Monday, March 5, 2012

Oreos Celebrate The Cookie's 100th Year

Birthday Cake Oreos Celebrate The Cookie's 100th Year (And Are Tasty!)

Posted: 02/15/2012 4:10 pm
Oreo cookies are celebrating their 100th year ; the official birthday is March 6, 2012. In honor of the occasion, Nabisco has debuted a limited edition Oreo flavor: Birthday Cake Oreos. The cookies look like standard Oreos, except the white frosting has flecks of rainbow sprinkles inside (think Funfetti).
HuffPost Food was pretty excited about the treat -- after all, only horrible people don't like birthday cake. We were not disappointed. As soon as we opened the package, there was a familiar (and potent) smell that was reminiscent of a supermarket bakery aisle, but in a pleasant, albeit slightly overpowering, way.
The strong vanilla aroma led to a largely favorable taste experience. "It essentially just tastes like someone slathered an Oreo with vanilla frosting out of a can. And I love it," said one fan. Another remarked that although the cookie bordered on the treacly, the birthday cake flavor was "subtle, accurate and pleasurable." This Oreo-animal cookie hybrid prompted one to say that he would choose birthday cake Oreos over regular Oreos "nine times out of 10."
Everyone agreed that the intense sweetness prevented people from eating too many, though that didn't stop several of our dozen or so tasters from requesting a second cookie.
Birthday cake Oreos started rolling out nationally last week, and will likely be on shelves for about six to eight weeks. Two cookies have 140 calories and 6 grams of fat.

Federal Reserve Banker Fraud Exposed In The Mainstream

It Feels Like Something Big is Going to Happen

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

It Feels Like Something Big is Going to Happen
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 5-Mar-2012 07:40:16

By Chris Bourne
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World
A defining moment in the history of humanity?
I’m hearing from lots of people around the world that you’re feeling something ‘big’ is going to happen. It seems we’re all tuning in to a time of pretty major upheaval at some point in the not-too-distant future. It’s no surprise, such times have been foretold frequently enough and there’s a great deal of uncertainty right now in world affairs. It feels like the energy is moving in a direction of radical change. I feel that a major ‘event’ is going to happen, to cause people to look up from the pavement, through the flashing neon-lighted concrete and steel, directly into the ‘heavens above’. It feels like something defining is needed to shake humanity to its very core. And if that’s true, which certainly feels the case to me, then by the Law of Attraction, we’re bound to draw that kind of event to us.

$28 billion health fund backed by Bill Gates and Bono is investigated for fraud

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

$28 billion health fund backed by Bill Gates and Bono is investigated for fraud
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 5-Mar-2012 07:36:07

$28 billion health fund backed by Bill Gates and Bono is investigated for fraud

A multi billion dollar global health fund backed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is being probed for widespread fraud after it emerged grant money to developing countries had been ‘eaten up by corruption.’The Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), which distributes $28 billion in aid, found that two-thirds of the money from some grants had been stolen or misused by recipient countries.

Dinar Valuations Site

Good site referred by a reader for following Forex Trading with the Dinars.

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 5, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 5, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 5-Mar-2012 03:15:04

