Saturday, November 10, 2018

Asteroid 2018 VX1 to flyby Earth at 0.9 LD on November 10, 2018

Posted: 07 Nov 2018 04:57 AM PST
Asteroid 2018 VX1 to flyby Earth at 0.9 LD on November 10, 2018

Posted by TW on November 06, 2018 

A newly discovered asteroid designated 2018 VX1 will flyby Earth at 0.99 LD / 0.00255 AU (381 474 km / 237 037 miles) at 18:21 UTC on November 10, 2018. 
This asteroid was first observed at Mt. Lemmon Survey on November 4, 2018, 6 days before its close approach to our planet.
It belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids and has an estimated diameter between 7.6 and 17 m (24.9 - 55.7 feet).
The flyby will take place at 18:21 UTC on November 10 at a speed (relative to the Earth) of 6.06 km/s.

This will be the 59th known asteroid to flyby Earth within 1 lunar distance this year and the second this month (valid 20:00 UTC, November 6).
Asteroid 2018 VX1 at Minor Planet Center; at [url= VX1]CNEOS[/url]
Featured image: The green line indicates the object's apparent motion relative to the Earth, and the bright green marks are the object's location at approximately half hour intervals. The Moon's orbit is grey. The blue arrow points in the direction of Earth's motion and the yellow arrow points toward the Sun.


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Migrant Caravan = An Elite Manipulation - David Icke

shared by: OOM2


Posted: 07 Nov 2018 05:11 AM PST

Posted on 11/06/2018 by admin

Hold manufacturers liable for all injuries caused by their vaccines!
President Reagan literally under the gun by VP G. W. Bush Sr. NWO gangster to sign this bill.
Take Action Today!


               My review copy of How To End the Autism Epidemic is dog-eared and heavily underlined. It is extremely valuable reference and hopefully will find its way into hundreds of thousands of libraries. The National Health Federation has arranged a direct-link discount for our members who purchase from the publisher at using the code NHF35. It is valid for 35% off J.B. Handley’s book and is valid through 12/31/2018.
In 1986, after a four-year campaign by the pharmaceutical industry, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. It gave liability protection to vaccine makers, medical professionals, and government agencies – anyone involved in vaccination – for any death or injury that resulted from a vaccine. At that time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) vaccine schedule had recommended 24 doses of vaccines for children, starting at 2 months of age to 18 years of age. From 1963-1988, the schedule remained at either 24 or 25 doses; and vaccine-industry revenues at the time were about $750 million per year.
Suddenly, though, Big Pharma saw that it had a product line for which they could not be sued, and that governments marketed for them via school mandates and by insurance incentives to pediatricians. They began pouring research and development dollars into new, less-necessary, and riskier vaccines. Almost thirty years later, after adding just a few vaccine doses to the schedule every year, the CDC’s childhood vaccine schedule has grown from 24 doses to 70 doses (at a minimum). If you had a baby today, and vaccinated him according to the current schedule, that baby would receive more doses of vaccine by the time he was six months old than most Baby Boomers received by the time they went to college.
There is no safety testing of the vaccine schedule as a whole. In fact, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies has clearly stated that, “Key elements of the Immunization schedule – for example, the number, frequency, timing, order, and age at the time of administration of vaccines – have not been systematically examined in research studies.” Our children are being used as unwitting, and often unwilling, guinea pigs to test dangerous, even deadly, drug concoctions for which no one can be held liable when they cause harm.
At the same time, vaccine profits have gone from $750 million per year in 1986 to an insane $32 billion per year in 2014 and expected to reach $60 billion by 2020.  Moreover, 54.1% of American children are chronically ill, developmentally delayed, and/or obese. Something is clearly wrong with this picture.
This trend continues unabated and unchecked, because despite the fact that now most applicable research shows that vaccines can cause autism (and other serious adverse health outcomes), no one can get into a courtroom in the U.S. to prove it and force policy change in this bloated billion-dollar program.
In 2011, the Supreme Court sided with Wyeth over families who were trying to get the issue back into a Civil Court, ruling that even if a vaccine was defectively designed, they still could not sue the vaccine maker for death or injury. This closed the courthouse doors to vaccine-injured families permanently.
The greatest irony in all this is that the government has not only admitted that vaccines can cause autism, they actually list the symptoms of autism as known adverse outcomes for both pertussis and measles vaccines. They have paid out on at least 83 autism cases from the Federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program put in place by the 1986 Act to compensate vaccine-injury victims.
The tribunals that the Act has set up are hopelessly inadequate. Since its first case in 1988, the Vaccine Court has adjudicated more than 16,000 petitions and dismissed two-thirds of them. Since 1988, over 18,426 petitions have been filed with the VICP. Over that 29-year time period, 16,555 petitions have been adjudicated, with 5,581 of those determined to be compensable, while 10,974 were dismissed. Keep in mind the CDC estimates that only about 10% of adverse events are reported. Total compensation paid over the life of the program is approximately $3.9 billion.
In the United States, it is accepted practice to lie to parents about vaccine safety and coerce them into vaccinating. Much of this conceivably comes from doctors’ failure to research or seek to understand natural immunity, herd immunity myths, and consequences of vaccines and their deleterious ingredients.  Even when lies and coercion lead to the serious injury or death of a child, there is no accountability, yet insurance companies incentivize this atrocity.
It is long overdue for Congress to do the following:
Repeal the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and hold manufacturers liable for any and all injuries caused by their vaccines.
Subpoena Dr. William Thompson and investigate the CDC fraud.
Classify all vaccines as pharmaceutical drugs and tested for safety accordingly. And if they cannot be made safely, then they should not be allowed on the market at all.
Please act now!

