Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Twist, Turn and Tilt

BREAKING NEWS: Twist, Turn and Tilt

Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL patriotAmericans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion-friendly U. S. media covers up

EXPLOSIVE Back Breaking News
Twist, Turn and Tilt

by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

Tuesday March 6, 2012
dailybail. com
UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the German Deutsche Bank faces $750 BILLION of debt exposure based on bad loans made to Greek, Portuguese and Italian banks.

Reference: The German newspaper Der Spiegel is about ready to go to press claiming that German Chancellor Angela Merkel covered up this information from the German Parliament and the German People at the time of their vote on the first installment of the Greek-Euro bail out agreement.
http://img.ibtimes.com/www/data/images/full/2010/12/29/57321-the-deutsche-bank-headquarters-in-frankfurt.jpgibimes. com

We can also divulge that the criminal Deutsche Bank also faces another $1.5 BILLION of exposure on naked put options (aka crooked derivatives) that were written, along with the major Greek creditors Goldman Sachs, JP MorganSociété GénéraleBarclays Bank of England and, of course, the aforementioned Deutsche Bank.

Notice to the Dominion Bank of Toronto, Canada: Put the money back, it is margin call time!

At this hour we can report that the out-of-controlbanks of Soci
été Générale and Barclays Bank of England, along with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York are busy trying to write more bogus derivatives linked to the recent AIG sale of worthless toxic debt.

Math lesson: Junk = Junk and 0 + 0 = 0

P.S. We also want to divulge that within the last hour the government of Greece has notified German Chancellor Angela Merkel that they believed she lied to them concerning the debt of the Greek creditors that were disguised and hidden in bogus derivatives on the London LIFFE Exchange.
CME GroupBrendan Wilkerson/MEDILL
P.P.S. We can also reveal that the CME Group has told the compromised International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) that they will not honor their decision favoring the crooked, criminal banks in their dispute with the hedge funds on what is a real trade and what isn't.

That is right, folks, in ponzi land now you have it and now you don't.
Putin Wins Election
Russian President Vladimir Putin AP

P.P.P.S. In closing, we want to once again congratulate Russian President Vladimir Putin on his massive re-election victory in Russia and back him 100% in the use of a tax levy dealing with the repatriation of Russian rubles, which will lead to the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols final implementation and the return of $1.575 TRILLION to the U.S. Treasury aka the American Taxpayers.

Message to the London LIFFE Exchange and the aforementioned criminal banks: Pay your taxes and give the money back to the American People! 

Tom Heneghan EXPLOSIVE Intelligence Briefings
International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.