Monday, March 5, 2012

Oh Canada! Ponzi Land Travels North of the Borde


Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion-friendly U. S. media covers up
Oh Canada! Ponzi Land Travels North of the Border
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

Sunday March 4, 2012
Toronto-Dominion Bank - Toronto-Dominion Bank | Handout
(above top) libertystickers. com, (L) Toronto-Dominion Bank handout, (R) financeologist. com

UNITED STATES of Ameria - Today we are going to provide an update on the biggest bank robbery (aka the privately ownedU.S. Federal Reserve's back door bail out of the European Central Bank) since the Brink's heist.

Let's refresh your memory, folks.
It was on the Martin Luther King holiday (when there are no records of banking transaction kept) that the privately ownedU.S. Federal Reserve issued a major line of credit to the Dominion Bank of Toronto, Canada.

Note: The Dominion Bank of Toronto, Canada was not closed for the American holiday and, accordingly, was able to receive this illegal electronic credit aka a form of a credit default swap to their call account.

The electronic credit, which involved a significant amount of U.S. currency (50% counterfeit), was quickly converted by the Dominion Bank into Canadian dollars. cp24. com
Note: Both current alleged U.S. pResident Barak Hussein Obama-Soetoro and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper received a large set aside commission on a transaction, which effectively LOOTED the U.S. and Canadian Treasuries aka the U.S. and Canadian Taxpayers.

Almost immediately the Dominion Bank wrote put options on the March euro currency futures contract utilizing the unregulated London LIFFE Exchange to clear the derivative transaction.

These written put options on the euro currency was a bet that the euro currency would not decline in value and that the options would expire worthless on 03-09-12, the same day, coincidentally, that the first installment of euro collateralization of the Greek bail out agreement was to be signed off and collateralized by the IMF (International Monetary Fund).

Note: Remember, folks, in Ponzi Land there is no coincidence.

It is clear now that these illegal, bogus compounded, cross-collateralized derivatives issued by the Dominion Bank of Toronto, Canada were to be used to cement the 2nd Greek-ECB bail out while simultaneously protecting the major creditors tied to the bail out agreement aka Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank and the Royal Bank of Canada.
IMF President Christine Lagarde
idiva. com image courtesy Reuters
At this hour we can divulge that IMF President Christine Lagarde has informed the European Central Bank (ECB) and the ISDA (International Swaps and Derivatives Association) that the IMF will not authorize the bogus derivatives as collateral to be used on March 9th to bail out Greece for a second time.

P.S. Now it gets worse. This latest financial ponzi scheme (criminal money laundry) dovetails to the latest crooked decision by the rogue ISDA to cancel the insurance aka the put options bought by major hedge funds that were placed to protect their investors against a Greek default and, accordingly, the debt exposure of the aforementioned Greek creditors aka the worldwide banking financial terrorist cabal.

Definition: The purchase of an option is a simple derivative bet that the underlying futures contract will decline in value and make the put option worth x amount of dollars while the actual sell of an option (writing a derivative) is a futures contract subjecting the option writer to the full margin requirements of the exchange on which the futures contract is traded.

So you see that the legitimate trade made by the hedge funds entail a lot less risk than the illegitimate, illegal trades instigated in the Dominion Bank of Toronto, Canada.

Accordingly, it is no surprise that IMF President Christine Lagarde wants nothing to do with this crap and is saying "Non!"

In other words, folks, what the crooked ISDA is trying to say is that the illegal bogus derivative trades instigated in the Dominion Bank of Toronto, which are designed to bail out the European Central Bank (ECB), are legal, while the perfectly legitimate put options purchased by worldwide hedge funds, which were designed to protect their investors against the massive debt of these criminal worldwide banking institutions, are not!

This reminds me of the MF Global-JP Morgan money laundry fiasco. This is total bullshit!

P.P.S. All out financial WWIII is about to break out between the banks and the hedge funds.

We can now divulge that the insurance that was being purchased by the hedge funds from the banks was then used by the banks to create more cross-collateralized derivatives to artificially drive up the prices of U.S. stock index futures, euro currency futures, and the price of unleaded gasoline future contracts.

What these criminal banks have done is launder the premiums that the banks received from the hedge funds, and use the proceeds to drive up the price of the euro currency, stock index and energy future markets.

