Sunday, February 26, 2012

Foreclosure - MERS is DEAD, ILLEGAL by NY Court

Date: Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 6:53 AM
Subject: MERS is DEAD -

Attached is the Memorandum of Law that puts the FINAL NAIL in the BIG BANKS!
Feb. 16, 2011    

United States Bankruptcy Judge Robert Grossman has ruled that MERS's business practices are unlawful.   He explicitly acknowledged that this ruling sets a precedent that has far-reaching implications for half of the mortgages in this country. MERS is dead. The banks are in big trouble. And all foreclosures should be stopped immediately while the legislative branch comes up with a solution.

For some weeks I have been arguing that MERS is perpetrating foreclosure fraud all across the nation. Its business model makes it impossible to legally foreclose on any mortgaged property registered within its system -- which includes half of the outstanding mortgages in the US. MERS was a fraud from day one, whose purpose was to evade property recording fees & to subvert 5 centuries of property law. Its chickens have come home to roost.

Wall St. wanted to transform America's housing sector into the world's biggest casino and needed to undermine property rights to make it easier to run the scam. The payoffs were bigger for lenders who could induce homeowners to take mortgages they could not possibly afford. The mortgages were packaged into securities sold-on to patsy investors who were defrauded by the "reps and warranties" falsely certifying the securities as backed by top grade loans. In fact the securities were not backed by mortgages, and in any case the mortgages were sure to go bad. Given that homeowners would default, the Wall St. banks that serviced the mortgages needed a foreclosure steamroller to quickly and cheaply throw families out of the homes so that they could be resold to serve as purported collateral for yet more gambling bets. MERS -- the industry's creation -- stepped up to the plate to facilitate the fraud.

The judge has ruled that its practices are illegal. MERS and the banks lose; investors and homeowners win.

Here's MERS's business model in brief. Real estate property sales and mortgages are supposed to be recorded in local recording offices, with fees paid. With the rise of securitization, each mortgage might be sold a dozen times before it came to rest as the collateral behind a mortgage backed security (MBS), and each of those sales would need to be recorded. MERS was created to bypass public recording; it would be listed in the county records as the "mortgagee of record" and the "nominee" of the holder of mortgage. Members of MERS could then transfer the mortgage from one to another without all the trouble of changing the local records, simply by (voluntarily) recording transactions on MERS's registry.
A mortgage has 2 parts, the "note" and the "security" (not to be confused with the MBS) or "deed of trust" that is usually just called the "mortgage". The idea behind MERS was that the "note" would be transferred from seller to purchaser, but the "mortgage" would be held by MERS. In fact, MERS recommended that the "note" be held by the mortgage servicer to facilitate foreclosures, but in practice it seems that the notes were often lost or destroyed (which is why all those Burger King Kids were hired to Robo-sign "lost note affidavits").
At each transfer, the note & mortgage are supposed to be "assigned" to the new owner; MERS claimed that because it was the "mortgagee of record" and the "nominee" of both parties to every transaction, there was no need to assign the "mortgage" until foreclosure. And it argued that since the old adage is that the "mortgage follows the note" and that both parties intended to assign the notes (even if they did not get around to doing it), then the Bankruptcy Court should rule that the assignments did take place in some sort of "virtual reality" so that there is a clear chain of title that allows the servicers to foreclose.

The Judge rejected every aspect of MERS's argument. The Court rejected the claim that MERS could be both holder of the mortgage as well as nominee of the "true" owner. It also found that "mortgagee of record" is a vague term that does not give one legal standing as mortgagee. Hence, at best, MERS is only a nominee. It rejected MERS's claim that as nominee it can assign notes or mortgages -- a nominee has limited rights and those most certainly do not include the right to transfer ownership unless there is specific written instruction to do so. In scarcely veiled anger, the Judge wrote:

"According to MERS, the principal/agent relationship among itself and its members is created by the MERS rules of membership and terms and conditions, as well as the Mortgage itself. However, none of the documents expressly creates an agency relationship or even mentions the word "agency." MERS would have this Court cobble together the documents and draw inferences from the words contained in those documents."

Judge Grossman rejected MERS's arguments, saying that mere membership in MERS does not provide "agency" rights to MERS, and agreeing with the Supreme Court of Kansas that ruled "The parties appear to have defined the word [nominee] in much the same way that the blind men of Indian legend described an elephant -- their description depended on which part they were touching at any given time."

