Monday, June 5, 2017

The Homeland Security Gestapo


If you don't 'see' what this 'department' is all about and how it is in total CONTROL of EVERYTHING about your life, YOU ARE EITHER ASLEEP OR HOPELESSLY STUPID.

The reality is that all DHS bureaus have the same mission - keep the government safe from potential real or imaginary threats. 'Interpret threats' to mean anyone who opposes the establishment regime, now known as, the military-industrial-financial-security complex.

Homeland Security chronicles false threats to
justify and guarantee greater state control. This bureaucratic behemoth is in the business of recruiting dredges of perverse and pathological domination that would make the “Brownshirts” proud.

When will the spirit of the 60’s resurrect the moral imperative necessary to save this nation from the fascist elites who are intent on perfecting our own holocaust?

America desperately needs protection from the Homeland Security Gestapo. Their stated mission is the essence and embodiment of domestic government terrorism.

Homeland Security in the Land of the Free

The horror stories about the Transportation Security Administration are indisputable. In the post 911 environment, civil liberties routinely ignored or eliminated, become a mere memory in a country that once prided itself as the beacon of freedom for the entire world. The TSA is part of the Department of Homeland Security. FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency is also an agency of DHS.
The public relation spin for the purpose of such authorities is to protect citizens and guard the nation. The reality is that DHS bureaus have the same mission, keep the government safe from potential real or imaginary threats. 'Interpret threats' to mean anyone who opposes the establishment regime, now known as the military-industrial-financial-security complex.

DHS is the third largest Cabinet department after the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs.
A Department of Homeland Security site acknowledges a FY 2012 Budget of $56,941,507,000 in the latest testimony of DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano before Congress -
“The Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 Budget for DHS is $58.6 billion in total budget authority, $48.7 billion in gross discretionary funding, and $39.5 billion in net discretionary funding. Net discretionary budget authority is 0.5 percent below the FY 2012 enacted level. An additional $5.5 billion for the Disaster Relief Fund (DRF) is provided under the disaster relief cap adjustment, pursuant to the Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA).”
Wikipedia cites a much higher amount.  In the fiscal year 2011 it, had allocated a budget of $98.8 billion and spent, net, $66.4 billion with more than 200,000 employees.
Secretary Napolitano defines the assignments and tasks for the DHS..........
The Budget builds on the progress the Department has made in each of its mission areas while also providing essential support to national and economic security.
Mission 1: Preventing Terrorism and Enhancing Security – Protecting the United States from terrorism is the cornerstone of homeland security. DHS’s counterterrorism responsibilities focus on three goals: preventing terrorist attacks; preventing the unauthorized acquisition, importation, movement, or use of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear materials and capabilities within the United States; and reducing the vulnerability of critical infrastructure and key resources, essential leadership, and major events to terrorist attacks and other hazards.
Mission 2: Securing and Managing Our Borders ??!!   – DHS secures the Nation’s air, land, and sea borders to prevent illegal activity while facilitating lawful travel and trade. The Department’s border security and management efforts focus on three interrelated goals: effectively securing U.S. air, land, and sea borders; safeguarding and streamlining lawful trade and travel; and disrupting and dismantling transnational criminal and terrorist organizations.
Mission 3: Enforcing and Administering Our Immigration Laws ??!! – DHS is focused on smart and effective enforcement of U.S. immigration laws while streamlining and facilitating the legal immigration process. The Department has fundamentally reformed immigration enforcement, focusing on identifying and removing criminal aliens who pose a threat to public safety and targeting employers who knowingly and repeatedly break the law.
Mission 4: Safeguarding and Securing Cyberspace – DHS is the Federal Government lead agency for securing civilian government computer systems and works with industry and State, local, tribal, and territorial governments to secure critical infrastructure and information systems. DHS analyzes and mitigates cyber threats and vulnerabilities; distributes threat warnings; and coordinates the response to cyber incidents to ensure that our computers, networks, and cyber systems remain safe.
Mission 5: Ensuring Resilience to Disasters – DHS provides the coordinated, comprehensive Federal response in the event of a terrorist attack, natural disaster, or other large-scale emergencies while working with Federal, State, local, and private-sector partners to ensure a swift and effective recovery effort. The Department’s efforts to build a ready and resilient Nation include fostering a community-oriented approach, bolstering information sharing, improving the capability to plan, and providing grants and training to our homeland security and law enforcement partners.
The expansion of full spectrum dominance into domestic oversight and the integration of military practices and functions with local law enforcement are especially disturbing.
From a DHS site the security apparatus discloses.
“Today, fusion centers throughout the country serve as focal points at the state and local level for the receipt, analysis, gathering, and sharing of threat and vulnerability-related information.
In addition, the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative helps to train state and local law enforcement to recognize behaviors and indicators related to terrorism, crime and other threats while standardizing how those observations are analyzed and disseminated.”
The Jesse Ventura video, THE TRUE FACTS ABOUT FEMA CAMPS is so compelling that it was pulled from cable viewing. Dispelling charges of conspiracy allegations with clear evidence of enslavement preparation is too upsetting for the average media induced zombie.
part 1 of 3 CENSORED FROM TV
part 2 of 3 CENSORED FROM TV
part 3 of 3 CENSORED FROM TV  

