Monday, August 13, 2012

Rod Private Recording 8.12.12 - Black's Law Dictionary, 14 Statutes At Large 121, and Lawyers - New Info !

A must listen to audio this will blow your mind about the justice system  that the attorneys high jacked back in the 1800's they have NO standing in Law. That includes judges,prosecuting attorney's and all Attorney bar none.

All about Lawyers and their supposed authority to have EXCLUSIVITY to re-present
others in a court of law. There may be FRAUD in that Myth and It May Go Even Deeper
Than That, AND it gives More Legitimacy to the position of Private Attorney General
for the People !

Disclosure: ETs, Mars, The 2012 Agenda

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Disclosure: ETs, Mars, The 2012 Agenda
Posted By: JediShaman [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 13-Aug-2012 15:40:23

If we observe things leaking out into the mainstream AND alternative media this year we'll find there is a major theme of disclosure pertaining to ET life.
Multiple nations have released their UFO case files and additional US documents and whistleblowers have been brought to the public's attention to confirm the reality of this phenomenon.
We also have the Life on Mars meme surfacing and now "Total Recall" is coming back to the movie screen to revisit the idea of Mars and time travel. If you visit Goro Adachi's Etemenanki you'll see his post on the 2012 Olympics & Martian Resurrection, culminating with the Phoenix rising in the closing ceremony in London.
The Disclosure process has been rather deliberate and gradual, unfolding via multiple layers of publicity and a long period of time - with 2012 as a tipping point. One might say that the tipping point is being reached right now, and the elites will soon acknowledge contact with ETs who they will say are now helping them address the environmental crises on the planet. If these were truly benevolent ET beings why did they wait til the 11th hour to come help? Let's not take things at face value.
- Jedi 

The Weight Loss Benefits of Damiana

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The Weight Loss Benefits of Damiana
Posted By: GHCHealth [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 13-Aug-2012 11:55:44

What is Damiana?
Damiana, or turnera diffusa, is a flowering shrub found throughout Mexico, the West Indies, and parts of Central and South America. The leaves have historically been used in traditional herbal medicine as a tonic, diuretic, and laxative. Indigenous people in Central and South America have used the leaves to make a tea, which is believed to have relaxing and aphrodisiac effects.
Currently, the “Physicians’ Desk Reference for Herbal Medicines,” recognizes damiana leaf as an herbal supplement that may be helpful for conditions such as decreased libido, inflammation, and weight loss.
How Does Damiana Work?
Damiana has a complex chemical makeup, its known compounds include α-pinene, β-carotene, β-pinene, eucalyptol, tannins and thymol. The compound damianin, a chemical essential to the plant’s structure, has been shown to produce a relaxing effect on the central nervous system. Damiana has also been shown to have a hypoglycemic effect, prompting discussion about its potential for diabetic and weight loss therapies.
It is believed that damiana may function as an aromatase inhibitor. A 2008 study by the School of Pharmacy at the University of Mississippi investigated the anti-aromatase and estrogenic activity of damiana. Compounds isolated from the leaves were evaluated for aromatase activity using a tritiated-water release assay and for estrogenic activity using yeast estrogen screen assay. Damiana extract, and the extracted compounds pinocembrin and acacetin lessened aromatase activity. Other compounds, Apigenin 7-glucoside, Z-echinacin and pinocembrin showed estrogenic activity.
Damiana For Weight Loss
Damiana encourages loose stools, which may help promote internal cleansing. However, damiana has gained the most attention when used with other plants to produce thermogenic activity.
A 2001 Denmark study noted that, when combined with guarana and yerba mate, the combination produces thermogenic effects with appetite suppression. Over a span of 45 days, overweight participants were given YGD in capsule form before a main meal. The study concluded that the combination significantly delayed gastric emptying, reduced the time in which participants “felt full” and produced significant weight loss.
Furthermore, the anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects, combined with the appetite suppressant effects, of damiana may lead to situational improvement of conditions that predicate to overeating, particularly persons who eat for emotional comfort.
The efficacy of damiana as an anti-anxiety and thermogenic has resulted in multiple patents being filed for oral appetite suppressant supplements that contain damiana.
Damiana is widely available in health food and supplement stores in a variety of delivery methods that include tea blends, capsules, extracts, tablets, and tinctures. Damiana has shown to be most effective when used with other plants and herbs for sexual potency, weight loss, depression, hormonal balancing, and systemic tonics.
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DABFM 

Perseid Meteor Shower: A Time-Lapse Look


Perseid Meteor Shower: A Time-Lapse Look

A unique perspective on the Perseid Meteor Shower from a 'Cloud Camera' perched on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope in Waimea, Hawaii.,AAAAAAQxtuk~,N9g8AOtC12cugPLOPKfm7ZBGwBKdIYL-&bclid=0&bctid=1781690946001

Politician Lie Detector Test

Tis is laugh your rear end off funny...

