Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama

March 19, 2012

What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama

A few days ago I got a call asking whether I knew anything about the Ayers family mailman. I had heard of him, I said. I remembered liberal blogger Steven Diamond having interviewed the fellow a few years back, but I paid it little mind, as the information seemed too limited to pursue.
The caller then sent me a video interview with the mailman by WND sleuth Jerome Corsi. The video made me sit up and pay attention. The mailman is a real person. His name is Alan Hulton. He seems entirely credible, and he has a story to tell.
Hulton delivered mail in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, from 1962 to 2001 with a couple years off to serve in the military. During roughly ten of those years, he delivered mail to the home of Tom and Mary Ayers, Bill Ayers's parents. Hulton talked to Tom once, Mary several times, their daughter-in-law Bernardine Dohrn a few times, and Bill Ayers not at all. Memorably, he talked once to one of their visitors, but more on that in a moment.
As Hulton tells Corsi -- and he has sworn an affidavit to the same -- he met Tom Ayers not long after the Ayerses moved to the neighborhood. Until he retired in 1980 at the age of 65, Tom Ayers was the CEO and chairman of Commonwealth Edison. Tom, however, was not your garden-variety plutocrat. According to Diamond, who knows his way around Chicago politics, Tom was a "lifelong liberal" -- one deeply involved in the same educational reform movement that engaged son Bill and, briefly, Barack Obama in 1988. Tom Ayers was comfortable enough with Bill's lifestyle to live with him in Hyde Park until Tom died in 2007.
When Hulton met Tom Ayers, they talked about working conditions at the Post Office. "I couldn't believe how he responded," Hulton told Diamond. "He started to talk about workers having to struggle to survive and about peasants and the proletariat. It made me think later that he might be a Marxist!" Hulton would tell Corsi, "I had this uncomfortable feeling that he thought he knew about my situation as a working person better than I did, that he knew what was best for me."
Hulton also recalls one particular conversation with Mary Ayers. "She was enthusiastically talking to me about this young black student that they were helping out," he tells Corsi, "and she referred to him as a foreign student." Adds Hulton, "I was taken aback by how enthusiastic she was about him." Within a year of this conversation, Hulton had a fateful meeting with the young man he presumed Mary was talking about.
According to Hulton, he encountered the fellow on the sidewalk on the front of the Ayers home. In that it was extremely rare to see a black man in this tony neighborhood, Hulton believes that the man felt the need to explain his visit to the Ayers household. Hulton describes him as friendly and neatly, although casually, dressed. Hulton tells Corsi, "I am absolutely positive that it was Barack Obama."
Hulton was sympathetic. After he had come out of military service, he was a supporter of Martin Luther King, who had pressed for fair housing in the Chicago area in the 1960s. "I took some flak about my support for civil rights from my fellow workers at the time," remembers Hulton.
Obama explained to Hulton that he had taken the train out from Chicago to Glen Ellyn in order "to thank the Ayers family personally for helping him with his education." What shocked Hulton was that when casually inquiring into the young man's plans for the future, Obama answered, "I am going to be president of the United States." As Hulton tells Corsi, "[i]t came across like this was something that's already been determined." Adds Hulton, "I was speechless."
Hulton told Diamond and Corsi essentially the same story. What gives the Corsi interview added value is that we see Hulton tell it. Although just a year older than Bill Ayers, he seems to come from a different generation. He has little to gain -- and a lot to risk -- by going public. Corsi warns Hulton that by quoting Mary's comment that Obama was a "foreign student," he has put himself at some risk. Says Hulton, "I am only telling you what I distinctly remember her saying -- that he was a foreign student."
Hulton's interviews with Diamond and Corsi are consistent in every major detail save for dates. Hulton suggested to Diamond that the sidewalk meeting took place in the mid-'80s, but Corsi suggests to Hulton that it was in the early 1990s, and Hulton does not correct him. Hulton clearly does not remember the date. If I were to speculate, I would guess 1988, the year Obama started Harvard Law School. Presuming Hulton actually met Obama, the "education" in question would almost surely have been law school.
There is a good deal at stake here. According to Snopes and the other fact-check sites, Bill Ayers and Obama did not meet until the mid-1990s. This is a talking point that both Ayers and Obama have upheld. When Ayers appeared on ABC's Good Morning America in 2008, he put the date of their first meeting in 1995 at a fundraiser in Ayers's own home. "I think he was probably in 20 homes that day as far as I know," said Ayers. "But that was the first time I really met him."
As it happens, I stumbled into my own discovery of Ayers's involvement in the writing of Obama's 1995 memoir, Dreams from My Father, when I was investigating how Obama got into Harvard Law School and who paid his way. What had piqued my interest was an interview with veteran New York power-broker Percy Sutton on a local New York City show called Inside City Hall. The interview took place in late March 2008 but did not surface until August 2008.
Sutton told how twenty years prior he had been "introduced to [Obama] by a friend." The friend's name was Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, "the principal adviser to one of the world's richest men." The billionaire in question was Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal. According to Sutton, al-Mansour had asked him to "please write a letter in support of [Obama] ... a young man that has applied to Harvard." Sutton had friends at Harvard and gladly did so.
A few months before the election, it should have mattered that a respected black political figure like Sutton had publicly announced that a fanatic black separatist, backed by an ambitious Saudi billionaire, had been guiding Obama's career perhaps for the last twenty years. It did to the Obama-friendly media, but not in a way in which it would have to real journalists. Moving in swiftly to kill the story were Politico, an insider D.C. journal run by Washington Post alums, and Media Matters for America, an alleged watchdog group founded by the recovering Troopergate author, David Brock.
Ben Smith, then of Politico, took the lead. Shortly after the story broke, Smith ran the disclaimer that "Barack Obama's campaign is flatly denying a story told by former Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton." After some conspicuous waffling, al-Mansour denied the story as well. A self-appointed "spokesman for Sutton's family" by the name of Kevin Wardally sent an e-mail to Smith that read in part: "As best as our family and the Chairman's closest friends can tell, Mr. Sutton, now 86 years of age, misspoke in describing certain details and events in that television interview."
For Smith, even though Wardally had gotten Sutton's age wrong by two years, this e-mail was proof enough that Sutton's highly specific claim was manufactured. Wrote Smith, Wardally's e-mail "seems to put the story to rest for good." Media Matters, meanwhile, scolded those conservative bloggers who did not accept the various denials at face value.
Like the man about to be carted away in Monty Python's Holy Grail, the Percy Sutton story was not quite dead yet. Sutton's son and daughter told conservative reporter Ken Timmerman that no one in their family even knew who Kevin Wardally was, let alone authorized him to speak on behalf of the family. "I'm getting better," pled Monty Python's nearly dead man. No, he wasn't. Nor was this story. With Hillary out of the race, no newsroom in America felt compelled to dig up dirt that could sully Obama.
About that time, I found a diary entry that caught my attention. Radical-turned-actor Peter Coyote entered it at the time of the 1996 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Coyote wrote, "I inform Martha that I'm dragging her to the apartment of old friends, ex-Weathermen, Bernadine [sic] Dohrn and Bill Ayers, hosting a party for Senator Leahy. Perhaps Edward Said will be there."
Said had taught Obama at least one class at Columbia. I had earlier seen a photo taken during an Arab-American community dinner in Chicago in 1998 on the fiftieth anniversary of the Palestinian nakba, or disaster. The photo shows Obama sitting next to Said, seemingly engaged in an animated conversation at dinner. The intimacy surprised me. At the time of the photo, Obama was an obscure state senator while Said, according to the Nation, was "probably the best-known intellectual in the world" and the star of that evening's show. He would speak on this occasion, as the Los Angeles Times would later report, "against settlements, against Israeli apartheid."
All of this got me to wondering whether an Ayers-Obama-Said-al-Mansour cabal had formed in the early 1980s back in New York City. If so, such a combine might have generated enough momentum to push Obama's career along. To see if Obama and Ayers had crossed paths before Chicago, I ordered a copy of Bill Ayers' 2001 memoir, Fugitive Days. It was then that I began to realize the depth of Ayers's involvement in Obama's rise to power.
Obama would have needed help to get into Harvard. Friendly biographer David Remnick tells us that Obama was an "unspectacular" student in his two years at Columbia and at every stop before that going back to grade school. A Northwestern University professor, John L. McKnight, although a friend of Obama's and a fellow Alinskyite, reinforces the point, telling Remnick, "I don't think [Obama] did too well in college." As to Obama's LSAT scores, Jimmy Hoffa's body will be unearthed before those are.
How such an indifferent student got into a law school whose applicants' LSAT scores typically track between the 98th and the 99th percentile and whose GPAs range between 3.80 and 4.00 is a subject the media have chosen not to explore. Nor have they asked how Obama paid for that education. Maybe it is time they ask the mailman.

