Thursday, September 8, 2011

911 Staged to Derail ONI Investigation of Nazi Plunder

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Citizens For Government Accountability: 911 Staged to Derail ONI Investigation of Nazi Plunder
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Thursday, 8-Sep-2011 06:45:25
911 Staged to Derail ONI Investigation of Nazi Plunder

911 Staged as Cover-up for Financial Crimes investigated by Office of Naval Intelligence
Filed under 911no comments

On September 11, 2001 the definition of National Security changed for most U.S. citizens. For an entire postwar
generation, ¡°National Security¡± meant protection from nuclear attack. On that day, Americans redefined that threat.
On September 11, 2001 three hijacked airliners hit three separate buildings with such precision and skill that many
observers believe those flights were controlled by something other than the poorly trained hijackers in the cockpits.
This report contends that not only were the buildings targets, but that specific offices within each building were the
designated targets. These offices unknowingly held information which if exposed, subsequently would expose a
national security secret of unimaginable magnitude.
Protecting that secret was the motivation for the September 11th
attacks. This report is about that national security secret: its origins and impact. The intent of the report is to provide
a context for understanding the events of September 11th rather than to define exactly what happened that day.
Initially, it is difficult to see a pattern to the destruction of September 11th other than the total destruction of the
World Trade Center, a segment of the Pentagon, four commercial aircraft and the loss of 2,993 lives. However, if
the perceived objective of the attack is re-defined from its commonly suggested ¡®symbolic¡¯ designation as either ¡®a
terrorist attack¡¯ or a ¡®new Pearl Harbor,¡¯ and one begins by looking at it as purely a crime with specific objectives
(as opposed to a political action), there is a compelling logic to the pattern of destruction.
This article provides research into the early claims by Dick Eastman, Tom Flocco, V.K. Durham and Karl Schwarz that the September11th attacks were meant as a cover-up for financial crimes being investigated by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), whose offices in the Pentagon were destroyed on September 11th.1 After six years of research, this report presents corroborating evidence which supports their claims, and proposes a new rationale for the September 11th attacks.
In doing so, many of the anomalies ¨C or inconvenient facts surrounding this event ¨C take on a meaning that
is consistent with the claims of Eastman et al. The hypothesis of this report is: the attacks of September 11th were
intended to cover-up the clearing of $240 billion dollars in securities covertly created in September 1991 to fund a
covert economic war against the Soviet Union, during which ¡®unknown¡¯ western investors bought up much of the
Soviet industry, with a focus on oil and gas. The attacks of September 11th also served to derail multiple Federal
investigations away from crimes associated with the 1991 covert operation. In doing so, the attacks were justified
under the cardinal rule of intelligence: ¡°protect your resources¡±2 and consistent with a modus operandi of sacrificing
lives for a greater cause.
The case for detailed targeting of the attacks begins with analysis of the attack on the Pentagon. After one concludes
that the targeting of the ONI office in the Pentagon was not random ¨C and that information is presented later3 ¨C one
then must ask: is it possible that the planes that hit the World Trade Center, and the bombs reported by various
witnesses to have been set off inside the buildings 1, 6 and 7 and the basement of the Towers, were deliberately
located to support the execution of a crime of mind-boggling proportions? In considering that question, a pattern
emerges. For the crimes alleged by Eastman, Flocco, Durham and Schwarz to be successful, the vault in the
basement of the World Trade Center, and its contents ¨C less than a billion in gold, but hundreds of billions of dollars
of government securities ¨C had to be destroyed. A critical mass of brokers from the major government security
brokerages in the Twin Towers had to be eliminated to create chaos in the government securities market. A
situation needed to be created wherein $240 billion dollars of covert securities could be electronically ¡°cleared¡±
without anyone asking questions- which happened when the Federal Reserve declared an emergency and invoked its
¡°emergency powers.¡± that very afternoon.4 The ongoing Federal investigations into the crimes funded by those
securities needed to be ended or disrupted by destroying evidence in Buildings 6, 7 and 1.5 Finally, one has to
understand and demonstrate the inconceivable: that $240 billion in covert, and possibly illegal government funding
could have been and were created in September of 1991. Filling in the last piece of the puzzle requires
understanding 50 years of history of key financial organizations in the United States, understanding how U.S.
Intelligence became a key source of their off-balance sheet accounts, and why this was sanctioned by every
President since Truman.6 With that, a pattern of motivation is defined which allows government leaders and
intelligence operatives to ¡®rationalize¡¯ a decision to cause the death 3,000 citizens.
World Trade Center
There were three major securities brokers in the World Trade Center: Cantor Fitzgerald, Eurobrokers and Garbon READ MORE:
Filed under 911 Tags: 911, Black Eagle Trust, Investigation, Nazi Plunder, Office of Naval Intelligence
¡û Federal Reserve Profit: Fed Earns Record $45 Billion In 2009

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

20 Quotes From European Leaders

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

20 Quotes From European Leaders That Prove That They Know That The Financial System Is Doomed
Posted By: afriend [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 7-Sep-2011 17:10:24
From Blacklisted News,we get this report