AS EVIL AS EVIL GETS. Leave the denial at the door.  Former Gov. Jesse Ventura and his crew on Conspiracy Theory have blown the FEMA camp issue wide open in a truly groundbreaking episode from the program's second season on TruTV. The "Police State" episode proves once and for all that the feds have trained to take on American citizens, planned for riots and disasters and made preparations to maintain order at any cost.
This powerful episode is the largest and most in-depth investigation into FEMA camps to date-- and it is scheduled to air on television. Radio host and filmmaker Alex Jones returns to the series yet again, as the team takes you to confirmed on-the-ground facilities, confronts the legislators who authorized FEMA camps and breaks down the full-scale technologically-integrated police state that includes Fusion Centers, FEMA, the Department of Homeland Security and more. At one of many real and verified FEMA locations, Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones approach a "Residential Center" run by Homeland Security in central Texas where they find locked doors, double-fences and escape warnings around the entire perimeter. Further inside the facility, they witness a playground complex, swings and slides for children. The crew walks up to the front door and attempts to get some answers. But the officials refuse to either confirm or deny the facility's purpose, including whether or not American citizens are being held inside. However, our past investigations into this facility reveal that it has confined both children and adults, including immigrants, refugee seekers and American citizens.

H. R. 645 co-sponsored Jun 10, 2010 by the following piece's of shit:

H. R. 645

The government dependency society is obedient to the dictates of police authority. Fake nationalists actually are Tory subjects of a pernicious empire.

Just the tip of an intrusive iceberg, the concept of an internal police state emerges as the primary real threat that faces the public. Countless examples of repression, documented in the alternative media, provide evidence that draconian measures to achieve phony internal security, is an integral component of central government subjugation.
Homeland Security chronicles false threats to justify and guarantee greater state control. This bureaucratic behemoth is in the business of recruiting dredges of perverse and pathological domination that would make the “Brownshirtsproud. Flying squadrons of drones for permanent surveillance does not make a country free.
America, founded on dissent, now has a timid and docile population. Two examples from history clarify this point.

During the Viet Nam protest movement, flowers of peace inserted into the barrels of National Guard troops were cause for reflection. The internal strife that divided the country, based upon a bogus war, gave rise to the slogan, “Luv it or Leave it” . . . As the decades passed, even the most “gung ho” Rambo has come to the conclusion that the grunts were ferried in the country for the purpose of ingratiating the military-industrial-complex
The net result of the conflict was the advancement of Communism. Not just in Southeast Asia but more significantly inside the gilded corridors of authoritarian centers of power in our own government.
Do you believe that the dimwitted TSA goons would be receptive to challenges of their S&M dominating practices?

An anti-internal internment camp protest needs to spread  nationwide before the trains start to roll. Where is the outrage from the public? When will the spirit of the 60’s resurrect the moral imperative necessary to save this nation from the fascist 'elites' who are intent on perfecting our own holocaust?
Remember the courage of the lone Chinese dissenter standing in the path of rolling tanks in Tiananmen Square. Just short of two decades after the Kent State shootings, the world watched the Red Chinese disgraced and loss of face. Since those days, the United States proceeds in lockstep to adopt the Marxist Capitalist version of the Chinese model that operates slave communities and rewards crony comrades.

The international merging of global corporatism into a board of directors designed to abolish any remnants of individual freedom is unassailable. The shredding of the Bill of Rights goes on with little anger.
The ACLU of fifty years ago is a gutted shell of a vigorous advocate of liberty. Where are the conservatives and libertarians eager to defend Nobel Peace Prize nominee PFC Bradley Manning?
The most silent amendment to the Constitution is the third, Conditions for quarters of soldiers.
“No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.”
Today’s application of Amendment III has Homeland Security effectively quartering their domestic spy warriors in the form of technological devices that gather intelligence on ordinary citizens. The physical barrier of a locked door poses little protection when the DHS Stasi invades and violates your inherent autonomy.
NDAA declared unconstitutional
Indefinite detention of Americans
 blocked by the court 
The recent “prescribed law” called the NDAA, National Defense Authorization Act is an offense against every American. The good news is that there is at least one constitutional federal judge, Katherine Forrest, left on the bench. The video  "NDAA declared unconstitutional; Indefinite detention of Americans blocked by the court"  provides a sliver of relief.
The Washington Times concludes, 

Section 1021 of the NDAA could have set a slippery precedent for indefinite detention of American citizens.
This ruling was a milestone in the protection of 900 years of legal precedent, but the fight for due process raises frightening questions about the future of American liberty and the intentions of our representatives.”
America desperately needs protection from the Homeland Security Gestapo. Their stated mission is the essence and embodiment of domestic government terrorism.
Until Americans acquire the fortitude and will to resist and disobey unlawful edicts, the country will remain in danger of dictatorial despots. Without concerted commitment, the next dictate will include the internment in re-education facilities of Federal Judges that are insistent in upholding the Constitution.
The FEMA armored combat vehicles are ready for deployment. Remember Tiananmen Square before yet another Kent State becomes routine.
SARTRE – May 20, 2012

NDAA declared unconstitutional

NDAA declared unconstitutional
Indefinite detention of Americans blocked by the court
Published on May 17, 2012
On Wednesday, District Judge Katherine Forrest ruled the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) unconstitutional. Forrest issued a preliminary injunction which restrains the US government from administering section 1021 of the NDAA, a provision that allows for the indefinite detention for Americans with alleged terrorist ties. Carl Mayer, attorney for The Mayer Law Group representing the plaintiffs, joins us for more on the judge's ruling.

Australia: marijuana doctor arrested for helping children

Australia: marijuana doctor arrested for helping children
The Australian underground is growing...
by Jon RappoportJune 5, 2017
Crazzfiles [dot] com has the story (5/31):

"Dr Andrew Katelaris, will appear in the Hornsby Local Court today after being arrested yesterday."

"Chief Inspector David Hogg confirmed to Echonetdaily that Dr. Katelaris had been charged with a number of offences including drug possession, having an indictable quantity of cannabis, and having proceeds of crime."

"On Sunday Dr Katelaris featured in a Channel Seven report in which he was shown giving cannabis oil to a four-year-old boy, who has since been taken from his parents."

"He had spent the weekend at a Hemp Industry forum at Rosehill in Sydney, where police arrived on the final day after reports that a large crop of cannabis was on display."

"No arrests were made as the 'cannabis display', which consisted of low-THC plants for hemp production, had been approved prior to the forum."

"Dr Katelaris has been a staunch advocate of medical cannabis, having been researching its effects since 1990."

"He has been arrested numerous times in the past and openly admits to supplying CBD dominant cannabis to over 50 children with serious seizure disorders."

"Just last year the Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) determined Dr Katelaris, who also holds a doctorate, had been involved in more breaches of a code of conduct for non-registered health professionals after injecting two women with cannabis oil to treat ovarian cancer."

At crazzfiles [dot] com you can watch a short video featuring Dr. Katelaris and make up your own mind about his sincerity, skill, and competence.

The numerous government attacks against him are inevitably based on the fact that marijuana is a natural substance, and can't be patented in that form.  Having an effective medicine floating around that people can freely use for themselves contradicts the goals of the pharmaceutical money machine:

"We know what's good for you, and what's not good for you.  The government has given us a monopoly on healing, and you'd better go along with it."