Insider trading 9/11 ... the facts laid bare

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Insider trading 9/11 ... the facts laid bare
Posted By: afriend
Date: Wednesday, 21-Mar-2012 14:07:02

There is a whole other story within this story with regard to Promis, and it's history,but the author focus is the events leading up to September11th 2001,with regard to the financial angle. Which in reality,was what the incidents were about,and led to the 'long war' used to cover up the crimes.
Is there any truth in the allegations that informed circles made
substantial profits in the financial markets in connection to the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, on the United States?
Arguably, the best place to start is by examining put options, which occurred around Tuesday, September 11, 2001, to an abnormal extent, and at the beginning via software that played a
key role: the Prosecutor's Management Information System, abbreviated as PROMIS.
PROMIS is a software program that seems to be fitted with almost "magical" abilities. Furthermore, it is the subject of a decades-long dispute between its inventor, Bill Hamilton, and various people/institutions associated with intelligence agencies, military and security consultancy firms. [1]
One of the "magical" capabilities of PROMIS, one has to assume, is that it is equipped with artificial intelligence and was apparently from the outset “able to simultaneously read and integrate any number of different computer programs or databases, regardless of the language in which the original programs had been written or the operating systems and platforms on which that database was then currently installed." [2]
And then it becomes really interesting:
What would you do if you possessed software that could think, understand every major language in the world, that provided peep-holes into everyone else’s computer "dressing rooms", that could insert data into computers without people’s knowledge, that could fill in blanks beyond human reasoning, and also predict what people do - before they did it? You would probably use it, wouldn't you? [3]
Granted, these capabilities sound hardly believable. In fact, the whole story of PROMIS, which Mike Ruppert develops in the course of his book Crossing the Rubicon in all its bizarre facets and turns, seems as if someone had developed a novel in the style of Philip K Dick and William Gibson. However, what Ruppert has collected about PROMIS is based on reputable sources as well as on results of personal investigations, which await a jury to take a first critical look at.
This seems all the more urgent if you add to the PROMIS capabilities "that it was a given that PROMIS was used for a wide variety of purposes by intelligence agencies, including the real-time monitoring of stock transactions on all the world´s major financial markets". [4]

Is the current Emperor of Japan an elaborate pretender?

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Picture: Death march of Japan's Imperial fakes? Michiko & Akihito walk on by.

Is the current Emperor of Japan an elaborate pretender?
Word is emerging from the White Dragon Society in Japan thatAkihito Yamato (His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Japan) may be a well-disguised pretender. On this view, Akihito is a sock-puppet for an old Western Sabbatean power group operating through the G5 banking cartel.

Akihito is said to be using fake replicas of three ancient Japanese imperial treasures to justify his fraudulent position on the throne. Meanwhile, the real Japanese Emperor, Naoshi Onodera, is the true and rightful custodian of an eight thousand year old Sumerian artefact known as the Japanese Imperial Jewel.

This high-end power-spat is not esoteric; it is a key executive signifier in getting the new precious metals-backed global financial system up and running, first in the East and then in the West. The view in the Orient is that Western fiat paper finance is finally finished.