He went on to disparage MERS's claim that since in legal theory the "mortgage follows the note", the Court should overlook the fact that MERS separated them. He stopped just short of saying that by separating them, MERS has irretrievably destroyed the clear chain of title, although he hinted that a future ruling could come to that conclusion:

"MERS argues that notes and mortgages processed through the MERS System are never "separated" b/c beneficial ownership of the notes and mortgages are always held by the same entity. The Court will not address that issue in this Decision, but leaves open the issue as to whether mortgages processed through the MERS system are properly perfected and valid liens. See Carpenter v. Longan, 83 U.S. at 274 (finding that an assignment of the mortgage without the note is a nullity); Landmark Nat'l Bank v. Kesler, 216 P.3d 158, 166-67 (Kan. 2009)   ("[I]n  the event that a mortgage loan somehow separates interests of the note & the deed of trust, with the deed of trust lying with some independent entity, the mortgage may become unenforceable")."

That would mean not only the end of MERS, but also the end of the banks holding unenforceable mortgages because they were not, & cannot be, "perfected". MERS & the banks screwed up big time, and there is no "do over" -- there is no valid lien on the property, so owners have got their homes free and clear.
There have been numerous court rulings against MERS -- including decisions made by state supreme courts. What is significant about the US Bankruptcy Court of New York's ruling is that the judge specifically set out to examine the legality of MERS's business model. As the judge argued in the decision, "The Court believes this analysis is necessary for the precedential effect it will have on other cases pending before this Court". In the scathing opinion, Judge Grossman variously labeled MERS's positions as "stunningly inconsistent" with the facts, "absurd, at best", and "not supported by the law". The ruling is a complete repudiation of every argument MERS has made about the legality of its procedures.

What is particularly ironic is that MERS actually forced the judge to undertake the examination of its business model. The case before the judge involved a foreclosed homeowner who had already lost in state court. The homeowner then approached the US Bankruptcy Court to argue that the foreclosing bank did not have legal standing because of MERS's business practices. However, by the "Rooker-Feldman" doctrine (or res judicata), the US Bankruptcy Court is prohibited from "looking behind" the state court's decision to determine the issue of legal standing. Hence, Judge Grossman ruled in the bank's favor on that particular issue.

Yet, MERS's high priced lawyers wanted to push the issue and asked for the Judge to rule in favor of MERS's practices, too. So while MERS won the little battle over one foreclosed home, it lost the war against the nation's homeowners. The Judge ruled against MERS on every single issue of importance. And it was MERS's stupid arrogance that brought it down.

As I predicted 2 weeks. ago, MERS would be dead within weeks. Judge Grossman has driven the final stake through its black heart. The half of America's homeowners whose mortgages are registered at MERS have been handed a "get out of jail free" card. Wall St. has no right to foreclose on their property. The tide has turned. It won't be easy, but homeowners in those states with judicial foreclosures now have Judge Grossman on their side. Those in the other states (just over half) will have a tougher time because they can lose their home before they ever get to court. But the law is still on their side -- foreclosure by members of MERS is theft -- so class action lawsuits may be the way to go.

MERS is dead, but can the banks survive? There are two separate issues. First, there are the "reps and warranties" given by the mortgage securitizers (Wall St. investment banks) to the investors (pension funds, GSEs, PIMCO, and so on). We now know that a quarter to a third of the mortgages bundled to serve as backing for the securities did not meet stated quality. Worse, we also know that the banks knew this -- they hired third parties to undertake "due diligence" to check quality. This was not done to protect the investors, rather, the purpose was to strengthen the bargaining position of the securitizers, who were able to reduce the prices paid for the mortgages. Now, the investors are suing the banks for restitution--forcing them to cover the losses and buy-back the bad mortgages at original price. To add insult to injury, even the NYFed is suing them. That is a lot like having your parents sue you for their inadequate parental oversight of your behavior.

The second issue is that the mortgages backing the securities were supposed to be placed in Trusts (affiliates of the securitizing banks), with the Trustee certifying not only that the mortgages met the reps and warranties but also that the documents were up to snuff and safely locked away. We know they were not. As mentioned above, MERS told the servicers to hold the notes, and many or most of them were destroyed or lost. Further, the notes were separated from the mortgages -- making them null and void. In any case, they are not at the Trusts. This means the MBSs are not backed by mortgages, meaning the MBSs are unsecured debt. MERS's business model ensures that. So, again, the banks must take back the fraudulent securities -- paying off the investors.

What can Wall St. do? Well, I suppose the "help wanted" signs are already up at MERS and Wall St. banks: "Needed: Burger King Kids to Robo-sign forged quasi-professional-looking docs". The problem is that even with tens of thousands of Robo-Kids, Wall St. will not be able to pull off a vast criminal conspiracy on the necessary scale. Think about it: 60M mortgages, each sold ten times, means 600 million transactions and assignments that have to be forged. MERS's documentation was notoriously sloppy, relying on voluntary recording by members. The Robo-Kids would have to go back through a decade of records to manufacture a paper trail that would convince now-skeptical judges that there is a clear chain of title from the first recording in the public record through to the foreclosure. It ain't going to happen.