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 5, 2012
The good news about the changes cannot be held back for much longer, as it will be seen as too important for the whole world not to share the knowledge. The Internet is alive with information, and more people than ever are coming forward. After months and years of preparation, a sudden push has started a whole series of arrests and resignations, that is sending fear through the ranks of the dark Ones. Having felt that they were safe and beyond reproach, they are shocked to find that they are now vulnerable. There will be no let up until the Illuminati are removed from their positions of power, and that is proceeding with all speed. It is enabling other missions to also move faster, and the way is being opened for the governmental changes to be lined up. It is all part of the continuing collapse of the old system, and no matter what is done to prop it up it will never be the same again.
You Dear Ones have achieved a most remarkable victory, inasmuch that using the power of thought you have brought the energy into being that has fulfilled them. You have sent out powerful prayers and thoughts calling for an end to the wars that have continually brought countries to their knees. Wars that have killed millions and caused widespread destruction. You let it be known that you have had enough of the violation of Mother Earth, and decimation of the Human Race. With love in your hearts you have caused the changes to come about, and it shows that when you strongly focus on what you want, it is possible to bring about its manifestation.
Indeed, it is you who have overcome extreme obstacles, that not long ago looked as if they would engulf you and take away your freedom. You have brought the Light and Love back to Earth, and it has become so strong that it has fired the grids around it. Now it acts as your protection, and is your guarantee of a successful conclusion to your journey through duality. Never forget how powerful you are, and by keeping your sights on what it is you desire to create you will do so. In the future you will reach a stage when you will experience creation instantaneously. However, by then you will have reached a higher dimension and your thoughts will only center upon all that is pure. As individuals you may not be so aware of your present creative powers, but as the Human Race it is you who are continually creating and re-creating your reality. With nothing else but the energy of love, you have overcome all that the dark Ones have done to keep you in their control.
You are in transition throwing off the energies that will have no place in your future, and are rising up out of the morass of the old vibrations that have held back. Now you can feel the beautiful energy that is replacing them, and it is carrying you along on a tidal wave of happiness. Not only will you gain your freedom, but be free to enjoy all of God's gifts as it was originally intended. Everything in its perfect state will be enjoyed and appreciated, and understood to be part of the whole. All will interact in a joyous harmony that will seem to last for an eternity. It is what you will come to recognize as your true home and state of being.
At times when you bring your consciousness back to Earth it seems cold and unwelcoming, but your time is nearly up and you can begin to relax. You are now so close to leaving duality behind, after nearly having been pulled into the depths of the darkness that has existed upon Earth. It is quite an achievement to have gone through it safely, and as you might say "come out of the other end" Now that your level of consciousness has grown, your thoughts and feelings will be centered more on all that is in balance and harmony. That will allow lesser ones to fade away, and in time they will be completely forgotten. However, you are soon to learn the truth of how you have been mislead and misused for millennia of time. Your thoughts will be occupied for a time pondering the reasons, but you will soon forget those periods in your lives.
The acknowledgement of us and our craft continues to grow, and additional proof is hardly required except for those who remain sceptics. Our involvement in your evolution is also being acknowledged, and it makes disclosure the final piece in the jigsaw of life. That will have to come so as to allow our relationship with you to blossom. We have much to do together, but beyond individual contact we cannot do more until we get official recognition. Then things will really take off and our presence will become quite commonplace. We look forward to those days that will be exciting and fulfilling. The secrets of space will open up to you, and many of you shall join us for wonderful trips in your solar system. You are after all every bit as much Space Beings as we are, except you have been led to believe otherwise.
As your Space technology has leapt forward and the horizons pushed further afield, so your understanding of other worlds has opened up and the possibility of endless life forms has grown. You have outlived the idea that you were the only intelligent life in your part of the Universe. Quite correctly you are beginning to believe that it is in fact teeming with life, and you have yet to include the other dimensions. As many of you know much of our space travels are through inter-dimensional black holes, and that is why distance presents no problems to us. For some that idea has not been accepted, but that will change when we appear to you on Earth. In time you will become familiar with our faces that are very human in appearance, as we have much to do in addressing you on many subjects.
A few weeks in your present time will see so much transpire that you will need to be alert, and we of the Galactic Federation are in the forefront of it. We work very closely with our allies, who have been very successful of late in speeding up the action. We do have targets for concluding each part of our activities, and we hope to make substantial progress over the next two months. At least you are now aware of our successes, and know what has now begun is leading to the eventual end of the Illuminati.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased to share these moments with you.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Iraqi Dinar, recently being said: ...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Iraqi Dinar, recently being said: ...
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 5-Mar-2012 03:39:41

Hi, Folks -
Found at


3-4-2012 Guru BWM do I think it could happen tonight...YES absolutely...the information is all's down to semantics and who get's the last touch on the "button" at this point just show.




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Prior to his passing, Andrew Breitbart said that the mission of the Breitbart empire was to exemplify the free and fearless press that our Constitution protects--but which, increasingly, the mainstream media denies us.

“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” – “Who guards the guardians?” Andrew saw himself in that role—as a guardian protecting Americans from the left’s “objective” loyal scribes. 
Andrew wanted to do what the mainstream media would not. First and foremost: Andrew pledged to vet President Barack H. Obama.

Andrew did not want to re-litigate the 2008 election. Nor did he want to let Republicans off the hook. Instead, he wanted to show that the media had failed in its most basic duty: to uncover the truth, and hold those in power accountable, regardless of party.

From today through Election Day, November 6, 2012, we will vet this president--and his rivals.