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 21, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 21, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 21-Mar-2012 13:18:15

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 21, 2012
There is no doubt that of recent times, your consciousness levels have grown quite considerably where we are concerned. There is much more interest in us and our craft, in part due to the frequency in which we are now seen in your skies. Unless as an act of disinformation, there has never been a report associated with the Galactic Federation where we have been hostile without reason. Even so we do not cause death and where we are forced to take protective measures, occupants of your craft are first removed before they are destroyed. Often we are forced into such a position when our orders are ignored, and we only give them where we are authorized to intervene. On most occasions it is when nuclear weapons are about to be used, and all of your governments have been warned that we will not allow it to happen. Believe us Dear Ones, some of your military commanders are still intent on using them to start another war. The path to Ascension is protected by us and it is not our place to save you, but ensure the opportunity is there for you to take. In fact, neither you or Mother Earth would be here today but for our actions. God has spoken on this matter, and we are upholding the edict that this cycle will end with Ascension.
The Earth is the jewel in the crown, and long sought after by other civilizations. Attempts have been made to take you over and we have prevented them, but the biggest threat to your lives has come from within. Very soon you will get to learn all about your history, and in detail where recent times are concerned. You have fought a battle without actually realizing what you were up against, and much of it has taken place on the higher levels. All along the real one has been between the Light and the dark, and you have only won through in recent times. You have come so close to defeat, and it is a remarkable achievement to have overcome the dark Ones. It only remains to completely cut their links, and remove them to where they are no longer a danger to you.
Much at present depends on the governmental changes that are being arranged. Naturally there will be opposition, but for those whose fate is decided there is no argument that will save them. We know the truth, and more importantly the motive behind their intentions. Bribery and corruption are rampant in some areas but that will be changed, and once it is we can go ahead by establishing the new Governments. Then and only then will you see the days for celebration become your reality, and peace quickly declared all over the world. At a stroke that will put your feet firmly on the path to Ascension, and no longer will your future be under threat.
Bide your time while the cleansing goes on, and be assured there will be no delays or interference allowed in our dealings with you. Your needs will be provided for including healing with methods generally new to you, that require no use of drugs or the surgeons knife. It will be a time to move on and firmly step into the 21st. Century with all of its new technologies. The impossible will be proved possible and speed and efficiency our byword. Yes, time speeds on but we can adjust to any needs placed upon us, and it is the extent of our resources that will ensure completion as required by you.
We hear your cries and know of your despair as your patience wears thin, but as we often mention - the wait will have been worthwhile. There is so much to look forward to and more than most people appreciate or would imagine. Your comfort and happiness are high on our list, and that includes all that eradicates poverty and hunger. There is an answer waiting to sort out every problem that presently exists, and in comparatively short time all will be addressed. Your willing offers to help have been noted, and we know where you all are so many of you will be called upon to help out. Some training and preparations will be carried out on our craft beforehand, but you will not need much in that way, as we know you are very adaptable and keen to learn.
Just keep on with your daily routine, and keep your sight on the happenings around you from which you may learn the truth of what is happening. It will not be too long before some members of the media will have no option but to report on important events. The idea of deliberate concealment or a distortion of the facts will disappear, with a new resolution to allow proper journalism that has the freedom of truthful reporting. There are few if any big organizations that have not contrived to present only that which keeps you in their control, and regretfully religion is one of those culprits. Most religions have been based on a distortion of the facts, wrapped around outright falsities. As with everything else they will be purged until only the truth remains, and if one wishes to survive in any form whatsoever it will have to acknowledge the truth and abide by it.
As you now realize the changes will be far reaching, so that you no longer live the lie that has passed as the truth. Have you not often thought that there must be something better than what you have experienced. That there must some purpose in life rather than the aimless routine, that kept you tied to the dictates of the Illuminati. The mere fact that you are now being helped to lift the veil that has prevented you from seeing the truth, should encourage you to stand tall and claim the freedom that has been denied to you. Each individual soul is loved no matter what role they are currently playing, and you all have an equal opportunity to move towards Ascension. You can help each other in this respect by supporting those who are awakening, and sometimes confused by what they are understanding. It is indeed a shock to find that you have been deliberately misled about the true purpose of life.
We must not forget the creatures of the Earth, as with the physical changes many species are at risk. Man has not always been kind to them and yet they are here to evolve as you are. Domestic pets are generally well treated, but along with those you call wild, they all need kindness and love. Some souls dedicate themselves to such work, but in the near future much more help will be required.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and will tell you that we have creatures on our planet, and that our relationship is one of respect and love for each other.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

"The Vision of the Universal Robe of Jesus"

