Saturday, March 24, 2012

Dinars Intel - Bluwolf Update




8:11 PM [bluwolf] ALL BANKS ARE NOW READY 

8:11 PM [bluwolf] WE AWAIT THEIR CALL 






8:15 PM [bluwolf] THIS IS REALITY NOW 

8:15 PM [bluwolf] SO LETS GET SERIOUS OK 8:16 PM [bluwolf] THAT IS ALL FOR NOW 

8:16 PM [bluwolf] ARE WE CLEAR 



Subject: IT'S GONE:. But Have You Noticed?"
Date: Friday, March 23, 2012, 7:01 PM

 It's amazing how you don't hear anyone pointing this stuff out.

 For a long time, we have noticed that the decor at the White House has
changed since BHO moved in.
The Oval Office is now stripped of the traditional red, white, and blue,
and replaced with middle eastern wallpaper, drapes, and decor..
The hallway that he walks out of to talk to the press now has middle eastern
chairs, drapes, etc. And the thing that has bothered me the most is the bright
yellow drape behind him every time he speaks from the white house.
It has Arabic symbols on it and has been there from the beginning.

Today I received this and it clearly shows what I have been noticing.
That bright yellow curtain is highly visible, but as you scroll down,
you will see what is predominantly absent.  Also, as you look at
the pictures of other presidents speaking from the same spot, look
at the traditional 'American' background and decor as opposed to
the new decor.  Trust me when I say that this is intentional.  It should
alarm every American.
What is missing at Barack Hussein Obama's press conference?No it is not the teleprompters. See the other presidents pics for a clue.



That's American flags!!!

Vote in November like your way of life depends on it! Because it does!!!!!

Iraqi Dinar, recently being said: ...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Iraqi Dinar, recently being said: ...
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 24-Mar-2012 04:35:02

Hi, Folks -
Found at

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - March 23, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - March 23, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 24-Mar-2012 03:23:26

