Monday, January 26, 2015

Biggest corporate lay-off in history? IBM could cut 110,000 jobs - including 5,000 here within days

Biggest corporate lay-off in history? IBM could cut 110,000 jobs - including 5,000 here within days

  • Thousands of British jobs at risk as IBM prepares to cut its workforce
  • More than 110,000 jobs could disappear worldwide, including 5,000 here 
  • IBM is being restructured in ‘desperate’ attempt to revamp its business
  • Struggled in move from manufacturing computers to cloud computing

Thousands of British jobs are at risk as technology giant IBM is reported to be preparing to cut a quarter of its workforce in the biggest corporate staff cull in history.
More than 110,000 jobs could disappear worldwide in a major restructuring at the once-dominant computing goliath – nicknamed ‘Big Blue’.
Some 20,000 are employed by the company in the UK across 24 offices, including sites in Portsmouth, London, Manchester and Edinburgh.
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Thousands of British jobs are at risk as technology giant IBM is reported to be preparing to cut a quarter of its workforce in the biggest corporate staff cull in history 
Thousands of British jobs are at risk as technology giant IBM is reported to be preparing to cut a quarter of its workforce in the biggest corporate staff cull in history 
There are fears that up to 5,000 roles could be at risk if the expected rate of redundancies is applied to Britain.
The jobs will be cut as IBM undergoes a massive restructuring in a ‘desperate’ attempt to revamp its business, according to a report on the US Forbes website.
But IBM poured cold water on the article, calling the reported scale of the job cuts ‘ridiculous’ and ‘baseless’.

The website said the company was preparing to merge its three main arms – hardware, software and support – into a single operating business. It will break down the ‘Chinese walls’ between the divisions and reorganise staff into teams based on their jobs, such as sales or research.
This is because of the growing demand from businesses to use companies such as IBM as a ‘one-stop shop’ for technology needs. It is expected to restructure its entire global workforce – some 430,000 people – under a programme known as Project Chrome.
IBM has struggled to shift from its traditional strength of making computers to offering IT services and information storage.
Last week, Ginni Rometty, chief executive since 2012 and who joined the company at 24 in 1981 as a systems engineer, reported quarterly profits below analysts' forecasts and an 11th straight quarter of falling revenues
Last week, Ginni Rometty, chief executive since 2012 and who joined the company at 24 in 1981 as a systems engineer, reported quarterly profits below analysts' forecasts and an 11th straight quarter of falling revenues

The company set aside £400million for redundancies last week, which it described as ‘workforce rebalancing’, after three-month sales figures came in £444million lower than expected.
If it axes one in four staff, as reported, it will be the largest corporate layoff in history. The previous largest redundancy programme was also from IBM, when it cut 60,000 staff in 1993.
Robert Cringley, from Forbes, said: ‘To fix its business problems and speed up its “transformation,” next week about 26 per cent of IBM’s employees will be getting phone calls from their managers.
‘Project Chrome will hit many of the worldwide services operations. The USA will be hit hard, but so will other locations.’
An IBM spokesman said: ‘IBM does not comment on rumours, even ridiculous or baseless ones.
‘IBM has already announced the company has just taken a $600million [£400million] charge for workforce rebalancing. This equates to several thousand people, a mere fraction of what’s been reported.’
BP will freeze salaries across the company this year as a way of cutting costs in the face of the falling oil price.
All of the company’s 15,000 UK staff will see their basic pay frozen at 2014 levels. The firm said it would look at increasing them again in 2016. 


The computer company was founded in 1911 and was a merger of four earlier companies. 
When it started out, it focused on technological advances such as the computing scale (a weighing scale which gave the prices of the different items it weighed) and the time clock (which allowed workers to record the times they started and finished work each day).
IBM played a key role in Franklin D Roosevelt's Social Security Act of 1935, which included the issuing of social security numbers to 26 million American workers. 
From the 1950s to the 1980s, it produced the first hard and floppy disks, the supermarket checkout and an early ATM. In 1981, it released its own personal computer, the IBM PC. 
In 1990, the company was the second most profitable enterprise in the world and was believed to be set to benefit from the continued growth of the IT industry.
But the following year the company's earnings dropped as it outsourced its software and hardware and between 1991 and 1993 the company posted a $16billion loss. Hundreds of thousands of employees lost their jobs. 
However, a new CEO Louis V Gerstner Jr, turned the fortunes of the company around during the 1990s, coinciding with the rise of the internet. It focused on business software and specialist microchip production. By 1994 the company was showing a $3 billion profit once more.
Gerstner retired in 2002, with the company once again one of the top computing firms in the world. 
However, in recent years IBM has struggled to make the move from manufacturing computers and microchips to the world of cloud computing.
Last week it reported quarterly profits below analysts' forecasts and an 11th straight quarter of falling revenues.



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      Under the Mercantile Policy of England for British Crown colonies, The Thirteen Colonies were allowed to have agriculture but almost no native industry as that would compete against British industries in England. Under Colonial Script money, The Thirteen Colonies had full employment under a basic agricultural economy and was already the richest land in the world to move to with opportunity for those moving to here. The booming economy under correct monetary policy made basically nearly all Americans owners of either farms or else businesses run in America. Due to this prosperity, The Thirteen Colonies had to ship in indentured servants from England who had to serve a set number of years as a virtual slave of the source paying for their passage to the New World, and then they were free to found their own futures in America. Also, slaves were sent from Ireland to help supplement the shortage of workers in The Thirteen Colonies. Also, started by a Black indentured servant from Africa, Black slavery was started in America by this now freed Black indentured servant from Africa who set up his large plantation in America in Virginia with Black slaves to run it.