The financial crisis in Europe has become so severe that it has put the future of the euro, and indeed the future of the EU itself, in doubt. If the financial system in Europe collapses, it is going to plunge the entire globe into chaos. The EU has a larger economy and a larger population than the United States does. The EU also hasmore Fortune 500 companies that the United States does. If the financial system in Europe breaks down, we are all doomed. An economic collapse in Europe would unleash a financial tsunami that would sweep across the globe. As I wrote about yesterday, the nightmarish sovereign debt crisis in Europe could potentially bring about the end of the euro. The future of the monetary union in Europe is being questioned all over the continent. Without massive bailouts, there are at least 5 or 6 nations in Europe that will likely soon default. The political will for continued bailouts is rapidly failing in northern Europe, so something needs to be done quickly to avert disaster. Unfortunately, as anyone that has ever lived in Europe knows, things tend to move very, very slowly in Europe.
If the bailouts end and Europe is not able to come up with another plan before then, mass chaos is going to unleashed. Most major European banks are massively exposed to European sovereign debt, and most of them are alsovery, very highly leveraged. If we see nations such as Greece, Portugal and Italy start to default, we could have quite a few major European banks go down in rapid succession. That could be the “tipping point” that sets off massfinancial panic around the globe.
Of course the governments of Europe would probably step in to bail out many of those banks, but when the U.S. did something similar back in 2008 that didn’t prevent the world from plunging into a horrible worldwide recession.
Right now, the way that the monetary union is structured in Europe simply does not work. Countries that are deep in debt have no flexibility in dealing with those debts, and citizens of wealthy countries such as Germany are becoming deeply resentful that they must keep shoveling money into the financial black holes of southern Europe.
These bailouts cannot go on indefinitely. Political and financial authorities all over Europe know this and they also know that Europe is rapidly heading towarda day of reckoning.
The quotes that you are about to read are absolutely shocking. In Europe they openly admit that the financial system is dying, that the euro is in danger of not surviving and that the EU does not work in its present form.
The following are 20 quotes from European leaders that prove that they knowthat the financial system in Europe is doomed….
See the famous last words right here

All Hands on Deck!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

All Hands on Deck!! Economy Imploding/DEFCON ONE Imminent - GOLD and SILVER skyrocket
Posted By: Susoni
Date: Wednesday, 7-Sep-2011 17:15:04
I guess you must have seen the CNBS clip now from when they visited the SPDR/GLD gold vault.
It didn't put anyone to rest as the gold bar they zoomed in on turned out to NOT to belong to GLD but the ETF Securities. (And it looked surprisingly light when handled as it was supposed to be a 400oz/12kg bar).
For those who missed this story check out these links;

The USA government released their jobs report and the report showed zero jobs was created.
I will discuss the numbers with you in the body of my commentary.First I would like to report that two banks entered the morgue last night taking their last breath before the FDIC entered and pronounced them dead:
1. Creekside Bank of Woodstock Georgia
2. Patriot Bank of Georgia, Cumming Georgia.

The price of gold at closing comex time (1:30 pm est) came in at $1873.70 up a cool $47.70.
The price of silver fared even better rising to $43.02 for a gain of $1.54

Here are the final gold and silver prices from the access market:
gold: $1884.20
silver: $43.25

gold and silver advanced to its zenith after the CME released its COT report which I will also discuss with you.
Let us head over to the comex and access the wild day of precious metals trading.
The total gold comex OI advanced by less than a 1000 contracts to 503,799 despite the huge run up in price on Thursday. Bankers are covering their shorts with reckless abandon at higher and higher prices. Some bankers are visiting their psychiatrists and some are jumping out of windows. The rise in gold and silver are blowing up their derivatives. The front options expiry month of September saw its OI fall from 579 to 509 for a loss of 70 contracts. We had 76 deliveries on Thursday so we gained 6 contracts of gold ounces standing and lost zero oz to cash settlements. The next delivery month is the October contract. This contract month is a very low volume month as many investors seek the more popular December contract. The October OI fell by a few contracts to 33,736. The big December contract rose by over 800 contracts to 336,575. The estimated volume at the gold comex yesterday was very good at 193,980. The confirmed volume on Thursday was lower at 147,977.
The total silver comex OI continues to contract. On Friday, the OI fell to 111,735 from 112,243 for a loss of about 500 contracts with a huge rise in silver. The silver bankers are joining the gold bankers in seeking medical help. The front delivery month of Sept saw its OI fall from 2418 to 1364 for a loss of 1054 contracts.
We had 550 delivery notices yesterday so we lost 504 contracts or 2,520,000 oz to the fiat bonus money supplied by JPMorgan's Blythe Masters. The big December contract remained constant at 76,939 contracts.
The estimated volume at the silver comex was 43,425 which is quite low. The confirmed volume on Thursday was very anemic at 30,670 which kind of shows you how the bankers now are now loathe to supply any paper short. You will see this in the COT report.

Inventory Movements and Delivery Notices for Gold: Sept 3.2011:
Withdrawals from Dealers Inventory in oz

Withdrawals fromCustomer Inventory in oz

430 (Brinks,Manfra)
Deposits to the Dealer Inventory in oz

Deposits to the Customer Inventory, in oz

8000 (Brinks)
No of oz served (contracts) today

30800 (308)
No of oz to be served (notices)

20,100 (201)
Total monthly oz gold served (contracts) so far this month

170,700 (1707)
Total accumulative withdrawal of gold from the Dealers inventory this month

Total accumulative withdrawal of gold from the Customer inventory this month

8560 oz
Rest on link:
This is just scratching the surface of this article...

