Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Bastards did it AGAIN... Say Bye Bye to the First Ammendment

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The Bastards did it AGAIN... Say Bye Bye to the First Ammendment
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Wednesday, 29-Feb-2012 09:04:23

Just when you thought the government couldn’t ruin the First Amendment any further: The House of Representatives approved a bill on Monday that outlaws protests in instances where some government officials are nearby, whether or not you even know it.
The US House of Representatives voted 388-to-3 in favor of H.R. 347 late Monday, a bill which is being dubbed the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011. In the bill, Congress officially makes it illegal to trespass on the grounds of the White House, which, on the surface, seems not just harmless and necessary, but somewhat shocking that such a rule isn’t already on the books. The wording in the bill, however, extends to allow the government to go after much more than tourists that transverse the wrought iron White House fence.
Under the act, the government is also given the power to bring charges against Americans engaged in political protest anywhere in the country.
Under current law, White House trespassers are prosecuted under a local ordinance, a Washington, DC legislation that can bring misdemeanor charges for anyone trying to get close to the president without authorization. Under H.R. 347, a federal law will formally be applied to such instances, but will also allow the government to bring charges to protesters, demonstrators and activists at political events and other outings across America.
The new legislation allows prosecutors to charge anyone who enters a building without permission or with the intent to disrupt a government function with a federal offense if Secret Service is on the scene, but the law stretches to include not just the president’s palatial Pennsylvania Avenue home. Under the law, any building or grounds where the president is visiting — even temporarily — is covered, as is any building or grounds “restricted in conjunction with an event designated as a special event of national significance."
It’s not just the president who would be spared from protesters, either.
Covered under the bill is any person protected by the Secret Service. Although such protection isn’t extended to just everybody, making it a federal offense to even accidently disrupt an event attended by a person with such status essentially crushes whatever currently remains of the right to assemble and peacefully protest.
Hours after the act passed, presidential candidate Rick Santorum was granted Secret Service protection. For the American protester, this indeed means that glitter-bombing the former Pennsylvania senator is officially a very big no-no, but it doesn’t stop with just him. Santorum’s coverage under the Secret Service began on Tuesday, but fellow GOP hopeful Mitt Romney has already been receiving such security. A campaign aide who asked not to be identified confirmed last week to CBS News that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has sought Secret Service protection as well. Even former contender Herman Cain received the armed protection treatment when he was still in the running for the Republican Party nod.
In the text of the act, the law is allowed to be used against anyone who knowingly enters or remains in a restricted building or grounds without lawful authority to do so, but those grounds are considered any area where someone — rather it’s President Obama, Senator Santorum or Governor Romney — will be temporarily visiting, whether or not the public is even made aware. Entering such a facility is thus outlawed, as is disrupting the orderly conduct of “official functions,” engaging in disorderly conduct “within such proximity to” the event or acting violent to anyone, anywhere near the premises. Under that verbiage, that means a peaceful protest outside a candidate’s concession speech would be a federal offense, but those occurrences covered as special event of national significance don’t just stop there, either. And neither does the list of covered persons that receive protection.
Outside of the current presidential race, the Secret Service is responsible for guarding an array of politicians, even those from outside America. George W Bush is granted protection until ten years after his administration ended, or 2019, and every living president before him is eligible for life-time, federally funded coverage. Visiting heads of state are extended an offer too, and the events sanctioned as those of national significance — a decision that is left up to the US Department of Homeland Security — extends to more than the obvious. While presidential inaugurations and meeting of foreign dignitaries are awarded the title, nearly three dozen events in all have been considered a National Special Security Event (NSSE) since the term was created under President Clinton. Among past events on the DHS-sanctioned NSSE list are Super Bowl XXXVI, the funerals of Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford, most State of the Union addresses and the 2008 Democratic and Republican National Conventions.
With Secret Service protection awarded to visiting dignitaries, this also means, for instance, that the federal government could consider a demonstration against any foreign president on American soil as a violation of federal law, as long as it could be considered disruptive to whatever function is occurring.
When thousands of protesters are expected to descend on Chicago this spring for the 2012 G8 and NATO summits, they will also be approaching the grounds of a National Special Security Event. That means disruptive activity, to whichever court has to consider it, will be a federal offense under the act.
And don’t forget if you intend on fighting such charges, you might not be able to rely on evidence of your own. In the state of Illinois, videotaping the police, under current law, brings criminals charges. Don’t fret. It’s not like the country will really try to enforce it — right?
On the bright side, does this mean that the law could apply to law enforcement officers reprimanded for using excessive force on protesters at political events? Probably. Of course, some fear that the act is being created just to keep those demonstrations from ever occuring, and given the vague language on par with the loose definition of a “terrorist” under the NDAA, if passed this act is expected to do a lot more harm to the First Amendment than good.
United States Representative Justin Amash (MI-03) was one of only three lawmakers to vote against the act when it appeared in the House late Monday. Explaining his take on the act through his official Facebook account on Tuesday, Rep. Amash writes, “The bill expands current law to make it a crime to enter or remain in an area where an official is visiting even if the person does not know it's illegal to be in that area and has no reason to suspect it's illegal.”
“Some government officials may need extraordinary protection to ensure their safety. But criminalizing legitimate First Amendment activity — even if that activity is annoying to those government officials — violates our rights,” adds the representative.
Now that the act has overwhelmingly made it through the House, the next set of hands to sift through its pages could very well be President Barack Obama; the US Senate had already passed the bill back on February 6. Less than two months ago, the president approved the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, essentially suspending habeas corpus from American citizens. Could the next order out of the Executive Branch be revoking some of the Bill of Rights? Only if you consider the part about being able to assemble a staple of the First Amendment, really. Don’t worry, though. Obama was, after all, a constitutional law professor. When he signed the NDAA on December 31, he accompanied his signature with a signing statement that let Americans know that, just because he authorized the indefinite detention of Americans didn’t mean he thought it was right.
Should President Obama suspend the right to assemble, Americans might expect another apology to accompany it in which the commander-in-chief condemns the very act he authorizes. If you disagree with such a decision, however, don’t take it to the White House. Sixteen-hundred Pennsylvania Avenue and the vicinity is, of course, covered under this act.