     When the British Parliament as a favor to those who set up the Bank of England outlawed Colonial Script from The Thirteen Colonies, this created a fierce depression in America with around half of all the Americans suddenly out of work. As Benjamin Franklin commented, the outlawing of Colonial Script by London, England triggered off massive unemployment in The Thirteen Colonies.  Then for over a decade, Then Thirteen Colonies had to become a nation of smugglers to get jobs and businesses for the unemployed in America. America became famous for illegal rum and other alcoholic drinks produced by the American colonists at their homes and sold to available markets outside of America. John Hancock, later President of the Continental Congress which fought the American Revolution of 1776, earned the title of "The King Of Smugglers" in America. John Hancock prior to becoming President of the Continental Congress led Massachusetts in writing a proclamation calling for The Thirteen Colonies to learn how to and establish native industries in America so they would not have to buy British products manufactured in England. This was. in effect, the first "Made In America" drive to buy from native American industries as established rather than from England or the rest of Europe. Soon the first drive was in Boston, Massachusetts for example to found societies to sell stock to found the first manufacturing plants in America. They mentioned such as founding textile plants would add jobs to America, help eliminate poverty in The Thirteen Colonies and be the practice of Christianity to help the unemployed find jobs in America. 

      During the American Revolution under President John Hancock the Continental Congress called for the founding of industries in America and printed up publications by people knowing how to set up these manufacturing plants given for free to Americans who wanted to set up manufacturing plants in America in fields shown in these publications. The Continental Congress told the American people that no state governments had legal authority to take away from the people their God-given rights to contract and to property. In case of fraud in a contract issued such as stocks or bonds, common law courts could always be used to sue for civil damages such as due to fraud or press for criminal charges under common law under the legal doctrine of Natural Law (all laws are valid which are issued under authority and teaching of the Bible and no laws were valid in America not issued under authority of God as shown by the teachings of God shown in the Bible.) That is why the High Court of Massachusetts announced at the beginning of the American Revolution that no laws would henceforth be recognized as legally binding or valid in America not based upon the teachings and authority of the Christian Bible. And with this legal stand pretty much universal in the Thirteen Colonies by the revolting American rebels, President John Hancock told the Americans in the various colonies soon to be independent states that they could form societies, associations, partnerships, etc. and issue credit in business ventures expressed in stocks, bonds, common law trust certificates, etc. for percentages of ownership or profit percentages. This is why at the end of the American Revolution America already had a number of industries started in America that did not exist at the beginning of the American Revolution. This is all part of the concept to have "Made In America" products sold as a way to create jobs and prosperity for the American people.

       Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury under President George Washington, advocated that tariff protections be issued for textile plants and other manufacturing plants that America wanted firmly established as permanent industries for this newly born America. President George Washington carried out the Alexander Hamilton policy on tariff protections for new industries being founded in America. Further step in the "Made In America" economic policy for the economic growth and prosperity of America. 

      Samuel Slater memorized the operation and building of machinery for the textile industry in England and came to America. He persuaded in 1789 financier Moses Brown to capitalize America's first cotton spinning mill at Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Soon textile mills spread out across America. In 1810. Francis Lowell, another industrial spy for America, visited England and on his return to America the first American mill that carded, spun thread and wove cloth under one roof like done in England. The "Lowell Girls" for these Lowell mills as they were 
called were well paid for their work learning it like apprentices from a master and lived in an industrial town environment with high moral standards for their women workers. 

     Trade fairs were started in America in 1828 and grew big by 1845 pushing "Made In America" products to be bought by Americans instead of European products to build up industry, more jobs, and prosperity in America. The big trade fair of American produced goods was held in 1845 at New York's Niblo's Garden with a massive display of American goods to compete against European goods. This was a big display in 1845 like large trade shows in America in our more modern times and Americans were fascinated by this huge display of American goods from one end to the other end of this very large indoor trade fair. And by mid-century, U.S. goods were now on a par with the best imports of Europe so Americans now bought either American or European products on the basis of their quality and appearance. New York now was able to boast 4,000 shops able to cater to all tastes in America. 

      From the time of the American Revolution on through mid-century 19th Century, the government freely gave orders and financial backing to industries in America when they could. This is the history of the "Made In America" movement never put into common print in America before which turned America into the biggest industrial giant in the world as America entered the 20th Century. Also, Washington, D.C. and state governments then gave heavy freedom and backing to inventors who pioneered many of the major industries of America such as Thomas Edison pioneering the movie industry, recording industry, electrical light bulbs and electrical generation for the American economy and up to around 1,000 additional industries for the American economy. Today, Wash., D.C. and state governments massively suppress inventors to stop new industries from being formed in America, massively block inventors from being able to raise the finances to start new industries in America, and massively regulate industries in order to threaten many with later collapse or else blocked from further growth in America to strengthen the American economy. 
       In Wash., D.C. today, they war against the formation of much new industry for America and war against the growth of much existing industry in America so it does not get bigger and expand the American economy in the process with massive new jobs, more wealth for America, and as Henry Ford commented, if the world can trade with one another with benefit and justice for all sides, then this will greatly lessen the potential of future big wars including world wars for mankind on earth. And Karl Marx, founder of Communism, said for Communism to push unlimited free trade so it turns into a price war of all industrial nations against all industrial nations until all their economies collapse and then the world turns Communist after the bankruptcy of the capitalist industrial nations of the world. 

