Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Jim Stone 6-6-2017

Flint official stated the water crisis was caused by "Ni**ers not paying their bills!

A Flint official suggested in May that the root cause of last year's Flint water crisis was that black people refused to pay their water bills, according to a video obtained by a Michigan-based activist group.
"Flint has the same problems as Detroit - fucking niggers don't pay their bills, believe me; I deal with them, " Phil Stair, a manager at the government-operated Genesee County Land Bank, reportedly said in a May 26 conversation with environmental activists. Stair, who is white, claimed that the city's black residents' failure to pay their bills caused price hikes, which ultimately prompted officials to switch the Flint water supply.
My comment: Due to the fact that they were not getting the money they needed to buy high quality water from Detroit, that came from Lake Michigan, Flint had to switch to the Flint River, and then did not treat the water properly. It had a different PH than the lake water, and it ate the pipes it was sent through. This put lead in the water, along with a lot of iron oxide.
So I am a fence sitter with this - they should have simply shut the water off to those who were not paying, rather than give everyone, payers and non payers, what amounted to toxic crap. That's a mis management problem, not a "people don't pay their bills" problem. Perhaps political correctness played a role in this, where it was simply un-acceptable to start cutting water to predominantly one group.

85 percent reduction in food stamp participation after work requirement

13 counties in Alabama put in place a requirement that if you were able bodied and wanted food stamps, you had to either work, or participate in an approved training program. This requirement was put in place in January, and now, the number of people in this category has declined by 85 percent. See this

NSA Russian hacking report handed to The Intercept

A top secret NSA report that outlined what the NSA knew about Russian hacking was handed to The Intercept, and they went ahead and published it. This story is fishy as far as I see it.
First of all, it seems to amount to nothing. Obviously Russia conducts hacking the same way the U.S. conducts hacking, but the U.S. is a lot better at it, because the hardware has back doors to help the NSA. The report does not show that Russia accomplished anything of significance. But you can bet the MSM will be all over this, because they had absolutely nothing before, and now have at least a grain of sand, even if that grain of sand is composed completely of a new ability to bend public perceptions.
Additionally, if Russia really did hack during the election, it is a safe bet the benefit went to Hillary after the uranium deal and the wide open mail server. Russia would have wanted Hillary, but they are too good at the game of politics to state that openly.
The report from The Intercept is here. Needless to say, I am skeptical.

Kathy Griffin fired completely

As fallout from her Trump severed head gig, at this point, every single gig and venue and sponsor she had has pulled out, and she is now officially completely unemployed. She still has $20 million in the bank. If she's smart, that ought to do, but who knows.

Crying wolf

The problem with staging all the fake terror attacks is that enough people are waking up to it to have a reaction to a real attack fail. We have been lied to so much that people are rightfully skeptical, so skeptical that the press is becoming the boy who cried wolf. Today, an "aftermath to the London Bridge terror attack" video was released by CNN, with several Muslim women and a kid staging a protest against terror. Problem is, it was only CNN pushing out fake news and they got busted by it with a guy that filmed the entire setup from behind the scene. The debunkers are trying to say this was fake, but there is no denying it, CNN got clearly and totally busted. SEE THIS
Ok, so now we have video I posted earlier of the actors getting dressed in a group before the supposed terror attack, with the same actors laying on the ground after the terror attack, AND CNN clearly getting busted staging more fake news. This is getting dangerous, because it destroys the credibility of those who are supposed to warn us about legitimate threats so much that if a legitimate threat does arise, only idiots are going to respond, people who were smart enough to cut through the B.S. are going to sit around doing nothing, letting their "best minds" go to waste until it is too late.
SHAME ON YOU CNN and others who keep staging these despicable hoaxes. Don't blame us when your pants really are on fire and no one arrives to put it out.
Another great crying of wolf is with global warming, but many people have seen through this one. Obviously crying wolf in this case will only be detrimental if people believe it, because there never will be anything to respond to. FACT: Al Gore and others want a global government. There is no way to fund it. The carbon tax is the income tax that will fund the global government. That tax is set to be $15 trillion. If people sufficiently disbelieve in global warming, the global government that is tied to the carbon tax is likely to fail. This is precisely why all the New World Order people flipped out when Trump withdrew from the Paris climate accord.
How much did the global government get set to lose when Trump did that? Answer: $250 for every man woman and child in the U.S. PER YEAR at current carbon tax levels That's $75 billion. Not counting all the gasoline taxes and other perks. When it all settles out, they probably a couple hundred billion, and when your goal is to get the global taxes to be so ominous they hit 15 trillion, that's a nice solid kick in the shorts.
I'd like to thank CNN for staging such a nice fake news report, and getting so solidly busted. That will no doubt wake people up to the lies. And once you wake up to one lie, the rest can begin to fall like dominoes. And crying wolf will be for yesterday's fools to believe.

Russia's new Zircon missile could be a game changer

I always thought the S-300 was over hyped when talked about years ago. However, Russia's latest missile system has zero hype, it is for real.
Russia's latest cruise missile can travel 4, 600 miles an hour at sea level. 4, 600 mph is no big deal for an ICBM that does not have to fight wind, but for a low altitude missile it is more than a first, it is a solid milestone and a game changer in the game of nuclear war.
Russia must have pushed the schedule on this missile forward, because it was not supposed to even be tested to the extent it has been for more than a year from now. The latest test showed that the missile can indeed perform as planned. Now, they are saying that rather than waiting until after 2020, they will have it deployed by the time they had originally planned to be as far with it as they are now. That means deployment in 2018 or before.
I have looked over the photos of the launch, and it appears to me that it is using exotic fuels and not hydrogen and oxygen. That would be expected if the performance is as high as it is - hydrogen and oxygen simply can't produce enough thrust to accomplish what this missile does. It leaves a smoke trail but I don't know if it is solid fuel doing it, it does not appear to be so. All I know is it has a solid fuel booster to get it off the ground, and then uses a scram jet. There will probably be more details about how this missile actually works released to the public if Russia is stupid. Don't bet on them being stupid.
I guess the real news in this is not that Russia finally delivered on all of the talk, and has done so on solid concrete terms, the real news is that Russia can now completely penetrate everything developed in the Strategic Defense Initiative anti missile program, at this time there is simply no way to stop a missile that can go so fast at such a low altitude.
Another thing that is important to note in this is that Russia believed it was absolutely critical to get this missile system up and running WAY ahead of schedule, not just a little ahead of schedule - Russia is ambush ahead of schedule with this. I would bet that Russia will have this deployed long before the neocons can conjure up an excuse for war with Russia.
This is a bona fide aircraft carrier killer, the real deal, and I really don't care how big of a wall of bullets an aircraft carrier support group can put up. All Russia has to do is monitor when planes are taking off, and then have the missile approach as a plane is being launched, and the decision will have to be made about whether or not the plane is going to be a casualty. Killing the missile, if it was even possible, would by default require the aircraft that just launched to be shot down if the missile approached from the direction the aircraft was taking off from, and the aircraft would take 500 bullets before the missile took even 1. Russia definitely, beyond all doubt, now has an ace in the hand.
How fast is 4, 600 miles an hour? Let's put this in perspective:
If the missile was skimming the surface of the ocean, and was far enough away to be 55 feet below the horizon, it would reach an aircraft carrier in a little under 7 seconds. Good luck with that. The only people who would go to war with that would be people who viewed America as being expendable.

CNN host: President is a piece of sh*t

Remember a while back when a CNN host went to a tribe in northern India, where they ate brains, he was offered a piece, and he ate it live on camera? You know - that episode where after that CNN host ate the brains, he said something the tribe did not like and they were going to make him next so he and the crew split? YEAH, THAT GUY. Anyway, the host, Reza Aslan has done another doozie. Trump has flipped out over the London attack. Now, even if that attack is not legit, which I strongly suspect, Trump does not know that and the political fallout might be great for America. Bonus. ANYWAY
When in response to the terror attack Trump tweeted "We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!" last night at a little after 11, Reza fired back with a tweet, that said this:
"This piece of sh* is not just an embarrassment to America and a stain on the presidency. He's an embarrassment to humankind."
I don't think Trump's tweet was at all out of line, especially if he really thinks that terror attack was legit, and he probably does think it was. What part of that tweet makes Trump a piece of sh*t? Was it the part about being smart, vigilant and tough? Was it the part about the courts giving Americans their rights back? Was it about restricting travel to keep America safe from such attacks? I don't see anything bad in there, so what is Reza's malfunction?
I think I know what the problem is. You know how mad cow disease was caused by having the cows eat other cow's brains in bulk produced cattle feed, which then triggered a prion chain reaction that resulted in Bovine Spongiform Encephalothapy? Mad cow disease? The same happens in people when they eat other people, cannibals have all kinds of health problems, and Reza ate the wrong brain. Yep. That's it. Malfunction time.