"The Vision of the Universal Robe of Jesus"
 March 21, 2012
I see Jesus standing in the heavens semi-facing the earth and also facing me, and He has a rich blue robe on over His garment. He is smiling and His eyes are brilliantly lit, almost twinkling, as if He was enjoying something. I saw Him slowly reach down and open up His robe and underneath the cloth of His robe was the universe and stars. I could see them shining under His robe, and the stars were twinkling and the universe was breathtaking. I looked out and the universe and stars were still all around us also. But I could see them under His robe too. I wondered what this meant, and why He was showing this to me. He nodded to Me and slowly let go of His robe and let it fall to His sides again. He was still smiling, and then He motioned for Me to follow Him.
Instantly we are somewhere in a room. This room has two seats and a table on one end of it and the room was so long that I could not see the other end of it. "It seemed to stretch on forever, I thought." "It does," said the Lord to Me. I turned to see Him sitting on one of the chairs and He motioned for me to sit by Him. I sit down and He again said, "It does stretch on forever, because there is no end to My Kingdom. This room is a way for you to understand that I hold all things within My knowledge and in My grasp. I created all things and will always be watchful over all that is Mine. My Father gave them to Me, and until I return them back to Him, I will be active in all of the affairs of the earth, as well as My Father and the Holy Spirit. We are One, and we walk with you. You are here to understand more for your time and for the times to come."
I looked at Him, and He now had on a different robe, and this robe was a luminous pearl-like colored robe that swirled with lights and hues that caught your breath when you looked into them. It seemed to swirl with Him, yet He wore the garment also. He just smiled as I looked at Him. I waited. He then looked out towards the other end of the room that seemed to go on forever. I followed His gaze. He Looked for a seemingly long time and I just watched Him. He seemed to be engaged in His thoughts, so I remained quiet. After a few moments, He turned towards me. His gaze was electrifying, and I felt His very heart grip mine as He looked deep into Me. I could feel a part of His heart also, and I felt such a depth of His love that I had not felt before that I was shaken by it's intensity. I also sensed concern stirring within Him. I swallowed and I began to reach out with my hand towards Him and thought better of it, and I lowered my hand slowly. I trembled under His gaze. He then began to speak to me, as I regained my composure.
"There is much that I want to say to My People in this hour. There is also much that I am releasing upon the earth and I want My People to understand and to know that I am at work among them, so that they will be strengthened in Me and also in each other. It is time for My Body to be healed and to learn to come together in this hour, and to become the greatest of Lights in this world. It is time for My People to know that the increase of My Light has come and has now risen upon them in a new way. I have released more Light to enable them to mature more quickly and to advance into the things I want them to now step forth into. They are only beginning to perceive it, but as the days pass, they will see more of it manifest in them and through them. You are here to understand this and to not allow the affairs of the world to distract you from what I am doing in the earth. For My People are fearful and in turmoil over the earth's current transitions. So, I am opening My Books to them in this hour. I am opening up more of My deeper Wisdom to those who will now seek it and who will embrace it as it comes. For My Wisdom will bring forth great change to those who will receive it and to the earth as you now understand it. But it must come, for the time is short, and it is your time to rise up and to shine with the knowledge of Me."
"Seek not the wisdom of men, but seek that which is borne of Me, for I am Wisdom, and I shall keep you always if you will trust fully in Me. Seek not to try to understand the affairs of men upon the earth from the views of men, but you must seek Me continually, for only I know the full destiny of all that live upon the earth, and I alone know that which shall come, for I have already lived it all. I died so that you could live, and that you would live your life as it is written in My Books. You must not seek to save your life here on earth, you must seek to gain your higher life with Me here above, and as you mature in Me, you shall understand Wisdom's mysteries. You must walk with Me and seek Me continually, for the events upon the earth shall change greatly, and you must walk instep with Me, as you learn of Me and learn to trust more fully in Me. I have planned for your days, as I have planned for the days of all of My People. I leave nothing to chance. I wrote everything before I created you. You must understand this, My People are all written in My Books."
"I brought you to this room in this way so that you would understand that I have a great, detailed plan that is always at work, and is always in control of all things. I created all that you know and see, and even more that you do not currently know or see, but that is still to you a mystery. But know that I have always planned for the maturity of My Church and of the Ages even from the beginning. I work things out by My Spirit in the earth, and I am with each of you every day of your lives. My Kingdom is eternal and is without measurement and is above the mere comprehension given currently to men. But I want you to understand that I desire to increase your understanding so that you can fulfill all of My Purposes in the earth. This is a critical hour in the earth, and My People must stand and must take command of their portions that I have given to them. It is not a time to be fearful or in doubt, but it is a time for deep faith to break out. I long for their faith to come to maturity in Me. As your faith in Me and in My Word increases, so will My Light. My Word is Light, and the entrance of My Word brings more Light. The more you believe, the more your light will increase. It is time for great Light to now rise. I have called for many to break forth now, and it is time for you to also release more knowledge of Me, so I am increasing your capacity to understand Me and My Word even more. The more that you receive and believe, the more shall you and I cleave, and as we do, you shall know My greatest of Lights give birth within you. I am coming to dawn forth in you. I am coming to break forth within you. I am coming to fill My People anew. My Church shall radiate with Me and then shall they have clearer eyes to see. This must come for the nations to realign correctly and for you each to stand in your places that I shall open up to each of you. So, I am showing this to you so you can grasp these things that will begin to manifest in  you, and amongst you."
"I am the Light given for all men, but most of the earth still loves the darkness rather than Me. They do not see what I see, nor do they fully understand that which the darkness truly is, but they only desire that which already dwells within them. The darkness is increasing and so is the wickedness of men's hearts and their great plans of evil they desire to release. It is time for men to see My Light, to see Me, and to see Me within My People. I have told you that I am coming to sweep the earth again and to bring forth My Harvest, and I shall do so. I am working a great work among the nations, but most do not understand the depth of that which I have initiated in the earth. I am going to the root as I have told you in the past. I am laying bare all things so that men can see the darkness that truly is, and the Light that truly is, and then they can choose to live in Me or not. It is time for change. All things are rearranged, even from the beginning. You must know that which I do is for the freedom of all that desire it and will cry out to Me for it. I shall cause great unrest as I go to the depths, but I shall also bring great grounding to all that learn to abide in Me. Herein is the mystery, two worlds separate, and two worlds joined. You are only beginning to tap into this mystery. But you shall surely in My Wisdom abide and stand firmly by My side."
"Even as you look past where we sit, you do not yet see all that there is to see. You do not have the capacity and the capability at this point to perceive all that I want you to, but you are growing quickly as I accelerate you and increase My Light within you. Trust in My Light, and trust in My Spirit to lead you into all Truth. You must abide in Me even more. Take time to be with Me and your understanding shall increase, as I increase within you. What I do want you to understand is that I am in full control of all things, and I have planned for your generation to live, and to also bear fruit for Me. I have planned for your generation to rule with Me. Men do not rule of their own accord, or on their own merits. It is I that allow rulers to stand or to fall. Men manipulate for identity, and in that identity they create, they think they have power. But all power and identity is found only in Me. I created each man to be who they are destined to be. But men do not yet see that their destiny is created in Me. This is to them still the greatest of mysteries, and My Spirit is bringing change to this fault, so that men can learn to be seekers of Me. Only I can satisfy their inborn need for Me, and it is this very need that shall cause them to finally cry out to Me, as I sweep the earth deeply."
"I showed you the heavens and the stars within My robe because I want you to fully grasp just how much I love My Creation, and I carry her within My heart and I am faithful to her always. My love for her will always be. My love for you will always be. I will never forsake all that is given unto Me. Men forsake Me. Men forsake My Love. Men forsake their destinies. Men make choices apart from Me. This freedom will always be theirs, for I gave every man a will to both love Me and to know Me. This cannot be a mystery anymore, so My Light has begun to dawn even more, and My Winds of Change shall blow greatly upon the earth until all is laid bare and till all men see My Reality. It is time for the revealing of My Glory. It is time for the Books to unfold the rest of My Story. You are here to know that My Books will begin to flow. I shall awaken knowledge within My People. The world will wonder as they see the Light that shall shine out of My People in this generation. I shall reveal more of My Will and My Plans as you all learn to take each other's hands. I want union in Me and I want sincere love among you to flow, and it will, if you will embrace Me together, as I unroll the next scrolls. My Plans will not fail, nor shall they bring you to destruction as many think. I am only just beginning to create, I am fully engaged in your maturity and in My Church's end time destiny. You are to magnify Me. You are to reflect Me in the earth."
"The earth is Mine. The nations are Mine. My Church is Mine. I shall have a glorious church, and a great, great harvest. I shall accomplish all that is written in My Book, so you must study My Book and as you do you shall see it differently, for I am opening your eyes even more to see, and My Light will disclose every mystery to those who are diligent to seek out more of Me in it. For I am the Word, and I am the Light, and I am revealed to those who love Me. Men have their plans and satan has his, but nothing shall stand before My Word. I have already told you this within My Word. So why do you fear, when you see the changes drawing near? You know that these things must come and that these things will be done, so you must stand confidently in what I have already told you will be, and seek to know what you are to be doing in this hour. You are to be about the things I will show unto you. You must be wise, for I have much for you to do and to be. I am moving quickly. I shall sweep the earth with a great wave of My Hand, and many will think that this is the end, but it is only the beginning of the dawning of the finest hour for My Church. I have much more beyond this wave to come. I am only clearing My floor, so that I can build even more. You must understand with every passing of My Hand. it is not yet the end, it is only the beginning of what I want to finish among you at this time. It is time to climb. Climb higher in your faith. Climb higher in your understanding. Climb higher in your trust in Me. Climb higher into My true Reality. The earth will come face to face with Me. I have come to set men free."

