Thursday, March 22, 2012

CGI: Ex-SEAL Calls "B.O."-> A Man for all Treasons

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI: Ex-SEAL Calls "B.O."-> A Man for all Treasons
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 22-Mar-2012 13:43:14

From CGI's Rumor:
The Campaigner in Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, is of course only the most visible element of a vast left-wing conspiracy. Take a stroll through “Discover the Networks” if you doubt me—the “Tides Foundation” is a good place to start. (Note: the connections are so widespread that the webpage may take some time to load—be patient, the network will eventually appear).
You may as well add Republican neo-cons and RINOs to that list, as they are left-wing as well—that is, they support big government and totalitarian rule. True American patriots among our elected officials are scarcer than hen’s teeth these days. Treason is de rigueur among our political elites—although they certainly do not call it that. Nonetheless, treason it is.
Obama One World Government
By treason I mean attitudes, motives, speech and/or activities that are not simply un-American, but are squarely anti-American in intent and effect. Within the past few years we have seen economic treason, judicial treason, and political treason to name just a few. The great number of treasonous activities presently going on in this country precludes me from making an in-depth analysis, but I will attempt something of an overview.
Rightly or wrongly Obama is seen by various treasonous factions in America as being their figurehead; as representing their interests, and he may therefore in that sense be seen as a man for all treasons. Yet it is not Obama that I wish to focus on in this article, but rather two of the major forms of treason that are prevalent in America today. I am referring to one-world-government and anti-Constitutionalism.
The “merchants of death” aka the “military/industrial complex” are making out like bandits, while our rank and file military pay the price—and a dear one it is. They have been, and are being, stabbed in the back by “corporate criminals playing with tanks.”
Behind all the sturm und drang, song and dance of competing ideologies, behind all the smoke and mirrors, a relatively small international cabal of very wealthy elitists stand poised to take over the world. If you do not understand that, then you have not been doing your “homework.” One-world-government means slavery for “we the people,” our children, and so on in perpetuity. The elitists do their best to put a “smiley face” on it, but slavery it is, and slavery it will be.
The elitists have understood that nation-states stood in the way of their global dominance for quite some time—and none more so than the USA. They have been so successful in their efforts to tear apart and destroy America that treason goes on in the highest levels of our government largely unopposed, unremarked upon, or even noticed.
Link for a great deal more

Vitamin D deficiency

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

DID YOU KNOW???!!! DO YOU KNOW About John Cannell, And Vitamin D deficiency ?
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Thursday, 22-Mar-2012 04:31:31

Vitamin D levels linked to length of survival in ICU
Posted on March 15, 2012 by John Cannell, MD
You never know when you will end up in the ICU. Your life will be clinging to remarkable technology, medical skills and wonder drugs of today’s intensive care units, but you’ll also be using your own innate defense mechanisms to cling to life.
Average vitamin D level was 14 ng/ml with about 45 of the 130 critically ill patients having vitamin D levels below 10 ng/ml.
More and more it looks as if vitamin D is the most important innate defense mechanism that humans can control. That is, your vitamin D level will either be high or low based on choices you have made. You either get UVB photons or you don’t; you either take vitamin D or you don’t. That nature leaves those
choices to us, in order to make such a powerful downstream steroid hormone, is astonishing.
Drs. Arnson and Amital and colleagues of the Sheba Medical Center in Israel measured the results of the choices of 130 such patients. Even the ones that skipped the vitamin D articles in their local newspapers had made a choice.
Some decided to avoid the sun or sunbeds, yet others believed their doctors when they were told, “You can get all the vitamins you need from a good diet.” Their average vitamin D level was 14 ng/ml with about 45 of the 130 critically ill patients having vitamin D levels below 10 ng/ml. The rest were not much better. Despite the small differences between the highest and lowest, the ones with the highest levels outlived the ones with low levels.
Arnson Y, Gringauz I, Itzhaky D, Amital H. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with poor outcomes and increased mortality in severely ill patients. QJM. 2012 Feb 12. [Epub ahead of print]
The 130 patients in the study included adults suffering the results of everything from car crashes to strokes to heart failure. The researchers measured vitamin D levels from stored blood on all patients at the beginning of their mechanical ventilation. They wanted to see if vitamin D levels had
any effect on death rates, and it did. Virtually everyone died, but the ones with the highest vitamin D levels lived 24 days compared to an average of 15 days for the vitamin D deficient group.
First, as I like to say when I speak, everyone who takes vitamin D will die. It’s just a question of when. If all of a sudden, by magic, everyone in the USA had a vitamin D level of 50 ng/ml, we don’t know what people would eventually die from. It would probably be the same diseases that kill us now, only those diseases would occur later in life. Vitamin D is not a
panacea; the best we can hope for is that it will let us live to our genetic potential, called squaring off the mortality curve.
How do you decide how much vitamin D to take? How do you make such an important decision for your family and yourself? How do you know? Scientists have never given 5,000 IU/day for five years to see if it is safe. True, and they will not be doing so for quite a while. The answer is firmly embedded in common sense.
Five thousand IU is about 50% of what you get when you sunbathe at noon in the summer in your bathing suit for 30 minutes. As the molecules made in the skin from the sun and the ones in vitamin D supplements are identical (cholecalciferol), it is hard to make a case that 5,000 is too much. On the other side of the argument, a typical Pascal’s Wager, is the growing
scientific publications indicating not taking 5,000 IU/day is a decision you may not live to regret.
About John Cannell, MD Dr. John Cannell is founder of the Vitamin D Council. He has written many peer-reviewed papers on vitamin D and speaks frequently across the United States on the subject. Dr. Cannell holds an M.D. and has served the medical
field as a general practitioner, itinerant emergency physician, and psychiatrist.
View all posts by John Cannell, MD ?
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CGI: The Ford Foundation and the CIA