We begin with a column Andrew wrote last week in preparation for today’s Big relaunch--a story that should swing the first hammer against the glass wall the mainstream media has built around Barack Obama.

In The Audacity of Hope, Barack Obama claims that he worried after 9/11 that his name, so similar to that of Osama bin Laden, might harm his political career.

But Obama was not always so worried about misspellings and radical resemblances. He may even have cultivated them as he cast himself as Chicago’s radical champion.

In 1998, a small Chicago theater company staged a play titled The Love Song of Saul Alinsky, dedicated to the life and politics of the radical community organizer whose methods Obama had practiced and taught on Chicago’s South Side.

Obama was not only in the audience, but also took the stage after one performance, participating in a panel discussion that was advertised in the poster for the play.

Recently, veteran Chicago journalist Michael Miner mocked emerging conservative curiosity about the play, along with enduring suspicions about the links between Alinsky and Obama. Writing in the Chicago Reader, Miner described the poster:
Let's take a look at this poster.
It's red—and that right there, like the darkening water that swirls down Janet Leigh's drain [in Psycho’s famous shower scene], is plenty suggestive. It touts a play called The Love Song of Saul Alinsky, Alinsky being the notorious community organizer from Chicago who wrote books with titles like Reveille for Radicals and Rules for Radicals. On it, fists are raised—meaning insurrection is in the air.
And down at the very bottom, crawling across the poster in small print, it mentions the panel discussions that will follow the Sunday performances. The panelists are that era's usual "progressive" suspects: Leon Despres, Monsignor Jack Egan, Studs Terkel . . .
And state senator Barack Obama.
Miner obscured the truth. His article only reveals only a small portion of the poster. Here’s the whole poster:
And here’s the press release:
Press Release

So, what’s in the play? It truly is a love song to Alinsky. In the first few minutes of the play, Alinsky plays Moses – yes, the Biblical Moses – talking to God. The play glorifies Alinsky stealing food from restaurants and organizing others to do the same, explaining, “I saw it as a practical use of social ecology: you had members of the intellectual community, the hope of the future, eating regularly for six months, staying alive till they could make their contributions to society.”

In an introspective moment, Alinsky rips America: “My country … ‘tis of whatthehell / And justice up a tree … How much can you sell / What’s in it for me.” He grins about manipulating the Christian community to back his programs. He talks in glowing terms about engaging in Chicago politics with former Mayor Kelly. He rips the McCarthy committee, mocking, “Everyone was there, when you think back – Cotton Mather, Hester Prynn, Anne Hutchinson, Tom Paine, Tom Jefferson … Brandeis, Holmes … Gene Debs and the socialists … Huey Long … Imperial Wizards of all stripes … Father Coughlin and his money machine … Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd … and a kicking chorus of sterilized reactionaries singing O Come, All Ye Faithful …”

And Alinsky talks about being the first occupier – shutting down the O’Hare Airport by occupying all the toilet stalls, using chewing gum to “tie up the city, stop all traffic, and the shopping, in the Loop, and let everyone at City Hall know attention must be paid, and maybe we should talk about it.” As Alinsky says, “Students of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your juicy fruit.”

The play finishes with Alinsky announcing he’d rather go to Hell than Heaven. Why? “More comfortable there. You see, all my life I’ve been with the Have-Nots: here you’re a Have-Not if you’re short of money, there you’re a Have-Not if you’re short of virtue. I’d be asking more questions, organizing them. They’re my kind of people – Hell would be Heaven for me.”

That’s The Love Song of Saul Alinsky. It’s radical leftist stuff, and it revels in its radical leftism.

And that’s Barack Obama, our president, on the poster.

This is who Barack Obama was. This was before Barack Obama ran for Congress in 2000—challenging former Black Panther Bobby L. Rush from the left in a daring but unsuccessful bid.

This was also the period just before Barack Obama served with Bill Ayers, from 1999 through 2002 on the board of the Woods Foundation. They gave capital to support the Midwest Academy, a leftist training institute steeped in the doctrines of -- you guessed it! -- Saul Alinsky, and whose alumni now dominate the Obama administration and its top political allies inside and out of Congress. 

Stanley Kurtz, author of Radical-in-Chief
, described the Midwest Academy as a "crypto-socialist organization.” Yet almost no one has heard of Midwest Academy, because the media does not want you to know that the president is a radical's radical whose presidency itself is a love song to a socialist "community organizer."

The reason Newt Gingrich surged in the Republican primary contest in January is that he was attempting to do the press's job by finding out who the current occupant of the White House actually is. Millions also want to know, but the mainstream media is clearly not planning to vet the President anytime soon. Quite the opposite.

For example, Miner tries to turn Obama’s appearance on the Alinsky panel into a plus for the president:
Obama was on the panel that talked about Alinsky the last Sunday of the play's run at the Blue Rider Theatre in Pilsen. Neither Pam Dickler, who directed the Terrapin Theatre production, nor Gary Houston, who played Alinsky, can remember a word Obama said. But he impressed them. "You never would have known he was a politician," says Dickler. "He never said anything at all about himself. He came alone, watched the play, and during the panel discussion was entirely on point and brilliant. That evening I called my father, who's a political junkie, and told him to watch out for this man, he's going places." Houston was just as taken by Obama—though he remembers him arriving in a group.
But is it a good thing to impress the sort of people who show up to laud The Love Song of Saul Alinsky? Here are the other members of the Obama panel:

Leon Despres: Despres knew Saul Alinsky for nearly 50 years, and together they established the modern concept of “community organizing.” Despres worked with secret Communist and Soviet spy Lee Pressman to support strikers at Republic Steel in Chicago in 1937; the strike ended in tragedy when 14 rioting strikers were killed and many wounded in a hail of police bullets.  Despres worked with another Communist Party front, the Chicago Civil Liberties Committee, but eventually left because of the “Stalinism” of its leaders.

Also in 1937, Despres and his wife delivered a suitcase of “clothing” to Leon Trotsky, then hiding out from Stalin’s assassins in Mexico City. Despres and his wife not only met with the exiled Russian Communist, but Despres’s wife sat for a portrait with Trotsky pal and Marxist muralist Diego Rivera while Leon took Rivera’s wife Frida Kahlo to the movies.

Quentin Young: From 1970 until at least 1992, Quentin Young was active in the Communist Party front organization, the Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights – a group dedicated to outlawing government surveillance of radical organizations.  He was also a member of the Young Communist League. Young, a confidante and physician to Barack Obama, is credited with having heavily influenced the President’s views on healthcare policy.
Timuel Black: An icon of the Chicago left, Black was originally denied officer training because military intelligence claimed he had secretly joined the Communist Party. Black also worked closely with the Socialist Party in the 1950s, becoming president of the local chapter of the Negro American Labor Council, a organization founded by Socialist Party leader A. Phillip Randolph.

In the early ‘60s Black was a leader of the Hyde Park Community Peace Center, where he worked alongside former radical Trotskyist Sydney Lens and the aforementioned Communist Dr. Quentin Young.  Black served as a contributing editor to the Hyde Park/Kenwood Voices, a newspaper run by Communist Party member David S. Canter. By 1970, Timuel Black was serving on the advisory council of the Communist Party controlled Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights.

Timuel Black says he has been friends with domestic terrorists William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, “going back to 1968, since long before I knew Barack.” In April 2002, Black, Dohrn and Democratic Socialists of America member Richard Rorty spoke together on a panel entitled “Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?” The panel was the first of two in a public gathering jointly sponsored by The Center for Public Intellectuals and the University of Illinois, Chicago. Bill Ayers and Barack Obama spoke together on in the second panel at that gathering. Communist academic Harold Rogers chaired Timuel Black’s unsuccessful campaign for Illinois State Representative.

Studs Terkel: A sponsor of the Scientific and Cultural Conference for World Peace in 1949, which was arranged by a Communist Party USA front organization known as the National Council of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions.

Roberta Lynch: A leading member of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and a leader of the radical Marxist New American Movement (NAM).

Are we expected to believe that “Baraka Obama” was a countervailing voice of reason on a panel of radicals?

The reason that Obama's Alinskyite past, and his many appearances in political photography and video from the 1990s, are conspicuously missing from the national dialogue is that State Senator Barack Obama's reinvention as a reasonable and moderate Democratic politician could not withstand scrutiny of his political life.

Because the mainstream media did not explore his roots, the American public remains largely ignorant of the degree to which Obama’s work with ACORN and his love of Alinsky were symbolic of his true political will.

If any of the candidates can resist the media, and parlay Newt’s strategy into a nomination, we’ll have the choice between an imperfect but well-known Republican and the real “Baraka” Obama, not the manufactured one the media prefers.