I Am Not Limited By What You See

I Am Not Limited By What You See
February 28, 2012
I am not limited by what you see, but you limit me when you do not fully trust and believe in Me. I created you and I gave you life, so that you would know My love and My purposes for you. I am at work bringing everything that I have determined for you to pass, but if you do not truly trust in Me to do it, nor believe in Me to fulfill it, then I cannot bring the things forth that I desire to. I am being limited by you. I want you to see that I am in full control of your destiny. I know everything that will occur and I know everything that will not. Do not fear to put your trust in Me, for I see things that you do not see. I am the creator of your destiny. I am your Father and I am your God. Take my hand and let go of the things that rob you of your future, and live. I have not worked on your behalf to not finish what I have begun, nor have I changed my mind concerning you. No, I have set everything in it's order and timing for you. All is ready for the days ahead. I am looking to you, what will you do? Let go of the fear and the concerns that plague your thoughts, and draw near. I have much more to tell you so that you can walk confidently into all that I have made for your life. You are to walk in My peace, and in My release.

You are also not limited by that which you see either. For that which you see externally is not really what is true, as I am always working beneath the surface to bring forth that which lies dormant and undiscovered by you. There is much that has been laid within your path that you must not only find, but you must become. Everything that you learn along the journey becomes a part of you. Everything that you find and apprehend is added to you and further completes you as you grow. You need every step and opportunity that I have precisely laid out for you, you need them all, to fully become fully mature and ready for the greater weight of my Glory that is coming down even now. I have been progressively descending upon your life, and as I have been drawing closer to you, you have been also changing and maturing inot Me and into the person that I have ordained you to fully be. So, you must let go and trust in Me. Do not strive with Me, but rest and know that each step is still a measure and completion of My plans.

I have determined many things ahead that will both stimulate you and also alarm you at the same time, for chnage is always a stretching concept to your human nature and faculties. You must yield completely to Me in the process, and allow your thoughts to stay themselves on Me in all things. The greater that I unfold My hand before you, the greater the challenges will be for you to accept Me or to deny Me. For everything that is still of the old nature within you will oppose My plans and purposes, and you must crucify the old thoughts and patterns that will still want to control who you will be in Me. You must fully break out of yourself and run with Me. It is time for you to climb all the way to the top of My Mountain with Me, and then you will truly see why you had to fight so hard to become who I have callled you to be. It shall be as you determine it shall be, for you alone can fulfill your purpose with Me.

I have given you all of the angelic help that you need, and I have given you all of My Grace to stand in every season that will come to this planet and to man. Through every season and through every year, you will walk hand in hand with Me and will know no defeat or fear, but you must forsake every hindrance and distraction that so easily upsets your course this year. Let not your heart be troubled. Let not your faith be shaken by such simple things. Drive down your stakes deeper into me. Fret not either regarding the evil doers for thier time is short, but yours is much longer with Me. I am in control in the earth, and nothing escapes Me, nor happens outside of Me. My Word will stand until the end of all things. My People will also stand to the end with Me. My Church shall grow and finally mature as she embraces Me, and each shall come to understand their parts as they seek and find Me. My pursposes shall stand, and the earth and man shall come to know that I am the Lord of all, even in the affairs of the earth.

Do not be shaken by the things that must come, it is for you to know that My Will shall be done, and that you will walk out your parts, as I unfold Mine. I have a grand, grand design that will only appear as you take the time to seek Me and to know Me more, and as I greatly pour, you shall also greatly pour, and together we shall fully restore all that still awaits it's prophetic hour and time. Nothing shall be missed, or overlooked, or be forgotten, no, on the contrary, everything is in synchronization with Me, the Keeper of all destinies. Prepare for great change, and for even greater pouring out of My Fire and of My Winds, for I am going deeper and going higher than before, and you shall see and will know that it is Me and you will rejoice exceedingly. Not everything is fully understood upon the earth, even by the leaders that lead today, but watch as I interrupt the thoughts of men, and usher forth My Spirit within. I have come to reveal myself to all men, and I have come to bring My Harvest in, and I have come to dwell within My Church again. I shall be known and I shall be feared, and I shall be sought out as the events unfold, for My Wisdom, and My Wisdom alone will sustain all things in the heavens and in the earth. My Name and My Fame, shall be declared around the world again, for it is time for the rising up of the destinies of My women and men. The knowledge of Me is coming in, and it shall flow from the hearts of men until the end.
Psalms 78:41 
Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel. KJV

Job 11:7 
"Can you find out the deep things of God?Can you find out the limit of the Almighty? ESV
Job 15:8 Have you listened in the council of God?And do you limit wisdom to yourself? ESV

Psalms 22:9 Yet you are he who took me from the womb; you made me trust you at my mother’s breasts. ESV

Psalms 26:1 Vindicate me, O LORD, for I have walked in my integrity,and I have trusted in the LORD without wavering. ESV