"I have opened you eyes already, and you see to a degree, but this shall change greatly, as I open the heavens and the realms to My People, so that they can walk more fully with Me. You are not limited to this natural world, even as I am not. But you have not yet tapped into your whole identity in Me. All that is Mine is yours. All that I Am is also to be understood. You will grow in this knowledge as you grow in Me. Let My Light in deeply and more completely, and let My Winds have their way, for they shall increase everyday. You have already seen the changes in the earth and in time. This shall accelerate till all is brought fully to the Light, and as I deal, I shall also bring forth a new alignment for all to see. Right now this is a mystery, but all men shall know that I still govern the earth and man with My Hand. My People are to stand, and to root deeply into Me and into each other in this hour, for I have only begun to release the knowledge of My Power. But as you gather and learn to cleave, know that My Power will rest upon you all and will not leave. I will abide in My Bride and upon My Bride in the earth, and I will clothe her gloriously. This will bring forth a great flood of Light that will break the powers of darkness that so easily defeat you right now. You shall be My greatest of all Mysteries, My Church, radiant with Me! I have planned for the Ages, and I have planned everything your generation will be. Trust fully in Me."
"Take the book, " He said to Me. I looked down and saw that there was a book on the table that was by our chairs. it was not there before. "No it wasn't," the Lord said. "You were not ready for it till now. I brought you here to bring you more fully into My understanding so that you could move beyond your current level of perception and on into Mine. It is time that you perceive with Me. It is time that you think with Me. It is time that you allow Me to perceive and think through you anew. I am awakening you. I am opening up your comprehension of me, so that you can read My Word more clearly, and see Me within it to the degree that I want to you to see Me. As you see Me, you shall also understand all mysteries, even as Daniel understood in his day. So shall you also understand in your generation those things that shall come to pass in your generation, in every way."
"Are you ready to grow even more in Me and to obey everything I say?" I nodded yes and He stood. He then gestured to Me towards the book lying on the table. "Pick it up and eat it all," He said. I reached down and picked it up and it was as light as a feather. It had no weight at all. I was sure it would float away if I did not hold onto it. I reached up to put it in my mouth and I swallowed it as He instructed me. It melted in my mouth like water and flowed down into Me. I felt like it was filling Me entirely. It filled every part of my being till I thought I would burst. I then understood that this was it's purpose. I then said, "Lord, I yield and surrender to your Word." Immediately I felt myself expand inside. It was like every pore opened up and every cell filled with water. I felt buoyant. I also felt great joy. It was as if my whole being opened up and grew into a denser being. I also felt His heart too, I could feel it within Me in a deeper way, the Word was opening up inside me, and I suddenly was aware of His deep love for Me, even more than before. I looked at the Lord, to see what else I should do, and I felt like the fullness of the water that was flowing inside me was going to begin to pour."
He smiled and said, "That is why you are here, and that is why My People must now draw near. I have begun with My Winds to blow, and I have begun with My Light to shine, and I have begun with My Waters to pour, and I have begun to with My Fires to roar. You all shall indeed with My Wisdom pour, and My people shall also grow in My Wisdom and Grace, and My Church shall increase in My Wisdom and pour out to the human race. It is time for My Word of Life to pour out of My House more fully in your day, even in this generation it shall break forth is a violent way, and even increase, forever more. I shall speak to each of you, and I shall daily unfold more, and all that believe in Me shall understand that which was written of old. Go, and strengthen your brethren, and learn to delight yourselves in Me. I am opening each of your hearts and your eyes to see, and you will all see Me, even as you will abide together in Me. For I am in the midst of thee." -End of the vision experience.



