Monday, September 5, 2011

Message from SaLuSa, September 5, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa, September 5, 2011 by Mike Quinsey
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 5-Sep-2011 04:50:57

SaLuSa, September 5, 2011
Leaders all over the world are aware of the coming changes, and realize that for the good of the people they must come into being. However, some still believe that they can receive all of the benefits and cling to the old ways that are no longer compatible with the plan for you. Do not worry, as those who feel that they cannot accept what we have to offer, will have to stand down. Those who will come forward to take their place are already known to us for being visionaries, and are aware that they have an important role to play. No longer will you be subject to the corrupt deals with the major corporations, and their power and influence will be greatly moderated. Your faith in politicians will be restored, as you see that the ones entrusted with your future are spiritually motivated and also of the Light.
When poverty and lack are addressed, at a stroke you will see an immediate drop in the criminal acts that arise from such conditions. The "them and us" divide that has brought about two classes of people will disappear. Wealth will be redistributed and no one will be allowed to keep their ill gotten gains. Believe us that we know exactly how wealth has been created, and much has been acquired by manipulation and outright theft. We also know where it is being hidden, and secret accounts will be revealed and confiscated. There is no place in the future for the unfair distribution of wealth, and monies given or collected by governments will have to be totally accounted for at all times.
We have little time left to continue convincing many noted persons in your world that the old ways must change, because they will come about whether people are prepared or not. The idea of a totally new society is readily being accepted by more people than ever. Indeed, you have made it clear that you are unhappy with the old system, that has failed to give you the benefits of your labors and failed to honor your sovereignty. Unlike earlier civilizations you are not going to be destroyed, and talk of great disasters and worldwide catastrophes are not to be your experience. We are able to control such events, and although we must allow Mother Earth to also take part in the cleansing we can limit its effect.
Clearly there is not much longer to wait for the whole process of change to commence. The plan is in place and will quickly bring about those initial changes, they will signal to everyone that the dark Ones have been denied their seats of power and no longer hold sway over you. The resultant joy and happiness will raise your consciousness levels further, and these wonderful energies will release the frustration and anger that has been building up for a very long time. Peace will descend upon Earth and those long established differences between you will be settled. In times of plenty there is no reason to covet your neighbours belongings, and happy and fulfilled people are able to share their love with others and enjoy their new found freedom.
As you approach the end of this year, it may be your conclusion that the many events we have continually spoken of must get underway. That would indeed be true, and rather than many individual ones, there will be a whole succession of them that will be linked. Much has to be prepared in advance for our mass landings, and any likely threat against us will have to be removed. Therefore First Contact will be dependent upon certain factors before we can go ahead. Come it will, and be part of a great celebration of your reunion with us who are after all your true brothers and sisters. You have been in the dark for far too long, and the Light is now clearing away the cobwebs of a system that what was designed to exercise total control over you.
These are the times when your resolve will be sorely tested, and whatever is calculated to distract you from the truth should be ignored. Nothing will stop the Ascension process from finally manifesting at the end of 2012, so hold fast to your beliefs and walk tall in your Light.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 5-Sep-2011 02:13:13