Yes, even if a medicine kills you, it's still the best that "science" can offer at the present moment.

And by the way, parents have no say in how their children are treated.  They have no inherent rights.  The government owns those children.  As proof, if health authorities don't like what the parents are doing, they can come in and take the children away and put them in foster care, where they'll be drugged up to their eyeballs.

Medically speaking, Australia is on lockdown.  The majority of citizens appear to be unaware or unconcerned.  But those who are aware are looking for, and using, alternatives.  They are forming a growing underground.

The Australian government is advised to study the history of police states.  In the long run, they fail.  People will stand for only so much, particularly when their health and the health of their children are on the line.

The police state appears to be invincible...until one day it isn't, because huge numbers of people, who have been dealing with their very survival, outflank totalitarian departments and bureaus.

The top-down control factor disintegrates.  A belittled and minimized impulse re-emerges.

It's called freedom.

It turns out that the "market" in freedom is forever.

The mind never forgets it.

(For the links to the sources for this story,
click here.)
Use this link to order Jon's Matrix Collections.




Monday, June 5, 2017


For months, Democrats and their partisans in the media have singled out Trump associates as traitors and collaborators with the Russians.

Congressional Democrats pounded their chests about getting them to testify and proving once-and-for-all they were in league with a foreign power during the 2016 election.

So why did the Democrats just make one surprising announcement about witness testimony?

Carter Page was a one-time Trump advisor and energy company executive.

He traveled to Moscow in the summer of 2016 to deliver a speech and his trip has been cited as one of the reasons the FBI initiated a counter intelligence investigation into the Trump campaign and their contacts with the Russians.

The FBI even obtained a FISA warrant to spy on his communications – proving that the Obama administration did place Trump associates under surveillance during the 2016 election.

Page was supposed to be the witness who would finally unravel the spool of collusion and treason in the Trump campaign.

And he was set to testify before Congress on June 6th.  But  then something funny happened.  Democrats blocked his testimony.

Page wrote a letter to the House Intelligence Committee claiming staff was preventing his testimony.

The Washington Post reports:
“Page sent a letter to the House Intelligence Committee on Monday in which he claimed that the committee staff told him that he “might not be immediately afforded the opportunity to address the false or misleading testimony by James Comey, John Brennan, et al. as per our previously scheduled appointment for next week.” Page made clear that he’s eager to testify.
Fox News’s “Fox & Friends” morning show reported on the letter and read part of it on the air early Wednesday morning.”

Trump responded on Twitter by mocking the Democrats and insisting the Russia investigation was a witch hunt.

Donald J. Trump
 Verified account @realDonaldTrump May 31 2017
So now it is reported that the Democrats, who have excoriated Carter Page about Russia, don't want him to testify. He blows away their....

Donald J. Trump

   Verified account@realDonaldTrump against him & now wants to clear his name by showing "the false or misleading testimony by James Comey, John Brennan..." Witch Hunt!

Page has stated that the investigation is phony and that his testimony will reveal the illegal surveillance the Obama administration engaged in, as well as the false testimony offered by former Obama intelligence officials.

Did the Democrats cancel his testimony because the Russia investigation is now at the point where everyone must put their cards on the table and they will be exposed as bluffing?   


The Truth About the London Bridge Attack

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Camps Will Become Decapitation Centers

Deep State FEMA Camps Will Become Decapitation Centers- 30,000 Stored Guillotines
In a radio interview with Steve Quayle, he said two very disturbing things. The first was how very close the Deep State is to totally taking over and second, that his research from years ago discovered that FEMA camps would become beheading facilities.

In Part 4 of this series, it is time that the American public become aware of the total brutality that it is about to face. The previous parts of this series demonstrated beyond question how FEMA camp activity and preparations are being stepped up as well as the abject brutality.