Melbourn, Florida

March 20, 2012
To have authority in the army of God you must stay under My authority.   For if you come out from my authority and command, then you place yourself in a very dangerous position.  For the enemy of your soul goes about as a roaring lion seeking who he can devour.  If he sees one of My chosen people come out from their place of safety, he will be more than ready to devour you.
Usually it won't be immediate where you are snatched up into vile deception and sin, but it will be a gradual falling away from My holiness and truth.  You will start to justify your actions as you believe you are being led by My spirit.  You could even be in My will at first, but if you allow your flesh to get in there in any way, you are beginning to become an open target for the enemy.  He is watching your steps like prey, and at the right moment he will pounce, and snatch you away from all that was once safe and comfortable in the holy place.  The holy place is now becoming defiled in your life, and you are beginning to see things in a different light.  It is no longer the light of My glory leading the way, but it is a false light leading you down a path of darkness and deception.
Wake up before it is too late!  Wake up to the truth of My word which is a path of holiness and safety.  Be discerning to your own thoughts and feelings.  Pray to Me to have this discernment to judge what is of Me, what is of the evil one, and what is of your own flesh.  For where there is pride comes a fall!  So beware!  Listen closely to My spirit.  In order to do this you have to turn off all the distractions of the world, and get quiet and still before Me.  You must use discipline to know that if you don't come apart from the world and your own desires of your own will, you will lose desire for what is true and holy.  You will actually lose desire for My presence and all that My word stands for.  You no longer will desire My word or My will.  Your own will has become your god, and your whole life is an open target for the enemy to invade and take over.
Repent, turn from your wicked ways, and trust Me to show you the way of restoration.  Be careful not to want to hide the revelation of your error of your ways from your heart.  Be open and teachable and learn from your mistakes.  Ask Me to show you the tactics and strategies of the enemy.  If you are truly Mine, the error of your ways will only improve you upon repentance.  You will be more aware not to fall into the snares of the evil one.  You will remember the day when you delighted in My presence in the congregation of the saints when you were glad to come into My temple to worship.  Remember the days when I moved through you with by My spirit and you touched the lives of the multitudes.
You are coming up to a higher level in Me.  You are not losing ground but you are being purified by My fire.  What the enemy meant for harm is only working for the good of My kingdom.  So don't allow the enemy to condemn you and bring shame upon you.  You are only being tested to see which way you will go.  You are at the fork of the road.  You can go straight ahead on the path you are going which leads to damnation and destruction or you can turn now while you still have the chance to come out from the snare of the evil one.  
Rejoice that you found out now before it was too late.  It is better to be open and teachable and humble than to try to cover over and come to a total fall.  These are the days of the great falling away.  Get connected to the body that I have led you to for this is a place of safety for you. When you come out from the fold of my sheep, the evil one will snatch you up like a prowling wolf.
Be still and know that I am God.  If I AM for you, who can come against you and win.  Even the evil one is a tool in My hands to bring about a major turn around in My people.  Everywhere you see persecution and a seed falls to the earth, you see multiplication, purification, and My fire starts to burn like wild fire.  So rejoice for surely this is the day for a great repentance in the body of Christ.
So be ready for the prodigals to come home, for the backsliders to be restored, for the saints to wake up, pursue, and take over the kingdom of darkness, and for My kingdom to come, and My will to be done on earth as it is in heaven!!!!!!

Hollywood Producer: Bill Clinton Directly Told Me Barack Obama Not Eligible - 3/16/12


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 21-Mar-2012 10:31:59

Thirty years after it was entangled in a scandal involving the mafia, money laundering and the mysterious death of the man nicknamed “God’s banker”, the Vatican bank faces fresh controversy.

The Vatican Bank has had one of its accounts closed by JP Morgan after stone-walling requests for information. Photo: ALAMY
The bank – formally known as the Institute for Works of Religion or IOR – has suffered the ignominy of having one of its accounts closed by JP Morgan after stone-walling requests for information.
The sanction came less than two weeks after the US State Department listed the Vatican as being potentially vulnerable to money laundering.
A Milan affiliate of JP Morgan said it will shut the account by the end of the month after revealing Vatican bankers had been “unable to respond” to requests for details about payments into the account.
A spokesman for JP Morgan in Milan declined to comment, citing client confidentiality.
The Milan branch had been seeking information since 2010, when the Vatican bank was accused by authorities in Rome of contravening money-laundering regulations.
In an unusual move, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi president of the Vatican bank, was placed under investigation and a judge in Rome ordered a freeze on €23m (£19.5m) held in one of the bank’s accounts.
The scandal prompted the Vatican bank to initiate anti-money-laundering legislation, which is currently being debated by the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy.
The Vatican has a chequered history on financial transparency and propriety. Its financial past has included, most notoriously, its involvement in the bankruptcy of Italy’s largest private bank, the Banco Ambrosiano, in 1982. Its president, Roberto Calvi, nicknamed “God’s Banker”, was found hanged beneath London’s Blackfriars Bridge, with investigators unable to rule whether he had committed suicide or was murdered.
The Vatican bank was unavailable for comment.
“God’s banker” Meets the Management

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - March 20, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - March 20, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 21-Mar-2012 01:00:37

