Friday, January 6, 2017

The secret Cold War city the US built under ice: Incredible footage reveals the hidden missile base in Greenland that would have destroyed the Soviet Union in minutes

Incredible footage has emerged showing how the US Military dug deep below Greenland's ice cap to create a hidden site for launching ballistic missiles at the height of the Cold War.
The original plan was to build 2,500 miles of tunnels which would have covered an area of 52,000 square miles – which is bigger than the size of England.
By the time it was abandoned in 1966 due to the ice cap starting to crush the camp, soldiers had already built two miles of tunnels and a facility that boasted a hospital, theatre, church and a shop for 200 of its inhabitants.   

By the time Camp Century was abandoned, soldiers had already built two miles of tunnels and a facility boasted a hospital, theatre, church and a shop for 200 of its inhabitants

By the time Camp Century was abandoned, soldiers had already built two miles of tunnels and a facility boasted a hospital, theatre, church and a shop for 200 of its inhabitants
The project was abandoned in 1966 because the unstable ice above threatened to crush the camp

The project was abandoned in 1966 because the unstable ice above threatened to crush the camp
The original plan was to build 2,500 miles of tunnels which would have covered an area of 52,000 square miles – which is bigger than the size of England

The original plan was to build 2,500 miles of tunnels which would have covered an area of 52,000 square miles – which is bigger than the size of England
The camp was given the codename Project Iceworm and troops disguised themselves as polar researchers

The camp was given the codename Project Iceworm and troops disguised themselves as polar researchers
Camp Century was built in between 1959 and 60 in northwestern Greenland, officially to test sub-ice construction techniques. 
The real plan was top secret - creating a hidden launch site for ballistic missiles that could reach the Soviet Union.
It was given the codename Project Iceworm and troops worked under the disguise of polar researchers under the ice, according to The Sun.  
A narrator in the video footage says: 'Camp Century is buried below the surface of this ice cap. 
'Beneath it, the ice descends for 6,000 feet.
'In this remote setting, less than 800 miles from the North Pole, Camp Century is a symbol of man’s unceasing goal to conquer his environment, to increase his ability to live and fight if necessary under polar conditions.
'This is the story of Camp Century: the city under ice.'
Camp Century was built in between 1959 and 60 in northwestern Greenland, officially to test sub-ice construction techniques

Camp Century was built in between 1959 and 60 in northwestern Greenland, officially to test sub-ice construction techniques
Footage has emerged of US Military picking their spot ahead of the start of the project in 1959

Footage has emerged of US Military picking their spot ahead of the start of the project in 1959
A section of the 2,000 miles of tunnels already built before the project was abandoned in 1966

A section of the 2,000 miles of tunnels already built before the project was abandoned in 1966
Military personnel busy building the underdground camp way under the ice cap in Greenland

Military personnel busy building the underdground camp way under the ice cap in Greenland
The project was abandoned in 1966 because the ice cap began to crush the camp. 
The US removed a portable nuclear reactor that had supplied heat and electricity, but left an estimated 200,000 liters of diesel oil and sewage, according to an international study published in August.
Scientists are warning that as global warming melts the ice cap, the waste could surface and pollute the environment. 

Greenland is calling on Denmark to clean up an abandoned under-ice missile project and other US military installations left to rust in the pristine landscape after the Cold War.
The 1951 deal under which NATO member Denmark allowed the US to build 33 bases and radar stations in the former Danish province doesn't specify who's responsible for any cleanup.
Tired of waiting, Greenland's local leaders are now urging Denmark to remove the junk that the Americans left behind, including Camp Century, a never-completed launch site for nuclear missiles under the surface of the massive ice cap.
'Unless Denmark has entered other agreements with the United States about Camp Century, the responsibility for investigation and cleanup lies with Denmark alone,' said Vittus Qujaukitsoq, Greenland's minister in charge of foreign affairs.
An abandoned US Air Force vehicle  outside the eastern Greenland settlement of Kulusuk where there used to be a US Air Force base as part of an early warning radar system

An abandoned US Air Force vehicle outside the eastern Greenland settlement of Kulusuk where there used to be a US Air Force base as part of an early warning radar system
In an October 24 letter to Danish Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen, obtained by The Associated Press, Qujaukitsoq asked about Denmark's plans for Camp Century, adding that an international study said the waste includes 'radioactivity, oil and PCB pollution.'
PCBs stands for polychlorinated biphenyls, a man-made chemical once widely used in paints, plastics and other products, but were banned after they were demonstrated to cause cancer and other ailments.
At a meeting on November 17 in Nuuk, the Greenland capital, to discuss the issue, Jensen said Denmark's Environment Ministry was investigating the environmental risks.
'I hope it can be done as quickly as possible,' he told a news conference, declining to give any specifics.
Jensen later told The Associated Press in an email that 'it is still too early to say who will be involved in a possible cleanup. 
A rusty container of lubricant oil for a U.S. military vehicle stands among abandoned US military material in 2005