Psalms 143:8 Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. ESV

Jeremiah 39:18 For I will surely save you, and you shall not fall by the sword, but you shall have your life as a prize of war, because you have put your trust in me, declares the LORD.'" ESV

Hebrews 2:13 And again, "I will put my trust in him."And again, "Behold, I and the children God has given me." ESV

Isaiah 9:6 His government and peace will have unlimited growth. He will establish David’s throne and kingdom. He will uphold it with justice and righteousness now and forever. The Lord of Armies is determined to do this! GWT

Ephesians 1:19 You will also know the unlimited greatness of his power as it works with might and strength for us, the believers. GWT

Revelations 22:6 [ Jesus Is Coming ] And he said to me, "These words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place." ESV

And because I finished this word from the Lord at 3:18 am: Ephesians 3:18: (in context)

16 May He grant you out of the rich treasury of His glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man by the [Holy] Spirit [Himself indwelling your innermost being and personality]. 17 May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts! May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love, 18 That you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints [God's devoted people, the experience of that love] what is the breadth and length and height and depth [of it]; 19 [That you may really come] to know [practically, through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]! AMP

v.16: I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. 

9/11 Victims' Remains Disposed Of in Landfill

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

nytimes: 9/11 Victims' Remains Disposed Of in Landfill By ELISABETH BUMILLER
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Wednesday, 29-Feb-2012 05:42:49

9/11 Victims' Remains Disposed Of in Landfill
The disclosure came as an independent panel concluded that the Dover Air Force Base mortuary should have more oversight, training of employees and inspections.

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - February 29, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - February 29, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 29-Feb-2012 03:23:56

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - February 29, 2012
If anyone doubted that time has speeded up, you have only to consider the speed at which the first two months have passed, and so it shall continue right through to Ascension. The call for freedom from your oppressors has been answered and their ability to cause further problems has been addressed, and they no longer have the powerful bases that maintained their hold over you. They may seek to change matters, but it is now beyond their scope to reverse the affect of the actions against them. Their roles have been reduced to ones of only a nuisance value, and soon their activities will have all but evaporated as their power structure is taken apart. Having come thus far it only remains for us to remove the Illuminati, and a major part of our mission will have been completed.
Our allies with our help are doing all they can to push the media to return to true and factual reporting, and to remove the gags and censorship that has been used to hide the truth from you. With so much going on we would like to see them bring you up to date reports of the worldwide resignations, and arrests of top people involved in criminal acts. Such information will serve to give others the confidence to come forward, and help cleanse banking and politics from the immoral and unscrupulous activities of those who only work for self. You can expect some astonishing events very soon that will show without doubt, that the old paradigm has been shattered never to rise once again.
Be assured that as the old is being dismantled, so its replacements are ready to fill the vacuum. It has been planned so that the inconvenience to you is kept to a minimum. There will be short periods of difficulty, as the changes are massive and something of a challenge even for us. However, as with every other aspect of our mission the object is to quickly introduce you to the new technologies, and provide you with the necessary means to become self sufficient. We want to make you as free as possible to enjoy what we have brought you, that will lift you up into the next level of experience. By then we will have made full contact with you, and we shall have established a good working relationship together. Life will change for the better in such a short time, and waves of happiness will sweep across the world.
For now Dear Ones, live life with full expectations of what is to come, as there will no disappointments and our promises fulfilled. We will welcome the opportunity to meet you and detail what lies ahead, as there are in some instances confusion over what you may expect. However, there is absolutely no doubt that however much your paths may wander, you will have the opportunity to ascend. Be under no illusion about the end times, as it is the end of an era that has seen you tested and tried to the limits, all in the interests of acquiring experience of duality. Your service has been one of extreme sacrifice, having left the comfort and beauty of the higher realms to step into the unknown. It is no wonder that each soul is viewed with such great admiration and love.
Matters have reached a point where you can almost expect some great gains on a weekly basis, as many changes have advanced so rapidly. It is a question as to whether such developments can be relayed to you through one of the news outlets. Certainly the Internet is more open and free, but you have to search to find such sources. Eventually, and sooner rather than later, there will be a clamor to report factual accounts of what is going on, as otherwise certain agencies will be left behind. So we do not have too much concern in this connection, as the truth will be too good to miss and make sensational headlines. Too few people have controlled the media for a very long time, but it has become harder for the cabal to promote the lies that have been thrust before you. You have for some time now awakened to the manner in which you have been led by those with their own agenda. In the near future it will all change and you will finally be able to trust what you are told.
These are powerful times when you can visualize what you desire from life, and it will become your creation. So think positively and do not allow any fear laden messages to deflect you from your path. Certainly there will be areas where the affects of the changes will impinge upon people, but help will be at hand particularly now many of you are bonding together. It will grow, and with our coming and your release from the dark Ones, and those differences that have been played upon to keep you apart will disappear. At last you will realize that you are One and work with each other for the betterment of all.
Without the imposition of poverty and the denial of your rights, Humanity would long ago have united, because at heart you are of a group conscious level that seeks unity amongst all people.
Now is the time to release any baggage you carry from this and earlier lives. With consciousness levels rising, you will be able to identify and cut off links with that which has no place with your ascended self. Indeed, what was acceptable in recent times may now be found to be out of place, as you raise your vibrations. The new you is rising up out of the ashes of the old you, and you are creating an embodiment that is appropriate for Ascension that you will know as your crystalline body. That in itself will assure you of having a healthy life, that is free from the illnesses and disease associated with the low vibrations of the 3rd. dimension.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know you will find us most sympathetic and helpful to your needs, but it would be even better if more of you knew about us. We mention again the need to spread the news about the changes, but in a way that is not overbearing or too forceful. It will help to ease the likely shock, experienced by those who are totally unaware as to what is about to transpire. At first many people will become fearful, until they understand that our coming is a most natural occurrence. It happens whenever a civilization reaches a point in their evolution, when they are prepared on a conscious level to understand and accept their links to the Star Beings. You are at that stage now, but it will take many unaware as they have no perception or understanding of their true family. We come with love to share with you.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


When asked what can you alone can do?