The only other hope is that Wall St. can call in its campaign contribution chips and get Congress to retroactively legalize fraud. That is what they do in those dictatorships that protestors are now bringing down in the Middle East. Is Washington willing to take that risk, just to please its Wall St. benefactors?

The court document is available here. It is terrific reading.

Gregg Braden - Something Big is About to Happen

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Gregg Braden - Something Big is About to Happen
Posted By: Revel [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 26-Feb-2012 16:37:08

"'Time' isn't speeding up, 'events' are..." - David Wilcock

Uploaded by DDDDGJ on Jan 24, 2012
Gregg Braden speaks about this time in our evolution, and the messages that have been left for us... 25 01 09

Famous UFO Footage OF UFO`s Over The White House Washington, D.C. USA 1952

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Famous UFO Footage OF UFO`s Over The White House Washington, D.C. USA 1952
Posted By: Revel
Date: Sunday, 26-Feb-2012 13:39:27

FBI files reveal exploding UFO, aliens near Roswell

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

RT: FBI files reveal exploding UFO, aliens near Roswell
Posted By: Revel
Date: Sunday, 26-Feb-2012 14:36:34

Published: 11 April, 2011, 19:49
Edited: 12 April, 2011, 10:24
Secret FBI files have been released that detail how US officials witnessed a UFO explode over Utah and aliens landing near Roswell, New Mexico.
A document recently declassified from 1949 explained how three men on separate patrols miles from one another all witnessed a UFO explode over the mountains of Salt Lake City, Utah.
Their experiences were reported and directed to then FBI Director Edgar Hoover in a memo titled “Flying Discs.”
According to the memo, the three men were a policeman, a highway patrolman and an army guard. Each reported to have seen a “silver colored object high up approaching the mountains at Sardine Canyon” which then “appeared to explode in a rash of fire.”
The memo further explained “several residents [reported] seeing what appeared to be two aerial explosions, followed by falling object.”
The memo is one of thousands of formerly classified files which have bow been made public in a new online resource called The Vault, an online database run by the FBI.
Another document in The Vault is a statement from special agent Guy Hottel which described events which seem to present evidence in support of the Roswell alien theories.
In a memo Hottel explained three flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico, he described them as “being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter."
He said there was life found inside the crafts, resembling humans.
"Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall," he wrote.“[The bodies were] dressed in a metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots."
The release of the files is reigniting an old and ongoing debate surrounding alien life in Roswell. Alien theorists who believe the US government covered-up alien landings in New Mexico have now gained new confidence.
Roswell became famous following reports that a UFO had crashed in the desert in 1947 and that witnesses saw the bodies of aliens being recovered by the US military.
Roswell UFO
Roswell UFO On July 8, 1947, the FBI Dallas Field Office sent a teletype regarding a “flying disc” that resembled a high altitude weather balloon found near Roswell, New Mexico. This single page is a serial from the larger UFO release found at
FileRoswell UFO Part 1 of 1

Pleiadians: a Wake Up Call to The Family of Light

Pleiadians: a Wake Up Call to The Family of Light

2012 FEBRUARY 26
Posted by BZ Riger
 Thanks to Bernadette

Farther down the Rabbithole with Rod Class WOW

Rod Class explains FDR's kidnapping of our rights. He will be a write in candidate for President- POTUS.
   This Father Down the Rabbit Hole series by Rod Class needs to go viral-worldwide.  NO we are not aliens on our own land , nor slaves of the government.

Rod Class- lectures on the illegal passing of Laws by 25 people , in 1933 forward due to the suspension of the norm

Rod Class is excellent teacher and explains the goverments stealth in putting us into slavery by selling our signatures, ect.
Destroyed the Military Manual that gave an explanation of how the country and military were required to operate.    FDR was not a man , he was a maniac.
  We became an alien enemy resident. Licensing, deeds , Social Seciurity ID. He made us the enemy. They are embezzeling our natural resources

Dinar Intel RV --- More intel


10:01 PM [debtarheelgirl] FROM THE BIG CALL just now: Boots on the ground said the Kurdistan region just announced the RV
[..SweetQueen] I have not heard rate for the VND, as my source is directly fom the sandbox and the information provided came from Baghdad.
[gridkeeper] Jonny, Sweet Queen and Okie have all confirmed it. That is three different sources.
8:02 PM [LadyLeeLee] UFG: ATTENTION I am on the phone right now with
Hammerman and he is excited and eating King Crab, he has confirmed with Cheney connection and Blaino's conntact and is hearing it from 2 civilians in Iraq. He is going to a concert but as he gets info he will get it to us. He is still
grounded and NOT calling it officially ye

4:49 PM [..SweetQueen] I got word earlier today that Iraq had released to the
Intenational Press the Revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar, rate is 7.45 pegged to
the GBP.