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - March 23, 2012
"The next time they hear from us and our Earth allies will be when we are knocking on their door to take them away and into custody."
The governments of your world are playing a game of quid pro and quid pro quo. (Latin: What for, what for what.) We have given them every opportunity to step down peaceably and offer their assistance in the implementation of your new system. They have refused time and again to cooperate and now it is time for them to be removed in any way possible to clear the path for your further development and your new governmental and financial systems. Please allow us the opportunity to assist you to remove these stubborn individuals and institute worldwide governmental regime change that will once and for all end this dark period in your planet's history.
So much waits on the removal of those sworn to the old system of corruption and chaos, and we need to get underway with the vast sweeping changes of your world as time is running very short and there is so much work yet to be done to secure your paths to ascension. What we propose is a sweep of governmental offices from top to bottom, from bottom to top, and remove each and every individual from their position, either elected or appointed, who are aligned with the forces of darkness otherwise known as the Cabal.
We see this as a means to an end, and this must be accomplished and must be accomplished within a suitable timeframe so we can begin to implement the many other changes that are necessary as you move forward into your year of 2012. Many changes to your civilization are just up ahead, and many of you have no idea the impact these changes will have on your society and your planet. We are here in your skies and have traveled here from great distances to assist you in what will be your time of need. There is no reason to be frightened. Together we can suitably handle these changes and allow you to safely move forward into your futures.
Many of your government officials would rather see you suffer than to step down from their positions of power, so we see no other alternative than to remove them forcibly. This can and will be done without a need for violence on any level, but it is up to those of your governments being removed how they wish to proceed. These men and women need to understand that they will face harsher penalties for their actions by refusing to step down from their positions. Their jobs are, and have always been, in service to the citizenry, and they were called upon to act always in a manner that would be best for the welfare of the people. Instead, everything they have done worked against the people, to strip them of their money, their health, their rights and their freedom. This will now end, and we offer our assistance to our Earth allies who must now move forward and remove these individuals from their offices and take them into custody. This must be done in the name of the people, and it must be done in the name of your new world.
It was known all along that these individuals could not keep their positions of power within your governments as there is no place for corruption and dishonesty, selfishness and greed in your new world, especially through the ranks of your governmental bodies. How these individuals were to vacate their positions has always been a matter of choice, and it is their choice now. They have stubbornly refused all offers to make this as easy a transition as possible for them, and they are now out of time and out of bargaining power. The next time they hear from us and our Earth allies will be when we are knocking on their door to take them away and into custody.
This is the way it must be as this is the way they have chosen it to be. We wished very much for this process to proceed differently, in a way that would be a smooth transition for them and also a smooth transition for the citizens of your countries. Instead, it will be a rockier transition, but nonetheless the end result will be what we, your Earth allies, and the awakened people of your world want and understand is necessary for the betterment of all of you and your society as a whole. We will now move ahead with this phase of the operation and begin the take down of those seated within your governments who are aligned with the powers of the dark and who are corrupt through to the bone. They will be replaced by those souls of honor and integrity, balance and foresight, and who possess within them an honor of duty. These men and women are highly trained at the positions they will fill and they are, or will be, sworn to uphold the law of light, of freedom and the sanctity of the human soul and spirit, and if anyone who takes office fails to maintain this focus they too shall be removed.
We have much confidence in these men and women who will be stepping in to these leadership roles and you may be very confident in them as well. Many of these individuals have waited in the wings for their time to shine, and that time has now come. We will converse with our Earth allies and set up a suitable removal process of those still aligned with the dark, and we will move forward with this operation as soon as is possible as time is of the essence. We wish for all our Lightworkers in the field to again be pillars of strength and a fountain of information for those who will thirst through misunderstanding, fear and confusion at what they will be witnessing. Try to keep in mind that for those who yet have no idea of what is transpiring around them, the removal from office of so many of those they have come to trust can be quite a shock, and we wish you all who know and understand what lies at the heart of these events to be there for your brothers and sisters and offer your guidance and your knowledge to help better ease them through these transitions.
We cannot thank those of you in the field enough for the work you have been doing. Nothing you do goes unnoticed by us, and we are deeply grateful for everything that you have been doing in the name of progress for this world. We understand many of you are growing impatient awaiting to see the changes long discussed, but we tell you they are just up ahead and once they begin they will not slow or stop and you will never have cause to wait impatiently again. Try to see and understand that what has been transpiring behind the scenes has been extremely complex, and at times, very dangerous for those of the light, and it was necessary that we, as well as your Earth allies proceed as slowly and as cautiously as possible to protect our mission, as well as to protect lives. No time has been squandered away through inactivity; instead, we and our Earth allies have been working continuously, pressing forward in our mission and gaining ground each and every day. In due time when we are able to speak freely with you, we will explain everything that we have been doing unbeknownst to you, and at that time we are very confident you will see that there was great cause for you to remain as patient as possible.
As we have said, this part of your mission will be over shortly, and the next phase of operation will see you fully abreast of each and every development and there will be no longer any need for secrecy. This will come as a relief to many of you who at this time have only a few sources of information, and we were not able to reveal everything through our channels. This is changing as we are now able to share more with you, and in the days ahead there will be nothing that we cannot openly discuss with you. Look for the changes in your governments to coincide with the mass arrests of those of your criminal Cabal, their underlings, and many of their associates.
Many of these individuals are associated through their illegal and underhanded dealings, and as such will be removed from your society whether they are elected government officials or not. Those who hold positions within your governments have never been, and are not today, entitled to any kind of special treatment or protection from your laws which they have broken time and again. They will be arrested and charged just as any criminal would in your society and held to face the charges against them. While these proceedings move forward your new governments will take shape through those who have shown themselves worthy and who have earned the trust of us as well as our Earth allies. You will be meeting these men and women in the days ahead, and we wish for their welcoming to be warm, exciting, and full of expectation, for what they will be bringing is a new and better way for all of you.
Look for these changes to be rapid and look for them to be far sweeping as the corruption reaches through the many branches of your governments. Your new governing bodies will take root and grow strong and healthy, bearing fruit for the people of your world. Allow this process time to nurture and to grow, and again be patient as this is a very delicate process that must be handled with due care. What we are speaking of is not an easy process for any world. We have handled many situations just as this before, and we will see to the successful conclusion of this operation as well. Bear with us at this time and show your support for us as well as our Earth allies. We know how long you have waited for this day, but we tell you this day has now come and all your waiting and your hard work will be well worth all of it.
Please continue to monitor your news outlets for these breaking news stories and share this information with all who wish to understand better this event. Again, we wish for this event to be the ‘shot heard ‘round the world’ that will awaken as many as possible as to how their world is changing all around them. Help them to see that these arrests are good news and nothing to be frightened of, and help them to see that there is a better way and a better world available to them. Help them to see these arrests are clearing the way, making it all possible, and a better world is what will stand when all the smoke clears.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Early reports of Spacecraft Sightings by Greg Giles

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Early reports of Spacecraft Sightings by Greg Giles
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 24-Mar-2012 02:45:19

Early reports of Spacecraft Sightings by Greg Giles
V shaped craft videotaped by two seperate witnesses over Phoenix, Arizona on March 8th 2008.
Go here to see video:
Ascension Earth 2012
In recent days both the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation of Light have stated they would step up the number and quality of the sightings of their ships, and I wish to make it clear at this time that is all they said, as neither galactic command mentioned anything about a mass sighting or any major event on any day.
I have received reports of two separate sightings of ships, both spotted on March 22nd, and both in Scandinavian countries. One was sent to me by Andreas Janson of Sweden, who after reading the messages from the galactic commands went UFO hunting with his girlfriend. Andreas states; “15 meters above my car a V-shaped UFO hovered, by 2 cigar shaped ones. There were no spotlights on either of the ships, and there was a lot of movement among the stars.”
Another report was shared with me by Sandra who lives in neighboring Finland who witnessed star-like lights above her building. Sandra states “I think I saw 5 small flying, I thought it was stars, and one big one with really bright lights. It didn't make any sound and it was fast.” Sandra also says that the city newspaper said it wasn't anything but space junk. “I know what I saw” Sandra says, “The big one was kind of really close. I could see it even when it shut its lights off.”
My friend Sam has also reported that he witnessed the V shaped craft over Phoenix, Arizona on March 8th, and I have gotten a chance to view his videotape of the sighting. The tape clearly shows a V shaped craft that appears to be the same type and size as the craft in the above video. He and his wife also witnessed a craft that shined a bright orange glow on Monday, March 19th.
It is very interesting that the ships witnessed by Andreas and his girlfriend in Sweden and Sam's sighting in Phoenix match the description given to us by the Galactic Federation of Light of large, black, V-shaped craft with lights running down both wings. The cylinder shaped objects that Andreas has also reported match the descriptions of the mother ships used by the Galactic Federation of Light. Sandra’s sighting in Finland matches closely what the Ashtar Command advised us to look for when identifying their ships, and Sam and his wife also witnessed this type of sighting this week. The Ashtar Command explained that when witnessing their ships we would see only bright lights, differing from the color of the background of the daytime or nighttime sky, as from our 3rd dimensional perspective we would only be able to perceive lights and not the actual design of their ships.
Posted by Greg Giles at 10:07 PM

Friday, March 23, 2012

Ashtar - Confirmations of Arrests and Changes

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Ashtar - Confirmations of Arrests and Changes - Ashtar on the Road Teleconference, 3/20/12
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 23-Mar-2012 17:46:31

Ashtar - Confirmations of Arrests and Changes
Ashtar on the Road Teleconference, 3/20/12
"Well, Greetings Everyone! We are so thrilled, because we have the perspective to assure you that all of the news you have heard, that is the Truth coming out. It's happening now. There is much that has already been accomplished, and there is a little bit more to do, that is true. And while we do not give dates, we can assure you that this is all set in motion, and is not to be reversed or sabotaged in any way.
"We are in control, and what that means is that your Freedom is our first and foremost mission. And when we talk about your Freedom, there are many aspects to it, but we tell you this, we have all that we need in the way of Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude to do the co-partnership Mission with you, to clear the way, as it were. And we are clearing!
"We have left, or shall we say, we have created a legacy of this clearing. We have kept you informed, and there are many sources which are telling the same Truth, the same stories, as that which we present. And they are stories such as: The underground bases have been taken over by the Galactic Forces; the places of refuge, which those we call the dark hats have created for themselves - we've taken those over. They have star wars kinds of technology given to them by those who wanted to be the supreme controllers, but who were controlling them into doing all of the, shall we say, the dirty work on Planet Earth, and so they have some Stealth technologies, space technology. We've got that taken care of, too.
"They are not escaping to any of their bases, on Planet, or off, or under the surface of Planet Earth, because we have closed those options to them, not so that we can just become the rulers in their place, but so that you, Beloved Ones, will finally be able to enjoy your birthright here on Planet Earth, your Freedom, so that you can focus upon Love, and feel the great upliftment as you prepare for your Ascensions. And you will no longer have to look behind you, or look over your shoulders with any kind of fear about who might be watching you or be about to do some kind of damage in your life.
"Now we know, we know, the fallout is not completely cleaned up, and we're talking about all kinds of fallout. We're talking about those of you who have lost your home spaces, we're talking about those of you who may not even always have enough to eat. Go to your community places of help, Beloved Ones. They're there, and there are more and more in the communities who are stepping forward to be there, because everybody is equal. There is nobody who is any less than anyone else, and money is about to not be the great 'determinator' of who has, you know, the one or two percent, and who has not.
"So if you need a little help, reach out for it, because the time is short, and you yourselves will have an opportunity to pay it forward. We have closed off the escape routes. We are confiscating the ill-gotten dollars that they have stolen from you, and indeed from most of the world. We are about to redistribute it, so that everyone has a fair and equal share. In apprehending, or completing the arrests, which have begun - they were begun some time ago. You heard it yourself. You heard one of the clones identified, and there are many others, and there are holograms, and there are those who are still in their Human bodies out there running around in panic.
"And they are in panic trying to put together some extremely destructive plans and programs, and we're here to tell you: 'It's not happening!' There may be some remnants only for the purpose of providing evidence, because all of these ones being arrested will be tried, or have been tried, and their trials have been filmed, and they will be presented as present moments, but many of them have already been dealt with, those who were deemed to be the most empowered to do the most destruction. So be advised of that.
"And when you see that a great big Yertle - you remember Yertle the Turtle. Look it up - Dr. Seuss, Yertle the Turtle. When the Yertles of this World are officially toppled, the World is going to breathe a collective sigh of relief, but our mission, Beloved Ones, is to spread that relief now. You have had some opportunities to see people who suddenly have a burden lift off and they breathe easier, they stand taller, they are in Joy at their new-found Freedom from the burdens that have stressed them so in all of their beings, not just their physicalities.
"No, they have not been stressed in their Spiritual Beings, but they have been cut off from their connections with that which you call their Higher Dimensional Selves. And that, Beloved Ones, is a lonely feeling. It is a feeling that can create such despair. It can keep a beautiful, beautiful Being of Light down in the 'dumpies. And so when people can breathe easier, when people can focus upon themselves, and their progress, and their passions of what they are here to do, they shall indeed be expressing themselves with the Freedom and the Truth of Who They Really Are. Now our mission, Beloved Ones, is to assure everyone that all is well, in all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, not just Human.
"If the Earth trembles a bit, and we're not talking 9.2 here, but if the earth trembles a bit, you know it's the Animals, and did you know the Plants and the Crystals feel it? So it is to assure everyone - not just the Humans - everyone within your Kingdom, within your realm, that all is well. It is to be discerning. It is no secret by now that the recent heinous destructions which have taken place have been caused by these ones in their mad efforts to continue to control. These ones have been so programmed they will slit their own throats; not a pretty picture, we know, but we want you to be very certain of this, they will do that, or the throats of their life partners, their children, anyone that gets in their way.
"Where do you think all of these shooters, and acts of violence, created by people who are absolutely seemingly, just all of a sudden going crazy, out of their minds -where do you think that comes from? It comes from the programming that's been broadcast to them. They're not aware that they've been programmed, but somebody has given them the signal to let the program be expressed.
"It is to send them Love, and it is to send Love and Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude to all concerned. These programs are being switched off. There are still a few of them so that people will respond from a Higher Dimensional perspective with loving messages, and with absolute intention, and calling forth a Peace on Earth, because that is the only reason to have such things taking place, whether it be those who are still engaged in some kind of war - and make no mistake, there are many wars going on. Just look at the continent of Africa - many wars still going on - not just Afghanistan, which is in the news.
"And there are still those who are trying to create wars in places such as the country of Syria, and there's even a little bit of rumbling going on in the country of Korea, but it will come to naught. We aren't going to allow any more major wars to get started. We have that capability. And whose name are we acting in anyway, Beloved Ones, but yours? You've given us this permission. You have called for Peace on Earth, and we are answering your call more than ever, and you, Beloved Ones are answering your call more than ever. We stand together in this!
"And so our mission is to soar - and we shall be doing that soon in our Exercise -but it is to soar and share the higher vibrations with the Planet, and with all. Now we have been telling some people, we've been telling everyone recently to get ready, because people are coming and asking questions that you all have the answers to, Beloved Ones. You know all about what's happening. You know about the transitions. You know about NESARA. Yes, and some of you are even working so magnificently to open the doors with that movie called 'Thrive.'
"Pay it forward, Beloved Ones, and share it, share Who You Really Are! Shine your Lights, and be prepared to answer the questions that are coming forth, because there are so many. And yes, the questions will be asked by everyone who does not have this knowledge, by everyone who does not know already that the mission is to pay it forward with this information. So be prepared, Beloved Ones. It doesn't mean you have to study. It doesn't mean you have to do any homework. You already know how to answer these questions.
"If someone comes forward and says,'I am down in the dumpies!' Give them some glad news, some reason to be joyful. If you have any kind of healing capabilities that are not dormant, in other words that you have already awakened to, use them. And if you haven't wakened up to the fact that you have healing capabilities, healing gifts, then go within your heart and ask.
"Everyone who sends messages from the heart is a healer. Think about that! So what can you tell someone who is down in the 'dumpies? You can say, 'I send you Love from my heart. I ask you to open your heart to receive,' and go from there. It's that simple. It sounds a little over-simplified, but it is the simple answers which are the Light and the Way, because they are Truth.
"Some of you are writing inspirations and Truths for the World. This is wondrous indeed. Some of you are doing pictures, or music, or sitting down and telling stories. Some of you are already in the teachers' positions, and it is all wondrous indeed. But you're all here to share the good news, so think about how you can find your passion, and express in the way of your passion while you are sharing.
"This, Beloved Ones, is the mission of the moment. Of course taking care of, and nurturing yourselves, remain on your mission plate. That is always true, always. So be sure that you are accomplishing that, and then look inside your hearts, and see what you can do. Even if it is five minutes, or less in the daytime or the nighttime where you say, 'Hello World, I've got some great news for you. The times are changing. The good times are here. Rejoice, and here's some Love, because you deserve it!!!'
"Now how's that for helping people get up and out of the 'dumpies? And, the more you do that, the more you help. That is our mission, Beloved Ones. You know I've been talking about Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude for so long; that's all you need to express! The Joy comes with that. Even if you make it some kind of a mantra and send it out. Even if you share it with your children or your grandchildren, this is the World, as we have partnered to create it. It is to lift up, and vibrate at that Higher Dimensional rate, and to make the Ascension fully conscious, and yes, with your Beloved Bodies. But you have the ability, even as your bodies are changing now, you have the ability to be the director of those changes.
"Now if you know somebody who's not feeling quite tip-top in their physicality, it is not to berate them, it is not to give them a hard time. 'Oh, what are you doing taking that, 'don't you know, blah, blah, blah.' No, no, no, it is to simply say, 'Here's some Love; open your Heart if you choose to receive it. It will help you to lighten up, it will help you through this Ascension Preparation,' and I will remind you that there is no dis-easement, or impairment, or disability when you ascend.
"There is only Light and Love, and you can recreate yourself in any manner that you choose. You'll be in your Light Body. You can have wings if you wish to, you won't need them, but you can have wings if you've always wanted some beautiful, silvery, gossamer wings. You'll be shining a great Light, which has often been depicted by the master painters as a halo. Do you want to look in the mirror and see your halo? Go for it, it's there, and more and more of you are starting to make these changes within yourselves. And it is to remind others that these changes are their birthright just as much as yours. It is to share that great news.
"Now if you want to, talk about the World of finances crumbling, the World of cleaning up the environment because it has been so disrespected and so polluted, if you want to, share the news that there are new governments and people, Light Worker People. Yes, they have Human uniforms on, but they're like you, Beloved Family, they're Light Workers in the Human disguise, and they are ready to take their place as leaders Worldwide.
"And they know Who They Really Are, and they know that we are here with them to partner in all of these glorious ways that you've been hearing about. And they're standing ready, because we're clearing out the ones who have betrayed your trust. This too has been going on for a while, but it is becoming more and more evident.
"You heard the Masters Tara and Rama, our Beloved News Team, Truth Tellers. Obama signed the bill that was presented to him by those who are - they shall be called traitors - to give the authority to those who are doing the arrests. So what do you do, Beloved Ones? Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude - thank them for showing their true colors! Thank them. Well, to be very honest with you, they're not very colorful. They're kind of dark and dim, but they've done their parts so well! So go ahead, give them a round of applause. Send them Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, and say, 'Thank you for doing what you did. I have reclaimed my birthright. I have become sovereign within my Divine Self, so I don't need you doing your outrageous stuff anymore, because I know the difference! And I'm wide awake, and I am part of the new society, a society that is based in Love, a society that shall create Institutions of Peace, a society where the communities shall be in recognition of the Divine-ness in all Beings, and the communities shall come together with Gratitude and Love, and the communities shall celebrate endlessly, and everyone in the communities shall be free to express and contribute, each according to his or her own passion!!!'
"Think about it, Beloved Ones, no one's going to tell you what your passion is. Someone can say to you, 'Oh, I Love what you have just painted, you have a great gift for it.' And guess what? You are free to say, 'Well, thank you so much. That is my passion. I've been spending all of these years in a J-O-B job, and guess what, I just received the abundance to buy myself some new paint brushes and paints, and I'm going for it.' You also have the right to say, 'Well thank you. I just tried this, and even though it does seem to have something that is attracted to you, here, you can have it, because,I just discovered that my real passion is climbing mountains, and taking pictures with my camera.'
"Do you see? How does that feel? Nobody is going to tell you what you have to do. The only guidelines for you will be your own Heart, your own sense of your own sovereignty, as well as the sovereignty of everyone else. It will not be up to you to tell your children, for instance, 'Well you must go to this school, because this is the one where you can learn to do what I've done in my J-O-B job, and I want you to come in and take over for me when I retire.' That's kind of a familiar one is it not in the Western World? No more of that, no more of that!
"It is up to each and every one of you to start identifying your passions. This would be an ideal opportunity for you, Beloved Ones, if you are not totally in touch with what you have passion for - and don't limit it to one. You can have as many passions as you have passion for! I like that, don't you? Well, you could start making a list, and you don't have to say, 'When I grow up I'm going to do this or that.'
"You know, there's that interesting commercial on TV - it does get you to thinking doesn't it? But after all you're going to be as young and rejuvenated as you want to be, so what difference does it make what your age is? You don't have any kind of what you call mandatory retirement age. You can do whatever it is that you choose to do, very, very soon. So start making your passion list. You can call it your 'living list.' It's different from the bucket list, because you're not going to die you know. You're going to go on, and on, and on, so don't be limited!!!
"What are you going to do after you make your Ascensions? What have you got passion for? You're going to get back on your ship; you're going to join me on my ship; you're going to fly in your own merkabahs; you're going to go to Inner Earth; you're going to be an ambassador; you're going to be a galaxy-wide famous chef, or artist? You can do whatever you choose to do, including coming back to help 3D Earth where you can, let's just say, take a break from it anytime you choose, because you'll be an Ascended Master. Not that you're going to let it get you down in the 'dumpies. As the new 3D Earth regresses, you're simply going to smile, and be what you call a resource person, a counselor, if you choose to, but you don't have to.
"When you ascend - we have this question come a lot - yes you will re-unite with your ancestors, your Soul Family. You can sit in fabulous discussions with anyone that you've ever wanted to meet. And yes, your Beloved Animals that you have parted from in this lifetime and others, or who have left you, will be there, happy, joyful. There are so many choices and options for you. You are unlimited, so put that 'recognizing my unlimitedness' on your mission plate, because it's time for you to know it. We're not just here speaking a bunch of pretty words for you to get inspired for what you call a few minutes. We're telling you Truth, and it's lasting Truth, because it always has been, and always will be. It's not just something for the now moment, to just forget about when we say farewell.
"BELIEVE IT, ACCEPT IT, AND KNOW IT THROUGHOUT YOUR ENTIRE BEING!!! Because you know what? We already see it there. Yes, we're scanning even now, and we see it within each and every one of you. So, let's get excited!!! We're on a roll here, everybody! We are Family. We are Love. And yes, yes, we are moving into Higher Dimensional Lifestyles together, because we have come to accompany you along the way. We have come to take your hands, to partner with you, and we are here with you in every moment. So we absolutely advise you from our Hearts to yours, to take what we have said right into your beings, and know it!
"When you know Who You Really Are, you don't have any room for fear. Whatever you are experiencing now that is the last remnant of dark events, or dark controls, dark programs that have got you kind of involved, just know that that's not Who You Really Are. You are not a victim. The Sun is shining brightly upon each and every one of you - or the Stars - and it is for you to believe it, to stand tall in front of your magic mirrors. 'Mirror, mirror, on the wall, tell me, tell me, all that I need to know in this moment about me. Who Am I really?' Look in there, and get the answer right from your own eyes. You are Divine. You are a Sovereign Free Being, you are Citizen of the Universe, and you are in mission-accomplished even now.
"So stay with it, Beloved Ones, stay on track. We're doing this together, because you asked us to come and be with you, and our Hearts are full of Thanks and Love for you. This is the most historic moment in the history/herstory of Planet Earth, the greatest story ever told throughout the Universe!!! And We Are One in Sovereign, Divine Love. So let's move on together, and bring it right into what remains of 3D on Planet Earth, that all may share this Love, this Joy, and this Oneness with Who We Are. And so it is! Salut!"
Read more:

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 23, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 23, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 23-Mar-2012 15:32:58

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 23, 2012
In some respects the world is passing through a quieter period than normal, and that is partly due to our activities and those of our allies. A point has been reached where we are able to exert more authority over the dark Ones, who are rapidly losing their power. More people are standing up against them, having acquired a great deal of confidence from seeing others successfully doing the same. It shall continue and help us to achieve our aims to go ahead with our plans, for your total release from the shackles of the past. Many aspects of them are well advanced, and you are entering a rather odd time. You will clearly see the old values and things that you relied upon falling out of sight, but not the new that will replace it. A thorough sweeping away is needed before matters are sufficiently ready for us to take charge. Even so we desire that the reigns of power are passed over to you, and our role is to help you achieve those ends.
A most pleasing development in very recent times is that your consciousness levels continue to grow, and the awakening amongst you is going to make the coming period a lot easier to handle. It is important that we soon commence direct contact with you, as there are so many important issues that we must address. The scene must be set for the major changes waiting to come out, particularly where the financial position is concerned. It is imperative that it is established correctly, and coordinated throughout the many countries involved. Our allies are aware of these needs, and together we are confident of success. Once finance and governance are established in accordance with your destined future, then we know that the basis will exist for the remaining changes to go ahead.
Achieving peace after thousands of years of continual wars will cause a dramatic change in people's lives, and their outlook will suddenly brighten up. The realization will set in that life was meant to be happy, joyful and rewarding, and a unity will take place that would not have been possible previously. Slowly the people will come to understand the Oneness of everything and how it is all part of the whole. The falseness of beliefs in separatism and the deliberate distortion of the truth about the purpose of life, will be seen as no more than the attempts of the dark Ones to maintain a division amongst the people. The coming of peace will change all of that, and a wave of relief and joy will sweep across the Earth. Old differences will be set aside and it will be seen that a wonderful future lies ahead. By then people will have become more informed of what the changes were leading to, and helped to understand the process of Ascension.
Clearly there is a lot of work to do but as we have often informed you, we have no problems in being equal to the task. Be assured that whatever needs to be done to ensure completion as planned, it will be carried out with full efficiency. The size of some tasks are enormous, but we have all the necessary equipment and personnel to do it. The Galactic Federation is of an immense size and quite used to handling complex and gigantic tasks. It is growing all of the time, as more civilizations reach the required level of consciousness that enables them to become members. You Dear Ones of Earth who are ascending will have reached that level, and can also take your place with us.
What a fitting end you are about to experience, after having battled your way through some of the darkest periods in your lives. Now you are playing out the last acts and clearing any remaining karma, and moving into the higher vibrations and releasing yourself from the lower ones. It is still up to you how you experience the final period, but one thing that will remain unchanged will be Ascension. You can all take much credit for the fact that you have brought so much Light to Earth, that up to now there has been little signs of the apocalyptic end times expected in some quarters. Of course physical changes must occur, but they do not need to be catastrophic and we will lessen their affects.
Sometimes we feel that many of you do not fully understand the implications of what is happening. Make no mistake, all that you thought was permanently on Earth as a natural consequence of your creations, is largely the work of those who enslaved you. You have had little say if any at all in what has passed as your life experiences. It is however true that you have made the most of them by accepting the challenge to overcome them. The dark Ones have unwittingly helped you evolve, and you have not only survived but brought the Light to Earth so that it has stopped their plans from preventing Ascension. You have proved more than equal to the task, and have shown the extent of your good faith in the higher powers that have guided you. Furthermore, you have achieved it without knowing the full facts, and until fairly recently that your victory was to lead you directly to Ascension. You can rightly feel proud of yourselves, and we have endless admiration for you all. You are truly Warriors of the Light that have earned all of the accolades that will come your way.
You no longer have anything to fear, although you will hear reports of confrontations where countries play the old game of pretence. They may harbor thoughts of war but it will go no further, and we will see to it that it comes to nothing. They will soon have to put away all weapons of war, and we will ensure that there is no skullduggery or deceit. We mean business when we talk of these things, and in no uncertain manner shall address all nations when our peace talks begin. We will not be asking them to accept peace, but demanding it on your behalf and at the request of higher powers than Man. It will come very soon and allow you the opportunity to live in safety, and without fear of the loss of life, your belongings or your home.
Dear Ones, all that has been promised will be fulfilled, and we are here to see that the changes are in accordance with the Divine Plan. Be cheerful and enjoy the thoughts that Ascension evokes, and allow your consciousness free range to do so. Think changes and how wonderful life is going to be, and if possible share your thoughts with those who also sense what is coming. Love every soul as yourself and that will be of great service to them.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.

GOD Bless America Again -- Good Video

Feeding The Homeless Banned In Major Cities All Over America

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Feeding The Homeless Banned In Major Cities All Over America Michael Snyder, Contributor
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Friday, 23-Mar-2012 06:51:33

Feeding The Homeless Banned In Major Cities All Over America
Michael Snyder, Contributor
Activist Post
What would you do if you came across someone on the street that had not had anything to eat for several days? Would you give that person some food? Well, the next time you get that impulse you might want to check if it is still legal to feed the homeless where you live. Sadly, feeding the homeless has been banned in major cities all over America.
Other cities that have not banned it outright have put so many requirements on those that want to feed the homeless (acquiring expensive permits, taking food preparation courses, etc.) that feeding the homeless has become "out of reach" for most average people. Some cities are doing these things because they are concerned about the "health risks" of the food being distributed by ordinary "do-gooders". Other cities are passing these laws because they do not want homeless people congregating in city centers where they know that they will be fed. But at a time when poverty and government dependence are soaring to unprecedented levels, is it really a good idea to ban people from helping those that are hurting?
This is just another example that shows that our country is being taken over by control freaks. There seems to be this idea out there that it is the job of the government to take care of everyone and that nobody else should even try.
But do we really want to have a nation where you have to get the permission of the government before you do good to your fellow man?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

An amazing music performance --- This will touch you!

> Subj: Most AMAZING video
> This is a precious show stopper.
> My heart nearly JUMPED out of my chest.
> I was crying with JOY, HOPE, LOVE,
> Talk about faith and a Mission Impossible.
> This young spirit shows us that any thing
> is possible with "unconditional" LOVE.
> Enjoy.............In JOY,
 from my friend Crystaqueous