Thursday, March 8, 2012

Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - March 7, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - March 7, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 8-Mar-2012 00:13:54

Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - March 7, 2012
There are those of you who live on with but a portion of what others do. This will change. It is because of this change that those who control a vast percentage of your wealth have done all they can to block the implementation of your new financial system. They see these changes as a threat to the enormous amounts of wealth they have accrued over the years by bilking the people out of what is rightfully theirs. The amounts of this wealth, stolen from you, are staggering when one sees how little the people have been forced to live on.
Even in developed countries such as the United States, the working-class lives on a fraction of what they are entitled under a system based on fairness. Many other countries have a very large percentage of their citizens living in poverty, as they have not been allowed to share in the natural wealth created by society. This will also change.
There are many other means to running a fair economic system. The system chosen today, again by a few, was designed by those few individuals themselves in order to allow them to hoard untold fortunes while this pilfering continued unnoticed by as many of the population as was possible. Those with a voice who did speak up were silenced, as your media outlets were bought up by these racketeers as an important commodity of their many assets. Without the media informing the people that something was wrong, many naively believed everything was right. This is also changing, and it is changing because you, the people, have taken it upon yourselves to be your own voices and begin sharing this information between yourselves, with little help from mainstream media.
Now that you have broken the ice, it is the people that are setting the agenda for the media, instead of the other way around. Some of your major media outlets will now be following your lead, and will begin to cover the events, once off-limits to them, of the important proceedings transpiring in, and above, your world today. This is the new way, and you will witness this for yourselves upon the coverage of the mass arrests of the members of your criminal organizations and their many associates. This will be your sign that these media companies are now free from the clutches of the dark ones, and will be able to continue to do what they were always meant to do, and that is to report the truth of the events of your world.
Many of you are astutely noticing leaks of these arrests and proceedings related to these investigations, as the dyke is beginning to crumble and very soon will burst, releasing the floodgates of activity all around your planet. We, the Ashtar Command, will be closely monitoring this activity and we will make certain that no forces of any kind be permitted to interfere in any way with any of these arrests or related proceedings. We remain on alert, fully prepared to intervene upon any movement perceived as an attempt to intervene in any of these matters. We have the technology to remove any number of forces immediately from wherever it is they are located and relocate them to secure facilities where they will be held to face legal charges of their own. The forces yet aligned with the criminal Cabal have been forewarned of this inevitable conclusion if they attempt to interfere. We have made ourselves clear to them, and we will honor our word.
Upon these many arrests, your society will immediately begin a restructuring from top to bottom of all governments throughout your world. The old ways of your outdated paradigm that have failed to effectively govern will be replaced with an advanced form of leadership. Under this leadership, the people of your world will be free to prosper and live their lives as truly free individuals, unchained from the doctrines of draconian rule.
The changes will be rapid and they will be effective. No individuals as well will be permitted to interfere with any of these proceedings, and any attempt to do so will be met with swift action to remove them to secure facilities where they will begin a reeducation program. This is the way it must be. All will be free to speak out in protest of anything that they wish. Your people will enjoy the right of free speech and freedom of expression, and for many of you it will be the first time you will be able to do so.
Your new leaders will initialize many new programs as soon as is possible to relieve the suffering and hardships of so many of your world. Those that are in most need of assistance will benefit first from these programs. That is the way it will be, and we feel many of you will express your wishes that this be so. What a joy it will be for many of you to finally see those who are most in need in your world receive the help they require. Many of you will be working with us and will see the joy on the faces of those receiving these blessings firsthand, and we are looking forward to doing our part to make all this possible.
Please help us help you, by clearing the last obstacles to our arrival by continuing to spread the news of our presence in your skies. We wish to see representatives of this understanding throughout all of your world, and we see you making very positive strides towards this goal each and every day as not an hour goes by without this knowledge spreading to areas and to people that have never even considered these possibilities. For this, we are truly thankful to all that are participating in these efforts, and for your reward, a new Earth for each of you to begin your lives anew. This is what you are earning with your efforts today, and it will be soon that you shall receive your reward for a job very well done.
Continue to lay the groundwork for these changes by making this information available for all to see who wish to see. This is all you can do for them, and we do not ask you to do anymore.
It is important that as many as is possible be at least aware of these events as possibilities, whether they wish at this time to believe it will ever happen. This is all we intend, as it is not important for them to accept this information as fact.
All will discover in due time that you spoke your truth.
There will be no denying this.
We are your Family of Light from the stars.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Biggest solar storm in years nears Earth, may disrupt power

Biggest solar storm in years nears Earth, may disrupt power

By Seth Borenstein, Associated Press

Updated 4h 15m ago
WASHINGTON – The largest solar flare in five years is racing toward Earth, threatening to unleash a torrent of charged particles that could disrupt power grids, GPS and airplane flights.

  •  AP
    An ultraviolet wavelength image provided by NASA shows a solar flare. An impressive solar flare is heading toward Earth and could disrupt power grids, GPS and airplane flights. It is the biggest in five years and growing.
An ultraviolet wavelength image provided by NASA shows a solar flare. An impressive solar flare is heading toward Earth and could disrupt power grids, GPS and airplane flights. It is the biggest in five years and growing.
The sun erupted Tuesday evening, and the effects should start smacking Earth around 7 a.m. EST Thursday, according to forecasters at the federal government's Space Weather Prediction Center. They say the flare is growing as it speeds outward from the sun.
"It's hitting us right in the nose," said Joe Kunches, a scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. He called it the sun's version of "Super Tuesday."
The solar storm is likely to last through Friday morning, but the region that erupted can still send more blasts our way, Kunches said. He said another set of active sunspots is ready to aim at Earth right after this.
But for now, scientists are waiting to see what happens Thursday when the charged particles hit Earth at 4 million mph.
NASA solar physicist Alex Young added, "It could give us a bit of a jolt." But he said this is far from a super solar storm.
The storm is coming after an earlier and weaker solar eruption happened Sunday, Kunches said. This newer blast of particles will probably arrive slightly later than forecasters first thought.
That means for North America the "good" part of a solar storm — the one that creates more noticeable auroras or Northern Lights— will peak Thursday evening. Auroras could dip as far south as the Great Lakes states or lower, Kunches said, but a full moon will make them harder to see.
Auroras are "probably the treat we get when the sun erupts," Kunches said.
But there is the potential for widespread problems. Solar storms have three ways they can disrupt technology on Earth: with magnetic, radio and radiation emissions. This is an unusual situation when all three types of solar storm disruptions are likely to be strong, Kunches said.
That means "a whole host of things" could follow, he said.
The magnetic part of the storm has the potential to trip electrical power grids. Kunches said power companies around the Earth have been alerted for possible outages. The timing and speed of the storm determines whether it will knock off power grids, he said.
In 1989, a strong solar storm knocked out the power grid in Quebec, causing 6 million people to lose power.
Solar storms can also make global positioning systems less accurate, which is mostly a problem for precision drilling and other technologies, Kunches said. There also could be GPS outages.
The storm also can cause communication problems and added radiation around the north and south poles, which will probably force airlines to reroute flights. Some already have done so, Kunches said.
Satellites could be affected by the storm, too. NASA spokesman Rob Navias said the space agency isn't taking any extra precautions to protect astronauts on the International Space Station from added radiation from the solar storm.

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Debts? Foreclosure? Bankruptcy? Claim Your Power Tonight on Radio

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Back By Popular Demand!! Debts? Foreclosure? Bankruptcy? Claim Your Power Tonight on Radio RMN PM BE THERE!!
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 7-Mar-2012 13:47:16

Today's Problems & Their Common Source
Together our Spirits WILL Move the Collective Consciousness for Change
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9PM to Midnight Eastern
My guest tonight is JESSE!! A Warrior for Higher Consciousness. He has meticulously researched the laws that govern our common & current financial arena. He has combined this left brain power house information with his spiritual gifts and has created for us all a way out.
Like an Aikido Master, he teaches how to turn their own energy against them!
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Messgae from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 7, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Messgae from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 7, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 7-Mar-2012 14:00:08

