Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Federal Reserve LOOTED $16 TRILLION

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's BillsBest: Federal Reserve LOOTED $16 TRILLION
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 6-Mar-2012 19:20:41

First ever GAO audit reveals the privately-owned Federal Reserve secretly LOOTED $16 TRILLION out of YOUR U.S. Treasury
Senator Sander’s report:
Wall Street has been preparing for a doomsday scenario debt cash treasuries, and well they should for the Audit of the Federal Reserve reveals $16T in Secret Bailouts.The first ever GAO (Government Accountability Office) audit of the Federal Reserve was carried out in the past few months due to the Ron Paul, Alan Grayson Amendment to the Dodd-Frank bill, which passed last year, with Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, and various other bankers vehemently opposed the audit. (The first audit in the Federal Reserve’s nearly 100 year history were posted on Senator Sander’s webpage on July 21st.)$16,000,000,000,000.00 had been secretly given out to US banks and corporations and foreign banks everywhere from France to Scotland between December 2007 and June 2010 and virtually none of the money has been returned and it was loaned out at 0% interest.
Remember that GDP of the United States is only $14.12 trillion, and the entire national debt of the United States government spanning its 200+ year history is “only” $14.5 trillion. Are you and your fellow Americans swelled with anger and outrage at the abysmal state of affairs by an unelected group of bankers who can create money out of thin air and give it out to megabanks and supercorporations like Halloween candy. If the Federal Reserve and the bankers who control it believe that they can continue to devalue the savings of Americans and continue to destroy the US economy, they will have to face the realization that their trillion dollar printing presses can be stopped with five dollars worth of bullets.
The list of institutions that received the most money from the Federal Reserve can be found on page 131 of the GAO Audit and are as follows..
Citigroup: $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000)
Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000)
Merrill Lynch: $1.949 trillion ($1,949,000,000,000)
Bank of America: $1.344 trillion ($1,344,000,000,000)
Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868 billion($868,000,000,000)
Bear Sterns: $853 billion ($853,000,000,000)
Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ($814,000,000,000)
Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $541 billion($541,000,000,000)
JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000)
Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion($354,000,000,000)
UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000)
Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion($262,000,000,000)
Lehman Brothers: $183 billion ($183,000,000,000)
Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181 billion($181,000,000,000)
BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion ($175,000,000,000)
and many many more including banks in Belgium of all places
View the 266-page GAO audit of the Federal Reserve(July 21st, 2011):http://www.scribd.com/doc/60553686/GAO-Fed-Investigation
Source: http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-11-696
FULL PDF on GAO server http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d11696.pdf

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - March 6, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - March 6, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 6-Mar-2012 19:53:07