Now these banks want to suddenly complete another money laundry while canceling the legitimate trades made by the hedge funds so that they can continue to rig the world financial markets.

So, where is the CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission), the NFA (National Futures Association) and the SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) while all of this is going on? They are busy engaging in illegalwiretapping of ma and pa brokerage firms that are a threat to the criminal banking cabal that these alleged financial regulators are controlled by.

We also want to mention that a massive cover up continues in the MF Global-JP Morgan money laundry.

The current U.S. Attorney in Chicago, Patrick Fitzgerald, is busy subpoenaing records from the CME Group that no longer exist given that the $1.8 billion of customer segregated accounts of MF Global were illegally electronically laundered through the unregulated London LIFFE Exchange, which does not keep records of derivative transactions.

Fitzgerald should concentrate more on subpoenaing records of the CFTC and the NFA, which signed off on the MF Global audit and allowed JP Morgan to directly loot and launder the MF Global funds.

Instead, we hear that Fitzgerald is not investigating anything but is busy with colleagues at a private law firm in Chicago, Skadden Arps, in an attempt to negotiate, and get this, folks, a CME buy out of the London LIFFE Exchange.

That is called a massive obstruction of justice! 

Informed sources also tell us that executive officers of the CFTC, in concert with JP Morgan and its CEO Jamie Dimon, directly threatened the CME Group on the day MF Global declared bankruptcy in reference to allowing the massive JP Morgan money laundry to be completed.

Reference: There are tape recorded conversations of these threats currently in possession of U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald.

Now we hear the same forces are threatening the hedge funds!

P.P.P.S. Direct message to criminal banking cabal: Is the IMF and Christine Lagarde about to issue all of you a massive margin call?

Russian President Vladimir Putin re-elected
themoscowtimes. com
In closing, we would like to congratulate the re-election of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who at this hour is a REAL friend of the American People as he works to continue in his effort to solidify the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols that will put $1.75 TRILLION back into the U.S. Treasury.

Accordingly, the phrase of the day is as follows:

To quote Sir Lawrence Olivier from the famous BBC Thames production The World At War

"and the Nazi German gangster soldier dies every seven seconds inside the Stalingrad pocket, tick, tick, tick."

The Enemy Within
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murder is less to fear Cicero Marcus Tullius

Tom Heneghan EXPLOSIVE Intelligence Briefings
International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.

Health - Foods Everyone Should Be Eating

Foods Everyone Should Be Eating

by Dr. David Williams
Filed Under:General Health, Diet

Add these top foods to your diet for optimum health

There are many foods you could be eating to enhance your overall health and well-being. I won't go into every one of them, but I will mention a few that I include in my daily diet and have recommended for years. You'll see some significant improvements in your health over time if you incorporate even a few of these into your regular routine.
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Flaxseed is a wonderful vegetarian source of omega-3 fatty acids, and is the richest food source of a substance called lignans—compounds that give flax its cancer-fighting ability. Once ingested, plant lignans can be converted by your intestinal bacteria into mammalian lignans, which have a chemical structure that blocks estrogen activity. Soy and the anticancer drug tamoxifen work in much the same way.
Flaxseed can make other contributions to your health. It's beneficial in the treatment of high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, and atherosclerosis (clogging of the arteries). Flaxseed has also been one of the premier constipation treatments for centuries.
Whole flaxseeds are inexpensive, and grinding them is the best way to enjoy all the benefits of flax because if the seeds aren't crushed, ground, or broken, they will pass straight through your system intact. Grind the seeds just prior to using them. Finally, because of flaxseeds' gum-like quality, be sure to drink plenty of water with your ground flax.
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Raw Nuts