Johnny Carson; Politician Lie Detector Test  


How about this? science fiction or what?!

How about this?  science fiction or what?!  :):)


Is this a mosquito? No. It's an insect spy drone for urban areas, already in production, funded by the US Government. It can be remotely controlled and is equipped with a camera and a microphone. It can land on you, and it may have the potential to take a DNA sample or leave RFID tracking nanotechnology on your skin. It can fly through an open window, or it can attach to your clothing until you take it in your home. Given their propensity to request macro-sized drones for surveillance, one is left with little doubt that police and military may look into these gadgets next.

And for all you who automatically say "fake" because you don't think your glorious government is funding this... do some research.


Democratic Convention Schedule

Subject: Democratic Convention Schedule
For Sept. 3, 2012 at Charlotte, North Carolina.

Democratic Convention Schedule
2012 Democratic National Convention Schedule -- Charlotte , N.C. 

4:00 PM – Opening Flag Burning Ceremony – sponsored by CNN
4:05 PM – Singing of "God Damn America " led by Rev. Jeremiah Wright
4:10 PM – Pledge of Allegiance to Obama.

4:15 PM – Ceremonial 'I hate America ' led by Michelle Obama.
4:30 PM – Tips on “How to keep your man trustworthy & true to you while you travel the world” – Hillary Clinton
4:45 PM –Al Sharpton / Jesse Jackson seminar
“How to have a successful career without having a job.”

5:00 PM – “Great Vacations I’ve Taken on the Taxpayer’s Dime Travel Log” - Michelle Obama.
5: 30 PM – Eliot Spitzer Speaks on "Family Values" via Satellite
5:45 PM – Tribute to All 57 States – Nancy Pelosi

6:00 PM – Sen. Harry Reid - 90-minute speech expressing the Democrat’s appreciation of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and George Soros for sparing no expense, for all that they have accomplished to unify the country, improve employment and to boost the economy.

8:30 PM – Airing of Grievances by the Clintons
9:00 PM – “Bias in Media – How we can make it work for you” Tutorial
– sponsored by CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times

9:15 PM – Tribute Film to Brave Freedom Fighters incarcerated at GITMO – Michael Moore
9:45 PM – Personal Finance Seminar - Charlie Rangle
10:00 PM – Denunciation of Bitter Gun Owners and Bible readers.

10:30 PM – Ceremonial Waving of White Flag for IRAQ, & Afghanistan
11:00 PM – Obama Energy Plan Symposium / Tire Gauge Demonstration
/ You too can get rich with Green Investment bankruptcies
11:15 PM – Free Gov. Blagovich rally

11:30 PM – Obama Accepts Oscar, Tony and Latin Grammy Awards
11:45 PM – Feeding of the Delegates with 5 Loaves and 2 Fish Obama Presiding
12:00 AM – Official Nomination of Obama by Bill Maher and
Chris “He sends a thrill up my leg” Matthews

12:01 AM – Obama Accepts Nomination as Lord and Savior
12:05 AM – Celestial Choirs Sing
3:00 AM – Biden Delivers Acceptance Speech


This does not include the millions of rounds of ammunition purchased by Homeland Insecurity, nor the millions of pounds of meat and fish recently ordered, nor the militarizing of our police...nor the executive orders that have been signed that we are not even aware of!  But where is the outrage??  Where is our leadership?


By Dr. Laurie Roth
The Senate voted yes on the National Defense Authorization Act.

This is a critical step over the ‘stuck on stupid’ line to the traitorous and treasonous line by our Senate this week. They voted for our Military to detain American citizens as long as they want to, without charges, representation or trial……just because they are suspected of being a terrorist. Americans could be gathered up and placed at GITMO for a ‘mystery’ terrorist reason decided by the military front and directed by Obama or any other power hungry President. It is all kosher and approved by the Senate and President now. Naturally, Obama is threatening a veto, of course that hits the airwaves to soften this traitorous ruling against the American people.

This betrayal by the Senate only gives a US citizen just one hearing by the military where they can then be locked up for life without charge. How is that anything like America , our Constitution or freedom as we know it?

If a person is a real suspect or potential terrorist, authorities need to have some evidence, probable cause and then charges, not just a vague accusation, one hearing then throw them into a dungeon and toss the key into the ocean.

Perhaps, the way we are going we should study the Government structure of former Communist Russia and see if we might find some improvements for our collapsing system. If not that, maybe we should all form some ‘American Camp’ unions so we could have representation as to how our internment rooms might look at the various camps we are assigned to. Can we wear certain colors in our uniforms, have special meals and visit our dogs on the weekends? Can I have bug spray for my bunk…assuming I have one?

Obama can’t on the surface dare act like he would want such a ruling as voted in by the Senate, but that is exactly what he has planned for and wants. For a short while he must be the good cop and the Senate must be the bad cop for his controlling scheme.

He has been developing camps, and circling the control wagons by establishing things like the counsel of Governors. Obama developed his congress evading czars, giving him dozens of unconstitutional arms flowing and showering controls where ever he wanted and completely bypassing congress.

Regarding the definition of ‘terrorism’
Obama and Bush before him started ripping the words ‘Islamic terrorist’ from our mouths. That was rude and CAIR and other Muslim radical groups of ‘representation’ were most angry about us attaching Islam to the war on terror. This was even though 99.9% of all the torture, threats and murders were being done by Muslims. We were Islamaphobic for noticing that. Oh Duck! There are more body parts of infidels flying by. Oh….don’t worry, it was just another Jew and Christian torn to shreds. Who cares.

It wasn’t long after Obama got into office that this war against Islamic radicals and fundamentalists was now called an ‘overseas contingency’ operation. Does anyone know on God’s green earth what that is???
Our House, Senate and White House has now morphed into a 3 headed, Marxist, monster, mostly unrecognizable to America , our Constitution and Judeo-Christian values.

FEMA Camps via executive order
Perhaps this sounds ‘tin helmet’ to you, but don’t you find it interesting and even a bit frightening that President Obama put forth and Executive Order to create all kinds of Fema camps. This has been developing all across the country, naturally hiding behind such usage terms as crisis, terrorism and calamities.

Let us not forget that it wasn’t in another country or even that many years ago that we had 10 internment camps in our own country. All Japanese Americans were forced to live there between 1942-1945. This was a shameful disregard of their rights as Americans.

Back in August 2002, Attn. General John Ashcroft said he had a desire for determent camps for U.S. citizens seen as ‘enemy combatants.’ Even Bill Clinton doesn’t deny that there are ‘camps’ in our country and foreign soldiers here.

Now, we almost have complete the other part of the hammer, US military, under order of this President who can grab up American citizens now, like me, like you, like anyone viewed as a potential terrorist, and take them away, perhaps never to be seen again.

Controllers and anti Constitutionalist are everywhere, on the left and right.
Those through out our brief history who want power and control outside of the restraining and moral walls of our Constitution, Judeo/Christian values and freedom, drift quickly towards totalitarianism, tyranny, land, food, business and health controls. Citizens can be seized at will for no real reason but just as a terrorist threat, defined as Obama wants to define it.

Is this ‘terrorism threat speech’ challenging Obama and the left? Is it exposing the corruption of Obama? Is it debating with or challenging bills in the House and Senate? Is it confronting the evils and danger of Sharia law and Islam unchecked?

I’m not for a violent uprising or any criminal behavior, but it is time for our patriotic and Constitutional revolution to start screaming. Let us get our country back in the right manner and peacefully. Oh yeah…..I’m glad millions upon millions of us have our loaded guns at home. Just a little thought for those who may want to turn on their own in the middle of the night.