The Golden Age Has Begun

The Golden Age Has Begun

               The Alchemical Revolution is Here! And It's Free!
                By Jay Weidner

Jay Weidner writes

The sign of Aquarius is that of a person with a vase of water. For it is in the Age of Aquarius that the secret of alchemy and the magic water of the Elixir of Life are made known to the entire human race. This single act topples the powers that rule the world and re-creates society and culture.

Imagine a world where people live to be 400 years old, where you complete your education in your 80's and you don't have children until you are over a hundred years old? Imagine a world where you do not need to eat very much or work at all? Imagine a world with endless amounts of time and resources where people live in peace and harmony?

It sounds wonderful doesn't it?

In cultures throughout the world there are myths, stories and legends that speak of a Golden Age of humanity when all of the above was actually occurring. The Bible also speaks of this age and of men who live to be 600 years old and even older.

These myths and legends also tell us about a strange and fascinating science called Alchemy. Alchemy was the sacred art of transmutation practiced in many cultures from China to India to Egypt and Tibet and many others.

The alchemical lore speaks of men and women in the past who magically created an Elixir of Life that allowed them to live for hundreds of years. These alchemists also created a powerful substance they called the Philosopher's Stone which gave them long life, mental clarity and spiritual enlightenment.

As many of you know, I have been pursuing the truth behind alchemy for over 25 years. Like most of you, I began as a skeptic, questioning the validity of the stories I read about the Philosopher's Stone and Elixir of Life.

But in reading the ancient alchemical texts I was struck by the intelligence of those who authored these odd and inexplicable books. In every case they appeared to be highly educated people who had a low tolerance for nonsense. The realization that the adepts who wrote the ancient texts on alchemy were not fools inspired me to go on with my research.

Step by step, over the course of many years, I began to unlock the secrets of the Philosopher's Stone. As I delved deeper and deeper into the literature, I slowly began to realize that the extraordinary stories of the Elixir of Life and the Stone were true.

I am releasing a new documentary film this fall called The Alchemy Code, which delves into the lore of the Stone, the metaphysical nature of reality and many other secrets from the alchemical tradition including how to make the Stone and the Elixir.

It became clear to me that once upon a time in history all humans possessed the Stone and that it was intimately connected to the emergence of the fabled Golden Age. For once everyone had the Stone, there would be very little need for wars, greed, hunger or even death. When I discovered that the Stone was easy and cheap to make I decided that it was time to bring forth this knowledge

As many people have lost their heads and more for releasing the information about how to create the Philosopher's Stone I was filled with great trepidation as I made the rounds on radio, TV and the Internet to spread the word about how to make the Stone. Also I hid one of the easiest methods for making the Stone in these discussions because I thought that some would find the information distasteful.

Another factor that was, and is, causing me great concern is the Internet kill switch. It is apparent that the Internet is going to be completely controlled very soon so it was incumbent for me, or someone, to release the information covering the proper way to make the Philosopher's Stone as soon as possible. Theoretically as the knowledge of how to make the Stone spread through out the population of the Earth via the Internet the Golden Age would eventually emerge.

If the past is a guide to the present then the powers that be have never been in favor of the release of this information. Usually releasing the information on alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone is a good way to discover what it is like to be burned at the stake.

But there is a God and luck was on my side. And now luck in on your side.

Why do I say this?

Because a special someone has released a very well written book that contains a correct description of how to make the Philosopher's Stone and the Elixir of Life.

The book is called The Book of Aquarius.

Based on my quarter century study of alchemy the anonymous author of The Book of Aquarius is absolutely correct in what he is transmitting.

But better than all of this is the fact that the anonymous author has decided - wisely - to give the book away for Free!

Yes you heard me. The secret of alchemy has been properly released on the Internet and it is free.

You can find the book here:

I read the entire book in 3 hours. It is very well written and researched. As many of you know, alchemical texts can be exceedingly obscure and almost impossible to comprehend. Yet in my opinion, this book is the easiest book to read and understand that I have ever encountered on the subject of alchemy. It clearly teaches the student the proper methods for creating the Philosopher's Stone. The total cost of all the equipment needed is less than $1000.00 and an enterprising person could do it for far cheaper.

From my perspective, this is the most important book ever written. "Anonymous" has given all of us a great gift. This treasure offers us the potential to transform not only our bodies and minds, but also transmute this current Age of Iron, this age of pain and deception, greed and terror into the Golden Age of truth, beauty harmony and bliss. Once everyone on Earth has the Stone we can become who we really are and free ourselves of the trap of the phantasm of modernity and the toxic threat that it has created.

Download the book now. Print it out in case the Internet kill switch is pushed. Send the link to your friends and family, even if they are skeptical of its claims. Once the secret is released the powers that be can do nothing to bottle it up again.

For those who want to hold rigid to the status quo, this is potentially the most dangerous book ever written. For it is true and it's simple magic can change everything.