Nuts are one of nature’s best-kept secrets. Research has shown over and over that simply by eating nuts, you can improve your cholesterol and triglyceride levels, significantly reduce your risk of heart disease, and lose weight. Many of their benefits come from their rich essential fatty acid (EFA) content, particularly the omega-6 fatty acids and the omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acids.
Another benefit of whole nuts is that they release oils in a way that makes them behave differently than oils that have been extracted. When whole nuts are consumed, the oil from the nut enters the bloodstream more slowly, peaks about an hour later, and is rapidly flushed out of the bloodstream. This beneficial characteristic is important, because the longer digested fat circulates in the bloodstream, the greater the risk of developing heart disease. Nuts are like "time release" pills of beneficial fatty acids, which helps explain how adding nuts to your regular diet can help lower cholesterol levels.
Nuts are also one of the best sources for natural vitamin E, and a relatively good source for minerals like magnesium and potassium. They also contain the amino acid arginine, which the body uses to make nitric oxide. Nitric oxide improves blood flow to the heart muscle in times of low oxygen levels and also acts as a powerful antioxidant.
Stock up on healthy raw nuts like walnuts, pecans, almonds, hazelnuts, and Brazil nuts. To obtain good results, you need roughly 3 ounces of nuts a day—though less can still be helpful. A handful weighs roughly 1 ounce. Make sure you are also getting adequate amounts of omega-3 in the form of fresh-ground flaxseed or fish oil each day to counterbalance the omega-6 fats in the nuts. The ideal balance of omega-6s to omega-3s is around 3:1 or 4:1.
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Sulfur-Containing Foods

Sulfur has strong antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Winemakers use it to selectively rid wines of certain bacteria, and at the turn of the 20th century, mothers used a little sulfur and molasses each spring as the standard tonic. It was also used as a laxative, and as a remedy for a long list of health problems. But with the arrival of prescription medications, the use of plain elemental sulfur for human complaints took a back seat.
Your body requires 850 mg of sulfur each day for normal activities. Most of the intake comes from the amino acids cysteine, cystine, taurine, and methionine. L-cysteine is a very effective antioxidant, and like taurine and methionine, much of its strength appears to be related to its sulfur content.
Egg yolks are probably one of the best food sources of sulfur, and if you still eat eggs (and I hope you do; they're close to being the perfect food), two a day will provide enough sulfur for your body's needs.
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Green Tea

Green tea leaves are processed with either steam or dry heat, and are not allowed to ferment. Black tea, on the other hand, undergoes fermentation to strengthen its flavor. Fermentation destroys practically all of the epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the substance in green tea that gives it so many of its health benefits.
EGCG has insulin-enhancing properties—and the more efficient insulin is, the less your pancreas has to produce. EGCG also has anticancer and fat-burning properties. Studies have shown that green tea can help treat and prevent a number of health conditions, including acne, prostate enlargement, reproductive and other various cancers, and osteoarthritis. Drinking green tea has also been found to boost your immune system so it is better prepared to fight off infections.
By the way, don't add milk, non-dairy creamer, or soy milk to your tea, because they lessen the insulin-enhancing effect of EGCG. Lemon juice is okay.
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Healthy Oils

I'm always asked what are the best oils to use for eating and cooking. Here are some guidelines and suggestions to help you sort out the many options available.

For Making Salad Dressing, Use Olive Oil

To ensure that the olive oil you use is of top quality, check the label to make sure it is certified organic extra virgin olive oil. Olive oil contains the monounsaturated fat, oleic acid. Studies have shown it actually lowers blood cholesterol levels. Flaxseed oil can also be used for salads. Flaxseed oil is one of the omega-3 type oils and is considered to be a super-unsaturated fat; therefore, if not used readily, it has a tendency to break down and become rancid. I recommend disposing of the oil if not used within three months.

For Baking, Go With Canola

Canola is another monounsaturated vegetable oil (also an omega-3 oil), and it comes from a special variety of rapeseed developed in Canada. It has a tendency to lower the "bad" LDL form of cholesterol, while not affecting the blood levels of the so-called "good" HDL cholesterol. Canola oil has little if any taste. This can be an asset when you don't want to alter the taste of the foods you're baking. The only way to ensure that you'll be receiving the healthy benefits of canola oil is to buy unrefined, organic oil.

For Frying, Butter is Best

I shudder to even offer this up, but I know some people are going to continue to fry food regardless of how terrible it is for your health. If you insist on frying something, use a small amount of butter. Being a saturated fat, it is less affected by heat, air, and light. As a result, it doesn't break down as quickly and become toxic. If you’re still the hard-headed type who wants to deep fry something, then either canola or the special high-oleic safflower oil would probably be the best choice. Add either onions or fresh garlic cloves to the oil while it is being heated to the proper temperature and occasionally throughout the cooking period. These have been shown to work as antioxidants and help retard the breakdown of the oil.

