Wednesday, February 29, 2012


PHOENIX, Ariz. – Poll after poll in recent months has indicated that Americans have a high level of concern over Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president, with one poll showing fully half of the nation wants Congress to investigate the question.
But reporters for the traditional media – networks, major newspapers, major news corporations and conglomerates – mostly have giggled when talk turns to the serious question of just what the U.S. Constitution requires of presidents.

The event is tomorrow at 1 p.m. Mountain Standard Time in Phoenix, 3 p.m. Eastern, and 
will be live-streamed by WND.Nevertheless, media organizations from all political persuasions are seeking admittance to a news conference to be held by Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz.
The topic of discussion will be an investigation by Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse into concerns about Obama’s eligibility. It’s the first time an official law enforcement report has addressed many of the allegations about the presumptive 2012 Democratic nominee for president.
The issues include Obama’s eligibility under the U.S. Constitution’s requirements, questions about his use of a Connecticut Social Security number and the image of his purported birth certificate from Hawaii.
Top national media organizations have indicated their plans to attend, and bookings for radio and television reports are in the works. Expected are reporters from the Associated Press, Reuters, Univision, the Washington Times and NBC, CBS and ABC affiliates, as well statewide radio networks, among many others.
Because of the circumstances, a decision was made to hold the press conference at the sheriff’s training center on the outskirts of Phoenix, rather than at the downtown office.
The event is expected to draw protesters who object to the sheriff’s office review of allegations that Obama may attempt to use a fraudulent document to have his name placed on the 2012 presidential election ballot in Arizona.
Without releasing any details, Arpaio has said the findings “could be a shock.”
He constituted a special five-member law enforcement posse last year to investigate allegations brought by members of the Surprise, Ariz., Tea Party that the Obama birth certificate released to the public by the White House on April 27 might be a forgery.
The posse is made up of three former law enforcement officers and two retired attorneys with law enforcement experience. Members have been examining evidence since September concerning Obama’s eligibility to be president under Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution, which requires a president to be a natural-born citizen.
Among other issues, there also have been allegations of Obama’s use of a Social Security number that corresponds to a Connecticut address, even though the president apparently had no links there.
WND earlier reported a private investigation found that the Social Security number being used by Obama does not pass a check with E-Verify, the electronic system the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has created to verify whether or not someone is authorized to work legally in the country.
Arpaio’s investigation is the first official law enforcement look at the allegations surrounding Obama’s eligibility. Many of the private investigators who have examined it contend there are too many questionable circumstances to believe that everything regarding Obama is above-board.
Arpaio previously told WND that when he launched his Cold Case Posse it was with the possibility that he would clear Obama.
He said it wasn’t an issue he could ignore, after 250 members of the tea party organization “came to me and asked their sheriff to investigate Obama and the birth certificate.”
The WND TV live-streaming coverage of the news conference Thursday is possible through the support of the Western Center for Journalism.
The decisions in dozens of court cases over the last few years questioning Obama’s eligibility were typified by a recent decision in Georgia in which several individuals filed challenges to Obama’s name on the 2012 ballot and provided evidence to a hearing officer.
Even though Obama and his lawyer deliberately snubbed the case – the lawyer wrote the judge a letter in advance telling him Obama would not attend – the judge threw out the evidence presented by several attorneys and ruled in favor of Obama.
Similar ballot challenges are being filed in a long list of other states already.
The Arpaio investigators were given the case following a meeting held in the sheriff’s office Aug. 17, 2011, with tea party representatives from Surprise, Ariz., who presented a petition signed by more than 250 Maricopa County residents. The petitioners expressed concern that their voting rights could be irreparably compromised if Obama uses a forged birth certificate to be placed on the 2012 presidential ballot in Arizona or otherwise is found to be ineligible.
The tea party letter formally stated the following charge: “The Surprise Tea Party is concerned that no law enforcement agency or other duly constituted government agency has conducted an investigation into the Obama birth certificate to determine if it is in fact an authentic copy of 1961 birth records on file for Barack Obama at the Hawaii Department of Health in Honolulu, or whether it, or they are forgeries.”
The posse was constituted as a 501(c)3 organization, designed to cost the people of Maricopa County nothing, while enabling people from around the country to contribute to its mission.
Those wishing to send a tax-deductible contribution directly to the Cold Case Posse may do so by mailing a check or money order to: MCSO Cold Case Posse, P.O. Box 74374, Phoenix, AZ 85087.
WND has reported that dozens of experts with varying ranges of competency who have looked at the situation believe the birth documentation image released by Obama last year is not genuine.
A flying-banner and billboard campaign to let people know about the questions regarding eligibility that was started by WND CEO and Editor Joseph Farah also has raised the public’s awareness of the situation.
Farah wrote recently that the underlying question to be determined is whether the U.S. Constitution remains the law of the land, or whether it has become “an archaic old document that needs to be amended.”
“At its core, it’s really quite simple: Does Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution dealing with who can serve as president of the United States simply mean that any citizen age 35 or older is eligible? If so, why did the founders use a different term altogether – ‘natural born citizen’? What is a ‘natural born citizen’? Is it anyone born in the United States? If so, why have candidates born outside the United States been deemed eligible? Do we owe it to America’s future to go back in history to determine what that term actually means?
“Until now, as hard as it may be to believe, no official vetting of Obama’s credentials has been done – not by the 50 secretaries of state who oversee elections, not by the Federal Elections Commission that administers the nation’s elections laws, not by the Electoral College, not by any judge in America, not by Congress, not by anyone,” he continued.
Even before the results become public, Farah said he’s confident there will be a significant impact.
“I strongly believe it could be a game-changer,” he said