This is the golden dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

The Cult of Obama

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
The Cult of Obama
Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 7-Sep-2011 16:16:33
Quote: But there's a deeper reason, one much more insidious.
The left wants to tear Americans down.
An esteemed Columbia University black architecture professor punches a white female coworker in the eye for not doing more about white privilege. He has no history of violence. Why now?
Meanwhile, liberal leaders, such as Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Bill Clinton, and Joe Biden, incite attacks on political opponents by using incendiary language, such as "barbarians," "Nazis," "tea-baggers." Perhaps not coincidentally, flash mobs of blacks attack innocent whites all over the country; black youths injure or even kill non-whites in "knock 'em down" assaults.
In the past week or so, a senior member of the Congressional Black Caucus tells the Tea Party to go to hell, and the head of one of America's biggest unions incites union members to violence: "Let's take these son of a bitches out." When Barack Obama takes the stage to follow this incitement, he says he is "proud," and the following day his press spokesman refuses comment.
Why now? This may be the most important question of our time. Why are some people reaching the boiling point? Why do many others look vacant, like in an Invasion of the Body Snatchers? The shootings at military bases, from Little Rock to Fort Hood -- why now?
It's Obama, of course.
Liberals will excoriate me for writing this. They'll insist that bad behavior is not Obama's fault. He's a man of peace.
But study the phenomenon of cults, and the dynamics are always the same. The leader can incite violence without ever getting his hands dirty. Obama is controlling the marionette of the masses.
If Obamamania is a cult, then Obama is the cult leader. Cult leaders routinely pull the strings of their followers. The most extreme example is Charles Manson. He rots in prison for murders he never committed. He didn't have to do the dirty work. His brainwashed charges did his bidding.
I'm not saying Obama is a Charles Manson. There are varying degrees of manipulation, from using sexy blondes to entice men to buy cars all the way to hypnotizing them to drink poisoned Kool Aid. But there's a common denominator in all mind-control: manipulating people through mind games.
As soon as Obama came on the scene, the programming began. His face was plastered everywhere, like Mao's. In his speeches, Obama lulled audiences with a melodious voice and feel-good phrases repeated over and over. And he began inciting people with his charming smile.
First, the vultures starting swooping down on Hillary. Obama chose not to call off the dogs.
Then thugs invaded caucuses. Again, silence.
Which led to vicious misogyny against Sarah Palin and threats on her life. From Obama: not a peep.
We even saw armed thugs at polling places. Ignored and not prosecuted by Obama's attorney general.
The moment Obama became president, he upped the signals. At the Grant Park rally celebrating his victory, the entire family eerily chose to wear black and red, colors associated with communism and black nationalism. Obama's first radio address was broadcast in the Arab world.
Obama returned Britain's gift of a Winston Churchill bust while embracing dictators. He gave a white police officer a dressing down for doing his job, in effect calling the officer a racist.
Obama's greatest magic trick? Brainwashing the masses to believe that racism is a greater danger than radical Islam, and that Obama himself is in constant peril.
Opposing health care means you oppose Obama. Oppose Obama and you are the enemy.
Thus, more and more people are finding themselves on the receiving end of a fist, figuratively or literally. After the White House released a directive for his followers to strike back hard, a frail, diabetic black man at a Town Hall was beaten up.
Even women can get slugged in the face. Obama signaled during the primary that women were fair game.
Obama and the left are making sure that there is an increasing number of persuadable people. By displacing workers, panicking business owners with draconian laws, and whipping up rage and paranoia, they amass more lackeys. And people go along with the programming because they know that, as with all cults, they'll be ostracized if they balk.
The American hard left knows how to create a cult because it is a cult, one with a violent history. The Black Panthers, Symbionese Liberation Army, Weathermen, Black Muslims -- all nefarious cults.
And lesson number one of cults: group members must have their spirits broken. The young Weathermen, for instance, were required to participate in forced wickedness, such as animal abuse. Patty Hearst morphed into bank robber Tania after weeks of isolation, rape, and beatings by the SLA. Huey P. Newton sent his Black Panthers to the hospital or to the grave if they didn't practice total obedience.
Isn't the left doing the same thing to the masses today, albeit in a more clandestine manner? Aren't people's spirits being broken by the helplessness and horror of Obama's acting as our king, with little regard for the Constitution -- of beholding our economy in free-fall and the world exploding in flames?
So what's the endgame here?
The first goal is power. The left has an insatiable need to control every aspect of our lives.
But there's a deeper reason, one much more insidious.
The left wants to tear Americans down. Just as the Weatherman did to those naïve lost kids, they want to break our spirits. This goal of degradation is more crucial than their one-world government.
The progressives want to turn us into them, to make us feel as deprived and depraved and deadened. It's the only way that they can silence the roar of shame and self-loathing.
What they don't understand is this: it's not going to happen. There are too many of us who won't be hypnotized, who have a light in us that will not be extinguished.
We see right through them. We know who they are: the most piteous of human beings, and the most dangerous. Men without a country, orphans far from home. The forsaken and disowned.
They're "hungry ghosts," to use a Tibetan phrase: tormented beings who are starving to death from an inner void that they cannot fill, no matter how much they try.

Universal debt forgiveness and the imminent global debt jubilee

Wednesday, September 07, 2011
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Universal debt forgiveness and the imminent global debt jubilee

• When debt is fraudulent, debt forgiveness is the logical and only remedy.

• Debt or credit which cannot be paid back is never an asset; it is always a liability.

• All debt which charges a percentage originates in delusion. Debt grows exponentially indefinitely; income and other financial growth cannot do this.

• The total amount of money in circulation today in the West can only pay for a tiny fraction of the total private and public debt in the West. This fact is evidence of systemic fraud.

• Debt is manufactured through fraudulent means to reward a creative criminal élite.

