Friday, February 24, 2012




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Ron Paul Raises More Money From Hoosiers Than Other GOP Candidates

Ron Paul Raises More Money From Hoosiers Than Other GOP Candidates In The Fourth Quarter
Posted By: Susoni
Date: Friday, 24-Feb-2012 12:25:43

This might come as a surprise to the elite insiders of the Indiana GOP who are all backing faux Republican Mitt Romney for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, but Ron Paul actually raised more money from Hoosiers in the fourth quarter of 2011 than any of the Republican presidential candidates, including Mitt Romney. Paul's support comes from grassroots supporters and not big money bundlers who raised all of Romney's funds. The Star's Maureen Groppe picks up on this in her story in today's Star and mentions that your's truly is among the Hoosiers supporting Paul:
Filings by the candidates show that Texas Rep. Ron Paul raised the most Hoosier dollars in the last quarter of 2011 among the GOP presidential candidates.
Paul raised $93,757 from Hoosiers who gave more than $200, the amount that requires disclosure of a contributor.
Indianapolis attorney Gary Welsh called Paul "the only truly traditional conservative in the Republican presidential race."
"People have forgotten what it means to be a conservative in the Goldwater tradition of keeping the government off our backs and out of our bedrooms," said Welsh, who gave Paul $250 in December.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney raised $84,251 in large-dollar contributions from Hoosiers in the fourth quarter. Romney, however, raised the most from Hoosiers to date: $273,549, compared with Paul's $180,107. 


Posted Today, 12:54 PM
Hello Gang,
According to info I’ve gleaned from several sites, including DinarWishes above, the RV was attempted and failed numerous times yesterday and last night, the process stopping at virtually the same spot each time. 

One of my primary sources said he was told by an IT person on the team that it was so close to the end of the script that they kept trying to get it past the spot, somewhat like when you have a bad spot on a DVD and your movie freezes up. 

Supposedly they were trying to fix the spot, but obviously it was something far more serious than just one line of code with a typo on the command line. So they had to go back through the code, following the maze of links and find out what one code was out of synch. It may be as simple as the script looking for an “A” line and some programmer labeled it a “1” line. I had the same thing in one of my releases for WorldCom years ago and it was just that simple. Yet we lost a whole weekend finding that minor glitch in the interface between two separate software programs that pulled information from one another.

The team’s window was until midnight CST last night, and at around 11:53 CST, when they realized they weren’t able to hit their window, they put a technical hold on the process and asked for an extension, which I understand was approved. I can imagine these people are just as frayed as we are, maybe more with trying to get this over and proceed to Miller Time or Happy Hour, no matter what time it is at that moment of final success.

You can bet they’re trying to fix this and if they do, then they have to wait until whoever the higher is in charge of this process to approve it going forward. This is no easy train to get going once it stops, as an entire network, behind the scenes must be alerted to be ready. It doesn’t just pop up on the screens, as they need support and infrastructure out there along every tentacle that this RV goes down. I can just imagine a Jules Vern Giant Squid portraying this in a Hollywood movie showing this in the years to come.

In fact, one guru reported that they may have finally released it to a certain point and are now waiting for the timing to be right. Maybe they’re doing some additional final testing to make sure everything will work this next time. There are no “OOPS!” allowed on this once it goes out - it has to be right the first time. If wrong, it could cost billions of dinars or dollars.

Not only are the Gurus feeling the sting of the disenchanted, but you can bet these IT people are getting an earful every second. They want this done, IMF wants this done, China wants this done, and the US Treasury wants this done. Iraq is virtually on hold until this is done, and they even called off the Parliament until March 6 to let everything get done on this and the other issues they’re addressing. Contrary to what some following Iraq’s every move say, they don’t have transparency in Iraq and any approvals/votes in Parliament are only for show. Everything that needed to be said, any criticism one politician had for another were all done behind closed doors. The newspaper reports only what it’s told to report, and usually days or weeks after the fact. I've had boots on the ground in that area of the world, and I know first-hand how they operate. So if the newsies want to be on Noah’s Ark (The RV), they need to quit with the folly of trying to be on the cutting edge via the newspapers, and get out on the dock. It's starting to rain, the ramps are being pulled in, and the doors are shutting. Besides, trying to make sense out of all that stuff will "Dwive YOU Cwazy!"