      America's past teaches how to create a bright and intensely prosperous future for America. Obama knows nothing about economics except Communist and is not the right source to release the industrial growth of America to once more be the industrial leader of the world. China just passed up America as the leading industrial nation of the world due to poor leadership from Obama who lets them in China push on the accelerator to their national economic growth while slamming on the brakes on the growth of the American economy in America. Several national reports have stated that more able bodied Americans now live on welfare from the federal government than work for livings on jobs in America. That means that for propaganda reasons, they are slanting the reporting of economic job statistics, etc. to make things sound better in America than they actually are. Also, with Obama having created the biggest national debt of any President in America, he is not the right answer for America in answers in national economics. A national debt of over $18 trillion must be brought down, not increased annually by Obama and Democratic supporters in Congress. The Republicans are better for the economy than Obama, but they also do not know how to effectively knock down the national debt before it bankrupts America. 

      I studied economic science with six of the top economists of America and Europe including a German economist endorsed by Albert Einstein and know how to knock out the national debt of America with money already owed to America. This would give the leverage to greatly lower the annual income taxes of America. Booming the economy would transform millions of Americans from living on welfare to living on good paying jobs with a bright future and freedom for their private lives in America. Welfare is too high and heading America for a pending collapse of the American economy. Turn the economic ship around and America has a bright economic future. Do not turn the economic ship around and America will end up probably going bankrupt and the national economy collapsing in the process. 

      Pass my proposed Omni Law shown on my website and we can practice the good principles which made the American economy so great under the industrialization of America. Also, this would block massive corruption in the federal government which has cost the American people and businesses maybe up to several hundred trillion dollars in additional wages and business profits that America could have experienced under an honest government with an honest monetary system and running a sound national economy as Wash., D.C. refuses to do under corrupt politicians in Congress and heads of federal agencies committed to "politically correct" economics instead of sound national economics. It is time to stop burning down cities such as Ferguson, MO who many of its merchants said they were destroyed in the race riots and will now leave Ferguson without building businesses there again. Ferguson may turn into a ghost town because the economic backbone of this city was destroyed in the senseless riots encouraged by Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder, etc. and financed as mass riots by George Soros with $37 million to pay for rioters and try to trigger a national civil war over what happened at Feguson, Mo. 

      I don't encourage police to ever shoot without cause any citizen of America regardless of race, but the true story is not so simple as the news media reported on. Michael Brown was shown by the news media as a youth of small body frame by the picture shown of him. His actual size was apparently 6 feet, 4 inches and his body weight around 300 lbs. He was a very large man and as shown in the video tape showing him robbing the store just before leaving it and facing the cop who was forced to shoot him or else be killed by Michael Brown, he pushed aside the clerk in the store like he was a midget before him. Michael Brown looked like a full grown adult man. I noticed that search engines gave two different ages for him.  Just curious what his real age was! The policeman had marks on his head from where Michael Brown had grabbed Darren Wilson  and would have killed the cop by sheer strength and size in a moment. A sad story but this same Michael Brown had been videotaped without knowing it savagely beating up an old Black man to almost killing him and then stealing the money from him that this old Black man had on him. This video was shown on national internet. Michael Brown had a criminal background to him and was not a gentle, kind hearted person apparently towards people but used brutal force to get his way with people. My impression from watching the two videotapes taken of him in brutal acts towards innocent people that he wanted to harm. Look at this video below and realize how brutal in character this Michael Brown actually was. If I had seen the beating shown, if I could, I would have gone to the aid of the old Black man brutally beaten up and tried to protect him from this savage attack by Michael Brown before he killed this old man.  

     The real Michael Brown

Sent: Monday, January 5, 2015 8:22:39 AM


Bloody charming – looks like he got what was coming to him…
The real Michael Brown
Sharpton has probably viewed this video and hopes no one else sees it.

Attached is a video taken from a cell phone, showing how Michael Brown.....(yes, the one from Ferguson, MO)....treats an older black male. This 300 lb. "young boy" (that's what media calls him) is the same Michael Brown that attempted to take a gun away from a police officer and paid with his life. Here is the fellow that all of the riots are about. Videos don't lie. You will not see this in the media. This will let you better understand the vicious, sadistic and brutal bully that Michael Brown really was and why the Ferguson Police Officer had to use deadly force to protect himself. 

Michael Brown Criminally Assaults and Robs an Old Man   

Video of Michael Brown shoplifting and pushing the clerk

     Because this Michael Brown story had been used to turn many Black citizens of America into a mob ready to burn down American cities, the truth has to be presented to calm down the claims of Communist agitators trying to stir up race war in America based upon fraud in how the story was told to America at large. And Blacks in Ferguson when all the dust settles, may have a ghost city to shop in, get jobs in, or enjoy living in henceforth as there as their city. I am opposed to injustice by police when and if done, but to try and neutralize any police control of cities threatened by mass violence could lead to the ruin of cities not worth living in afterwards as the city got burned down by rioters falsely rioting over a false issue in the process.