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - March 6, 2012
7 Manik, 0 Ceh, 8 Manik
Dratzo! We return! The progress to set up the new governance continues to move forward. The secret sacred societies have so far forced the resignation of a number of major leaders in international banking. Agreements are being implemented that are securing the new financial system. Several major governments have been given a schedule for how and when to transfer power to the new temporary governments. We are watching various "danger points" in the Middle East. This is where the dark cabal intends to start a conflagration that can lead to a new world war! Our task is to prevent this from ever happening. We have placed our diplomatic and liaison team in this region and in the various nations that are contiguous to it. We intend to manage any potential incidents. However, we do not intend to interfere directly unless incidents occur that can swiftly spiral upward to war. We comprehend the potential dynamics of this region and are making sure that no nation in this region attacks another. We are cognizant of the dire schemes that are being applied by the dark's minions to create the flames for war.
Your world stands on the edge of manifesting a new reality. Heaven has authorized us to guard this transition and guarantee that this shift happens as divinely planned. The dark while forced to admit defeat nevertheless is determined to discover a way to unseat this currant timetable. We have explained to them that the point has been reached where the only usable timeline is the one that leads to your return to full consciousness and the transformation of this current reality. The "game" long played by the dark's minions is at an end. It is time to bring in a new reality and with it a full disclosure of our existence and the part we are to engage as your mentors and guardians. The period that has led to your growing frustration is nearly over. Heaven has clearly instructed us to do what is necessary to achieve those goals given us. We have employed a very deep restraint to move these rascals toward this new reality. Let it be known to all that your time for freedom, sovereignty and prosperity has arrived!
The Galactic Federation is deeply committed to the fall of the dark and for your fated victory. The dark's minions are likewise fully committed to retention of the status quo. This stubbornness has led to the delays that we often recite in these messages. The time is now upon us to move in joy to the next stages of your return to full consciousness. In this regard, we are busily setting up how the present major regimes on your world are to be replaced by a number of pro-disclosure governments. These actions are to lead to our acknowledgment and are to form the basis of our coming mass landings on your world. Heaven has told us that only new legally based governance can formally invite us into your surface realm. Hence, we are working closely with those who sincerely wish to rid themselves of the various defacto regimes that have "run" your reality for millennia. This is a prerequisite for contact and we are ready to support any legal takeover of a number of governments presently controlled by the dark cabal.
This scenario is why we are guiding these various spiritual and consciousness driven groups to pull the dark from power. A selfish and greedy oriented group has long run your world. This group was first ordained in power through illicit power grabs sponsored by the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki wished that those in power were directed tied by "blood" alliance to this group of then nefarious off-worlders who were daily manipulating and misinforming every one of you. One group after another snatched this point of authority up. This left the dark Anunnaki as the sole giver of legitimacy. This deeply violated the agreements that the Anunnaki had signed with Heaven. This gave us the reason for supporting these various groups who in full consciousness oppose what these dark "defacto" regimes stand for! The victory of the Light is therefore assured when these dark illegal regimes are formally dispatched. This is shortly to occur and with it, a new free and sovereign epoch in surface human history.
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this day to rejoice! Numerous events are quite close to happening! We have seen just how the dark's human minions are reacting to the several ultimatums that they have been given. It is indeed time for these former devotees of the Anunnaki to quit and acknowledge that the reign of the dark is over. Our galactic sisters and brothers are now finishing the many meetings that are settling just how these dark ones are to surrender to the forces of the Light. These meetings are in actuality merely procedural. A legal transfer of power is essential to all of us. The dark has ruled by chicanery for decades and truly legitimate governance is needed to move this realm to its next steps down the path to full consciousness. We await in blessings and joy for these events to begin that signal the start of a new spiritual epoch for surface humanity!
The efforts of our numerous associates have given our space family the grounds to do those actions that they are now accomplishing. The dark through its direct ownership of the media has created a scenario that is based on lies and staged events. According to the "history" that they constantly flaunt before you, these dark governments are somehow "heroes" and defenders of the public welfare. In truth, these governments are only the tools of a dark cabal that has "raping" you of your wealth and most of all your right to know the truth. We have been active throughout the centuries to fight this immorality and general arrogance toward you. The Light wishes you to see that this dark conspiracy is over. The way of Spirit is now at the forefront. The time is now for your emancipation from the travails of the dark and its unholy governance!
The present time is one of transition. The sacred Light of the Creator is streaming forth from the grand energies of Heaven's holy of holies. These divine energies are swiftly altering the very nature of this physical realm. Each of us has dedicated our life energies to bringing to manifestation this new epoch of humanity. Aligned with your own great energies, these energies are focusing on the shift in consciousness. This is making it very difficult for the dark to have any say in what is currently transpiring on this earthly plane. Our Inner Earth family is as well focusing all their immense energies on this monumental shift in our reality. Your success is not only occurring, but in fact all that is proclaimed within the sacred divine plan of the Creator assures it. Your future is not as physical slaves, but as free and conscious servant of the Light!
Today, we have carried on with our messages. The time swiftly approaches for a grand shift in your reality. This shift brings not only mass first contact. It brings you full consciousness. Thus, new responsibilities are to be given you. New knowledge is to shown you and together, we are to unfold the divine wonders of Creation! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization

German Prosecutors Launch 80 Raids & Make Many Arrests in Insider Trading Probe - Monday, March 5, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
German Prosecutors Launch 80 Raids & Make Many Arrests in Insider Trading Probe - Monday, March 5, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 6-Mar-2012 17:05:39

German Prosecutors Launch 80 Raids & Make Many Arrests in Insider Trading Probe - Monday, March 5, 2012
(reposted from the guardian.co.uk)
MUNICH, (Reuters) March 1 Police in several European countries have raided more than 80 properties in a probe by German prosecutors into stock market manipulation, the Munich prosecutors office said on Thursday.
The office's spokesman said the raids on Wednesday were into suspected cases of market manipulation, insider trading and fraud.
Fifty-three sites in Germany were searched, 29 in other European countries and four outside Europe.
He declined to identify the people or any companies under suspicion, saying only a double-digit number of people were involved.
"The investigation is at an early stage. The analysis could take a while," the spokesman said, adding that it could take years.
He said that there were "some similarities" to four recent Munich court cases where people running stock market newsletters and tip sheets targeted at retail investors had been tried for market manipulation.
Two of the cases, which also implicated members of a shareholder rights lobby group, have ended with confessions, suspended prison sentences and fines. The remaining cases are still being tried. (Reporting by Christian Kraemer; Writing by Ludwig Burger; Editing by Will Waterman)

Posted by Greg Giles at 6:51 PM
Ascension Earth 2012

What if the World's FREEDOM came through FORGIVENESS?