SweetQueen] I don't need a link, my source is directly from the sandbox.

SweetQueen] and since everyone is hesitating to call it, I just did. This comes directly from my sources. the men are afraid to call it, so it was up to the

SweetQueen] I'm on the phone with Jonnywg and he has confirmations that it has gone LIVE in Iraq and announced to the Intenational Community. He will have associated press confirmations within the hour, the GBP is currently 1.56 and will be revalued to an even higher rate.

SweetQueen] What I have is what is posted, further confirmations are pouring
in.We should see update of CBI come this evening.

 [Cyndee49] forerunner4777 Wells Fargo Currency Converter on line about 15 minutes ago.



[10:13:57 AM]  Cap1 Verifies RV at Cap1Corner Chat Late Sat. Evening 02/25/2012




[10:25:59 AM] SilverLining: ==========================================  Tells about the budget was passed and other things moving forward
[10:31:36 AM] SilverLining: DINAR WISHES - 9:56 am est -


[r601a] DinarWishes - Good morning from Australia - Can you tell me if the Team has access to Bank screens today, Sunday please?

9:22 AM [bluwolf]Iraq has officially gone international
9:22 AM [bluwolf] just let it flow in
9:23 AM [bluwolf] let it flow
9:24 AM [Gwaithfoed3] bluwolf What do you exect to see
 9:25 AM [bluwolf] Gwaithfoed3 my bankers face
bluwolf] all I wili say that we are in the position just to get confirmations from our bank sources to the fac of it being officilly on our eastern cuadrant

Archangel Gabriel - Accelerated Movement and Joyful Abandon

Archangel Gabriel - Accelerated Movement and Joyful Abandon

February 18, 2012
Telepath, Shelly Young

Archangel Gabriel speaks


Dear Ones!

We are so pleased and honored to be with you today. We are dancing with joyful energy for the reunions that are happening within the energy of the group today, and of course, when we mean group we mean not only the people in the room at this moment but also those who will enjoy this transmission on your internet at a later time. Please know without a doubt that you are all loved beyond measure. You are always guided, you are always assisted and you are divinely perfect exactly as you are in your now moment.

Never forget that, Dear Ones.

That is an important aspect of yourselves that we wish to encourage you to remember at all times as you move forward through the year of
2012 and beyond. If you can remember that fundamental piece of information, you will find it so much easier to keep your balance as the energies begin to move forward in earnest. Today’s group is a wonderful example of how souls can frequently move off on their own separate paths and yet loop back around for joyful reunions. That is what we experience with you frequently as well. Every time you remember to tap back in it is always a joyful reunion although we stay with you at all times, if you can understand this. It is the aspect of your remembering that we are here that brings the joyful reunion, if that makes sense.

Do you see? We don’t have a specific topic for today’s channel, rather we have several points that we feel should be addressed to explain what many of you may be experiencing in the energies of today. There are many points that we would like to cover as we move forward through today’s transmission. Many of you are experiencing the sensation of accelerated forward movement. If you have not experienced it in your life expression as yet, know that you will experience it this year at some point or another. Our Dear One jokes frequently about how she feels like her hair should be flowing straight back in the wind and her skin stretched tight, she feels like she is moving forward that quickly.

Many of you will be having these sensations. Now for those of you who are practicing your skills, who remember to ground, who remember to, with their intention, shift with the energies, you will be navigating this with much more ease than those who will be afraid of movement and decide to practice resistance. Resistance to flow and movement only creates discomfort. We say to you that if you are in fear and discomfort you are in resistance. Surrender. Surrender is key to moving forward in these unprecedented and accelerated energies.

Know that these are the moments your soul has been waiting for. This is a joyful time. But many of you are finding it difficult to switch gears as quickly as what is required. Many of you had worked so diligently that you had been in a holding or a waiting pattern, waiting for these energies, some of you for well more than a year of your earthly time. It is like being stuck in a waiting room for so very, very long, waiting for your number to be called. You’ve waited for so long you feel cramped and uncomfortable. You’re dehydrated, your neck hurts, and you’ve fallen into a slumber because there is nothing else to do and then suddenly the doors get whipped wide open and people expect you to instantly jump up and sprint forward.