The Federation Speaks - Peace & War No More

Preliminary Draft
On behalf of the Galactic Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchy, we greet you. We would like to assure you that we are of the Light, and that we come to you in the service of your Creator to assist and advise you so that you may better understand and react to the changes which will soon be upon you and your planet.
With your limited vision, and your relationship with self-centeredness and conflict, you may be tempted to suspect that we have come to harm or to conquer you. There are indeed forces in your universe that might have such intentions. But their powers have been largely neutralized at this time. I have already assured you and gladly assure you once again that we are of the Light, and that we are here for your benefit.
The time has now come for a general movement upwards, a sorting of those who are ready to move up, and those who are not. Your planet is to be cleansed physically as well as on the spiritual level, for she has suffered much harm in acting as your host. It is important that you have some idea of what lies immediately ahead and why it is to take place, so that you may prepare yourselves. This is our first task.
You have collectively made great advances in science and technology, but in so doing, you have often neglected another important source of information, namely your intuition. In your obsession with things physical, things which can be seen, felt, measured and tested, you have gained the impression that if you cannot see or feel it, it cannot therefore exist. Your eyes are closed to any possibilities outside your own area of recognition. But I must tell you, that there is more unseen than is seen, there is more uncomprehend than comprehended, there is more to your world and your universe than you could presently imagine.
The density of matter is important. Physical objects have different densities, people's physical frames have different densities, so also do worlds. We are of a lighter, finer density that you, as also are the manifestations which you call spirits or ghosts. Place some pebbles in a sieve, then pour water over them and see how the finer density of water allows it to pass around the denser pebbles. That is why ghosts can pass through walls. That is how our spacecraft can move about invisibly to your eyes, though we are able to make ourselves visible to your senses at will. That is why there is so much going on around you that is invisible to your eyes.
Planet Earth at present exists on the densest possible level as a reflection of the environment in which you live and conduct yourselves and the lessons you have chosen to learn. Each planet or universe or civilization has its constitution, similar in spirit and intent to the constitutions of your more evolved governments. The concept of constitution is to lay down the outer, absolute boundaries of approved behaviour beyond which neither individuals nor governments may pass. Planet Earth has been given the gift of Free Will, as have many others.
But unlike others, your Free Will has been given without boundaries. Thus you have been able to go to extremes of violence and self gratification at the expense of others, extremes which in other civilizations would not be permitted. In this way you yourselves, and all of us who observe you and experience your world by co-relation, can learn of the effects which such actions can set in motion.
But this situation will shortly come to an end. For now is a time of sorting and of moving upwards. It is a time of revision, of assessment, of taking new paths. It includes your entire planet, and indeed a much wider circle of worlds beyond your own. Your planet is to be cleansed, and its people will move to new worlds according to their evolution and aspirations, in order to learn new lessons in new environments. This will give each individual the opportunity to review his or her life and attitudes, and to consider the kind of future to which he or she aspires.
Having given you just a brief idea of what is to happen very shortly around you, I must now tell you of the task we have been given by Earth's Spiritual Guides and Hierarchy, and how we propose to set about fulfilling our responsibilities.
It is our intent to use what in your language might be referred to as the "carrot and the stick".
The "stick" is not, as you might at first think, a weapon to be raised in aggression or anger or envy. This is not our way. Indeed the "constitution" of our lives and civilization does not permit any of these things. The "stick" we will use is a rod of protection, and it is strict, tolerating no exceptions. Already you will find that your weapons of war are losing their effectiveness; over time these physical weapons will disintegrate into dust, their aura of aggression and anger will be neutralized along with their physical form.
You will also find that anything used as a weapon of aggression, even a stick or a fist raised in anger, will be stayed by an unseen hand. Ultimately, you will find that when any words are to be spoken in anger or aggression, the voice of the speaker will falter as if gently choking, so that such words may not be expressed. Finally, as the din of war is gradually stilled and the spirit of peace descends upon your planet, we hope to reinforce it with an all-enveloping blanket of love and goodwill.
You must understand that although you may think that victory is an achievement providing its rewards, you should know that the continuance of war and competitive aggression which is a constant feature of your planet has taken its toll upon your emotions and your senses, creating a continuing tension. As this burden is progressively lifted you will find yourselves lightening, becoming more joyful, more able to see the beauty around you and the light in the souls of others.