This Blog from day one has been a 1 man operation inspired from a higher spiritual level. An awareness blog written purposely from the heart with truth & integrity.

Now over 8 million viewers. And still makes spelling errors -- hey what can I say! LOL!

I truly wish to thank you all for your support and prayers in this Awareness Blog.


But ---

And more importantly --- You Also Can Make A Difference.  GO FOR IT!

GOD Bless You And Yours,

John MacHaffie

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - February 28, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - February 28, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 29-Feb-2012 00:22:14

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - February 28, 2012
These events we speak of are not events that can or cannot happen, these are events that can happen and will happen because you made them happen. We of the Galactic Commands have said to you time and again that the events that so many of you wish to experience are within your grasp, but it is you as a collective that must choose to experience these events, and it is you that will make them a reality. How this is done has also been explained to you, but certainly bears repeating here.
The events you wish to experience such as the arrests of the leaders of the criminal Cabal, as well as a reunion with us, your Star Families, can be manifested by your consent and your intent. Action is then necessarily applied and the reality you wish to experience is yours. This is how it works. Simple enough, is it not dear ones?
We at this time are asking for your permission to join you in your world and we see many of you welcoming us warmly. We also see many of you taking action to make your wishes a reality by helping to spread the word of our arrival. We also see many of you who have made your intentions clear that you wish to see the arrests of members of the criminal Cabal, and many who are also taking action to make your wishes a reality by assisting to spread this news as well.
As your efforts continue, the reality you wish to experience begins to manifest. If you stopped your efforts in this regard today, the reality you wished to create would begin to un-manifest and dissolve. The reason for this would appear to you to be a mundane reason, legal reason, technical issue, political issue and so on, but the catalyst behind these apparent reasons would be nothing but mundane, it would be because you as a collective chose to no longer manifest this reality.
This is important to understand today as so many of you, our Lightworkers who were chosen to be here to help manifest a new reality for this planet and her people, choose to sit by and wait for events to happen for them, instead of making events happen by them. Do you see and understand the difference? We see many of you asking for us to make ourselves known to you, to offer you proof of our existence and our intentions by placing this proof in your hand, but we tell you again we cannot reach your hand until you create the circumstances that will facilitate this meeting. We ask you at this time to get more involved, to refrain from demanding proof, and make your chosen reality your reality. Choosing is not nearly enough at this time, you must also act to see your chosen reality manifest. Will you begin to take action? That is the question we pose to you today.
So many wait on you and your fellow Lightworkers to get your job done. So many eyes are upon you as we await you to spread the news of our existence and of our peaceful intentions. So many eyes are upon you as we await you to inform your brothers and sisters of the imminent arrests of the members of the criminal Cabal and what these arrests mean to them, yet we see on a daily basis so many of our trusted family members wasting valuable time sharing in their social networks every kind of unrelated content. We tell you the time for sharing this kind of irrelevant information has passed, and it is now time to focus, focus dear ones at the tasks at hand. We ask you to set the table for the arrests of the criminal Cabal that will then open the door for our arrival. Will you do that? Will you complete this part of your mission? Would you give your undivided attention to this assignment until this part of your assignment is complete?
Moving on to our side of the operation, we are again very pleased to report that the numbers of the Cabal’s space fighting forces is dwindling down to nothing. Soon they will be bereft of any space capabilities, and this will be a very important milestone for us to reach. Once entirely free to safely travel through the space surrounding your planet, we then can proceed with advanced phases of our space operations.
As we have said, we will now increase the frequency and the quality of the sightings of our craft all throughout your world. The United States will also begin to receive more flyovers of our craft as well, as the numbers of those military units who stubbornly remain aligned with the Cabal are also quickly dwindling. As we have said, these units who refuse to comply with your new system will be dealt with just as their counterparts of the space commands have been dealt with. Their days are numbered as well, and soon they will face the consequences of their choice. There can be no other way for them, as they will not be permitted to wriggle out of what they have created for themselves at the last moment. It will not be permitted to work like that. Not this time.
The men and women of your criminal Cabal also face justice for their actions, and they now see this as inevitable. How abruptly their visions of their futures and of the prison planet they hoped to create have changed. Do you see dear ones how quickly your reality can change once suitable choice, intent, and action are applied? As recent as even a few months ago, the leaders of your Cabal still believed the future of their prison planet was inevitable and nothing or no one could stop it. Some even spoke of this publicly, arrogantly boasting to the face of the public that was to be enslaved.
Today, the members of the Cabal sit and wait for their time to be led away in handcuffs, taken into custody to face justice at the hands of those they wished to enslave. No longer will you hear them speak of their New World Order. It is now time for the people to have their say.
Do you see how quickly your reality can change? Do you see what you can all do when you set out to change your reality? There is nothing you cannot accomplish together by applying a few principles of manifestation. Today, do you wish to see the arrests of these criminals? Today, do wish for us to begin our landings? Then make it happen. You know how it’s done.