Subj: What if the World's FREEDOM came through FORGIVENESS?

To All Still Listening,

Most of you people out there on the World's Banking Plantation believe you must FIGHT for everything in life including your Rights and FREEDOM.  What if gaining everything you have ever wanted most was achievable through a simple act of  FORGIVENESS?  Would you be willing to set aside all the years of anger, vengeance, bitterness, patriotism, or politics?  Really?  Would you?  The reason I ask is because quite recently a couple of us found "a light" at the end of the NWO/Banker/Law Merchant tunnel and it does not involve the Legal System, Government, Military, Police, or Department of Homeland Security in any way whatsoever.

Interested?  DO NOT miss this show!  

WHAT:  Internet Radio Show - I AM THE PEOPLE
WHERE:  http://www.libertyandfreedomradio.net/
WHEN:  Tonight - 8-10PM Central Time
WHO:  Your Host - Kurt "Walk the Talk" Kallenbach with Special Guests Daniel & Jeff
WHY:  "Because you DO NOT want to be like " the rest of America."


Kurt - House of Kallenbach
Season of Treason III

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - March 6, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - March 6, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 6-Mar-2012 18:48:50

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - March 6, 2012

Your planet is going to be cleansed of much residue left over from your 3rd dimensional experiences. Your planet is to be reborn, from the grasses to the skies, from the ocean bottoms to the mountain peaks. Nothing of the old will remain, as they possess the frequency of a lower dimensional aspect of your past. You will also be born anew, and nothing will remain of the lower dimensional aspects of yourselves as well. All and everything that will exist in your new world will be of a higher dimensional vibration. You will be experiencing a fresh start, and everything in your world will be new. You will receive new playgrounds as well as new workplaces. You will have a different set of parameters that govern your physical world, and you will have a different set of rules that govern your civilization. All will be improvements, and all that you will receive will be upgrades from your current experience. 
This is your new home. You are encouraged to respect it, and you are encouraged to take part in community efforts to maintain your new world in the pristine condition you will find her. It is your world and you may do with it what you like, although as we have said, the damage done to her throughout your 3rd dimensional experiences will not be permitted to occur again. 
You will have new modes of travel available to all of you throughout your world, and you will be able to travel easily to anywhere you would like, freely and without restrictions placed on you by governments and borders. 
Language barriers will also be broken down as we will introduce to you new methods of communication that will allow you to hold a conversation with anyone from any part of the world. There are many delightful surprises in store for you, and these are merely a few. Your new world will be a masterpiece of design and function, and it will be yours to enjoy and to cherish upon your ascension into the higher realms of possibility. 
Before all this is yours, however, there is work yet to be done here on 3rd dimensional Earth. Together we must clear the way for your new world, and as we have always maintained, it is your world and it is up to you to take care of these matters. We are only here to assist you, and we are very eager and happy to do this. One of the pressing matters that must be taken care of is the removal of those who wish to prevent you from reaching your ascension and your new home. They wish to keep you right where you are, locked within their 3rd dimensional prison planet. Many of you understand what needs to be done, and we are here to assist you with this undertaking. Consider us a big brother, coming to your aid if a bully were to be picking on you in the playground. We do see you as family, and we, of course, do not wish to see you bullied any longer. We are helping to put a stop to this by backing up your Earth allies who have been very busy preparing legal proceedings against as many of your criminal Cabal and their many associates as is possible. Additional names are added to their wanted list each day, and we are very encouraged by what we are seeing from our vantage point. 
These arrests will soon begin to be broadcast through many of your media outlets, and we are pleased with the efforts of so many of our Lightworkers to clear the way for these announcements by spreading the news of these arrests and what they will mean for the people of your world. We are very encouraged by how these revelations are being received by many of you, and we say that we are very pleased with how many of your world immediately understand that these arrests are just what you needed to begin to cure the ills of your society. 
We wish to see you all continue to spread this news as it is creating a wave of excitement and anticipation and that is precisely what we feel is necessary to carry your people to the next stage of your rapid development, and that is your reintroduction to your big brothers and sisters who today ‘have your back’. We are very eager to meet many of you, and as many of you know by now, we will be working personally with many of you in the days ahead as there will be much work to be done as soon as those who wish to interfere with our joint efforts are removed from your society, where they will no longer be able to present a problem. 
You have many allies within your large human family, and today, for reasons of security and for the successful accomplishment of certain tasks, these brave men and women are not being made known to you. Upon the arrests of the members of your criminal Cabal they will be introduced to you, and we feel many of you will be very surprised at how many friends you really have. 
For so long the dark has ruled with an iron fist over your world, and the arm of their power reached far and it reached deep. It seemed to many of you that your world was full of men and women of darkness, and those of the light were few and far between. This has never been the case, however, and as you will soon see for yourselves, the light has always far out reached the dark on this planet. 
Help your brothers and sisters of light chisel away these few dark ones that have embedded themselves within their seats of power. Help pry them from their positions of power and cart them off where they can be re-sculpted and once again permitted to reenter societies within this universe. This is what is planned for these dark ones, as they can no longer be permitted to walk freely in your world as they have shown no propensity for lawful and civilized behavior. They must therefore be removed, and you have many Earth allies seeing to it that this is done. We will keep you updated to these proceedings, and we encourage you to monitor your media outlets for leakages of these proceedings and also for breaking news. We assure you that you will not be disappointed. 
Remember to always be there for your brothers and sisters who may succumb to fear upon news of these arrests as they will number greatly, and many will find it quite startling to know what has really been going on around them. Help them to understand that all is well and these arrests were necessary to get your world back on track, and that your world is now free to prosper as should have always been the way. 
Your work in this area will not be completed upon these arrests however, as many far more radical changes will begin soon after and it is here that we foresee greater numbers of those who will be confused and frightened. Be as understanding as you can be with these souls, remember, not all of ocationLat=

ANOTHER Resignation! James Murdoch (Ruperts son) Steps Down As Executive Chairman Of News International

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

ANOTHER Resignation! James Murdoch (Ruperts son) Steps Down As Executive Chairman Of News International
Posted By: Susoni
Date: Tuesday, 6-Mar-2012 16:13:49

Perhaps he is just taking the fall for Dear ol Daddy.. If so, he shall be rewarded in time..
James Murdoch has stepped down as executive chairman of News International, the British arm of News Corp., the company announced Wednesday. Murdoch, who was once seen as the heir apparent to his father Rupert at the head of News Corp., has now lost a key position within the company.
News Corp. cast the move as stemming from James' recent relocation to New York from London, and Rupert Murdoch said his son would "continue to assume a variety of essential corporate leadership mandates." He will also remain as the deputy COO of News Corp. But the reshuffling will be widely seen as a reflection of James' deeply diminished stature following wave after wave of damaging allegations about his complicity in News Corp.'s still-simmering phone hacking scandal. That scandal has mushroomed into a full-blown nightmare for the company, with the persistent threat of serious prosecution hanging in the air.
James has long denied having any knowledge of the widespread nature of phone hacking within the News of the World tabloid. But a series of testimonies and released documents have put him ever-closer to a crucial 2008 meeting in which the former editor and legal director of the paper have sworn he was informed that criminality had been out of control within the organization.

Syrian Girl exposes Al Qaeda as a joint UK/USA psy-operation.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Syrian Girl exposes Al Qaeda as a joint UK/USA psy-operation.
Posted By: FreePlanet
Date: Tuesday, 6-Mar-2012 10:20:37

I've featured Syrian Girl before with relation to Iraq and the Battle for Falluja and I guess it's about time Free Planet covered her most recent appearance where she goes on about, "Everybody knows that Al Qaeda is the CIA."
I mean, that means the CIA did 9/11 but we can't even go there, and that's not really the Big Shit Dump, Syrian Girl goes on to unveil the glaring Saudi Arabia/Qatar/Israel alliance and how it's ALL BRITISH INTELLIGENCE. Are we really doing all this to OURSELVES in the name of profit, asset and global domination?
Are we really that stupid, as an island nation?

Iraqi Dinar, recently being said: ...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Iraqi Dinar, recently being said: ...
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 6-Mar-2012 04:07:56

Hi, Folks -
Found at dinarguru.com:

3-5-2012 Guru Bluwolf Everything that was pending to be done (manually and electronic) has been completed, we now await the signal from banks to just cash in PERIOD.
3-5-2012 Guru Foghorn Great news...My contact at the US Labor Dept says we should hear some interesting news this week regarding the IQD. I asked what type of news...he said the IQD is supposed to finally go live this week!I also spoke with my brother tonight (V.P. Big Four Bank) has as well said the information they are receiving is NOW pointing to the Iraqi Dinar being revalued this week.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 5-Mar-2012 23:58:43

(Thanks, D. :)
Reader DH sends us the following, found here:
...and originating here:
© 2012 Sovereignty Press News and Publishing
Legal Notice for Agents of the Crown
This week, some of our fellow Americans published a Notice for all agents of the crown, and its included US Corporation.
We the People in America are getting mighty educated these days. We tracked down the original 13th Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America – you know, the one you started the War of 1812 over so you could burn the copies – and it says you Esquires are not allowed to have a title of nobility AND hold public office in America. Up until now because of ignorance imposed upon us, you have been getting away with it.
Outside of your Public {fool} schools we have learned that the BAR originates in the Crown Temple in London, England. Therefore, your oath to the BAR means you are not Americans anymore but agents for a foreign power. You have no citizenship. You claim to have licenses to practice law. As a matter of fact there is no such thing as a license to practice law. We searched in the statutes, codes, rules and regulations for every state and also their respective secretaries of state and supreme courts. No authorization for the “license to practice law” exists anywhere. That means every one of you is unauthorized and illegal in the Republic. JOHN HENRY DOE, ESQUIRE is a fiction that exists only on paper. Hey, a bar-card dependant on dues paid-in-full in your exclusive membership organization is not a license.
What you do have is a BAR card that simply authorizes you to use the statutes, codes, rules and regulations, which are all copyrighted. We can’t help but notice that all of the law you use is copyrighted, so the People can’t use it without using you. People, how well are you doing with these laws? It wasn’t easy since you have us hanging upside down looking in the mirror trying to read the newspaper, but we figured out that statutes, codes, rules and regulations are not law but abrogation of the law. Abrogate means to abolish by authoritative action, see, ANNUL. Applying the force of deadly violence, you annulled the real Law and replaced it with color of law. Color of law is a false flag, a pirate flag. You’re all a bunch of actors. No license and no law, either. And you know that that card will not get you very far anymore as your privileges are waning.
We attempted a count of the number of statutes, codes, rules and regulations that you created, with the intelligence endowed by your Creator, to use against us. We’re not finished yet as there are many more than 60 million statutes, codes, rules and regulations, certainly more than all of you BAR attorneys put together can keep track even with plenty of software, quarterly updates, and teams of legal researchers, but hey, you have [hourly] billing!
You willingly write statutes, codes, rules and regulations at the behest of the putrefying and corrupt Chosen Masters, an ancient hate-driven cult within a hate-driven racist sect that are the same-old tiresome take-over-the-world crowd and utilizing a blueprint of criminality. The lowly beasts of this world have more honor than you. Reptiles are exalted by your presence. You willingly herd the People you have defrauded into your [the] system of the Matrix like so many cattle, to be processed, robbed of their freedom, families and property, experimented upon with drug sorcery, and all too often killed.
You do this because the [your] BAR Association is a hate-driven money cult. Your masters reward you by allowing you to charge obscene hourly rates for the building of your personal empires. You are so far gone from the sight of God that you think you have the authority to write rules to justify torturing your fellow beings. Collectively and individually you have much blood on your hands, very unclean hands! (You know what that means.)
And your “noble cause” is what? Why, the U.S.A., in total, bankruptcy is your noble cause, your reason for destroying millions of lives minute -by- minute. The U.S.A.’s bankruptcy is George W. Bush’s noble cause, his Order of Skull & Bones organization’s only cause for being is the weakening and ultimate destruction of the unites States of America by any means necessary. Claiming the authority to enact and enforce new “bankruptcy laws” (statutes) that create debtor’s prisons for the People, who since 1933 have had no money to pay a debt with, the U.S. corporation is itself bankrupt and has made us into the surety for the debt. No more of this crap!
In fact all so-called governing bodies in the U.S. are bankrupt corporations telescoping from one to the other, back and forth between federal-state- county- municipal, due to the Federal Project of Credit, like the giant, and pathetical, tentacle beast that it is. The SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a bankrupt corporation and does not exist. Your law firm is bankrupt. There is no money. We have no legitimate law because we have no legitimate money.
Whether or not you BAR attorneys swore a secret oath to administer the U.S. bankruptcy, the bankruptcy is in each and every letter you send, every form you submit, every court pleading you file, every plea bargain you negotiate. It is a fact-of-life, of your every professional thought, besides billing, “Law” has nothing to do with it.
At this point you attorneys have made your true function patently obvious. “Attorning” means to take all of the property of the People and give it to the Chosen Masters. Well, your masters’ day is over. Oh, it may seem that they are consolidating their control of all the Earth, therefore assuring your positions as their agents for profit and mayhem; but always profit; but we continue to expose the Chosen Masters in this forum and many others, and we are getting quite ready to jam their signals, crash their programs and round them up. Guess where we are going to put the Chosen Masters! And do you really think that ‘they’ are going to grant you some favor(s). Is your ego so corrupt that you really think that you are better than everyone
else? When ‘they’ choose to bring down the hammer what makes you think that you’ll be immune?
You are being destroyed by leaks from within. From the 13 European families of banking perversion to the Everytown, USA municipal traffic
court judge (who would not be caught dead retiring with less than $30 million of the People’s money) and all the Satanist racketeering extortionist blackmailing pedophile warmongering purveyors of human flesh in between, the Chosen Masters are finished. Hey, is this getting through to you yet?
Some of you attorneys may be hearing the not so distant jungle drums and growing uneasy, but most of you are 100% in your ego at all times and evidently proud of being arrogant. Your arrogance may interfere with your comprehension of this message, but check it out, because now it is your turn to “understand” something. The jig is up babe! The truth herein is ugly, but we believe Americans are very angry about the truth as exposed to date and that they are ready to hear more. Upon being more fully informed many will even act on it according to their conscience. You have not succeeded in confiscating ALL of the guns! (Ed. note: “I’d prefer a bullet to bare hands.”)
Just when we thought your deeds could not possibly get more hideous, we discovered that you create commercial paper for each inmate in prison and put a price on him, or her, and hypothecate that price many times. Correctional Corporation of America (CCA, Nashville, Tennessee, and others) create the bonds, and Lehman Brothers underwrites those bonds – and those bonds are being bought and sold on the world financial markets every day! The Chosen Masters cut you in on the deals and you all take profits from this. Remember those who choose to partake in the benefits also get to enjoy the liabilities. Further we are enraged to know that U.S. corporations are being funded by our brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, who were busted for pot or for not having a current driver’s license. And these prison work farms are producing low-cost-to-produce products that go on to eliminate jobs and revenue in our communities. You BAR attorneys created crimes out of nothing and wrote the rules for this heinous and sickening
theft of the People’s energy, all for administering to the U.S. bankruptcy and your own assumpsit, unjust enrichment and quantum meruit. We the People, the ones in whom the power is truly vested, are putting an end to your despicable trafficking in human flesh and spirit.
We used to have common law courts in this country. You may have not been taught this in your mystery schools, however, in common law, unless a living man or woman has been injured or a property loss has occurred there has been no crime. We also found out that you BAR attorneys raised the level of the Sea [water] on paper so that it “covers” the Land, thereby fraudulently subjecting us to admiralty/maritime law, to the Law of the Sea, read: piracy. A so-called Police Officer (read: cop) pulling us over is an act of piracy. It is a kidnapping plain and simple. That gold-fringed flag, that’s a pirate flag he’s flying, so cops reading this take heed, for the Chosen Masters put you where the rubber meets the road. You are nothing more than a base-level revenue generating agent for them, and if they lose a few of you to some really bad guy, well too bad. A bunch of your buddies will gather around and collectively give thanks that it wasn’t them who bought the bullet. Hey guys, get this through your heads now: codes do not apply to the People, only to the corporation for which they were written, and that means you, and it means you are nothing more than corporate thugs. Don’t want to believe it? Just talk with some of the [real] old guys. Some of you became cops in order to get respect. Respect is to be earned. We have been
giving you not respect but fear, and people can overcome [their] fears. We have a God-given right to defend ourselves and our property. Just keep it up, and, just like what you’ve been doing to us, survivors will become defendants.
The Chosen Masters have decreed that there are too many of us (Prince Phillip and Henry Kissinger refer to us as “Useless eaters.”), so you BAR attorneys make it “legal” on paper for vile toadies of the Chosen Masters to poison us and the entire Earth through the food (aspartame, genetically modified, irradiated, etc.), air (chem-trails, pollution, etc.) , water (fluoride, etc.), and land (eroding top soil, de-mineralized soil, etc.), and when we sicken, you force [known to be] dangerous vaccinations and drugs upon us, and when we die, our former employers receive death benefits$$$$$$ on secret, illegal life insurance policies taken out on us, unjustly enriching a variety of corporations so that the Chosen Masters may take profits. You (and the cops) will answer to the People in the lawful courts we establish, and for now you must answer to your families, friends, neighbors, all whom
you betrayed, sold out and, just plain, sold. Just about everyone -except Freemasons of course – have been to a traffic court — what did you think was going to happen? Your la-di-da days are numbered.
You infernal BAR attorneys are the original back-door men, the nefarious ones in the back room, failing to adjust the accounts. You never pay your bills. Once you take a case you are the holder of the account for the case. This means, under Public Law 73-10 wherein all crimes are commercial crimes, and under Public Policy, that you must adjust the account to offset the liability for closure and settlement. You always fail to make the ledger entry – there is NO money and the People are exempt from levy – so you attorneys never pay your bills. You impose the charges upon us and put us in prison instead.
You get paid whether you “win” your case or not, and the corrupt judicial system enforces the payment of your fees. This is conclusive proof of the criminality inherent in the U.S. judicial system. What else is a criminal but someone in possession of a valuable commodity -human energy – that was acquired without exchanging something else of value for it?
Well, it is painfully obvious to the People that those are not our courts and we will never get justice in them. We are going to do away with them and you. Don’t look now, but people in positions of authority are going to seize the reins. Even now we are turning the tide for a permanent return to a constitutional form of government. The People will no longer tolerate the lies, the corruption and death that are your daily bread.
You BAR attorneys are all drunkards drunk on debt, chasing Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) which are nothing – nothing more than debt notes and debt (read: death). You have made it illegal for the People to get out of debt! You put every man, woman and child under the probate statutes and made us into corporate fictions so you could create life-destroying industries such as taxation and the judicial system. You attorneys are harming life on the entire planet, and you cannot make it clearer that you are anti-Life. Through trickery and the deceitful use of language, you would reduce our lives to nothing more than a series of commercial transactions. We who now must pursue such life- diminishing goals as “getting out of debt” or “making the rent” or “paying the bills” – we demand that the BAR stand down and stand aside, now, and make way for the true Law. For starters, the
People are exempt from levy. In common law there is only two laws: do not harm another living being, and honor all of your contracts – which
easily condenses down to only one Law: do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Speaking of “personal debt”, we learned from our research that the People, the living men and women of this land and all the lands, are the source of all pretend money; i.e., “credit”; i.e., “commercial credit”. So-called credit does not exist until We create it. We living Beings of Light are the source of all the energy that is expressed as “credit”. Thus, the People can never be debtors, and you attorneys have slandered our names in your collection letters. We will make claims against you for the slander of your deceit, so EXPERIAN, TRANSUNION, EQUIFAX, take note. Your BAR attorneys will not be able to save you. EXPERIAN, TRANSUNION and EQUIFAX are bankrupt corporations. Yes, People — in this the bizarre matrix world the credit reporting agencies are insolvent.
We recently heard that the authorities will start to confiscate our gold fillings and gold teeth. (This is for paying interest on the U.S. bankruptcy, folks.) Attention municipal, county, state, and federal, United Nations (UN) Chosen Masters/Powers in Charge: We will not tolerate it. We denounce your obscenely unjust and unlawful codes and refuse to obey them. We hereby declare your illegal statutes, codes, rules and regulations to be null and void and of no further effect. You can take My so-called drivers license and shove it! You are parasites. You create no value. You bring nothing to the
table. All of the invisible so-called contracts by which you think you have us in a chokehold are null and void for lack of consideration, lack of full disclosure, for threats, duress and coercion in the formation of the contracts, and for being unconscionable. You ain’t got nothin’!
We the People demand forgiveness of all the debt. We demand the restoration of money of substance, backed by gold and silver. We demand our money back for all the illegal income tax on our labor that you converted (stole and gave to a foreign corporation; i.e., the Federal Reserve’s collection agency INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE – also a bankrupt corporation). We demand the return of all the money you defrauded us out of for your cash cow socialistic Social Security Ponzi scheme. We demand our money back for all of those bull-crap illegal parking tickets and illegal court cases. Inasmuch as those funds are collected by corporate thugs and therefore illegal, the funds cannot be added to municipal budget so therefore the People’s property goes straight into the judge’s retirement fund. We demand that you make reparations to us for having defrauded and enslaved us.
We demand the immediate stand-down of the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE (IRS). Further, once INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE has returned to us every penny plus interest, we demand the permanent abolishment of INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE. Then we shall sue our corporate employers for theft (Form W-4 and wage levies.)
Through our studies we have learned that our real government is in the county. In the Republic, where all of our rights are intact, our highest elected official is the county sheriff. We will restore lawful government first at home, in our counties. Generals and Provost Marshals, duty calls like never before, and we are taking names. Do your duty and put the county sheriffs under arrest, or we will!
We will open the prison doors and send home everyone busted for pot and every other innocent victim of your unlawful codes. They will go home with all of their property restored to them plus reparations and public apologies. A goodly portion of those reparations will come from your pocket, Mr. BAR Attorney. We will return back to the prisons all of the real criminals routinely set loose into our communities by the pedophilic treasonous “authorities”, and, by the way, many, many of you BAR attorneys will join them for your crimes.
Judges merit a special note. Municipal traffic court, bankruptcy court, probate court, federal court, makes no difference, you are the most venal and rapacious type of creature imaginable. We have awakened to the real state of affairs: that we live in the bizarre world of your make-believe. Thus it should come as no surprise that the man in the black robe/dress, supposedly learned in the “law”, is in reality an extortionist, a career criminal, the most unlawful creature on Earth. The judge’s bench (“bank”) is a moveable feast, his black robes highly appropriate for a bird of carrion.
You are all in breach of the Covenant, in breach of the Trust, in breach of the Contract. In your souls and in commerce, you are in dishonor. Your rights are forfeit and your property is forfeit – trust or no trust.
We the People who are Beings of Light, children of our heavenly Creator who is not bankrupt, are taking back our responsibilities and taking over. We are creating a world without man-made parasites. Even as you read this we are phasing you out. You cannot turn back this tide.
Members of the BAR, here are your choices: A.) Come into the Light; or B.) go into the Light. You very dark ones face un-creation or the Hell
planet. You will not be missed either as a target or as a thought.
<>By: We Who Oppose Deception and we do reserve all rights-at all times and in all places!
P.S. for the People: Did you know that the BAR Attorneys passed a very sneaky law in 1980 that says they represent both sides in a case! But
it is a felony for an attorney to take money from someone he/she does not represent. So if an attorney bothers you, tell him he/she is fired! Without recourse – without prejudice. Enjoy!
——————- THE END IS NEAR —————–