Kissinger vows to China: “Jeb Bush Will Be Next President”

If this won't sober you up, you're too far gone......

Kissinger vows to China: “Jeb Bush Will Be Next President”

Here is the report in its entirety, make of it what you will.

What caught my attention, were the mention of the names: 'Kissinger', and 'Bush', plus the 'China connection' of course, appart from the audacity of the claim.

[[ By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A shocking report prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Prime Minister Putin on the just completed meeting between China’s Vice Premier Li Keqiang and former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger states that the Chinese were told that former Florida Governor John Ellis “Jeb” Bush, brother to the former US President and son of another, will be elected as the next American leader despite his currently not even being on the ballot.

Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping met with Jeb Bush [photo top left] yesterday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing where both pledged to advance cooperation between their two countries and, this report says, agreed that once Bush had taken office a ‘new era’ would begin in US-China relations.

According to this report, Kissinger told Keqiang that the Republican Party election process to select their nominee to run against President Obama was “completely manipulated” to ensure that their 2012 Convention would be “deadlocked” thus allowing for Jeb Bush to be nominated as a “consensus candidate” and thus his parties leader.

The path to a deadlocked convention, this report says Kissinger told the Chinese, lies in neither current Republican frontrunners Governor Mitt Romney or Congressman Ron Paul having enough delegates to ensure their nomination on the first ballot after which their supporters will be free to nominate anyone they so choose.

In order to ensure a deadlocked convention, this report continues, Kissinger noted that Romney will obtain his delegates from what are called Primary States while Paul will receive his from those holding caucuses and “open” primaries, with neither of them receiving enough votes to secure their nominations.

Political analysis on the US election do, indeed, note that Paul’s path to the Republican nomination lies in the caucus and open primary States which shows what is called his “secret path to victory.”

To the most shocking aspects of this report are the comments attributed to Kissinger that claim the entire American electoral system is under the control of their National Security Agency (NSA) which controls the computers used in their elections and whose outcome is determined by their elites, not the citizens themselves.

In a dire move bolstering Kissinger’s claim of a rigged US election was yesterdays news that the giant global election firm SCYTL, which describes itself as the ‎worldwide leader in secure electronic voting and electoral modernization, had purchased the United States most dominant election results reporting company thus insuring these people would never have true or total access as to who would actually win any of their elections.

Even worse, this report continues, the purchase by SCYTL of the private corporate site controlled by SOE software, which operates under the name ClarityElections.Com and controls the election results in over 525 US jurisdictions, was its being financed by the global investment giant Carlyle Group that was founded by the Bush and Bin Laden families nearly 25 years ago.

When queried by Chinese officials as to why Obama was allowed to be elected instead of Jeb Bush in the last US election, this report continues, Kissinger replied that the American public was not prepared for a continuation of the Bush-Clinton Dynasties that have, in fact, ruled the United States since the 1981 coup d'état staged against President Ronald Regan after he was nearly assassinated by the son of the then Vice President George H.W. Bush’s main business partner.

Kissinger further stated to the Chinese, this report says, that Obama was a “safe choice” to be an “interim leader” as besides his being a member of the Bush family (Obama is former President George W. Bush’s cousin by blood) his mother, Ann Dunham/Soetoro, was a “prized” CIA asset who was dispatched from Hawaii to Indonesia in 1967, along with seven year-old Barack Obama, to infiltrate villages in Java to carry out a CIA survey of political leanings among the Javanese population and whose “handler” was George H.W. Bush who a few years later became Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Kissinger added, this report says, that by putting Obama in office they were, also, able to secure the passing of draconian new laws in the United States that otherwise wouldn’t have been allowed to pass due to the overwhelming objections of American liberals and progressives, but who now are all but silent as the last vestiges of the US Constitution are being swept away.

Being ignored by these American liberals and progressives, however, are that the laws being passed by the Obama regime are intended to be used against them and include the power of the US President to designate anyone he so chooses as a “terrorist,” kill them without charges or trial, hold American citizens in prison, also without charges or trial, and, under a new law being pushed through the US Congress, would give the US government the power to strip Americans of their citizenship without being convicted of being “hostile” against the United States.

Though the claims made by Kissinger to China detailing how the election process in the United States has now been completely destroyed are beyond appalling, it does not, on the other hand, come as surprising from a “war criminal” who once boasted “It is not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true.”

To the American people themselves it remains to be seen if they will ever awaken to what is true…one can only hope they will, before all is lost…forever.

January 18, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL. ]]
'F.E.A.R.' - is an acronym = 'False Expectations Appearing Rea

Taking off the blindfold

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Taking off the blindfold

I want to explain to everyone what is going on right now all across our planet. This is not going to be an easy task, as much of what I have to say is going to shatter beliefs and the preconceived notions of how our world works, on all levels, and the shock of it might be so profound that many will refuse to believe it. Before I start I want to say something to you all. I am putting this out here for you to read because it's my job to do so. It is the job of everyone who knows what is really going on around us, even if you know only small piece of the puzzle, to tell others and help them take their off their blindfolds. We have a responsibility to our friends and family and neighbours and even the grocer down the street, to help them understand. Even if they don't believe you, you've planted the seed in their minds, and when the massive changes happen, they will be better prepared to understand.

I've been posting articles daily to my friends about the arrests that are taking place and about the massive Banker resignations that are sweeping the world right now. I've been posting these things to sort of warm people up to the truth that's about to be disclosed to the world- a warm up so that when the announcements start to happen , people might not be quite so shocked by it all. As of yesterday there have been 116 banker resignations that we know of and about 90% of them have happened in the last two weeks. And believe me: none of these bankers have suddenly resigned because they have decided to find another job! This is one of the first major signs of what's about to happen.

The absolute first thing that I want to make clear to you is about the media. This is a vital point to understand because it's the basis of most of the problems that are going on right now. Our Mainstream Media (MSM) is NOT telling you the truth. About anything. For many years now, all the MSM has been bought up by 5 people- yes, almost 90% of the global mainstream media is owned by 5 people, (go ahead, look it up!), and they didn't buy it all up just as an investment. The MSM is tighly controlled and they report on only those stories that are allowed, and everything their controllers don't want the public to know is completely blacked out. The media is used to control us, to tell us what to think, to tell us how to feel, and most importantly to manipulate the population into doing what they want. The second most important thing to know is that the MSM is used for "debunking" any truths that do get out and to deny and make fun of any "conspiracy theories" when the truth does get out. When pieces of real facts and truths slip out into the public they immediately do everything in their power to make sure people don't believe it. This is a major propaganda campaign that has been running for decades. Pretty much every single major event in the last 50 years has been spun to make people believe the "official" story. The assinations of JFK and Martin Luther king, the wars in Viet Nam, the Gulf war(s), the cold war, .... there is not enough room here to give a complete list. Sufice to say, if it's labled a "Conspiracy Theory" it's almost guaranteed to be true. (in future posts I will talk about several of these and explain the how and why).

The biggest "conspiracy theory" out there, one that they go to huge lengths to make fun of and to desperately try to debunk is the New World Order/Illuminatti/black hats/dark cabal theories. This is NOT a "theory". It is an absolute truth. Sadly people have been so brainwashed by the MSM that even when these powerful men (and women) openly talk about their "New World Order" people refuse to believe it is real. The media likes to scoff at people like Alex Jones (of and claim that these people are crack pots and delusional, what they don't tell you is that many of these groups have made more predictions that have come true, broken more major news stories, and dug up more information than any other "news" group on the planet. I'm not saying that they are all 100% correct- I don't completely agree with everything that Alex Jones says for example, but groups like his are reporting far more of the truth than anything in the MSM.

An excellent jumping off point to learn more about what is really going on in our world right now, is to watch the movie "Thrive" ( Yes, it was made by Foster Gamble (of Proctor & Gamble), and yes it pisses me off to no end that he is selling this video instead of making it available to the public for free, BUT the information that he brings out in this movie is vitally important for people to understand the who what where when why and how of the undercurrent of our global shadow government and what their goal is. It can be found online occasionally to watch/download for free- if you find it online, I recommend that you download it immediately as it disappears very quickly.

Another excellent piece of information has been launched last month by David Wilcock: "FINANCIAL TYRANNY: Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time" This is a HUGE article and will take you hours to read, but it is one of the most important pieces of information you will ever read in your life. Everything that David reports in this mini book will very soon be made public and the disclosure of these facts will shake the world very deeply. David explains the financial situation we are currently in and fully explains the history of how we got here. This is not a dry economic article that will put you to sleep, trust me!