A rusty container of lubricant oil for a U.S. military vehicle stands among abandoned US military material in 2005
The US military was interested in Greenland during the Cold War due to its strategic location in the Arctic.
Under the 1951 agreement, the US also built four radar stations as part of an early warning system to detect incoming Soviet bombers.
The US Air Force still uses the Thule Air Base, about 1,200 kilometers (745 miles) below the North Pole. 
Military airfields in Narsarsuaq, Kulusuk and Kangerlussuaq have become civilian airports.
Several other military installations have been abandoned, some in remote areas, in the hope they would be entombed forever in the thick ice cap that covers most of the vast island.
Local authorities have started clearing some of the sites, but don't have sufficient resources, said Rasmus Eisted of Danish engineering company Ramboll, which has been involved in some cleanup projects.
Eisted singled out a junkyard in Kangerlussuaq containing miscellaneous military equipment from the time it was a US Air Force Base known as Sondrestrom. 
The continuing cleanup task was larger than first anticipated, he said.
Aleqa Hammond, a former Greenland premier who now represents the mostly Inuit population of the Arctic island in the Danish Parliament, said Greenland could bring Denmark before a UN panel on indigenous issues unless it deals with the junk.
'Denmark is responsible for cleaning up after the Americans,' Hammond said. 
'I see a potential political crisis between Greenland and Denmark.'

Airport false flag shooting HOAX

Fort Lauderdale Airport false flag shooting HOAX
January 6, 2017
Psy-op by government, police & media 


Published on Jan 6, 2017

This video exposes the Fort Lauderdale false flag shooting hoax of January 6, 2017, carried on by the government, Fort Lauderdale Police, TSA, and your mainstream media. This is part of an ongoing agenda, dating back decades, that must be stopped.

Fort Lauderdale, FL airport shooting hoax of January 6, 2017:

Rainbow over Dallas, Texas Jan 6 2017

Rainbow over Dallas, Texas
January 6 2017

Anyone know anything about this
strange formation and the spiral top left?

BREAKING NEWS! Russia makes a Huge Announcement That Will Change The War

Russia's Huge Anouncement
That Will Change the War!


The Elite Are Going All Out, National Emergency & War - Episode 1170b

Structure - a review of 'elections' in the U.S.A.


Geopolitical Overview
January 4, 2016

"I prefer winter, when you can see and feel the bone structure of the landscape. Something waits beneath it; the whole story doesn't show."  Andrew Wyeth

If you've ever purchased a home, you understand that necessity of a building inspector reviewing the residence before signing the paperwork. He checks out everything from top to bottom, and looks at the structural bones of your potential home, not just the fancy throw pillows and paint colors. He climbs in the attic, crawls in basements and inspects the footings and weight bearing walls. A good home inspector is priceless.

The Chinese Elders did their homework when it came to restoring our Republic of the United States per Constitution law, and they set up a plan decades ago to throw out an illegal form of government in order to replace it with a legal one. They did the same with our money already and no one is the wiser.

They knew that if there were going to be successful at transition of power, through new governance at its core, it would have to seamless, invisible and come off without detection by the American or world public.

Now we know the popular vote in these United States does not elect our President or Vice President, only the electoral college voters do that. And we know these said electoral college voters are chosen in large part by their political parties, but are not required by Constitutional law to vote for whomever won the popular vote be it in their district, county or state. They can act as "faithless electors" and choose anyone they want. Meaning, structurally, these electoral voters can literally vote their conscious if they so choose and pay a small fine and go on their merry way.

Now on December 19, 2016, 538 democratic and republican electoral voters entered their state capitals and voted for President and Vice President into six separate envelopes and immediately sealed said envelopes, whereby nobody but them knows their vote until January 6, 2017, when the President of the Senate (in this case Vice President Joe Biden) opens them and records the result for all to see transparently in a joint session on Friday.

The main stream media choose to report that Trump secured the victory per the electoral college, but in truth, they are all speculating just like they did with Clinton's show-in victory pre-election. Because per the structure of how electoral votes are counted, nothing is "official" until the President of the Senate opens their sealed votes and counts them aloud before a joint session of Congress.

So OK, where does that leave us? Uncertain is where. Because until all sealed electoral votes are counted, nobody knows for sure who is President or Vice President… if at all yet. And this means were also made to wait on the RV until we have a new administration officially per international treaty (GESARA).