I am depressed.

If everything they do is fake, and then gets peddled by the MSM as real, and then gets used to push policies that wreck countries, and no one can do anything about it, that is good reason to be depressed.

It is not a hobby of mine to call B.S. on things, but as it turns out, lately it always is bs. THIS VIDEO shows the actors putting on their clothes for the London Bridge hoax. I quite frankly don't care how real they made this look, because this video basically kills it.
I guess in a sense I am satisfied that I don't have to go back on my original skepticism, but I'd also really rather not have all these hoaxes. WHAT IF they actually killed people fronting this? They killed people on 911, what if they actually killed people for this also? If so, this was a false flag with real blood, but a false flag nonetheless, the staging of the police actors proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Click that video link now, if you have not already.



Something has been eating at me, for me to post this again.

So since all we have is another (possibly but not likely) credible Muslim attack story in Londonistan in the news, it is time to wake people up with this again:

Drone strike on American soil PROVEN

Blast effects from Indianapolis explosion prove it was a military bombing.
Jim Stone, freelance journalist, updated May 15 2014

Initial report:

Indianapolis blast caused by high velocity explosive

There is little information coming out of Indianapolis, but all of what is coming out indicates that it was a high velocity detonation which occured a few feet off the ground.
There is little concrete foundation remaining at the house the explosion happened at, which totally rules out gas. The lack of high definition photos is damning, we are getting nothing of the blast epicenter and only the debris in the streets. I managed to find a super high quality photo of the neighborhood that does not focus on the house where it originated, but it is clear enough overall to seem to show that the foundation is gone and there is only dirt. But there is so much rubble that it is really hard to tell what is there without a better photo. I am working on this now, and will update it later.
I have received requests to explain the following photo better. When I mention the decompression damage, this is what I am trying to say. If you have a detonation from a military grade explosive, rather than a natural gas explosion, the shock wave that goes out from the blast is supersonic and forms a wall of bunched up compressed air as it moves outward. This creates a vacuum cavity in the heart of the detonation, which can go outward for several hundred feet. Air needs to rush backwards to fill that void after the blast wave has passed, and this creates an enormous suction after the intital blast that can cause significant damage in addition to the initial blast damage. So the arrows are pointing at windows, garage doors, and exterior walls of houses that got sucked off by this negative pressure wave. The fact that the houses I refer to had the external sheathing ripped outward, instead of being blown inward, proves that this was no gas explosion, which is subsonic, it was a detonation of military grade ordinance. Explosions are subsonic, detonations are supersonic, and detonations will cause the reverse pressure wave following the blast. Subsonic explosions will not. This is what I am referring to in the high res photo.

Click the image to enlarge it.

This is the only decent photo which will allow a study of the scene, It can tell us a few things, but not everything. More detail of the epicenter is needed. I hunted for that and cannot find it anywhere.
In the arab world, where the homes are made of solid concrete and have no wood at all, even inside, the negative pressure wave has a negligible effect. But in America, the homes are wood even if they have a brick face, and this will drastically increase the damage potential of the negative pressure wave. When our government decides to make such attacks commonplace, our homes will not offer any protection at all. In fact we are sitting ducks.
This was a much bigger blast than is being stated in the press, with eyewitnesses saying that 8 miles away it sounded like lightning hitting their homes, a recording being made at the time six miles away clearly recorded the blast, and it is not an explosion, it sounds like a detonation. Military veterans are saying it sounded exactly like military ordinance, and people two miles away from the blast say it was so loud they thought a bomb went off within their own yards. The blast effects in the high resolution photo indicate that not only was there a strong compression wave, but there was also a very strong subsequent decompression wave, with homes not badly damaged having their windows sucked out and not blown in, even while facing the direction of the blast. This effect is also visible on several garage doors.

Injuries from the scene exactly match those of battlefield blast wave injuries, which include lung damage, pulmonary damage, ear damage and psychosis/disorientation. This was NOT a gas explosion, meth lab explosion or anything else, it was a detonation of high grade explosives.

Since I do not have a better explanation I am going to tentatively state that the black helicopter and missile plume story could be possible, we all knew this was coming. But I have absolutely no confirmation of this or any other evidence other than blast effects. It appears that it was a smart guided bomb or missile with an ability to detonate after impact, (there are many bombs now that can be set to go off after they have entered a structure to a pre set depth.) This is what we are looking at, they did not want a crater forming ground burst but it appears to have stripped away the foundation. It sure would be nice to get a few REAL photos out of there.
I have also heard now from many writers that Fema and the DHS were on scene within three minutes. If true, this would be proof positive that it was a government hit, and as you know, Obama wrote himself some nice little tyrant powers that allow him to kill anyone he wants. I am not going to take the time to link it, if you don't already know this, you need to study your way to it. Welcome to the U.S.S.A, and in fact, it has been at least partially this way for a few years now.
I would like to know what the people who owned that house were doing. I would like to know if they had the goods on election fraud. I would like to know if they were in a position to be whistleblowers. I would like to know why on earth they were targeted like this, and I am not going along with a Sorcha explanation. The bottom line is I just don't have the answers here, the only thing I can affirmitively state is that this was a military hit of some sort.

The following contains credibile testimony of eyewitnesses

-- admin comment - An Air Force colonel familiar with bombing runs said that this damage was equal to 4, 000 pounds of military grade explosive. How do you get that much blast from a BBQ with at a max 20 pounds of fuel? Answer - Get educated in a modern public school that graduates people who can't think.
Absent a barbecue, you would then need a gas connection. ERROR, the utility company confirmed these houses do not have one. -
Question - How did a barbecue get Fema and the DHS on scene within three minutes of the blast? I know! THE SAME WAY CNN AND OTHER NEWS AGENCIES WERE AT THE MURRAH FEDERAL BUILDING BROADCASTING LIVE, ALL SET UP, THREE MINUTES AFTER IT BLEW UP!!!


A comment from a police officer "It turns out that I am just over four miles in a straight line from the explosion near Sherman and Stop 11. I didnt even put on my uniform as I climbed in my crusier to go to the scene. What I saw was total devistation to four houses and secondary damage to surounding houses. Some houses moved 3 feet off of their foundation!
Initial speculation was that it was a gas explosion. The fire side stated that it didnt look like the normal gas explosion where a house is lifted up and set back down. This had a massive debris field that looks much more like a bomb. The blast was higher than a normal gas explosion. The tree limbs were sheared off at an upward trajectory, not straight out from the house that exploded.
We have had a police presence since Saturday. Today NTSB Haz Mat members arrived at the scene. WTF, for a gas leak? I am begining to subscribe to the notion that something fell from the sky. A couple that lives north of us was outside and said that they heard a sonic boom"
from Stevequayle.com
My comment:
A sonic boom? From the sky? Bombs dropped from airplanes go supersonic in freefall. Bombs dropped from high altitude can make a sonic boom on their way down. Looks like we are inching closer to the story here.