Perhaps you, with your tradition of total Free Will, may feel that this is an unwarranted intrusion into your liberty. Although you may well agree in principle that the neutralization of all anger and aggression together with all weapons of war would be a wonderful thing, you may not feel altogether comfortable with its imposition by an alien and foreign force. Yet I must tell you that such rules are not unusual; indeed your planet is almost unique in permitting such activities, which are not within the constitutional bounds of other civilizations.
Many of you may also feel that while an end to violence is a good thing in principle, it is necessary first of all to repay debts, to claim the "eye for the eye". But I must tell you that such vendettas, such acts of violence followed by counter-violence in the name of honour, these acts have been going on for centuries in your collective lives. Somewhere, at some time, the perpetuation of violence must stop. This is now the place and the time.
I must also explain that if we are to help you, as we have been instructed to do, we must first ask you to be still. We cannot help and advise those who are too busy killing one another to listen to our words.
If you could see your planet from outer space as we do all the time, you would see a murky aura of accumulated hate and aggression, and your ears would be deafened by the constant clamour and din of war, the shooting and the bombs, the cries of the wounded and the dying, and the destruction of so much of the physical assets of your civilization which you have previously built with expenditure of great effort and planetary resources.
If only the effort you have put into destruction and rebuilding could have been directed into preserving and enhancing, of building upon building, imagine how rich your civilization would now appear! But that is your destiny and it is not for us to question it, only to point out that if you are to listen, to be informed, to improve your conduct and make a right decision when needed to do so, then you must first be stilled.
Our "stick" will be the rod of protection, ensuring that acts of aggression are halted so that the clash of war may be stilled and the spirit of aggression, of violence and revenge may be quietened.
The "carrot" of persuasion will take the form of suggestions as to how you may conduct your lives more peaceably, more spiritually, with the "reward" that in so doing you may be more ready to move to a higher level of being.
It is our hope that as you pause for a moment in your aggression and counter-aggression, when your ears are no longer filled with the din of war and your senses not fully preoccupied with getting the better of others before they get the better of you, in that stillness and space of neutrality you may be persuaded to begin afresh, and to build for yourselves a society where relationships are based on mutual respect, non-aggression and cooperation, on construction rather than destruction.
A daunting, perhaps even impossible task? No. Indeed it is much easier done than imagined.
In other societies more developed than your own, there is one guiding principle of conduct between people. It is a simple rule: first, do no harm.
You must start early with your very youngest children, as we also do, teaching them what is to us the most important rule of life: respect others as you would have them respect you. Think no unkind thoughts; say no unkind words, for one only puts others down in order to make oneself feel greater. Learn to value yourself for what you are; build upon your incarnated foundation, develop yourself and your natural gifts, remembering only that you should enrich your own life without impoverishing that of others, emotionally, spiritually or physically.
Your governments too must reform themselves rapidly, for despite the belief which many hold that they live in a democracy, in truth few people trust their governments to act competently, honestly and efficiently. The purpose of government, in the words of your Thomas Jefferson, is to prevent men from injuring one another.
If only you had but one government which did just that, which ensured peace and true social justice among its people, acting productively without undue waste, with honesty and transparency, with the interests of the people – its customers – at heart, you would never believe the beneficial, almost magical effect it would have. With that one principle, there would be physical plenty for all to live challenging and rewarding lives in a pleasant environment on a respected planet.
As you shed your aggressive competitiveness, competing only with ignorance to create knowledge, competing only with poverty to create wealth which all may share, conducting your collective lives according to the principle of mutual respect and cooperation, so all the dark, dank places you have created for yourselves will be changed and brightened, those who have been put down will find new freedom to make their own contribution, and the harm done to your host planet can slowly be undone.
There will be little enough time for this new spirit to take root. But if you can only pause from your aggression long enough to enjoy the stillness of peace, if you can order your collective affairs according to Universal Laws long enough to glimpse the rewards of peace, justice and cooperation, and if experiencing these things each of you can profit from your new environment in order to review your personal attitudes, your approach to yourself and to others, you will then be in a position to embrace a brighter future.
It is our wish to remain with you, and to communicate with you constantly in order to give you a wider view of that which you cannot see, of developments around you and how they will affect you. And in our behaviour towards you, we will show you the creative, nurturing power of love, of mutual caring and assistance which we hope that you too will embrace among yourselves.