• If the intention of a financial transaction tied to a loan, or tied to a financial inducement, is extortion, if it is, in effect, an élite bankster scheme to bamboozle the borrower with small print or to blind him with science, that loan or inducement, should be struck off the record immediately and completely. The debt was not incurred with the informed consent of the borrower. The debt did not benefit the borrower. And the élite lender was well aware of these facts when the loan papers were signed.

• You cannot solve the debt problem by issuing more debt. You solve the debt problem by cancelling, completely, all national, corporate and personal debt. You do this simultaneously across the planet, and you do it permanently.

Health - Start Pooping Today

Start Poopin Today

Hi John
This past July some out of town friends came in to visit me, one of whom I hadn't seen in a few years (Roxanne).
I noticed her putting her hand on her stomach now and then as if it hurt, but I didn't say anything.
I didn't think it was the dinner I served Saturday night--everyone else gobbled down the grilled organic chicken breasts, grilled broccoli and asparagus, and lettuce wedge salads with blue cheese and no one complained of stomach aches!
Roxanne and I were the first ones up on Sunday morning and went out on the deck to sip our tea.
Then she came out with it.
"You know, Sherry, I hate to be gross, but I have been so freaking constipated for the last few years I don't know what to do anymore. It's getting worse and worse. If I go every 4 days, that's a lot."
Holy cow!
Then she went on to say, "What makes it even worse is I get cramps, bloating and terrible gas. I can't even button my pants some days because I'm so bloated. And forget putting on a bathing suit!
I asked her what she's done about it so far.
She said she tried to eat more fiber, but that didn't help much.
She also mentioned that laxatives helped in the beginning, but not any more. She said over the last 24 hours she had taken Dulcolax and Miralax like candy and STILL hadn't gone yet.
Holy $#*% Batman!
Here is what I told Roxanne:
The lowdown on trouble down low
It's estimated that constipation affects more than 65 million people in the US alone, and annual laxative sales are over $1 billion.
To handle our demand for relief is 700 different varieties of OTC and prescription laxatives. 700!
Obviously they are not the answer. Because if any of them worked well without "issues," would we need so many?
Another, better question is why are we so blocked up to begin with?
The answer is twofold:
1- Eating for constipation
The typical "modern" diet most people have is VERY hard to digest. The human body was not designed to ingest most of the crap you see on grocery store shelves. 99% of that stuff can be categorized as waste.
Hey, I just thought of a new product... "Tasty Wasties!"
And what they create on the way out is "Nasty Wasties!"  As in toxic.
When most of your foods are forced to sit in your stomach for for hours, causing your stomach to overproduce acid just to break them down, but they still aren't like they should be, the end products of digestion (your feces) get hard and don't move along like they're supposed to...
...and you get pain, gas, bloating and grunting (oh, and sometimes hemorrhoids too). And nasty, hard bowel movements.
It matters not that you've tried a "magic bullet" like an apple, prunes or some other high fiber food.
Because when the vast majority of what you eat can't be digested properly, those prunes are useless and usually just add to your gas emissions.
So out come the big guns...
The laxatives.
But that's only a temporary fix. Sure, nature might call pretty quickly afterward, but you're doing nothing to address the main underlying cause of your constipation.
And that can lead to...

2- Laxative overuse
When you use laxatives to have bowel movements, things may seem fine at first...
But all the while you're weakening your intestinal muscles so they are less able to work like they should to move wastes along.
So this eventually makes your constipation even WORSE.
And you can become dependent on laxatives...some people are SO dependent that they can't have a bowel movement without them!
That's what was happening to Roxanne. The laxatives did the trick at first, but now her body was dependent on them and her intestinal muscles were getting "lazy."
That's why she was able to down enough laxatives to choke a horse and STILL didn't go.

Ending constipation without medication
If you want REAL, long-lasting constipation relief without laxatives, then you need to get to the bottom (no pun intended) of your constipation.
It's easy to do.
It's not as simple as just eating more fiber, fruits and veggies.
A lot of people have tried that. A lot have failed.
You also MUST eat foods that play nice together in your stomach.
When you do, your foods are broken down like they need to be when they enter the intestines. Plus, the alkaline foods you've eaten provide added water and fiber to help move things along.
Result: Normal, easy, regular bowel movements. No grunting.
And no more money spent on expensive & dangerous laxatives.
When you follow my advice in the Great Taste No Pain health system, eating to end constipation is a breeze.
In the Great Taste No Pain manuals, I spell out EXACTLY what you should eat with each kind of food, so your wastes will exit "stage rear."
I'll show you which foods are acid-forming and which are alkaline, so you'll know the important "anti-constipation" foods to be sure to include in your diet.  You'll know what to eat with what...nothing is left out.
And for you cooks, the recipe book is loaded with mouth-watering, gourmet tasting yet easy to make recipes that will make your tongue dance.

Don't forget the little guys
Not only does constipation make you bloated, gassy and miserable, but having a bunch of "poop" stuck in your intestines also wreaks havoc on your intestinal flora.
This leads to a vicious cycle because, since the friendly bacteria in your intestines help with digestion, when they're overcome by harmful bacteria they can't do their job.
And your constipation gets even WORSE.
Harmful bacteria overgrowth also compromises your immune system, making you susceptible to every bug and virus around, and weakens your gut wall so toxins can seep into your bloodstream and cause pain and inflammation.
Taking Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula daily can build up your population of beneficial bacteria, which will improve your digestion and
strengthen your immune system. 