Join me, speak your mind, blog and chat at and join me daily on national radio show


PALM BEACH, Fla. – Radio giant Rush Limbaugh says he’s “jazzed” about Mitt Romney’s choice of Paul Ryan to be his running mate, and he expects an instant economic recovery if the Republican ticket wins in November.
“I guarantee you, if Ryan and Romney win this election, you’re gonna see the stock market go through the roof,” Limbaugh said this afternoon. “You’re gonna see small businesses start to hire. It’s gonna happen so fast, you’re not gonna believe it, the moment it’s known that Obama’s out of office.”
Limbaugh, the top-rated voice of the political right in America, says a true conservative is finally on the presidential ticket.
“I like the fact that there’s somebody who’s gonna be on the news every day that can talk like I do,” he said.
“And I don’t mean to make this about me. That’s not the point. We’ve got somebody who can articulate what we believe. It’s in his heart. He doesn’t need crib notes, he doesn’t need briefings, he doesn’t need a consultant to tell him what to think or answer a question. He’s lived it. It’s his soul. That’s why I’m jazzed.”
“We now have somebody on the ticket who’s us,” he continued. “Somebody’s on the ticket who can explain all of this, believes all of this in his heart and in his soul. His name is Paul Ryan and he can do it with optimism and a smile on his face and no bitterness and so forth. I like it because we’re tackling this head on. You know if [Romney would] have chosen say [U.S. Sen. Marco] Rubio, the accusation would have been that he was pandering to a group. If he had chosen Condi [Rice], same accusation: pandering to a group. This pick told me that Romney is not just serious about winning, but governing.”
Limbaugh said the presence of Ryan on a stage with Romney has elevated and energized Romney.
“Romney’s a new guy. Romney is a different guy,” he explained.
“I watched ’60 Minutes’ last night, Ryan chomping at the bit to answer every question. Ryan wanted in ’cause he’s got the answer. He had the answer for everything Bob Schieffer threw. He’s got the answer for every objection the Obama team is going to make. All the lies, all the distortions, all the smears, Ryan has the answers. Ryan knows how to react to those things, because he is an ideological conservative. He is from the camp of Ronaldus Magnus (Ronald Reagan).”
President Obama is welcoming Ryan to the race, saying, “Congressman Ryan is a decent man. He is a family man. He is an articulate spokesman for Governor Romney’s vision. But it’s a vision that I fundamentally disagree with. They have tried this before. They have tried to sell us this trickle-down fairy dust before. And guess what. It did not work.”
“It did work!” Limbaugh exclaimed in response. “It works every time it’s tried! What isn’t working, sir, is you. And your ideas are not fairy dust. Your ideas are garbage!”
“This election, we’ve said it before and others have said it, but this is ball game,” Limbaugh concluded.
“If Barack Obama gets four more years, I really don’t think that the American people have any idea what’s in store for them. I don’t think, particularly a lot of Obama supporters, I don’t think they have any idea what’s in store. I don’t think they have any idea what’s in store for this country if Obama gets another four years. In fact, I think there are probably a lot of Republican voters who don’t really understand.”

His name was Bubba, he was from Alabama

His name was Bubba, he was from Alabama ... And he needed a loan, So... He walked into a bank in New York City and asked for the loan Officer. He told the loan officer that he was going to Paris for an International Redneck festival for two weeks and needed to borrow $5,000, and that he was not a depositor of the bank.
The bank officer told him that the bank would need some form of security for the loan, so the Redneck handed over the keys to a brand new Ferrari.
The car was parked on the street in front of the bank. The Redneck produced the title and everything checked out. The loan officer agreed to hold the car as collateral for the loan and apologized for having to charge 12% interest.
Later, the bank's president and its officers all enjoyed a good laugh at the Redneck from the South for using a $250,000 Ferrari as collateral for a $5,000 loan. An employee of the bank then drove the Ferrari into the bank's private underground garage and parked it.
Two weeks later, the Redneck returned, repaid the $5,000 and the interest of $23.07.
The loan officer said, "Sir, we are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out on Dunn & Bradstreet and found that you are a Distinguished Alumni from University Alabama , a highly sophisticated investor and Multi-Millionaire with real estate and financial interests all over the world. Your investments include a large number of wind turbines around Sweetwater , Texas . What puzzles us is, why would you bother to borrow $5,000?"
The good 'ole boy replied, "Where else in New York City can I park my car for two weeks for only $23.07 and expect it to be there when I return?"
His name was BUBBA.... Keep an eye on those Southern boys!
Just because we talk funny does not mean we are stupid.