Monday, August 13, 2012

EXPLOSIVE BREAKING NEWS: 4of4 What is the Real LIBOR Rate and Repatriation Continues

What is the Real LIBOR Rate and
Repatriation Continues, 4 of 4
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence ExpertSunday August 12, 2012

ALERT: Rumors are afoot that the gestapo elite (the Bush-Clinton-Obama-Romney Crime Family Syndicate) that occupy the United States would like to stage another 9/11 aka false flag terrorist attack to justify an attack on Iran, declare outright martial law on American soil, get emergency control over the U.S. Treasury and, accordingly, covertly bail out these crooked banks, again, under the radar screen without informing the American People.

Note: At this hour, patriot members of the U.S. military have actually intercepted Israeli text messages and codes and have, accordingly, turned off the computers on Israel's attack aircraft.

P.P.P.S. Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings in which we will further examine the massive collusion between NFA regulators and PFGBest compliance officers and CME Group President Terry Duffy.

Hint: NFA regulators who are University of Iowa finance majors along with Terry Duffy's tie in to the Harris Bank of Chicago.

Jesus said unto them "If you believe in me and you believe that I was sent to you by the Father you shall have the bread of life and eternal life.

EXPLOSIVE BREAKING NEWS: 3of4 What is the Real LIBOR Rate and Repatriation Continues

What is the Real LIBOR Rate and
Repatriation Continues, 3 of 4
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence ExpertSunday August 12, 2012

P.P.S. At this hour, in advance of a possible scripted false flag operation, the Barack Obama Administration, along with the treasonous Nazi gestapo Department of Homeland Security (DHS), have ordered local police across the United States to use the treasonous UN-Constitutional BushFRAUD era Patriot Act and the treasonous UN-Constitutional National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to crack down on patriotic American citizens who speak out, tell the truth, and want our beloved U.S. Constitution immediately restored.
Press TV: US police forces being Israelized / Veterans Today

Note: Both Democratic U.S. Senators of California, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, as well as Republican House leader Eric Cantor, were briefed on this gestapo activity by Department of Homeland Security Secretary, lesbian Janet Napolitano. They all signed off on it; they believe it benefits Israel.
Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein
source http://sfist. com
At this hour, though, I can divulge that California Governor Edmund Gerald "Jerry" Brown Jr. is enraged and has informed Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to cease and desist and told Senators Boxer and Feinstein to resign immediately!

It is important to remember that Governor Brown is the executive officer of the State of California.

Note: Word is out that the U.S. State Department, which is run by loser Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, is actually supplying weapons and funds to Al Qaeda (aka CIA data base).

These Al Qaeda are masquerading as "freedom fighters".

Question: Do the American People now have the right to arrest Secretary Clinton for aiding and abetting terrorism using the aforementioned, UN-Constitutional Patriot Act and National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)? Stay tuned.
UN Designates "Free Syrian Army" Affiliates as Al Qaeda

This weekend countless incidents have taken place across the United States in which U.S. citizens were illegally stopped by police, harassed, and in some case, illegally arrested.