Many of our clients have said that they started taking Super Shield just to prevent colds and flu and were pleasantly shocked to all of a sudden become more "regular!"

The rest of the story
Well, it's been a couple months since Roxanne left with a copies of Great Taste No PainGreat Taste No Gluten  and a bottle of Super Shield in hand.
She called again last night...still ecstatic, and still having "healthy" bowel movements now on a daily basis!
Plus her gas, pain and bloating had gone WAYYYY down.
She quite possibly has some gluten issues (70% of the population does) and Great Taste No Gluten will help her finish off any unresolved problems.
She thanked me, and ended our conversation with a very sweet, "God bless you for the work you do."

If you want to be like Roxanne and have a happy ending to YOUR constipation, relief and your freedom from laxatives is just a couple clicks away.
Let the safe, natural combination of Great Taste No Pain and Super Shield make constipation forever a thing of the past for YOU.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: Christine has ended laxative dependence (and saved $$)...
Thank you so much for everything you do. From all I've read and experimented with I was definitely one of those people who thought it was not possible to eat tasty food and feel good at the same time!
I am 60 years old and have been overweight all my life and dealt with constipation my entire life. About 10 years ago became laxative dependent, so depending on my diet and meds, I either had diarrhea or was constipated, and the doctors said I had IBS. After my first colonoscopy I was diagnoses with diverticulitis. I have this painful bulge in my lower right abdomen that doesn't show it's ugly face when I go to the doctor's office, I've had a CT scan twice now to be told there is nothing wrong with me, well it hurts really bad for there to be nothing wrong, sometimes when it swells it brings me to tears and I can't move it hurts so much.
I find that Alka-Seltzer with help with the pain sometimes -- my husband thinks we should buy stock in Alka-Seltzer because of how much I used. The gastroenterologist said it's just gas and recommended I take something like beano before you eat anything and you should be fine! My bowel sounds are so loud after I eat anything it was embarrassing to eat in public at all.
Well, I am ecstatic to report that since I've been using Great Taste No Pain plan I have lost 10 # and my bowel sounds have disappeared and the painful bulge has not shown its ugly face since I started eating the delicious recipes. I quit taking the purple pill, haven't opened an Alka-Seltzer since I started and have the energy to do things for myself instead of asking for help.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING your Great Taste No Pain plan.

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**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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Message from SaLuSa, September 7, 2011

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Message from SaLuSa, September 7, 2011 by Mike Quinsey
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 7-Sep-2011 14:27:26

SaLuSa, September 7, 2011
We see so many of you creating an atmosphere of calm around you, and that is greatly needed in a time of confusion. You have the advantage of knowing that whatever happens or threatens your peace, a satisfactory outcome as promised will manifest. As you approach the final period of chaos, know that it can only go so far before our influence and authority will take over. We are far more active than any previous time, as we direct our allies into their final positions from which they will launch their take-over from the dark Ones. You may not see us in the early encounters, but be assured we will be there with them.
Our powerful position is instrumental in gaining the co-operation of your leaders, particularly as we bring the answers that can overcome the worldwide problems that are so immense they do not have any answers for them. We have the solutions and backing of the Creator and that represents a powerful means of persuasion. Because we come in peace does not mean that we can be ignored, as in the final reckoning we can be quite firm without resorting to any form of intimidation. We shall soon be announced as the Galactic Federation and our role in your Universe will be fully explained.
As you may realize our role is not to interfere with the karma that is being worked out at this time. Many of you have taken on quite a lot in this lifetime, and it is not our place to alter the course of it. With Ascension in sight those of you that have chosen that path, obviously wish to go forward having cleared any karma that is outstanding. Knowing this should enable you to face it with absolute confidence, as if you handle it badly that will most likely create more karma. Please allow others to handle their own problems unless you are asked to give help or advice, and avoid being pulled into them unnecessarily.
We need you as bearers of the Light more than ever as you can add your voice to those who spread fear, not intentionally but through lack of understanding. Even if you are not clear as to the actual timing of events, you know enough to help pacify those who are confused. The main point is that the old systems are inadequate for the new cycle that is about to fully manifest. So major changes are essential to clear the way for the New Age to begin. That will eventually lead to the Golden Age which is beyond your present imagination. We could liken it to the Cavemen trying to comprehend your present lives for the first time. The wonders and beauty are barely touched upon on Earth, and the energies that abound everywhere are exciting and constantly uplifting. By then your consciousness levels will also have been lifted up to heights that would be termed as Galactic. You are to awaken to the truth and nothing will be held from you, unlike now when so few of you have even glimpsed it.
You are emotional Beings that have moods that change in a flash, and are part of your experiences that you are learning to control. This aspect of your lives has led to so much sorrow and regret, but it is increasing your level of awareness. The answer is to always live in your Light where possible, and if you can maintain it you will find that Love can overcome all problems. When you understand who you really are and the purpose of life, it becomes somewhat easier to cope with the challenges of life. You are in unsettling times but we know that you can be equal to them if you stay calm. The next few months offer the opportunity for long reaching changes to be made, and you need to be alert and ready to live as one leading the way. You have the Light on your side, so there is nothing to fear.
The energies continue to rise up on Earth and it helps to lessen the impact of the physical changes that must of necessity take place. One day you will look back at this period in your lives and marvel at your courage in having taken on duality. Yet you will also be pleased that you did, as it will have increased your consciousness levels by leaps and bounds. Life wherever you go in the Universe, is all about gaining experience, but the fastest way is to be at levels that really challenge you.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Message from Wanderer of the Skies - September 7, 2011