For those of you who have been working so hard on the tasks at hand, we thank you and applaud your efforts. For those of you who will now begin to undertake these tasks we thank you as well, as your participation is invaluable at this time. You will get the job done. We have faith in each and every one of you. That is why you are here.
Looking towards the days ahead, we see these arrests that are so important to this operation making their way to the general public through your news media. There are many members of your criminal Cabal who have begun to cooperate fully with the ongoing investigations. Many more arrests are now being scheduled, and the number of those that will be taken into custody grows by the day. Soon your world will be purged of all that is dark and these arrests are nearly the beginning, as your new Earth will be pure in light, and darkness will not abound anywhere in your new home.
Continue to apply the pressure on these dark ones by spreading the news of their imminent demise and just as importantly, what these arrests mean to the people of your planet. You all should know what these arrests will signify, and again we would be very pleased to see you celebrate this momentous event as this too will have an important impact on the people of your world. It is important your brethren see these arrests as good news and not more of the same bad news that is paraded in front of them daily by your news media. Your news media will also be experiencing many great changes in the days to come, and also how your news is brought to you.
Today, your news media is nothing more than a tool to enslave you through mind control programming and propaganda, mixed with paid advertisements camouflaged as news stories. This will change. Once we are free to begin our landings and more personally interact with you, we, with the assistance of our Earth allies, will be speaking to you through your media and we will have a lot to talk about.
There is so much ground to cover and so little time left to cover it, that we will be making our presentations available to all who wish to listen twenty four hours per day on certain networks, and broadcast to you information pertaining to our mission and also the important changes occurring in your world. Many of you will also be working with us at that time, and coverage of our working relationship will also be shared with those of your world. This is important, as it is vital to our overall mission that as many of your world as possible understand our peaceful intent and accept us in their world as we assist you make the many necessary changes to allow your ascension into the higher realms to proceed as smoothly as is possible. That is the goal of our mission, and with your assistance we will achieve that goal, and every man, woman, and child on the planet will benefit greatly from our efforts together.
There are many changes up ahead for you and we will detail for you what these changes are and how best we can together proceed through them. As we have said, there are yet challenges for you in the days ahead, and these challenges will test your will and determination greatly. You have throughout your many incarnations faced many different challenges, and the challenges for you up ahead may be as great as any you have faced before. With the Cabal safely out the way, we will be able to work with you, and together we will persevere through these difficult times and meet our challenges head on. Together we will succeed, and for this your reward shall be great and it shall be well earned.
There are many projects we must accomplish together and some of these projects will require great numbers of you to work with us to accomplish our goals. Your host planet has suffered much damage due to pollution, and much of this pollution is radioactive in nature. This radioactive waste must be purified, and we will have many teams assigned to this task, covering every square mile of your planet. You will have nothing to be concerned about regarding your safety either in the short term or the long term, as we have many qualified men and women who will train each of you in this field. We have highly advanced technology that will enable you to get this job done, and we see many of you will be eager to undertake this assignment. We have specially designed ships for this type of work, and each of you will be assigned a ship and you will join a crew for this undertaking.
We also have pressing matters to attend to involving your planet's magnetic fields, as these must be returned to their pristine condition. Many of you will also be working in this area, and you as well will receive training from highly qualified personnel within our organization. We also have specialized craft for this field as well, and you will be properly schooled in all the different types of craft that make up our vast fleets and what these crafts have been designed for.
As we have said, many of you will go on to become official members of the Galactic Federation of Light, and we look so forward to being able to meet personally with many of you and discuss your futures with us. There are many more projects as well that must be accomplished before your ascension into the higher realms, and these projects will be discussed with you at length and detailed to you in the near days ahead. At that time, you can make your intentions known that you are interested in a position and which project you would prefer to be assigned. We will also discuss with you the opportunity to become a full member of our organization and what that will entail as well. We feel many of you will be very excited to begin your new careers with us, and as we have said, many of you are already members in full standing of the Galactic Federation of Light and your memories of this and of your past will be safely returned to you at the appropriate time. All of you would do well to prepare yourselves for quite a surprise, as your journey has been considerably longer than your current and relatively brief incarnation on Earth.
We see many of you being overjoyed upon the return of your cherished memories, and we look so forward to this day as well as you all have friends and family that have missed you greatly while you have been away on assignment. Carry on now with your current assignments and together we will accomplish our tasks at hand and meet in the middle for our family reunion and see to the successful accomplishment of our mission.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - February 28, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - February 28, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 28-Feb-2012 19:59:45