If you could imagine how that would feel, it would be most disorienting, wouldn’t it? You would need the time to get the kinks out of your body, to give your body what it needs to awaken enough to remember where you are and who you are and what you wish to accomplish. This is very much what the energies of 2012 feel like.
You’ve had the first couple of weeks in January to try to get your bearings and now you are in your sprint trying to remember what you are here to create.

Do you see? It can be most disconcerting, indeed, but please know, again, this is what you are here to experience. And if you approach it with the joy and excitement of forward movement you will be embodying exactly the energies that you need in order to move forward and have this be a year of delight to you.

So this is the first thing that we wished to share with you. We wish to remind you of our constant teaching that all movement is forward movement. We love when we watch humans on their spiritual path, so mindfully moving forward. We love what your intention is but what we want you to know is you can’t make a mistake. Being in accelerated movement can be terrifying if you believe that you can make a mistake.
Correct? You cannot. You cannot make a mistake. Even if you fell flat on your face, it only makes us love you all the more. You cannot disappoint us! If you moved in the wrong direction you would get uncomfortable and very quickly right your course. It is a self-adjusting flow, Dear Ones, that only moves you one way and that is forward.

Have you ever seen a stream move backwards? It doesn’t happen. You are all moving forward. You have worked on yourselves to the point where you don’t need to have the hard knocks in order to wake up and pay attention. Let that fear go. This is a joyous time! Do not take away from the joy and the excitement of where you are by all this old fear based thinking. So, imagine if you will, the front car of a roller coaster. Do you wish to be the one with the smile of delight on your face with your arms up in the air screeching with the joy of being alive or do you wish to be the one that is curled in a fetal position in the back that is going to land up in the same place anyways.

The difference is, those who have embraced the experience will jump out of the car when they arrive exhilarated and ready to embrace the next great adventure, exactly the attitude required for the creation of the New Earth. Those who have resisted mightily will be arriving in the new space quite battered and worn. The ascension process is assured. How much you enjoy the ride is up to you. The next point we would like to address is this. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. Honor your bodies. Your body will have very different requirements as you move forward throughout this year. You may start to crave things that you think are not good for your body.

Dear Ones, listen to what your body wants. For example, you could very well experience yourself craving a substance like salt and you would say I don’t want to eat that salt. They say too much salt is bad for you, so I’m not going to listen to my body and I’m going to deny my craving. We encourage you to listen to what your body needs. These are unprecedented times, and many of the guidebooks or rule books are going to have to be thrown out the window. You are the experts on what you need. Give yourself permission to listen to what your body wants.
Your sleep is going to be hugely affected as we move through this shift.

You will swing wildly between needing vast amounts of deep slumber and having other nights where you barely sleep at all. Give yourselves permission to nap, Dear Ones. If you are meditators, use that skill.
Many of you have these tools in preparation for the times that we are in now. Use them! If you feel like you need sun on your skin, please give yourself permission to do that rather than cower inside because you do not have sunblock because someone said it would be bad for you.
Do you understand? Things are going to shift so much that you are not going to stay in one activity long enough for it to be harmful to you.
Do you see? Listen to what you need and give yourself whatever it is that you are asking for and do it with love not guilt.

This is so important. Honor and cherish yourself and again, remember these energies are about unconditional love. We cannot say it enough times, you must start to demonstrate that to yourself first. In order to be a fully functioning vessel of the Christed energies, you must be able to hold the energies of unconditional love for yourselves first, because loving yourself is loving the whole and vice versa. You cannot omit one and consider yourselves to be moving forward in your highest potential.

We understand that you have been taught and conditioned that this is not a good thing to do. Those old ways of being were put out by people who were simply not qualified to tell you how to behave in these unprecedented times. You must love yourselves first and by doing so you will be the example for those who are going to be looking to you for guidance as these times move forward. The lightworkers, the energy workers, the enlightening beings on the planet are just getting their feet underneath them now.

You are just starting to become accustomed to the energies of 2012.
There will be a huge wave of people who will be coming mid year after you and there will a lot of last minute crammers trying to get on the boat at the last moment. They will be looking to you for guidance.
Honor yourselves and understand your role here, please, Dear Ones. It is most important. At this stage of the game it should not be that difficult for you to feel the love for who you really are. It is what you are here to experience. It is safe for you to do so.

You will not be chastised for it. Again, being chastised for such things, energetically, is just not being supported anymore. You are safe. Please love yourselves. The next thing that we would like to talk about besides our usual unconditional love, is surrender, faith, flow and trust. Do you see? The message stays the same. We repeat it because we understand that through repetition, people learn.

We understand that in the human condition it is easy to forget. All that is required to move forward with grace and ease into what you are here to experience (which is far more glorious than what you could ever imagine) is surrender, faith, flow and trust.

It is simple. Do not allow other people’s ideas to complicate it or muddy it in your mind. Do not make it more complicated than it needs to be. The next thing that we wish to discuss with you is the importance of letting go of attachment. Someone said to our dear partner in transmission this week, “I have everything I have ever wanted. Why am I not happy?”

There will be a chorus of people saying the same thing this year. The teachings of the law of attraction reached so many souls several years ago in preparation for the times that you are in now. It was a very pivotal piece, teaching those of the human condition how to be mindful with your thoughts and to get you to understand that you are all creators. This was preparation for you to step forward and start mindfully creating the New Earth. It has become fairly mainstream. The idea has caught on and many people accept that your thoughts can create your experiences. Of course, in order to have such a broad appeal it was initially used for the accumulation of things.

What many people are finding now that the energies are so accelerated and they are recognizing that they can manifest in record time, is that having all the things in the world is not filling the emptiness that sits within them. And this is a glorious experience for them because it is recognizing that happiness and wholeness must come from within.

It is wonderful that people are landing in this place because it’s forcing them to ask the next question, why? And what do I do about it?
People who have received everything that they want and are still not happy had an attachment to the idea, if I just get this thing I’ll be ok. I’ll feel great. This attachment thinking keeps you away from your authentic power. That is why it does not work.

The joy and the happiness you seek, everything that you need to support your soul’s blooming, all of that occurs in the now moment and all of it comes from you. So, if you release your attachment to external circumstances making you happy, surrender to the guides and the flow that is here to assist you in getting exactly where you need to be, if you count your blessings, if you practice gratitude and hold your highest intention, you will be experiencing joy within yourselves that you didn’t even believe was possible. And it will be authentic because it is not dependant upon anything else but yourself and your connection to Source.

We would say to you that regardless of what your situation may be, you can always tap into that quiet joy that is yours, that is unshakeable.
It is your birthright and it is what you are here to embrace. You have heard many say that the illusion is dropping away now, and that is why people are not able to find happiness in the accumulation of things and certain circumstances. That was the illusion. It is now all about authenticity. People say to us, “Gabriel, how do I know what my purpose is?” It is the same for each and every one of you. Does that surprise you? You all have the same purpose, Dear Ones. It is to step into your authentic power and to assist others to do the same.

Of course, it will have many different flavors and variations. You are here to experience being in joy and to be your highest expression of Creator Self. Of course, that will be different for each and every one of you but the sole (soul) purpose is the same. You do not like to hear this because it is too simple for you. Those of the human condition like to complicate things. You are here to remember who you really are, to embrace your authentic self, and to assist others to remember who they really are. If you all do that you will be experiencing heaven on earth.

It has been a marvelous session today and we have enjoyed ourselves immensely. We honor you for being here, we honor you for your courage and your love and your sensitivity. You are so loved. Allow that knowingness to enter into your heart and carry it with you for all of your days.

This is what we wanted to share with you today.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - February 25, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - February 25, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 26-Feb-2012 00:41:10

