Friday, March 16, 2012


Adam Eugene Cox
PALM BEACH, Fla. – The U.S. national media are intentionally ignoring the case of a Tennessee man convicted of making death threats against Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio because the man is described as an Obama “fanatic.”
That’s the claim of radio giant Rush Limbaugh who says mainstream news media would be giving the case high prominence if a conservative person were making threats against a liberal.
On Wednesday, WND reported on the conviction of Adam Eugene Cox, 33, of Knoxville, Tenn., who pleaded guilty to graphically threatening Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, possibly in connection with the lawman’s investigation into the president’s eligibility for office.
Among Cox’s Internet postings: “I plan to kill Arpaio first. He will be filled with a thousand bullet holes before the year is out. I promise you this. He won’t f**k with Obama. He will be buried 10 feet under and his whole family will be murdered along with him.”
Besides WND, only the Daily Caller and a few local television and radio stations in Arizona and Tennessee have apparently covered the story, according to a Google News search.
“You notice how little coverage this has gotten from the mainstream media?” Limbaugh asked on his top-rated program this afternoon.
“Can you imagine if somebody had threatened to kill – take your pick – and it was learned that they were avid supporters of Sarah Palin? Do you think you’d hear about it? Do you think it would be all over the news and do you think the media would try to go find evidence on Sarah Palin’s Facebook page on what could have inspired this insane lunatic to go try to kill somebody? Here you have an avid Obama supporter [committing the crime].”
He reminded his audience that Arizona was scene of the tragic shooting of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., and others in January of last year.
“Now the media, when Gabrielle Giffords was shot, blamed Palin, and then they next tried to blame me. And neither of us, of course, had anything to do with it. The lunatic was not even political. And now we have an absolute political lunatic, a big supporter of Obama’s threatening to kill Joe Arpaio and his family and the media’s asleep. They’re not interested. The perp is an Obama supporter.
“Now, just imagine if it were a conservative threatening a prominent Arizona liberal with death, and they could track it back and [implicate] Sarah Palin or some other prominent conservative. And something else we should add. Obama went out to Arizona and made this big pitch for civility, and ‘We must stop talking about each other this way and we must all now be nice and we must find ways to bridge the partisan divide.’”
Authorities say Cox’s postings indicate – and his own mother confirms – that Cox is a “fanatical supporter” of Obama, and Arpaio’s ongoing investigation into the legitimacy of the president’s purported birth certificate may have been the reason behind the threat to kill the sheriff.
As WND reported March 1, Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse announced there is probable cause indicating the document released by the White House last April that is claimed to be Obama’s original, long-form birth certificate is actually a forgery.
NOTE: In case you missed the news conference of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse,”you can view it here.
According to Knox County Sheriff’s deputies in Tennessee, Cox has a history of assault.
“I will not be intimated against pursuing this investigation into Obama’s eligibility to serve as the president of the United States,” Arpaio said upon Cox’s arrest in January.
Several different Mexican drug cartels have threatened Arpaio’s life, placing a contract nearing $4 million for his execution.
“Every threat will be taken seriously, and the sheriff knows that his position often attracts threats but he draws the line when his family is threatened,” said Deputy Chief David Trombi, whose detectives have overseen the threat investigations.
The Cox investigation first took Maricopa County Sheriff’s deputies from Arizona to California where search warrants were served on Google headquarters.
Cox pleaded guilty to harassment of Arpaio, and was immediately sentenced to serve nearly a year in a “bootcamp”-style program similar to probation, as well as ordered to pay court costs.

Hole in Sun now Trapezoid + How Sounds make Shapes

Hole in Sun now Trapezoid + How Sounds make Shapes + Terence Mckenna
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i find the transformation of the triangle on the sun to a trapezoid to still be interesting (didn't web bot say it would be web bot hit?)
i don't think it is yet earth facing. i'm not sure which part is earth facing but it would be interesting to see what shape this thing takes when it faces earth.

"solar wind" comes out of this hole and can disrupt things on earth.
i would like to know more about that.
this hole is interesting because of it's 1. size and 2. that it has maintained a shape with straight lines for days now.
and straight lines on the sun are unusual and are usually not found in nature.

yes it's not a PERFECT straight line (for those who are anal about it) but it's straight enough that a person (who is awake) takes notice and at least says "huh, that IS interesting)

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they don't know why saturn does this either.

i think each planet has it's own "shape" because it has it's own frequency.

here is the shape of sounds:

[link to]

here are some of the unique "songs" each planet "sings"

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music of the spheres.

i believe a new "song" is being sung in the universe.
we are travelling through a new shape, and everything is changing frequency.
and we can see this physically, as well.
 Quoting: pink cat 

here is the song of the sun:

[link to]

now imagine when venus transits across the sun, venus and the sun's "songs" will combine and be "sing" to earth:

[link to]

and combine with earth's sound/song/frequency

what "shape" will it "transmit" to us?

and how will this affect us?

i think it's going to be very enlightening, imo.
i'm excited :)
 Quoting: pink cat 

Thread: there is still a GIANT TRIANGULAR CORONAL HOLE on the SUN. 3-14-2012 (Page 2) 

The Beauty Of Spring

Fountain Of Youth? Meet 70 Year Old, Looks 35 pics

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Raw: Fountain Of Youth? Meet 70 Year Old, Looks 35 pics
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 16-Mar-2012 11:05:34

This sent int to us by a Long time RMN reader, Zen-Haven.
Check out this 70 year old Hottie.. Sheesh!

Incredible 70-year-old who defies aging process with vegan diet of home-grown vegetables and rainwater
When Annette Larkins goes out with her husband of 54 years, people assume she is his daughter.
The image of health, vitality and youth with a petite size four frame and a line-free face, Mrs Larkins is in fact 70 years old.
The resident of Miami-Dade County, Florida, attributes her youthful looks to her raw vegan diet and grows almost everything she eats in the garden she refers to as her ‘fountain of youth’.
The sprightly septuagenarian did not always eat this way. Husband of 54 years, Amos, owned a meat factory in the 1960's and it was around this time that his wife decided to go vegetarian.
27 years ago she went one step further by turning vegan and now everything she eats is raw. Nothing cooked or processed every passes her lips.
Mrs Larkins also juices her fruits and vegetables and collects rain water to drink and to water her garden.
For his part, Mr Larkins wishes he had followed his wife's example. Looking considerably older, he also takes prescription medicine for diabetes and high blood pressure while Mrs Larkins won't even take an aspirin.
When they walk down the street together, he admitted: 'They'll ask me what am I doing with this young girl.'
Short Movie on link:

Intel On Global Finances and the federal reserve bank

This was posted in a Skype Intel Room

Morning friends

For what its worth guys and gals file it where you may!

Fact the contract allowing the fed reserve to print USD trade dollars has expired jan 9th 2012 .property and mineral rightes aquired with thin air money has been condemned as fraud and  that propertty and mineral rites has been returned to the rightful owners. (countries)  those assets are now unencombered. they can be put on the asset side of their ledgers.  toxic derivatives have been condemned as worthless.  these things have had to be purged off the books and the charges reversed to the originators. counterfiet gold has been removed and charges have been reversed. most of the 20,000 resignations were the  bankers and brokers and government crony gangsters responsible for this fraud. all these factors effect the value of a nation's currency when the amount of the fraud is in the trillions of dollars. it is currency price fixing for personal gain of a handfull of ultra rich gangsters. the US economy has been manipulated so it appears things are much worse or much better than they actually are in order to manipulate world public opinion. the elite own the MSM to shape public opinion to take advantage of the faith of the people to use it  to control the people for their purpose for war or peace or to divide and conquer to keep all sides off balance and make them ineffective to oppose the elite.  so in the light of the above info the abc report of the realignment is correct. it is referring to a purging of the books to balance the accounts. this has happened before in history in more than one empire when an economy got out of control with international debts the answer was to forgive all the debts and start over with what you have on hand. it happened in the roman empire and in the baybolnian empire also. God gave you a sound mind to reason with the elite have tried to enslave it with BS to make you managable to their intent.

This just in and dont take this out of context, this come from my friend high up in military intel . the US and 4 other contries that control fiat banking have been the roadblocks to the RV  and the global prosperty funds and several other wealth redistributions of funds. a chinese- russian delegation has given the US officials a deadline that if anymore interference occurs caused by the US or it's cronies will become a shooting war on US soil. anyone identified as causing these blockages will be hunted down and may or may not survive their arrest. sorry bushes clintons obummers

Well it is only secret inside US it was reported inside russia on open broadcast