Monday, August 13, 2012


Subject: It took guts to paint this picture


This painting is AWESOME and the pop-up one that lets you link to another of
his paintings is equally awesome!!


It took guts to paint this picture, he will probably pay a price...

Watch this short video!   


Text of Full Page Ad Run in USA Today on Friday, July 7, 2000:

Dear We The People:
These are the major points expressed in a Remonstrance, that was hand delivered to leaders of the three branches of the federal government on April 13, 2000, by a group of citizen-delegates representing all 50 states. These grievances concern alleged illegal operations of the federal income tax system and the IRS.
The Remonstrance was signed by thousands of citizens, and was delivered as part of an event sponsored by We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to research and education in matters of taxation & governance.
1) The 16th amendment to the U.S. Constitution (the "income tax amendment") was fraudulently and illegally proclaimed to be ratified in 1913. Exhaustive legal research from both state and national archives documented conclusively that the amendment did not even come close to being legally approved by the required number of states.
The Courts have refused to hear this issue.
"[Defendant] Stahl's claim that ratification of the 16th Amendment was fraudulently certified constitutes a political question because we could not undertake independent resolution of this issue without expressing lack of respect due coordinate branches of government...."
U.S. v Stahl (1986), 792 F2d 1438
2) Filing a federal income tax return is, in fact, voluntary, because there is no statute or regulation that requires the vast majority of U.S. citizens to file and pay income taxes -- or to have taxes withheld from the money they earn.
Neither the IRS nor the Congress can cite an authorizing law or regulation.
3) Citizens cannot "voluntarily" file a federal income tax return without surrendering their 5th amendment right not to bear witness against themselves.
You can be criminally prosecuted for your "voluntary" return.
Robert Schulz, chairman of the Foundation, and Joseph Banister, a former special agent of the Criminal Investigation Division of the IRS (accompanied by a videographer) delivered copies of the Remonstrance to designated officials of the three branches.
At the White House and the Capitol, the delegates had the opportunity to explain and discuss the contents of the Remonstrance, and to ask that the government send experts representing the three branches to a conference to be held in June, where those experts could debate the tax issues with a group of researchers invited by the Foundation.
The officials agreed to the idea of having such a conference, and the Foundation scheduled the meeting for June 29th.
The officials the delegates delivered the Remonstrance to were: At the White House-Jason Furman, Senior Director and Senior Economic Advisor of the National Economic Council; at the Capitol-Dr. William Koetzle, Legislative Director for Speaker Hastert, and Keith Hennessey, Policy Director for Senate Majority Leader Lotte.
However, on June 2nd the White House reneged on the promises it made during the April 13th meeting. As with three previous conferences, the government has again refused to debate the grievances. Jason Furman told Robert Schulz, "The legality of the income tax is not a high priority item at the White House, and we will not participate in any conference on the subject."
If the government had valid counter-arguments to the Remonstrance, it should be a simple matter to clarify the law, provide the appropriate regulatory references and promptly settle the matter.Our government's repeated avoidance of these debates should speak volumes.
On this, the 224th birth celebration of our one Nation under God, the We The People Foundation offers the following facts, internet links and a challenge for each American:
  • Read the facts for yourself.
  • Judge what is truth.
  • Pass it on.
We hope you will join many who now believe that the time has come for our government and our nation to begin a long-overdue process of public debates concerning the economic, political and constitutional problems posed by the true legal restrictions upon our current system of taxation.
As a nation of justice and due process, we cannot tolerate a tax system, or a government, that seizes our property, sends us to prison and induces fear in our hearts -- while refusing to provide us basic proof of their legal authority, clearly written tax codes and unambiguous legal ruling on Constitutional and legal issues concerning the income tax.
We pray that you be convinced that nothing less than our freedoms, our property and our Republic are at stake. The Soul of America needs illumination. Please join us.
Legal Facts & Did You Know
Re: Proposition #1
  • The issue of the fraudulent ratification of the 16th amendment has never been decided by a court of law. The courts have instead tossed the issue into the lap of Congress as a "political question," even though fraud is a clear issue for judicial review, not a political question.
  • A brief report printed by the Congressional Research Service in 1985 states up front that, "The report does not attempt to rebut specific factual allegations?." It then goes on to make the astonishing assertion that the actions of a government official must be presumed to be correct and cannot be judged or overturned by the courts! (John Ripy, "Ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment." CRS, 1985.)
  • An attorney speaking for Senator Orin Hatch in 1984 offered to pay former tax investigator William Benson a fortune not to publish his research proving that the 16th amendment did not even come close to being legally ratified by the required number of states in 1913.
  • Philander Knox, Secretary of State from 1909 to 1913 during the Taft administration, proclaimed the 16th amendment to be ratified just a few days before he left office in 1913, to make way for the Wilson administration, even though he knew it had not been legally ratified.
  • Philander Knox had for many years been the primary attorney for the richest men in America, including Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan and the Vanderbilts. He had created for them the largest cartel in the world, then was appointed, at their request, as Attorney General in the McKinley/Roosevelt administrations, where he refused to enforce the Sherman anti-trust laws against the cartel he had just created.
  • The income tax amendment was pushed through Congress in 1909 by Sen. Nelson Aldrich, father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. and grandfather and namesake of Nelson A. Rockefeller, and would not have been ratified if Knox had not fraudulently proclaimed it so.
  • Example: Kentucky's legislature rejected the amendment, but Knox counted Kentucky as having approved it.
  • Example: Oklahoma's legislature changed the amendment's wording so that it meant just the opposite of what was submitted to the states by Congress, but Knox counted Oklahoma as approving the amendment.
  • Example: Minnesota did not submit any results or copy of their vote to Knox, yet he counted Minnesota as approving the amendment.
  • Legal scholars have agreed that if any state violated provisions of its own state constitution in the ratification process, its approval would be null and void. At least 20 states were guilty of serious violations of their constitutions. For example, Tennessee's constitution provided that the state legislature could not act upon any proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution submitted by Congress until after the next state legislative elections. Yet the Tennessee legislature acted on the proposed 16th amendment the same month it was received and before any elections.
  • Judges have been extraordinarily unwilling to allow defendants in "failure to file" cases to present evidence or testimony of expert researchers regarding the constitutionality of the 16th amendment.
Re: Proposition #2
  • Juries have been acquitting defendants in failure-to-file income tax return cases due to lack of demonstrable evidence that there is any law or regulation that requires it.
  • An increasing number of employers have stopped withholding taxes from their workers, and stopped filing W-2s and 1099s for the same reason.
  • Unless one is a foreigner working in the U.S., or a U.S. citizen earning money abroad, one is not liable for the federal income tax.
  • The OMB Number on Form 1040 is cross-referenced in the Code of Federal Regulations to the section covering taxes by resident aliens, which, therefore, doesn't apply to most Americans.
  • Responding to an inquiry by a constituent who was a tax consultant, Sen. Daniel Inouye told him that based on research performed by the Congressional Research Service, no provision of the Internal Revenue Code requires an individual to pay income taxes. He then went on to warn that Section 7201 sets forth numerous penalties for not paying income taxes owed. However -
  • The failure-to-file law applies to alcohol-tobacco-firearms taxes, (Section 7201), not to income taxes, and convictions are based on the mis-application of the alcohol-tobacco- firearm regulations.
  • No law requires employees to provide a Social Security Number to an employer, nor for an employer to demand one from an employee.
Re: Proposition #3
  • The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the filing of an income tax return (Form 1040) and the information on the 1040 is not compelled, and, therefore, the principle that no one may be forced to waive their 5th amendment rights in order to comply with a law is not applicable to federal income tax returns.
"The [5th Amendment] privilege protects against compelled
testimonial communications?."
U.S. v Conklin (1994), WL 504211 (10th Cir. Colo.)
  • No one has been able to collect the $50,000 reward offered by William Conklin ( to anyone who can
1) show how to file a federal income tax return without waiving one's 5th amendment rights, and
2) identify what statute in the Internal Revenue Code makes a typical worker liable to pay an income tax.
The Internet Sites to Start Your Education:
Hosts of this ad and sponsors of the Remonstrance / Grievance
Bill Benson's detailed legal research exposing the FRAUDLENT RATIFICATION of the 16th Amendment. * Buy his 2-volume report!
Free download of "Taxable Income" report.
Ex-IRS agent quits, in 1999, because the IRS refused to rebut his research showing the illegal status of the income tax system *Free viewing of report.
A case in Federal Court of Appeals proves you cannot file a return without waiving the 5th. * Free download of his book.
Comprehensive research on tax, constitutional issues.
The Free Enterprise Society
Resource for federal and CA tax issues. Runs a criminal legal defense fund.
Info on the Federal Reserve, money, taxes, Constitutional issues, etc.
Educates Americans about U.S. and CA tax law.
Irwin Schiff's site. Author & Lecturer on income taxes.
Income tax resource site.
*** Special Site for Bankers & Economists!
Learn how the price of gold is being illegally manipulated to hide inflation and the very large risks for the global economy. * Free Download Report (.pdf)

Keyhole Gardening

Keyhole Gardening
By G. Elaine Acker
Aug 12, 2012 - 5:57:00 PM

Keyhole Gardening

Unlocking the secrets of drought-hardy gardens

Aletha St. Romain

Unlock Your Own Keyhole Garden

Follow these guidelines to get started:
1. Measure a 6-foot diameter circle to define the inside wall of your garden.
2. Notch the circle (like cutting a wedge of pie) so you can access the basket at the center.
3. Construct the exterior wall about 3 feet high using rocks, metal, timbers or any material that can support the weight of wet soil.
4. Use wire mesh to create a tube about 1 foot in diameter and about 4 feet high. Stand the tube in the center of the circle.
5. Line the outer walls with cardboard and fill the garden area (but not the wire mesh tube in the center), with layers of compostable materials, wetting it down as you go. Fill the last few inches with compost or potting soil. The soil should slope from a high point at the top of the center basket downward to the edges of the garden.
6. Fill the center basket with alternating layers of compostable material, along with layers of kitchen scraps and herbaceous weeds that provide the plants with moisture and nutrients.
7. Water the center basket and the garden only when the plants will not survive without it. This forces the plants’ roots down toward the center basket.
8. Feed the garden by adding more kitchen scraps, lawn clippings, etc., to the center basket.
9. Consider arching a framework of thin wires over the garden. During the hottest months, the wires can support a shade cloth, and in winter, plastic sheeting creates an instant greenhouse.
10. Enjoy the fruits (and vegetables!) of your labor.

February 2012

uring a drought, Texas has a lot in common with southern Africa. Scorching heat, thin layers of topsoil and elusive rainfall can make for a brutal summer when gardening is not for the faint of heart. Recent Texas droughts are the most severe on record, and the National Weather Service warns that the long-term forecast is drier still.
So it’s nothing short of amazing that the community of Clifton in Bosque County has been transformed into an oasis in this gardening desert with help from creative landscape architect Deb Tolman. Leaning on her 30 years of experience in landscape design, doctoral studies in environmental science and research on African survival strategies, Tolman has teamed with local ranch owners Jim and Mary Lou Starnater to unlock the secrets of sustainable gardening.
Affectionately known as “Dr. Deb,” Tolman lives “one block off the grid.” Living on the Starnaters’ StarHaven Ranch in a 10-by-10-foot converted oat bin, Tolman has access to electricity from United Cooperative Services, which serves the ranch, but uses no other public utilities. She grows her own food—even in hot, dry conditions—cooks in an outdoor oven, and every month hosts sustainability workshops on topics from rainwater harvesting to her most popular class—keyhole gardening.
Lessons from Africa
A keyhole garden is the ultimate raised-bed planter. It is often built in the shape of a circle measuring about 6 feet in diameter that stands waist-high and is notched like a pie with a slice cut away. A hole in the center holds a composting basket that moistens and nourishes the soil. The garden, which from above looks like a keyhole, can be built with recycled materials and requires less water than a conventional garden.
“It works well in places far drier than we are here on the edge of the Hill Country,” says Tolman, who discovered the technique five years ago. The sustainable gardening method was developed by a humanitarian aid organization in southern Africa, where resources are scarce and the climate unforgiving. There, three keyhole gardens can feed a family of 10 all year long, reports the BBC.
In her area of North Central Texas, Tolman has added a twist to keyhole gardens, making beds almost entirely of compost. Some of the soil is composed of recycled newspapers, telephone books and cardboard, which she says adds carbon, nitrogen and air to the soil. In Tolman’s garden, cardboard is gold, and what it buys is priceless.
“You don’t have to spend $400 a month on groceries when you can grow healthy produce at home,” she says. “In the summertime, I grow Malabar spinach, which loves the heat. The chard’s been going all year. I can eat a power snack of French green beans right off the vine.” Her harvest also includes carrots, kale, tomatoes, berries and more, rivaling Texas farmers markets. “I eat year-round from these gardens,” says Tolman.
Texas Keyhole Gardens
Tolman is sharing these ideas with the community, and Clifton now has about 60 keyhole gardens.
“My first keyhole garden here in Clifton was at Ace Hardware,” says Tolman, describing a demonstration garden maintained by the hardware store. “We used native rock and clay to build the walls, and recycled paper and manure to make soil. In just four weeks, 129 phone books were no longer discernable, and half a Dumpster load of cardboard from Ace Hardware had become soil.”
Jim Starnater has helped build three community keyhole gardens in Clifton and has built several on his ranch. He was skeptical when he first attended one of Tolman’s workshops and saw photos of a beautifully productive raised-bed garden built on a mutual friend’s property. “I thought that garden was several years old,” he says. “But it had been planted just seven months before. You’re not going to start anything else in Bosque County that grows like that.”
While the keyhole provides easy access to the composting basket in the center, almost any raised bed about 6 feet in diameter will work. “You can adapt the concept to whatever you have available,” Starnater says. “We’ve experimented with various things, from old, leaking cattle water troughs to tractor and truck tires. Personally, I’m not into ‘pretty.’ I’m into function and efficiency. I’m interested in how to produce the largest amount of nutritious, organic food in the least amount of space with the least amount of water.”
Tolman, who appreciates both form and function, has worked with Starnater to turn an old ski boat and a bathtub into gardens in addition to her more traditional stone designs.
Drought Hardy
Clifton resident Rosa Peitz met Tolman through the Clifton Garden Club. “I’d never heard of keyhole gardens before Dr. Deb’s workshop,” says Peitz, “but I liked the idea of a garden where I didn’t have to bend over and that would only use a gallon or two of water every day.”
Tolman had suggested using rocks and cob, a mixture of clay and straw, but Peitz didn’t have either. Instead, she and her son used broken concrete from a house remodeling project, mortaring it with cement to create a frame for her now-prosperous garden. “This year, he’s got eight or nine different kinds of peppers growing in it, and we’ll easily harvest several thousand peppers,” Peitz says. “During the drought, when almost everyone had given up on their gardens, the keyhole gardens were thriving.”
Tolman’s and Starnater’s gardens also continued to produce during the 2011 drought, although extra water and care were required. “If you go through a Texas summer with more than 60 days over 100 degrees, nothing’s going to grow if you don’t water it,” says Starnater. “But we used drip irrigation and a thick layer of mulch, which reduced the amount of water required by about 30 percent. We also created umbrellas to shade the plants and reduce the heat and sun exposure by about 60 percent. That makes a big difference.”
Because keyhole gardens can both weather the drought and take a big bite out of the grocery bill, they’re a welcome gift from Africans to Texans for bountiful seasons to come.
G. Elaine Acker is a freelance writer and occasional blogger who divides her time between Texas and New Mexico.
Visit Deb Tolman’s website for more information on keyhole gardening.

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Beverlyis 90 years old. She's played golf every day since her
>retirement 25 years ago. One day she arrives home looking sad.
>"That's it," she tells her husband, Gus, "I'm giving up golf. My
>eyesight has become so bad that once I hit the ball I can't see
>where it went."
>Her husband makes her a cup of tea, and says, "Why don't you
>take me with you and give it one more try."
>"That's no good" sighs Beverly , "you're a hundred and three.You
>can't help."
>"I may be a hundred and three", says Gus, "but my eyesight is
>So the next day Beverly heads off to the golf course with her
>Gus. She tees up, takes a mighty swing and squints down the
>She turns to the husband and says, "Did you see the ball?"
>"Of course I did!" replied Gus, "I have perfect eyesight".
>"Where did it go?" says Beverly .
>"I don't remember."

Are You on the Catastrophic or Positive Timeline? by Drake

Are You on the Catastrophic or Positive Timeline?
by Global Voice 2012 Radio

Mon, August 13, 2012 05:00PM/PST - 8pm EST

Call in:(646) 716-4984

Listen on-line:

Join us for a 2 hour program that will awaken you beyond all expectations. "Drake" has a discussion with Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd on the subject "ARE YOU ON THE CATASTROPHIC OR POSITIVE TIMELINE?"

The countless number of you who have been following or listening to Drake are are about to find out that there is a whole lot more to him than you ever imagined.

About Alfred: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd is a futurist and author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe (available at, a book that founded the field of Exopolitics – the science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse. Exopolitics includes a case study of human contact with an advanced civilization on Mars.

Read more here:

Montague Keen 8-12-12…”Everything Is Going According To Plan”

Montague Keen 8-12-12…”Everything Is Going According To Plan”

From this side of life, everything is going according to plan. Truth is being exposed and people are more accepting of the situation your world faces. We accept that it is hard for many of you to believe that there are people around you who loathe and despise you because they see you as inferior, and that it is their intention to remove you from the planet to which you belong. Sadly, it is all part of the plan. The false history they invented is now being exposed. Good people are prepared to examine all that they had believed to be fact. Science can, and will, establish the truth. The technology is available in every country. It is time for all good men of all nationalities to come together to rescue your world from the criminal elite which wants to take it over. Your beautiful planet will be restored, and all it will take is the removal of the Control Grid.
What you witnessed, last week, was not imagination. Your friends from Andromeda showed you that they can just float down to Earth from their Space Ship. They are not restricted by false information and controls that teach you only what the Cabal allows you to do. If only you knew how much more you are capable of, you would be amazed. Learn to look at the bigger picture. If you believe you can do it, then you can.
It is time to open the prison gates of your minds, for it is your minds that are used to control you. It is brainwashing, and it has worked up till now. Next time you are told "it is not allowed", question it. Ask WHY? Who said so? It is your God-given right to live your life without the restrictions placed on you by religions. When all these false controls are removed, all men will come together and live in peace and harmony. Your eternal souls chose to be on Earth at this time to help create the future and to bring about the Transition. The only religion you will need is the religion of LOVE, such as was practiced in ancient Ireland before the Vatican decided to destroy it and replace it with greed, destruction, and war - the like of which was never experienced by your world in all the millennia preceding their take-over.
They are hanging on by a thread, still hoping that they can retain their control. This will not be allowed to happen. Their days are numbered. You will return to spirituality. You will connect with who you are and you will soon forget the nightmare that you have lived through. It is time to be brave and face the real facts; not what the media tells you are facts. They just read the script placed before them by those who control you. We have managed to be one step ahead of them, up till now. We read their thoughts and so we are prepared to disrupt their plans. The energy of those who are awake and aware is getting more powerful each day. It enables us to do so much more to protect you.
John [Mack] wants you to know that those who organised his death did him a favour, as he can do so much more from the world of Spirit than he ever could on Earth. He was blinded by the control system. He was not aware of the corruption all around him. They even befriended him and wanted to help him, in order to blind him to their evil plans. They believed that if they made him feel indebted to them that he would never step out of line. John, being an honest man, did only what he believed would benefit mankind and advance our knowledge of the Universe that we are a part of. A gifted man, who devoted his life to those who needed his help. His work is by no means over.
You were shocked to learn that trials of GM crops in England are being discussed. This was my subject, as you know. I disapprove strongly of GM crops and the damage they do to the soil. It will take 100 years to remove completely the poison from the soil. It is stupid to say that only certain fields will be used, as the birds and other wild animals, transfer the poison, so all the surrounding land will be contaminated. You do not own the land. You only have the use of it. It is not yours to destroy. This is all part of the evil plan to create a food shortage. Starvation to cull the masses. This is exactly how they see it. Equip yourselves with the facts and say NO to it. This should be ringing alarm bells in your minds. Do you really trust them to control your food supply? Check out who controls GM seeds.
It is exciting, my dear, to know that people in other countries are checking their DNA for Irish connections from ancient times, when the Irish followed the sun to Egypt. It will produce the evidence. It is there. It is time for it to come to light and to expose, once and for all, the lies that were forced on you. The Cabal never dreamed that one day their plans would be exposed and the truth revealed. The Aryan people will stand together once more. They will rejoice as they visit their country of origin — Ireland. The Irish government must wake up. They owe it to the Irish everywhere. Sadly, they have in their midst, some whose loyalty and allegiance is not to Ireland. I call upon the Irish scholars to research your origins. Perhaps your President would take an interest, for it is from this that THE TRUTH WILL EMERGE and will set your world free. Ask yourselves why the Irish are usually depicted as drunk and stupid. Why has so much effort been used to put the Irish down? The world was taught never to look at Ireland. Those who stole its history and language ensured that the Irish would not be taken seriously.
Recently the 'banksters' did a good job of persuading the country that it was in trouble, when clearly it was not. The work of Michael Tsarion reveals so much. His work should be on the curriculum of every school and university, especially in Ireland. Do the people still accept what they were taught by the Vatican: that they are worthless nobodies? Ask why you were taught this?
Ireland . . . the whole world is waiting for you to take action. You alone can release the world from the bondage of the corrupt control system. It is time to move into the light of truth and seek justice for all.
We in Spirit, wish to thank all those who listen to what we have to say and who take the time to research and share with others, so that they, too, can wake up and look to the future.
The house of cards is teetering on the edge; ready to fall. Then you will wonder why so many could have been taken in for so long by such evil minds. They will return from whence they came. Good riddance to them. LOVE will return to your world.
I continue to show you, my dear, that I am always at your side. Your adoring, Monty.
Here is a link to a pdf of copy of the book, "Ireland: Land of the Pharaohs" (alternative link, here), which Monty has mentioned in several other messages.

FORECLOSURE - the Original Promissory Note must either be returned to the signor or cancelled by the court.

From: John Stuart <>
Date: August 12, 2012 10:49:44 AM PDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: short note

here is something I have added to the 5th edition publication that
I cannot stress enough. THis is the purest form of truth you will
ever know.

                                BOTTOM   LINE

         One very important legal concept you should know; it's a
         concept that every lawyer and banker refuses to discuss,
         every court refuses to hear arguments about, and is the
         single most important factor that proves incontrovertibly
         every foreclosure is a scam being perpetrated upon the
         people of this country:

            No foreclosure is 'perfected' and/or 'complete'  until
            the Original Promissory Note is either returned to the
            signor or cancelled by the court.

         That is the law; that has always been the law; and that
         law has never been abrogated. This single unarguable
         fact proves that what is happening in this country is
         nothing more than a coup d'état by the bankers with
         the assistance of our elected officials.

         I have witnessed dozens of court cases, read thousands of
         documents, studied several state's laws and have come to the
         conclusion no court will ever allow this mandate to be used
         because of the obvious fact the banks would always lose.

         I know through personal experience and my own research
         that Notes continue to be resold after the homes are
         foreclosed. In one case, we discovered a Note had been
         sold 5 times in the 6 months following the foreclosure.

         You must understand completely that every aspect of this
         coup being perpetrated on us by the bankers was planned,
         is unlawful, and requires the assistance of the courts
         and public officials.

         If you have a difficult time believing the judges and
         elected officials are involved, just take a few minutes and
         research what their retirement programs are vested in. You
         will discover that judges, cops, politicians and all other
         state agents' pension funds are primarily invested in 2
         things: the real estate market and privatized prisons.

         Now you know the truth about why we are being driven into
         poverty and why America has more people in prison than
         any other country.

John C.  Stuart, aka Mobius Nemesis
4101 W. Union Hills Dr. #1043 Glendale, Arizona (85308)


Chicago Gangster - Obama the Tyrant

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Chicago Gangster - Obama the Tyrant
Posted By: SARTRE [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 13-Aug-2012 07:12:54

Chicago’s claim of infamy - their gangster culture - deeply embedded in their political style of ruthlessness is exemplified in Barack Obama. Violence, lies, sleaze, extortion and intimidation are the tools of the trade. Politics may appear to be more benign than the Valentine Massacre to the unsophisticated, but the reality is that the government arena is far more corrupt then any of the most egregious deeds of the Chicago Outfit. Brush up on your current events and Chicago history. The laundry list of crooked Ward and Aldermen fit the soldier model of the crime family. The latest Godfather, Rahm Emmanuel is the "Greasy Thumb" Guzik bagman for the Obama syndicate.
Read the entire article on the BATR archive page
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Privatized eminent domain

Thanks to an epically corrupt state

Energy companies have succeeded
in turning one state in the US
into the legal equivalent of a
Third World colony.'s not Louisiana and it's
not West Virginia.

The answer may surprise you.


- Brasscheck

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I'm about to bring and open those doors wide for you

     Here is a prophetic word that was sung at our church this past Sunday.  Remember every prophectic word gives us a Word from God to "war" with in our lives.  So, selah, pause and calmly think on it.  Hear what the Spirit of the Lord says;
I'm about to take you in.  
Many never see my glory, but I'm about to take you in.  
Doors will seem like they're closing, but I'm about to open up a new and better way.  
I Am the Lord your God and I know the way.  
Many try to go their own way, but I know what doors are closing.
I know the ways that are open and even though it looks like the doors are closing, don't you dare give up, don't you dare quit.  
For I Am on the horizon and opening up a new way, a greater plan, a greater day, a greater way and I'm opening it just for you.  
I have seen your faith in the night season ,yeah, you never give up and you never quit even though others have left me.  
You remain faithful and I can count on you.  I count you as faith to me and I will do wonderful things for you.  
I have said over and over again, I show myself strong on your behalf.  
So get ready, and understand, that I have given you a clue, many doors will be closed to you.  
They're not the doors that I want you to walk through but I'm about to open a door for you.  
It will be broad and a high way and it will be the right one.  
So don't try to push open any doors, let me show one greater than you ever perceive, greater than you ever thought, for I am the God of the end times and I'm setting my children up.  
I'm setting my children up right in the right place, right at the right time.  
So don't be discouraged if a door close in your face.  
I'm about to open up a new one.  
I'm about to open up a new one.
This is what I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying:
     Many of you have tried to open up some doors by pushing and pressing.  Those were not the doors that I opened for you but I'm about to open up doors that will be open up wide and see these are the doors for you, that I have enlarged so that you can proclaim my gospel, large so you can walk up and down in my glory.  For the glory of God will rest upon you and many will see and know that I Am God.  I'm placing you in a right place, in a strategic place for the season that is at hand.  Many are lost and needing someone to show them the way.  And you are that group and I have divinely inspired places for you and I'm about to bring and open those doors wide for you.  You think that you're forgotten, you think that I have left you out.  But I have not left you out, I'm bringing you to the forefront.  I'm bypassing all others so that my glory might be seen in these last days so that I can un-strand the last remnant of those who would be saved.  I'm working a plan and my plan is for the kingdom.  So listen and follow Me saith the Lord and you will see that greater way, you will know that greater vision, you will know the glory of the Lord God in the midst of diversity.  You will know Me like you've never known Me before.
     "I know your [record of] works and what you are doing.  See!  I have set before you a door wide open which no one is able to shut; I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept My Word and guarded My message and have not renounced or denied My name." (Rev. 3:8- Amplified)
     "There is a right time for everything, and everything on earth will happen at the right time." (Eccles. 3:1 Easy To Read Version)