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Message from Wanderer of the Skies - September 7, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 7-Sep-2011 14:41:44

Wanderer of the Skies - September 7, 2011
Greetings from the Federation:
As matters are now progressing more rapidly than even we had hoped for, we felt it necessary for you to have this next update now. Two important matters have come to a head in your societies. The first is that the banking concerns have made the necessary exchanges to shift the monetary system into the new order. A group of countries have taken on the Illuminati in this respect and forced a concession sooner than we had anticipated. Second, the military rogue factions of several of your countries seem to be in compliance with the most recent agreements, thereby paving the way for a safer attempt at Disclosure than we have seen in the recent past.
We wish to emphasize that there have been many times when circumstances have changed in the past, just when we thought all was in order to go forward, thereby delaying further the inevitable. We cannot say with certainty whether these new developments will warrant the Disclosure we have been anticipating. We can only say another window of opportunity presents itself for your leaders to take advantage of and move this process forward.
While there will be many still woefully unprepared for what is to come, we believe that you have enough knowledge and determination to see these individuals through the worst of these upheavals. By this, we mean upheavals in thought, psyche, and mental/emotional health as you deal with the “new” knowledge of your larger Galactic Family.
Trust that as matters develop all has been planned from our side with the help of great spiritual beings who have your welfare as their utmost concern. Do not play into the fear of those who would otherwise distract you from your goals. Each of you has a specific role to play, and while you may not know what that is with any detail, or perhaps not at all, do not let this discourage you. The feelings you have always had, of knowing something “big” was to occur in your lifetime and that you were to be part of it, are genuine feelings that cannot be dismissed. Do not even accept what we say about this. Simply look inside and discern this truth for yourselves. Let that be your guidance even though you cannot “put your finger on” the exact plan of which you are to be part.
Your efforts to date have so tremendously helped this whole process forward more than you can ever know. Your dedication to the Truth and to the Light are wonderful inspirations for us, here, as we work to bring us closer to our inevitable union. Love is the key. It is time to open the door.
Be at peace.
Channel: Wanderer of the Skies

No Banker Left Behind Video

WCPO Reported Flight 93 Landed Safely in Cleveland on 9/11

John's Commentary On BS Intel Poll

This is the Personal Opinion of John for your consideration:

Your vote tally for most BS Intel operative resulted in Okie as the leader.

Okie obviously is in bed with the Dark Cabal, ie Cheney and the Federal Reserve. And his attempts at Intel per the RV is a joke. We all have been off on intel predictions, but Okie's batting average is dismal. Okie has an agenda for the Dark Cabal and it shows big time. His writing style is very folksy which I do like. My prayers for his conversion to the light and to stop misleading the people.

I got upset at Casper's continued "deliveries tomorrow" which is reflected in his 2nd place in the vote tally.

Per myself - yea I am full of BS myself --- BUT I don't make it up --- Garbage In Garbage Out. I am just a messenger of intel which I relay to my readers. Those who deliberately try to deceive the people will be revealed.


Message from Wanderer of the Skies - September 5, 2011

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Message from Wanderer of the Skies - September 5, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 6-Sep-2011 21:30:51

Wanderer of the Skies - September 5, 2011
Greetings from the Federation:
We are back to discuss another aspect of the emerging Disclosure process with you. You are immersed in the changes going on right now around your planet. There is a great shift underway in the economic and business fields that have created unstoppable change which moves us closer to Disclosure and our ability to teach you what we know about your Ascension process in the little time left before that too arrives.
Your world will change drastically after Disclosure. In large measure, it will change because even the least of you will have access to free energy and other technological marvels as you can only now dream about but which exist on your world at this time. This includes teleportation devices, machines which will allow you to watch past events in holographic format, communication devices that will allow you access to anyone, anywhere, and at any time. Third world countries, most significantly hit by the Illuminati’s greed and play for power, will now become equals with all other nations. Imagine the untapped wealth of knowledge, innovation, and talent that will open up to all humanity when these countries become on par with all others and their people can be heard. Education will become worldwide and interactive, not just a local luxury. With teleportation, whole classrooms can move to historic sites to see and experience for themselves in addition to using holographic techniques to view history as it unfolded. Your true history will be taught and there will be no subject withheld from you. All areas of exploration and experimentation will be open to you, with the acknowledged purpose that any discoveries are for the betterment of all humanity, not just a few.
Many of these scenarios appear “pie in the sky” to you and a nice dream, but nothing more. That is the furthest from the truth, however. Imagine the absolute freedom of the human spirit with such devices. Now you understand why this technology, this knowledge, this history, was kept from you for so long. No one can stand above another when you realize that you are all one.
These things, and many more, are coming to you. Already there is underway a great movement that will lead to the redistribution of your wealth systems, your legal systems, and the way you do business. The necessary protocols for the Disclosure event are being put into place. We grow ever closer to the inevitable and remain as excited as ever that we can finally be brought together in open, loving contact.
As matters progress in exponential degrees, you will be overwhelmed by the speed with which this process unfolds. We are there, at each turn, to make sure that all goes according to plan. Be Light of heart in these days coming and we will be joyous together in our meeting.
Channel: Wanderer of the Skies