GFOL & Ashtar Command – Special Message (9-2-2011)

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
GFOL & Ashtar Command – Special Message (9-2-2011)
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 2-Sep-2011 21:21:31

GFOL & Ashtar Command – Special Message (9-2-2011)
We of the Ashtar command bring you a special message. Dear ones you are at a time of great change. There are many factions who at this time take this opportunity to “hitch a ride” off of your empowerment, in turn and at the same time lowering your vibration and removing your focus from unity. Dear ones, now is no longer a moment of separation, instead it is a journey to oneness. The road may not be easy for many but rest assured however that progress is being made, the war dear ones was won long ago at the start of your millennium. We have been protecting your Earth for eons however it wasn’t until your new millennium that we were allowed to act. The lesson of duality had to be played out. It was a battle that involved many, many races. The battle was difficult but ended more peacefully then expected.
The rogue alliance (which involved more then the reptilians and grey race) was neutralized with the combined efforts of the archs [archangels], and various other benevolent inter-galactic alliances. A great council meeting was held on the first day of your new millennium, during which time the rogue alliances were notified that Earth was being surrounded by various command ships and protection fleets and they were informed that their contract with the Earth leaders was terminated and well as their access to this region of space.
As months and years of your time passed these rogue alliances became increasingly desperate. Their resources were depleted and their access to various other star system and planets continued to decrease. In time these rebel forces had no other choice but to join the forces of light, not all joined the command or federation, but all became part of the benevolent alliances. Upon their request to serve the light and other civilizations they were spiritually cleansed and healed, their frequency is now at 5D and higher, they have broken all ties to the negative energies that were consuming them and have moved past duality.
They are now under the direction of Christ/Sananda, El Moyra and other ascended masters who have been working with them to help them understand their past actions and the roles they played. This as you know dear ones was a lesson, a lesson they both learned and taught, the nature of duality and the return to unity and the construct of fear and how it affects consciousness. It is the lesson the people of your Earth have experienced for so long. But rejoice dear ones, as stated before, now is a time of rebirth. Not just for your planet but for all of creation including creation [source] itself.
What would be learned brothers and sisters by rejecting and shunning the teachers? without teachers there can be no students, and with out students there can be no teachers, and thus life becomes void. We can not remove or ignore what is an aspect of ourselves. Remember brothers and sisters, your master Christ walked with those of your world who were lost the most. He walked with the beggars and the women who were called prostitutes. Christ loved all people, and called them all to his table. All were welcomed to break bread with beloved Master Christ. Likewise, all are welcome to join our command and the side of their benevolent sisters and brothers. Should they refuse, they will be found in direct violation of the universal laws and held by our protection fleets, once held by our protection fleets they are then brought before the great council.
While beings are held several master healers and teachers work with them.
Channeled Message From A Universal Protection Fleet Commander (Received several months ago):
Greetings to the people of Earth I am the head of an extra-dimensional protection fleet designed to protect universes and all the galaxies and planets therein. There are several billion fleets each with their own fleets (this is just to give an example of how many of our ships there are), our fleet has been assigned since 2000 to protect your universe and in doing so your planet. My reason for contacting you at this time is to share the truth about what has happened to your planet and what will soon happen. Before this year there were many who had free reign of your planet due to a treaty between your governments and beings who did not have the best interest of your people in mind.

However at the start of the shift on earth in this year* there were certain agreements put in to place to end the harvesting of the human race and to allow humanity to evolve and ascend as they were meant to. This is when the abductions ceased and the mutilations ended. Your entire universe is protected by a very large amount of our ships which assures that only those who are service to others can access. Our ships are not visible but they exist there, we also watch the operations of your NASA and make sure that no more attempts are made which do not have your best interest in mind, they have the same technology that we of the higher realms do, however it is not made public, their technology comes from the treaty between governments and service to self races.
by this year he means 2000*
You should know that your NASA has traveled to deep space, beyond and back. Have lived on other planets and have returned sometime performing the abductions themselves, but this has been forbidden and no longer can continue, this directive has come from the highest source and will be enforced at any cost, violence is always the last option, it is preferred that they meet with the great council. Though, rest assured that there will be no threat to the human race. The many anomalies that were seen upon your planet which are known as the spirals, were evidence of our removing certain beings from your planet through the portal, therefor removing that lower energetic vibration and the powers they had over your people thus allowing certain events to take place such as the rise of power of the human race over the tyranny of their planet.
Events such as these will continue to occur removing the negative implants that were embedded upon Gaia in each country in the world, once these events have been fulfilled all over the planet removing those who cause the most destruction energy wise, there will be a greater shift than could be imagined, though when this will occur can not be shared, it is up to Gaia to decide this fate, her communication with the source is the deciding factor.
The hearts of the people who remained and are service to self but not destructive in energetic nature will be transformed by the incredible amount of what I call lifting of the planet, an event in which the entire planet itself will be lifted and become lighter, and less dense, it will not be seen but felt, and it will happen soon, regardless of the attempts by those who wish to hold on to the power that has given them purpose, their attempt to keep humanity in a dense vibration will not succeed, even through the many attempts to promote a fearful and thus heavy heart and soul, because it is source who works through us all and it is source who is the one ascending to a higher vibrational reality, the ascension of ONE

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Blessed and Safe Holiday Weekend

You all have a very blessed and safe holiday weekend. My family is taking this weekend off too!

I be back on Monday evening.