Castro / Obama

What others see plainly, we often are blind to or just ignore.

Now here's something to think about.

When I was about 9 years old I remember asking my dad about Castro.

I asked, "Is Castro a good guy or bad?"

Dad said...he couldn't tell!! This was about 1955. We were living in the time. Dad was in the Army and stationed there.

Cuba was fairly close and in the news a lot. The Cubans were asking the same
question! Ike was president.

This past July 4th, we had the pleasure of sharing a summer barbecue with a
refugee from Cuba. Our dinner conversation was starkly different than most.

This refugee came to the United States as a young boy in the early 1960's.
His family was more fortunate than most, as they were able to bring a
suitcase and $100 when they fled Castro's newly formed revolutionary

Our dinner consisted of all-American fare: hamburgers, potato salad, fresh
ears of sweet corn and watermelon. This is a menu shared with family and
friends nationwide...while celebrating the birth of our beloved America...on
the Fourth of July.

We began with a simple discussion about our country, and the direction it
has taken since Barack Obama came to power. We shared the usual complaints
about the sour economy and liberal social engineering emanating from the
rulers in Washington .

But then he said it. The sentence flowed naturally from our refugee guest. I
assume it was unplanned. But it carried the weight of a freight train.

"You know when Castro took power, none of us knew he was a Communist".

We sat stunned. He continued, "Yes, we all thought he was a patriot, a
nationalist. Before the revolution he didn't sound like a radical."

The comparison at this point was easy, and I interjected, "You mean just
like Barack Obama?"

He responded; "Yes, just like Barack Obama." He continued, "We were all
shocked as the government just continued to grab more power. First they said
the revolution is over, so please turn in your guns. We all complied."

I also remember my uncle saying; Castro will only nationalize some of the
big industries. He will never come and take our family hardware store!! But
that is exactly what happened. Castro started with the sugar mills and the
large industries, but they eventually came and knocked on the door of our
family hardware store. My family had run this store for generations. They
said we now own the hardware store, you work for us. And that four-bedroom
home you is now our property too. You have to move yourself and the
five children into those two rooms of the house, because others are moving
in here with you."

The lesson learned from this discussion, is a lesson most Americans refuse
to hear. Political leaders can lie about their agenda and once in office,
they can take totally unexpected turns.

If you had asked us three years ago if we thought General Motors or Chrysler
would be nationalized, we would have never believed it. We could never
contemplate a country where the rule of law, the most fundamental building
block of a justice society...would be evaporating, just like it did in
Castro's Cuba in the early 1960's.

But the news of injustice keeps increasing: Black Panthers are not charged
with wrong doing by the U.S. Department of Justice...because their crimes
are against whites; The bond holders of GM are stripped of their
assets...without being given due process by the government; Car Dealerships
are closed with out due process; Governmental leaders are bribed in full
daylight...only to have all investigation of the crimes the
Attorney General; The U.S. borders are over run with crime and illegal
activity, and the leaders in D.C. act as if it is important to protect the
lawbreakers...while the innocent are killed and over run; when local
communities attempt to enforce the law, they are ridiculed...and threatened
as racists and bigots. They are sued by the very administration entrusted
with enforcing the law.

Without the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution is a sham!! Without the rule
of law, our beloved America is swiftly becoming a country where only the well
connected and politically powerful will be safe. As an author recently and
so eloquently explained in her most recent book..."a culture of corruption
has replaced honest government" (Michelle Malkin).

The only way this problem will be fixed, is by massive citizen action. All
honest citizens that want to be treated equally, must come together...and
demand that the favoritism, the bribes, the uneven enforcement of law...end
now!! And yes, it can happen if we all pull together.

PLEASE SEND THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!! **** ============================= I JUST DID !!!!

And...may God save the United States of America!

...the very least you can do is forward this email. 6 million plus Jews
didn't believe it could happen in Germany either!!! If you're a Christian in
these United States of America, you're probably next on the list. History
bears that out.

The real problem here is, the boy from Cuba did manage to make it to the
U.S. Today he and we will not have any place to escape to...except death!

And, for the most part..even though I'm forwarding this to you, probably
less then 10 will even read it completely, let alone forward on to others.




James Murdoch
James Murdoch has stepped down as executive chairman of News International, the British arm of News Corp., the company announced Wednesday. Murdoch, who was once seen as the heir apparent to his father Rupert at the head of News Corp., has now lost a key position within the company.
News Corp. cast the move as stemming from James' recent relocation to New York from London, and Rupert Murdoch said his son would "continue to assume a variety of essential corporate leadership mandates." He will also remain as the deputy COO of News Corp. But the reshuffling will be widely seen as a reflection of James' deeply diminished stature following wave after wave of damaging allegations about his complicity in News Corp.'s still-simmering phone hacking scandal. That scandal has mushroomed into a full-blown nightmare for the company, with the persistent threat of serious prosecution hanging in the air.
James has long denied having any knowledge of the widespread nature of phone hacking within the News of the World tabloid. But a series of testimonies and released documents have put him ever-closer to a crucial 2008 meeting in which the former editor and legal director of the paper have sworn he was informed that criminality had been out of control within the organization.
James was even sent a memo detailing the extent of phone hacking within the NOTW, but has stated he did not scroll down enough on his BlackBerry to read it.
As the allegations mounted against him, James' stock within News Corp. plummeted. Whereas it had been assumed that he was the natural successor to his father, Rupert Murdoch began stressing the power and influence of his COO, Chase Carey. Independent shareholders also voted, by a large margin, to oust him from the News Corp. board. In August, sources told Reuters that there was talk within News Corp. of James taking a "breather" from his top executive duties.
James' departure leaves News International — once the key building block in Rupert Murdoch's media empire, and still a wing of his company he treasures deeply — without any member of the Murdoch family involved on its masthead. It also maintains News International's status as the most troubled, and trouble-making, part of News Corp. In the last year, the subsidiary has become a gloomy focal point for the company, even as overall News Corp. revenues have hummed along.
Moreover, the misery shows no signs of stopping; just this week, dramatic new details about the levels of bribery at Murdoch's Sun newspaper have rocked the British media.
n Tuesday, Carey told a banking conference that there was an "awareness" that the publishing wing of News Corp. was depressing the company's stock price, and admitted that there have been discussions about spinning it off entirely.
News Corp.'s stock price rose steadily on Wednesday following the announcement about James Murdoch.
The full statement from News Corp.:
News Corporation today announced that, following his relocation to the company's headquarters in New York, James Murdoch, deputy chief operating officer, has relinquished his position as executive chairman of News International, its UK publishing unit. Tom Mockridge, chief executive officer of News International, will continue in his post and will report to News Corporation president and COO Chase Carey.
"We are all grateful for James' leadership at News International and across Europe and Asia, where he has made lasting contributions to the group's strategy in paid digital content and its efforts to improve and enhance governance programs," said Rupert Murdoch, chairman and chief executive officer, News Corporation. "He has demonstrated leadership and continues to create great value at Star TV, Sky Deutschland, Sky Italia, and BSkyB. Now that he has moved to New York, James will continue to assume a variety of essential corporate leadership mandates, with particular focus on important pay-TV businesses and broader international operations."
"I deeply appreciate the dedication of my many talented colleagues at News International who work tirelessly to inform the public and am confident about the tremendous momentum we have achieved under the leadership of my father and Tom Mockridge," said James Murdoch. "With the successful launch of the Sun on Sunday and new business practices in place across all titles, News International is now in a strong position to build on its successes in the future. As deputy chief operating Officer, I look forward to expanding my commitment to News Corporation's international television businesses and other key initiatives across the company."

Geithner Is A Criminal! So How Is It He COULD Face Criminal Charges?


THRIVE Live Interview Today with Alex Jones

Dear Thrive Movement,

I have been invited to do a LIVE interview on the Alex Jones show that will be aired TODAY at 10am PST and it will also be rebroadcast throughout the day.  

We will be having an in-depth conversation about what THRIVE means for humanity, the impact it is having already and next steps for solutions to our critical predicament.

Please check it out here.

Foster, Kimberly, and THRIVE team

PS - Thanks for forwarding this email to your social networks.

I suggest you catch this live now or repeated after 3:00 PM our time.

Foster and
Kimberly Gamble
On the Wednesday, February 29 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Foster and Kimberly Gamble about Thrive, their two-hour long documentary that explores the “global consolidation of money and power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, Thrive offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.” Thrive is now available at the Infowars Store. Alex also covers the news and talks about his latest documentary that definitively declares war against the attempts to control the population through a fear of false dangers.

Listen nowListen Now    Windows MediaWindows Media    PodcastPodcast

Should Christians respect Obama?

 Subject: Should Christians respect Obama?

 on Dr. Charles Stanley's program "In Touch" as a guest speaker.  Forward or's your choice.

 Dr. David Barton ismore of a historian than a Biblical speaker, but very famous for his knowledge of historical facts as well as Biblical truths.

Dr. David Barton - on Obama

Respect the
Office?  Yes.
Respect the Man in the Office?  No, I am sorry to say.

I have noted that many elected officials, both Democrats and Republicans, called upon America to unite behind Obama.

Well, I want to make it clear to all who will listen that I AM NOT uniting behind Obama !

I will respect the Office which he holds, and I will acknowledge his abilities as an orator and wordsmith and pray for him, BUT that is it.

I have begun today to see what I can do to make sure that he is a one-term President !

Why am I doing this ?
It is because:

- I do not share Obama's vision or value system for America ;
- I do not share his Abortion beliefs;
- I do not share his radical Marxist's concept of re-distributing wealth;
- I do not share his stated views on raising taxes on those who make
$150,000+ (the ceiling has been changed three times since August);
- I do not share his view that America is Arrogant;
- I do not share his view that America is not a Christian Nation;
- I do not share his view that the military should be reduced by 25%;
- I do not share his view of amnesty and giving more to illegals than our American Citizens who need help;
- I do not share his views on homosexuality and his definition of marriage;
- I do not share his views that Radical Islam is our friend and Israel is our enemy who should give up any land;
- I do not share his spiritual beliefs (at least the ones he has made public);
- I do not share his
beliefs on how to re-work the healthcare system in America ;
- I do not share his Strategic views of the Middle East ; and
- I certainly do not share his plan to sit down with terrorist regimes such as Iran ..

Bottom line: my America is vastly different from Obama's, and I have a higher obligation to my Country and my GOD to do what is Right !

For eight (8) years, the Liberals in our Society, led by numerous entertainers who would have no platform and no real credibility but for their celebrity status, have attacked President Bush, his family, and his spiritual beliefs !

They have not moved toward the center in their beliefs and their philosophies, and they never came together nor compromised their personal beliefs for the betterment of our Country!
They have portrayed my America as a land where everything is tolerated except being intolerant !

They have been a vocal and irreverent minority for years !

They have mocked and attacked the very core values so important to the founding and growth of our Country !

They have made every effort to remove the name of GOD or Jesus Christ from our Society !
They have challenged capital punishment, the right to

bear firearms, and the most basic principles of our criminal code !
They have attacked one of the most fundamental of all Freedoms, the right of free speech !

Unite behind Obama?  Never ! ! !
I am sure many of you who read this think that I am going overboard, but I refuse to retreat one more inch in favor of those whom I believe are the embodiment of Evil!

PRESIDENT BUSH made many mistakes during his

Presidency, and I am not sure how history will judge him.
 However, I believe that he weighed his decisions in light of the long established Judeo-Christian principles of our Founding Fathers!!!

Majority rules in America , and I will honor the concept; however, I will fight with all of my power to be a voice in opposition to Obama and his "goals for America ."

I am going to be a thorn in the side of those who, if left unchecked, will destroy our Country ! !
 Any more compromise is more defeat !
I pray that the results of this election will wake up many who have sat on the sidelines and allowed the Socialist-Marxist anti-GOD crowd to slowly change so much of what has been good in America !
"Error of Opinion may be tolerated where Reason is left free to combat it." - Thomas Jefferson
GOD bless you and GOD bless our Country ! ! !

(Please, please, please, pass this on if you agree. If you don't agree, just delete it.)
Thanks for your time, be safe. 
"In GOD We Trust"