My friends, we are about to witness a massive change that has never before been seen in our world- both financially, politically, spiritually, and in every aspect of our lives. I have told you about the arrests that are happening all over the world right now- bankers and politicians being the biggest targets. This is happening because over the years several groups of very very informed men and women from the military/pentagon, various 3 letter groups, and secret underground groups from all over the world have banded to gether (with some very special help ) to bring down the twisted deadly empire of the Illuminatti/NWO/dark cabal. These groups have made massive sacrifices to insure that the rest of humanity on this planet will have a chance to be free. They are currently on the cusp of the launching of a new global economic initiative that will end global debt and return us to a comodities based financial system. There are several groups involved and several "Prosperity Packages" that will be launched very very soon. These packages will end global poverty and end the serfdom and slavery that has been imposed on us by a group of greedy men intent of owning and controling everything. One of many important factors of this global economic change over is the Revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar. This was originally planned by Bush as a means to make him and his cronies very very very wealthy, but through his fumbling of the invasion of Iraq (and his stupidity) the news of the revaluation leaked out to the public and now millions of people have invested in buying Iraqi Dinars. Because of this, Bush and the Illuminatti/Dark cabal have done everything in their power to stop the revaluation from happening- having the main stream media call it "A Scam", even creating back doors into the computer systems to steal the money when the new rates go live. THIS is the main reason for the arrests that happened this past week. Arrests that are rumoured to include Bush jr & sr. Hilary Clinton, and Bill Gates (who orchestrated the 40 back doors that were found in the computer system)- It is also said that Timothy Geithner was arrested and questioned on the 24th and released with a "body guard" to make sure he doesn't leave the country. At the same time that the IQD is revalued well over a hundred other currencies will also be revaluing.

Along with the Prosperity packages there will be full disclosure- disclosure of the attocities that have been committed by these men over the last 200 years. Information will be released about advanced technologies that will free this planet from the toxic petroleum/nuclear/chemical wastes that are destroying us. Pattents that have been locked away by the US government and labled a "danger to national security" will be made public and will be put into production. New ways of creating truly clean energy, powering transportation, medical technology.... technologies that we should have had access to many years ago, but that were hidden away. These technologies have been withheld so that the shadow government could keep the people of this planet repressed, and to further their agenda of drastically reducing the global population. Yes, there are cures for cancer and AIDs- they have been withheld for years and years because the corporations run by these men, make money from the sales of drugs and from the huge grants they receive to do "research". Very soon the Big Pharma industry will have their dirty laundry hung out for everyone to see- the massive use of drugs and vaccines to disable and dupe the people- to keep us drugged so that we cannot fight back. This will all be disclosed.

I am asking you to have an open mind. I am asking you to look around, to turn off the TV, to do your own research. Right now the MSM has a complete black out on all the arrests that are happening, but soon this black out will be lifted and they will be able to report the truth of what's happening. As I get more information I will post it, and I will also post more articles that will go into the details of exactly what is happening and why.

The last thing I want to say is that we need to overcome the fear. The governments are continuously promoting fear and hate and distrust. There is a very good reason for that. They need to keep the population living in constant fear so that they can control us. Have you ever wondered why it is that Hollywood has brought out so many disaster movies in the last 20 years or so? Floods, Volcanos, Earthquakes, asteroids, alien invasions, wars. Or why the news seems to dwell on the murders, the kidnappings, the wars, the famines, the "terrorists", the diseases? ... these are all for one reason: to keep you in fear. Do NOT fear.

THE WAR WITH IRAN AND/OR SYRIA WILL NOT HAPPEN!!! We have assurances from the highest authorities that it will not be ALLOWED to happen.

It is imperitive that we focus on the positive emotions right now- joy, happiness and love. Here are a few videos that explain WHY we need to move beyond the negative and focus on the positive- I can not stess to you enough how important this is!!

I will be writing more info on these topics and more in the coming days and weeks and I will post out many links to other sources of information.

I highly recommend watching anything and everything by Gregg Braden.