Because also per structural mandates of the electoral college in our Constitution, a candidate needs at least 270 electoral votes to win the electoral majority and be declared either President or Vice President. If any candidate fails to reach 270 electoral votes for any reason, the House of Representatives then Constitutionally, structurally, takes the top three electoral college vote getter's and selects between them for President; the Senate does the same for the Vice President.

Why is this important?

Because Donald Trump won 306 votes in last November's Presidential Election. Meaning, only 37 electoral voters must privately have change their electoral votes to potentially eliminate Trump as our next President. Sure it's rare, but not unprecedented as it's happened three times prior in American political history. So there is legal and political precedent for such an event.

What's even more interesting is Paul Ryan has been head the GOP since October 29, 2015 when he took the oath as Speaker of the House by unanimous vote of the House of Representatives. And there's a high probability that he hand selected a majority of the 306 republican electoral voters submitting those precious sealed electoral ballots.

Think about this: If only 37 of the 306 (12%) decide electoral votes decide to vote their conscious and select say Paul Ryan versus Donald Trump, that would toss the Presidential election into the House of Representatives, where the top three finishers are then considered as possible Presidential candidates.

Clinton clearly would not be elected as a democrat. Trump will probably not be selected by the traditional republican establishment in Washington who despise him on several levels, so that leaves only Paul Ryan as a possible next President. No wonder he didn't run. He didn't have to because he knew the true structure of his government. And so did the Chinese (and the Russians).

What's even more interesting in terms of understanding the structure of the American government is that back in 1871, the Republic of the United States was usurped or replaced by the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INCORPORATED via a majority vote of the US Congress.

This "government corporation" mimicked the true Republic of the United States of America government which was originally set up by the nation's forefathers per their US Constitution. The new form of government simply replaced the old and no one knew the difference. The exact opposite is happening now.

In 2012, that old USA, Inc. defaulted along with the Federal Reserve and all other entities that mimicked government agencies domiciled in Puerto Rico, and through a series of international bankruptcy proceedings that lasted 3 years, the national sovereignty of said Republic of the United States was restored in the fall of 2015, when it's former owners, the Catholic Church located in Vatican City, Rome, gave back the country and its natural resources the citizens of to the United States--declaring them sovereign citizens once again of a free world per the Golden Jubilee (hence the reason for sovereign rates).

And if you'll recall, Pope Frances also came to Washington in September 2015, and quietly released the United States people and country from church authority. What a prince. At the same time, Speaker of the House John Boehner suddenly resigned from his post, and after some discussion, Paul Ryan was installed and took the oath of that office on October 29, 2015.

Do you think maybe Ryan was a long ago pre-selected politician by the Chinese/Russians who insisted he take a future Presidential position and restore the Republic at some future date? Perhaps. But let's not get ahead of ourselves…

Now structurally, if the USA, Inc really defaulted in 2012, and came out of international bankruptcy court in the fall of 2015, that would mean that none of the elected officials in said USA, Inc. would be legal trustees to govern the affairs of the American people. This includes Barack Obama and Joe Biden, who would technically be private citizens not President and Vice President of said defaulted government corporation.

Structurally, that would mean that new Speaker of the House Paul Ryan would technically (and structurally) also have been elected as the interim President because no President or Vice President was sitting when the Republic was actually restored legally. And the next in line for succession of the highest office per the Constitution is the sitting Speaker of the House.

Here's where it gets weird (if it hasn't already) … if Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is in fact the interim Republic President per the Constitution, and just 37 people that he himself appointed to as electoral college voters selected him over Donald Trump in a sealed / anonymous ballot, then come January 6, 2017 it's quite possible that interim President Ryan will become permanent President Ryan, and pass down the mantle of Presidency to himself on inauguration day January 20, 2017.

Fascinating scenario yes? No? Either way, structurally it's a possibility per this geopolitical building inspector.

This would also mean that new private citizen Joe Biden will go through the motions and look as if he's still President of the Senate on January 6, followed by private citizen Barack Obama going through the motions for the next few weeks until he could publicly passes power peacefully--all be it fake--to Republic President Paul Ryan by way of the House of Representatives vote in lieu of a majority electoral college winner--which is beyond ironic because technically, legally, and structurally Ryan will have been interim Republic President for nearly a year and three months--without the public knowing.

Ok, now it's weird yes, but potentially a seamless transition ya gotta admit.

Could this wild theory concerning Constitutional structure actually be true? Could just 37 electoral college voters and 241 members of the House of Representatives (who just yesterday already voted for Ryan) actually be deciding the next President for 320 million sleeping citizens? Has Paul Ryan been the old form of government's restored Republic President for over a year now without the world knowing?