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - March 20, 2012
As the power continues to shift over to those of the light, you will see more changes all throughout your society. Be aware of these changes and continue to be a source of information for your brothers and sisters who will have little idea of what is transpiring around them. You have come to earth on assignment to assist, and you are now about to move into the thick of things as the changes that we have talked about are set to begin. Be a pillar of strength for others in this time of great change as many will be confused and some frightened at these proceedings. We will keep you abreast at all times of updates throughout these events, and we will inform you of anything we feel you should know as these arrests continue throughout your world.
Stand by your convictions and continue to spread the news of these arrests that will begin shortly and sweep through countries all over your planet. We have advised you that all will see that your words were truth, and we assure you this will be the case. Have confidence in yourselves and of your work. Know that you are doing the work of the light by sharing this information as it is very important for as many as possible to understand and recognize this event for what it is and what it will mean to the people of your planet. Try to understand that not everyone thinks like you and that there will be those who see these arrests as bad news and signs of more negative things to come. Do your best to offer them an alternative view to these proceedings and see that these changes are very necessary to the upliftment of all the people of your world and your society as a whole. These changes were well overdue and their time has now come.
We see new doors to fly open all over your world upon these arrests, and as we have said, this event will merely be the beginning to a wonderful new start for your world. So much of what you only believed to be possible in dreams will now be as real as everything you have ever known. Without the obstacles of the dark ones in your path, your journey will take on a remarkable new look and feel, and new roads will take you to great places and great heights many of you have never even dreamed of. All that you have ever wanted, needed or desired will now be yours, and you will be free to do with these gifts whatever it is you would like as long as you respect the boundaries and rights of others. This will be your creed. This will be your law. This will be your new golden rule. When one respects this law, so many other laws that are on your books today can be taken down and done away with as they will no longer apply to your experience.
You are about to experience true freedom, for many of you for the first time throughout all of your incarnations into the physical, and we are here to make sure all that has served to keep you down and keep you repressed is removed from your new lives forever. Please be patient with us as we proceed with these many changes as they number greatly and can be very complex, but we assure you all the changes will proceed according to schedule and there will be no delays permitted of any kind. Once the obstacles of the dark ones are removed there shall be no other reasons to slow our progress in any way. You are now about see what real change looks like.
We will begin with a restructuring of you governments once the Cabal is removed from power. There has been a corruption of most of your world governments, in many cases leading all the way to the top of a hierarchal structure. We intend to tear down this pyramidal structural one block at a time and rebuild your governments with those of integrity, honor and a sense for justice and fair play. These men and women will uphold your new law, and your new law will be based on love. This is the way it will be and there will be no toleration or exceptions to your new law, and all who try to stand in the way of your new system will be removed and taken to a place that more accurately matches their vibrational and consciousness levels. This is the way it must be as no one or nothing can be permitted to stand in the way of your newly forming world. As your new society is taking shape, it will be as a newborn baby that needs love, proper care and nurturing, and each and every one of you will be the parents of this newborn and it will be each of your responsibilities to raise her with love and give her what she needs.
Many of you have shown your worthiness to be the leaders of your new society and will, in the days ahead, be offered opportunities in your new governments. This is how it will be in your new world, where each of you will earn your positions within your society through your good deeds and your actions, and no longer will positions of power be filled through cronyism, influence peddling, or coercion in anyway. Your society will be free and clear of any corruption on any level, and there will be no reason for any of you to ever have to stray from the path of light in order to survive as all you will ever need for you and your families will be yours. Your new system will be a system based on abundance, and so many of the ills of your society that were symptoms of its cause of lack and scarcity will disappear forever.
It is now the time for what many of you have waited a very long time for. The show is about to start and we ask you to continue to be participants in your show and not spectators. There will be enough spectators to these proceedings and what we are asking for is performers to take their places center stage. We will act as directors for this production and suggest to you where your talents can be better utilized, but always keep in mind, we will only suggest our ideas to you and the final decisions for anything you do will be up to you as it is your world and you will call all the shots.
We are here in an advisory capacity and to help you in ways that you are not properly suited for. In the days ahead, you as a society will be fully capable to take care of yourselves in every possible way and we will move on, leaving ambassadors here to observe how your new world is growing and taking shape. They will report back to us, and we will always be there for you if ever you should require any of our assistance in the future. Many of you will be leaving with us as members of the Galactic Federation of Light as we journey to new worlds and begin our new assignments to assist another planet just as we are here assisting you. This is what we do, and we look forward to you joining us on our next mission.
Heightened states of awareness are what we intend throughout our missions to other worlds. We place our personnel within growing societies where they can be themselves and effectively raise the consciousness of others around them as they live their lives. This is a very effective method that we have worked on perfecting for many eons and we will continue this method as it has proven to be very effective in raising individual, as well as the collective consciousness of worlds.
When the work of our Lightworkers is completed, it is time for them to rejoin us and move on to new areas of their work. This is the case at this point in time here on this planet, as many of you are completing your assignments as Lightworkers to assist in the raising of the collective consciousness of this world. You will now be rejoining us as we proceed with the next stages of this operation. When all our work is completed here, it will be time to move on to new destinations and new assignments and you, of course, as members of the Galactic Federation of Light, as well as some of you who are members of other galactic commands, will rejoin your crews and travel to the location of your new missions.
Our work is never finished, of course, as there are newly born worlds every moment of every day throughout this universe, as it is an ever growing and ever expanding expression of the Creator’s dream. Each of you are an expression of the Creator's dream as well, and you too are ever-growing and ever-expanding each and every moment of each and every day. We are also here helping you grow into maturity, just as we are here in assistance to your society as a whole.
All throughout our journeys, there are higher dimensional beings guiding us and nurturing us, as this is the way this universe has been designed. None of us are ever alone on our journeys as we are protected, loved and cared for by those of higher realms whose mission it is to watch over those of lower realms and help them on their journey. This is the way it has always been, and this is the way it will always be. We too have higher dimensional beings watching over us, guiding us and protecting us, and once you ascend you too will be called upon to watch over and guide beings from a lower dimension while those of the higher realms continue to watch over you. This is the way it is in this universe, as we are never left all alone without guidance on our never ending journey.
We are always cared for and protected, and this is why there is never a reason to fear. Fear is an illusion, as is separation, of your lower dimensional states, but as you ascend into the higher realms this illusion will fade away as the mirage it is and you will remember that you have never been alone and unprotected, not for one moment throughout your journey. We are here to help you remember this, and we are here watching over you, guiding you and protecting you, just as we have always been and always will.
I have never met such resilience to the truth before, but we see plowing through these walls of lack of information in due time as we push forward with our mission. Please be advised there will be further obstacles before us before you enter into the last and final stages of ascension, but these obstacles as well will be removed one by one by us together as a team. Looking towards these projects we see a finely tuned working machine consisting of members of your human family and members of our cosmic families. Together there is no obstacle that we will face that can stop us, and we will succeed as we have so many times before and go on to face new challenges and new adventures in this universe of ours.
Tougher jobs we have had, but that is not to say that this particular mission is not without its challenges. The Cabal and their minions have proven a formidable foe, but they have seen their last day as they now recede with the sunset and will not be permitted to see another day. We have effectively neutralized their fighting forces and they are no longer able to mount any opposition to our movements and our plans to install a new societal system on your planet. Every plan, every strategy, every maneuver, and every wing and a prayer that they have thrown at us has been defeated and they are now out of options and will see no revival of their fighting forces or of their plans for world domination. It is all over for them. They know this, they know we know this, and now you know this. It is over. Victory is ours together as it has always been written.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - March 20, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - March 20, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 20-Mar-2012 21:49:50