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - February 25, 2012
Hand-in-hand we shall overcome all obstacles before us. There exists no one and there exists nothing that can stand in our way. You, as a 3rd dimensional human, have fared greater challenges and adversities than what you are experiencing today and we believe in you, all of you, and we know you can get through these last difficult times of your journey together and emerge out of it into the light of the higher realms. This is your goal. This is the main reason for your current incarnation and you are almost there. Do not let anything slow or stop you now, as nothing can.
Try to look at everything as a challenge that has been purposely placed before you, for indeed this is most often the case. Try not to look at your troubles and think “Oh, poor me, another problem”, and instead look upon these obstacles as another challenge that you will conquer, and emerge that much stronger on the other side. This is how we see your journey every step of the way, and this visualization technique may assist many of you to head into yet another test of your will and determination with renewed vigor and fortitude.
Up ahead we see better days for all of you, far better days, but we also see additional challenges as well. Prepare yourselves for both, and you will fair a lot better throughout these challenging times. All along your long journey you have received challenges that you were forced to overcome somehow, someway, but you also received help and guidance from above even if another of your human family was enlisted in this effort.
Today, we see many of you coming to the aid of your brothers and sisters and we are overjoyed at the display of brotherly and sisterly love for one another. How far you have all come in such a short period of time. You all have stellar families that are looking on in admiration for your efforts to assist one another in your times of need and they are so proud of each and every one of you. They will be able to express their feelings to you personally in the days ahead when you will enjoy a long deserved reunion with them. We see this day approaching quickly, and each successive day we see further obstacles removed that today keep us apart.
Much continues to develop behind the scenes and we would like to share with you a little of what has been going on. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, have many divisions whose task it is to seek out and neutralize any hostile forces that wish to interfere with us as we offer assistance to worlds such as yours. Here in your world we have encountered a fighting force of reasonably substantial size and strength, but nothing we have not dealt with before and nothing we cannot handle in any way. Our teams are actively scouting for these hostile forces, and upon locating them we neutralize them and remove them from this area of space without any attempt to harm any personnel within these crafts, although the same cannot be said for our opposition as they continually make every effort to harm our personnel with everything that they have got.
We of the higher dimensions do not allow our emotions to overcome us and we see these soldiers as souls who have more learning and growth ahead of them, as do we all. No one in this universe has completed all their lessons and has learned all there is to know, and when one realizes this, a door is opened to greater avenues of knowledge and wisdom.
Upon incarceration of the soldiers of your dark Cabal, they begin a reeducation program where they first learn who they are fighting for and risking great personal injury and their lives for. Upon learning just who is behind their forces and their governments as well, a great deal of these men and women experience great disbelief and choose instead to believe it is we that are deceiving them. It is only after showing them clear evidence of this do they only begin to believe they may have been lied to, duped by cunning and ruthless minds behind many of your governments and military forces.
As part of a rehabilitation program we allow these men and women to observe our working and social environments for themselves. Here they can observe us in our natural environments and begin to realize, perhaps for the first time, that we are not the enemy and that we are in your world on a mission not to conquer, plunder and enslave, as they have been told time and again by their military superiors as part of their indoctrination program, but we are here on a mission of service to humanity, to assist them make the many changes that will advance your society greatly and relieve the suffering of every man, woman and child on your planet. This is what we do, and although many refuse to believe this for a time, most eventually do come to the realization of our honorable intentions.
There are many nonmilitary personnel within your world as well who have bought into the propaganda that we are here with hostile intent, and as we ourselves cannot extend these individuals the same rehabilitation program as the others, this task can be accomplished by our Lightworkers in the field. This is an area you are better equipped for and we ask you at this time to share your light and your truths of who we are and what our intentions are here. This will eventually clear the way for our reunion with you as we remove yet another obstacle from our path.
Today there remain many of your world who fear us, and we do have to compete with the never-ending parade of propaganda displayed through your television and film industry. We understand that many humans are quite susceptible to the information handed to them through such medium, and we do have plans to counteract this barrage of falsehoods and allow those who yet to see a clearer picture of us view an alternative explanation to our purpose here. We ask for your continued assistance helping to spread the truth about us and our intentions, and we thank each and every one of you for your tremendous efforts to inform your brothers and sisters.
As we have said, we do have many projects that we feel are imperative to begin immediately, and we are making every attempt to clear the paths so we may safely begin. Our Earth allies are responsible, with our assistance, for the task of rounding up and incarcerating a significant number of members of your criminal Cabal that will effectively destroy their treacherous organization.
We stand by at this time for the news that those many arrests have been undertaken and as always remain fully prepared for any countermeasures by the military units who yet stubbornly remain aligned with the dark ones. It was never expected that all of your Armed Forces would end their alliance with those of the dark agenda, and we have plans for them as well. If these groups insist upon noncompliance with your new system they too will be removed from their current locations and begin their reeducation program.
Upon working with us, many of you may be interested in such positions where you will interact with incoming soldiers and help facilitate their reeducation programs. Who better to work with these men and women than someone from their own human family? We see many walls of trust being broken down immediately when the soldiers can meet and speak with someone from their own country or even city. We see the rehabilitation process proceeding far more quickly and efficiently with the assistance of those of your world, and we look forward to enlisting the help of many from your human family.
