and leave, the Supreme Court would have a massive majority of CONSTITUTIONALISTS for the next 40-50 years.

Now, the same party who’d ridiculed Trump on his comments about the election being rigged started screaming that the election 'was' rigged.  They even advocated having the election repeated.  They created mobs that burned and pillaged, stopped traffic, threatened murder, battery and rape of Trump supporters, and became the anarchists that the socialist dream thrives upon.  They run like castrated pigs for safe zones and use diaper pins as their national symbol.

This is exactly what happens when political correctness takes over and participation trophies are awarded to everyone.  They can’t conceive how disgusting and subservient they have become.  Donald Trump may NOT be the best person for the job, but he’s such a welcome respite from the candy-assed whimps who’ve been running the swamp that it’s refreshing to see.  At the very least, Donald Trump derailed the Socialist train and bought us precious time.  If he only does half of what he’s promised, we’ll still be legions ahead of where Obama has dragged us.  Already countries who held us in contempt are lining up to be found in the favor of America.  Donald Trump has done more in his short time in the public eye...he prevented Hillary Clinton from becoming president! 

So for you liberal lurkers and you half-assed fence-sitters, Tough Shit!  You had your big hurrah and now your party is over.  For you staunch Republicans in office, don’t gloat so much yourselves.  You’ve been put on notice by the American people that we’re fed up with ALL YOU BASTARDS and if you don’t start putting America first, you do so at your own peril.  You might want to buy a copy of George McGovern’s autobiography and see how shocking and humbling it can be for a professional politician to have to try to find legitimate work once he falls from grace.  
This election was pure, unadulterated AMERICAN.  Hillary got beaten and AMERICA WON THE ELECTION. You can claim he’s not “your president” all you want, but unless you 'forfeit' your American citizenship, ......
Go cry a river some place they need water.
'In God We Trust'  will be on every e-mail I send out from now on because I don't want to lose our right to say it!

And for those who MUST check 'sources' to see if there REALLY IS a George Roof and if he REALLY WAS a Chief Master Sergeant, USAF (Retired), you can go to  http://www.truthorfiction. com/george-roof-presidents- ive-known/

A Reply to "One Who Knows"---- And Apparently Knows Nothing

By Anna Von Reitz

I have been contacted by over a hundred people who are being presented with huge out of the blue "tax" bills after they have already paid their property taxes for the year.  These bills typically come with "Notices" --- either "Notices of Power to Sell" or "Notices of Intent to Sell".   These Notices can be hand-delivered by process servers or they can come in the mail addressed to whatever name the victim has on their property deed.  The gist of the message is always the same.  Pay this humongous amount by such and such a date, or the county or the state is going to sell your home out from under you and evict you.

Does this sound logical?  No, it doesn't.  The only way it makes sense is if you know that the UNITED STATES is a corporation with all sorts of supposed "franchises" and that it is being liquidated along with its franchises to pay off $20 trillion in debt.   It still doesn't make any sense until you also realize that you have been "enfranchised" in a way you never expected, and that YOUR NAME is a franchise of the UNITED STATES, INC. just like a Dairy Queen franchise.

Are you so clueless and behind the times that you don't believe that the UNITED STATES is a corporation like any other corporation?  

Look this up for yourselves in Corpus Juris Secondum Volume 20, subsection 1785--- "UNITED STATES is a foreign corporation (NY RE:Merrian, 36 NE 505, 1441 S. CT. 1973, 41 L.ED.287."

I have been told that the bankruptcy proceedings are in The United States District Court for the District of Columbia and that the lead judge is William Lambreth.  I haven't checked that out yet, because frankly, I have been too busy taking practical action to provide American homeowners with a simple and practical defense against this outrageous fraud.

I don't know who these people are--- this guy or "Katie Courier"--- but I know that nothing they have said so far is true about me or much of anything else and none of it has happened so far as I know, so while they continue to make idiotic accusations against me with no proof for any of the spin-crap at all, I just plug along and get things done. Sooner or later it has to come home to people that actual hard work and knowledge walks and bull crap TALKS. 

Let's see all those millions--- or was it billions? --- people were supposed to get from SWISSINDO? I wasn't born yesterday, nor was I born in Missouri, but I know when I have been told a whopper and I remember who told it, too. 

When the revenuers come to your door and post a "Notice of Power to Sell" on it, I hope and pray to God for your sake that you have been listening to me and know what you need to know to defend yourselves instead of listening to all this senseless propaganda. 

NESARA?  GESARA?  Show me where?   You can go on the website or onto and search all you like and you will see that not a damn word has been spoken about either one of these things in Congress for YEARS.   But you can go to the same search engines or even on the web generally and search for "US BANKRUPT"  and "UNITED STATES Insolvent" and other similar topic searches and find out quickly enough that the UNITED STATES was declared insolvent in 2015.  Hello?  