"INSTABILITY AT HOME" A retired Air Force colonel speaks up on the Indianapolis bombing

A reasonable analysis of what is being seen in the US is clear. America faces an insurrection driven by extremist groups within the financial community who are actively working with religious cults that have penetrated the officer corps through America’s discredited service academies. (those cults would be the Jewish community, pretty brazen statement)
Many American military, some retired but some actively serving, have displayed clear signs of treasonous disloyalty and the willingness to, not only overthrow the civilian government but to stage terror attacks inside the United States in concert with foreign intelligence agencies. (Israeli Mossad)
This is not conjecture. One such potential attack may well have happened yesterday, perhaps a “test run.” The report of this wild conspiracy theory came to me from a retired Air Force pilot who flew nuclear-armed F-111’s for a living.
He indicated that the mysterious explosions that took place in Indiana yesterday do not pass the “sniff test.” The retired Air Force colonel responds below, one with top security clearances and a career of special operations behind him.
This is his assessment:
There are two people dead and they will not release their names so far.
The damage area looks like about 4-6 500 pounders, MK-82 Low Drag hard bombs or two 2, 000 pounders.
The wife also said that there is a Russian neighborhood and the Arab neighborhood earlier mentioned very near to the explosion. If the Feds release a bombshell, I will email you back. (Redacted)
Has the long warned of “drone war” inside America actually begun? One legitimate expert thinks so."
My response: Solving this mystery explosion is going to require assembling bits and pieces like this. A Colonel is a high rank and that carries credibility. There is no doubt that the government has gone fully rogue and we should expect to be seeing more of these mysterious explosions. The fact that Fema and the DHS were on scene within 3 minutes pretty much says it all. Those types of agencies do not respond while the dust is still in the air unless they did it themselves.

Springfield "gas explosion" likely a psy op

Bomb arrived AFTER the gas stink wore off

LET ME REPEAT: They smelled natural gas, evacuated the area, and 45 minutes after the smell of gas was gone, an explosion happened that could have only been caused by a huge ordinance blast

There are serious problems with the story, and I now believe the new method is going to now be to set off "gas explosions" where the gas company shows up for a reported smell and then the bomb gets dropped

The first problem is the color of the explosion. Look up the "shock and awe" footage from the Iraq war and compare those blasts to this blast. It's a perfect match for "shock and awe." The biggest problem however, is the amount of devastation, and the story line. The story line is: There was a smell of gas prior to the blast, and the place got evacuated. Firefighters and the gas company showed up for the smell of gas. The gas company looked all over that club for a gas leak, and found no leak. The smell of gas had dissipated and was no longer there, so they figured wtf, and were packing up to leave when the place blew up

Extrapolation, what probably happened

U.N. GI blue hat "New World Orders" Joe was sent to the strip club with a can of natural gas stink. Gas has no odor, they add that smell to it so people know when it is leaking. But it's just an aftermarket stink they add, and a little can of it goes a long way. GI U.N. NWO Joe hates America and had no qualms about setting off a little stink bomb, especially if he knows that everyone will leave because of it before there is a smart bomb on the way, and THIS TIME, after that Indianapolis blast, he knows that to run his little psy op, people need to start believing that natural gas is a military grade weapon because it's not yet socially acceptable in America to just kill dissidents at will, and speed is needed for the next step in the NWO plan. It's just too difficult to send assassins now that people know the gig, people know about "boston brakes" anonymous detention, suicides, the whole 9 yards and they need to now just cut to the chase and do drone strikes like in Afghanistan because the sheeple are waking up and time is wasting. So "natural gas" needs a whole new "attitude" and re-education of the populace with regard to it's fury needs to be done post haste.
There is too much public record of what natural gas is capable of. We all know it does not level neighboring buildings or blow windows out and knock homes off foundations a block away. But to do a good job militarily, that type of power is needed and to get a blast big enough to kill someone with certainty, the neighbor's house has to go too. So now they have the fire department saying there was a gas smell, the gas company saying there was a gas smell, and then BOOM, the big boy goes off.

The major underlying problem with all of this is that the bomb arrived too late for some reason.

Either Joe played with the stink and used some for fun, or our illiterates the schools are now graduating did not get the calculations right and the stink was gone before the blast happened. Or maybe they could not get the drone started on cue. The firefighters and gas company came, they saw, they found no gas, the smell was gone, they were leaving, and BOOM. And it was a BIG boom. Totally erased that club, And I call BULLSHIT. And I mean ERASED. Glass thrown for blocks. Speaker magnets laying in rubble. Bricks everywhere, totally stripped of the concrete mortar, All from a "gas leak" that was looked for, not found, SMELL GONE, WITH PROFESSIONALS ON SCENE SAYING, WELL, THERE IS NOTHING HERE, TIME TO GO, AND THEN BOOM!
And when you see the picture of the buildings ACROSS THE STREET, HARDENED BRICK AND MORTAR, NOT WOOD BUILDINGS ACROSS THE STREET, THIS WAS OBVIOUSLY A BOMB. Watch the shock and awe videos from the Iraq war, and watch the video of this blast. Notice the color spectrum IN THE VIDEOS. Don't use the photographs of this blast because "they" are playing with the contrast/saturation in the pictures, to hide the real light spectrum (a tell all) but the video is still original color.

They killed the newscast video which had all of this minutes after I linked it. It's gone. But it was the local WWLP covering it, and had all of the info, about how the gas company and firefighters were packing up and leaving after finding nothing in an inspection, and there was no smell because it had gone away and THEN it blew up. With the video removed I can't prove it with their own video anymore but I do have some quotes I transcribed while doing this article.

These are quotes from the newscast

"This is where the scores gentlemans club once stood we can tell here that it is destroyed, in addition there is glass all over the neighborhood, Buildings being evacuated, windows blown out of other buildings"
"This is right near fire department headquarters in springfield, we understand firefighters came into this area after a very strong smell of gas. This is near Northington and Chester streets in Springfield, right in their entertainment district."
"People felt this as far as West Springfield and Wilberham, they heard that huge explosion and felt the ground vibrating."
"We understand there were gas company workers there addressing this gas leak, they had been there for about an hour, felt that they had wrapped up their work and were just getting ready to leave when this happened."

My comments, on the obvious ramifications of these quotes

Gas company workers and firefighters are NOT GOING TO LEAVE A SCENE WHERE THEY ARE SMELLING GAS UNTIL IT IS SOLVED. "in the hour prior to this blast" does not mean "at the time of blast".
Ok, so the gas workers were there for an hour and found NOTHING. WTF is up with that? They found NOTHING and were "packing up to leave" and then BOOM. And it was an EPIC boom, a 2, 000+ pound bomb blast type boom, throwing bricks and breaking windows for blocks. Once again, how much energy can be present with a given amount of oxygen and a certain amount of gas? Not enough to do this, especially if people were walking around the building looking for a gas leak prior to this, even if it was as bad as the max possible which is certainly not enough for this, they would not have been able to even go in without getting poisoned by the gas. And if the smell was still there, they would not have been "packing up to leave", firefighters and gas workers just don't do that.
The "gas leak" might have just been a can of old fashioned fart spray for all we know, but it is obvious from this report that whatever caused this blast could not possibly have been gas if you apply an ounce of thought to just the fact that the firefighters and gas workers had decided to leave when things went boom. Then there is the damaged area, which is totally out of character for gas, and TOTALLY on par with a heavy bombing during a war.
So you can forget about your guns, your bow and arrow, or whatever else you have, just bring your propane stove and throw it at "them" when they come for you, the following blast will level everything for at least a block. for $45 spent at Wal Mart, you can have what it takes to do Rambo proud.
Bottom line? IF GAS COULD DO THIS, IT WOULD BE CONSIDERED A WEAPON AND BANNED. People would be buying scuba tanks, and pressurizing them with a perfect gas/oxygen mixture and making bombs that way. In fact, that would be the ONLY way to do things if gas really was THAT BAD.
The following picture was taken at the center of the blast, looking out at the surrounding buildings. Look at the concrete dust in the debris, which will only happen from a high intensity explosion, not natural gas. Look at all the perfectly separated bricks. That does not happen easily. Look at the surrounding buildings. This was at least a 2, 000 pound bomb, something really big. We have a nation to save if our government is going to get violent and peddle bullshit like this.

Shock and awe anyone? Yes, yes indeed.

How big was that bomb?

As I looked over the pictures from the night club blast and the damage to buildings blocks away, natural gas was the last thing on my mind. Unlike the Indianapolis neighborhood which had wooden structures that are easy to destroy, this particular blast happened in a business district with solid brick and mortar. Natural gas should have done little other than blow the windows out of the building the explosion happened in.
I have already looked at many war time photos, photos taken in the Arab world where pretty much everything is built as strongly as the night club and surrounding area was, and I never saw any type of single blast bomb damage that even approached what happened there. Go through the photos of Israel's recent attack on Gaza and look at the type of damage the bombs did there. You can at least recognized a structure existed. Not so for the night club, it was completely erased and neighboring buildings look as badly damaged as the directly hit buildings in Gaza.
This field of bricks is where the night club once stood. Typically in warfare you won't get this level of devastation from a single bomb blast, this would be expected of a carpet bombing with normal bomb sizes yet it happened in one big boom. This was something big, 10, 000 pounds perhaps?
There are different levels of ordnance and typically in warfare you will have 100, 200, 500, 1000, and 2, 000 pound bombs. Most typically used sizes are below 500 pounds. Any bomb size, even the little ones, will totally out perform any natural gas blast. So how big was that bomb, and WHAT was the reason for it?
Obviously, for some political reason, "natural gas" needs an image upgrade
I would like to know the reason. They had their scenario ready to go. They got their smell of gas at the scene, witnessed by firefighters and the gas company, and there is no doubt that the official story will call this gas and drive it home with 9 inch nails. But have you ever tried to trick a two year old? One famous trick is when the two year old eats something like a cookie, to pretend you pulled it out of their tummy simply by hiding a different cookie in your hand, and then rubbing the child's tummy for a second or two and then show the child the other cookie. Any two year old will think you stole their cookie right out of their tummy. To an adult the trick is obvious, after all the cookie was chewed and there is no way it is anything but gone. But a trusting two year old who has not yet learned to think about what is possible, will fall for the ruse every time. And people will probably fall for this "gas explosion", where a little gas stink (which had already vanished before the blast) was traded for military ordinance.
So the question is not "was it a gas explosion, " the question is, instead, WHY are they suddenly souping up the image of what natural gas is capable of? This bomb blast was easily a 2, 000 pounder if not more. There are bombs up to 40, 000 pounds now, and I really don't know what they thought the limit was this time. But it was something big, really big, much bigger than Indianapolis.
Perhaps they want to set a precedent for drone strikes so they can false flag dissidents to death under the guise of natural gas. Perhaps they want an excuse to go into homes and perform inspections for anything but natural gas, using gas as the excuse, because gas is really dangerous you know, and we have to go into your home and check things out several times a year to make sure you do not blow the neighborhood up, and if you don't let us in you are a jerk who belongs in a detention camp because you really don't care about anyone. You are just a dink who would sooner see the neighbors die on behalf of your furnace than give up a little privacy. What a jerk you are.
I had a reader send me a mail saying that it might even be probable that now that they have false flagged nuclear to the fringe, that they are going after other clean and reliable sources of energy. After all, enough of these blasts will certainly scare the public. What a victory it would be for the NWO crowd if they managed to get us to give up natural gas - we use it just about everywhere.
Knowing the real reason for this psy op is not as important as one simple thing which can stop it in it's tracks, and it is for the public to stop being a bunch of non thinking two year olds and simply pop the question - Gas can't do that, how big was that bomb?

LONDON ATTACKS: THE PERFECT RUSE FOR BANNING LONG KNIVES . . . . . . . because you really can cut a head of lettuce with whatever comes on a fingernail clipper. After all, plastic knives did the job 4 different times, with ZERO failures on 911!

London attacks

This time on the modern replacement for the iconic London Bridge. Gee, that's as memorable as 911!
I don't really know if I want to even look into this one. I am tired of calling hoax.
Ok, for people sleuthing out there, there is the london milennial bridge. It comes up when you search for london bridge. Don't get burned by that, (I almost did) the London Millenial bridge is all pedestrian. Obviously that can't be what was used for the supposed attacks.
Ok, so we have someone screaming THIS IS FOR ALLAH and knifing people. Sorry, but:
Ok, I could not resist. And I don't care.
If I am wrong about this, so what. Same tired script. Other proven fakes. Same tired script. Oh, not so tired, because they added knife to van attack. Ok, variety. Knives because you can't get a gun in britain. As if that would not be furnished for a real attack. Yep. I'm bored.

If you sent a donation a while ago, and it is not showing yet, that will be fixed later today when I get everything synchronized, thanks!

Fundrazr is working exponentially better than direct Paypal (for now)

There is no known problem yet, the following is a warning to trolls:

This is not really a message to my readers, it is a message to the correct the record trolls or whoever else got into the Paypal stream and blocked or stole practically everything. It has probably been going on for at least six months, but they got really brazen with it toward the end. This messages is for THEM:
Correct The Record, Media Matters, and whoever else has been handed NSA tools: Don't mess with Fundrazr They have an exponentially better system than Payapal. Their system can be manipulated to totally circumvent Foxacid or any other man in the middle application, and Fundrazr probably does not even know it. If you think you are going to get away with putting up a mirrored page of Fundrazr, and bug people's computers so they always divert to the mirrored page and never see the real fundrazr (so things can then be stolen again) well, that can be done but you won't get away with it. I have discovered a way to get people to the real page even if you do a DNS server rooted man in the middle diversion. I can't fix Paypal because their system is bloated and shitty. With Fundrazr, the rules have changed, their system is elegant. I have figured out how to Iframe your fake version of things (if it happens), and in a subsequent window, Iframe the real deal, so anyone who hits the site can see both in real time. It is the very nature of the Fundrazr system that makes this possible. I am giving no further details, because my only goal with this is to get you in trouble, and get your permission to use the NSA tools rescinded.
I bet you think you are smart. But I have a little warning: Your trolls are all common core educated. You can't get old school people into your system, because their quality is too high and you are on top of that too "politically correct" to seek them out, and on top of that, they are not gullible enough do do your crap. Your trolls are clueless about what that software actually does, they only open menus and execute features, like a Saudi Prince driving a Bugatti, completely oblivious to the details of how the tech works. That puts you in a really weak position, when you are using an NSA app, to screw with former NSA that is old school. Screw with me. I dare you. I can bash you to pieces this time around. And the NSA won't be happy with you afterward.
And as a secondary note, if you do call in a corrupted piece of old school crap that thinks the old way, it will be a permanent position, because once again, the very nature of how things are now will allow me to continuously change the rules. Your days of screwing with the funding for this web site are OVER.


First, Foxacid is told what web site it has to spoof. It then makes a copy of that web site on a powerful computer. Then Foxacid integrates with the DNS system, and tells the DNS servers to send everyone to the Foxacid copy. On the back end of the Foxacid copy (or whatever other NSA app it happens to be) all requests, image loads, EVERYTHING, is duplicated and sent to the legitimate web site, so everything there looks normal. At first, everyone goes through Foxacid. But as people are targeted or cleared in the system, more and more are sent to the real version of the web site, until only the targeted individuals are completely isolated. Once this is accomplished, the targeted people are screwed to oblivion, getting bugs planted on their systems and they will only get the holoweb version of the web site. And the holoweb will not match the real version on top of that.
At this point, the targeted individuals become 100 percent troll managed, and absolutely everything they do is compromised completely. They can see and confirm that they wrote something, and it won't be written, they can see and confirm they sent help somewhere and it won't be sent, and trolls will back manage everything, to make sure the target becomes demoralized and totally ineffective. Forum posts will show to them and no one else, comments will show to them and no one else, they will be erased and abducted by the holoweb.
That's the new reality. Fortunately, up until now, only targeted web sites and individuals are affected, and both have to be compromised for it to work. The internet is still mostly real. Don't bet on that lasting much longer if we sit on our butts and do nothing about it.