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - February 28, 2012
4 Kan, 17 Zac, 8 Manik
Dratzo! We return! The ultimatums, and the pressures resulting from them, have forced the resignations of many in the lower levels of the dark cabal. This marks the beginning of the denouement which will bring out into the open all that we have been working toward and telling you about in these updates. The power spheres of this cabal are to be broken! The initial thrust is presently toppling bankers and will continue with the resignations, shortly, of major governments. The secret sacred societies' vast resources, both spiritual and physical, are being unleashed and we expect the present flurry of low-level resignations to escalate, as the domino-effect of the takedown moves ever higher through the vast hierarchical web that is the dark cabal. We intend to oversee this exciting phase of the operation and assist our allies in whatever way they feel is most appropriate to their cause. To this end we have assigned various liaison teams to them and these will assure the dark ones that there is no way out of their predicament except through their mass resignation.
The rise of new governance paves the way for the new economic system and of course, disclosure. These new common-law governments have an immense task before them, starting with securing your freedom and reestablishing your natural sovereignty. Next comes ending the vast and highly illegal system of debt which has inadvertently brought down the present economic system. This will kick-start the redistribution of wealth to create universal prosperity. Here the goal is to create a monetary system that soon becomes obsolete, as fully conscious Beings do not require banks or money in order to meet their needs. As you grow in consciousness, you come to see the Earth not as a resource but as a living Being who has graciously permitted you to reside upon her. In turn, you gladly accept the responsibility of sustaining her. This sacred covenant lies at the core of galactic society: to sustain our home world while at the same time creating a society that honors and sustains each one of us.
Our sacred purpose is to unfold the divine plan throughout physicality. You have been allowed, by divine dispensation, to take a temporary turn through the realms of limited consciousness. This placed you at the mercy of the dark and its earthly minions, but now the divine right time to transform this onerous situation has arrived. You have absorbed great wisdom during this trek and can now employ this knowledge to assist others who dearly wish to transform themselves as you are doing now. Your Agarthan cousins rejoice at the fact that this long-awaited union is close. This next step toward your new star-nation is to happen after you are fully conscious. Until then, relax, and participate in the preparations for your metamorphosis into your natural state of full consciousness. We look forward to teaching you about this and introducing you to a quite different history, not only of your time on Gaia but also about your origins as humans, which occurred long ago on a planet in the Vegan solar system.
The history of Galactic Humans is tied closely to the fortunes of a species of land cetaceans that resided on your world some eight million years ago. When their civilization was destroyed, they took to the seas and became the whales and dolphins that you know today. In so doing, these cetaceans became the guardians of Gaia. However, each cetacean asked the local Spiritual Hierarchy for a suitable land guardian. This quest, after a two-million-year search, bore fruit in the guise of an aquatic primate nearing full consciousness on the third planet in the Vega system. Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy and representatives from the cetaceans saw in this species a true future land guardian for Mother Earth. Thus, some three million years later, and after the Earth had been ravaged by the dark Anchara Alliance, the now-human colonists of Lemuria arrived on Earth. The desires of the cetaceans for a land guardian had been met and your return to guardianship fulfills this ancient prophecy!
Namaste! Blessings to all! Your Ascended Masters return. Our divine associates are finishing up the details that remain before the prosperity funds can be distributed. The dark has signed off on a series of agreements that acknowledge that their hold on the governments of Mother Earth is over. Further, these ones have also agreed to permit a new economic system to be adopted worldwide. This new economic system will be announced formally by the new governments which our space cousins are helping to bring into being. This gives us great joy! The freedom we have worked toward for millennia is, at long last, to be manifested on our world. As part of this process in the coming weeks, important arrests will be made which are indicators of the change that is overtaking this reality. An epoch of prosperity, freedom, and sovereignty is coming into being for all to see!
As we move toward the mass arrests promised to you, a great many documents will be revealed which demonstrate just how corrupt and arrogant this dark cabal is. Spirit is moving across your globe, shining the Light of revelation into all the dark crevasses where droves of misdeeds are recorded which provide testimony of massive illegality. These documents have been seized and, along with a mountain of similar evidence, will be used to produce the warrants that will take down the dark-oriented governments and the politicians who so obligingly supported their wayward policies. The real agendas contained in these policies will now be exposed and much-needed course corrections imposed by our associates. A number of deadlines are in effect. Once these dates are reached, the arrests and many shocking charges will commence.
This new day dawning will bring announcements not only of debt forgiveness and a new prosperity but also of the existence of your Inner Earth and space cousins. We are all, in fact, 'aliens' to this world, who came in peace and divine service to Gaia nearly a million years ago. At first we experienced a 'Heaven on Earth' and later, near the end of Atlantis, we began our long sojourn through the dark realms. We of Spirit have held the Light for all these millennia, and now are to be redeemed by the Light and returned in joy to the realms of the Light. This process is a great undertaking which we, as one, have taken with the divine grace of the Creator. Now we come to the point where our 'Labors of Hercules' are to be fully rewarded! Rejoice in these Blessings and know deep within you what a grand future is before you!
Today, we continued our weekly missives about Spirit, the Light, and our return to full consciousness. We are, together, defeating the dark and turning you back into fully conscious Beings. All of us in the Galactic Federation bless you for your patience and for your help in making this divine moment manifest. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
PAO - Update for February 28, 2012

Ron Paul - Chuck Norris - Clint Eastwood - Jesse Ventura - John Wayne - Joe Rogan - all agree

Free energy devices heading to market. Here's a link to the top five, plus a video on the one in production

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Free energy devices heading to market. Here's a link to the top five, plus a video on the one in production
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Tuesday, 28-Feb-2012 13:29:15

link to more: 


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Tuesday, 28-Feb-2012 08:49:37