GOD Bless You & Yours,

John MacHaffie

Sheldan Nidle Update 8-30-11

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
4 Ik, 15 Uo, 8 Manik
Aug. 30, 2011
We return! Your world is beginning to feel the effects of the great change which will overturn major governments and restore your unalienable rights. This massive transformation is sending shock waves rippling through your global network of stock markets and causing major governments to alter key elements of their foreign policies. These changes are creeping up quickly on the dark cabal even as the illuminoids meet in secret to discuss how to react to what is shortly to transpire. Our Agarthan cousins have seen to it that their special liaisons oversee and inform these dark ones that their time in power has finished and that a grand denouement is at hand. The agreements to transfer financial responsibility from the US Federal Reserve to the new Treasury Banks are now being executed. Moreover, the new hard-currency financial system is in the process of final implementation. This new system restores monetary policy to the people and returns this world to a sound and true economy exchange. Nevertheless, this only scratches the surface of the changes to come!
The crucial element involves returning government to the people. Over the centuries, governments have favored those who had the time or money to develop 'special relationships' with members of the legislature and/or the executive branch. These special relationships have warped government and need to be dissolved. Our Earth allies have created a taskforce to come up with solutions to this fundamental dilemma to modern governance. We have asked that the new caretaker governments immediately implement those items approved by this taskforce, and these have now been included in the agreements that were officially signed a few months ago by more than 160 nations. Our desire is to see your governments become capable of 'listening,' and then enacting laws that are agreed upon by the vast majority of their citizenry. The era of government by and for a select, affluent few needs to be swiftly ended. This constitutes an essential step toward the way galactic society governs itself.
The arrest and coming trial of this dark cabal is being done to make a very important point. The karma created by the dark since the end of the Second World War needs to be properly addressed by the Light. This war saw the ascendency of the illuminoid factions of the United States, while Europe took a back seat to the interaction between the Anunnaki overlords and the American cabal. This situation encouraged these US factions to defy their off-world masters when these ones departed, and to disregard their injunction to follow their lead and allow those individuals seeking the return of the Light to be given the reins of command. This bidding was strongly resisted and resulted in the 'difficulties' that are only now being successfully abated. It is this prolonged mêlée which has created the karma that the coming trials are to wash away. The new caretaker governments will move your reality in the proper direction, the one leading to disclosure and the path to full consciousness for Gaia and for each one of you!
Disclosure, as we often remind you, will be a decisive threshold in your history. After disclosure, your world will be opened up to the wonders of this galaxy. You will learn about your origins in different regions of the galaxy and about the large human contingent in the Galactic Federation of Light. As you become more conversant in these matters, you can then be introduced to the other Beings who make up the grand diversity that is the Milky Way Galaxy. It is advisable for you to absorb this information in stages, and in this way, be prepared for the immense amount of data we need to pass on to you. In one swoop, you will be transformed from xenophobic Beings who fear the unknown to ones who welcome your diverse spiritual, space, and Inner Earth families. Our dossiers on you show clearly that most of you are deeply curious about the truth of who you really are and why we are here. We intend to answer these questions, and then begin a wide-ranging, open discussion between us, which will quickly set the stage for your return to full consciousness.
We are your Ascended Masters! We come today to inform you that the time for your deliverance arrives. The dark has done all that it can do to delay the inevitable. Our associates have completed their preliminaries, and the time is upon us for the unveiling of your new reality! We have watched as our Agarthan friends beat down the many plans hatched by the dark that were designed to perpetrate their reign. We are preparing ourselves for first contact and the wonderful announcements that are to follow. Meanwhile, those assigned to take charge of your various new temporary governments are ready to assume command. The first broadcasts they make will address those measures necessary to transition you from your present state of disorder into the joyous realm that awaits you. This new realm is your glorious destiny! Here is where we can all meet and celebrate the return to your world of the Light in its full glory!
What we wish to do is to get you to remember the wisdom of self-healing and the ways to enlightenment. Long ago, we ascended and began our journey as the divine intercessors between Heaven and Earth. We taught our spiritual disciplines and described the grand day when Heaven was to descend to Earth and turn a dark world back to the Light. This magic moment is now upon us! You are the beneficiaries of the Creator's infinite grace. We know our new teachings of the Masters will be received by you with great Love and divine appreciation. All of us have prepared our devotees for this, and we are serenely in joy about what we can now tell you. Many mysteries that we have learned can now be shown and explained. We intend to do this and to bring with us many Councils and Orders that make up our shared, divine lineages.
The journey that remains will be an easy one for any person who accepts the path to Ascension with Love and grace. Love one another deeply in the way that you Love yourself. Become aware of how your reality is subtly changing. Each moment, a grand blessing from Heaven raises your world's frequency level slightly, causing her to reform and become what the Divine is flooding her with. Realities are like water: when you combine Love with divine intention in your blessings, it alters the characteristics of water and even its composition. The same is true of a reality. As a reality is reshaped by your collective Love and divine intentions, it begins to transform swiftly into something more suitable for a return to full consciousness. This is now happening, and you are inexorably on a fast track to full consciousness. Namaste!
Today, we discussed the happenings on your world. Numerous events are ready to manifest which will literally morph your reality, and which will provide a huge impetus to the transition of your political domain and an opening to the Divine. A great spiritual catharsis is ready to uplift your world and lead you back to the Light! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Ben Fulford, Aug 30 video message to the cabal: "YOU MUST SURRENDER...THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING" (5 mins)
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 2-Sep-2011 02:13:56
Hi, Folks -
Thanks to Reader R. for forwarding this. :) Here's Benjamin Fulford in a video message to certain world leaders and the controlling cabal, recorded August 30, 2011, pursuant to the reported meeting of 57 countries.
NOTE that he makes reference to the Global Collateral Accounts, regarding which a certain amount of confusion continues to exist. For that reason, and also because as Raye has said, "It's impossible to tell the white hats from the black hats without a program - and the program changes every day," discernment is advised.


Ascension of the not so self important

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Ascension of the not so self important
Posted By: afriend [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 2-Sep-2011 02:17:37
For Your consideration

Here is the primer, the processes begins with a profound metaphysical experience which may include enlightenment, Surrender, Rebirth or some other spiritually transforming event all leading to the state known as awakening. Further development of other special abilities in post awakening such as second sight, lucid dreaming or other inter-connective means of accessing the metaphysical self follow further improving the connection. In the human realm, once awakening is achieved the link becomes stronger and less contaminated through rigorous self discipline aimed toward right living. Various forms of suffering also accompany awakening. In time the awakened abandon the dualistic theory of awareness for singularity. Singularity being that we are three concurrent parts, physical and spiritual connected by a link of some unknown origin making each of us singular and unified with our spiritual selves.