Dr. John Bergman Vaccine Court – Criminal Operation

This was recorded before JFK Jr. determined less than 1% of vaccine injuries are reported – Harvard study – page 5 and before JFK Jr. determined no government safety testing of vaccines for 30 years as required by the 1986 law.


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Dark Journalist Secret Space Program-update-disclosure-cults-disinformation-special-guest-clif-high


Up in the vastness of space, a cherry-red Tesla has just floated past the Red Planet.



#TheBrowardEffect: Q-er's Redeemed! #ElectionFraud As Scheduled! #HACKERJOE

You Are Free TV

Friday, November 9, 2018

Here's what the mainstream media refused to tell you this week!

One America News Network

x22 Report: "Q" Team Plan Underway, America About to be Transformed

shared by: Arnie Rosner 
On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 9:46 AM Dave Bertrand <> wrote:
Bertrand Daily Report The War For Our Mind & Soul Continues

Subject: X22 Report: "Q" Team Plan Underway, America About to be Transformed

Ed Note:

The question on "Q" follower's mind today, "is the plan still intact?" Will Hillary Clinton and others take the "perp walk" anytime soon, or did the Deep State (just) screw-up Trump's plan of action(s)?

Watch in coming days if HRC announces a third run for the presidency.....a clear indication she needs a political barrier between herself and President Trump's "Plan." (She has to move quickly, but might not go well for her, Pelosi, she is toxic to the DNC).

Remember...."Never interrupt your enemy when they are destroying themselves."

Well....the plan to "flush them out" involved exactly what was expected to happen by a Dem take-over of the House. The "Plan" also included control of the Senate, the most important element for the plan to succeed. Note: Most every Trump Rally was for the Senate, not the House and more keep Communism a.k.a. Socialism from taking Texas, Florida and Georgia.

"Internal Comms" received by the "Q" team showed the plan was well underway and still intact. The team has everything they need and things are about to happen.


President Trump no longer has to appease either side, because he is on the downhill side of his presidency and "Q's" post [House of Cards] will fall.... means what it means (now) and those guilty of Treason are mostly Democrats. WE can expect to see President Trump in a different light....a more aggressive and agitated president.

The entire plan was to get his Cabinet in order, which is underway, and the removal of Sessions now opens the door for justice to begin. Another element of the "Plan" was to double down of CNN by revoking Jim Acosta's W.H. Press Credentials, MSNBC is likely next. (IMO) CNN should be required to Register as a Foreign Russia's RT already has.


I would venture to say, at least 70% of the divide, hatred and racism, is created and fueled by the Fakestream Media that projects their image on Trump, while 30% is created in most every college across America. That is "Communism Creep" in action....and the reason why most college kids come home on vacation with a warped ideology filled with defiance and hatred.

The typical college professor is a neo-Marxist / Progressive / Communist, brainwashing students with a Utopia style of Socialism, which is not sustainable in a country that leads the world. That is why THEY want America to fall into Third World status (for the starving children, environmental terrorism, welfare for all, and let the middle class pay for it....but yet NONE of them can fathom living in Venezuela, but yet.....let them immigrate to the U.S. instead.


Note: An important question I received concerning "is Q real or a LARP" because "Q" stated in the past to [Trust Sessions], [Trust The Plan]. Sessions recused himself from the Mueller investigation in-order for the Deep State to feel comfortable that (maybe) Mueller would eventually take-down Trump, and/or open the door for "Impeachment," also in the "Plan" of what to expect, with a counter-strategy that would benefit the "Plan."

Now that the midterms are over, the "Plan" begins and Sessions is out ! That is very important, because that firing is now causing the Deep State to panic further....evident of Schumer's latest statement that an "investigation / inquiry must be started" to ascertain the legitimacy by Trump to fire Sessions. The criminals needed for Sessions to stay "recused" as AG of the DoJ, which (we) believe he was and/or has been compromised by the Deep State.