     It takes a peaceful society to build a great new industrial base to America. My proposed Omni Law shown on my national website gives a peaceful way to solve the painful issues that members of Congress do not want to face as they are too cowardly or else too corrupt to do what is right for America as a nation or national race. In case you can't figure it out, it takes moral guts to tell the true story of Ferguson, MO and not the falsified story that was released by the national press to incite the Blacks to riot and burning down a city over invalid reasons for a riot. The economic reforms I want passed in America through the Omni Law will massively bless the Black race in America, so I am not the enemy of the Blacks, but I am a fair leader for all legitimate sides of American society. I come to bless all and not hurt any side. I believe in statesmanship in national policies, not the cheap rhetoric of "politically correct" elements who so often lie and deceive to try and win the American people to back their side in national issues. 

      Our website is Our email is Our mailing address for orders and financial support for our Omni Law Drive for those not sending their orders and financial support through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. All money received helps speed up the passage of the Omni law in America. Full name of the Omni Law as shown on our website is The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America. Once passed by Congress and state legislatures, it gives the American people the legal right to hold national referendums on issues of law and policy they want passed or else cancelled in Wash., D.C. as binding law on all America. Once the Omni Law is passed, if the option is still open for the American people, we have a way to pay off the national debt of America and then America may never have federal income tax ever again in America. The politicians will never do this. We are willing to do this which would skyrocket wages in America and skyrocket profits for businesses in America! Wishful thinking does not make this reality! Backing of us and our passage of the Omni Law can make this reality in America. 

      Also, schemes to crash the American dollar and American economy are afoot by powerful elements you are not watching and they plan to hit America by Sept., 2015 if not stopped in time! Pass the Omni Law in time and this tragedy for America can be headed off before it happens so it never happens to America then. Money put into our Omni Law Loan Program in our website are scheduled to be repaid to you once the Omni Law is passed. Also, this opens the door so you can have access to a huge multitude of powerful business offers for new industries, etc. in America that may never be offered to non-supporters in America. We believe in blessing patriots for America, not those who care nothing for America and would not lift a finger to save America in the process. Putin of Russia has said that Obama is trying to force Russia into a nuclear war with America. Let's stop such nonsense by passage of the Omni Law. I spent eleven calendar years in military academies and can tell you of the many ways that America could be annihilated in world war if things got out of hand. Let reason prevail between Russia and America, not blind rage and short circuited brains no longer thinking soundly. Pass the Omni Law. And then we have the hand to keep America out of a pending nuclear war. I once cracked the security of the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies, know their key plans for the nuclear annihilation of America, and know how to head off a potential World War III so it never happens to America while I am around once the Omni Law is passed. Also, a source with legal access said that China is planning to claim all land of America as forfeiture for non-payment of the debt to China. This is nonsense as a legal claim for several reasons, but let me be there to block this so you suddenly are not under the occupation of the Chinese Army in America. I grew up with some Chinese families and know how the Chinese leadership thinks. They would respect me. They would not respect Obama who they think is a clown and the biggest fool that China has ever faced. 

     If you care about America, pass this report around. And if you can help, then help at least a bit in financial support through ordering of products offered on our website or else putting some financial support into our Omni Law Loan Program. We operate by loans, not straight contributions to us for legal reasons. A roommate of mine at a military academy later became a Brig. General in the U.S. Army. If he is still around (haven't checked lately) and up to it may invite him to be the key military adviser to the ten legal trustees over Wash., D.C. created by the Omni law. He has a military background good for what we want as answers to key military issues for America. I have good military answers for America regardless, but like smart people to work with us as a team for the best answers we can use for America. 

      Pass this report around. Forward it to others!
      Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that military intelligence operative a naval captain at Annapolis, MD once called "The Dark Horse of American Military Intelligence." He told a friend of mine what he thought of me. I got results in ways that no one else could get!)

Could a stranger pay for your wedding or even your next HOUSE? Indiegogo becomes latest site to let you raise money for personal projects

Could a stranger pay for your wedding or even your next HOUSE? Indiegogo becomes latest site to let you raise money for personal projects

  • Crowdfunding site has launched Indiegogo Life for personal fundraising
  • It lets users ask for money towards weddings, funerals or medical bills
  • Indiegogo typically charges up to 9%, but fundraising on Life is free
  • Site is divided into categories such as Emergencies, Community, Sports and Celebrations
  • It is the latest trend in crowdfunding sites designed for personal projects
  • Another includes peer-to-peer mortgage sites such as

Indiegogo has become the go-to place for startups to raise funds for weird and wacky products.
But, the site's latest move lets everyday people ask strangers for money to help pay for personal projects such as weddings, operations, buying a house, paying tuition fees and more.
The site is called Indiegogo Life and it lets users set up campaigns for free - effectively scrapping the fees charged to businesses on the original site.
The California-based site (pictured) lets users ask strangers for money towards weddings, funerals, operations or other personal projects. Indiegogo  typically charges up to 9% for listings, but fundraising on Life is free and the site is divided into categories such as Emergencies, Community, Sports and Celebrations
The California-based site (pictured) lets users ask strangers for money towards weddings, funerals, operations or other personal projects. Indiegogo  typically charges up to 9% for listings, but fundraising on Life is free and the site is divided into categories such as Emergencies, Community, Sports and Celebrations
The traditional Indiegogo site charges businesses between four and nine per cent fees to launch a campaign, but listing a campaign on Life is free.
However, payment providers may still charge a fee, or around three per cent. 