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI: The Ford Foundation and the CIA
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 22-Mar-2012 01:52:38

CGI's Billsbest:
I am considered by most people who know me as being to the right of Genghis Khan. I worked for the company many years ago. I often laugh at the assertions you make. There is no basis in fact for what you propose. Most organizations like the Ford foundation wouldn't allow themselves to be used in this manner for fear of getting their folks killed or injured, not to mention the embarrassment if found out. I don't like Obama either but when you make inane comments like this you hurt us and make the voting public think we are crazy.
First, this has nothing to do with right versus left, it is about liberty versus the interventionist state. Second, the CIA does use businesses and foundations as front groups. A business friend of mine who has significant branches overseas has been approached more than once by the CIA. They wanted to use his business as a cover for some of his agents.
Third, in discussing the mysterious deaths of Nicholas Deak and Edmund Safra, with a very high level Citibank executive who was in charge of the global superwealthy, I expected him to begin shooting down my theory of a CIA connection to the murders, once I finished my story. Instead, he looked up to the ceiling and said, "Well, I can tell you for sure Safra wasn't murdered the way it was reported in the papers. The superwealthy think about security, especially outside the United States, the way we have hobbies. Safra would have never left himself exposed alone with such a person (the alleged murderer)." Then he stopped and added, and remember this guy handles Citi money for the global superwealthy, "Sometimes I think Citibank is part of the CIA."
As for the CIA not working through the Ford Foundation. You have to be kidding! There was a damn congressional investigation about it:
The CIA uses philanthropic foundations as the most effective conduit to channel large sums of money to Agency projects without alerting the recipients to their source. From the early 1950s to the present the CIA's intrusion into the foundation field was and is huge. A U.S. Congressional investigation in 1976 revealed that nearly 50% of the 700 grants in the field of international activities by the principal foundations were funded by the CIA (Who Paid the Piper? The CIA and the Cultural Cold War, Frances Stonor Saunders, Granta Books, 1999, pp. 134-135). The CIA considers foundations such as Ford "The best and most plausible kind of funding cover" (Ibid, p. 135). The collaboration of respectable and prestigious foundations, according to one former CIA operative, allowed the Agency to fund "a seemingly limitless range of covert action programs affecting youth groups, labor unions, universities, publishing houses and other private institutions" (p. 135). The latter included "human rights" groups beginning in the 1950s to the present. One of the most important "private foundations"
Does make it kind of interesting that Geithner's father was in charge of microfinance funding in Asia for the Ford Foundation and that Obama's mother was in charge of microfinance funding in Indonesia, doesn't it? Source
Read more:

*A Messege For AMERICANS 3/15/2012*

*A Messege For AMERICANS 3/15/2012*

We are in a time of great change. America’s currency was captured in 1913. Her government was captured in 1933. This explains why petitioning our government has been to no meaningful avail. These corporations that masquerade as our lawful government have almost destroyed America. Top people in our government – including our military – know this. They have been waiting for the right time – to *help *take America back to our lawful government.

In the very near future, we can expect a major, constructive change in our banking and currency systems. We can expect to see contingents of federal marshals – backed up by our active military – in the major seats of power. These military are not any part of a military coup. They are backing up civilian re-establishment of our lawful government.

We can expect to see interruptions in our normal way of life. This transition has been designed to minimize interruptions in vital services and our economy – minimize hardship. This will be accompanied by announcements in mainstream media. What we do not want – is for people to panic.

Our so-called president has been informed that he is no longer commander in chief of our military. 
This is part of a worldwide operation whereby the non-aligned nations – those who are not part of the G20 – re-establish solid currencies. Drake Bailey will be our guest.
Our speaker comes in at the 66 minute mark on this link. The first part is not related.
Follow up show address to the military and veterans
There will be more announcements ahead and eventually through mainstream media, These have been calculated to slowly awake the masses to reduce panic.
Thank you for your time,

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sheriff Joe: 'Tons' More Shocking Obama Info!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Sheriff Joe: 'Tons' More Shocking Obama Info!
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 21-Mar-2012 22:43:20

'Biggest censorship blackout in the history of the United States'
“America’s toughest sheriff” says there is “tons” more potentially shocking information on Barack Obama in connection with his probe into the president’s eligibility, and he calls the media’s suppression of his findings of a likely forged presidential birth certificate and Selective Service Card “probably the biggest censorship blackout in the history of the United States.”
“I’m not going after the president to keep him off a ballot or anything else, but that could happen,” Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio said. “I’m going at it strictly as a law-enforcement guy investigating a possible forgery and fraud. I’m sticking with that, but I’ll tell you one thing. We got tons of other information that could be very shocking, too, but I’m sticking now with just the [forgery] investigation and possible criminal violations.”
The lawman from Maricopa County made the comments March 16 on a national radio show hosted by Roger Hedgecock.
Read more and video:

Flying like a bird ----- AMAZING MAN POWERED BIRD --- FOR REAL 



Drake reveals  Feb 2, 2012....Authority from the people to the Military has been given to Protect The People...
Constitution Authority officially given  (ie: 20 year plan engaged)...
Duty of all Constitutional Persons involved in transition to Original government as founded,
 and will be taken back to Original 13th Amendment.
International Law has been unlawfully in effect in usa since 1933--and rescinding has been on the table since the 1950's.
Local to County to State to Federal Government..
COMMON LAW will rule and reign  !!

Deatra hosts with guest Drake.
Drake explains that The People have given civilian authority to the {military} services to make changes to bring us back to the true government for and by the people. Drake also warns everyone to not miss read what is going on. They are NOT coming for the people the cabals time is up!
 Please prepare for the coming "good" change that is coming. Please share info with others.

The foundation has been made. All that is needed is YOU!
Get active, get involved! Opened to all Americans. If you wish to get involved, send me a message.
Regular everyday people are needed to give their opinion and voice.

 IMPORTANT DETAIL INFORMATION:  HEAR IT on Sat March 17  Radio link and/or  You-Tube Video below)


Uploaded by spnmn36 on Mar 18, 2012
Deatra hosts with guest Drake. Drake explains that The People have given civilian authority to the {Military} services to make changes to bring us back to the true government for and by the people. Drake also warns everyone to not miss read what is going on. They are NOT coming for the people-- the cabals time is up! 

SATURDAY MARCH 17  Freedom Radio
 Drake will be addressing ALL military especially in light of the newest 2 exec orders Obamas signed past Friday.


This is a GET'' Dinar recorded call with CONTACT 2 -
(the call is from weeks ago in regards to 'China' taking away from USA DC the 'release" of Global Settlements and how this will process into a new global /usa banking system away from the Federal Reserve System).
 Link to this call is embedded on the Freedom Reigns website:

freedom reigns website:

Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - March 21, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - March 21, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 21-Mar-2012 21:15:54

Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - March 21, 2012
Sorry we have left the lights out. Tomorrow we will turn the outboard lights of our ships on so many of you can see us for yourselves and take as much photographic and video evidence as you wish. We of the Ashtar Command are joining with our brothers and sisters of the Galactic Federation of Light in allowing more sightings of our ships as well as much clearer sightings to act as icebreakers to our presence in your world. Our command is also here in great numbers, and we have ships stationed above many different parts of your planet.
We would like you to also understand that although our ships may differ in appearance from some of those of the Galactic Federation of Light, when you see our ships you will not be seeing ships of the forces controlled by your dark Cabal. Our ships can be rather large in size, and our ships differ in their appearance somewhat from Galactic Federation of Light ships as our ships utilize light technologies as a source for their propulsion and operation and may differ greatly due to this these properties. When you see our ships you will be seeing light that differs in color to the background of the sky or space. You will still be able to photograph and videotape our ships, although what will appear on your 3rd dimensional film will not be clear outlines and depictions of how our ships truly appear and look like to us from our perspective. Nonetheless, we feel it is important that we begin to make our ships known to the people of your world as we are here and you will be seeing our ships in your daytime as well as nighttime skies.
The Ashtar Command has many ships of varying size and capabilities. We have ships designed for peaceful application, and we also have warships used to assist in the removal of the forces of the dark from worlds where the lessons learned from them are no longer necessary for the education and upliftment of those of a particular planet. Our ships used for this purpose do not function such as the warships of your 3rd dimensional world, rather, our ships peacefully and harmlessly roundup and exile the machines of war and their crews from their positions around and throughout a planet. Just as the Galactic Federation of Light, we too do all we can to make sure no harm comes to those of the opposing forces, but they must be removed somehow if they do not voluntarily surrender and end their resistance to the new direction of a society.
Our ships will radiate in many different vibrant colors as each color possesses a different property and allows for certain capabilities. You may refer to our ships as Lightships, for indeed this is how they will appear to you. Upon your ascension into the higher realms, our ships will appear slightly different to you, but depending on your level of advancement they may not appear in their true form and shape. We would recommend that the people of your world begin to become familiar with the appearance of our ships and the appearance of Galactic Federation of Light ships as you will be seeing us in your skies and it may be useful for you to be able to recognize our different alliances and assist others in our identification.
We, the Ashtar Command, are aligned in our mission with the Galactic Federation of Light at this time. We are playing for the same team, we are both of the light, and are both here for the upliftment of your planet and her people. You will not be seeing any other organizations or alliances of the dark here any longer, and you have nothing to worry about in this regard. We now have your atmospheres secured, and they will remain this way all the way through your planet's ascension into the higher realms. You can be confident in our abilities and trust that we have performed operations such as this very many times before.
Your safety is in good hands. Do not fear any ships you see in your skies as they will be manned by beings of the light who are here in service to you at this time. We would like to see many of you sharing this information with your brothers and sisters as we wish to step up greatly the number and quality of the sightings of our ships and this can only be made possible when an adequate understanding of who we are and why we are here is reached by your people. ‘Help us help you’ are words we would like you to keep in mind as we proceed with the next phases of operation.
Many new avenues have been opened in recent days as we have been able to remove the Cabal’s fighting forces from their positions around your planet. We now enjoy the luxury of free movement and will take full advantage of this as we now proceed with the next phases of the overall mission. We have much to do together, and these activities will begin with a flurry of activity all around your world. We will engage many of you in our operations and permit you to take back home with you evidence of your experiences with us to share with those of your world who wish to learn of us and see the truth of why we are here. There will be those who resist us and engage in a smear campaign against us and our reasons for being here, and we wish for you to act as a balancing agent for these attempts to discredit us.
We do not ask you to try to convince anyone of anything they do not wish to see. We only wish for you to share your truth and your understanding of us; that is all we ask. We do not ask anything more, and we thank you all for your tremendous efforts to spread the news of us and inform your brothers and sisters of what is transpiring in their world. Your work does not go unnoticed and will not go unrewarded. You have our word on this. Many surprises are in store for your people, and we look forward to presenting these gifts to you. These are not gifts from strangers. These are gifts from family, for indeed that is who we are to you. We are your families from long ago, and we have returned in offer of assistance in your time of great change. Conditions will present themselves upon your planet where our experience and our technology will be very beneficial to you, and we would like nothing more than to share what we have with you and assist you in this way. This is the main reason we are here, and we ask you to allow us to assist you in this way and to trust us, for this trust in us will be rewarded.
When we feel the time is right we will begin contacting many of you who have demonstrated that you have no fear of us and a willingness to work with us. How we will contact you differs from individual to individual, and we have effective methods to reach each and every one of you in one way or another. At that time, you will be given details of these opportunities and we will begin meeting with each of you personally to discuss your options.
We have agreed to this undertaking in your skies to help better prepare your people for our eventual introductions to you. We do not wish to create a panic situation and we do not wish to be the harbinger of confusion within your societies. We only wish to make our presence known to you and offer our assistance to your world through those who we feel we can safely and beneficially work with. Please continue to be beacons of light for truth and understanding and share what you know about our command and what we do to assist worlds such as yours. Our intentions are honorable and peaceful, and all of your planet will see this in the days ahead. Help make our introductions proceed as smoothly as possible, as it will benefit your world greatly if we can begin our many projects together as soon as possible. After the arrests of the members of the criminal Cabal, this will be your next task. Breaking through walls of fear and ignorance will be a most formidable task, but together we will succeed through effort, perseverance, and focus. These are the keys to success, and they will unlock the door to avenues of incredible potential and possibility.
The time is now to proceed. Focus on this, and we will assist in our own ways with this worldwide disclosure. There are many advancements that will be yours once we can begin working with you, and all of you will benefit greatly, even those who resist us. This is the way it will be for a while, but the day will come when all of your world will see that we are what we have claimed to be. There are no more tricks, there are no more cons, and there are no more plots and schemes that will work against you. We have assisted in our own way to see to that, and all the talk you may come upon will only be fear mongering and attempts at distraction and disinformation. Be advised to ignore this fear-based information as it has no basis in fact, and none of these fear-based predictions of Cabal trickery will ever materialize. We have said all along this would not be permitted and we have kept our word.
There will also be no other world war no matter what you read or how much this event is discussed through your media. These are attempts at distraction and to instill fear within the masses, but these are mere words and they will never materialize. Your world is headed for peace, prosperity and freedom for all beings on your planet, and nothing will stand in your way. Your biggest obstacle now as a society and as an individual is to overcome fear. Fear is now your greatest enemy. Fear is now your only enemy. There is nothing to fear, as it is just an illusion. Allow it to dissipate as it has no place in your new home. The sooner you can all release these unfounded fears, the more quickly we can begin our many projects together which will see the upliftment of everyone across your entire planet. Much hardship will be obliterated forever once we can assist you, and it is fear and fear only that stands in the way of your new world. Tear down this wall as it stands on a foundation of lies and deceit, and allow us to help you make your world a better place for all of you.
There is one more matter left unresolved before we can begin, and that is the removal from your society of the many members of your criminal Cabal. Once we move beyond that stage your world will be filled with excitement and activity as we assist you to begin making the many great changes to your society.
This will be a very exciting period in your history, and lives everywhere across your planet will benefit greatly as they are touched by the love that the Creator and his universe has for them. Many lives have been touched this way, and it is now your turn as you have earned the gifts you are now to receive. The Creator showers his children with his gifts when they are ready to receive, and you have shown that this day for you has now come.
We are your Family of Light from the Stars.

As channeled through Greg Giles
Ascension Earth 2012

Lisa Harrison interview w' Pane AstralWalker Andov - Galactic Experiences

ET question, approaching galactic energy in 2012 and DNA upgrade, out of the body experience, creating a compatible shield of energy around our planet and much more...

Mexico 7.9M Earthquake PRE-PLANNED = MAN MADE

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Dutchsinse Video : 3/20/2012 : Mexico 7.9M Earthquake PRE-PLANNED = MAN MADE
Posted By: aqua
Date: Wednesday, 21-Mar-2012 14:51:18

{ If true, this would be troubling, to say the least...}
This is profound and disturbing. There was a verified "drill" planned for March 20, 2012 in Mexico for a 7.9M earthquake "simulation".... also on a separate note.. Barack Obama's daughter was at the epicenter on spring break: WTH is going on?!
We need answers.. and I don't think (at this point) any of us are going to settle for "coincidence". Who has the weapon, and why are they using it.. that is the question at this point.
link to the documents in question, and links to the stories relating:

Mexico 7.9M Earthquake PRE-PLANNED = MAN MADE !!