Additionally; Most of these postings involve "Clandestine" "mirroring" aka "ringer" aka "look alike" CIA Contractor, Black Ops Operations in regards to UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITY by "American's" who in 1994 professed to be MORMONS, while in year 1998 they profess to be "MUSLIMS in recorded meetings which took place at the Guilarmi Hotel, Makita City Philippines, which was held precisely for the FABRICATION Instructions by one calling herself COMMANDER HATONN (a lady of renown, possessing 21 alias's which can be found in the Kern County Recorders Records) known as Doris J. Eloise-Ekker accompanied by E.J. Ekker (former U.S. Naval Intelligence and CIA Operative), with Rick Martin and a man named Charles Miller also present?
The statements made on this recorded meeting Feb. 1998, "was not to go out of the room" while a second meeting (recorded) of April 25th 1998 also gives cause for concern. All four tape recordings have been turned over for CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION. Portions of those taped meetings are Located on Players below: CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE ADMISSION OF "FABRICATING" DOCUMENTS BY BLACK OPS OPERATIVES
The Philippine Core; OPERATES AS A "MIRROR" CIA CONTRACTOR, contracted to "do banking as U.S. Federal Corporations (Fed. R.). These Corporations were formerly U.S. Federal Corporations, incorporated after CORT CHRISTIE (EX-IRS) researched Corporate Status of the U.S. Corporations, found RUBIN conveniently "forgot" to re-instate the (1) Inter-American Investment Corporation (2) Inter-American Development Bank and (3) The Depository Trust Co. located at 55 Water Street, New York, New York.
The "fraudulent incorporations" of the former U.S. Fed. Govt. "Agency" U.S. Fed. R. and U.S. Foreign Fed. R. Corporations resulted in
We have a nice new and interesting game taking place in our own arena of which you might find some interest for self. We had been issued contracts from the Big Contract held by V.K. Durham. You know, that one she tried to give to you-the-people. Now time went by and for security reasons those were PARKED in a corporation called Inter-American Investment Corp. (incorporated properly). How interesting that NOW Mr. Bush's company by the same name (but was never incorporated even though they have in their name, Corp.) have shifted the (so called) assets into their tent. Mr. Rubin of Treasury is on that Board of Directors. Tacky? Well, a bit illegal at the least. Worse, they sucked in a very nice Filipino candidate for President and sold him a sneaky bill of goods, paid him SOME up front with no intention of ever giving him his rightful share---but he bit like a hungry frog on their poison bait. Well, THEY BIT ON MY POISON BAIT. Now, his life is not worth a lead nickel and I wonder if this is "human rights" or getcha first"?
What is there about the contracts? What about the Contracts? We passed out a whole bunch of them and lodged them with every important and related party we could find from the Federal Reserve to the Treasury, IMF to the World Bank, and second copies of same to the leader of each group. We had interchange with Bush (as in personally) and let the whole thing go dormant.
I think V.K. might even find this interesting---but why upset her more than what they have already done to her. The last message was, "We will NOT deal with that obnoxious b---- under any circumstances and if she is involved in any way, we will not deal with you." Well, would guess it matters a lot of the tale told by Grandma quite true, but power and force and deading work miracles on the weary (end quote)."
( See: )
The "We will NOT deal with that obnoxious b--- under any circumstances and if she is involved in any way, we will not deal with you" statement was published in the CONTACT as statements made by: "Lawrence Summers and Russell Munk (UST) who had offered Rick Martin $200 MILLION DOLLARS FOR THE "FORGED INSTRUMENTS" just to get them out of their hair."
The "power and force and deading work miracles on the weary"statement is in regards to the MURDER of RUSSELL HERRMAN-HERMAN, THE PRESIDENT'S CENTURION (Harry S. Truman)
who was also the CEO of COSMOS SEAFOOD ENERGY, MARKETING; LTD NEVADA ID# 1707-85 who's signature was lifted generating a "Fraudulent Assignment of Interest" to a Rick Martin. Mr. Martin subsequently "self witnessed the alleged assignment of interest" further having a "False and Fraudulent Notary, to Notarize a "murdered individual's signature" four years after the homicide, August 10, 1998. Then proceeding to file of Record, Clark County Nevada Recorders Records, at "8:35 A.M., "August 10, 1998, Official Records 980810 Instrument: 00323, the documents which were forged, self witnessed, and fraudulently notarized documents alleging to be "historical documentation" while carefully concealed beginning page 79 concluding to end of filings, were COPIES of "formerly recorded Title Instruments on BONUS 3392-181, Recorded in Washington County and Gallatin County Illinois, Held in Trust by V.K. DURHAM also known as MRS. RUSSELL HERRMAN-HERMAN.
To understand the deceptive practices of the Federal Reserve Banking Banking "shell game/ponzi scheme' you must read Dr. Eugene Mullins investigation on
Which will help you to understand the Investigative Report of UnWantedPublicity as follows:
United States Federal Reserve Bank Of Richmond, Virginia; United States Federal Reserve Bank Of New York, New York; and, United States Federal Reserve Bank Of Chicago, Illinois Federal Reserve Notes / Bonds (aka) U.S. Federal Reserve Notes (aka) FRN (aka) FRB; January 2004 photos of 1934 Series United States Federal Reserve Bank Of Boston Bonds (aka) 1934 Federal Reserve Bonds (aka) 1934 Treaty Of Versailles Bonds (aka) Morganthau Bonds (aka) M-Bonds (aka) 1934 Federal Reserve Notes (aka) 1934 FRN personally held by Vance Howard Paul Shafer of INTERSILVA AG ( Switzerland ) and INTERSILVA BENELUX ( Antwerp, Belgium ) during advance fee schemes in The Republic of the Philippines with Craig Leonard Hubner ( Australia ) that involved FRNs valued at $1,200,000,000,000 (USD) Trillion plus an INTERSILVA AG Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited ( HSBC ) Standby Letter Of Credit ( SBLC ) valued at $55,000,000 (USD) Million; and, Philippines MRT III Bonds valued at $273,730,000 Million involving the Philippine Bank Of Communication with INTERSILVA AG; plus, nearly $8,700,000,000 billion ( USD ) worth of Union Bank Of Switzerland ( UBS ) gold bullion Certificates Of Deposit and Bank Guarantees held during 2000 as assets of the now defunct independent offsahore bank First International Bank Of Grenada Ltd. ( FIBG ) via joint venture agreement contracts brokered through Craig Leonard Hubner ( Australia ) and Robert Earl Palm ( Canada ), et al. Also found, are those surrounding: Sheila Sklar ( Naples, Florida, USA ) of Capital Resources International ( CRI - Langley, British Columbia, Canada ), Steven Van Rooyen of AFRICOR INC. ( Florida, USA ), Dallas Maxwell James Drake ( Australia ), Dr. Arnoldus Mauritius Van Eck, The Palace Group ( United Kingdon Network ); and, 09JUN05, 10JUN05, 16JUN05 affidavit and complaint of Dr. Christoffel Johannes Jansen van Vuuren ( Windhoek, Republic of Namibia ) naming TRANSBORDER PACIFIC COMPANY INC. ( Philippines ), INTERSILVA AG ( Switzerland ), Vance Howard P. Shafer, et al. circa 2003-2004 in the Republic of the Philippines; ship Captain Peter Flanagan ( South Africa ) contracted by TRANSBORDER PACIFIC COMPANY INC. ( Philippines ), CAPITAL RESOURCES INTERNATIONAL (aka) CRI ( Langley, British Columbia, CANADA & Naples, Florida, USA ), United States Federal Reserve Bank Of Richmond, Virginia; United States Federal Reserve Bank Of New York, New York; and, United States Federal Reserve Bank Of Chicago, Illinois Federal Reserve Notes / Bonds (aka) U.S. Federal Reserve Notes (aka) FRN (aka) FRB; January 2004 photos of 1934 Series United States Federal Reserve Bank Of Boston Bonds (aka) 1934 Federal Reserve Bonds (aka) 1934 Treaty Of Versailles Bonds (aka) Morganthau Bonds (aka) M-Bonds (aka) 1934 Federal Reserve Notes (aka) 1934 FRN personally held by Vance Howard Paul Shafer of INTERSILVA AG ( Switzerland ) and INTERSILVA BENELUX ( Antwerp, Belgium ) during advance fee schemes in The Republic of the Philippines with Craig Leonard Hubner ( Australia ) that involved FRNs valued at $1,200,000,000,000 (USD) Trillion plus an INTERSILVA AG Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited ( HSBC ) Standby Letter Of Credit ( SBLC ) valued at $55,000,000 (USD) Million; and, Philippines MRT III Bonds valued at $273,730,000 Million involving the Philippine Bank Of Communication with INTERSILVA AG; plus, nearly $8,700,000,000 billion ( USD ) worth of Union Bank Of Switzerland ( UBS ) gold bullion Certificates Of Deposit and Bank Guarantees held during 2000 as assets of the now defunct independent offsahore bank First International Bank Of Grenada Ltd. ( FIBG ) via joint venture agreement contracts brokered through Craig Leonard Hubner ( Australia ) and Robert Earl Palm ( Canada ), et al. Also found, are those surrounding: Sheila Sklar ( Naples, Florida, USA ) of Capital Resources International ( CRI - Langley, British Columbia, Canada ), Steven Van Rooyen of AFRICOR INC. ( Florida, USA ), Dallas Maxwell James Drake ( Australia ), Dr. Arnoldus Mauritius Van Eck, The Palace Group ( United Kingdon Network ); and, 09JUN05, 10JUN05, 16JUN05 affidavit and complaint of Dr. Christoffel Johannes Jansen van Vuuren ( Windhoek, Republic of Namibia ) naming TRANSBORDER PACIFIC COMPANY INC. ( Philippines ), INTERSILVA AG ( Switzerland ), Vance Howard P. Shafer, et al. circa 2003-2004 in the Republic of the Philippines; ship Captain Peter Flanagan ( South Africa ) contracted by TRANSBORDER PACIFIC COMPANY INC. ( Philippines ), CAPITAL RESOURCES INTERNATIONAL (aka) CRI ( Langley, British Columbia, CANADA & Naples, Florida, USA ), et al.; and, Vatican, Daniele Dal Bosco, INTERPOL, Joseph Bendana ( USA ), Neil Keenan ( Bulgaria ), Federal Reserve Board System - FED Code: Dragon Family, Dragon Fund, Akihiko Yamaguchi [ DOB: 23DEC54, Japan passport number TF4658848 expires: 15JUN09 ] of the Dragon Family, Don Mitsuyoshi Watanabe (aka) Mitsuyoshi Watanabe [ DOB 12MAR48 Japan passport TF4688855 expires: 04OCT09 ] of the Dragon Family, Xavier Mateu Bertomeu Blay (aka) Xavier Bertomeu Blay [ DOB 10NOV52 Spain passport 8300019 vs Y474060 expires: 25FEB09 ], Japan, government, reconstruction, Series 57 Bonds, 500,000,000,000 Billion Yen, 1,000,000,000,000 Trillion Yen, KOBE, KOBELCO, KOBE STEEL, Ibrahim Mohammad Abdel Baky Ghonaim [ DOB 28JAN56 Egypt passport 863512 expires: 16OCT09 ], $1,000,000,000 Billion, Kennedy Bond, United States Federal Reserve Bank, $500,000,000 Million, United States Federal Reserve Notes ( FRN ), United States Federal Reserve System Bonds, United Strates Dollars, etc., et. al.
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[ NOTE: Scroll down webpage and to select a document to view simply click on each thumbnail size image to enlarge view. ]
United States Federal Reserve 1934 series A bonds inside box.jpg