FEMA Camps Will Be Segregated

Through the years I have been told by several insiders that FEMA camp assignments would be divided by the following:
  1. Men will be sent to a gender segregated camp and slave labor will be extracted as per Obama’s Executive Order 13603. Extermination will be the end game. This is exactly what the Nazis did with the Jews.
  2. Women will be sent to a gender segregated camp. There will be some slave labor that will be extracted but these camps will be human bondage centers.
  3. Children will be sent to their own camps. When I was first told this, I did not fully grasp the significance of this segregation until I became acquainted with the Deep State’s fascination with child-sex-trafficking. These camps will give humanity its darkest hour.
These segregation camps were actually rehearsed by Colorado law enforcement and DHS during the 2008-2009 H1N1 scare. In these drills anyone who had not and would submit to a vaccination for the disease and  noncompliant people were boarded on a bus with the intent of taking the actors to segregated camps. How do I know?  Two LEO’s who I went to school with told me the details of the drill.  The noncompliant people who were not vaccinated were discovered through roadside blockades similar to a DI roadblock.

There was one additional feature to this drill and the overall intent FEMA camp forced incarcerations. The one intent is that those targeted for extermination will likely die via the use of guillotines. If you need motivation to act against the Deep State, this may be the best example.

FBI Agent Ted Gunderson 

fema coffins sherrie 1When retired FBI agent, the now deceased Ted Gunderson, reportedly told a gathering of militia members that the federal government had set up 1,000 internment camps across the country, I had no trouble believing his  statement because there is ample documentation to support his statement (e.g.REX 84, Operation Garden Plot and now the NDAA). However, when Gunderson reported that the federal government was storing over 500,000 caskets outside of Atlanta, I also knew he was accurate on this point because Sherrie Wilcox found the evidence in the adjacent photo. However, when I heard that Gunderson was accusing the government of storing 30,000 guillotines, I thought he had lost his mind.

Why Would the Government Want to Store Guillotines?

Gunderson told various patriot groups that the guillotines were being stored for the day that the government declares martial law and moves in to round up and execute American dissenters.  Gunderson prophetically told patriot groups that the federal government was going to keep track of all of us. The last statement has indeed proven accurate given the recent Snowden/NSA scandal.

Can somebody please explain to me why the government would need to order 30,000 guillotines? For what legitimate purpose could these tools of execution be utilized? The guillotine has never been used inside of the United States. The United States has executed people by firing squad, hanging, the electric chair and lethal injection. The US has never executed a convicted criminal through the use of the guillotine.

Given these facts, then why is this government importing 30,000 guillotines as Gunderson claimed? Oh, I know that some of the sheep are now looking up from the ground and have just said “There aren’t are any guillotines in the United States.” Then please tell me, sheep of America, why did Representative Doug Teper of the Georgia Legislative Assembly (Democrat) introduce a bill which will supplant the method of execution, the electric chair, with the guillotine back in 1995-6? The referenced bill was Georgia State House Bill (1995-6) HB 1274– Death penalty; guillotine provisions. Certainly Teper would have never thought that this was possible is there were not already guillotines inside of the United States.

An Efficient Killing Machine

guillotineHas anyone bothered to do the math? A single guillotine reportedly can chop off the heads of about 100 people per hour. In one hour, the federal government has the capacity to execute as many as three million people. In one ten hour day, 30 million people could be executed by way of the guillotine.

Other Alphabet Soup Agents Speak Out

Annie DeRiso and Bill PawelecTed Gunderson is not the only former alphabet soup agent to tell all about guillotines. The late Bill Pawelec, ex-CIA, was a close friend of mine and eventually became the significant other of my former News Director for The Common Sense Show, Annie DeRiso.

Pawelec told both Annie and I on several occasions that guillotines were being stored on several military bases. The late A.C. Griffith, ex-NSA, said the same on more than one occasion on my talk show. In light of these confirmations from known and from public sources, as well as the proposed legislation of Rep. Teper to introduce the use of guillotines on American soil, I believe that there is no question that the story is true.

I get understandably nervous at the prospect of guillotines on American soil, as I watch the endless series of beheadings of Christians in the Middle East by the radical ISIS. The following represents a small sample size of what is happening to Christians and their subsequent mass beheadings at the hands of ISIS.

Islamic State terrorists in Iraq beheaded four Christian kids who refused to renounce their faith and become Muslim.