Monday, March 5, 2012

Iraqi Dinar, recently being said: ...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Iraqi Dinar, recently being said: ...
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 5-Mar-2012 16:04:29

Hi, Folks -
Found at dinarguru.com:
3-5-2012 Guru Studley This is being done as we speak, they have been doing this the old fashioned way, they are checking all systems...the info on back screens is incredible, in all my years of experience, I have never seen this happen, so we are in unchartered territory...all I can say is it is a process, and we are in a complex environment of many moving parts around the world happening at the same time...you will be very happy with the rate...by the way and yes, we are expecting this to be shown very, very soon...we are that close.

3-5-2012 Guru BellaGrits Banks have been prepared for today...we expect to hear more as the morning progresses...deadlines have come and gone but we have clarification things are still moving forward...that's great news...Certainly don't expect it to be a long delay at all...it was merely an extension less than 12 hrs...dotting i's crossing t's. We want it done right the first time.

3-5-2012 Guru Jonnywg Well yesterday was supposed to be our day...it was filled with promise and hope, and obviously it was not to be...We got a call at 11 stating a delay was granted until early am...this too has passed...No new info has surfaced as yet but we remain positive and hopeful that we are near the end. AS FAR AS WE KNOW THIS IS TECHNICAL NOT POLITICAL ISSUES. just in and great news if it is in fact the straight goods...the work is still in process and we wait again...at least it is not cancelled or postponed.

3-5-2012 Guru TerryK Had a call from a source...out of DC, hearing that there is a special meeting going on as we speak in Iraq. That the powers at hand are sitting at a table early. Hearing things maybe moving.