There are many other positions as well where the assistance of those of your world would be greatly beneficial, and these assignments too will be available to you in the coming days ahead when we feel we can safely interact with you. We will make every attempt to keep you abreast of all relative developments towards this goal, and we will make clear at the appropriate time the procedure to make your intentions known that you are interested in beginning a new career with us of the Galactic fleets. We see many of you are looking forward to this opportunity, and we are extremely pleased at the willingness of so many of you to take part in our efforts in service to others. It will be a joy to work together with you, and we look so forward to this occasion where we can begin our initial orientations with you.
Turning towards matters of humanity's ascension, we see matters proceeding perfectly according to plan, and we will not permit any delays at this time as time is now running short and there is much yet to accomplish to clear your path for as smooth a transition into the higher realms as is possible.
Many of you have astutely taken notice of your days that may appear to pass by at an ever advancing rate. Time is compressing for you and this will appear as if time is speeding up and we say to you that the period between today and the culmination of your ascension will elapse far more quickly than you may imagine at this time. Before you know it, December will be upon you and much at that time will have needed to be accomplished.
Details of all the different projects that must be accomplished we will make clear to you when the time is deemed appropriate, and we will need to fill many positions required for these tasks. We will make every attempt to give you as much prior notice as possible of the many positions available so you will have sufficient time to reach a decision as to which positions you would be interested in. You will then begin your training as soon as possible as some of these positions require much training and study on your part.
We feel there will be those interested in every field that will be available, and we see that we will also have many backup personnel on call, fully trained as well. This is the preferred procedure as we must always have personnel available to fill every position and station on- board our craft at all times for the proper functioning of our fleets.
You will also receive training that will educate you as to the makeup of the many fleets of the Galactic Federation of Light and also other Galactic commands as well. You will learn the size of our fleets and their structure, and their organization from top to bottom. You will learn the ranks of our personnel and how to identify each of them and what powers and duties each rank possesses.
You will also be fully instructed on the many different types of spacecraft that make up our vast fleets and what each craft has been designed for and what capabilities each craft possesses. Each type of craft is manned by personnel specific to the function of a particular ship, and you will be trained to identify each ship by size and shape and immediately recognize their function and capabilities. We have many different types of craft, all with different functions, and learning all of these will have you busy for quite a while.
You will also be making many new friends once a member of the Galactic Federation of Light, and many adventures and good times await you and the launch of your new career. We look so forward to this day and assure you again it is not far off in the distance.
Keep up the fine work you are all doing paving the way for our arrival. We see you making great headway, and we ask you to keep up the pace of your efforts as we are almost there. This day will come, believe this, and do not let any doubt create another obstacle that will have to be removed.
It is important to understand that not all obstacles are physical, and many obstacles exist and are created by the thought processes of your individual as well as collective mind. Fear, doubt, distrust, disharmony, discord, all play an important part in our mutual attempts for a mass first contact between us. These negative thought processes create obstacles, blockages that must be removed before we can proceed with our plans. Removal of these blockages may be rather simple, or may require great time and effort.
The greater the level of fear or distrust, the greater the task of removal. Your Cabal understands this, and this is one of the reasons for their continued efforts to instill fear within your societies through their propaganda campaigns. As so many of your world readily buy into these attempts, we must busy ourselves with damage control to lessen the blow of these efforts of the dark ones. This is another reason why your efforts as Lightworkers to spread the truth of who we are and why we are here is so important at this time. As we have said, our mission together cannot be accomplished without your help. Please continue to shine your light all throughout your circles and throughout your reach of influence as your efforts are so important to the successful accomplishment of our joint mission. Your efforts are greatly appreciated at this time, and we again assure you they will not go unrewarded.
We are so very close to reaching the first milestone of our campaign, and we suggest again to you to monitor your media outlets for the news of the arrests of the men and women of the criminal Cabal that will be your signal that it is time for the immediate implementation of the next phase of our operation. There will not be a prolonged period of inactivity between these two phases, and we ask you to remain vigilant as this day is approaching rapidly.
The news of these arrests may come rather suddenly, as advance notice would only be advantageous to the Cabal and they shall receive no further gift of charity from us. They have used up all their favors and excuses, and it is now time to face the music that has been a long time coming. Many of these individuals possess the arrogance to attempt to make a deal for their surrender at this point, but we are now far beyond the time for making any deals and there will be no concessions offered for their surrender as they possess nothing left to barter with.
The dark ones have been given opportunity after opportunity to surrender, and much was offered them on many occasions, yet they arrogantly balked at the last minute each and every time at surrender, believing they can somehow avoid the inevitable. There is no avoiding what they will now receive for their unjust actions against the people of Earth, and they cannot delay these proceedings one moment longer. It is our Earth allies who will decide when their time has come, and come it will.
Looking over at what is possible for your world; we see many great things in store for you in the days ahead once we can get busy on our many scheduled projects together. Your society will quickly and efficiently be raised to the level of a Galactic society, and we see so many of you being amazed at the wonders in store for you. There exists no aspect of your current society that will not be modified, and we see great advancements for your personal lives as well, beginning where it always begins, at home.
Your homes will be brought up to the standards of a Galactic society, with pure water running throughout and clean and efficient energy systems that will not cost you anything. Your kitchens will also be advanced greatly, with devices that will change the way you not only prepare food, but obtain it as well. This is just a small sampling of what is in store for you once we can safely interact with you upon the takedown of your criminal Cabal.
We look so forward to witnessing the celebrations all around your planet at the news of these arrests, and ask you again to share with others what you have learned about these proceedings and what they mean to the people of your world. We do not wish for these events to fail to fulfill their great potential as a wake-up call to all of humanity that a new day has dawned, and all that has perpetuated their lives of hardship and struggle now fades away in the new light of your new day.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles