Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What satan don't like

The Bible - Did you know that when you carry "the Bible", satan has a headache,

when you open it, he collapses,

when he sees you reading it, he loses his strength,

AND when you stand on the Word of God, Satan can't hurt you!

And did you also know...

when you are about to forward this email to others, the devil will discourage you,
but do it anyway. 

Message from Wanderer of the Skies - March 14, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Wanderer of the Skies - March 14, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 14-Mar-2012 17:20:50

Message from Wanderer of the Skies - March 14, 2012
Greetings from the Federation:
What more can be said about all that is transpiring on your planet today. We have told you about these coming events and how they will come rapidly and in succession. You are only now beginning to see the domino effect of all that will happen.
Shortly, leaders of many nations will meet secretly to discuss again the topic of disclosure which has been shelved in the recent past to attend to other issues and events considered more pressing by these individuals and their national interests. Now, however, disclosure again is on the “front burner” and will be discussed more aggressively among these participants. We, however, do not consider that their actions will amount to any change, as we have seen them “drag their feet” in the past. Several matters of concern have brought them to the table once again.
One of these matters is the discovery of anomalies in and around the sun which cannot be explained by your scientists. It is believed in the halls of power that this is a direct sign of the intervention of the Federation in earthly affairs on a more direct basis so the topic has come again to the forefront.
Another issue that has arisen is the direct contact made by the Federation with third world countries which has caused great concern with the Illuminati. They see this as a major shift in the power balance, and combined with their loss of position and strength in the financial markets, and the gathering storm of a highly organized and powerful opposition to them from across the globe, they are panicking in their otherwise methodical approach to set into play their “end game” to create their world government.
You have much to look forward to in these coming days as more and more dominoes fall at a much greater and accelerating pace. Already, you are beginning to see the turn of fortune occurring on the financial front. This will be followed quickly by the media, where many will begin to pay for their crimes and many more will turn towards open, honest, and investigative reporting. This, in turn, will be followed by a move to “clean house” with your political leaders and the stepping forward of those who consciously have begun to awaken within the halls of power in your many governments to set straight their role as stewards of society.
This is a time where justice will be heard and hopelessness cast aside. You are becoming, and it is a sight to behold. We watch in utter amazement at this process, and cannot contain our own excitement of what is coming to all and for the benefit of the entire universe.
A more definitive proof of our existence to you is in the works and more on this will be revealed in the coming weeks. You can, of course, expect ever increasing sightings from around the globe. We have, of late, concentrated on specific third world countries as part of the plan we have of direct communication with those regions. Now, however, we bring our focus back to those countries that can make a difference in the disclosure process. Expect that tremendous and awe inspiring displays will now occur with ever increasing frequency.
We are with you more than ever in these most exciting of times. This is what you have lived lifetimes for, what you have planned for down to the minutest detail, and what you are now experiencing. It is your right and deservedly so. We are with you in love, in respect, and in awe of your incredible abilities.
Be at peace.
Channel: Wanderer of the Skies

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 14, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 14, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 14-Mar-2012 16:34:28

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 14, 2012
The dark Ones are having to bow down to the pressure being applied on them by you. They never considered that you could exercise such power that they would be prevented from achieving their goals. Because of the emerging consciousness levels that are continually reaching new heights, they do not have the energies to draw upon that are needed to be successful. Their secrets are out, and at every turn they are confronted by challenges to their authority. They see their bases destroyed, and weaponry also destroyed or removed to prevent the fulfillment of their plans. They are in disarray but still fail to understand or accept that their days are over. However, we shall confront them at every turn to ensure that they are prevented from causing a major incident. We know all about their false flag operations, and they shall answer for their treasonous attempts to stage another World War. We state again, that war will not be allowed, and have asked the Illuminati to put a stop to attempts to create one. The New Age is birthing itself right now, and its progress will not be stalled or halted by any outside interference.
Therefore Dear Ones you have no reason to be fearful whatever you hear about plans to cause delays, and they would be best ignored as it is we the Galactic Federation who are in charge. Neither you or us have come all of this way to be foiled or disappointed, and as we have often proclaimed victory is ours. The round up of the dark Ones has begun and they will be placed where they can no longer interfere with your evolution. The Laws of the Universe are quite clear and irrevocable, and both the dark and Light must obey them. The one that has been considerably used is the Law of Attraction, although for a large part of your lives you have not understood the implications of your actions. The dark Ones have understood it, and taken advantage of your ignorance by empowering themselves at your expense. However, as you have taken the Light unto yourselves, you have attracted even more to the Earth and it has turned the tables in your favor.
It is a fact that in the end the Light will always win battles with the dark, even if they make momentary gains. What bigger prize is there other than your Ascension, which you have come a long way to claim. At times you have cried out to God believing that you had been deserted, when in fact you created your own separation. You blamed God for the death and destruction, yet it was Man who went to war out of greed and lust for his neighbors possessions. It has taken a long time to see how pointless it has all been, and truthfully there are no winners and all are losers. At last you are quite rightly demanding an end to war, and that call has been answered by God. It is now decreed by God that war is ended, and our place is to ensure that it is so.
That elusive peace you sought for eons of time is soon to be yours, and all forms of aggression will also be denied to those who would ignore the Divine Decree. Those souls who still harbor thoughts of this kind, will find that their vibrations are such that they will not be allowed to enter the higher vibrations of the ascended. It is no place for anything other than the Light and Love that exists in the higher dimensions. if you have the intent to ascend, make sure you are clearing the baggage that you have brought with you. Any word, action or deed that is on a lower vibration will feel out of place, so you should be able to gradually remove them from your normal interaction with others. Be to others as you would wish to be done to yourself, and you will create peace and harmony around you.
As you are noticing time is speeding up faster than ever, and a week seems a mere few days, and each week is filled with such a great potential that will change your lives. The media is still restrained and little of what is really happening reaches your eyes or ears. However, we are successfully working towards an open free Press, and once the restrictions are lifted you will be overwhelmed with reports about everyday events. When it is safe for us to appear with you, then regular T.V. programs will take place, allowing us a platform to tell about our plans and your future. The most important aspect is to calm peoples fears and prove that we come in peace, and that we are your future selves. Everything planned is for your upliftment and benefit, and whatever changes take place, you will be the ones to gain far more than you are likely to lose.
As you are to ascend with Mother Earth, total cleansing must take place and that will be of the land, seas and atmosphere that have been badly polluted. It has partially taken place through our presence and use of our superior technologies. Our brief has always been to keep a balance on Earth, and we have done that even to the extent of having prevented it from tilting too far off its axis. Earthquakes are quite natural, but we have lessened their affect where they have posed a great threat to mankind. They are Mother Earth's way of being involved in her own cleansing, and vitally necessary if she is to be returned to her pristine condition.
Sooner or later everyone of you will have to face the truth about your sojourn upon Earth. What you have been told is a far cry from the truth, and often it is distorted to suit the cause of those who control you. Yet you are born free and entitled to express yourselves as Spiritual Beings having a physical experience. That degree of freedom will be yours very soon, and you will forget the difficult times in duality although the lessons learned will remain with you. You will come to appreciate what a great experience you have had, and how much it has furthered your evolution. That indeed is what you came to Earth for, and it has been a wonderfully enlightening time that ultimately you will have no regrets about whatsoever.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and we are so pleased to see you getting the proof you want that is confirming the dark Ones are in retreat. There is no place to hide or escape justice, so you do not have to concern yourselves about their fate. As with each soul that has walked the Earth, all of you are bound by Universal Law, and no one is above it. The Laws do not however give punishment, but instead the opportunity to make good your mistakes. All is carried out whilst you are held in the energy of Unconditional Love, that you should know how much you are loved by God.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

CME Withdraws from European Derivative Responsibilities- LOOK OUT CRASH DEAD AHEAD!!!!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CME Withdraws from European Derivative Responsibilities- LOOK OUT CRASH DEAD AHEAD!!!!
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 14-Mar-2012 14:00:22

THIS IS HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Responsibilities The CFTC just released this announcement related to the CME withdrawing as a European Derivatives Clearing House:
March 13, 2012
CFTC Vacates CME Clearing Europe Limited Registration as a Derivatives Clearing Organization
Washington, DC--At the request of CME Clearing Europe Limited (CMECEL), pursuant to Section 7 of the Commodity Exchange Act, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission issued an Order on March 13, 2012, vacating the registration of CMECEL as a derivatives clearing organization.
Did you catch that the removal of the status was "AT THE REQUEST OF THE CME"?
There is a RAGING wildfire behind the scenes as the entire
$50,000,000,000,000 Credit Default Swap market is imploding due to the Greek default. The losses will come fast and furious once the auction is held on March 19th. The ISDA's 2009 "Big-Bang Protocol" will be put to the test next
More for Private Road Members in this weeks Friday Road Trip.
You can sign up for the Private Road here:
It was a very tough week for the CME. Their CEO leaves, another commodity brokerage house gets in hot water and now they are withdrawing from European derivative clearing right when their services will be needed the most...I WONDER WHY?!
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir

Former Goldman exec's scathing New York Times op-ed stirs Wall Street chatter

People walk in front of Goldman Sachs headquarters on March 14, 2012 in New York City. Former Goldman Sachs executive director Greg Smith wrote a scathing editorial about the company while resigning in today's New York Times.
People walk in front of Goldman Sachs headquarters on March 14, 2012 in New York City. Former Goldman Sachs executive director Greg Smith wrote a scathing editorial about the company while resigning in today's New York Times. / Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images
Goldman Sachs, arguably the most storied investment bank on Wall Street, has been compared to a money-sucking vampire squid and called the evil empire of finance. On Wednesday it got an entirely different kind of black eye -- delivered by one of its own.
Greg Smith, an executive director at the bank, resigned with a blistering editorial that accused the bank of losing its "moral fiber," putting profits ahead of customers' interests and dismissing customers as "muppets."
The decline of the bank's culture, he wrote, threatened the bank's survival after 143 years.
The stinging editorial, "Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs," appeared in The New York Times, was the talk of Wall Street and was widely circulated online. Smith became a trending topic on Twitter, the social network website.
CNBC, the financial news channel, ran clips of the ornery balcony critics from "The Muppet Show." Other websites quickly posted spoofs: "Why I am leaving the Empire," allegedly penned by Darth Vader from "Star Wars," was one getting attention.
Goldman swiftly issued a three-sentence statement disagreeing with Smith. "In our view," the bank said, "we will only be successful if our clients are successful. This fundamental truth lies at the heart of how we conduct ourselves."
Smith worked for Goldman in London, but the bank did not provide further details.
Smith, identified by The Times as head of the company's United States equity derivatives business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, wrote that he attended sales meetings in which helping clients make money was not part of the discussion.
"If you were an alien from Mars and sat in on one of these meetings, you would believe that a client's success or progress was not part of the thought process at all," he wrote.
Smith wrote that Goldman had devolved from a company he was proud to work for when he joined. He said the bank needs to "weed out the morally bankrupt people" and suggested that the erosion of Goldman's culture threatened its future.
Smith wrote that there are easy paths to becoming a leader at Goldman, including persuading clients to invest in products the company wants to get rid or will bring the most profit to Goldman.
Another way, he said, is to "find yourself sitting in a seat where your job is to trade any illiquid, opaque product with a three-letter acronym."
On Wall Street, the editorial may have been shocking in tone, but it was not surprising in content. Goldman's peers, even some of its customers, take its pursuit of profit as ordinary business.
"I would be very surprised if it did anything more than anger the people who are already hostile to Goldman," said Lawrence Baxter, a former executive at Wachovia who teaches at Duke University's law school.
He added that it was difficult to tell whether the editorial was "a genuine indication that things are badly out of line or just somebody who's really disgruntled."
Goldman's success has made it one of the most powerful engines on Wall Street. Goldman survived the financial crisis in 2008, which crushed two of its rivals, Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, and hobbled another, Merrill Lynch.
Goldman is also known for churning out leaders who run the world. The bank has been called the New York Yankees of finance.
Henry Paulson, who was Treasury secretary when the government devised its $700 billion rescue of the banks in 2008, is a former CEO. So is Jon Corzine, the former New Jersey governor who was at the helm of the brokerage MF Global when it collapsed.
The Smith editorial comes as outrage against Wall Street excess has bubbled up in popular culture, most notably through the Occupy Wall Street protest movement, and in the presidential campaign.
Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone, a vocal critic of Goldman who wrote the "vampire squid" line, said in a blog post that Smith's editorial might do what financial regulation and the Occupy movement could not.
"Real change was always going to have to come from within Wall Street itself," he wrote, and the best way is for investors to see that "the Goldmans of the world aren't just arrogant sleazebags, they're also not terribly good at managing your money."

Theres more to the TAG accounts than meets the eye. TAG: (DINAR)

Theres more to the TAG accounts than meets the eye. TAG: (DINAR)
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Wednesday, 14-Mar-2012 10:43:35

Theres more to the TAG accounts than meets the eye. TAG:
Transaction Account Guarantee
Superficial chatter says that you should just ask for your Dinar deposits to be placed in a no-interest bearing account. Then your funds will be insured with no upper limit. The FDIC will not be the insurer but because of the Dodd-Frank bill you will be insured fully through the end of this year or maybe for the 12 months following the Re-valuation date.
But, Heads up:
Unless the bank has actually set up and is compliant with the TAG account instructions, you may be harmed in several ways.
None of my local banks had heard of the rules for becoming compliant with the Dodd-Frank instructions. I printed out copies of the instructions (13 pages) and handed it to the bank VPs which they cheerfully received, promising that their lawyers would read it and get ready to support TAG accounts.
There is a basis for this strange TAG requirement (or suggestion). It may help if you understand the basis for the Dodd-Frank Bill and the TAG account option.
Your Dinar payouts were and are supposed to be in gold or metals-backed currency. Thats especially true for Dinar holders because the Dinar you hold is backed by gold, oil, and minerals.
Its fool-hardy to convert the worlds most valuable and stable currency into US dollars that sink in value almost every day. Dollars are announced to be DEVALUED another 40% within 30 to 60 days after the RV.
I mentioned Dinar as being stable. Yes. Monthly violence in all of Iraq is far less that that of single US cities like Washington DC or Los Angeles. TV news channels amplify and selectively choose what we are allowed to see or believe.
So where is the US currency that is metals based? New US Treasury bills are expected to be released to the public perhaps 30 or 60 days after the RV. At that time we will have options for converting our old greenback bills into the new Treasury bills. On the samples (far below) note that the Federal Reserve is not mentioned. The new bills will be issued from the US Treasury (we expect). The 99 year agreement between the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve ran out sometime in January 2012 (it is claimed).
- Your funds will be assumed to be of US Treasury Bill value later, when and if the new Treasury bills are issued. (metals backed just like the Dinar - good)
- You will have full and immediate access to your funds to buy big items or properties no rationing, no delays on withdrawals. (good)
- You funds will be insured with no upper limit for the next 9 or 12 months in the event of bank failures, closures, holidays.
- You must not gain any interest on the account (Mandatory Requirement) because banks can only pay interest using current debt-based fiat unstable old US currency.
- You cannot take funds from any other source and deposit them into your TAG account. (Maybe DONG payouts are ok not sure.)
So if you thought you could just deposit Dinar payouts into any old checking account that bears no interest, then you havent looked through the compliance standards that the bank has to fulfill in getting ready to give you a TAG account. See the link further below.
The legal rules a bank must follow are quite dense and heavy. Details galore. The bank must even have a small sign of a certain size on the wall in the lobby stating with certain words that they provide TAG account services.
Most of you probably envision cashing in at a bank, then wiring some funds from there to other local banks or credit unions. These secondary receiving banks will have to have legitimate TAG accounts if you want the TAG benefits. Upon receiving the incoming bank wire, the bank will have to ask about your source of funds. Your receipt from your original dinar conversion event will be needed in this situation.
So what happens if you just ignore the TAG option. Maybe you were only going to cash in one 25,000 Dinar note. At the rumored rate of $12.36 that single note will produce a deposit of $309,000 which is just a little over the $250,000 normal FDIC insurance.
Is that anything to worry about? (What? Me worry?)
Later when we all line up at banks to trade in our crumpled greenbacks to get our fresh Metals-based US Treasury notes, we have hints, rumors, and whispers that there will be a 40% to 60% loss of greenback value for everyone around the world that holds greenbacks. US dollars will be devalued announced and not a theory.
When the new Treasury bills are issued,
You will possibly trade in $100 old bills and receive back $60 in new Treasury bills. (40% devaluation of US dollars) Or,
You will possibly trade in $100 old bills and receive back $40 in new Treasury bills. (60% devaluation of US dollars).
IF your Dinar deposits are NOT PLACED IN A TAG ACCOUNT, your old $1 million greenback dollars will be converted (in the bank) to $600,000 Treasury Bills (for example) at the 40% devaluation rate when the new bills are released.
IS THIS SCARY EXAMPLE CLEAR? You cashed in top-value DINAR which was already gold-based, and through negligence (in this example) you lost 40% of your value because you didnt mandate that your bank set up a TAG account to receive it.
We have been kept in the dark about many things, but Congress saw this situation about to arise. For once, in your favor, the Dodd-Frank bill designed a method by which your Dinar (and possibly Dong) deposits would be treated AS ACTUAL METALS-BASED CURRENCY even though the new Treasury bills wont be issued until a few months after the RV event. These TAG accounts (if you see the sense of using them) give the US Treasury up to a year to get their Treasury bills distributed.
The trauma of the US and world-wide populations having their old green dollars DEVALUED can be dealt with best a few months AFTER the frantic Dinar conversions.
To appreciate the complexity of the RV happening in 195 nations, consider that the dollar devaluation will affect all those nations WHOSE CURRENCIES ARE ALSO BEING reassigned based on the productivity of each nation.
Summary: To avoid unnecessary diminishment of 40% or more of your funds when the world soon converts to the new US Treasury bills, consider printing out a few copies of the Dodd-Frank instructions and hand carrying a copy to your local bankers who may be unaware.
I found it useful to talk with bank administrators, stating that you are a Dinar holder, and that even though the local bank is not expected to convert your dinar, you intend to wire sizeable funds into your local account AND THAT IT NEEDS TO COME IN TO A Transaction Account Guarantee (TAG) ACCOUNT which must conform with the printed instructions at this government link.
Heres the official government link for the Dodd-Frank PDF document that defines the bank policies required: printing a copy for the banker(s).
FYI: Dr. Ed in Texas

Reader Lisa has update on TAG accounts
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 14-Mar-2012 11:22:58

watcher51445 post about TAG accounts
I'm unable to find a link to email watcher51445, I wanted to let her know that the information about the TAG accounts is WRONG - please see the follow-up to that original post where the author says they made a mistake:
Can you please post the link to the update with watcher's post -

Major Fiat Banks In Panic Mode?

Major Fiat Banks In Panic Mode?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Major Fiat Banks In Panic Mode?
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 13-Mar-2012 04:17:08

Don't know if this is only JP Morgan Chase, or not but the scenario must affect all the big fiat fraud centers...
Recently Chase sent out thousands of 'guaranteed' 2nd day delivery by the USPS notices, costing $11 each to mail, in an 'urgent offer' for the homeowner to refinance with Chase at a lower interest rate - up to a full percentage point lower.
Granted, overall interests rates are lower on fiat fraud finance, but the urgency of the notices seemed at odds with the banks ongoing policy of raping the consumer for all they can steal.
Chase stated the re-fi had to be completed by March 31st.
"Just sign the AUTHORIZATION form and return - no hassle re-finance at a lower rate - guaranteed acceptance - get more money for what you need - and lower interest rate that will give you a lower monthly payment and more freedom to CHOOSE WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES...."
Hmmm....Why would Chase put that carrot out front??
This is unusual behavior for Chase bank.
Banks just don't willingly give away potential billions in profit, especially when they already have paying consumers locked into a mortgage at the current rate.
Something IS up. It appears even CHASE may be in PANIC MODE.
Why would this be?
[ MERS National Data Base ]
Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.
(MERS) is an American privately held company that operates an electronic registry designed to track servicing rights and ownership of mortgage loans in the United States.
MERS is owned by holding company MERSCORP, Inc.
The real estate law and real estate transactions in the US are subject to state regulations and county level filing requirements, since the time of the establishment of the US as an independent country.
This is because every time a financial instrument containing mortgages is sold, various state laws may require that the sale of each such mortgage (or deed of trust) be recorded in the local county courts; "in order to preserve certain rights (e.g., the right to foreclose non-judicially), which triggers an obligation to pay corresponding recording fees."
[If those “certain rights” are not preserved how can an alleged holder in due course prove that he has a right to collect any money or foreclose on a property?  Also all non-judicial foreclosures are a denial of due process and therefore are unconstitutional.  IMO Sooner or later all of them will have to be reversed, the property returned or the people compensated for damages.]
[EXAMPLE ARIZONA - ARS 33-411. Invalidity of unrecorded instrument as to bona fide purchaser; acknowledgment required for proper recording; recording of instruments acknowledged in another state; exception
A. No instrument affecting real property gives notice of its contents to subsequent purchasers or encumbrance holders for valuable consideration without notice, unless recorded as provided by law in the office of the county recorder of the county in which the property is located.
B. An instrument shall not be deemed lawfully recorded unless it has been previously acknowledged in the manner prescribed in this chapter except in the case of master mortgages as provided in section 33-415.
C. For purposes of this section, an instrument affecting real property containing any defect, omission or informality in the certificate of acknowledgment and which has been recorded for longer than one year in the office of the county recorder of the county in which the property is located shall be deemed to have been lawfully recorded on and after the date of its recording.
D. An instrument affecting real property in this state executed, acknowledged and certified in any other state in accordance with the laws of that state, shall be valid and entitled to record as if executed in accordance with the laws of this state. [Even if recorded in another state that recording is still required to be recorded “in the office of the county recorder of the county in which the property is located.” Or it becomes an invalid transfer of interests that cannot lawfully be collected or foreclosed upon.  But “they” are doing it every day and getting by with it.]
E. Letters patent from the United States or any grant from the government, executed and authenticated pursuant to law, may be recorded without further acknowledgment. ]
The financial industry, eager to trade in mortgage-backed securities, needed to find a way around these filing requirements, and this is how MERS was born to replace public filing with a private one. [TO CIRCUMVENT LOCAL RECORDING REQUIREMENTS AND FEES is cheating and some AG’s have sued for damages.]
By 2007, MERS registered some two-thirds of all the home loans in the US. Two-Thirds.
The company is the owner of record (or the owner's nominee) of the security interest arising from mortgages extended by lenders, investors and their loan-debt servicers and recorded in county land records.
By using MERS, the lenders and investors who are the real parties in interest -
"avoid the need to file assignments in county land records, which lowers costs for lenders and, they claim, for consumers, by reducing county recording fee expenses resulting from real estate transfers and provides a central source of information and tracking for mortgage loans."
[THEREBY CHEATING AND DEFRAUDING LOCAL RECORDERS OUT OF THE LEGISLATIVELY REQUIRED FEES AND CONCOMITANTLY INVALIDATING THE TRANSFERS.  If a transfer is INVALID how can it be lawful for the successor  holding an INVALID interest to be a Real Party in Interest to foreclose? SEE EXAMPLE ARS 33-411. Further, MERS is often only a NOMINEE Beneficiary and has successfully claimed in court that they have NO BENEFICIAL INTEREST in the property and therefore have no tax liability.  Then other courts ruled that NO BENEFICIAL INTEREST means that they have nothing to transfer to anyone else.  Therefore, should not those successor entities left holding an empty bag sue MERS for damages instead of foreclosing on the homeowner?]
The company's role in facilitating mortgage trading was relatively uncontroversial in its early days a decade ago, but continued fallout from the subprime mortgage crisis has put MERS at the center of several legal challenges disputing the company's right to initiate foreclosures.
Should these challenges succeed, the US banking industry could face a renewed need for capitalization.  [Should not the federal reserve fractional banking system be replaced?]
Recent court cases where THE UPHELD LAW states
"the only VALID mortgage is between the ORIGINAL (buyer) and the ORIGINAL mortgage holder (FINANCE COMPANY)". 
[See the comments about “preserving rights”]
Most mortgages on the books have made their way into possession of the largest major banks, in the form of bundled securities, derivatives and credit default swaps.
Most of these mortgages were NOT originally written by the banks who now service the debt (collect the money). 
[And in the process of bundling each mortgage was insured at full value multiple times by AIG and other like insurance companies.  How many times was one mortgage paid in full by these multiple insurances?  How many times were these toxic assets paid in full by TARP FUNDS and BAILOUTS?]
Most mortgages are now in the national MERS computer data base, and have no original document, provable-in-a-court-of-law paper trail.
[Check out Counterfeiting laws – “a copy of a note/negotiable instrument used in commerce is a counterfeit.”]
Hence the recent rash of 'robo-signers' where banks are
fraudulently, and frantically 'producing so-called original documents' - unknown even to the homeowner whose name appears to be 'signed' on the 'new original' mortgage debt agreement, even if the homeowner never saw the document, and never agreed to sign anything.
Robo-signing is complete
fraud and a felony by law, punishable by a prison term.
[Does not fraud cancel all contracts?]
2010 United States foreclosure crisis
If the home owner elects to re-finance however, the re-finance debt agreement then becomes a 'new original mortgage'...
Source: Yes
Homeowners’ Rebellion: Could 62 Million Homes Be Foreclosure-Proof?
The financial juggling that helped cause the 2008 crisis may be coming back to haunt banks—and help homeowners.
by Ellen Brown
posted Aug 18, 2010
Over 62 million mortgages are now held in the name of MERS, an electronic recording system devised by and for the convenience of the mortgage industry.
A California bankruptcy court, following landmark cases in other jurisdictions, recently held that this electronic shortcut makes it impossible for banks to establish their ownership of property titles—and therefore to foreclose on mortgaged properties.
The logical result could be 62 million homes that are foreclosure-proof.
Fractional Reserve Banking:
"Lend money that doesn't exist and add a rate of interest on the money that doesn't exist onto the total assignment of debt, thereby collecting in return multiple times the amount of the original debt assignment and then claim ten times the amount of assigned debt being serviced as assets to the banking firm who assigned the debt, or the banking firm currently servicing the debt."
[How is this accomplished?  In ‘Modern Money Mechanics’, a publication of the Chicago Federal Reserve, it is explained that the bank cannot loan other depositors money because that would block those funds until the “borrower” repays them.  They cannot loan you the bank’s money without violating the reserve requirements. 
                       So Who funds the “loan”? 
A Transaction Deposit Account is opened in the name of the “borrower” and the Note that he signed is deposited.  Then a check is written from that account that makes the balance “zero” so that the TDA goes away.  That check is handed to the “borrower” and is called a “loan”; the books are raised on both sides of the ledger and the “loan” becomes a deposit in the overall Federal Reserve System.  Then 90% can be loaned to another; and 90% of 90%, etc. until 8 to ten “borrowers” are paying interest on “money” that never existed and never will.  At best it could be that the “money” was created on the sweat equity labor value of the original “borrower”.  Is this not ‘unjust enrichment’ for the bank?
·       If you deposit a $100 Federal Reserve Note into a bank it becomes the banks money – but they owe you
·       If you deposit a check into that bank it becomes the banks check – but they owe you. 
·       If the bank takes your valuable negotiable instrument –“The NOTE” – and deposits into an account associated with your name without your knowledge or informed permission it becomes the banks “money” – how is it that they figure you owe them?  How are the banks different from the money changers in the Temple that Jesus took a whip to and drove them out?  When will someone drive the present day money changers out of the Temple of Commerce?]