Structurally, it certainly can happen--the question is will it continue. Well, we're all going to find out for sure on January 6, 2017 starting at 1pm EST.

Stay tuned.

Is a prophecy about Obama coming true???

Is a Prophecy from 1907 About Obama Coming True 
5 Days Before Trump Inauguration?

Published on Jan 4, 2017
In 1907, a book was published called "Lord of the World." This book is about the a U.S. Senator named Julian Felsenburgh, who quickly ascends to become "President of the World." Felsenburgh has unusual parallels with Obama including that they are both U.S. Senators, both charismatic speakers, and both have visited Paris for major conventions. Felsenburgh visited Paris and presided over a peace treaty as Europe spiraled into chaos. There was rioting in the streets, people dying, and protests, yet Felsenburgh quells all of it with his promise of peace. Last year, a major convention was organized surrounding the hoax known as climate change. This was nothing more than a reorganization of the world toward a new order. It was not about the climate.

Now, Obama appears to be pulling the strings behind a push for peace among Israel and Palestine. Firstly, he instructed Samantha Power at the U.N. to abstain from a vote condemning Israel for building settlements. Secondly, he orchestrates a Paris convention involving 70 countries gathering together to discuss peace in the Holy Land and a two-state solution. The catch is that neither Israel nor Palestine will be at the meeting.


Is a Scary Prophecy Written in 1907 About Obama Coming True  5 Days Before Trump Inauguration? 

Published on Jan 4, 2017

In 1907, a book was published called "Lord of the World." This book is about the a U.S. Senator named Julian Felsenburgh, who quickly ascends to become "President of the World." Felsenburgh has unusual parallels with Obama including that they are both U.S. Senators, both charismatic speakers, and both have visited Paris for major conventions. Felsenburgh visited Paris and presided over a peace treaty as Europe spiraled into chaos. There was rioting in the streets, people dying, and protests, yet Felsenburgh quells all of it with his promise of peace. Last year, a major convention was organized surrounding the hoax known as climate change. This was nothing more than a reorganization of the world toward a new order. It was not about the climate.

Now, Obama appears to be pulling the strings behind a push for peace among Israel and Palestine. Firstly, he instructed Samantha Power at the U.N. to abstain from a vote condemning Israel for building settlements. Secondly, he orchestrates a Paris convention involving 70 countries gathering together to discuss peace in the Holy Land and a two-state solution. The catch is that neither Israel nor Palestine will be at the meeting. They will be completely removed from direct conversation with the 70 countries. Perhaps a two-state solution will be accomplished without Israel of Palestine present.

The move to have a major convention about solving one of the world's greatest land conflicts just five days before a president leaves office is unprecedented. Why Obama would decide to do such a thing is not known. Nonetheless, he will send Kerry, likely Samantha Power, and an entire American delegation to Paris. Julian Felsenburgh also did the same thing when he signed a peace treaty.

In the novel, Lord of the World, we also meet another character named Father Francis, a Roman Catholic who leaves the church and joins Felsenburgh's new world religion. This religion is a combination of mother goddess worship and Freemasonry. Felsenburgh is, himself, a 33 year old Freemason who hates organized religion, especially Christianity. After he takes power, he orders Christians to be killed if they do not renounce their faith.

We should be questioning if a 1907 prophecy is coming to life right now. Several people, including a former pontiff, have suggested that "Lord of the World" is a prophecy in the form of a narrative. Pope Benedict 16 called the novel prophetic, while Pope Francis encouraged people two read it. He stated that the book portrayed the transition of the world toward the "globalization of hegemonic uniformity." He neglects to tell the audience that this uniformity is achieved through great violence, death, and destruction carried out by the Antichrist, Julian Felsenburgh.

Winter Weather in Montreal

Winter Weather in Montreal
Don't know whether to laugh or cry!

Assange To CNN: You Have 48 Hours Until WikiLeaks Destroys You With Bombshell Leak

He is back with a vengeance!
He is back with a vengeance!
2017 is going to be a big year for Conservatives and those tired of Democrats ruining this great Nation. WikiLeaks single handedly dismantled the Clinton campaign and exposed more corruption than we ever imaged.
Following the election, many have wondered if WikiLeaks and Julian Assange will quietly go away or keep fighting for justice. If you wanted them to keep fighting to expose corruption, you are in for a treat as WikiLeaks has selected their first target of the year: CNN.
They are tired of the disgusting behavior of the mainstream media and they threatening to sue CNN now for their inflammatory remarks.

WikiLeaks has issued a 48 hour warning to CNN and if they do not retract all of their inflammatory statements, videos, and article, they will take the mega media corporation to court and sue them for defamation.
CNN initially thought they could just issue an apology and that would satisfy Assange. Think again.
WikiLeaks also argued that they will expose CNN outside of the courtroom, too, if they continue to play these games.