The Dems attempt to destroy Trump with investigations and subpoena's will fail as the hammer drops on many of them.


Transforming America from the "Communist Creep" and back to a Constitutional Republic, requires a full scale takedown of all Treasonous and Seditious conspirators. The main (catch all) tool known as the "Capone Effect" will be their money laundering and pedophilia activities, not just in America, but worldwide. 

Many Dems and some GOP types will have to show and explain how they went from a $50k bank account to millions while serving Americans. Others like George Soros will be taken-down, not to mention the Rothschild Central Banks with a full blown economic collapse worldwide (expected) which in-turn will shutdown the Federal Reserve, which JFK threatened to do.

Senator John McCain is an example of how wealthy he became by dealing with foreign leaders / corporations, etc  while negotiating with al Qaida / ISIS terrorists on a weapons deal (in Syria) on behalf of Obama and Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. His Treason and death are not separable.  Ask yourself....why did McCain's closest confidante [Lindsey Graham] do a 180 degree turn, just after McCain's voluntary hero / execution? Was Graham worried???

Pelosi and Feinstein fall into the same category as HRC with corrupt financial deals while in office, let alone the cover-up of "Spygate" against Trump and the aiding and abetting Chinese espionage connections (Feinstein and HRC) 


For those that believe Alex Jones about "Q" being a "LARP" you have not done your research to see the MANY videos confirming how Trump confirms that "Q" is a team and (lately) proof.....Trump is "Q+." And for those that attempt to show the "many inconsistencies" of what "Q" has posted, "never came to pass," then you need to go way back to the beginning and see how "Q" evolved, the purpose, and the simple fact, "Q" was not only posting for the patriots, but also for the Deep State!

Trump and his (white hats) Military Intelligence knew the Deep State would begin watching closely, therefore....occasional 'dis-information" was specific to the Deep State and is the reason why the Deep State forced the Fakestream Media and even Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi, to denounce "Q" as a hoax. for Alex Jones, it is more likely Jone's attempted to hijack the narrative for his own, which he has done with at least 2 other occasions in the past over certain events he had nothing to do with. 

As for Alex Jone's recent downfall and censorship tactics by the Left, he is not the only one, and we are all under attack.

To save one media outlet by buying everything in his store is NOT enough to sustain his show unless he is getting big bucks from an outside (unknown) source and with that, I wish him well. One should not be expected to pay in-order to be a patriot....the Chinese style censorship by the tech giants is MUCH BIGGER than Alex Jones. 


Now here's the big event that will confirm the "Plan" and that would be Trey Gowdy's appointment as Attorney General in the next few months. Trey Gowdy has specified how he wants to get back into the Judiciary, plus he knows more about the Clinton crimes than most. His appointment requires a GOP Senate majority.....once that happens, watch the Dems go crazy.


In the meanwhile, WE ALL KNOW and Trump knows as well....the Pelosi / Schumer gang of Dems will NOT be working-on bi-partisan legislation, but are on a mission to destroy Trump. Why?? Because THEY know what's coming down the pike if Trump isn't destroyed soon.

THE "PLAN" was (first) to know what the Dems were communicating (NSA / Military Intelligence) and what they intend to do and that is when (soon) the [DECLAS] will further the panic factor.

"We are at war" Trump stated and that "war" is an internal war and most countries divided within a (government) eventually falls, but the "Plan" is underway and the "Swamp" is about to be drained. We can expect turmoil and in-order to build a new home (America) the old home must be torn down. The Dems have openly shown they intend to take a wrecking ball to the White House. (Let the games begin !)

"Q" says.....[buckle up]

The X22 Report (video) details what to expect....

---Dave Bertrand

X22 Report: Elections Went As Planned, Military Planning, FISA Brings Down The House - Episode 1710b
 Nov. 7, 2018

Nov. 9, 2018

Q: Logical thinking required

,Logical thinking required.
A) How can arrests occur prior to removing the corruption from the DOJ & FBI?
B) How can arrests occur prior to safely securing a majority in the SUPREME COURT [CONSTITUTION - RULE OF LAW]
C) What is the role of the SENATE?
>Role of GOWDY?
>Role of SESSIONS?
>Who did SESSIONS appoint in NOV 2017?
>Who is HUBER?
>Mandate charged to HUBER?
>Resources provided to HUBER?
>Mandate charged to HOROWITZ?
>Resources provided to HOROWITZ?
>What were the responsibilities of WHITAKER?
>What is the advantage of having a ‘temp’ (‘acting’) in a leadership position?
“The appointment itself, on 21 July, triggered a shake-up at the Trump White House. Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and spokesman Sean Spicer both left their posts over his hiring.” —Mission Successful
>Laser designator(s) locked on target(s)
>Who was assigned directly to SESSIONS by POTUS?
>Mandate charged to Ezra Cohen-Watnick [Defense Intelligence Agency]?
>NAT SEC ADVISOR TO SESSIONS [counterintelligence and counterterrorism]?
>Who briefed NUNES on classified intel re: HUSSEIN spy campaign v. POTUS?
>Who briefed Goodlatte & Gowdy on classified intel re: DOJ & FBI?

Time Sensitive Situation Update Portal 2012 by Cobra

Please feel free to share these newsletters. They are a product of Global Genius Trust

RE: Portals opening and Pleiadian fleets .. We here wish to claim being the best informed .. Consider two perspectives .. Please maintain an open mind here and prepare for ALL possibilities .. Your mind will be the better for it .. 1) 2004 XCon Conference .. (Conference on Exo-politics) 
* Dr. Heiser will be highly involved in several of my projects as an adviser .. 2) Retired US Air Force Navigator talks about (the earth) .. 
* When Rob Skiba is mentioned, Skiba (former US Army pilot) like Dr. Heiser will be highly involved in several of my projects .. particularly as pertains to working towards a true -- cosmology ..

Time Sensitive Situation Update Portal 2012 by Cobra
Delta Option plan has triggered many different and strong responses and thus requires a little clarification. First, the general plan for the Event has remained the same. Delta Option covers only certain aspects of pre-Event operations. Second, the main aim of the Light Forces is to minimize suffering on the planet and to decrease the level of violence, and Delta Option plan will be activated ONLY as a last resort when all other more peaceful options have failed. The probability of this happening oscillates from moment to moment, but the Resistance estimates the probability for the Delta option decreasing in the long term as the situation stabilizes. There has been a lot of activity behind the scenes in the last few days and this article is partially correct:

The Resistance has not been as active on the surface as it is now since early 2000s. On a very positive note, I have received certain awesome intel on the level I did not receive since the year 2000, from a very high and reliable source. I can just say that the amazing future we have been fighting for is real, and will happen. Replicators, free energy, interstellar travel, the Golden Age, all this is awaiting us. Trillions upon trillions of dollars are spent by the Cabal every year to give us the impression that nothing has changed and nothing every will. When this Truman show falls apart, you will all be amazed. Until then, instead of falling into a black hole of despair and passivity, you can use this book as a tool to go through an inner transformation and experience a better life:

You need to understand that if you wish to make your life better, you need to do 80% of the work yourself so the Light forces can help you with the remaining 20%.
On November 11th, a very important portal will open with a lot of activity of the Pleiadian fleet. On the same day, there will be a Putin-Trump meeting in Paris with members of the surface Alliance and Resistance agents present. Certain backdoor negotiations about the future of or planet will be taking place there:

There will be many mass meditations organized by various groups taking place on that day and you can join them if you feel so guided:

Light forces have communicated that a mass meditation that would focus on bringing Light to negotiations in Paris on the November 11th would be very welcome, as important decisions for the future of the planet will be made there. Victory of the Light!

DEEPER LEVELS OF TRUMPS STRATEGY IS OUTLINED IN THIS ARTICLE. Trump’s Solving Of “Triffin Dilemma” Now Has World Poised On Brink Of Nuclear Holocaust

ALLIANCE UPDATE FROM COREY GOODE Alliance Update: I received a brief update from one of my one remaining and original Alliance contacts. I was told that all of the lower level briefings and bridge calls had been shut down this week due to a new phase of operations. This further added to the disarray of the lower and some mid-level Alliance cells and assets. One of the most sensitive phases of the Alliance takedown of the cabal is said to have begun within the last few days to a week. If this latest intel is accurate, we expect the fist to tighten around operational information, even more, leaving many who have been fighting in the dark along with us until the objective is completed. I was told that only a few select sources will be leaking specific Alliance intelligence items in a way that will prep the public and disseminate intel to higher level Alliance Cells.

I was also told that the Alliance hopes to do most of this work completely covertly. They have cover stories prepared along with the needed theatre if any of these operations spill over into the public. This source went on to inform me that all of the people training in hangars with floor plans taped to the floors and practicing breaching certain facilities and bunkers have been deployed to the field. These operatives are not making as many arrests as one would think but are mainly gathering vast quantities of last-minute evidence before they bring cases before secret grand juries to be accepted into evidence. They are preparing for highly secret and coordinated military and civilian trials. I was informed only in recent days have some of the elite learned that the people they thought were their trusted bodyguards were actually their very own personal prison guards.

They have been in custody for months without knowing and now the shock and panic has truly set in. This has resulted in waves of lower [level] affiliates of these elites coming forward to the Alliance and turning states evidence and getting immunity in exchange for their testimony. We were told that none of these operations could occur until they felt they had cleaned up the FBI, DOJ, DOD, and SCOTUS. The recent intel that these operations are now underway is a sign that the Alliance feels that these Government entities have been cleared of compromised individuals enough to proceed with THE PLAN. After most of my Alliance contacts became compromised and were placed in custody, I found out that many of them will be going through the same trial process as the elites that they had pledged to defeat.

All of this information weighs heavy on me as I prepare to fly to Washington D.C. for the 11-11 Mass Meditation. We will be meditating for the freedom of humanity, the expansion of its mass consciousness and the release of suppressed technologies. Please join us in these meditations and give positive intent and energy to the battle against evil that is occurring on a Physical and Spiritual level. Corey Goode

NEW Q Steve Pieczenik

Please feel free to share these newsletters. They are a product of Global Genius Trust

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.436 📁 Nov 9 2018 16:23:27 (EST) NEW📁
Why are we under heavy fire?
Why are we so important to the FAKE NEWS media?
Attacks coordinated?
There is a reason some could no longer be trusted.
Forced exposure.
Standard deviation broken long ago.



*SIGNATURES DON'T MATCH* in Arizona Race!!!

Douglas m. Ducote Sr.


Black Conservative Patriot

The Criminals In The Democratic Party Walked Into A Trap


8 Cannabinoids in the Cannabis Plant That Recharge Your Body

shared by: OOM2


Vaccine court admits that the chickenpox vaccine permanently disabled a young boy

Mike Adams: Natural News
Image: Vaccine court admits that the chickenpox vaccine permanently disabled a young boy

(Natural News) While vaccine makers and the mainstream media continue to deny that vaccines can be harmful, the vaccine court in the United States is quietly awarding money to victims of vaccine injuries, and after a protracted legal battle, the Department of Health and Human Services has even admitted the chickenpox vaccine caused one boy’s paralysis.

The United States Court of Federal Claims Vaccine Court heard the case of a 13-year-old boy known as “RD” whose life was changed irrevocably after a “well-child visit” at which his doctor said he needed the chickenpox (varicella) and hepatitis A vaccines. Although his mother insisted to doctors that the boy had already been given the chickenpox vaccine dose required, they gave him a second dose nevertheless.
Roughly two weeks later, he started to note excruciating shooting pains around his body and tingling and numbness in his legs and arms. He described to the court the horror he felt when neck pain he initially brushed off as possible soreness from riding his bike gave way to the inability to move his arm.
His parents rushed him to the hospital after he fell off the sofa, where he was intubated and placed in a trauma unit while spinal taps and MRIs were given to reach the diagnosis of acute transverse myelitis. In transverse myelitis, a person’s immune system becomes overactive, attacking the spine’s protective myelin coating and invading and damaging it. It rendered him a tetraplegic, completely unable to move from the neck down.
He was then subjected to a slew of treatments including IVIG, plasmapheresis, and even chemotherapy. He also had to undergo six months of inpatient rehabilitation in New York City. The varicella virus was found in his spinal fluid...Continue article here

The Trial of the Century -- Your Opinions, Please?

By Anna Von Reitz
The Trial of the Century -- Your Opinions, Please?

Is it plausible that the American People just sat on their thumbs for 150 years and willfully, knowingly, never did the work of "reconstructing" the Federal States of States? 

Or is it more plausible that self-interested parties never forthrightly explained the situation to the American People, never followed through on their duty to assist the American People, and instead, used the resulting inaction of the American States and People as an excuse to substitute their own foreign organs of government to replace the Federal States of States in fact mandated by the American States and People?  

Having been informed that exactly such substitutions have occurred, that is, that Territorial "States of States" and even Municipal "STATES OF STATES" organizations have been substituted for the lawfully and contractually mandated Federal States of States organizations, do you suspect that this violates the original intent and substance of The Constitution for the united States of America, and thereby also violates all contracts and agreements deriving from it---including any form ("form" is being used in the legal sense here) of "The Constitution of the United States of America"?  

Would you consider such secretive substitutions of foreign governmental organizations for American organizations to be treason on the part of those members of the "United States" Congress promoting these actions and also a gross Breach of Trust on the part of the British Monarchs and the Popes responsible for acting as our Trustees on the "High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways" and in the Global Jurisdiction of the Air, respectively? 

We have noted via reference above that there are two "forms" of constitution called "The Constitution of the United States of America".  The first, completed in 1789, is a tri-lateral international treaty and trust indenture supporting the execution of a commercial services contract. The second document, published in 1868, which is almost verbatim the same--- so as to promote deliberate confusion with the original, is used as Articles of Incorporation for a Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business as "The United States of America, Incorporated".

Would you consider this substitution of Scottish Articles of Incorporation for the actual Territorial United States Constitution to be a deliberate concealment and act of self-interested fraud, both contrary to the international law established by the actual Territorial Constitution and in violation and Breach of the Public Trust established by the original tri-lateral international treaty? 