Health - What are The 5 Intestinal Enemies

What Are The 5 Intestinal Enemies

Although numerous studies are being conducted that consistently
show enormous health benefits from taking probiotic supplements,
and even mainstream doctors are starting to recommend them to
their patients, some people still wonder if they need them.

We've gotten questions that sound like these:
"Why do I need a probiotic?"
"Since I began using your Great Taste No Pain system, my stomach problems have disappeared and I feel great. So should I take Super Shield too?"
"I eat right - isn't that enough to have a good intestinal flora balance?"
The truth:
Nearly everyone can benefit from an effective probiotic like Super Shield because there are factors that affect the bacteria in your intestines that can't necessarily be fixed by diet...even the most EXCELLENT diet.
Here they are -- I call them the "5 intestinal enemies":
Not enough sleep
The bacteria in your gut are directly affected by your circadian rhythms, which are the regular physical and mental changes that occur in your body over 24 hours (your sleep/wake cycle).
When you sleep your body produces the hormone melatonin, and this causes your white blood cell production to increase. These white blood cells attack and kill the unfriendly bacteria in your gut.
White blood cells also increase production of T cells and natural killer cells, which both also destroy harmful bacteria.
So when you don't get a full 8 hours of sleep (and MANY people don't these days), you're missing out on your body's natural nighttime attack against dangerous bacteria...and you automatically have more of them in your gut.

Science has proven that the mind and body are one, not separate. There is no clearer illustration of this than the relationship between stress and your gut.
For example, just think of the last time you felt nauseous or got butterflies in your stomach when you were nervous--the brain-gut connection in action.
Now, chronic stress attacks the protective mucosal lining of your intestines, and makes them less able to fight off unfriendly bacteria and other pathogens like e-coli and salmonella.
So the harmful flora can flourish, make you sick, weaken your intestinal wall and contribute to leaky gut syndrome.

Chlorinated water
Chlorinated water (which includes the tap water that comes out of your faucet at home and the water served in most every type of restaurant) kills the beneficial bacteria in your intestinal tract.
This is bad because unless you have enough healthy flora (probiotics) in your intestines, unfriendly bacteria have the "upper hand" and can easily take over your intestinal walls.
In addition, chlorinated water also contains carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) that harm your immune system function.

The meaning of the word probiotic is literally PRO-life.
So...antibiotic means ANTI-life.
Although the importance of antibiotics cannot be questioned, they not only kill the infection-causing bacteria in your body, but they kill the beneficial bacteria as well.
This means that after a round of antibiotics, your gut flora is in turmoil and the harmful bacteria typically end up crowding out the friendly ones.
This can cause gas, bloating and diarrhea as well as a severely weakened immune system. So as a result, you are more susceptible to getting sick AGAIN.
That's why many people (maybe yourself included?) have taken multiple rounds of antibiotics yet don't seem to get any better or keep catching something else.

Lungs aren't the only things that smoking harms.
When you inhale smoke, it also enters your stomach and intestines. Once it reaches the intestines, the nicotine and 6,000 other deadly chemicals in cigarette smoke destroy your body's helpful bacteria and make it difficult or impossible for them to survive and multiply.
That's why smokers often have massive problems from their throats all the way to the "other end."
I bet you never thought about smoking as a cause of your digestive troubles, did you?
Cigarette smoke also generates high levels of free radicals, which leads to inflammation and depletes your body of disease-fighting antioxidants and the nutrients needed for your friendly bacteria (probiotics).
So, in order to give the immune boosting bacteria in your gut a fighting chance, it's essential that you supplement with probiotics.
Yes, a healthy diet is important, but as you can see, in today's day and age, it's not enough for most people. Too many other factors can get in the way.
Give YOUR body the best possible defense against intestinal flora imbalance and all the GI problems and immune system harm it can cause.
Let Super Shield probiotic formula and its 13 strains of top-shelf friendly bacteria help keep your intestinal flora where it needs to be.
And keep YOU feeling great.
Learn more about Super Shield and all it can do for you here. 
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: Gayle's done with constipation thanks to Super Shield:
Dear Sherry,
I've been taking Super Shield for a few months and I've experienced wonderful results--I no longer have constipation problems that I used to have.
God Bless!
As we age, our supply of digestive enzymes decreases. This is especially true for people who eat lots of processed food and hard to digest meals. Foods such as these require LOTS of enzymes to break them down and over time your body's ability to produce enough enzymes is diminished. Nothing can make you feel older than gas, bloating, heartburn and constipation from ineffective digestion and too few enzymes. Give your body the support it needs and feel great inside with Digestizol Max natural digestive enzyme supplement.  Learn more about Digestizol Max and all the ways it can help you here.