One thing remains clear: WikiLeaks doesn’t plan to stop after derailing Hillary Clinton and her team of cronies. CNN is merely their first target, and plenty more will surely follow.
They’ve put CNN on notice and they have 48 hours to air a one hour special confessing to their lies or they are in big trouble. If they or anyone think WikiLeaks are bluffing or incapable, ask Hillary Clinton how powerful Assange and his team can be.
Do you want to see WikiLeaks expose and bankrupt CNN for their years of lies and corruption, especially during this past presidential election?
Leave us your thoughts below and share this if you think that they should!

Montana Natural Man back in court again!

Ernie Wayne terTelgte, The Montana Natural Man, first gained the attention of patriots across the nation when he amassed millions of views on YouTube with his actions within the Montana court systems. The event that went viral was due to his being arrested for fishing without a license and then resisting arrest. We covered his last court appearance he had for driving without a license. Ernie was arrested last month and has a new Omnibus hearing Thursday January 5th, 2017. We will also be covering this as well. Check back for more video updates.

This video brought to you courtesy of Jason Van Tatenhove of Liberty Brothers Radio.

Here is the original video that got over 7 million views.

Check back to this blog for updates. The omnibus hearing this morning will be published later today if everything goes right. Ernie is preparing for another hearing in February and refused to enter their jurisdiction again this morning. Quite frankly, they don't quite know what to do with this freedom loving American State national living lawfully on the land jurisdiction in Montana State.

To get the whole background of what his stand is based on, as he mentioned in this video, get the book by Anna Von Reitz called "You Know Something is Wrong When.....: An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" at her website here:

GMO vs Non GMO Corn - which one do YOU eat?

New Study Shows Major Molecular Differences between GMO and Non-GMO Corn
Know what you are ingesting - your life depends upon it!

December 19, 2016

A unique new study published Monday in the scientific journal Nature has used molecular profiles to reveal major differences in composition between a GMO corn and its non-GMO parent. These findings question industry and regulatory position of “substantial equivalence” and have serious safety implications. 
(1)  Sustainable Pulse
The (2) new peer-reviewed study led by Dr Michael Antoniou at King’s College London describes the effects of the process of genetic engineering on the composition of a genetically modified Roundup resistant GMO corn variety, NK603(3)  Genetic Engineering

“Our study clearly shows that the GM transformation process results in profound compositional differences in NK603, demonstrating that this GMO corn is not substantially equivalent to its non-GMO counterpart.
       Black leaves on corn
The marked increase in putrescine and especially cadaverine is a concern since these substances are potentially toxic, being reported as enhancers of the effects of histamine, thus heightening allergic reactions, and both have been implicated in the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines with nitrite in meat products.  
Our results call for a more thorough evaluation of the safety of NK603 corn consumption on a long-term basis.” Dr. Antoniou stated.

In-depth analysis of types of proteins (“proteomics”) and small biochemical molecules (“metabolomics”) revealed major compositional differences between NK603 and its non-GMO parent. The results obtained show not only disturbances in energy utilisation and oxidative stress (damage to cells and tissues by reactive oxygen), but worryingly large increases in certain substances (polyamines).

Polyamines found to be present in increased amounts in GMO NK603 corn include putrescine and cadaverine which can produce various toxic effects. For example, they enhance the effects of histamine, thus heightening allergic reactions, and both have been implicated in the formation of carcinogenic substances called nitrosamines.
(1) New Study Shows Major Molecular Differences between GMO and Non-GMO Corn 
(2) An integrated multi-omics analysis of the NK603 Roundup-tolerant GM maize reveals metabolism disturbances caused by the transformation process  
(3)  Genetic Engineering - Organic Consumers Organization 

Terror cells U.S.-Mexican border

Islamic terror cells shift from Mideast to U.S. - Mexican border

'They are only waiting for the order' to attack American cities

Leo Hohmann
Jan 5 2017

A new report by a government watchdog agency says jihadists are partnering with Mexican drug cartels along the U.S. - Mexican border, preparing to carry out precision attacks in American cities.

Judicial Watch cites confidential U.S. and Mexican law enforcement sources for the disturbing report, which builds on earlier JW reports shining light on the jihadists’ exploitation of the porous border policies of President Barack Obama.

As part of the plan, Islamists have arrived recently at the Monterrey International Airport situated in Apodaca, a city in the Mexican state of Nuevo León, about 130 miles south of the Texas border, JW reports.

“An internal Mexican law enforcement report obtained by Judicial Watch confirms that Islamic terrorists have ‘people along the border, principally in Tijuana, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas.'”