Messgae from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 7, 2012
More of you are beginning to believe that the changes are becoming significant, and the details are there for those who are prepared to search for them. After several disappointments a stage has now been reached where events have moved on, to a point where the dark Ones cannot stop or reverse what is happening. Their days are numbered and they face the embarrassment of losing their position and wealth. Often both have been gained through bribery and corruption, and for them the unspeakable is happening. Not only are they being forced to give up their position but to lose their ill gotten gains. Justice will be metered out according to their crimes, and a valuable lesson will have been learned. They are treated no less or differently to any other soul, and will make good for the damage they have done.
Not a single thing is missed when you review each lifetime, and not a single thing can be hidden. Everything will be seen and understood exactly for the reasons it occurred, and if necessary for clarity you will re-live aspects once again. That extends to everyone you have involved in your life, and naturally when the time arrives they will also experience a similar recall. If you have guilty secrets now you are best advised to forgive yourself, as no one else can do that for you. That way you will avoid self punishment which is unnecessary, as each experience is considered as bringing a lesson for you. Get on with your life and make sure you do not repeat the same mistakes again, as you can be sure you will be tested again. Karma can be cleared within the same life that it took place, although most is normally carried forward and comes about in a future lifetime.
We have previously mentioned that there is a Law of Grace that can be used to release you from Karma, and it will come into being more so as you approach the end time. In fact out of all your lives your present one will see more instant Karma, as you will not carry it forward with you to Ascension. So Dear Ones, pay heed to your experiences and if they are for your evolution learn what they have to tell you. Some Lightworkers have already gone beyond the point where their lives have any more lessons for them. They already have two feet on the Ascension time line, and have raised their consciousness levels and cut their links to the lower vibrations. You will instinctively know what they are, and can ask for help if you have any difficulty in clearing them. You often argue with yourself against giving up something you enjoy, even if it is harmful to your physical being and spiritually unacceptable. Addictions can be hard to control, but when you have a firm intent to overcome them you will succeed.
It is not only a bad diet that is damaging to your body but also abuse resulting from bad habits, and the negative energies created by bad language and music that is discordant. The disturbances they cause can open you up to illness both physical and mental if you persist. Your body has remarkable healing powers that take over once you choose a different pathway in life. Ascension is getting so close and it is wise to assess exactly what you want, and how you are going to achieve it. It is your choice, so decide what you wish to do and work towards it.
Sound has an important place in your lives, and you are surrounded by such a cacophony of different ones and some are beyond your sense of hearing. Therefore your choice of music has a great bearing on how you feel. Pure sounds as you might imagine are very beneficial, and carry healing qualities which is why they are used for therapeutic reasons. Your main chakras are a series of energy centers from your Root Chakra up to your Crown Chakra, and according to their condition you will enjoy a health or illness. Sound can bring them into balance or distort them along with the glands behind them, which is detrimental to your health and well being. Sound can destroy or even kill, it is that powerful and sometimes used as a weapon in war.
In the higher dimensions discordant sounds do not exist, and you are surrounded by energies that are balanced and beautiful. They uplift your finer body and the soul, and it can be described as a sensual experience. Ask anyone who has been into the astral realms known as the Summerland what it is like, and they will inevitably tell you that you are surrounded by an energy that is peaceful and of love. Yet that is what you call the 4th. density, and when you ascend you are going even higher to the 5th. density. Can you therefore get a feel of what that must be like, and is it no wonder that souls are reluctant to leave such levels. You cope with the lower vibrations of Earth because you have got used to them, but by contrast to the higher ones they are heavy and difficult to control. However, you have become the masters at working in them, and everyone of you are to be highly commended.
Not all of us in the Galactic Federation have passed through the human experience. We are therefore extremely interested in you and how you handle yourselves. The fact that you are given help, does not take away your fantastic achievement in overcoming the pull of the lower energies. You are powerful Beings proving just how clever you are at dealing with the dark Ones. One day in the future even they will marvel at your amazing powers to overcome whatever they have thrown at you. Your collective experiences will be kept in the Hall of Records for all to see and learn from them.
Ascension will not only be a welcome break from the challenges of duality, but a change of life to one that is most rewarding and joyful. It will be something you will take to quite naturally, as it is what you were used to before you left the higher realms. The illusion that you lived on Earth will have passed by, but not without having expanded your levels of consciousness. All experiences will have contributed to your overall understanding of the lower vibrations. That does not mean that you need to be fully conscious of them, but only the lessons learned.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can confirm what you are learning right now from a number of different sources, that a major venture is well underway to remove those who stand in the way of progress. Our activities are also being stepped up to support our allies, and our love goes with you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Mass Media News is a lie (allegedly)!

Hi everyone .....

I saw this article on a website that I subscribe to. This seriously exposes how the news is reported and how what you see is fabricated and a lie. This isn't the first time I've heard of this, but this is the first time I've seen video evidence of this. Here's the article and the links to the youtube videos that accompy the article.

PHOENIX ( CNN, CNN breaking news, and Anderson Cooper have been caught red handed creating staged CNN war room scenarios regarding Syria and other stories that are simply manufactured Hollywood news designed to dupe the ignorant masses of America and the world into believing war propaganda. Damning footage has emerged of ‘Syria Danny’ – the dubious “activist” who appears on mainstream news each and every week begging for a US or Israeli military invasion – in which he apparently coordinates gunfire and explosions to be staged during his interview with CNN.
Syria Danny preparing his report for CNN is told by camerman: "Tell them they are falling down, and we're taking bodies from underneath them". Hip boots please! This is a staged "report" and only proves that CNN is manufactured news. (Watch the clip below)...
Danny "the activist" is heard saying: "Well let the gunfire sound then," right before asking someone off camera, "Did you tell him to get the gunfire ready?" Then explosions are heard directly after but Danny doesn't seem to be startled by it. To coincide with the Fake CNN Anderson Cooper interview, the camera man and Danny are clearly appearing to be coordinating props, staged explosions, and gunfire for those watching. Now, despite all of the violent explosions and seemingly dangerous location Danny is in he seems to be perfectly calm with absolutely not a worry in the world! Danny has appeared on many television shows and his stories of war torn Syria seem to change each time he appears.
This is not the first time CNN has been caught manufacturing news. Charles Jaco was the CNN reporter famous for covering the 1990 Persian Gulf War. The following video shows the stage set he was on, and he was clowning around with fellow CNN staff. The Saudi Arabian hotel in the background were fake palm trees, and a blue wall in a studio!
The clip below was leaked by CNN staff...
For 5 minutes there is absolutely no delay in the CNN reporter in the USA asking a question to the CNN reporter in Saudi Arabia. When dealing with communications clear around the world there is always a delay in the response time. This is more evidence of a fake, staged CNN report! The video appears to be real. They appear to have lied. They appear to have faked it. They appear to be getting away with it red handed, and they appear to still be continuing to do it today. Are they preparing for fake news reports about bombing Iran? Makes u many our recent TV propagated media orchestrated 'current events' were faked...? Now with forced digital TV changeover mandatory HD conversion across the entire country nationwide, near undetectable.
The BBC is Also Hollywood Theater For The Fake War On Terror:

Well that's the article and video. Like I said, I've read reports where claims were made that 'news reports' from even Iraq during the war were really filmed on a movie set in Arizona. Why do they do this ? Because war = $$$ but not for you and me. Alot of this money is subverted into the pockets of crooked politicians and black ops projects. It's time for us to awake !

Much Love and Light,
Ally     Please pass this on !!!!!

Central Banking Racketeers (TPTB) and their fake Fiat Monetary System - vid

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's Billsbest: Central Banking Racketeers (TPTB) and their fake Fiat Monetary System - vid
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 7-Mar-2012 13:11:34

Earthquakes Alerts

 Note:  Is Mother Nature this precise when it comes to regular earthquakes, or do I smell Illuminati funny business going on here. . . .

February 27, 2010 - - Chile Earthquake  8.8
Then 188 days later. . .

September 4, 2010 - - Christchurch Earthquake 7.1
Then 188 days later. . .

March 11, 2011 - - Japan Earthquake  9.0
Then 188 days later. . .

September 15, 2011 - - Fiji Earthquake 7.3
Then 188 days later. . .

March 22, 2012
March 22, 2012 Warning

March 22, 2012 is the day our researchers expect that Earth axis will shift 5 inches with aquifers around the globe and a 9+ magnitude earthquake event that will likely be included among the top ten in Earth history. This marks the next day on the 188-Day Cycle that is part of a pattern of seismicity extending back to 1965 (Mensur Omberbashich April 11, 2012 to Cornell). Other events on the 188-day cycle took place on February 27, 2010 (Chile 8.8*), September 4, 2010 (Christchurch 7.1*), March 11, 2011 (Japan 9.0*) and September 15, 2011 (Fiji 7.3*). The Earth experienced Earth axis shifts of three inches and four inches respectively with the nearside alignments and earth aquifer shifts connected to the Chile and Japan events. The historical precedent established by this seismic event pattern says the next Earth axis shift will take place in March 22, 2012 and will be five inches or greater.

Read More and See Vid- 
[2:29:20 AM | Edited 2:59:18 AM] Karen Ann: This guy shows the alignment of the planets for the day of March 22, and also believes there will be a large EQ on that day   (2 min vid)

Another good vid on the subject

Skin Gun --- A Miracle

This is absolutely a God send to mankind.  No one could have come up with that without the divine intervention of wisdom given to some scientist or doctor........
Pass it on...  maybe it'll reach the Shriner Children's Burn Center in Texas.......
This a real quantum leap, very exciting. We live in Miraculous Times.
This is one of the most incredible things we will ever see. Think of all of the good this invention will do all over the world!
This is really worth watching!
The skin gun is Unbelievable!!!
What next in modern medicine?
Wait till you see this....

Freedom Rising: "We're Getting Organized!" Webinar

Imagine a *non-political*, well-funded, locally controlled organization in every state dedicated solely to defending the Constitution. Imagine just 3% of Americans joining together to Organize and hold every government official across the nation, from mayor to the President, accountable to the the Rule of Law!
This IS the WTP Constitution Lobby project!.
Freedom Rising: "We're Getting Organized!" Webinar
Join us for a Webinar this THURSDAY night -- MARCH 8  --  7 to 8 pm Eastern
Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar Seat Now at:
Join Bob Schulz and Judith Whitmore as they roll out plans to get WE THE PEOPLE organized county-to-county, state to state and across America, in defense of the Constitutions.
Title: Freedom Rising: "We're Getting Organized!" Webinar
Date: THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 2012
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 or newer

ANONYMOUS speaks about the arrests of bankers (Video)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

ANONYMOUS speaks about the arrests of bankers (Video)
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 6-Mar-2012 23:54:52

ANONYMOUS speaks about the arrests of bankers (Video)
Central Banking Racketeers (TPTB) and their fake Fiat Monetary System Exposed as Slavery to them! - YouTube