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pass it on and hurry

OH WOW ! You trying to tell me that our Prez. is trying to more or less buy votes ???

Subject: FW: Pass it on and hurry

Subject: Re:Pass it on and hurry
Obama passes "amnesty" act by Executive Order..
Let's move this forward and fast.
He'll do whatever it take to get the votes...
Be sure that you send this to everyone you know!
Obama passes amnesty by executive order
Written by Gil GuignatBorder & ImmigrationBreaking News,

Last Friday, with no fanfare, no press coverage, and with every effort made to hide his actions from the American people, President Obama enacted the DREAM Act by executive order.
Opposed by a majority of the American people and twice defeated in Congress, the DREAM Act grants amnesty to any illegal alien residing in the United States if they agree to enlist in the U.S. Military or enter college.
The Obama administration memo from the John Morton, Director of I.C.E. (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) directs I.C.E. Agents now to use"prosecutorial discretion" with regard to enforcing immigration laws.
Director Morton says that Obama Administration policy directs border patrol agents not to enforce immigration laws: "When ICE favorably exercises prosecutorial discretion, it essentially decides not to assert the full scope of the enforcement authority available to the agency."
You read that right. According to the Obama administration "favorable"enforcement means NOT enforcing the law!
According to one of the first press reports to break this important story, the new Obama policy is cut and dry: "federal immigration officials do not have to deport illegal aliens if they are enrolled in any type of education program, if their family members have volunteered for U.S. Military service, or even if they are pregnant or nursing."
Arizona and the voter ID law
Just recently Obama's Department of Justice (DOJ) blockedArizona from enforcing its voter ID law. Arizona is one if not the biggest portal of illegal immigration in the nation with half a million illegal aliens coming through the state annually. Arizona's Attorney General Tom Horne recently stated that he believed that blocking of the law facilitated massive voter fraud by illegal aliens.
Attorney General Tom Horne accused the Obama administration Tuesday of trying to thwart Arizona's voter-ID laws in a bid to get more illegal immigrants to the polls - presumably to cast ballots for the president and Democrats.
Horne acknowledged that a brief filed by the Department of Justice in a case to be heard next month by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals centers around the agency's argument that Arizona's law requiring proof of citizenship to register is pre-empted by federal law. But Horne, a Republican, told Capitol Media Services he sees something more sinister." More.
The 2012 presidential elections
First we have amnesty passed by executive order then we have President Obama's DOJ blocking voter ID in Arizona . What could possibly be the president's motive?
This story has the potential to bring the Obama Administration to its knees. The momentum can be on our side and just e-mailing it to others can create a critical mass. Don't assume you have no power. You do!










Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - March 13, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - March 13, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 13-Mar-2012 21:50:47

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - March 13, 2012
Fear is not our only task that we must overcome together. There are many other important tasks that must be accomplished, and overcoming fear will allow us to begin working together in order to accomplish what needs to be done. Your planet and your society are set to begin many changes that will uproot much of what you have come to understand as your reality. These changes will be very difficult for many of your world to assimilate, and one of the most important projects that must be accomplished is for us to assist these individuals in making this transition as smooth as possible.
You, our Lightworkers, are in a far greater position to accomplish this task than we are from our positions within the higher realms. As we have said, there are many tasks that we are better suited for, but it is important for you to understand that there are also tasks that you are much better suited than we. It is you that could reach these souls and communicate with them clearly. They will also far greater relate to you than to us, and it is upon you at this time to give this area of your lives your greatest attention and focus as the time for the implementation of some of these great changes is at hand.
We ask for all hands on deck at this time to do what it is that you can do, to do what it is that you have trained long and hard for, to be of service to humanity at this, their time of need. You have the tools at your disposal, and these tools have been created and purposely seeded into your reality to be used at this time. You are asked to now utilize them to their fullest potential and reach out and connect to as many of your brothers and sisters as is possible and explain to them what is transpiring, and will continue to transpire, all around them.
This is essential, as this is the next phase of the operation that must be completed satisfactorily before any further steps can proceed. All eyes are upon you. We await your world to be adequately prepared before we can launch the next phases of our operation. We say to you again that it is not you that are waiting on us; it is we that are awaiting satisfactory results of this part of your mission. You are all doing a wonderful job, and we appreciate each and every one of you for giving this part of the operation your attention and your sincerest efforts.
This part of the operation will reach a successful conclusion; there can be no other way. The only factor is when this task will be accomplished. We eagerly await the implementation of the next phases of the overall operation and we, the Galactic Federation of Light, are fully prepared and standing by to begin these next stages of the plan.
Please recruit as many of your brothers and sisters as is possible to assist with this phase of the operation. The more of you that participate in this project, the faster it will be accomplished. We suggest to you that when you share this information with others either through a personal interaction or posting in any of a number of your online social networks that you also ask them to do their part and share this information with as many as they can. This will keep the ball rolling and create a snowball effect that will continue to roll all around your world.
You know what needs to be done, you know you can do it, and we know you can do it. We have nothing but faith in you. This is one of the most difficult phases of this complex operation and we assure you that once this area of the plan is completed, the next phases of the operation will commence quickly, and each continuing phase of the plan will fall into place like tumbling dominoes as there will be nothing or no one that will be able to slow our progress in any way. You have this to look forward to upon the successful completion of your very important task at hand. Again, please give this your focus and complete attention. Do not let the myriad of 3rd dimensional distractions deter you from your chosen assignments.
You were all chosen to be here at this time for this very purpose, and we know that you desire to do all you can do and complete every assignment asked of you. We know this is not an easy task, and we know that many of you fear of ridicule at the hands of others, but we tell you that this did not bother you before you began your incarnations, and this will not bother you after all see that you spoke the truth. The anxiety that some of you may feel at this present time doing this kind of work is merely temporary, and only an aspect of your 3rd dimensional consciousness structures. These lower dimensional emotions that many of you are feeling today do not play a role in your lives beyond this 3rd dimensional illusion. Do your best to always keep this in mind as you do your work, and allow this understanding to strengthen your resolve and determination to get your job done.
Remembering where it is you come from and how far you have traveled to be here will help you overcome some of the challenges of these 3rd dimensional emotions that act as hurdles for you along the path of your journey here. Always remember, that each of you is far more and far greater than you could possibly understand that this time, and try to see these debilitating emotions as harmful and not conducive to your work here and must be overcome for you to reach your fullest potential as a Lightworker and a soul on your long journey through creation. You must learn to control your emotions and better use them as a tool for your learning and your growth throughout your experiences. You must learn not to allow emotions to control you and to run your life. You must overcome these emotions by understanding them better, understanding where they are coming from, and what is causing them.
Try to look at the emotions you are feeling from a state of detachment, and not get swept up in them as they rise to the surface. Take a step back from them and look at them without prejudice, without bias, and without them being your own. Look at them non-judgmentally, and observe them and analyze them and see them for what they are; limiting aspects of your journey that are detrimental if not controlled and used properly.
Your emotions can be beautiful, they can be meaningful, and they can be positive, but your emotions can also be harmful, dangerous and detrimental to your existence when they begin to bubble up to the surface. Take a moment to calm yourself, stop what you're doing and take a deep breath. Think to yourself ‘Here comes an emotion. What is it? Why am I feeling it, and what is causing this?’ Try to see this emotion as part of the illusion. It is not real, and it is not helpful to you.
Continue to breathe and continue to think about this emotion before you act upon it. Tell yourself ‘Self, do not act upon this emotion until I fully analyze it, and I will wait until this emotion settles back down before I take any action that may be detrimental to my experience and that I will later regret.’
We suggest to you to reread these words over and over again until they become part of your psyche and a new tool that you may add to the many new tools you are adding to your toolbox. Use this tool whenever your emotions begin to bubble to the surface and practice using this tool over and over again until it becomes second nature to you to use without you even having to think about, whenever a situation causes you to react emotionally to it. This will be one of the greatest steps you take as a 3rd dimensional human and we say to you that learning to control your emotions will be one of the greatest achievements you have accomplished here throughout your many incarnations.
You have learned much and have accomplished much here throughout your lives within physicality, and much of what you have had to learn and indoor has been part of your learning curve necessary to control your emotions. If you look back over your lives, many of you will see how often your emotions got the best of you and how a situation that turned bad could have been easily avoided if you would have been able to adequately control your emotions.
We ask you to review at this time instances of your past where you could have better controlled your emotions and ask yourself what could have been the outcome and what outcome could have been avoided if I would have been able to successfully control my emotions. We feel you will learn a great deal from this exercise and we encourage you to look back into your past, but very importantly, through the eyes of emotional detachment. We do not wish for you in any way to become emotionally attached to these memories of your past, especially when reviewing instances when things did not go well for you. This is an exercise for you to learn how to better control your emotions today, and we do not wish for you to relive emotions that can be disturbing or painful as this is not conducive at all to your betterment. We advise you strongly to avoid this and only review your past experiences through a calm and balanced state of emotional attachment.
Reviewing these past episodes and allowing emotions such as guilt or shame to bubble to the surface can be very harmful to you, and if you are experiencing difficulty reviewing these past episodes from the safe distance of detachment, then we suggest to you to stop this exercise and come back to it at a later time when you can better review these experiences from a distance. We do suggest to you to practice this exercise from time to time as the benefits for you will be worth the effort.
As you continue on into the days ahead there will be experiences that will be both challenging and adventurous, and we say to you that you will reap the greatest potential from these experiences through a calm and balanced state and this can only be accomplished once you learn to properly control your emotions. We look forward to meeting you in the days ahead and we also look forward to seeing this side of you as you confidently control your emotions. This will allow for a far more beneficial working relationship together and open the door for you to receive all the gifts of your new world.
There are challenges up ahead that will force you to face your emotions, and having learned to better control them will be greatly beneficial to you and those around you that you will be able to assist. It will take solid minds, brave hearts, and calm nerves to handle the events up ahead and you have the opportunity to take a great step towards the desired outcome by more effectively controlling your emotions, and it all starts now by working to control them today. What you are able to accomplish will be greatly tested in the days ahead, and you will find reward for all your efforts today.
Avoid using your last days as a training ground for the misuse of uncontrolled emotions. Instead, use the challenges up ahead as your stage to showcase your newly honed talents to confidently control your emotions. Your world is indeed a stage and all of you will be in the spotlight for the final act of your performance. We will be here with you as the final curtain comes down, and rises again for the opening act of your new show.
All that is not conducive to higher dimensional living will be ridden of, as nothing of a lower dimensional nature will be able to make the transition. This is not meant to induce panic or fear, as there is no reason for you to become concerned for yourself or for loved ones. All will move to where they rightfully belong according to their advancement, and there are many different ways to travel to where it is that suits your vibrational frequency. Concern yourselves only with each successive task at hand, and all will play out precisely as it should, according to carefully laid plans.
Do not allow yourselves to feel fear about where it is you will be going. All is and will be as it should. There is a perfect place and a perfect time for getting there for every individual according to the lessons and experiences that better suits them at this stage of their development. This universe is perfect in its design in this way, where every soul receives just what they require for their advancement. Continue on being assured of this and confident that all will receive what is perfect for them at the perfect time, as all is perfect in this, the Creator’s universe.
We are quite prepared to face every challenge before us, and with your assistance we will achieve each goal in order of its necessity as you approach ascension. That is what all this is leading to, and that is what all this is about. At the appropriate time, we will speak at great length of ascension and exactly what it will entail for you, but for now, let us focus on the pressing matters of the day.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

REPUBLIC --- Florida Republic Meeting

Subject: Special meeting of the FL Republic

Hello sovereigns,
This notice is to all in the Florida Free State, formally called the Florida Republic, and those that may join. Things in Florida are heating up and we all very excited. It should not be long now before we "go live." Our Legislature will have a special meeting to work on and approve a budget along with other budgetary matters. Meeting will be at:

            Marion County Public Library 2720 East Silver Springs Boulevard Ocala, FL 34470 (352) 671-8551
            1PM March 17, 2012 in Room A

Everything we do will be done "in the open" so you are invited to attend this special meeting. You will be able to meet your office holders both from the Legislative and Executive Branches and if time permits, ask questions.
Sorry for the lateness of this, but the following note from Ron Van Dyke, our Sect of State and newsletter publisher, will explain.

Notice: Ron has been attempting to send out our Newsletter numerous times since Friday. Today, after nearly four hours with tech support, he confirmed that his emails for us are being blocked. He is not even able to get them himself. Here is the link to the Newsletter. Please open and note that there is an important meeting this Saturday in Ocala. Details are in the Newsletter.

At this time not sure why some of his emails are being blocked, but please do visit the web site and take a peek.

Without a free press, there is no freedom,
Michael Bishop     Governor
Hal Smith              Lt. Governor