These gold-plated know-it-all pundits don't want you to be scared or upset.  They want you to believe that the nice kind bankers are planning a birthday party for you with cake and balloons.  Tell that to the people who are getting these Notices and calling me in a panic, wondering what to do?  And thank your God that my team saw it coming and took action in time to put the pieces in place to save your homes.
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

Thoughts About Kings and Brothers

By Anna Von Reitz

The problem with kings is that they are men and men vary widely in their characters and abilities, so that one may be a perfectly good king and another, even his own son, a disaster.
Witness the Hebrew's experience. They demanded a king, so God told Samuel--- it's a bad idea, but if that's what you want, have Saul for a king. 
And yes, it was a bad idea. Years of war and bloodshed and tragedy and all sorts of scandal and nastiness, even madness at the end----- and finally, the people had the great King David, who was a good, brave, and talented man, but also deeply flawed, and then his son, Solomon, the "wisest" king ever, and yet, he fell away and worshiped idols and accepted all the nastiness of Babylonian religious practices.
The plain fact is that men are not -- generally speaking --- able or willing or wise enough to govern themselves, so what realistic hope is there that they will be able to wisely govern others? 
Everything that Samuel reported as God's advice and instruction is as true now as it was then. Better to accept God as your King and men as your brothers, than to try to fill God's shoes and become confused about who and what you are.
This is the wisdom of the Belle Chers (Belchers) who have never been eager or indeed, willing, to exercise the Great Seal of the United States of America and impose their will on anyone. Free will is the rule and gift of God. Who are we or anyone else to change that? And in the end, it is the journey of each one to know themselves and rule themselves, so again, isn't that enough to occupy an entire lifetime of striving?
So for two hundred years, the Belle Chers have stood stolidly by and fought their own battles and let the politicians squabble and the idea that they should interfere with the people sorting out their own affairs has remained repugnant and is repugnant still. 
Yet there is a time when respect for free will and agreement that the only true kingship remains with God, comes head to head with the responsibility we each bear toward our fellowman to do all that we can to safeguard and preserve them from harm so that we act not as kings, but as brothers.
I agree with Frank O'Collins that the Unam Sanctam Trust was conceived in fraud and is therefore a nullity in terms of Law, together with all its later developments.
Having solved the problem in his head, Frank is ready to move on to whatever other questions await him. 
The rest of us are left to clean up the mess on Aisle 5 which results from over 700 years of building a vast edifice of interlocking trusts, legal fictions, and forms of law peculiar to these devices---- all conceived in fraud--- in "legal fiction", yet nonetheless having identity and force and vast powers to build or destroy.
This is what is spoken of in Revelation, where angels seems to speak in riddles about those that "are" and "are not"--- that were and were not and yet will be. Corporations exist in exactly that manner. We conceive of these organizations like GMC and Exxon and Nestles and yet they aren't real. They "are" and "are not". They have names, they have employee rosters, they have officials and logos, but in a sense, they don't exist.
They are fraud in the same way the the Unam Sanctam trust is fraud. They are nullities, and don't exist in Law, yet they exercise tremendous power as commercial organizations and even more when they usurp the governance of entire countries.
We are left with a terrible dilemma of criminality and rulership, in which each man and woman must seek to rule their own lives and use their own minds and having faced that responsibility which we owe each other---- join together to find solutions and replace the fictions with the facts--- knowing that what we have is built on sand, an edifice however vast that is unlawful and illusory as any shadow.
Try to imagine a world without corporations. Try to imagine a world without kings, only brothers. Try to imagine a time when we cast down idols whether made of gold or words or flesh and embrace the divinity that lies within? 

"The Kingdom of Heaven is within you."
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website




America - BEWARE! Meet the Next Obama!

Abdul El-Sayed with wife Sarah.MEET THE NEXT OBAMA

The Democratic Party may have found its next Barack Obama

He's young and attractive, and speaks in platitudes about celebrating inclusiveness and diversity. His name is Dr. Abdul el-Sayed.  He’s a 32-year-old medical doctor and he recently launched his campaign for governor of Michigan, the election to be held in November 2018. If he wins he would be America’s first Muslim governor.

He speaks articulately without an accent, inserts humor into his speeches at seemingly just the right moments, and he has the full backing of America’s powerful Muslim Brotherhood-linked network of Islamic organizations.
In an interview with Al Jazeera, El-Sayed said Michigan voters are having “buyer’s remorse,” and that President Trump’s decisions “are at odds with deeply held American values, and distractions from real issues.”
Sayed served as the executive director of the Detroit Health Department and Health Officer for the City of Detroit, appointed by Mayor Mike Duggan. At 30 years old, he was at the time of his appointment in 2015 the youngest health director in a major U.S. city.
According to El-Sayed, his decision to run for governor was influenced by concerns over state leadership following the lead-tainted water crisis in Flint, as well as policies being implemented in Washington, D.C., under President Trump. (Amazing isn't it?  Here is one involved in a political movement, Islam, that is just about as un-American as one can get - and he is concerned about policies being implemented in Washington DC -  policies being literally the reversal of all the traitorous 'laws' and policies implemented in the past 10 to 30 years by hard core Nazi commies and muslim handlers in the background hell bent on taking over and destroying the united States???)

“It’s Obama II,” Manasseri said. “Elizabeth Warren will be coming to campaign for him, the Democrats in other states will be raising money for him. The DNC number-two man, Keith Ellison, will be raising money for him. Of course this guy is going to be on the
Sunday morning talk shows. He’ll be everywhere. A candidate for governor who is Muslim Brotherhood …if that doesn’t tell you there’s a Shariah swamp in Michigan I don’t know what does.”
OK America - the traitorous DNC has announced their plans and their front lines workers. The DNC is hell bent on destroying every foundation principle upon which this nation was founded.  The most tyrannical hate filled individuals are their speakers and leaders.

PayPal Founder Admits to Drinking Children's Blood



Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
10th June 2017 @ 6.15pm

The billionaire founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel, has admitted to drinking the blood of teenagers in a bid to extend his own lifespan.  The 48-year-old has funded startups dedicated to extending the human lifespan and claims that people are conned by "the idea of the inevitability of the death".

During an interview with’s Jeff Bercovici, Thiel admitted that he harvests young blood and infuses himself with it in a practice known as parabiosis which he claims is the closest modern science has come to creating an anti-aging panacea.  According to reports, Thiel spends $40,000 per quarter to get an infusion of blood from a teenager during the process of "parabiosis", which means the biological joining of two individuals.

The huge expense involved in anti-aging parabiosis could lead us to a dystopian future where the wealthy, who wish to live forever, will thrive on the blood of the poor, who will die at a normal age.

Breaking Down The News reports: Thiel — a hedge funder who acted as a delegate for Donald Trump and spoke at the 2016 Republican National Convention — is reportedly obsessed with defying death and extending the human lifespan.  He has injected funds into startups that are experimenting with ways to forestall the body’s inevitable decline and death.  “I’m looking into parabiosis stuff,” Thiel told Bercovici, “where they [injected] the young blood into older mice and they found that had a massive rejuvenating effect. … I think there are a lot of these things that have been strangely under explored.”

Parabiosis experiments began in the 1950s with crude exercises in which rats were cut open and their circulatory systems restructured and manipulated.  Recently some companies have been advancing human trials with parabiosis.  Bercovici wrote that U.S. studies in the field are currently lagging behind trials in China and Korea.

A California company called Ambrosia is conducting human trials in which healthy people aged 35 or older receive transfusions of blood plasma from people under 25. Participants pay $8,000 to take part and their health is closely monitored for the two years they receive the transfusions. Participants must live in or have the means to travel to Monterey, CA.

Ambrosia’s founder Jesse Karmazin told Bercovici that participants experience a reversal of aging systems across every major organ system. Furthermore, the results appear to be long-lasting, he said, if not permanent.“ The effects seem to be almost permanent,” Karmazin said. “It’s almost like there’s a resetting of gene expression.”

Jason Camm — chief medical officer at Thiel Capital — reached out to Karmazin, saying that the company is interested in his studies. Camm is listed on his LinkedIn page as, “Personal Health Director to Peter Thiel … and a number of other prominent Silicon Valley business leaders and investors.”In an interview last year, Thiel told Bercovici that our culture is “a little too biassed against all these things” that purportedly prolong life. 

When the reporter asked Thiel if he was looking at parabiosis as a business opportunity or a personal medical decision, Thiel said the latter. The practice, he said, isn’t necessarily patentable, which compromises its potential money-making value.  However, he said, the FDA needn’t get involved or study the practice because “it’s just blood transfusions.”  There are rumors that some wealthy individuals in Silicon Valley are doing courses of parabiosis, but Thiel said last year that he hadn’t “quite, quite, quite started yet.” 

A spokesman for Thiel Capital said that nothing has changed since then.  Gawker reported that it received a tip claiming Thiel “spends $40,000 per quarter to get an infusion of blood from an 18-year-old based on research conducted at Stanford on extending the lives of mice.”

Thiel is locked in a grudge match with Gawker after the website outed him as gay in 2007.  Resenting the intrusion into his private life, Thiel quietly funded a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the website by pro wrestler Hulk Hogan.The lawsuit was successful and Gawker is now struggling against bankruptcy and is due to go up for auction later this summer.  Gawker editor in chief Nick Denton filed for personal bankruptcy after a Florida court refused to grant him an emergency stay on the verdict.