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sheldan Nidle Update - 9-6-11

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

       11 Muluc, 2 Zip, 8 Manik        

Dratzo! We return! Your world continues to experience a new freedom! The various governments that have worked hard to create a new global financial system are jubilant. The US Federal Reserve has been effectively subsumed by the new American Treasury Bank system and all that is now required is the series of announcements from the new American 'caretaker' government. A key component of this new banking setup is the worldwide hard-currency system which will convert the illegal and much-manipulated fiat system into an entity able to reflect 'true' values and to function as a 'true' medium of exchange. Remember that your world is to retain only briefly a system based on a physical medium of exchange, in order that it may reflect the great abundance that is now poised to swamp you in a wave of freedom and luxury. This prosperity will in effect create a bridge to a moneyless society by allowing the rapid spread of the technology that will replace the need for money and prepare you for the fully conscious realm that you are shortly to inherit. This is the realm that we reside in.
      Your prosperity will facilitate the rapid spread of new technologies across your planet, some of which will supplant shops and supermarkets as the prime sources of your food and clothing. Moreover, the nature of these technologies will drastically revamp the way your economy operates by making redundant the current to-ing and fro-ing to deliver goods and services over long distances. Once we land, we intend to begin your education in all things pertaining to full consciousness, beginning with how to relate to the other living things in your environment and giving you direct experiences of the nature of your future roles as Gaia's guardians. Gaia needs a great deal of help to preserve many aspects and niches of her global ecosystems, and it behooves you as individuals and as a collective to learn how best to assist her in this. We will be your mentors, introducing you to what you need to know and then letting you implement it. All this is just a preliminary step before you enter the realm of full consciousness.
      Disclosure constitutes the next big step once the new financial system is up and running and fully explained to the world. A major function of this new financial system is to embed universal debt forgiveness into the new banking rules and regulations, and together, these form the foundation for the release of the prosperity funds. The openness of the new banking system combined with the new monies creates a fitting framework for your new prosperity, making it possible to add disclosure to the total package. It is these upcoming developments which will expand what your society is able to do, and to this end we intend to introduce our technology and merge it with those devices sequestered for decades by your governments. The nature of these sundry devices will bring you personal experience of a wholly different way of seeing 'reality,' introducing you to concepts that will see you safely through to full consciousness. It is by means of this hands-on method that we intend to acquaint you with the wisdom of Heaven and of the stars.
      As always, your development into superb galactic citizens is our main concern. In consonance with this, your Agarthan cousins have compiled a syllabus they would like us to teach you. They would like you to acquire certain perspectives that are to be demonstrated via a series of proven examples just after the mass landings are completed, and have requested that we instruct your personal mentors-to-be in the implications of this complex program. We have agreed, and once your mentors had spent time with their Agarthan counterparts, the general consensus was that these exercises are indeed important to your overall training program. They involve becoming more vitally aware of your subtle interactions with Gaia. These daily exchanges can be used to explain the true nature and operation of your living energy fields and can demonstrate the reality of your constant stewardship role with Gaia. This program can also help explain several things about your transformation into full consciousness.
      Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! A great revolution in spirit, in consciousness, and in freedom is taking place around your globe. This need for transformation has led to the fall of governments in the Near East, the call for a new economic system in Latin America, and the cry in Africa for justice and freedom for all. This clarion call is evidence of the winds of change that are sweeping like an unstoppable desert sandstorm across your world. This need for change is now ready to manifest and it begins with a flurry of deliveries sponsored by the St. Germaine Trust. These funds will be accompanied by a change in governance for several major nations and a series of announcements leading to global debt forgiveness. These broadcasts will also expound on the new precious-metal currencies and the new, more open global financial and banking system.
      Our intent is to use the new financial system to support Saint Germaine's prosperity program. It is essential that the monies given to the Light be distributed within a system that encourages ingenuity and thinking 'outside the box.' Gaia is asking you to explore your spiritual and new-consciousness resources, and as you begin to share this with others, you will require support in these efforts. Shortly, a vast redistribution of wealth is going to ensure that you, and those allied with you, possess just such a resource. These enormous amounts of money are there to fund centers, heal your fellows, and bring out and promulgate all sorts of marvelous inventions and ideas. They can also fund those who wish to support the Divine and help those programs undertaken by dedicated supporters of the Galactic Federation of Light.
      We see these radiant centers of Light rippling out to interlink and cover the globe, creating a foundation for building your global galactic society, and merging eventually with the galactic society that already exists in Inner Earth. The Agarthans have waited for millennia to help co-create this solar system's new star-nation, and it is to be highly honored when it formally joins the Galactic Federation as a full-fledged member. Your destiny is to be mentors for nearly half this galaxy as it moves toward its moment to accept full consciousness. Long ago, Heaven told us that this world had a very special place in the consciousness evolution of the Milky Way Galaxy. Part of our spiritual task has been to shepherd humanity toward this most magnificent future. The time now comes to unfold and jointly experience the manifesting of this prophecy.
      Today, we talked about what is happening to you and your reality. Everywhere, a bright future is surging up between the stinging nettles that were planted by your dark cabal. The dismal gloom of the dark's world is about to be supplanted by the brilliance and exhilaration of the Light! Together, We are indeed Victorious! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)