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - March 20, 2012
12 Chiccan, 18 Ceh, 8 Manik
Dratzo! We return! Progress continues to be made by our Earth allies and especially by Earth's many secret sacred societies. Many nations in Europe, and many others that are sympathetic to the cause of the new economic system now stand in defiance of the status quo. Meanwhile, a group of unprincipled speculators and their energy-corporation co-conspirators continue to put pressure on global oil prices. To counter this massive chicanery, those who are ready to overthrow the major dark regimes are busy approving the use of various devices that can quickly take your planet off dependence on crude oil and petroleum. This is one of many projects that will refocus the basic direction of your global societies. A new financial system accompanied by new governance will free you from the daily burdens of artificially created scarcity. It is time to begin a new epoch based on true sovereignty and a natural global abundance founded on zero-point and solar energies. There is also the matter of your duties to Mother Earth to attend to. Your precious planet needs to be resuscitated and supported by all of you.
These various activities are part of the plan to remove the dark from power and to permit us to carry out our first contact mission with you. We dearly wish to complete this mission at the right divine time. Before we can arrive, all of you need to become aware of the foul nature of your current reality and why it desperately needs a complete and thorough makeover! The good news is, the dark cabal is on its last legs and its members deeply fear what is to happen to them. We observe how those working in the Light have been courageously moving a much-needed new economic system into place. The abundance that is to flow from this system is only the start of a huge agenda of change. The first of the coming changes can be thought of as a fun run-up to first contact when you will experience the magnificence of Heaven and a return to your spiritual roots. As we have often told you, our part is to mentor you back into your natural state of full consciousness, at which point you will become our associates in unfolding the divine plan throughout physicality.
These changes are to convert the very nature of your reality into something quite different. It is rare for Heaven to condone such an immense alteration in such a short space of time. Normally, this amount of change is made over centuries, not in a span of less than a decade. This sanction is by way of being a divine compensation because the dark cabal openly defied the sacred decrees governing the makeover of this reality. The cabal took upon itself the astonishing hubris of attempting to evict the forces of Heaven from one of Her especially administered physical realities. Such defiance is of course ridiculous! The Galactic Federation of Light is here as one of the physical components of Heaven to carry out the divine agenda in physicality, and it is thus that your freedom is ensured. Also dedicated to the Light are various on-planet resources which have joined together to direct a Heaven-sponsored removal of the cabal and its arrogant adherents. This strategy is in its final phases and the cabal's power is ebbing fast.
As the dark cabalists prepare to step down, we closely monitor those who are poised to succeed them. It is vital that the designated caretaker governments set up a form of representative governance that supports your present and future development. The prosperity programs and the many beneficent projects that these interim regimes will instigate need to be in synch with one another. Further, these regimes require new rules which enable each of you to be a participant in government, as these will be the first, primitive steps toward your galactic society. This brief period will be an interregnum between your present governmental morass and your return to full consciousness. Nevertheless, its activities will need to anticipate the vast transformations that lie ahead, and must represent more than just a return to the eloquent goals of your forefathers. It is a time to acknowledge who you are becoming and the grand responsibilities that you are to undertake which will forge a marvelous future for all of surface humanity!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this glorious day to welcome each of you into the new realm of full consciousness which is being materialized as we speak. Below you lie the sacred lands of Inner Earth, where each city of the Agarthans is doing its part to assist us in morphing the remaining darkness that riddles your surface societies. We are in fact moving our associates into position to successfully complete the final moves that will sweep away the detritus made by millennia of dark misrule. Your freedom comes with certain responsibilities to Mother Earth and to the magically complex and diverse life chain so badly disturbed and laid waste to by the dark. We are at the time specified by Heaven to appear before you and explain the many aspects of sacred wisdom that we have acquired over the millennia, as this knowledge can help you understand more precisely what Gaia expects of you.
You are entering a brief period in your history that is to expand your consciousness as well as your overall awareness of the nature and function of your reality. This will act as a wakeup call to your innate wisdom, which has lain dormant within you from the suppression of nearly 13 millennia of limited consciousness. This state was imposed on you with certain severe restrictions mandated by Heaven, and at first these standards were only trifled with by the dark. Then, during the past eight millennia the Anunnaki and their appointed minions ran roughshod over these various rules. It is these violations that have led to the special dispensations which resulted first in our presence (the Ascended Masters) and then in the first-contact mission of the Galactic Federation. Using Agartha as our appointed refuge on Earth, we journeyed out each day to guide and prepare you for the Great Shift in consciousness.
The divine grace and mercy of Heaven have brought us all to the prophesied point where we return to who we truly are. Our task at that point becomes increasingly one of guiding you to your full potential within your life contact. We have taken on with joy what is next in line for us all and for this marvelous living entity upon whom we dwell. Our Agarthan family is very ready to celebrate their reunion with Earth's surface humanity, and thereafter, our activities will expand to include all the water worlds that make up this solar system. This newly formed star-nation has a series of special tasks to help the galaxy return to the Light and join a multitude of nearby galaxies to spread the Light throughout this sector of physicality. An exquisite future is forming, which we will all partake of in joy and in harmony with all of Creation.
Today, we continued our message about what is happening on your world. A new sense of selfhood is spreading rapidly within humanity. With the assistance of many from Heaven and from the Galactic Federation, you are readying yourselves for the consciousness shift decreed by Heaven and by AEON. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization