Monday, August 13, 2012


     It is a sad commentary on America when the reality under Obama is far worse than a science fiction horror movie! And it is a far worst commentary on the American people if they try to trust Obama with their futures and their lives by reelecting him to the White House. Agenda 21 is already being treated by Obama as law that half of the land of America is now owned by the UN and the other half goes under legal authority of the UN where basically everyone in America gets kicked out of their homes, their personal property and bank accounts, etc. are now subject to instant confiscation anytime the UN which has now replaced the U.S. Constitution as the national law just judges all Americans must live in a totally Communist society where you are all herded into anthill settlements to live for the rest of your life. Also, with plans for population controls over America, it is likely they will later want to kill off much of the American people to lower population figures approved by the UN. But trust Comrade Obama! He loves you dearly or else he would not want you to lose the land of America and give it over to international powers to replace the U.S. Republic set up by the founding fathers of America.
      Upon the announciation of Paul Ryan for the running mate for Mitt Romney, Obama said he did not believe that creating less regulations or lowering taxes for the rich would create more jobs for America. Pres. Kennedy did this and it expanded jobs and prosperity for all Americans. Pres. Reagan did this and it expanded jobs and prosperity, but according to Der Fuhrer Adolf Obama (Sieg Heil !!!), this policy has never worked in America. Obama is opposed to this according to his just released statements and wants the reverse for America. Higher taxes and more regulations and then the remaining industry moves to China or elsewhere to escape this lunatic who somehow tricked the American people to vote for him for President. Actually, the lowering of taxes and lessening regulations would automatically bless all Americans, not just the rich. Charles Kettering, one-time President of General Motors and former director of their research and development, saw a list of 920 inventive concepts I had come up with in a two week period. He wrote back to me that he rated me to be the most original inventor brain in America and expected I would become known as the greatest inventive genius in American history. If I had lived in a free America instead of a regulated to hell America which gave lip service to freedom but in reality did not even understand what serious freedom is, I probably would have given America maybe up to 2,000 new industries and Americans so rich as to dazzle the world with all the wealth of even the most ordinary Americans and good jobs for all in America. Because the Americans had lost their belief in freedom and love for freedom, they have lost the chance to already be maybe 500 years ahead in industry to what they have now. Free enterprise does not work without freedom in a nation. And Obama is the archenemy of serious freedom in America. If Thomas Edison were alive today and just starting, the federal government would repeatedly threaten him with federal prison if he tried to show America new inventions of his to create new industries with. The economy of America skyrocketed in prosperity with all the industries of America created by the inventions of Thomas Edison including the movie industry, the electrical power industry of America, etc. Today Thomas Edison would be outlawed by the federal government and crushed if he tried to give America new industries. I have talked with brilliant inventors across America. They are crushed by the colossal moron and lunatic bureaucracy of Wash., D.C. and so many regulations from Wash., D.C., no sane man agrees to submit to such insanity under law. No wonder so much American industry finally threw in the sponge and moved out of America along with many millions of jobs now going to Asia, etc. instead of the American people.
     I think it was the President of Fruit Of The Loom which manufactured boxer shorts, t-shirts,etc. commented he did not want to move his factories out of America, but Wash., D.C.policy forced him to move out of America or else go out of the manufacturing industry. Americans who wanted to raise money abroad which they would then invest in America to start new industries in America found  Homeland Security colossally jammed up the movement of money for producing good profits abroad. This money was  then  to be invested back into America to start new industry across America.  American banking gave Wash., D.C. their "hit list" of foreign funds which had been paying great for years and told Wash., D.C. to knock them out in the name of "fighting terrorism." I think it was maybe Holland which protested one fund was especially quite honorable and had paid regularly for 20 years or more and Wash., D.C. told them to list it as a "terrorist" organization. A number of European nations were told to list their leading private funds paying good each year as "terrorist" groups. If the governments refused, Wash., D.C. was to list these governments as "terrorist governments" in Europe. This business news was censored by our worthless, highly treasonable main press of America which is loyal to the power elite and not to the American people.
     While Obama claims to be trying to seriously improve the American economy, credible reports indicate that he has secretly turned over to the power elite who secretly put him in the White the last election more money than the entire official national debt of America today. Obama is the biggest crook for the power elite ever to occupy the White House. Ask why he has repeatedly blocked the realigment of foreign currencies which would have helped boom the American economy and the economies of the nations of Europe, etc. The news media as hired political whores of the power elite has censored important financial news very effectively from the American economy. The crooks behind Obama are trying to figure out how to steal these huge trillions of new dollars so this additional money for America lands up in their pockets instead of the American people and businesses of America. Obama is sabotaging prosperity in America, not trying to help boom the American economy.
     As for the Obamacare RFID CHIP,  most internet sources have stated this will be mandatory to put under the skins of Americans by March 23, 2013. One medical research doctor hired for important medical research projects indicated unless they changed the original design for these under-the-skin chips, they will according to his medical tests on them, eventually kill off nearly all 300 millions who trustingly let Obama order them to put these under their skin or else face heavy federal fines or else federal prison if they refuse to let these chips be put under their skins. Wouldn't it be wonderful in the eyes of Obama to eventually kill off nearly 300 million Americans dumb enough to trust his Obamacare was passed for their good His hidden provisions that the federal government under Obamacare can clean out your bank accounts anytime they want to and without court authority to do so. They can spy on all your private papers and throw you into federal prison if you resist. The electronic federal engineer who designed the version of the RFID Chip the federal government really wants you to have, he privately told me of the top secret meeting at C.I.A. he attended years ago. The Director of C.I.A. welcomed Henry Kissinger and others from the secret power elite secretly ruling America, not you the naive, gullible public trusting the politicians in Wash., D.C. As Henry Kissinger helped push, a crisis issue (Obamacare works!) was needed to trick the American people to take these electronic chips under their skins. Then all of the American people can be electronically spied upon by Wash., D.C. 24 hours a day 7 days a week as C.I.A. and the power elite set up the most total police state seen in likely 6,000 years of human history.
      And having spent eleven calendar years, if the reports are accurate that Obama obtained 30,000 robot controlled, heavily armed drone fighter planes for America, there is only one military reason for getting these and any military person knows this. They are designed for the total military conquest of all Americans as Obama declares himself dictator for life over America. There is no other national reason for gathering a huge fleet of robot controlled fighter drones for Wash., D.C. other than the planned military conquest of America. As a military mole source of mine reported to me recently, these robot fighter drones were obtained so all military veterans resisting Obama will be electronically detected by them and killing off all the miltary veterans of America if they resisted would then leave the remaining American people defenseless against the drones and mercendary and treasonable military already lined up by Obama for the total military conquest of America.
      HR4646 is reported by many sources to be passed law. Regardless if passed or else soon to be passed by Obama as he apparently wants this in his inventory of Communist laws for all Americans, there is to be a 1% service fee(sounds nicer than sayng federal sales tax which it is) on all written bank checks or other banking transactions. Take $100,000 spent 2 times a week subjected to this 1% service fee each transaction of money and by the end of one year, and you might have enough left not taxed away to buy a coke drink, a few packages of gum, or candy, etc. The rest of the $100,000 has been withdrawn by Obama and destroyed as money to be spent in America. This forces America into national bankruptcy and America collapses into a Communist economy and government as our very Communist leader in the White House wants for America. That is why Obama wants to be reelected so he can finish off the American economy. He is using the old Communist trick of "Divide And Conquer." This is how Communism has come into national power in other nations. Because Obamacare is loaded with features to turn America into Soviet America, I suggest we immediately cancel Obamacare. Pass my Omni Law and we can continue what parts of federal health coverage are good and within the reasonable limits of the national economy help out the American people where needed in a true health system that helps where needed but does not bankrupt the American economy as the Obamacare is carefully designed to do. And we do not go Communist in our approach to national health. And let private insurance companies and private doctors continue to exist in America for any and all in America who want this. The Obamacare Communist Party Line is "We will steal from the rich to help the poor." Sounds good for the larceny in your character, but does not work in real national economics. Now Hitler had a slight variation on the propaganda pitch to Nazi Germany. "We will soak the fat boys" which mostly referred to the Jews but also other wealthier people in the industrial class were also fair game to steal from if needed. Obama preaches magic wand economics and national health. I preach real world and realistic approaches to national economics and national health. Under Obamacare control of medicine, all good doctors will be suppressed by the federal government and what you will have as national health will end up killing off much to most of the people who trust Obamacare for their national health needs. And through doubletalk in Obacacare, they have it worded right to kill off basically all those 75 or older and most of those 65 or older they want like Nazi Germany to get rid of as "useless eaters" as the Nazis called the senior citizens of Germany (America to follow the Nazi example.)
      Because Americans act like they have never read the U.S. Constitution, Article II of the U.S. Constitution says, "No person except a natural born Citizen, (means today had to have two parents who were U.S. citizens. Obama's father never was a U.S. citizen, Obama cannot run for the White House except by consent of a wildly corrupt Democratic Party and a wildly cowardly Republican Party not daring to uphold the terms of the U.S. Constitution. Also, the American people no longer have any legal integrity left to their character and took oaths of allegiance to uphold the U.S. Constitution which before God they commit legal perjury by fraudulent oath upon the Bible representing the authority of God or else in the name of God swore loyalty to uphold the U.S. Constitution as the national law of America. It also says no one may run for the White House who is not a legal citizen of America. Obama made a bad legal slip and as recorded before a large group of America in 2006 was recorded as saying that he was not born in Hawaii but in Kenya. He was not an American citizen at birth and I bet never took the oath of naturalization after that. He believes he can get away wiith anything so long as he lies with a straight face before the American people. If Obama was Pinocchio, his nose by now would be longer than from Virginia to California and now shooting out across the ocean to either China or Europe depending which direction he is aimed at!
     Article V of the U.S. Constitution in common language states legislatures impatient on the U.S. Congress to send them a wanted constitutional amendment such as the Omni Law is written up to be passed as a constitutional amendment can initiate the constitutional amendment without help from the U.S. Congress.Two/thirds of the state legislatures vote for a constitutional amendment, Congress is required to call a constitutional convention for proposing Amendments. If three fourths of the state legislature vote for the proposed constitutional amendment or else by Conventions of the states called for to vote on constitutional amendments, then the new constitutional amendment is considered passed and a new part of the U.S. Constitution. If the states get serious on this, Congress will like lighting pass the Omni Law and submit it to the states for ratification rather than risk a constitutional convention which can abolish (legally fire the present nationa government and set up a new national government as the will of the American people as shown through their states.)
      One or more constitutional amendments were fast passed when the states representing the people pushed for fast passage. We can pass this within maybe one or two months after you contact and press your state governors and state legislatures to begin the constitutional process of passing the Omni Law rather than waiting for colossally corrupt Wash., D.C. to act. Wash., D.C. loves to pull the con on the American people of either misrepresenting you the American people or else legally ignoring your national will like you don't even exist! Wash. tricks to double-cross the American people whom too many in Congress do not want to seriously act as their representatives but as their misrepresentatives or else non-representatives in Wash. D.C.
      The Omni Law will instantly start the rebirth of the American economy as soon as passed. The Republicans have a mildly positive economic answer to help improve the national economy. The Democrats have a devastating concept of America without free enterprise or freedom in America. With the Omni Law passed, in one real sense it does not matter who is elected to the White House or not. The 10 civil tribunes under the Omni Law will leap into action with the real economic answers that will jumpstart the American economy and fast boom America into the best economy ever seen in American history. The Democrats as secret socialists and Communists don't even want to do this. The Republicans have some mild economic answers, but they don't know the real economic answers that will fast skyrocket the American economy. I worked over 30 professional fields to see in the field what was screwing up the American economy. Two of the giant moron moves of Wash., D.C. is that in two vital fields they were putting into national law the very policy that would bankrupt America and collapse it into a Communist economy and nation. I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of Ameica and Europe including a German economist endorsed by Albert Einstein to be teaching the only true economic science in the 20th century. I greatly respected my German economist. Very brilliant! I was out to pick his brains of all his most brilliant ideas so I had to keep quiet on religion as he was an atheist and I was a Christian who firmly believed in God. I judged him brilliant on every point except influenced by German scholarship, he failed to see why according to science that God is a real fact and not a myth or legend of the human race. I had to learn from this brilliant German economist the Jesus Money System of the Middle Ages. He had the medieval records on it and none of my other economists knew this angle of economic science. But when I came up with my master formula for free enterprise economies, I knew there was more than even he knew about Jesus Money. My formula told me what to look for and I found the medieval records he did not know about which my formula predicted and confirmed that I had found the whole monetary sytem of Jesus Money which created the most spectacular monetary success seen in all of human history until evil bankers overthrew it not liking the people, businesses, and governments  becoming too prosperous under Jesus Money. I am the only economist in the world who knows how to correctly set up the Jesus Money which has 4 times in history fast boomed economies using it. And each time banking interests had to mass scheme how to overthrow all this propsperity of the people, busnesses, and governments using it. Under it, for example, ordinary people became so rich, they even paid off real estate taxes two and three years ahead of time never seen before in human history, no unemployed, no poor, no poor government, and businesses had never made such good money and profit in business.
      Winding this up, push like fanatics the Omni Law. I finally figured out why I was so impressed with ancient Roman culture. I had by strategy of my parents received "the classic education" of Americans back in the time of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc. Thomas Jefferson complained that this classic education made all Americans "Romans" in character and all he wanted to be was an American. But Thomas Jefferson missed the point that this "classic education" made all the American people so sharp, so smart, so brilliant, etc. that even 17 to 19 year olds were military commanders fighting the American Revolution, being ambassadors to foreign nations while still youths, etc. I want to restore "Classic Education" for all Americans and this will skyrocket the American people into super brilliance. super practical, and restore civic and moral character instead of the new race of moral barbarians our morally worthless national education is trying to make the new race of Americans into. America used to have towns and cities where no one had to lock their doors at night as the people were massively moral and honorable as a people. I come to restore the true glory of America by helping to raise the American people up to the national character in them God gave to them because God liked the great character of the American people back in 1776. The standard military logic is that the American people could not win against Great Britain then, the best and strongest military power in the world in 1776. But the American people were so great then, nothing could stop them. And they won anyway with their Roman influenced character as Thomas Jeffeson identified it.
     Read the Omni Law at Nesara News. Go to their box box at the top left side over the listing of reports in their archives. Put in Omni Law and read it in total content and  supporting pages explaining benefits for America if it is passed. State legislatures, governors, etc. will want to understand this as best they can. And put in Erasmus of America in this search box and read many of my other reports which were posted by Nesara News. Their editor is a great patriot of America. And he wants the American people to have the truth, not managed news and controlled propaganda of the power elite now secretly ruling America. Or if you want, send an email requesting a copy of the Omni Law from . And it takes money to fight a political battle to win America to our cause. But I sense we are moving right and more and more are seeing the reasons for our stands! Send any checks, etc. of financial support made out to NIFI and sent to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. And make copies galore of this report and send it all over America! If the people seriously back this, we can cover most to all of America within a few days if we all pull together as  a united team. As anyone familiar with the military, an army is a team and any victory is won by all in that army. A commanding officer may help coordinate the talents of all his fine men and women, but all deserve credit equally, not one, if the army rises to its potential and wins against any and all odds. And to prove my point how Romanized early Americans were, The Society of Cincinnati founded by George Washington and other officers of the Continental Army fighting in 1776 and afterwards took this Roman name of the Roman leader who saved Rome in a dark hour. His Roman name symbolized the Roman virtues respected by all Americans then as all Americans then knew well the entire culture of ancient Rome then which was the example which taught the Americans the high qualities they wanted in all of the American people then.
     Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name briefly for the descendant of several families who fought in and risked all in the American Revolution to found the new nation of America, "One Nation Under God!")

Ben Fulford: Pentagon Informs Netanyahu There Will Be No Greater Khazarian Empire, August 13, 2012

Ben Fulford: Pentagon Informs Netanyahu There Will Be No Greater Khazarian Empire, August 13, 2012

Posted on by Jean
I feel the need to state my own opinion on some of Ben’s words in this article, because for some reason I do not think he is well informed in this area: The Khazarian Jews are not ‘bloodline’ Jews. They are Jews whose ruler centuries ago adopted Judaism and insisted his people do so. Ben’s words would seem to implicate all the Jews in the problems we presently have, when it is my opinion that the Jews, just like so many of the people on this planet – United States citizens, for example – my own countrymen – have been used and abused by those who are trying to take control of the planet and establish the NWO. Like so many of us, many Jews are probably just beginning to awaken to this fact.
I share this information because my fear is that very soon there is going to be some sort of a bloodbath as people’s anger reaches the point of rage, and I think what we need to realize is that we have all, in some form or another, been victims of this sick, satanic cabal! Many, many people are still living very much in a 3-D world, and sadly I am afraid retribution is what they will seek. Please, Ben, by your uninformed words don’t make things any worse than they might be! ~Jean
There was a time when the member countries of NATO could convince most of the world they were the “good guys” promoting democracy, human rights and economic development. Now, they are seen as gangster controlled rogue states trying to start World War 3 in order to set up a cabal controlled “New World Order” totalitarian government. Fortunately for us all, the pentagon and the governments of China, India, Russia, Brazil and most other countries have made it very clear this is not going to happen. That is why the horrifying mass murder being carried out in Syria by cabal mercenaries is not getting the intended results.
When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel recently tried to stir the pot in the US, his activities, e-mails, phone calls etc. were all monitored after which an official from the pentagon warned Netanyahu “If you try to send off a cruise missile we will blow it out of the water and then come for you.” Oops. Then Egypt’s new government removed cabal proxies from the military and sent tanks to the Israeli border. Oops again.
Message to the Jews: You have been kicked out of over 100 countries in the past 2000 years so, you must stop pretending you were always just innocent victims. It is time to stop thinking in terms of “us” (Jews) and “them” (Goyim), and start behaving like a civilized people all from the same human race. The Jews are like a beautiful woman (the decent and honorable majority) with syphilis (the gangsters hiding in their midst). If the Jewish people do not remove the criminals from the top of their own leadership, they may once again suffer collective punishment for the actions of a tiny criminal minority. Fortunately, there are signs of just such an internal purge.
The side of the financial industry that has long valued integrity, honesty and fair play has been stealthily preparing to purge the criminal fraudsters who turned their industry into a giant orgy of criminal looting.
The Federal Reserve Board, the European Central Bank and the Bank for International Settlements are thus now facing an existential crisis. That is because multiple law-suits and criminal investigations are closing in from all sides.
The Neil Keenan (he is Irish) lawsuit, is one of the most important one of those because it reveals the true motives of the Kennedy (and countless other) assassinations and the systematic looting of the global collateral accounts by a tiny but powerful mafia group. Keenan has returned from a trip to Indonesia with a whole raft of documents revealing the true extent of the criminality of the bankster families that own the Federal Reserve Board. Work is now continuing to make sure a US court can be given clear jurisdiction on this case so that an un-corruptible judge can finally deliver justice.
Even if this lawsuit remains in limbo as various delaying tactics continue to be deployed, the writing is still on the wall for the cabal.
For one thing, the US government will have accumulated over $1 trillion in new debt in the fiscal period ending on September 30th and will be looking to borrow more for the new fiscal period. The Chinese will be changing two thirds of their top leaders in November and the US is also scheduled for regime change then so you can be sure there will be some very high stakes horse trading going on in October.
The Chinese know that time is on their side because as long as the cabal continues to chain the US economy to the one-eyed pyramid dollar the US will continue to lose its manufacturing base. The pentagon and the military industrial complex also know that the sooner they cut a deal, the better a deal they will get.
Mathematically speaking there are only two real choices. One is for the US to issue a devalued treasury dollar in exchange for a one-off debt write off. The other is to wait for US income levels to fall to Chinese levels.
Either of these two choices will make the US real economy once again competitive. The first will mean a sudden jolt as the economy returns to reality and all those Chinese knick knacks at Walmart suddenly become expensive. This will be followed by a quick boost in the real economy and manufacturing, led by exports and domestic demand. The other will mean unemployment and misery will steadily increase until enough people are willing to work for Chinese wages.
In Europe, meanwhile, the Euro crisis has gone to the back burner as everybody takes their holidays but it will get far worse in the autumn. Once again, there is no need for secret inside sources to see what is going on. The Europeans (especially the one living along the Mediterranean) have been spending more than they have earned for 30 years and creditors have come a calling. The Germans could not afford to bail out their irresponsible Southern cousins even if they wanted to. The people of Iceland showed the way with a sudden 15% drop in income (in other words back to what they earn doing real things like fishing) followed by a rapid recovery and the arrest of guilty bankers. This is what must happen in other countries if this crisis is to end.
There is also an old historical injustice at work here, according to some sources. The Euro was originally financed by bonds taken by George Bush Sr. from Soong Mei-Ling, the wife of Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-Shek, according to an MI5 agent based in England. These bonds were put in a “trading program” to generate funds for the long term project to turn Europe into a fourth Reich, according to this agent, who specializes in studying Nazis. These funds were frozen 18 months ago by the BIS and that has been a principle cause of the Euro crisis, he says.
Multiple sources in Asia also mention Soong Mei-Ling as a key player in the current crisis and several (including senior Yakuza sources) make the extraordinary claim she is still alive (that would make her 114 years old but Wikipedia says she died in 2003).
What is clear though is that the new regime taking over in China in November will be less influenced by the Western cabal than the outgoing regime was.
The P2 fascist freemason lodge in Italy has bragged that they financed and supported communism. That gave them greater influence over the communist youth league faction of outgoing leader Hu Jintao than it will have over incoming “princeling” leader Xi Jinping.
The incoming leadership group has already informed the White Dragon Society that it supports their proposal for the creation of a meritocratically staffed international economic planning agency.
Also, negotiations between a White Dragon Society representative and a North Korean representative have now been set for later this month but the new regime of Kim Jong-Un has already made it clear they are ready to break out of the old cold-war “bad guy” role they have been forced to play.
In any case, as autumn approaches, the various interested parties need to stop digging up the past and fighting each other and focus instead on creating an ideal world.
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Marilyn Monroe mystery: Missing FBI files

Marilyn Monroe mystery: Missing FBI files

As the 50th anniversary of her death approaches, there is a growing mystery over the FBI files on Marilyn Monroe.

Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe
 02 Aug 2012

It's fifty years on Sunday since Marilyn Monroe died at the age of 36.
Like many of the stars of her era, Monroe's movements, relationships and comments weren't just devoured by fans - they were followed closely by the FBI.
Records kept on Monroe, many of which were filed under "Foreign Counterintelligence," have intrigued many who have sought to learn more about the film star, including those who investigated her death.
In connection with the anniversary of Monroe's death on August 5th, The Associated Press has attempted under the Freedom of Information Act to obtain the most complete record of the bureau's monitoring of Monroe.

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Nearly nine months later - after several requests and an appeal - obtaining a more complete record of how the FBI investigated Monroe in the months before she died have been stymied by an effort to simply find the files.
The FBI says it no longer has the files it compiled on Monroe; the National Archives - the usual destination for such material - says it doesn't have them either.
Finding out precisely when the records were moved - as the FBI says has happened - required the filing of yet another, still-pending Freedom of Information Act request.
The most recent version of the files, all heavily redacted, is publicly available on the bureau's website, The Vault, which periodically posts FBI records on celebrities, government officials, spies and criminals.
The AP appealed the FBI's continued censorship of its Monroe files, noting the agency has not given "any legal or factual analysis of the foreseeable harm that might result from the release of the full records."
Monroe's star power and fears she might be recruited by the Communist Party during the tenure of longtime FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover led to reports being taken on her activities and relationships, including her marriage to playwright Arthur Miller.
Monroe's file begins in 1955 and mostly focuses on her travels and associations, searching for signs of leftist views and possible ties to communism. The file continues up until the months before her death, and also includes several news stories and references to Norman Mailer's biography of the actress, which focused on questions about whether Monroe was killed by the government.
There have been two major government investigations into Monroe's demise - the original inquiry immediately after her death and another effort by the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office in 1982. The second inquiry, released in December 1982, reviewed all files available investigative reports, including files compiled by the FBI on her death. The records, the DA's office noted, were "heavily censored."
That mention intrigued the man who performed Monroe's autopsy, Dr. Thomas Noguchi. While the DA investigation concluded he conducted a thorough autopsy, Noguchi has conceded that no one will likely ever know all the details of Monroe's death. The FBI files and confidential interviews conducted with the actress' friends that have never been made public might help, he wrote in his 1983 memoir "Coroner."
"On the basis of my own involvement in the case, beginning with the autopsy, I would call Monroe's suicide `very probable,'" Noguchi wrote. "But I also believe that until the complete FBI files are made public and the notes and interviews of the suicide panel released, controversy will continue to swirl around her death."

41 Page Lawsuit Filed Against Eric Holder

Read the Scathing 41-Page ‘Fast and Furious’ Lawsuit Filed Against Eric Holder

Darrell Issa and House Committee Files Civil Lawsuit Against Eric Holder Over Fast and Furious Documents
Attorney General Eric Holder (AP)
On Monday, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee filed a 41-page civil contempt of Congress lawsuit against Attorney General Eric Holder, arguing that the Obama administration is required by law to turn over the subpoenaed documents that relate to Operation “Fast and Furious.”
The House’s legal action “seeks to obtain documents covered by the subpoena that will show why the Justice Department took ten months to retract a Feb. 4, 2011 letter which contained false denials of the reckless investigative tactics used in Operation Fast and Furious,” the committee said in a press release.
(RELATED: High-Ranking Mexican Drug Cartel Member Makes Explosive Allegation: ‘Fast and Furious’ Is Not What You Think It Is)
“Portentously, the (Justice) Department from the outset actively resisted cooperating fully with the committee’s investigation,” the lawsuit said.
“Among other things, the department initially declined to produce documents; later produced only very limited numbers of documents in piecemeal fashion; refused to make available to the committee certain witnesses; and limited the committee’s questioning of other witnesses who were made available,” it said.
The failure of Holder to turn over the documents led to votes in June that held the attorney general in civil and criminal contempt of Congress. The civil contempt resolution led to Monday’s lawsuit.
It is the first time in U.S. history that a sitting attorney general has faced contempt proceedings. Now, House Republicans want the federal court system to intervene and force the Obama administration to give up the documents.

“President Obama exceeded his authority by asserting executive privilege over subpoenaed documents related to the Justice Department’s cover-up of Operation Fast and Furious,” Issa said in a statement Monday. “Waiting nearly eight months after the subpoena had been issued to assert a meritless claim of privilege, the President’s decision was a calculated political maneuver designed to stop the release of documents until after November’s elections.”
House Speaker John Boehner also said in a statement Monday that “the Justice Department has left the House no choice but to take legal action so we can get to the bottom of the Fast and Furious operation that cost border agent Brian Terry his life.”
The U.S. Department of Justice recently encouraged Ronald Machen, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, not to pursue the criminal contempt resolution against Holder, who happens to be Machen’s superior. To be fair, the federal court system has not traditionally solved matters between two branches of government.
Preparing for this, the House also passed a civil contempt resolution so they could try to force the Obama administration to cough up the Fast and Furious documents via a court order following a civil trial. However, no criminal charges come out of civil court.
The House voted on both contempt resolutions just hours after President Obama asserted executive privilege over the documents in a last-ditch effort to keep them sealed. It was something that no one expected because the president has always maintained he knew nothing about Fast and Furious, therefore would theoretically have no reason to invoke executive privilege.
Darrell Issa and House Committee Files Civil Lawsuit Against Eric Holder Over Fast and Furious Documents
(Photo by Pete Marovich/Getty Images)
Specifically, the lawsuit asks that:
  • The executive privilege claim by Obama be declared invalid.
  • Holder’s objection to the House records subpoena be rejected.
  • The attorney general produce all records related to the Justice Department’s incorrect assertion in early 2011 that gun-walking did not take place.
Historically, there are two main types of executive privilege. One privilege, for “presidential communications,” only covers the president and the work of top aides preparing advice for the president.
The other, known as “deliberative process privilege,” covers a much wider category of administration officials, even if they weren’t working on something for the president specifically. Presidents are required to have a stronger argument to justify keeping secrets under this broader authority, which can involve documents they never saw or were even intended to see.
A federal appeals court has ruled that this broader privilege is easier for Congress to overcome and it “disappears altogether when there is any reason to believe government misconduct has occurred.”
“After promising an unprecedented level of transparency, the President is attempting to expand the reach of executive privilege to obstruct the truth about the reckless conduct that contributed to the death of a Border Patrol Agent and countless Mexican citizens,” Issa said Monday.
“The family of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, whistle-blowers who faced retaliation for exposing the Justice Department’s reckless tactics, and the public have a right to know the full extent of what occurred.”
Holder had not responded to the lawsuit at the time of publication.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the lawsuit “partisan” and a waste of taxpayer dollars in a statement on Monday.
She added the lawsuit “is a distraction from the urgent business before Congress: acting to create jobs and grow our economy. It is also designed to distract the Justice Department from its critical job of challenging state laws designed to restrict the rights of Americans to vote.”
Take a look at the entire 41-page lawsuit against Holder here:
The Associated Press contributed to this report

How US Military Plans To Kill Americans

How US Military Plans To Kill Americans

Saturday, August 11, 2012 8:53

Think it can’t happen here? It’s happening—or at least the groundwork is being laid for a future event where the United States military forces go to war against American citizens. Most frightening of all, the American ‘enemy’ is not envisioned to be anarchists, crazed terrorists, or subversives seeking to destroy the matrix of America, but every day Americans that are attempting to save the vision of the Founders and the Constitution’s Framers—the very Constitution that the U.S. military is sworn to protect and defend.

Retired army colonel Kevin Benson paints a bleak picture facing Americans in the years ahead. He and co-author Jennifer Weber of PrincetonUniversity envision a change of administrations during 2012. But the change doesn’t bring about a recovery.

Instead of an improving economy, much of the middle class continues to be mired in what’s basically a Great Depression. Jobs are scarce, unemployment remains the same or creeps up, the cost of living continues to escalate and opportunities become scarcer.

In coming years 1000s of spy drones will patrol America. (happening right now)

A rising tide of anger and resentment spills over into the cities as roving bands of angry white Americans attack minorities and those perceived to be in the country illegally.

The violence continues to escalate: “After almost ten years of race-baiting and immigrant-bashing by right-wing demagogues, nearly one in five Americans reports being vehemently opposed to immigration, legal or illegal, and even U.S.-born nonwhites have become occasional targets for mobs of angry whites.”
The insurrection

It is then the colonel lays forth his scenario of a full scale insurrection against government officials: “In May 2016 an extremist militia motivated by the goals of the “tea party” movement takes over the government of Darlington, South Carolina, occupying City Hall, disbanding the city council, and placing the mayor under house arrest. Activists remove the chief of police and either disarm local police and county sheriff departments or discourage them from interfering. In truth, this is hardly necessary. Many law enforcement officials already are sympathetic to the tea party’s agenda, know many of the people involved, and have made clear they will not challenge the takeover. The militia members are organized and have a relatively well thought-out plan of action.”

As the scenario unfolds, the angry Americans who (rightly) feel that the government at all levels has become tyrannical and is no longer abiding by the compact (U.S. Constitution) it has with those that are its masters, they convene a media press conference during which the leaders of the group “invoke the Declaration of Independence and argue that the current form of the federal government is not deriving its ‘just powers from the consent of the governed’ but is actually ‘destructive to these ends.’ Therefore, they say, the people can alter or abolish the existing government and replace it with another that, in the words of the Declaration, ‘shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.’”

Paramilitary police with Army and Marines

The armed citizens are now perceived to threaten both the local and state governments. At that point, the governor of the state asks the federal government to step in seeking the assistance of the Department of Homeland Security.

The federal government decides to mobilize the U.S. Army with orders to quell the insurrection and put it down wih any force necessary falling back on the provisions as outlined in Title 10 US Code where the president has the authority to employ both the militia and the Armed Forces to:

§ 331 – Suppress an insurrection against a State government at the request of the Legislature or, if not in session, the Governor.

§ 332 – Suppress unlawful obstruction or rebellion against the U.S.

§ 333 – Suppress insurrection or domestic violence if it (1) hinders the execution of the laws to the extent that a part or class of citizens are deprived of Constitutional rights and the State is unable or refuses to protect those rights or (2) obstructs the execution of any Federal law or impedes the course of justice under Federal laws.

The troops are deployed with orders from the president to use all necessary force to detain, contain, and supress the Americans seeking a restoration of the legal Constitution. This will be carried out by grim military forces sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution by killing Americans attempting to uphold and defend the Constitution.

Dealing with the bothersome First Amendment

The colonel emphasizes how the government and military must employ special tactics to deal with the free press, how to obfuscate information, intimidate it and bend it to the will of Washington though subterfuge and propaganda techniques that are used with regularity in battlefield operations. The only difference, he points out, will be that this battlefield will be against Americans on American soil.

War room directs attack…on Americans

“Operating under media scrutiny is not a new phenomenon for the U.S. military. What is new and newsworthy about this operation is that it is taking place in the continental United States. Commanders and staffs must think about the effect of this attention and be alert when considering how to use the media. The media will broadcast the President’s proclamation and cover military preparations for operations in Darlington. Their reports will be as available to tea party leaders in Darlington as they are to a family watching the evening news in San Francisco. Coupled with a gradual build-up of federal forces in the local area, all covered by the media, the effect of this pressure will compound over time and quite possibly cause doubt about the correctness of the events in Darlington in the minds of its’ citizens and the insurrectionists who control the town. The Joint Task Force commander, staff and subordinate units must operate as transparently as possible, while still giving due consideration to operational security. Commanders must manage these issues even as they increase pressure on the insurrectionists.”

Translation: “Managing the issues” means manipulating and intimidating the press.

End of Posse Comitatus

The colonel slyly recommends how the military can be activated to kill Americans without violation of the Posse Comitatus Act that restrains the government from doing such a thing.

“By proclamation he [the president] calls on the insurrectionists to disperse peacefully within 15 days,” writes Benson. “There is no violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. The President appoints the Attorney General and the Department of Justice as the lead federal agency to deal with the crisis. The President calls the South Carolina National Guard to federal service. The Joint Staff in Washington, D.C., alerts U.S. Northern Command, the headquarters responsible for the defense of North America, to begin crisis action planning. Northern Command in turn alerts U.S. Army North/Fifth U.S. Army for operations as a Joint Task Force headquarters. Army units at Fort Bragg, N.C.; Fort Stewart, Ga.; and Marines at Camp Lejuene, N.C. go on alert.”

What happened to the Posse Comitatus Act? Army Lt. General Jack C. Stultz, the Army Reserve chief, told the Examiner <> recently that “In a lot of cases, there were reserve-component soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who were close at hand with the capabilities needed, but didn’t have the authority to act,” he said. “Finally, we got the law changed. This new legislation says that now we can use Title 10 reserves.”

The full horror of this diabolical and unAmerican plan is revealed in the report: Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A “Vision” of the Future

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High Ranking Cartel Member Says Operation Fast And Furious Was Meant To Supply Guns To The Sinaloa Cartel

High Ranking Cartel Member Says Operation Fast And Furious Was Meant To Supply Guns To The Sinaloa Cartel

Business Insider
August 13, 2012

A high-ranking member of the Sinaloa drug cartel operative currently in U.S. custody alleges that Operation Fast and Furious was part of an agreement to finance and arm the Sinaloa cartel in exchange for informationused to take down rival cartels, according to court documents.
The statement was made by Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla, the Sinaloa cartel’s “logistics coordinator” in charge of arranging massive drug shipments from Latin America to the United States as well as the son of cartel leader Ismael “Mayo” Zambada-Garcia and a close associate to kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman.
Zambada-Niebla was arrested by Mexican authorities in March 2009 and extradited to Chicago to face drug trafficking charges.
From the court document:
[T]he United States government at its highest levels entered into agreements with cartel leaders to act as informants against rival cartels and received benefits in return, including, but not limited to, access to thousands of weapons which helped them continue their business of smuggling drugs into Chicago and throughout the United States, and to continue wreaking havoc on the citizens and law enforcement in Mexico.  
Zambada-Niebla believes that he, like the leadership of the Sinaloa cartel, was “immune from arrest or prosecution” because he also actively provided information to U.S. federal agents.
In its official response to the discovery motion, the government stated that there are “classified materials” regarding the case but argued they “do not support the defendant’s claim that he was promised immunity or public authority for his actions.”
Zambada-Niebla’s lawyer is seeking government “documents, files, recordings, notes, and additional forms of evidence” that would support claims that federal agents personally assured Zambada-Niebla that “he would not be arrested, that the agents knew of his prior cooperation… that they just wanted to continue receiving information… [and] that the arrangements with him had been approved at the highest levels of the United States government.”
Zambada-Niebla was allegedly arrested five hours after he met with the federal agents.
Jason Howerton of the Blaze reports that the documents detailing the relationship between the federal government and the Sinaloa Cartel "have still not been released or subjected to review — citing matters of national security."
The motion for discovery claims the agreement between the U.S. government and the Sinoloa cartel began sometime before 2004 and lasted at least until March 2009 as part of America's "Divide and Conquer" strategy against other cartels, in which the U.S. would use "one drug organization to help against others."
From the court document:
Under that agreement, the Sinaloa Cartel under the leadership of defendant’s father, Ismael Zambada-Niebla and “Chapo” Guzman, were given carte blanche to continue to smuggle tons of illicit drugs into Chicago and the rest of the United States and were also protected by the United States government from arrest and prosecution in return for providing information against rival cartels which helped Mexican and United States authorities capture or kill thousands of rival cartel members.
Zambada-Niebla's trial is scheduled to begin on October 9.
Howerton notes that while experts have doubted that Zambada-Niebla had an official agreement with the U.S. government, the defense wants to put the agents on the stand, under oath, to testify about the Sinaloa-U.S. relationship.

SEE ALSO: Mexican Official Accuses CIA Of 'Managing' Not 'Fighting' The Drug Trade >

Read more:


Holmes - More True Information ---- Was he set up?

By Scott Creighton
August 13, 2012

Contributed by and originally appeared on

At a time when the defense is trying to claim their client is bat-shit crazy, the Denver Post comes out with a story about what James Holmes was like just a short year ago.
When he applied to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign neuroscience program they wanted him so badly they waved tuition and fees and offered him a yearly paycheck of $22,660 just to attend their school.
Out of 150 qualified applicants yearly they take between 5-15. James Holmes was one of those.
How does James get from point A to point B? How do we get from one of the brightest students in the nation, a guy who’s love of knowledge made him want to study the mind, a student so desired they would offer to pay him cash to attend, to a guy practically drooling on himself in a courtroom seemingly with no idea where he was?
Back in March of 2011, the University of Illinois had him come up and they interviewed him…
“Those who met you … during your interview visit felt that your personal and professional qualities are truly outstanding and that you will be an excellent match for our program,” said the Illinois acceptance letter from professor J. Lee Beverly.” Denver Post
The Denver Post also references an article put out by the News Gazette which detailed his application history a bit more. Holmes was exceedingly bright, the kind of kid you want your child to be, the kind you wish you were.
“Holmes’ GRE quantitative score was 800 (94th percentile), his verbal score was 710 (98th percentile), and he had an analytical writing score of 4 (45th percentile), according to his UI application. His GPA was 3.94 out of 4.00, according to the application.” News Gazette
Scores don’t tell the whole story, that is true. For a better understanding of the way this young man’s mind works (worked?), you would need to listen to Holmes himself…
    “I have always been fascinated by the complexities of long lost thought seemingly arising out of nowhere into a stream of awareness,” he wrote. “… These are the very cognitive processes which enable us to acquire information and retain it.
They are at the core of what distinguishes us as people. Due to the seemingly infinite vastness of indefinite knowledge, we must be selective in our pursuits of knowledge. This is why I have chosen to study the primary source of all things, our own minds.” Denver Post
“Rational people act based on incentives for self-fulfillment, including fulfilling needs of self-development and needs of feeling useful and helpful to others. I look forward to fulfilling my quest to advance my knowledge and I plan to use my critical thinking skills by studying the subject I am passionate about, neuroscience.” News Gazette
Does that sound like the guy we saw sitting at the defense table blankly looking around or emoting various quizzical expressions? Does that sound like a “spitter” who needed to be gagged?
They have sealed Holmes’ records at the University of Colorado where he ended up going in June of 2011 but before they did so, the university released a simple statement
“The University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus can confirm that Mr. James Holmes was in the process of withdrawing from the University of Colorado Denver’s graduate program in neurosciences…” MSNBC July 20th
This is very odd indeed if you consider he gave a presentation on MicroRNA biomarkers just before he supposedly started the process of withdrawing from the school.
The Washington Post reported that a teacher at the school claimed Jimmy (as he had been called by classmates) did poorly on an oral exam, but the evidence of that, like all the other evidence in this case, is a big secret.
The only confirmation that we have of Holmes’ ending his academic career is the say-so of the university spokesperson who obviously has a stake in the matter.
Seems to me that this young man had every intention of pursuing his academic career and knowledge itself, as far as he possibly could. By all accounts of those tasked with assessing his potential, this guy was professional and driven.
Looking at his writing (which is nothing like the writing attributed to him on the Adult Friend Finders account) he was thoughtful and curious and possessed a desire to see how far these traits could take him.
Look very closely because one of these things is not like the other. The extra gas mask, the reports of other shooters, the conflicting descriptions of the shooter, his condition when the cops found him… the timing of this attack and the political environment in which it occurred… now we have what appears to be a quasi moron sitting at the defense desk wondering why he’s there.
Look very closely people, because one of these things is not like the other.

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