I too think everything is on hold until this gets through. It should have been completed yesterday, and maybe even the day before that. China can't have a huge announcement until the RV hits the bank screens. The RV rate and details couldn't be announced in prayers this morning in Iraq, and many other announcements world-wide are on hold. 

Have a great day – hope this day sees this happening, the parties erupting, and everyone lovin' each other instead of gnawing on each other like a pack of junkyard dogs. It’s there, ripe for announcement and cash-in, but Murphy and Murphy’s Law has besieged us. The "Law of Averages" is now swinging in our favor! Description: :D

God Bless

U.S. Postal Service plans to close/consolidate 223 processing centers

Posted at 06:00 AM ET, 02/23/2012

U.S. Postal Service plans to close/consolidate 223 processing centers

(35,000 + jobs to be eliminated)

Ronnie L. Taylor, left, a 30-year maintenance worker, joined with other postal workers in Toledo, Ohio, in December to inform customers about looming closures. (Andy Morrison - AP)
Updated 12:35 p.m. ET
The U.S. Postal Service announced Thursday that at least 223 mail processing facilities could close or be consolidated in the coming year as part of a three-year, $15 billion cost-savings plan.
The locations, in some cases employing hundreds of workers who sort mail and prepare it for delivery, stretch from Eastern Maine to the Los Angeles suburbs and dozens of Midwestern communities. In some cases, mail intended for one state will be sorted in another.
The consolidations will affect four processing centers in Maryland, at Cumberland, Easton, Gaithersburg and Waldorf, and three sites in Virginia, at Lynchburg, Norfolk and Roanoke.
Maryland Sens. Barbara Mikulski (D) and Benjamin Cardin (D) said they strongly opposed plans to move some mail sorting responsibilities from Eastern Maryland to neighboring Delaware.
“There is absolutely no statistical or empirical data to justify consideration of this idea,” they said in a letter sent Thursday to Postmaster General Patrick R. Donahoe.
But in an interview, Donahoe said his advisers spent the last few months studying the feasibility of shuttering up to 264 sites by reviewing network delivery models. The study determined that six sites will require further review, 35 will remain open for now and the affected sites will close at some point after a moratorium on closures ends in mid-May.
Donahoe acknowledged that the consolidation plans remain “very fluid, adding that “none of this is set in stone.”
“What you’re seeing now is a process that we have committed to our employees to go through as part of this consolidation,” Donahoe said. “We want to give it as much time to make decisions about their future.”
If enacted as planned, USPS would eventually operate a delivery network with fewer than 200 processing facilities. The closures could mean the loss of as many as 35,000 mail-processing jobs, mostly through attrition, as part of a broader goal of trimming 150,000 positions by next year. The cutbacks mean USPS will no longer guarantee overnight delivery of some first-class mail.
Donahoe said that making the announcement this week would permit affected workers to begin weighing future options.
“Some people will retire, some may become letter carriers, some maintenance employees may be vehicle mechanics, depending on how things work,” he said. “We are still awaiting some decisions from a legislative perspective that may lead to some changes. But if we don’t get legislation, we would have to start closing locations.”
Legislative action is expected to begin next month when the Senate begins consideration of a bipartisan reform plan that would permit USPS to close thousands of post offices, end Saturday mail delivery and recoup billions of dollars paid into federal and postal retirement accounts.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who led a push to delay any further postal consolidations until May, called the new plans “deeply flawed” because closing processing centers would make the mail delivery even slower.
“Slowing down mail delivery service will result in less business and less revenue,” Sanders said.
As postal workers began learning the details Wednesday night, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service said it planned to step up patrols at affected locations in anticipation of potentially adverse reactions by workers.
Margaret Williams, spokeswoman for the Postal Inspection Service, the Postal Service’s law enforcement arm, said her agency “is sensitive to the issues that concern customers and employees surrounding some of the information that the Postal Service will be releasing. It is our mission to ensure the safety and security of the employees, customers and the mail system.”
Another official familiar with the plans put it this way: “We’re definitely aware of the announcements and the changes — and not everybody likes change.”
But there is no information indicating a specific threat, the official said, adding that in most cases there should no visible presence of uniformed postal police officers standing watch at the processing facilities.
Postal workplace violence still occurs, despite efforts by USPS and the inspection service to clamp down on incidents. A 29-year-old postal employee was charged with two counts of attempted murder in December after police said he fired two guns inside a Montgomery, Ala., mail facility. The worker’s motive was unclear.
The inspection service’s annual report provides other examples: In June 2010, a New York mail handler was charged with attempted murder and first-degree assault after grabbing his supervisor from behind and stabbing her with a pair of scissors multiple times. The mail handler later told inspectors that he had thought about killing his supervisors since October 2009.
A former letter carrier was arrested in May 2010 on attempted murder charges after ramming his former supervisor with a truck at an Albany, Calif., postal facility. The former carrier steered his truck into the supervisor and pinned the supervisor against his own vehicle, then backed up and did it again as the supervisor was trying to escape, according to USPIS.
Follow Ed O’Keefe on Twitter: @edatpost
Further reading:
For more, visit PostPolitics and The Fed Page.
By Ed O'Keefe  |  06:00 AM ET, 02/23/2012

Report: Area 51 Builds Massive Alien Pyramid +VIDEO

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Report: Area 51 Builds Massive Alien Pyramid +VIDEO
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Friday, 24-Feb-2012 07:37:52

Report: Area 51 Builds Massive Alien Pyramid
Posted: 24 Feb 2012 03:10 AM PST
Pyramids. Are some alien? Scientists in China and Russia think so. Now, it seems the hidden technology of those ancient structures is being activated as massive pyramids around the globe are shooting pulsing streams of raw energy deep into space. What is their purpose? Are they really conduits of cosmic energy as some have claimed? Were some pyramids actually designed by alien 'gods' that created a worldwide network of advanced city-states based on their superscience? Who really knows? Well, maybe the United States Air Force knows.

Julia Gillard statement --- Australia says Muslims HAVE THE RIGHT TO LEAVE!

Hi Ya’All    BUT - After you watch the videos- you will be very sobered up-very alarmed, as to the enemy within.
I guess Julia Gillard saw Ann Barnhardts presentation(posted below) on Islamic culture and their women ,and young ones, and wants to hang onto hers, as is  :P tonguer=)) rolling on the floor.
Subject: Julia Gillard statement
W O W !
She Did It Again!!!
Australia says NO — Second Time she has done this!
She sure isn’t backing down on her hard line stance and one has to appreciate her belief in the rights of her native countrymen.
A breath of fresh air to see someone lead. Australian Prime Minister does it again!!
The whole world needs a leader like this!
Prime Minister Julia Gillard – Australia
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.
Separately, Gillard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she supported spy agencies monitoring the nation’s mosques. Quote: ‘IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT… Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.’
‘This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.’
‘We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!’
‘Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.’
‘We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.’
‘This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, ‘THE RIGHT TO LEAVE’.’
‘If you aren’t happy here then LEAVE. We didn’t force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.’
NOTE: IF we circulate this amongst ourselves in Canada & USA , WE will find the courage to start speaking and voicing the same truths.
If you agree please SEND THIS ONand ON, to as many people as you know…  HERE IS THAT VERY IMPORTANT LINK !

White Hats have released a scanned document of one of the contracts

Hi John,

I just picked this off the hot press from a website at

This story keeps getting better and better!  I hope this gets out to humanity!

God Bless you John for everything you do for humanity!


Breaking News!!!  White Hats have released a scanned document of one of the contracts between Yohannes Riyadi and the Federal Reserve!

2/24/12 , 4:55am est.
By: enerchi

Remember Lord James of Blackheath and the White Hats Reports. Well it looks like they just released a scanned document of the contract between Yohannes Riyadi and the Federal Reserve.
The document can be found here:
The website  and location of the document is based out Republika Srpska which is a Serbian.

The testimony by Lord James of Blackheath suggested that there are many contracts between Yohannes Riyadi and the Federal Reserve.  Lord James makes the claims that there is major corruption and criminal activity taking place within the jurisdiction of the USA Corporation  involving the Federal Reserve Bank. Lord James specifically named Alan Greenspan and Timothy Geithner as having signed some of the contracts.  It seems that this first document is just one of many to be released into the public domain. This document has the signatures of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Roger Ferguson Jr. I am sure they can supply evidence of other contracts between Yohannes Riyadi and the Federal Reserve showing additional signatures and higher USD currency transactions.   So can we arrest these guys?
The document is dated March 31, 2006. Do you see a connection with this date? Ok, I see it! Remember Benjamin Fulfords last article titled " A March 31st deadline has been delivered to the committee of 300 by the gnostic “illuminati” faction". Wow! Seems to be a relationship between the White Hats and the White Dragon Society which is represented by Fulford.

The Federal Reserve and the Main Stream Media refuse to report this, even though there is evidence to support the allegations.  The news outlets like Reuters, CNN, Fox, CBS, MSNBC, and many others, seem to turn a blind eye to one of the greatest corruption stories ever told.The Oath and Anthem of the American/World Press Should Read like the Speech from President John F Kennedy to the American Newspaper Publishers Association.  You can listen to his speech to the press here ...... 

There is even more evidence uncovered by Christopher StoryBenjamin FulfordAl Hodges and his letters to world dignitaries, and David Wilcock's Masterpiece "FINANCIAL TYRANNY: Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time" .

Lets get this out to all the blogs and true news reporters!

All the best to humanity!


Million-dollar foreclosures rise as rich walk away

Million-dollar foreclosures rise as rich walk away

 @CNNMoney February 23, 2012: 10:09 AM ET
Click image to see inside 8 multi-million dollar foreclosures.
Click image to see inside 8 multi-million dollar foreclosures.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Five years after the housing bubble burst, America's wealthiest families are now losing their homes to foreclosure at a faster rate than the rest of the country -- and many of them are doing so voluntarily.
Over 36,000 homes valued at $1 million or more were foreclosed on -- or at least served with a notice of default -- in 2011, according to data compiled by RealtyTrac, which tracks foreclosures. While that's less than 2% of allforeclosures nationwide, it represents a much bigger share of foreclosure activity than in previous years.
"These properties are accounting for a bigger piece of the foreclosure pie," said Daren Blomquist, vice president of RealtyTrac.
Out of all foreclosure activity, the share of foreclosures on properties valued at $1 million or more has risen by 115% since 2007 while the share of multi-million dollar foreclosures -- or homes valued at more than $2 million -- jumped by 273%. Meanwhile, the share of foreclosures on mid-range properties valued between $500,000 and $1 million fell by 21%.
Until recently, many homeowners at the high end of the housing market were able to postpone the foreclosure process, Blomquist explained. With other assets and alternatives, "they had more financial means to hold out against default."
In addition, lenders are typically more amenable to working with homeowners that have other resources, said Ron Shuffield, president of Esslinger-Wooten-Maxwell, a real-estate firm in Miami where homes priced over $1 million represented 9% of all foreclosures last year.

See inside 8 multi-million dollar foreclosures

But with a recovery in the housing market still years away, foreclosure has turned out to be a worthwhile option after all. Saddled with bloated mortgages after a long run up in property values, many high-end homeowners have chosen to pursue a "strategic default." Even though they can afford the monthly mortgage payments, they still decide to walk away from their home because they owe more on the property than it is worth.
"In the lower-priced houses you'll see more people defaulting because they can't afford the payments and it's a choice between feeding their family and paying the mortgage on a home that's under water," said Stuart Vener, a national real estate and mortgage expert with the Florida-based Wilshire Holding Group.
"In million-dollar homes, you're looking at people who can afford it, but they have to make a business decision: Does it make sense to make payments on a mortgage when the home is worth less than they owe?" he said. In many cases, it often makes more financial sense to walk away.
At least they can take their time packing up all of their belongings. On average, it takes about 348 days for a foreclosure to be completed, Blomquist said. "They may get almost a year of free housing out of the deal."
But don't expect a few depressed mansions to bring down the neighborhood. A single foreclosure in an otherwise wealthy area is unlikely to impact surrounding values, Blomquist said.
"You're not going to see the weeds growing," Vener added. But there will be an opportunity for buyers to snatch up these impressive houses at bargain basement prices, he said, which could provide a much-needed boost to sales overall. "In a good way, this is going to drive turnover," he said.  To top of page

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - February 24, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - February 24, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 24-Feb-2012 03:42:44

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - February 24, 2012
You hunger for the truth as you come to realize that for eons of time it has been kept from you, and that much you view as your history has been fabricated to suit the aims of those involved. Perhaps the most important omission is evidence of our visitations to Earth, and the contacts we have made. However, through archaeology for those who have eyes to see, there is evidence going back thousands of years. Some of it is undeniable, even to the point of showing that craft were in your skies long before you took to the air. If it had already been accepted that we were constant visitors to your Earth, and had meaningful contacts when we imparted knowledge to you, it would have been so much easier to make Disclosure. In fact, in some ways it might not have even been necessary to do it at all, as our link to you would have been understood, and our visits would have already been openly taking place.
So it is now left to our Allies to create such pressure on your Government, that they will ultimately have to give in to your request for the truth to be acknowledged where we are concerned. Both your Government and Military are well aware that in one way or another, our presence will soon be made known if only because we are in conflict with those who refuse to make peace, and instead create war. It can commence as soon as the media decides to allow the truth to be put into print, and that outright lies and false information are rejected. There are some moves towards such changes but it is not fast enough for us, so strong pressure will be applied until the breakthrough occurs. We along with you have waited patiently for a long time to see the dark Ones move aside and allow the New Age to begin. The Galactic Federation will consider direct action if the impasse remains much longer. They know what we have already done where their underground bases are concerned, and that we mean business when we decide to act. Furthermore, they do not have the means to thwart our plans any longer, as the Light is formidable when used for the good of all.
Like you, we want to see quick progress and not continual delays, and we intend to make sure things begin to happen that everyone will be aware of. There is much in progress and it is creating openings for our allies, and we are encouraging them to step in and take them. Be assured that results are going to come to your notice, and it will be the time when you will absolutely know the countdown to Ascension has started. That you have a date for the completion of this cycle is wonderful, as it means you have something to set your sights upon as you count the days that remain. The people that front the freedom movements that press for release from the old ways of dictatorship, are really the pioneers that have set the scene for even greater achievements. All changes have to commence somewhere and sometime, and from small beginnings the Light shall take over from the dark and deliver the promises made to you.
Sit tight yet not in tension as all is well and you will find that all of a sudden a whole series of events will take place, clearly showing you that your expectations are being fulfilled. We protect you and Mother Earth and have done so for millennia of time, and shall continue to do so. It will be more obvious when we can finally meet with you openly, and when we can it should be a most enjoyable change of direction for you. To know that you are finally safe from the attentions of the last cabal will bring a rush of joy and excitement, and a great time acting out the final plan for your Ascension. For some time now whether or not you have personally realized it, your consciousness levels have grown and that process is speeding up until you acquire full consciousness. It is another area of development that we shall help you with as soon as it is possible.
When you think of what is planned for you, we hope it lifts up your hearts and you spread the feeling of happiness it should bring you. Naturally those souls that have remained with closed eyes and ears where Ascension is concerned, will be the ones confused and even frightened of the changes for which they have not made preparations. They deserve the same attention and help as anyone else, so that they may also leave duality on Earth in the knowledge of where their future lies. This experience will achieve much in time, as it will remain in their subconscious memory until it can serve them again. They certainly will not have to start at the bottom of the ladder again. Like any other soul they will progress because it is impossible to stand still, as even if it is not perceptible, everything is in state of change and is the one constant in the Universe.
In the future you will have much more knowledge and understanding of the Universal Laws, and with full consciousness you will have no problem in adhering to them. It can all be summed up by living from a point of Unconditional Love, and although a great challenge in your present circumstances it will become easier as you ascend. Dear Ones try to live to your highest understanding of what it is to be an ascended being, and you will soon find out how far you have progressed. Bear in mind that All Is One and that should help you overcome most difficulties you are likely to encounter. We say that because many you of you have been brought up to think of people, in little boxes that have labels on them rather than see one complete Human Family. You are not expected to reach perfection now, indeed that would be extremely difficult until you reach a much higher level of consciousness.
For those of you who like to keep abreast of what the different sources are reporting, you might have noticed that there is slowly a convergence of information taking place. That is a sure sign that the time lines are beginning to come together, but you will still find some that are more extreme than others. Those who uphold religious beliefs tend to be on their own, as they feel bound by the apocalyptic prophesies of their ancient teachings. Many are no longer applicable as they were given at a time when they seemed possible, but events since have changed the outcome. This year will sorely test their beliefs, but obviously like anyone else they have a future of their own creation.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and give you my Love to help you on your way.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Children, Pets & Ascension by Greg Giles - February 23, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Children, Pets & Ascension by Greg Giles - February 23, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 23-Feb-2012 23:01:03
Children, Pets & Ascension by Greg Giles - February 23, 2012

(My American Eskimo and best friend Rico 'ascending'
from Los Angeles in his own seat like a big boy)
Many people are greatly concerned at this time whether or not their children and their pets will also be ascending into the higher dimensions as humanity reaches the culmination point of the great shift. The first point to make clear here is that all those who have chosen to ascend, either consciously, unconsciously, or prior to their current incarnation, are not going to disappear from this Earth to materialize on the new 5th dimensional Earth, rather, our entire planet is ascending right along with us under our safely grounded feet. All those who wish to ride the higher dimensional energy wave need only to so choose. Upon this choice, our Angels, our guides, and our Star and Soul Families will assist us in making our desire become a reality.
There is no cause for concern for our young ones and our pets as they are already multidimensional beings and as such have incarnated with their ticket to the higher realms already in hand. Our children that have incarnated to be here at this time are the chosen stewards of the new 5th dimensional Earth, as these special souls have demonstrated their worthiness for such a sacred assignment. It has been theorized that 100% of our children born within the past 20 years are either Indigo, Crystal or Rainbow Children, as the higher frequency these souls possess are required to assist our planet in her time of ascension.
Our pets are also already multidimensional beings who have incarnated with us to keep us company throughout our sometimes 'seemingly' lonely journey. They also carry with them higher dimensional vibrations as part of their mission in service to Earth and humanity at this time. If one would ask for some kind of tangible evidence of this, one only need to realize that as 3rd dimensional humans one of our greatest challenges has been to master the spiritual virtue of unconditional love, and although many may claim they have reached this understanding, we must be honest with ourselves and say that as humans we have set many conditions on our love, and this we cannot honestly deny. ‘I will only love you if you love me back, I will only love you if you are faithful to me, I will only love you if I find you attractive, and I will only love you if you have enough money for me’, are just some of the conditions we place upon our love for another, but ask yourself what conditions do our furry friends place upon their love for us? No matter how they are treated or even mistreated, our faithful companions will always love us unconditionally as they have already mastered this spiritual virtue. One may even go as far to say that our beloved pets are Way Showers for many of us.
So you see there is no cause for concern that our young ones and our faithful companions will remain right by our side as we together ascend into the higher realms of this universe, as their ascensions are already well in hand.
Posted by Greg Giles
Ascension Earth 2012