Details on the Paris Climate Accord pullout

Al Gore said: "It is reckless and indefensible"
My response: Yes, because America was ordered to pay more than any other country into your $15 trillion carbon tax.
Leonardo DiCaprio said: "Today, our planet suffered. It’s more important than ever to take action"
My comment: Your brain must still be stuck on the Titanic. Trust me, the water is not supposed to be cold everywhere.
Elon Musk stated: "Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world"
My comment: Obviously, when your bottom line might be impacted by this. Tesla is a really cool car, but until I see the entire surface of your cars turned into a solar generator, which would likely produce most of the electricity they need without producing ANY carbon at the generating facility, you are complaining to the wrong guy if I am the audience. No one can convince me that meaningful solar can't be put on a car at negligible expense nowadays, with solar going for as low as 23 cents a watt. Any car could have enough solar on it to produce 1000 watts for only $230 now that prices of solar have plummeted. That's close to the amount a 120 volt plug in charger for your cars will do. Happening all day. Making your cars less of a hassle to charge. And it could happen for ZERO carbon. Why did you miss that?
John Favareau: "Coulter is at least honest for the reason Trump made this decision: to piss off the left.
My response: Stuck in delusion are we? Trump made this decision because it was a campaign promise, and he wanted to protect America from injury. If that pisses off the left, I am happy to see an enemy scorned.
Bette Midler: "There has never in US history been such a destructive megalomaniac in the WH. Thank you to US press and other numbskulls who put him there."
My response: Obviously you can't get the big picture while watching "from a distance". If you think the press put him there, you are the numbskull. Please protect yourself by avoiding further comment, at least the others did not say anything so stupid.
Niel Tyson: "If I and my advisors had never learned what Science is or how & why it works, then I’d consider pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord too."
My response: Oh, are you a pro vaxxer too? That "science" line is all too familiar. How about: For science, study why the desert gets cold at night. Study atmospheric composition, and what gasses hold heat the best. #1 is water vapor, #2 is methane. Water vapor has about 5000 times the heat retaining potential of Co2 in the atmosphere. That's why the desert, which has just as much Co2 as anywhere else, gets very cold at night, because the air is dry and the heat goes right out. If you can't understand that simple concept, you can read all the science you want, and you'll be too stupid to avoid getting scammed. I BET YOU PAY YOUR MECHANIC BIG BUCKS, MISTER SCIENCE!
Michael Moore: "USA to Earth: FUCK YOU"
My response: You have proven your conviction by storing so much carbon in your fat. If you get creamated, we just might see a carbon apocalypse.
Chelsea Handler: "I’m guessing that Donald Trump doesn’t see the irony in making his announcement to leave the Paris Agreement while standing in a garden."
My response: OH MY GOD, the IDIOCY! The more Co2 there is, the better the garden will grow! Indoor growing facilities all know that most plants like the Co2 to be about 3x as high as the CURRENT atmospheric levels you are calling a disaster! YEP, Trump in a garden was PERFECT and you are a nitwit!
John legend: "Trump is a national embarassment"
My response: Not for Americans. He just took an important step towards "Making America Great Again". If you call that an embarassment, you are no friend of the American people!
Bernie Sanders: "Trump's decision to withdraw the US from the Paris climate agreement is an abdication of American leadership and an international disgrace."
My response: FAR FROM IT. Now we ALL KNOW YOU would have been an abdication of American leadership, and that you would have happily followed your "New World ORDERS." Thank God hillary botched it all by rigging the primaries!

Google facing $9 billion fine for rigging search results

See this

MY COMMENT: This is a JOKE. Google could pay this like paying a toll on the information turnpike. Additionally, this does not even cover censoring news and public discourse, nor does it even touch the subject of Google destroying people by denying ads. I am sure Google is really scared.

Kathy Griffin press conference

The media showed up to her press conference that was announced yesterday. Kathy Griffin has retained a lawyer and is trying to sue Trump for damages related to the public outrage caused by her posing with a convincing mock up of Trumps severed head.
Kathy did indeed cry the victim, and blames Trump for what she did. The press conference did not go well for her, even CNN did not buy it. See it here

Trump pulled out of the Paris climate accord

This means no carbon tax. Gas prices should therefore drop almost instantly, more in some places than others.
Obviously Co2 based global warming is a patent hoax, but climate change is a reality simply because the sun's output does not stay constant, and also because the earth goes through periodic magnetic pole flips. The sun flips poles frequently, once every 11 years on average, anything in the universe that has a molten core and a magnetic field can usually flip at any time. That would cause climate change as much as having the sun's intensity change. Erupting volcanoes also can cause climate change if the eruption is bad enough. But putting more plant food in the air will not cause it, water vapor alone is many times the greenhouse gas than Co2 is, and there is a lot more water vapor.


I recently pointed out how I can spot trolls, and then got the idea of simply collecting all their IP addresses and publishing them so anyone can use them to block trolls from their forums and web sites.

Here is a start to that list.

If they are going to provide me with free information by trolling the wrong guy, I'll just publish it so they eventually have their job get difficult by atrition of IP addresses they need for work.
Obviously this could also block innocent people, but if the list is elegantly and thoughtfully created, the chances of that happening are very small. Additionally, if the list gets large enough and used by enough web sites, it will eventually ruin IP proxy services that allow their resources to be used by trolls, and don't sufficiently work to keep trolls in check. UPDATE: Two IP addresses ended up on the list that I did not put there, they have been removed. It was not an error, I really did not put them there because the source pages I took the IP addresses from did not even have those two appearing anywhere! So I will have to from now on take pictures of the list to compare and see if anything got added by someone else. This would get done by trolls who want to cause the IP ban list to cause damage by censoring legitimate activists.

It looks like Kathy Griffin is going to sue Trump

Kathy did not like the fallout from her Trump decapitation stint, so now she's claiming to be the victim! She has paired up with a lawyer. Press conference tomorrow!

Here is the lawyer's twitter
My comment: Do you remember the fad a while back that involved making very expensive coffee out of beans a monkey ate and pooped out? It is called Kopi Luwak, and I have a hunch these two had coffee together before deciding to cry victim, and along with the coffee beans, the monkey ate a few mushrooms.
UPDATE: Wow, Kathy is absolutely horrible. If you want to know who the enemy is, take a look at this report from December of 2016. She proves it all in her own words - she's bad.

THE VERY IMPORTANT CORRECT THE RECORD REPORT IS ON THIS PAGE UNDER THE HEADLINE "An intercepted transcript from Correct the Record reveals a LOT."

The transcript proves Hillary was not at any debate, that David Brock knows who killed Seth Rich, That correct the record and Media Matters are connected, that Correct the Record was given powerful NSA malware, which obviously is also now in the hands of Media Matters, and that this happened BEFORE the NSA leaks, AND MORE. The transcript is absolutely ground breaking, and after it floated around on the web for six months unnoticed by many, it surfaced again, What Really Happened linked to it, and that's where I found it. So this is mainstream alt media folks, SCROLL DOWN TO THE REPORT, READ IT, AND LET THEM WEEP.


Don't sweat it. It is a Hebrew word Trump typed, which in the context stated meant that the media will never tell the truth and it will make things difficult but we will succeed anyway.

Files deleted from message window server

The goons deleted all their obvious goonage off the files stored on the messaging server after I posted an example of what they do yesterday. They did not delete their goonage with any care at all, they simply deleted entire files, with good messages AND their goonage in them. This means that even if a message makes it, if I don't see it before they get to it, it is gone.
FACT: I HAVE MADE ZERO, AND I MEAN ZERO security errors that would make such access possible. If they did this, it means absolutely no one on the web is safe, and it was not man in the middle, they simply went right into the server through a back door.
They did not get access via a stinger in the data stream, because the connection I use for the main server is never used to type a password into a back up server. The server they accessed had a recent password change at a totally random computer that I never saw before in my life, in a cyber cafe I never saw before and while at that computer I did one thing: Change the password to that server, and then leave. And my passwords are all similar to this: 1nqq335rt7/9- which means there's no possible way they hacked the password.

The deletion of the files proves without question that absolutely no one in the world can secure a server or any computer anywhere, because there are transparent back doors they walk right through and can do anything they want. Maybe exploiting this is a feature of Foxacid. This web site does not require a secure connection to access, but it DOES require a secure connection to administer. The fact the files vanished, and they were ONLY files these trolls wrote into, proves without question the world is completely exposed to the shadow government at all levels of computing and no level of "secure access" or good password will stop that.

So I am going to fight back any way I can, to cause them problems any way I can. COMING SOON TO THIS WEB SITE: An IP list that anyone can put in their forum ban list or .htaccess to keep the trolls out. It will get long, because these people have a whole pile of IP's but I have figured out how to identify them when they come in, and they will be added to a list anyone can see here, and use, to make their forums better. Eventually it will do significant damage. They must be sensitive to this, because why else would they delete all files they posted to, with their IP addresses recorded there? It would have been better for them to just let it all sit unless they had a specific reason to do the deletes, and the IP addresses would probably be that reason. So I will publish them when they come in.
To see the goonage I am talking about, See this

An intercepted transcript from Correct the Record reveals a LOT.

This has been out there for six months, and I missed it! So I will guess that many others missed it also, and post it. This conversation, which was acquired during a hack, reveals several key things:
1. Hillary has been replaced, and was replaced before the first debate.
2. Seth rich was murdered and David Brock knows who did it.
3. Correct the record was given NSA malware for the express purpose of ferreting out key people in alt media, locating their physical location, and killing them. This software was recklessly given to an army of correct the record trolls who busted into the computers of over a thousand top Trump supporting reddit users, and hundreds more chan users.
4. AS I ALWAYS SAID, Hillary lost every single online poll, and the polls were faked to show her winning. It is clearly stated here that despite doing well at the debate, Hillary's replacement still lost 100 PERCENT of ALL online polls and everyone at Correct the Record knew that.
5. Not everyone is aware of the entireity of the conspiracy, even people working deep within it. The syntax here proves it.
6. As I have said all along, there really is NSA malware that can get into your computer even if you never visit a malicious site, or click a link in an E-mail, or do anything else that is known to be able to infect a computer. My custom ROM chip is going to be replaced very soon, because it is obviously hacked. I'll make 20 of them this time, and swap them out regularly, and throw the used ones in the trash. I will also ditch the laptop battery, which has it's own processor for power management, and is definitely infected.

OK, so on to the transcript.

Begin Transcript ekim [5:52 AM]
ekim [5:52 AM] set the channel purpose: clean up this mes
brock [5:52 AM] joined post-debate from an invitation by @ekim
brock [5:53 AM] go round up the others. i need some coffee.
brock [5:54 AM] good morning to u to fink.
efink [5:55 AM] the only good thing about it was that whoever that was, she looked pretty good. how tf did they do that?
brock [5:56 AM]I can't talk. very hush hush. still, we've lost every online poll and we need to get tough here. get this under control.
[5:59] i don't see what's so bad. She looked really healthy! I thought she did GREAT!
efink [5:59 AM] she was scoring 3 on AMTS a couple of weeks ago and 22 on mmse. Yeah, whoever that was was normal.
MY COMMENT: Clearly here, you can see they know it was not Hillary at the debate.
[6:00] but the telemetry sucks. look at all the snap onlines: we're losing 100%
[6:00] romney v obama numbers
My comment: That proves they knew all the online polls were false, and had the real numbers in the background.
ekim [6:01 AM] but those don't mean anything
efink [6:01 AM] it means they're enthusiastic. organized. if they can swarm a poll whats to stop them swarming a voting booth?
[6:01] it also creates a counter-nar. the free press will sniff it. we have to stop the bleeding.
ekim [6:01 AM] k
efink [6:02 AM] don't worry. we have something. GET SHAW OUT OF BED.
[6:02] i'm going for coffee.
cshaw [6:05 AM] hello!
[6:06] hi Liz.
[6:06] I see we're not happy :disappointed:
brock [6:06 AM] Not at all.
cshaw [6:06 AM] I read the round-up. It looked good?
brock [6:07 AM] the round up my burning ass. Im talking about the real world. Trump made her look like a girl. Today we hit back. We hit back hard.
[6:07] Fink?
efink [6:07 AM] one sec.
[6:10] okay. guys, this is 18-2381 stuff. Got it?
cshaw [6:10 AM] yes
ekim [6:10 AM] yes sir.
efink [6:11 AM] alright. we need to move beyond the disruption scripts and down-voting. we need to start hurting people and that's what this is about. This is about winning because we'll never get a chance at this again. everything is justified. David?
brock [6:11 AM] dramatic.
[6:13] fuck-okay. so the Trump team is an emergent order. thirty million little chan and reddit assholes that bump around and then congeal to vote in a poll or push a meme or make a hashtag trend or whatever. This is new. It isn't like fighting a centrally organized campaign.
[6:13] It's more like fighting a disease.
[6:14] So what we need to do is break the pattern. The usual means isn't working. Trump's too charismatic. Morale is too high. This is an army of chaos folks.
[6:14] so we have full clearance. Word of God.
[6:15] Fink-let's do this. I have a plane to catch.
efink [6:16 AM] uploaded and commented on an image: foxacid.jpg 1 Comment FOXACID
ekim [6:16 AM] Ew.
cshaw [6:16 AM] i like it! wtf is it??
efink [6:17 AM] This is manna from heaven, kids.
[6:18] We have the use of an NSA intrusion package. We are going to find the thought leaders. the meme-generators. the shit-posters. I need a target analysis for reddit, twitter, and the chans by tomorrow 5 PM.
[6:18] You will monitor, identify, and using the FA [foxacid] software set we have, identify/dox.
cshaw [6:18 AM] that will dox them??
efink [6:20 AM] It will man-on-the-side for the anon boards and intercept traffic. We can use that for IP addresses and loading tracking software and magic lantern onto their devices. Once we have them compromised
[6:20] David? How many do we need?
brock [6:21 AM] I want 150 from 4chan, whatever you can get from 8. I want 1000 top reddit drivers exposed and I want content analysis for their posts. I want the people who are really driving their narrative.
[6:22] I need all that in a packet by tomorrow afternoon with lexical analysis, proof of compromise. I want clips of memes. I want to up-vote patterns. All this has to be inside the US too. We can't use externals.
cshaw [6:23 AM] It won't work outside the US?
efink [6:23 AM] It works fine outside the us you idiot. That's NSA stuff.
brock [6:24 AM] WE don't work outside the US. Do you think this is fucking bean-bag?
[6:24] We are going to disrupt them before this shit goes any further.
[6:24] if they don't have leaders, we're going to get their thought leaders.
cshaw [6:24 AM] like pajama boy!
brock [6:25 AM] I AM NOT N THE MOOD cshaw
cshaw [6:25 AM] sorry
efink [6:26 AM] just get us the target profiles. Hit the numbers. Give us a matrix for each of them. Okay? PII, influence grid, recent activity, Q-rate. Like that.
[6:26] You know what to do.
cshaw [6:26 AM] Yes sir.
ekim [6:26 AM] What are we going to do with that?
brock [6:27 AM] do u really want to fucking know, kim?
ekim [6:27 AM] i'm good.
brock [6:28 AM] u better be. I am going to get a plane. You will be up ALL NIGHT. Keep the lab LOCKED. Fink bring in pizza or whatever to keep the kids going.
[6:30] Get those files together.
ekim [6:30 AM] I'm on it. Do you know what brock is going to do with them? I do kind of want to know, sir.
efink [6:31 AM] google Seth Rich and shut up about it.
cshaw [6:31 AM] OOg.
[6:32] well, they are deplorable. idk. I think we should have done this a long time ago.


In case you missed it, Kathy Griffin posted a disgusting and realistic picture of herself holding Trump's severed head by the hair, and it was so convincing Trump's younger son thought it was real. It is illegal to do that to a President, and now, (surprisingly) Kathy is on the rocks.

Ok, so Kathy is one point scored towards the win . . . . . .


It will take too much space on the front page for this, if you want proof of how I know the message window is censored,CLICK HERE

Vaccinations and autism

A few weeks ago, there was a story circulating about a peer reviewed study that proved vaccinated children have a 5X higher rate of autism than non vaccinated children. I figured that was a low amount, and that unvaccinated children would have lower rates of autism than even that. No one linked to the study, anyone discussing the topic only talked about what the study said. I can see why - because the actual study will be difficult for most people to make sense of.
Well, today Natural News linked the study. I read through it, and to cut to the chase, the most meaningful information is on pages 7, 8, and 9. If anyone argues with you about vaccines, (especially a troll) saying "Science says vaccines are safe", and therefore you have no education and are too stupid to understand vaccines, LINK THIS STUDY call them a brilliant scientist, and tell them to make sense of it, because YOU understand it to the letter, you know what "Peer reviewed means" and that this "peer reviewed" study proves with hard science that yes, vaccines not only cause autism, they cause many many many other chronic illnesses, some of which are outlined in the study.
Linking this study is going to be a LOT BETTER than linking any alt media report, and if you get a response back saying "Don't give me that lengthy gobbledygook to read through" immediately respond: WHAT'S WRONG? CAN'T YOU HANDLE THE SCIENCE??!!??
I'll certainly be doing that, and laughing. Yes, the truth about vaccines is there, that truth does not look good at all, and it is a great scientific document. It will serve very well to bash any troll into the gutter when they say science says vaccines are safe, and you are too stupid for that.


That must be a political marriage, and someone pressured her. I had to do a double take of this, because I recently did a report of Weiner being convicted of a sex offense with a minor, with a minimum jail sentence possible of 23 months. I figured I must have gotten that wrong. But NOPE, Weiner is due to be sentenced on September 8 (which is a ridiculously long time) and meanwhile, Huma is asking him to come back to their leased $11, 000 per month apartment.
Anyway, it is all pretty ludicrous. I find it hard to believe Huma actually romantically wants him any more than Hillary wants bill. There must be political pressure. SEE THIS

Hillary's fake polling stations, People DO NOT GET IT

The girlfriend of Seth Rich blew the whistle on this in an e-mail farther down this page. People seem to not understand the process Hillary used, so Let me explain this again:
Here is the misunderstanding:
Alex sent: How strongly vetted is this 'covert polling station' angle? The strategy sounds too good not to be true, but then the logic around it, seems confusing: If there are covert voting stations, wouldn't the turnout be higher than expected? So be careful, mate -Alex
My response: If Hillary set up duplicate polling stations that were not on the record, and used her web site to direct people to them without the people even knowing they were fake, and then got nearly 100 percent of the vote at her own polling stations, which were then SUBTRACTED: UNDERSTAND THIS: THEY WERE SUBTRACTED AND NOT ADDED to the legitimate polling stations, by taking 100 PERCENT HILLARY VOTES AND SWAPPING THEM OUT FOR ONLY LEGITIMATE BERNIE SANDERS VOTES at the legitimate polling stations, voter turnout would appear to be low, not high.
She had to keep the number of votes that were cast equal to the official register at the real polling place, and had a duplicate register that was then shredded. This means that everyone who voted on her duplicate register vanished from the system when the votes that went to her at her secret polling stations were swapped into the official register, replacing Bernie votes with ZERO VOTES IN NUMBER ACTUALLY ADDED TO THE OFFICIAL REGISTER. Only votes were switched, NONE were added.
In Hillary's plan, EVERYONE got to vote, and predominantly only Hillary votes actually showed up in the end. :The corruption it took to make this happen was unfathomable. People at the DNC actually had to sit down, take Hillary's votes from her bogus polling stations, and swap them in place of Bernie's votes from the legitimate polling place and do this completely knowing what was going on. Since there were two sets of polling stations, and the total from only one set actually made the record, "voter turnout was low". The register from the original polling place remained intact, while Hillary's registers were shredded to destroy the evidence after they were used to make a perfectly accurate forgery out of the official record.
This was a complicated process that required cooperation at a very high level. The powers that be wanted Hillary. They wanted her so badly they even gave her the voting machines in jurisdictions that used them, and perfect duplicate ballots in jurisdictions that used them. Her polling stations were perfect versions of the actual polling stations. No one who used Hillary's web site to find the polling stations, rather than the DNC web site, would know anything was amiss at all.
If you misunderstood this, please re-read what the whistleblower said. This is posted down this page a ways.

Since Seth Rich managed the software that told people where to vote on Hillary's web site, when he figured out what Hillary did and then disagreed, he had to be killed.

But they did not nail him until AFTER he became disgusted with what happened and gave the DNC mails to Wikileaks. At that time, the DNC probably did not even know Seth Rich did the leak, they just wanted him dead because he figured out Hillary's scam, and was going to blow the whistle.


Wait until things are more secure. There is a troll laughing about robbing the donations in the message box, and it appears to be true. This will be fixed soon.

On that note, Judgedredd sent a message saying his donation showed up on the front page, but I did not post the message he sent with the donation. That is because there was no message with ANY donation that was sent, Paypal started stripping the messages out of Paypal about a year ago, and around the same time my respond button vanished also. I cannot contact people unless I am issuing a refund - then I can send a message to explain why I issued a refund.
So, E-mail is completely censored (I went through all the mails in all boxes on all servers and there was NOTHING from Judgedredd) and nothing came through the message window from Judgedredd other than him asking why I never posted what he sent. Additionally, Paypal is censored.

HERE IS WHAT THIS MEANS: This web site KICKS @SS, AND THEY HATE IT. They want me cut off and silenced so bad that 7 different mail boxes are completely censored, the message window is messed with heavily, and I can't even get short twitter sized messages through Paypal!

By that measure, this site just might be #1. Someone far up the ladder wants it isolated at all cost.

Kathy Griffin issued death threats to Trump

She said they were "mock" death threats, but they came complete with a photoshopped image of Trump with his head cut off. Thousands of people complained to the secret service, Sarah Palin wants her arrested, and Route66 Casino canceled a Kathy Griffin performance that was scheduled for July 22..
The secret service, by policy, has to at least give her a quesioning that is more of an interrogation than a questioning, but I am betting they will let this slide.

Hannity was back, on schedule, as stated

To top it off, he did not back down on Seth Rich. Fox was probably under a lot of pressure to keep Hannity.

Russian intelligence: Seal team 6 possibly captured in North Korea

About a month ago, there were stories about the insertion of seal team 6 into North Korea - this is the seal team credited for the fake killing of Osama Bin Laden under Obama. Anyway, they are real but that particular story was flaky . . . .
They probably did insert into North Korea for real on a mission of reconnisance and possible lucky decapitation strike. HOWEVER - I did not think it would work.
The seal team had to dispatch from a submarine that pulled up close to shore, and once on shore, had to work with whatever they had. That means, all food for the mission had to be with them, all radios, all gear, had to be with them. And they had to travel as light as possible. This won't work in North Korea. It would work in Russia, Iran, South Korea, or any other place, but not North Korea. Here's why:
First of all, North Korea does not get a lot of tourists. So if you are seen, you will stick out badly if you are not from there. Second of all, North Korea has a lot of patrols that look only for outsiders, because infiltration is a big problem. If you are a local, the patrols will know and not care. But if you are not from North Korea, the patrols will know, and you might as well be wearing a target. Even more, the locals are suspicious of outsiders, and will contact a patrol if they see you. North Korea looks small on a map, but if you are walking you might as well be a pilgrim.
YOU HAVE TO EAT, YOU CANT BUY FOOD, because the locals will report you, no matter where you do it other than Pyongyang. You can't walk the streets of Pyongyang, - probably the only place you could get away with buying food - after grubbing around in the bush like a Navy seal - in other words, Seal team 6 was mission impossible, and I mean, really impossible. The distances were too large, the North Koreans are completely loyal, they had to hide constantly, and probably made it 15 miles before their food ran out, 500 miles of total travel short of the goal, even if North Korea is not that big. You simply can't have the land crawling with people who would want you dead if they knew who you were, and do it when calories can only be packed up to 4000 calories per kilogram.
All this stuff looks good in a movie, but I think real life probably surprised Seal team 6. No one knows what happened to them, but they sent a radio distress call and went totally silent afterward. Let me guess what happened:
They got hungry and started taking chances. Perhaps they were killing and eating dogs, but you can't eat anything like that raw and clean burning fuel only lasts so long. So Kim Su Young noticed smoke coming up from the trees where there should be no smoke, and it was the end of the bar-b-q. He called the security forces because he'd rather not eat depleted uranium in the near future if Seal Team 6 accomplished it's job, and now seal team six is probably getting comfortable inside 3x3x3 foot cubes. That's how North Korea tortures people, it will be fine - for the first 15 minutes and after that, you learn the value of being able to stretch your legs.
And you won't be getting any free valor compliments of a scamming MSM either.
My opinion was that either the U.S. government knew of a way to hide and survive in North Korea, or that seal team 6 was doomed before they left the sub. According to Russia, they were doomed before they started, See this

Monday, June 5, 2017

Paris accord meant to kill US economy

NASA Data Proves Trump Right to Exit Paris Climate Accord

Paris accord meant to kill US economy to make America dependent on globalism

The doctrine of the three percent


Texas State votes to secure American Law

Sharia Law in TEXAS 
State votes to secure American Law


Published on Mar 24, 2015
In response to the creation of an Islamic Tribunal in irving Texas, the State has now taken steps to secure the dominance of American Law over any foreign law.  However this sparked outrage in many Muslim communities -- citing that this is an attack on their religion. 

Texans Run Muslims Out Of Town

Texans Run Muslims Out Of Town 
And Governor And Officials Mad


Your Town Next!

Muslims Taking Over a Poor Small Town
 in Tennessee! Your Town Next!

Published on Dec 27, 2016
There is a dangerous Muslim problem in the United States and Europe. Sadly, many people are unaware. Adults know what is on TV, they know what sports are on, but they are oblivious to the Muslim invasion! Soon, they will have no choice but to face it.

Press Coverage Of Bilderberg Highest Ever

World Government Crisis: 
Press Coverage Of Bilderberg 
Highest Ever

Published on Jun 5, 2017
On Infowars.com, Kit Daniels and Alex Jones detail how the press coverage of this year's annual Bilderberg meeting is at an all-time, record high, proving the world government's secrecy is in crisis.

After the terror attack on London Bridge, CNN was caught red handed staging and filming a select group of Muslim people to propagate a narrative of love and peace after extreme violenc

Benjamin Fulford Report June 5 2017


JUNE 5 2017

This Saturday a delegation from the White Dragon Society, including this writer, will be heading to Bougainville in the Solomon Islands to meet with King David Peii II to discuss how to reopen the Panguna mine, which contains about $170 trillion worth of gold and copper. 

Furthermore, there are six other mine sites under the control of King David and his people on the Island meaning that many hundreds of trillions of dollars’ worth of metal can be made available to benefit the people and living creatures of the planet earth.

The total amount of money the OECD spent on development in 2016 was $142.6 billion, so if even a small fraction of the wealth of just one of the six sites was used, there would be at least 10 times more money available to help the poor and protect the environment than is now being spent.

The Panguna mine was developed by the Rothschild controlled firm Rio Tinto. However locals, angered at the pollution caused by the mine, as was at the lousy treatment they were accorded by the mine’s owners, seized control after a long war of resistance. 

Representatives of King David also claim the Rothschild owners of the mine were contemplating destroying the entire island in order to extract its mineral wealth. You can be sure, based on their track record, the Rothschilds were not planning to spend the money they hoped to earn from this to help the planet.

Representatives of Rio Tinto did not respond to multiple WDS attempts to contact them. If an agreement is not reached with the Rothschilds, the WDS will, if necessary, use as much weight of the world’s military as needed to help King David make the gold and other metals available, in an environmentally friendly manner, for the benefit of the planet. One idea is to use mine tailings as landfill in order to create new land for living creatures so that the overall impact of the mining on the island will be to create more space for living creatures than existed before. The WDS will report more on the situation after a June 10-14th visit to the Island.

In any case, the Khazarian mafia has been suffering a stunning series of defeats in recent months as their planetary control grid collapses in increasingly visible ways.

Most importantly, but in a manner still hidden from most of the world, the Khazarians are running out of gold and most of the world no longer accepts their paper, which is not backed by anything but a rapidly evaporating group mind control mechanism.

Khazarian attempts to get gold in Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines and elsewhere in Asia are all being stonewalled, multiple sources agree.

Last week representatives from Citibank and US Ambassador to Indonesia Joseph Donovan promised Indonesian President Joko Widodo they would wipe out all of Indonesia’s external debt in exchange for 12,500 tons of gold but they left empty handed, WDS sources in Indonesia say.

The WDS sources add: “The Sultan of Johor, West Malaysia is involved in the attempt to extort the gold from Jakarta. He is claiming that the gold belongs to
onlypaid] [his Royal family and this gives him the right to take it back from Indonesia, where is has been stored for the past 70 years or so. This allegation by the Sultan of Johor would mean that this could be part of the collateralized gold accounts, in which the Royal Families of Asia deposited their gold in Indonesia for safekeeping and Soekarno was mandated as M1". 

Soekarno, as well as US President John F. Kennedy, were killed by the Khazarians in order to end their efforts to use this gold for the planet (We assume our readers know the history of this). Now the depositors of the gold are getting their revenge.

The Indonesian WDS sources adds that “I have a strong feeling that [Malaysian] PM Najib Razak is somehow involved in this, as he is a member of the Khazarian mafia.” 

The Khazarians are still setting off terrorists attacks in London, the Philippines, Indonesia and elsewhere around the world in order to extort gold but, they are being systematically isolated.

The Bilderberg meeting of top Khazarian mafia servants that just ended on June 4th was a meeting of losers in the battle for the planet earth. At this first meeting since top Khazarian honcho David Rockefeller died, Rockefeller bagman Henry Kissinger continued his effort to become the new secret ruler of the planet earth. However, without gold and without Rockefeller behind him, Kissinger is just an old airbag.

The Rothschilds’ attempt to take full control of the planet following Rockefeller’s death was also dealt a huge blow as US President Donald renounced their Paris accords. “Trump exited the Paris accords in order to stop carbon trading and expose the global warming hoax of roth,” Pentagon sources explained.

Also, inside the Trump regime, “the Zionist-globalist-Goldman faction led by former Goldman coo Gary Cohn, and Jared Kushner were sidelined by the Paris exit as Trump cleans house,” they continue.

The Bush faction of the Khazarian mob is also in “full panic mode” as more and more of their crimes are being revealed, the sources add. Last week, the Pentagon sources say, Bush hitmen killed former Panamanian President Manuel Noriega to “prevent him snitching about CIA drug trafficking and corruption.”

There are also moves to arrest top Neo-con Bush operatives like David Petraeus, former NSA boss Mike Hayden and remove and arrest US National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, the sources say. The charges will be for illegally receiving and leaking classified information, they say.

The Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton US Khazarian mafia clan’s top henchmen are still struggling to keep themselves out of jail but they are clearly losing the power struggle in Washington DC.

There is also a huge power struggle going on now in China, according to Vietnamese sources. The struggle concerns Wang Qishan王歧山 who is de facto number 2 in China’s power structure and is now the top Rothschild agent in China, the sources say.

The mystery man Guo Wengui郭文贵 who was photographed recently with Jacob Rothschild and the Dalai Lama, and who is apparently now staying at Trump’s Mar A Largo resort in Florida put out a video (which was quickly removed from the internet) last week claiming Wang “has huge connections with Skull & Bones and Freemasons,” the sources say.

If Wang becomes Prime Minister and the official number 2 at the 19th Chinese Communist Party Congress this autumn, “then [Chinese President] Xi Jinping will be dead,” the sources say.

Wang’s power derives from huge amounts of money that he has recently mysteriously obtained and has been spreading around, they say.

These same sources, who have access to top level intelligence about China, say Xi Jinping “is in a very dangerous position.” “He can either try to continue communist rule, in which case other interest groups will try to get rid of him before his term ends,” the sources say “or if not, he can end communism like the Soviets did in the 90’s.” 

The same sources say that another senior Chinese defector, Ling Jihua, has given the US “way more information on submarines, nuclear codes etc,” because of his opposition to Rothschild controlled Wang.

Even if these sources are wrong, there can be no doubt the Chinese situation will remain turbulent under the surface between now and mid-summer as jockeying for the next politburo, set to be formally announced in the autumn, continues.

There are also changes coming to Europe as top Khazarian mobster and German Chancellor Angela Merkel as well as Rothchild slave and French President Emmanuel Macron realize the consequences of the Trump regime saying they will no longer protect them from Russia. The result, after some initial huffing and puffing by the French and Germans, has been for both countries to suddenly start currying favour with Russia.

There has also been some sort of schism taking place in the Middle East with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE suddenly cutting off relations with Qatar. Qatar is home to the Al Jazeera news network and a huge US airbase. Qatar’s Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani apparently deviated from the official Khazarian line in the Middle East by saying nice things about Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah as well as Israel. The Saudis are now blaming Qatar for Daesh in an outrageous case of the pot calling the kettle black.

In reality, the fight is almost certainly related to the fact the Qatar has reached a pipeline deal with Russia and the Syrians to export its gas while the Saudis have not.
The result is that the Saudis too are now rushing to curry favour with Russia. So far, it seems, the Russians have invited them to spend their money in remote arctic regions.