All campaigns on Indiegogo Life are public, and like with traditional campaigns, are monitored by Indiegogo staff to make sure that the service isn’t being abused or that donors aren’t being duped.


Indiegogo Life is the latest in a rising trend of crowdfunding sites set up for personal projects.
These are similar to fundraising sites such as JustGiving, and offer a level of security that traditional social media can't provide., for example, is a peer-to-peer money lending service.
It lets people pool their money and act as a lender to a buyer, and people can invest as little as £100 in a person’s mortgage.
Repayments are then made monthly, with interest, and investments are typically governed by the P2P Finance Association. 
Elsewhere, ZeroBound was set up to help people raise money to pay back their student loans.   
One campaign on the site is currently asking for money to help a family move home following the husband suffering a serious cycling accident, for example.
Another needs money to pay for a litter of kittens that was dumped by the side of the road in France.
All donations are made as gifts. 
‘Indiegogo Life takes the idea of human empowerment even further - helping individuals fund what matters most,' said the site.
‘Whether it’s tuition, veterinary bills, celebrations, or a medical emergency, Indiegogo Life is there to help through all of life’s challenges and celebrations.
‘We understand that sometimes it’s necessary to seek extra support, and we believe no one should have to do it alone. 
'Indiegogo Life makes it easier to raise funds and make a difference -one life at a time.’
Campaigns can run for up to 120 days, and the money is usually received within 15.
It is the latest in a rising trend of crowdfunding sites set up for personal projects.
These are similar to fundraising sites such as JustGiving, and offer a level of security that traditional social media, for example, can't provide. 
All campaigns (example pictured) on Indiegogo Life are public, and like with traditional campaigns, are monitored by Indiegogo staff to make sure that the service isn’t being abused or that donors aren’t being duped. All donations made on Indiegogo Life are made as gifts
All campaigns (example pictured) on Indiegogo Life are public, and like with traditional campaigns, are monitored by Indiegogo staff to make sure that the service isn’t being abused or that donors aren’t being duped. All donations made on Indiegogo Life are made as gifts, for example, is a peer-to-peer money lending service.
It lets people pool their money and act as a lender to a buyer, and people can invest as little as £100 in a person’s mortgage.
Repayments are then made monthly, with interest, and investments are typically governed by the P2P Finance Association. 
Elsewhere, ZeroBound was set up to help people raise money to pay back their student loans.  


Shocking Video! What They Are Teaching Your Kid About Sex (Caught on Hidden Camera)

Monday, January 26, 2015 5:23

WARNING! Some of what you are about to see will anger, disgust, and/or enrage.....You will not believe what these people caught on HIDDEN CAMERA...The government (Common Core-Planned Parenthood) has plans for your little ones....oh yes, they have plans...Please Share (especially to people with kids in public school)LINK (FOR MORE INFORMATION):





(Before It's News)
 Several days ago,, an official site for Falun Gong meditation, released a story about a new dimension in the forced organ harvesting and transplantation programs in China.  

For the past 15 years, peaceful Falun Gong meditators have been persecuted in China.  The persecution has included arrest, imprisonment, torture, forced labor and even live organ harvesting.  

Falun Gong is a traditional and advanced Chinese qigong self-cultivation that was first publicly introduced in China in 1992 and had up to 100 million people doing the practice when the Chinese Communist Party banned it in 1999.  It had no central control and there were more practitioners than members of the communist party, so the party became jealous and banned it.

This vile policy of live organ harvesting has included not only Falun Gong practitioners, but also Christians, Uighurs and political opponents.   This has been well documented by several people, including the former Canadian human rights minister David Kilgour.  See the link HERE.

The excuse of using condemned prisoner’s organs isn’t working any more — in one major city there were about 50 executions, but 1,000 transplant operations. The Chinese culturally don’t believe in donating their organs, so where are they coming from?

                                                                          Simulated forced live organ harvesting operation                                                                                                         

Now, the organ harvesting tragedy has taken a dramatic turn, with the police in China BREAKING INTO THE HOMES of Falun Gong practitioners to draw blood for testing that will no doubt be used for a database of potential organ harvesting victims (from Epoch Times):

“Police across China are bursting into the homes of Falun Gong practitioners and forcing them to give blood samples in order to set up a DNA database, said a report published last week on a human rights website. The police are believed to be doing the testing in order to expand the list of potential donors whose organs may be taken for forced harvesting.
A July 19 article on the Falun Gong-run website  lists over 25 incidents, some involving as many as 10 practitioners in Liaoning, Guizhou, Hebei, and Hunan provinces, as well as in Beijing. These provinces are dispersed geographically, stretching from the far northeast of the country to the southwest.
In a typical incident, Falun Gong practitioners report police breaking into their homes and extracting blood against their will, sometimes forcibly.”
Based on these reports out of China, this is becoming an even more grevious injustice.

As Epoch Times reported yesterday, while interviewing Ethan Guttmann, the author of a forthcoming book on this tragedy in China, The Slaughter:

“The Chinese medical establishment essentially reneged on all their claims of organ harvesting reform back in March, so the timing appears to fit,” Gutmann wrote in an email. “If Minghui’s information is correct, the situation in China is rapidly deteriorating.”
Matas speculated that this new tactic for gathering practitioners’ data might be linked to the shutdown of the labor camps in China at the end of 2013.
“It sounds like an adaptation to the closing of the labor camps,” Matas said. “They only needed the practitioners in the labor camps to keep them as an organ donor bank. If authorities can have that, then they don’t need to keep the practitioners in detention.”
I spoke with Mr. Guttmann today outside the World Transplantation Convention in San Francisco and asked him how this compared to what was done to Jews and others during WWII.  He told me “Before this news, I’m not sure I could have told you that it reached the level of Nazi Germany, but with this new information regarding home blood sampling of Falun Gong practitioners in China, it could easily become another Holocaust.”

Be sure to share this article with your friends, it’s quite shocking.  You are welcome to redistribute this article in it’s entirety, just leave a link back to the original sources (included in the article) and to Before It’s News.


The Greeks end debt slavery, a bad king dies, the Russians attack, central banks panic and the Davos elite fiddle while the world burns.

The world revolution against cabal rule and Babylonian style debt slavery continues to unfold, leaving Europe and the Middle East in turmoil. The Greeks made the boldest move last week when they kicked out the cabal slave government and elected a government promising to end debt slavery.

The Russians were not far behind when they took of the gloves and began a full scale military campaign against the cabal mercenary army in Eastern Ukraine.

Also, the cabal slave government in Yemen, located next to Saudi Arabia’s oil fields, was overthrown last week just as Saudi King Abdullah died.

The European banking system is also in severe turmoil with the European central bank being forced to issue over one trillion Euros, ostensibly to boost the economy but, in reality, to prevent total collapse of the European banking system.

These incidents are interrelated parts of a single campaign to liberate the planet from a satanic cabal that is still trying to start World War 3 in order to permanently enslave humanity.

Also last week, representatives of the group trying to replace the cabal controlled US dollar with the cabal controlled SDR contacted the White Dragon Society to try to justify their plans. The essence of their message was that in order to reduce distortions in the world economy caused by the US dollar, they needed to gradually replace it with the SDR. Basically, it was total gobbledygook disguised in highfalutin financial language.

They were told in clear language that a jubilee, a one-off redistribution of assets and a massive (multi-trillion dollar) campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction were non-negotiable demands. If they failed to do this, they were told, it was a mathematical certainty their current system would collapse in catastrophic failure; leading to a French revolution type bloodbath scenario.

The elite themselves, gathering at Davos, Switzerland last week, seemed to be admitting defeat, at least according to the titles of their panel discussions such as:

“Leadership in crisis; inequality, polarization, paralysis: is public leadership failing?” and “Are existing growth models failing to deliver jobs and address income inequality?”

In case they haven’t figured it out yet, the answer to both their questions is “yes.”

Let us take a closer look at the Greek situation to understand the sort of policies carried out by the people now in charge of the Western financial world. The Greeks were put under IMF care in 2010. As an economic writer, let me tell you I have seen over and over again over the years the same thing happen when countries fall under the grip of the IMF. They all told the same thing, “Wring all the money you can out of your people, take all your resources and hand them over to the international banking mafia.”

That is what the outgoing Greek slave government did. The result was Greek GDP fell 25%, incomes fell 30% and debt rose from 126% of GDP in 2010 to 175% today. To top it off, a lot of their islands are no longer Greek.

The Greeks have finally had enough and elected a government that promises to renounce the debt. They still want to use the Euro though but, if they do that, they will have to keep taking orders from the Germans. They would be better off to notice the Russians have offered to send the gas they ship to Europe via Greece (giving the Greeks fat transshipment fees) and buy Greek produce.

If the Greeks issue their own currency, it is true most of their elite will no longer be able to buy Mercedes Benz cars but, the ensuing inflow of tourists and outflow of Greek exports would make the average Greeks a lot richer.

It is only a matter of time before the Spanish and the Italians figure out the same thing. The Euro project will only work if the Mediterranean countries hand over full control to unelected bureaucrats in Brussels and their cabal overlords. The result of that would be fascism in Europe.

Now let us look at what the Russians are doing. Following last weeks’ cut off of gas to the perpetually non-paying Ukrainian Nazi government, they have finally taken off the kid gloves and gone on a full offensive against the foreign mercenary army in Eastern Ukraine. The Russians are fighting for their homeland, the mercenaries for money, it is a pretty easy guess as to who will win.

The Russian’s new allies the Turks, together with the Iranians, the Iraqis and the pentagon meanwhile are continuing their offensive against the Israeli, Saudi Satanist regimes. The death last week of King Abdullah, one of the nastiest leaders on this planet,  marked a major turning point. His senile brother Salman has taken over but that regime, the world’s leading terrorist financier, is doomed to collapse.

Here, by the way, you can see President Obama bowing and kissing Abdullah’s ring and George Bush Jr. apparently tongue kissing him.

Remember both the Saudis and the Bushes were deeply involved in the 911 treason against the United States while Obama still repeats their lies about that incident.

The fall in oil prices and the approaching armies are both precursors of doom for that Satanic regime.

The fall of the cabal/Saudi cabal puppet regime in Yemen last week also marked a turning point. Yemenis have long regarded their Saudi neighbors as unsophisticated and uncouth camel herders who just happened to have hit it lucky with oil. The tables are about to turn.

British and French intelligence are now reporting that the Israeli Netanyahu Zionazi or Nazionist regime is losing much of the Middle Eastern oil income it stole from Iraq due to military losses of the Israeli/Saudi ISIS proxy army. For that reason, according to a French agent, “The French defense minister was in Riyadh the 4th Jan 2015, and he confirmed that Libya will be invaded within 3 months with the purpose of securing oil for Israel.”

Remember that both France and Israel are run in secret by the Rothschild family. So, what is really going on is an effort to keep the Rothschilds from going bankrupt by stealing oil from the Middle East and stealing gas from the Ukraine.

Message to the Rothschild family: you are mathematically doomed to bankruptcy and an international crime spree will not save you. Also, stay out of Libya.

Speaking about going bankrupt, some of the banking victims of the recent plunge in oil prices are beginning to appear. According to MI5 sources, “Standard and Chartered is looking for a new boss as a result of poor commodity performance and oil, JP Morgan’s exposure to yield non-investment grade oil and gas debt is $99.9 billion, Wells Fargo is $98 bn and Bank of America is $58.7bn.” That is just the tip of the iceberg. The huge plunge in the Euro has also, for sure, mathematically doomed many banks.

You can be sure plans are being cooked at this very moment to seize ordinary people’s bank accounts in order to save bankers and banks.

The bottom line is that the European/American economic model based on debt slavery and using proxy armies to steal resources is no longer functioning. Fiddling with the system using such tricks as negative interest rates and money printing presses will not work.

What is needed is a Western version of the hybrid central planning/capitalist model the Japanese used to have (until the Americans forced them to dismantle it) and that the Chinese imitated with great success. The system needs to be rebooted.

Vladimir Putin on Muslims

Vladimir Putin on Muslims

26 Jan 2015

You probably have seen this before, BUT it is a whole lot more meaningful now as they are making a lot of headway on their agenda, as we sit back and let them do whatever they want....If we do not wake up and DO something soon we will be their slaves...
Listening to Putin may help SAVE THE UNITED STATES FROM ISLAM TAKEOVER--It "IS" happening right before your eyes
Before you read this, a story. On the radio this morning, in Vermont. The owner of a restaurant pulled down a sign that said something about how good his bacon was. A Muslim lady found it offensive. The mayor mentioned how wonderful "diversity" was for the town. The business owner apologized & pulled the sign.

We are giving away the greatest nation on earth.

Subject: Fw: Vladimir Putin on Muslims

This is one time our elected leaders should pay attention to the advice of Vladimir Putin.

I would suggest that not only our leaders but every citizen of USA should pay attention to this advice. How scary is that?

It is a sad day when a Communist Leader makes more sense than

our LEADERS here in the U.S.A. but here it is!

Vladimir Putin's speech - SHORTEST SPEECH EVER.

On August 04, 2013, Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, addressed the Duma, (Russian Parliament), and gave a speech about the tensions with minorities in Russia :

"In Russia , live like Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia , to work and eat in Russia , it should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, and live the life of Muslim's then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law.

" Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities need Russia , and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination'. We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture. We better learn from the suicides of America, England , Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Muslims are taking over those countries and they will not take over Russia . The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims.

"When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest first, observing that the Muslims Minorities Are Not Russians."

The politicians in the Duma gave Putin a five minute standing ovation.

If you keep this to yourself, you are part of the problem!



Kathy Kelly Begins Her Three Month Federal Prison Sentence Today!

Kathy Kelly, co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence and member of VFP International Advisory Board

January 23, 2015
Today, Kathy Kelly, co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence, a campaign to end U.S. military and economic warfare, will begin a three-month jail sentence in federal prison for a protest against drones (also known as “unmanned aerial vehicles”) at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri.

Medea Benjamin interviews her before Kathy turned herself in.  

Medea: Can you just say why you have been particularly moved to take action against drone strikes?

Kathy: I think 21st-century militarism is very frightening when you combine the military’s Joint Special Operations Forces with drone and air strike capabilities. The military doesn’t need sprawling bases anymore because they can use these new technologies to control populations and instill tremendous fear. But the use of drones creates resentment and antagonism, and continues to kill civilians.

Wars have been killing civilians for a long time, but with the help of drones, 90 percent of the people killed in wars these days are civilians. The British organization Reprieve reports that for every one person who is selected as a target for assassination by drones, 28 civilians are killed.

The weaponized drones are operated here in the United States in Air National Guard bases and Air Force bases, and with the press of a button they are killing people thousands of miles away in places like Afghanistan.

Many people are enamored with being able to send an unmanned aerial vehicle to kill people in another country without a soldier in this country being harmed. But we find that the people operating these drones are experiencing trauma and stress just like soldiers in war zones.

I’m also very worried about drone proliferation with other countries acquiring these weapons systems. In 1945, only one country possessed a nuclear weapon, and look at the world now. I think the same thing is going to happen with drone proliferation.

I also think that with the activist focus on drones, we can have tangible successes. We have a good possibility of persuading the public that this is a wrongful way to move ahead. It violates international law and makes other people near the bases here in the United States vulnerable as targets themselves.

We’ve already seen considerable progress on this issue. The bases that were getting the drones systems, like the Air National Guard Base in Battle Creek, Michigan, used to be so proud they were popping champagne. Now the commanders at the Battle Creek base, where the Guard is being trained to operate weaponized drones, are reluctant to talk about the drone program.

Medea: Can you tell us about Whiteman Air Force Base and what you did that resulted in this three-month sentence?

Kathy: A squadron at Whiteman, which is in Knob Noster, Missouri, operates weaponized drones over Afghanistan, which has been an epicenter of drone warfare. Whiteman Air Force Base won’t disclose information about the results of these drone strikes, but we, as American citizens, should have the right to know what is being done in our name.

I have spent a lot of time in Afghanistan, living with young people who have been victimized by our drones, young people who fled to Kabul and are too frightened to go back home to visit their own relatives, young people who see a future filled with prolonged and agonizing warfare.

We wanted to bring their grievances to the commander at Whiteman. So I crossed a line onto the base. A symbolic action for people in Afghanistan is breaking bread together, so I carried a loaf of bread and a letter to the commander asking how many people were killed by Whiteman Air Force Base on that day.  I took one or two steps over a line. Then I was arrested.

When I went to trial, the military prosecutor told the judge, "Your Honor, Ms. Kelly is in grave need of rehabilitation." But I think it’s our policy that’s in grave need of rehabilitation.

We’ve already spent $1 trillion on warfare in Afghanistan and will be spending another $120 billion. The Pentagon wants $57 billion for this year alone. We’re squandering resources that are sorely needed at home and abroad to solve extremely serious problems our world is facing, problems like the climate crisis and global poverty.

Medea: When you crossed the line into the Whiteman Base, did you know that you would be facing such a long sentence? Crossing the line at some bases, and even CIA Headquarters, has resulted in a small fine.

Kathy: My colleague, Brian Terrell, had previously crossed onto Whiteman Air Force Base and received a six-month sentence. I faced the same judge, so I was pretty sure that I would get six months as well. When he only gave me three months, I was actually surprised. I certainly don’t think I did anything criminal. I’m proud of what I did, but I expected the penalty would be higher, and wondered if the judge wanted to look good for a change.

Medea: So I take it that means you would do it again?

Kathy: Oh surely, yes. I think it’s important to take these issues directly to the place where the grievance is occurring, and that’s certainly these military bases.

I also think it’s important to take these issues to all three branches of government.

I love it when CODEPINK goes into the halls of Congress or challenges President Obama, because it’s crucial to pressure the executive and legislative branches. But we have to target the judicial branch as well. We have to try every lever and keep on insisting that the Constitution protects our right to express our grievances.

Medea: In early January, you fasted and protested with Witness Against Torture to call for the closing of the Guantanamo prison, including a protest at the home of former vice president Dick Cheney. How do you feel knowing that the people making these policies aren’t held accountable, but you’re heading off to jail?

Kathy: I actually don’t want to see anyone in prison because I don’t believe in the prison system. I don’t want to see people locked up. I believe in rehabilitation. How do you rehabilitate people who have been so murderous and greedy in their war-profiteering and cronyism, and so willing to sacrifice huge numbers of lives? 

It’s very hard to know. I’d like to continue in a Quakerly fashion to see decency and goodness and potential in people like Cheney, Rice and Bush. It may be that somehow the examples they set will serve to persuade future leaders not to be that way. So who knows what will come of what they’ve created.

Medea: It’s interesting that you’re against prisons, yet you voluntarily put yourself in a position where you know you’ll be in prison for a significant time. How many times have you been in prison for protesting war?

Kathy: This will be my fourth time in a federal prison. And I’ve been jailed in various county jails and other kinds of lockups more times than I can count.

Medea: Why do you continue to go to jail when there are so many other ways to protest?

Kathy: I think it’s important for peace activists to go inside the prisons and have a vivid sense of how hurtful and punitive this system is. I can read about the realities that prisoners face and the really horrific sentencing procedures but if I’m not sitting in the bunk next to the person pouring out their story, it doesn’t grab my heart and mind in the same way.

I’ve been to prison many times before, and I know that when I walk out of a prison, I feel like shouting from the rooftops, “Do you see what’s going on inside these gates?"

Medea: What can people do to support you while you’re in prison? And what about writing to you or sending you books?

Kathy: I love novels, especially novels written by people from other countries. People can contact Voices for Creative Nonviolence in Chicago to find out where to send books and letters.

And people can help Voices for Creative Nonviolence. We’re organizing a walk related to the environment and militarism; we’re sending volunteers to Jeju Island in South Korea to join the movement against militarizing the island; we’re working with the youth in the Afghan Peace Volunteers in Kabul.

A good way to show support would be to join the Afghan Peace Volunteers in their duvet project--a project to make warm blankets for people in need. One winter in Kabul, 26 people froze to death in just one month, eight of them children. It was impossible to read those statistics and not think of something to do. So we helped start the duvet project.

The Afghan Peace Volunteers invite women from the different tribal ethnicities, 60 in all, to pick up materials, like wool, coverlets, and thread. They go home and sew these very heavy blankets that can make the difference between life and death. Then the youth distribute the duvets to people in the greatest need. I so admire the young people because they act like social workers, going out to find out who are the neediest in their area. And very generous people in the US and the UK have donated the money. Each duvet costs about $17, and it’s now about a $40,000 project that distributes thousands of blankets each year. So people could help out by contributing to this project.