Having seen two such examples of secretive substitution, first the substitution of British Territorial States of States for American States of States, and secondly, the substitution of the Articles of Incorporation of a Scottish Commercial Corporation for the actual Constitution creating the British Territorial United States --- would you say that we have ample evidence of  Breach of Trust and purposeful deception amounting to fraud against the American States and People? 

Please note that the Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business as "The United States of America, Incorporated", was deliberately and outrageously infringing on the name of our lawful Government in international jurisdiction, The United States of America [Unincorporated], so as to deliberately confuse them and their commercial corporation with us, and our unincorporated Federation of States.  The historical record shows that this deliberately created confusion led to the Scottish corporation accessing our credit and other assets and allowed them to run up debt against our assets as a result. This is clearly nothing but identity theft and credit theft on a national scale, all promoted under the auspices of the United Kingdom.  Do you think that this large scale identity and credit theft should be treated any differently than the small scale thefts that occur when credit card thieves do the same thing?

Continuing on, the Scottish Commercial Corporation declared bankruptcy in 1907 and skated off with a large portion of its ill-gotten loot transferred to (mostly Belgian, French, and Swiss) shell companies prior to the bankruptcy. In this way, it shed its debts, sheltered its gains, and left us holding the bag to pay off their creditors. This was the responsibility of the British Monarch and the Government of Westminster, both of which have had and have exercised and enjoyed treaties of peace and positions of delegated authority dependent on their trust obligations owed to The United States of America and the States of the Union Federation and the American People since the 1780's.  Should this Scottish Corporation have been granted bankruptcy protection, considering its criminal acts of fraud and misrepresentation?  Should the American States and People have been held accountable for the debts of this Scottish interloper, when they and their lawful Government were Third Party victims of misrepresentation, Breach of Trust, and identity theft? 

The Schemers and their international collaborators, the banks, "took title" to the land holdings of the American States and People as "security" for the debts of the bankrupt Scottish Corporation in 1907. We, our grandparents, and parents worked hard and paid off this bogus debt in 1953, when the bankruptcy of the Scottish usurpers was settled.  Instead of returning the title to our land to us, the British Territorial United States Congress voted to roll our land titles into Federal State Trusts under their control and operated for their benefit.

Conveniently, the actual unincorporated Government, The United States of America, and the American States and People, were told none of this. We were all kept in the dark like mushrooms and fed a steady diet of patriotism and red-white-and-blue flim-flam.  In view of these circumstances, should the land titles and Federal State Trusts be dissolved and all right, title, and interest be returned to The United States of America [Unincorporated], the member States, and People of this country? 

Meanwhile, in 1925, the Roman Catholic Church and the Office of the Roman Pontiff got into the act and did their own dirty little "business" on our shores. They set up a Delaware Corporation doing business as the "United States of America" Inc.  This is essentially the same con game the Scottish corporation played.  The only difference is the definite article "the".  The Scottish usurper called itself "The United States of America" and the RC version called itself the "United States of America" and both were phony, unauthorized, and criminal as three dollar bills.

This "religious non-profit" ran up bills against our remaining assets (remember our land had already been seized upon as security for the debts of the Scottish corporation) --- our bodies, our life force energy, our private businesses and homes, our copyrights and patents, our labor, everything that you might consider to be your own property.  They played hard and fast and bankrupted "the" United States of America, Inc. in 1933.  And they followed the same play script, of leaving us to pay their bills. 

Given these facts in evidence, do you think that any commercial claims against the American States and People which were established by the Scottish look-alike, sound-alike corporation infringing upon the name of our lawful unincorporated government, have any validity then or now?  Do your think that the nearly identical claims in commerce established on the same basis by the Roman Catholic Church operating as "the" United States of America, have any validity then or now?

If Franklin Delano Roosevelt had on the occasion of his First Inaugural Speech stood up in public and said, "I am making you an offer in the commercial sense.  That offer is to take everything you are and everything you own, your Good Name and Estate, as a gift to my [unstated] holy cause."----do you have any reason to think that the American People would voluntarily accept and act upon such an offer? 

Do you, upon reading FDR's First Inaugural Speech, derive the above meaning and intent from it?  If not, do you think that it met the Law Standard in effect in 1935, that all laws and public notices had to be written so as to be understood by an average seventh or eighth grader?

After reading the preface and notes of the Trading With the Enemy Act (TWEA) and the Congressional debates underlying each Amendment to the TWEA, do you think that the Congressional Intent was to declare war on the American States and People? 

Do you think that it is possible in any sense of the word for the British Territorial United States to declare "war" on its creator and employer, The United States of America [Unincorporated}, its member States of the Union, or the American People, via any possible act of legislation or internal Federal Code, without breaching the Constitution and the Public Trust  --- and thereby nullifying every word of such repugnant legislation? 