U.S. intelligence sources have also warned that the defeat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria will lead to many of those jihadists escaping and relocating into Western Europe and the United States.

But JW reported as early as April 2015 that ISIS had established a training camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas, in an area known as “Anapra” just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

Just ‘waiting for the order’

According to the JW report, cartel informants have told law enforcement that “they are only waiting for the order and the times to carry out a simultaneous attack in the different ports of entry or cities of the United States of America.”

Drug cartels have a working “agreement” with Islamic terrorists, according to a high-ranking Mexican police administrator, who told JW that men from the Middle East arrive regularly into the country to train jihadists.

Judicial Watch sources include veteran law enforcement officials in the U.S. and Mexico as well as longtime undercover informants who have worked for intelligence agencies in both countries. They can’t be identified out of fear for their safety.

One seasoned Mexican law enforcement official told Judicial Watch that a key cartel informant verified picking up various Middle Eastern men from “evil groups” at the Monterrey Airport in the last few days alone. JW  described the informant as “extremely credible” having also worked for several U.S. government agencies.

U.S. about to reap what it has sown

John GuandoloJohn Guandolo, a former FBI counter-terrorism specialist who now heads up the private consulting business Understanding the Threat, said the U.S. is about to reap the bitter fruit it has been sowing under the last several administrations – the Clintons, Bushes and Obamas — all of whom invited the Muslim Brotherhood into the White House as an inside policy player.

As a result, all references to Islam deemed offensive to Muslims has been scrubbed from FBI training manuals and Muslim Brotherhood entities like CAIR have been providing advice on how to deal with terrorism.  Now, terror cells are here and ready to strike, as documented by Judicial Watch.

Judicial Watch sources include veteran law enforcement officials in the U.S. and Mexico as well as long time undercover informants who have worked for intelligence agencies in both countries. They can’t be identified out of fear for their safety.

One seasoned Mexican law enforcement official told Judicial Watch that a key cartel informant verified picking up various Middle Eastern men from “evil groups” at the Monterrey Airport in the last few days alone. JW described the informant as “extremely credible” having also worked for several U.S. government agencies.

U.S. about to reap what it has sown

This is a symptom of the much bigger ongoing problem – the catastrophic failure of U.S. officials to identify the threat and deal with it,” Guandolo told WND.  Not only have they not identified the threat, Obama and his predecessors have invited the threat into the  government.

“Because we will not associate ‘terrorism’ with Islam as a part of our national security directives and overall strategy, Islamic organizations, mosques, enclaves, and communities continue to serve as support networks, training sites and safe havens for jihadis across the United States,” Guandolo said.

He said Muslim leaders control the false narrative that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam, and they put themselves in the driver’s seat to be the gateway for all information getting to government leaders having to do with Islam.

Law enforcement neutered under Obama

“Islamic leaders get the federal government — the White House and DOJ especially — to bear down on local/state governments and law enforcement to let the FBI handle all counter-terrorism investigations, then strip the FBI of all factual understanding of the real threat and tie their hands so they cannot be aggressive in any case,” Guandolo said.

Philip B. HaneyPhilip Haney, a retired Homeland Security officer who co-authored the whistleblower book “See Something Say Nothing,” said the global Islamic movement led by the extremist Muslim Brotherhood is anticipating that they will encounter a far less friendly regime in Washington and they are filing some of their most militant assets into place.

“They’re laying the groundwork on the response to the new administration. And what is that response going to be? Attacks,” Haney told WND. “Like we’re seeing around the world, generated from the same sort of activity we’re seeing here. This is a turning point in terms of the Muslim community in North America because they are now being upgraded in their understanding and their expectation of what’s expected of them as devout, observant Muslims.”

Guandolo said the U.S. Department of Justice has been the most ardent supporter of the Islamic movement in America. It has aggressively gone on the offensive, suing any jurisdiction that takes any proactive measures to pursue the Islamic threat at the local level. This has weakened law enforcement’s ability to do its job. The DOJ has pushed Muslim Brotherhood organizations into local jurisdictions to do training for state and local law enforcement agencies, sponsored by U.S. attorneys’ offices.   

Exploiting gaps on the way to ‘zero hour’

In this environment, Guandolo said terrorists use “Grand Canyon-size gaps in our security apparatus” to develop routes, methods and locations to move people, money and equipment in preparation for what the Muslim Brotherhood calls “zero hour.”

Evidence of this strategy was entered into the court record during the largest terrorism financing trial ever successfully prosecuted in American history – the Holy Land Foundation trial in Dallas, Texas, in 2007-08.

“These routes, methods, and locations will be used by many nefarious entities be they cartels, terrorists, or gangs. In the end, though, they will lead to devastating results in American towns,” Guandolo said.