More than 250,000 Christians have fled Northern Iraq amidst ISIS … to Islam or death by beheading, the children chose to follow Jesus

National spokesman for Iraqi Christians and Chaldean-American … out by ISIS militants in Iraq now includes shocking beheadings of children …

A British female who did convert to Islam threatened to behead Christians “with a blunt knife,” according to the Daily Mail. Even Christians who convert to Islam get beheaded. 

Is the political climate ripe for this to occur inside the United States? Former President Barack Hussein Obama was criticized by human rights activists for not addressing the plight of Christians and other minorities during his talks with leaders in Saudi Arabia, where Christianity is banned. Further, the Bible speaks to the use of beheadings as a religious tool of subjugation. Complicity by silence is how I would characterize this President’s view of these events.

Where Is All of This Headed? Revelation 20:4

As you read the following two paragraphs, there is a collision between two cultures and two religions which is already underway and religious dogma is serving to perpetuate and exacerbate the conflict.

Rev 4: “Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years”.

And who will behead these Christians? Take a look at Sura (chapter) 47 contains the ayah (verse):

When you encounter the unbelievers …. [26] He and his followers beheaded opponents, Christian and Muslim alike…” 

Sura 8 [al-Anfal]:12 states “I will cast dread into the hearts of the … caliphs beheaded tens of thousands of Christians (admittedly many of them...) 

This is the justification for ISIS to be performing these heinous acts against Christians. 

It is clear that both Christianity and Islam foretells a time when non-believing infidels (i.e. Christians) will be beheaded by radical Muslim extremists (i.e. ISIS). It is also clear that this prophecy is being fulfilled in our time.

Will these acts be carried out on American soil and against American Christians and Jews? The following does not specifically speak to the intended persecution of Christian and Jews, but the playing field to do such a thing has clearly been established. Every American should be outraged by the following references to FM 39.40 which provides the means to carry out such heinous acts:


Pastor Walt Mansfield’s “Insider” Revelations

More proof that Christianity is being systematically destroyed comes to us in the form of the National Emergency Centers Act or HR 645  (         which mandates the establishment of “national emergency centers” to be located on military installations for the purpose of providing “temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster,” according to the bill. 

The legislation also states that the camps will be used to “provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations”.

The bill also provides that the camps can be used to “meet other appropriate needs”, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security. This a carte blanche mandate that many fear could mean the forced detention of American citizens, under the NDAA, in the event of widespread rioting following a national emergency or a total economic collapse. Hence, we now have the Clergy Response Team run under the auspices of DHS.

On December 9, 2014, I conducted an exclusive phone interview with Pastor Mansfield who was recruited to become a member of the Clergy Response Team which would operate under the control of NOVAD and DHS. Mansfield’s revelations about his experiences are stunning and concerning at the same time.

Pastor Mansfield attended several briefings and he could barely believe his ears. He learned of the government’s plan to enact martial law as well as to implement forced population relocations. Mansfield emphasized that when martial law is enacted, the enforcement would be immediate. In other words, family members will be separated from each other and part of the training that the clergy received was how to 'comfort separated family members'.  Can you imagine the terror and horror of children as they are separated from their parents and perhaps even their siblings???

(This plan is FOR REAL. The name is Clergy Response Teams where the 501(c)3 government licensed pastors will instruct all sheeple to 'obey the government' without question. They have undergone 'training' on what to do and how to do it with their sheeple. These traitors will have official badges hanging around their necks for the sheeple to be able to identify them.  FEMA teams have conducted these training sessions across the nation since at least around approx. 2005.)

Pastor Mansfield emphasized that the FEMA/DHS drills were predicated on bioterrorism. The pastors were trained to go to homes were people refused to be relocated by the authorities and  their immediate job was to convince the reluctant to willingly go to the relocation camps. Ostensibly, this was to be done in lieu of sending in the SWAT teams.

I asked Mansfield if FEMA camps were real and he stated that much of the clergy training focused around this scenario of pastors operating within the forced relocation centers. The main goal of a pastor assigned to a FEMA camp was to bring order and encourage compliance with DHS requests, hence, the emphasis on Romans 13.

(People, think back on WW2 and the concentration camps where the Germans were trained to lead the sheeple to the camps and to obey the Nazis. The US plan is patterned after that plan. Their own countrymen betrayed them. Think of those like Soros for example.)