Do you think that when the Territorial United States Congress included the one-sentence long section 50 USC 4307 (d) "Voluntary payment, conveyance, transfer, assignment or delivery by holder not an enemy" was intended to facilitate trafficking in babies and their enslavement via a process of registering their Good Names and Estates as "gifts" made to the usurping British Territorial States of States organizations? 

Do you think that trafficking babies born in America into the jurisdiction of the British Territorial United States as if they had been born in the British Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and laying claim to them as British Subjects and subjecting them and their property to the British Commonwealth system and claiming that they were all "voluntarily" gifted by unwed Mothers as "wards of the state"  to the Office of the Alien Property Custodian (later the U.S. Attorney General) is anything but yet another totally unlawful, illegal, Gross Breach of Trust being promulgated by the British Monarch and the Government of Westminster in violation of the Treaties and Commercial Service Contracts (Constitutions) owed to The United States of America, the American States, and the American People?

Do you see any reason in law or fact or sanity, that these false claims and all the mechanisms and agencies including the "Internal Revenue Service" and the licenses issued to the "Uniformed Officers" (doctors and nurses and dentists) attached to them, should not be summarily liquidated?  And the property of the American States and People extracted from the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) managed by the U.S. Attorney General?

These claims are all nothing but self-interested lies and false claims in commerce.  In order to take them seriously, you would have to believe that every woman giving birth in America (including, BTW, the Catholics) is an unwed Mother, and that all these Mothers "voluntarily" gifted their babies to the British Crown and obligated their assets for the benefit of the British Commonwealth.  Do you believe this?  Do you see any reason why everyone on Earth who has been similarly "seized upon" by these fraud artists--- and that includes the Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, Germans, Japanese, and nearly every country in between --- should not simply stand up and say, "Hell, no, we don't agree to this bunko." and walk out the door?  Who but lawless pirates and dishonorable mercenaries and gangsters could ever defend any of this? 

All of this criminality has been supported by politicians and by the banks, and unfortunately, by some military commanders working for the "United States".
Donald J. Trump has been left holding the bag, without any of the actual facts of the situation being made available to him. Of course, the criminals responsible have been unwilling to step forward and admit the depths of the depravity to which they have sunk---stealing and enslaving babies---  but it is all there on the Public Record of several countries, exactly what they have done, and how they have worked this grotesque bunko scheme against the interests of all free men and women everywhere---- and all while singing "Yankee Doodle Dandy" and blaming us, the American States and People for these crimes against humanity. Having seen the longevity of the crimes and the purposeful step-by-step execution of these crimes against humanity, do you have any questions about why these criminals need to be arrested and punished?

In 2014 we finished giving Due Notice and Due Process and issued our Final Judgment and Civil Orders related to these subjects.  In 2015, we re-issued our Sovereign Letters Patent and published them worldwide. In 2015, Barack Hussein Obama bankrupted the Municipal United States Corporations and thereby vacated the Municipal United States Government.  In 2017, via a domino effect, the Territorial United States Government was also bankrupted and vacated.  These organizations had maintained a claim of "successor-ship" by a process of assumption of contract inherited from the Roman Catholic and Scottish usurpers -- a process of pirates making claims based on the claims of other pirates going back to 1868.  But now, finally, they have outsmarted themselves.  By vacating the last two remaining federal contracts and doing so at the same time, we have been able to end any further "assumption" of contract and to acknowledge and accept back our formerly delegated powers. 

As a result, The United States of America {Unincorporated] stands as it has since September 9, 1776, as the Federation of Sovereign States representing the American States and People in international jurisdiction, and is the only actual Government still standing. Any  further exercise of our once-delegated powers by any commercial corporation on Earth without our written and express consent is unlawful, unacceptable and denied.  Any claim that our persons are now or have ever been subject to the Queen in any relationship apart from those established by the original Constitution of the United States of America is null and void. This has happened by Operation of Law and is the result of the incapacity of the delegates in bankruptcy and also as a result of the corrupt and criminal basis of the former claims to "represent" us and to own us as property in violation of international law, the Geneva Conventions, common decency, and Good Faith.  Do you see any reason why the American States and People should continue to put up with dis-service, incompetence, fraud, false claims in commerce against us and against our assets, and other double-dealing crime on the part of our hirelings? 

Most recently, there has been an attempt by hackers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and certain offices of the Department of Defense (DOD) to gin up a "new" computer system based on re-hashing old Binary System Data Processing ideas, calling it the "Quantum Financial System" and seizing upon all the off-ledger Special Deposit Accounts in the world banking system.  They then propose to roll all these assets which in fact belong to other people and which are supposed to be under the control of other Trustees into what they are calling the "Manna World Holding Trust" --- which is just another pirate operation based on seizing other people's assets and calling them yours or, to be more exact, claiming that they are or should be under your control. 