Want more case studies?  Here are a few thousand for you.

Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive?  Well, now's the time! Now is the time to get rid of digestive problems and some excess pounds, too!
Want to read past articles? Here they are.
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(c) copyright 2012 Holistic Blends

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**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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Fulford newsletter blurb for 3-5-2012, including update on the alleged death of Lord Blackheath

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Fulford newsletter blurb for 3-5-2012, including update on the alleged death of Lord Blackheath
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 5-Mar-2012 11:13:08

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120305: The hunt is on, cabal arrests accelerating
The ongoing financial war is accelerating with arrests and assassinations being seen on both sides. George Bush Senior and Bill Gates were arrested last week for sabotaging the new financial system after being fingered by Timothy Geithner, pentagon sources say. The Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate cabalists for their part murdered Lord James Blackheath on February 29th, after he denounced their theft of $15 trillion in the British House of Lords. The White Dragon Society, meanwhile has put out an all points bulletin seeking the immediate arrest for questioning of former Hong Kong Police Chief Peter Stevens.
Stevens is wanted on charges of smuggling into Japan the nuclear weapon that was used for the 311, 2011 nuclear and tsunami attack against Japan. Stevens is currently located at the Puerto Galera yacht club in the Philippines.
The gnostic illuminati family and the hacker group anonymous have also agreed to join forces with the White Dragon Society with a program of attacks on Monsanto and other cabal strongholds. The Rockefellers, Krugers, Openheimers, Mellons, Warburgs, Rothschilds, Bushes, Morgans and other cabal families will be systematically hunted down and rounded up if they do not surrender within the month of March.
The rest is available for a fee at his subscription site:
There is also an update posted to this:
Update on the "death" of Lord James Blackheath. The just published Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120305 states that Lord James Blackheath was murdered by the cabal. The source for this information was a member of the Rothschild family. The Wikipedia entry on Lord Blackheath also stated that he died on February 29th. However, a spokesperson for the House of Lords in the UK said that "as far as we know he is alive and well."

Fulford also presents a microscopic picture allegedly of Stevens, in which he is labeled as an MI6 agent:
Oddly, "MI6 agent Peter Stevens" is previously mentioned in a Fulford newsletter of May 30, 2011:
"An informant from the USA Navy Air Craft Carrier Carl Vincent, Recently docked at Manila Bay, Philippines, the ship which allegedly dumped Osama Bin Laden’s dead body at sea, has informed Mi6 Agent Peter Stevens that the entire operation in Abottabat, Pakistan was a fabrication. According to multiple sources including the NSA, FSB, and family, confirm that Osama Bin Laden has in fact been dead since Dec13, 2001. The current United States Administration is little more than a fraud that does the bidding of Their Rothschild Masters and are on the verge of initiating WW3 unless something is done."A CIA source dismissed these warnings as bluffs and said they were not to be taken seriously. However, it is very clear Japan was attacked with a sea-bed nuclear weapon that triggered an Earthquake and Tsunami and these sources did warn us beforehand that Japan was the imminent target of nuclear terror. The warnings were dismissed at the time."
Apparently, Fulford did not know of the 311 earthquake nuke allegations about Stevens at the time, so it is ironic that he discussed Stevens and the quake nuke in consecutive paragraphs. 

The Fractional Reserve Bullion Banksters Are DOOMED

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Video: SGT Report - The Fractional Reserve Bullion Banksters Are DOOMED
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 5-Mar-2012 08:57:16

...and it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.
Uploaded by SGTbull07 on Mar 4, 2012
A SGTreport silver update. The Banksters prevented the Pan Asia Gold Exchange from ever doing damage to their fractional reserve bullion banking monopoly, they won't be so lucky a second time.
TFMR Podcast #14 - Ned Naylor-Leyland Discusses PAGE, Silver
Andrew Maguire on KWN
Music: "Tenebrous Carnival - Mermaid" by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0""
The Fractional Reserve Bullion Banksters Are DOOMED