It is nothing less than concerted and incremental efforts by heads of the key agencies of the United States — DHS, FBI, CIA, the White House counter-terrorism adviser — and the president himself to make America tragically vulnerable to our enemies,” he adds. “This is treason and sedition, and we will pay for allowing it for so long.”

Former Minnesota Rep. Michele BachmannFormer Congresswoman Michele Bachmann said Obama’s national security team has either known or should have known about the existence of Islamic terror cells on U.S. soil and along the border, “yet willingly allowed them to use the U.S. as a safe haven.”  “To think Obama would fail to destroy every vestige of a U.S. based Islamic terror cell is both jaw dropping and unthinkable, especially in light of the numerous U.S. based Islamic terror attacks that have already occurred in the U.S. on his watch,” Bachmann told WND.

“Unfortunately, Obama’s failures are now President Trump’s responsibilities,” she added. “Mr. Trump will have to extinguish this evil from American soil — there is no other choice because Islamic supremacism has one goal — to conquer our land. We have to destroy this evil before they can destroy our liberty.”

Obama continues to stab America in the back on his way out the door



In the final days of his administration, Obama has decided that, with the stroke of pen, he shall further consolidate direct federal control over lands within Western states. Specifically, Obama created the Bear Ears National Monument and the Gold Butte National Monument in Utah and Nevada, respectively. 

The Obama Administration claims that Obama's unilateral edict was necessary because Congress had not passed any legislation on the matter.  Indeed, the Obama-appointed Interior Secretary stated that "protecting the area using legislation would have been preferable" but that in the absence of legislation, it was necessary to simply declare the lands to be National Monuments. 

In other words, the democratic (communism), constitutional process of Congressional lawmaking was inconvenient for the President. So, he decided to rule by proclamation instead, giving the Governor of Utah barely an hour's notice before the proclamation was made public. 

It's Not About Conservation — It's About Federal Control

Now, we should first note that the overwhelming majority of lands newly designated as 'National Monument' lands were already federal lands to begin with, and have been controlled largely by the US Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service.

Moreover, it is not the case that opponents to the new designation are mostly people who want to privatize the land or make it easier to mine or develop the land. In fact, many opponents of the designation oppose it because they fear Monument status will lead to greater development of the area as a tourist mecca

In other cases, members of Indian tribes object to making sacred lands part of a federally-controlled National Monument area.

And, of course, throughout Western states public lands continue to be a lucrative source of tourist dollars and eco-tourism. The old caricature of pro-conservationist leftists and strip-mining conservatives has long been just that: a caricature.

The reality is that nowadays many private firms and local governments depend on public lands for their livelihood and revenue, and these groups have quite a bit of influence at the state legislatures in question. Preserving natural spaces from development can mean big business and Western-state politicians know it:
It is not at all clear that markets or local governments would prefer that land be used for agricultural purposes as opposed to other purposes. For example, were Rocky Mountain National Park to become a locally-controlled park or state park, there is realistically speaking, zero chance that it would be handed over to ranchers or miners. The park is far too valuable to the local economy as part of the recreation and tourism industries. To turn the park into range land would devastate the economies of the local communities, many of which contain wealthy and influential voters.
But, say that the park were broken up into parcels and sold to a number of private owners. (We're in the realm of pure fantasy at this point.) It would make little sense to use the land for mining or ranching even in this case. Given the infrastructure in place and the relative closeness to a major metropolitan area, the lands in and around the Park are likely far more lucrative for recreational purposes than for mining or ranching. 
There is little doubt, however, that much of the controversy over the site will be framed like this: on one side are the conscientious environmentalists and others who want to preserve these pristine lands from destruction. On the other side are oil executives who want to strip-mine the land.

The real debate here, however, isn't over strip mining vs. conservation. It's about whether or not a 'president' thousands of miles away can — with the stroke of a pen — dictate how millions of acres in a faraway state can be used, and do so over the protestations of the state legislature.

Nor can it be demonstrated that federal agencies are better custodians of lands than are states. Indeed, the federal government has routinely been more inclined to allow overgrazing on federal lands while subsidizing ranchers at taxpayer expense. It is the states that have demonstrated more prudent stewardship of resources.
Moreover, The Denver post in a 2014 editorial noted other cases in which the 'federal government' hapless mismanaged fish and wildlife issues:
One has only to look at the great elk management debacle in Rocky Mountain National Park. When populations grew out of control in the park, federal decision-makers chose to pay significant sums to bring in contract killers to thin the herd. A proposal by Colorado wildlife managers to use well-trained hunters and donate the meat to struggling families was cast aside.
We could further examine the sad case of game fish being electrocuted and buried on the Yampa River in northwest Colorado at the insistence of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to preserve the pike minnow, while the same pike minnows are slaughtered and dumped in Washington state to preserve the wild salmon. All of this, in a never-ending nightmare of bureaucratic red tape with no firmly stated goals or objective in sight, by design.
Moreover, federal lands can be manipulated for political purposes putting local communities at risk.

Perhaps the most memorable recent example of this occurred in 2013 when the 'federal government' shut down national parks and other federal lands as part of the usual "government shutdown" ploy

The 'federal government' dispatched federal agents armed with assault rifles who forcibly ejected visitors from the allegedly “public lands.” 

Meanwhile, nearby towns that rely on tourists for the local economy were powerless to open the parks themselves. State officials, who are far more sensitive to local economic needs than members of Congress or the White House, were also powerless to do anything.

Eventually, after much political pressure was applied, the 'federal government' kindly allowed states to pay millions to the 'federal government' to open the parks again.

These are just some of the reasons why Utahns of various interests have opposed greater 'federal' power over lands in their states. 

Federal Lands Are the Problem

This Obama Administration's move with Bear Ears is the latest "screw-you" to Utah in an ongoing effort by the State of Utah to exercise more control over federal lands. 

For years now, the Utah legislature and the state's delegation in Congress have been exploring ways to limit federal control over lands within the borders of Utah.

What is steadfastly ignored in the debate, however, is the questionable legitimacy of federal control over so many immense swaths of land. 

Today, the feds control 640 million acres (not counting the far larger federally-owned areas of coastal sea floor). And in most Western states, the Federal government owns more than a third of all the land.  

In the case of Utah and Nevada, where the two new 'monuments' are created, the 'federal government' owns 65 percent and 85 percent of all land, respectively.

This means that these lands are ultimately controlled by politicians thousands of miles away who are not citizens of those states. 

In the case of Utah, for example, federal lands are controlled by executive-branch bureaucrats — few of whom are from Utah — or they are controlled by Congressional laws passed by a Congress composed of 529 non-Utahns and 6 Utahns.

The fact that lands in Utah should be largely controlled by Californians, Texans, and New Yorkers — many of whom have never even set foot in Utah — should strike reasonable people as both objectionable and bizarre.

At the same time, if those lands are truly sacred sites, as some groups contend, then those sites should be Tribal lands and neither federal or state lands. (See "Why Indian-Tribe Sovereignty Is Important.")

Repeal the Antiquities Act?

Other observers of the Obama Administration's many executive orders on federal lands have called for the abolition of the Antiquities Act of 1906 which empowers the president to designate federal lands as National Monuments. The Act allows presidents to act unilaterally without any consent from Congress as to how these lands might be designated. Moreover, as critics of the Act note, the Act was supposed to protect small areas of archeological or geographical interest. But, the Act has been abused in order to make many thousands of acres into areas similar to National Parks. 

Repealing the acts would be a step in the right direction, but it fails to tackle the larger problem of federal lands. After all, if federal lands were not so expansive to begin with, the Antiquities Act would be far more limited in its scope. And, even if Congress were the body designating Monument status, that would only be a tiny improvement. 

It's true that giving a single person in the Oval office the ability to control lands in faraway states is a problem. However, giving that same control to 535 people in a building down the street form the Oval Office isn't exactly a significant improvement.

RELATED: Can the States Seize Control of Federal Lands?

Thursday, January 5, 2017

New World Order Chain of Command

Report: Homeland Security Officials Took Millions in Bribes to 'Look the Other Way' on Drug Cartels

Report: Homeland Security Officials Took Millions in Bribes to 'Look the Other Way' on Drug Cartels

href="">case of corruption inside the Department of Homeland Security was overshadowed by headlines about Russia and Israel this past week. Yet, federal employees accepting millions of dollars in bribes to avoid doing their job, is certainly worth a look.
Hundreds of DHS employees have "looked the other way" as drugs crossed the border because cartels have made them offers they can't refuse. Other employees have sold green cards and other documents illegally. More from The New York Times:
It was not an isolated case. A review by The New York Times of thousands of court records and internal agency documents showed that over the last 10 years almost 200 employees and contract workers of the Department of Homeland Security have taken nearly $15 million in bribes while being paid to protect the nation’s borders and enforce immigration laws.

No wonder our immigration system is so broken.
In order to address the internal issues, the department has hired more investigators, offered ethics training and is administering polygraph tests to new applicants, The Times reports.
The Times report does not include the gifts, trips or money that DHS employees have stolen, the editors note.
Once the inside corruption is taken care of, Donald Trump's administration can get to work on building a wall along the southern border, install better aerial surveillance and send more agents down there to be on the patrol.