About half of all the assets seized in this latest round of criminality belong to Americans.  We have located the rightful owners of about 30% of the remainder. We have also tracked down the actual paperwork and the receipts demonstrating actual ownerships and trusteeships. Our best advice to all those trying to re-establish a world financial system on a basis of theft and lies is to stop.  Just stop right now.  You are only making a bad situation worse. You cannot hope to establish anything good based on more crime. 

The world going forward needs a rock solid foundation, not more piles of sand. 

And this needs to be done via cooperation and honest dealings among the actual Trustees, not by one micro-chipped female A-1 experiment chosen by a King Rat.

The actual Trustees, as opposed to the Middlemen Bankers and politicians responsible for this ghastly mess, have nothing but Good Will toward the Earth and its peoples. They are agreed that there is more than enough for everyone to do all the many, many things that have to be done to restore Good Faith and Credit, to restore the Earth, to restore rightful Government, and to restore sanity.  Do you see any reason why the people who created and prolonged this mess should be the ones trusted to resolve it? 

Do you agree that the actual trustees of the assets that have been dumped into the Manna World Holding Trust should be allowed to do their jobs and the actual wishes of the owners and beneficiaries of these assets should be honored, insofar as they seek to heal and reform and restore and put an end to lawlessness and criminality and oppression of the living people? 

We can see no reason to allow these private trust assets to be commandeered by the Hired Help, especially after their performance record over the past 150 years. WDYT?

Mr. Trump must feel like a man surrounded in a Crocodile Pit, not knowing where to turn or who to believe.  We don't blame him for that.  The fraud and the lies and the identity thefts and forgeries and counterfeits and all the rest of it run deep and run long.  Still, at the end of the day, the Public Records are the Public Records, the Public Laws are still the Public Laws, the actual ownerships of all the assets still are what they are, the treaties and the contracts say what they say. 

The American States and People have been victimized by European Sharpies for far too long.  The Flim-Flam has to end, and the actual work of the Government of the People, by the People, and for the People has to begin.  All the debts of the Shysters are not being accepted by us again and we do not propose to validate their theft of private trust assets or Public Trust Assets as a means to pay their debts, either.  Those debts have to be offset and/or forgiven, and the actual Employers, Trustees, and Fiduciaries have to make that possible, because the only other option is more criminality.

All those that agree that more false claims and more extortion and more crime is not the way to go forward, raise your hands......

All those that want their names and their property formally removed from the Alien Property List and extracted out of the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) managed by the U.S. Attorney General and returned to them and their States of the Union, raise your hands......

All those who are fed up with lies and criminality from your Employees, raise your hands.....

All those who are fed up with what appear to be public courts acting as private bill collectors for foreign interests, raise your hands....

All those who are fed up with the British Monarchs promoting Commercial Feudalism and seeking to indebt others for their madness, raise your hands....

All those who are owed tons upon tons of services and goods that were provided in Good Faith on the basis of I.O.U's issued by the various banks, and never received any actual remedy or relief.... raise your hands....

All those living people who were taken in by false advertising of "Home Loans" when the perpetrators were actually proposing that you loan your homes to them for their investment and profit.... raise your hands.....

All those that feel that the Governments and Institutions and Commercial Corporations including banks and churches that have acted in Breach of Trust owed to the American People, the Canadians, the Australians, the Japanese, the Germans, and all other populations that have been subjected and abused by this same brand of legal chicanery ---should be (a) held accountable and obligated to reform and makes amends or (b) outlawed and liquidated and no longer allowed to exist....  raise your hands....

All those that feel that seizing upon  private trust assets and converting them into "holdings" of the "Manna World Holding Trust" as a means of paying for public debts, is not a viable or honorable or lawful means to dealing with the situation, raise your hands....

All those who are sick of being kept in the dark and fed horse manure by foreign media cartels jamming up our national airwaves....raise your hands....

All those who have had enough of military officers failing to honor their oaths to defend us against all enemies both foreign and domestic, (please note that--- "and domestic") --raise your hands....

All those who are stunned and amazed that this level of fraud and abuse could go on right under our noses for the better part of two centuries before push came to shove ---- raise your hands.....

All those who are determined that this rampant criminality has to stop---raise your hands....and get your own records straight and join your Jural Assemblies and send a donation in support of the position and work of the lawful Government of this country: 

I am still acting as Paymaster after all these months.  My PayPal is: and we accept other donations via Snail Mail. Please make checks payable to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.

There's nobody here but us chickens.  If you want reform and relief and restitution, you have to get busy and organize and demand it.  You have to share this information and take action against the false claims that have been and are being made against you and your country.  And, unfortunately, until we route through all the false claims and interference from our own misguided employees, you have to support with your prayers and your cookie jar money, too.  Thank you, and God bless the men and women of the Jury. 

Fitton Zeroes-In on Jeff Sessions' Resignation as AG, Illegal Alien Voting, & Election Integrity

Judicial Watch