The pastors were forced to sign non-disclosure. Interesting, the pastors were told not to quote Christian Scripture.The DHS document which was prepared for the pastors clearly stated that Scripture had been used to “oppress” people in the past and the presenters strongly discouraged  its use. Please see the following excerpt from one of the DHS training manuals:

Healing Scripture and Prayer In the Pastoral Crisis Intervention

“During a time of crisis people do go through a  “crisis of faith.”
Sometime quick mention of God and scripture may not be helpful. As we all know the Scripture has been used to oppress, dominate and at the same time used for healing and reconciliation- renewing of relationship with God and people. If the pastor senses it is appropriate to use the scripture and prayer, it must carefully be done for healing of victims not to uphold pastoral authority.” (Page 14)   
In other words, all legitimate pastoral authority was abrogated by the pastors who participated in the roundup of American citizens.

Also on page 14 of the same training document, pastors were admonished to avoid“Unhealthy God talk….” Specifically pastors are ordered to avoid using references to God when helping people cope with the loss of a loved one:
4. God must have needed him/her more than you.
5. God never gives more than we can handle.

Pastor Mansfield also revealed that pastors will be issued badges under the Clergy Response Team program. Any pastor not displaying the badge, indicating that they have been trained under these guidelines, will not be permitted into the established and designated “DHS safety zones”.

This reminds me of the banishment of religious figures from Plymouth Colony who, in good conscience, refused to go along with some of the extremism of that day. Along these lines, the Clergy Response Team is also a “Kool-Aid drinking program”.

Pastors are absolutely forbidden to publicly to speak about any aspect of the program. If you were to ask your pastor if they are a FEMA trained pastor, they will not likely tell you.

Disturbingly, Pastor Mansfield reiterated several times that the number one job of these pastors is to calm down people and encourage their compliance within the people’s new surroundings.

Pastor Mansfield also stated that pastors will be utilized as informants. This violates the legal privilege of confidentiality between pastor and church-goer, that is currently recognized by law.

All church-goers can no longer trust the sanctity of personal confessions and revelations made to pastors, priests or rabbis’. This one illegal act by DHS completely undermines the Christian Church in America!


Pastor Mansfield felt strongly this was the government’s way of removing Jesus from America’s landscape and set the stage for the ushering in of a new-age religion.

It is mind boggling to fathom how so many reporters and media types deny the existence of FEMA camps under these circumstances.

It is also disturbing that any pastor would agree to participate in a program in which Jesus and the Bible end up on the cutting room floor.  (Yet another example of BETRAYAL of our Lord, just as at the time of His arrest and torture prior to His execution.)



We have precedent for the beheading of Christians by radical Muslim forces.  We have religious doctrine calling for the beheading of non-Islamic believers.  We now have the “camps” where these acts could be perpetrated against American Christians and we have pastors hired to calm the people but they cannot mention Jesus or the Bible. We should all be connecting the dots. 

People should be able to practice their religion without infringing on the rights of nonbelievers. However, when one doctrine demands beheadings for nonbelievers, then we have  a problem.

And when the United Nations is mandating that the U.S. must accept 70,000 Muslim 'immigrants', maybe we should all be paying closer attention.


I received this email from a nurse on January 26, 2016.

Hi Dave,
I couldn’t believe it - but I verified with our hospital billing department that the billing code for death by guillotine is ICD9-E978…  The code would be used for jails billing the Feds for serviced rendered…

Some times conclusions simply write themselves. And, of course, we can accurately say that there will be shortage of workers for this endeavor given the Refugee/Resettlement Program.

As Steve Quayle once said on The Common Sense Show, we are no longer writing about what is coming.  What is coming is already here 

Are you ready to defend your family, your faith, your country?

Camps in U.S. to be Used for Political Dissidents

Leaked Document: Military Internment Camps
in U.S. to be Used for Political Dissidents  

Internment camps for political dissidents in the U.S. aren't a conspiracy theory. The Department of Defense document entitled "INTERNMENT AND RESETTLEMENT OPERATIONS" or FM 3-39.40 proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Download link for FM 3-39.40:

Army hiring for these internment camps:
If this video goes down you can watch it at the following link: