Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Banning freedom: Farmer fined for having birthday party

A farmer has recently drawn the ire of
county 'officials' for throwing a birthday
party and having pumpkin carvings.

Some control freak has now decided that
these types of events require a permit.

Some farmers are staging protests in
defense of their fellow farmer, and claim
that it is the COUNTY that is violating the law...



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- Brasscheck

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Monday, August 13, 2012

What Happened On the Lions Gate Opening day?

What Happened On the Lions Gate Opening day? Elizabeth Trutwin
13 August 2012

 Message from Lord Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin August 8, 2012

Greetings Ground Crew ~ This is Ashtar from the New Jerusalem.
Many of you feel you sense changes today and high energies. You are right!
Today the Galactic Federation pulled off a plan that has been in the works a very long time. We used our technology in a way which is very rarely done. All the conditions lined up and made it possible.
We were able to use a kind of natural transducer device which opened an essentially unseen and very much unexpected entry into Earthʻs inner orbit. We have been able to add a very large number of large MotherShips into Earthʻs inner orbit by a transport route used very very seldom. This was facilitated by High Beings in cooperation with Ships Crew.  It was years in the planning and training. This procedure has lasted many hours and will go into the night. Ships are pouring in through this passage in great numbers and taking up their positions for change over.
Time is nearly over.
Today we see the passing of a great scientist who introduced cold fusion to your modern world. This is our technology and how nuclear energy was always supposed to be used. We use it this way in our technologies. We shared this science with him back then. His experiments were understood as very valuable because they were the answer to very inexpensive energy. If this was available then the cabal would not have been able to control the masses. The illuminati would not have been able to amass all the worlds wealth and push the middle class to the brink of starvation with threatened utility shut offs. His experiments, it was said, could never be duplicated. We never meant for the science to be used as weaponry. We watch this scenario from our Ships and we know change is ultimately up to you. No Dates. No Nukes. No Flukes. Change must come from within the matrix. We are helping you everyday in all the ways we can. We offer support to victims of natural disasters and war. We offer ecological support. We offer tectonic plate and other Gaia Shift mitigations. We offer counsel to heads of state.
There will be no major catastrophes.  We cannot change the moment which it ends.
You are soul - ey responsible for that. You took on that responsibility as soon as you took on a human suit and joined The Ground Crew.
So you look to the skies and yell Hurry Up!!!!
Ground Crew! Be Alert! Hear me: When it happens is up to YOU.
What do I mean by that?
We have done everything allowed by Cosmic Law to make ourselves ready to assist you in changeover. All we need from you is your permission as an invitation to reveal the Plan for us to return to Earth and set into motion those things Galactic Humans have  prepared for changeover.
Hold Your Vibrations High. Be In Love. Connect with us through Universal Love, the Supreme Love. Be in Ecstasy. Anticipate Change. Tell us and ask your friends to tell us - We Invite You, We Need Your Help To Change! We need you to Be The Change. We need you to not allow one second of lower vibration transmissions to give the cabal what they need to control your egoic mind.
If you find today that you are suffering in any way - know this. Suffering is brought upon yourself by not being dedicated to doing the inner work it takes to throw off your conditioning and be in touch with your true Divine Self. If you hold on to beliefs which keep you begging in poverty, keep you enslaved, keep you in bad relationships, bad jobs, bad situations - then you must change your beliefs! Let go. You are Ready! Just Let Go!
Invite the Galactics, Angels and Ascended Masters into your quiet time and allow us to Guide you in ending your suffering. Invite us into your Realm. Take Our Hand. Walk With Us.
All It Takes is the Acknowledgement that We Are Here by actually MAKING THE TIME.
Do it this now moment. Close your eyes and ask, for you must ask.
Absolute miracles have happened today. We have taken a Giant Leap in the sequential flow of changeover. Many souls were involved in todays activities and when you tune in you will see all that has taken place. Thank you for your part and participation. I SEE YOU.
Celebrate! Time grows short.
Salut! ~Lord Ashtar
This is Lord Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin © All Rights Reserved. http://CosmicAscension.org, http://GalacticRoundtable.in, http://Garuda.co

Special Monday Night Drake Show: Are You on the Catastrophic or Positive Timeline?

Special Monday Night Drake Show: Are You on the Catastrophic or Positive Timeline?

·         The guest on the show is Alfred Webre III who is a futurist and is into the field of Exo-politics.
·         Drake shortly summarizes his Sunday 08/12/12 show where he discussed what actions a person could take in order to disconnect from our “matrix” installed by the powers that be. He offers certain techniques like “envisionment” and “creational powers” where an individual can use these techniques and apply it to our current world.
·         Drake discusses his encounter with a person who has ties with the movie called “The Matrix” he goes on to discuss the mechanics, where as it was a movie that focused on an established “matrix” or artificial reality where an individual embarks on a learning journey to discover life changing answers where everything is not as it seems.
·         Alfred mentions we currently live within an artificial construction within another artificial construction where we would call this a “Matrix”. Which is also described as something that is a “controlling frame work”.
·         Drake states there are ways to discover our “Matrix” where certain objects will stand out, some will also affect a person to a certain degree. Our current reality is almost like a computer hologram.
·         Alfred asks “how can we deconstruct this matrix? Drake answers that the way to deconstruct this matrix comes from an individual’s ability of control. There are several factors that tie into this scenario. Sometimes people experience the same thing over and over again, where as we expect a different outcome. By using “envisionment” you can re-create or change your future according to what the individual requires.
·         Alfred quotes Professor. Calhan from University of Washington, where this man has written about the Mayan Calendar. He believes that the Mayan calendar is something that follows the guideline of consciousness. He states that the universe is now broadcasting large waves of consciousness that is giving every individual on the planet to use such powers of envisioning, through intention create a reality we want.
·         Drake state’s by using envisionment we are exercising our divine powers given to us by our creator in order to change our future as well as the futures of others.
·         If you look at solid objects, every day experiences, when you look at the molecular level or modern physics, we are “full of holes”. It’s something we can’t necessarily see but we acknowledge it is present.
·         Alfred asks the question, “How can one go and create a vision?” or how would you know your full potential once you know you live within a Matrix?
·         Alfred talks about how President Obama was groomed in 1971 to be president, by a CIA time-travel related program in which they “saw him as president”.
·         Drake says sometimes there are things that happen that aren’t or shouldn’t happen a certain way. We have to levels of our mind a conscious and subconscious level. When we use “envisionment” it becomes a part of our subconscious, which imprints this on our conscious as puts it as a priority.
·         By using envisionment we have the ability to change many everyday factors as a means to alter and change our current paths. When using the powers given to us by our Creator. Some have decided to accept a system where we accept a greater power and its rules and guidelines. Some may call this a leap of faith. However once you master this envisionment process, you become creator beings where you can do things that you probably once thought were impossible.
·         Alfred asks, “can we co-create a vision of a positive timeline at this very moment until it manifests?” He asks the listeners to stop for the moment to envision our planet, free from genocide, wars, plagues, food shortages, etc. and to be given everything an individual needs to live a long sustainable life.
·         Drake talks about the apocalyptic predictions that are currently running rampant on the MSM. He asks the question, think about your children and what future you would like them to have? Try to envision a happy future, filled with “normalcy”, where we have leaders that operate within the law and not abuse it.
·         One must consider all of the possible apocalyptic scenarios, do you want destruction? Do you want a solar flare to strike? Do you want a nuclear war to break out? When we take a moment to see that these scenarios are not beneficial to humanity, we can envision it NOT happening. Through this you are in a position where you tap creational powers in which can adjust and completely change our future.
·         Every individual has a talent or experience and when we work together and not divided we can co-create a positive lifestyle for everyone. A Utopian society is possible; it just takes time, and the collective “envisionment” of humanity. We must pick a solid clear picture of the future, and do it until it manifests.
·         There are a degree of limitations; they are derived from the individual. When one sees strides and accomplishments, there are constant obstacles placed in our way as a means to keep us back. By using our creational powers we can surpass these boundaries.
·         Alfred states, “Aren’t we a holographic component of the source?” Drake answers it could be, but it falls into levels of society in which depending on the individual there are those who do believe in a higher entity, a creator, or source.
·         By using the power of envisionment, we have the ability to stay the same or alter our everyday life as a means to change and influence our future. What we experience as our current reality is not the only option. By placing a goal, envisioning it until it happens we break away from the mold of the Matrix.
·         Drake mentions the hoax called “Nibiru, Planet X, etc.” where is something that is a fabrication from TPTB. But if one takes a moment to look at what’s being circulated, when we look at its supposed trajectory, the numbers and path just don’t make sense. There have been numerous references of this being a rogue planet or a brown dwarf.
·         Alfred begins to talk about an article that will be published in November of this year. In it he talks about the catastrophic timeline being put out. He states that it’s a synthetic hologram environment that has been constructed by an advanced race of ET’s called the “Greys”. He quotes the Psychic Edgar Cayce reading where he talks about a large catastrophe. He talks about the remote viewers who’ve seen buildings like the (Sydney Opera House, US Govt which was underground somehow). He states that 2 Whistle Blowers, the Greys have created “SQE (Synthetic Quantum Environments) which would be mini-environments that would mimic a pass by of a brown dwarf and what the environment would like after such an event.
·         The Grey’s constructed this artificial hologram which resulted into about 3 trillion dollars from black budget money, into 174 or more Deep under Ground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.S) that would house the U.S government and the techno-crate elite.
·         The SQE is a psychological program which was placed upon humanity by this advanced race of ETs which most of the global governments have fallen for. It was a large global scale psy-ops.
·         The Greys are a race of ET’s that are not nice; they are sinister beings who have done this in other parts of the galaxy.
·         The Function of the SQE’s depending on the ability to override existing time-lines. It’s a holographic, open program in which the individual makes a decision to see certain events in their reality. There is about 13% of humanity who buy into this holographic program. About 39% or so do not buy into this, and fall in a positive timeline. 5-7% is in reality currently into this negative timeline. Much of the planet runs on a harmonic convergence frequency which runs at 5-9% frequency. When it’s combined they are placed together in a way that determines the outcome.
·         There are several controlling mechanisms or “veils” for example in Operation Looking Glass they saw a possible date as December 2012 where a flash of white light began, and they could not look any further. As a result of this project large quantities of power were used to operate the program which led to subsequent quake activity, project was later stopped.
·         There are also some ancient devices that have has similar functions, in our current world such devices have become smaller due to technical tweaks that have been applied.
·         Our current technology combined with the tech from the ET Greys can produce deadly catastrophic results.
·         Our Ancient’s knew about the capability to connect with the cosmos. They wanted an individual to understand the Mayan Calendar’s true meaning. The Calendar goes on until 2045, but officially it is stated it ends in 2012. The Mayans state a large shift is coming, which will begin in December 2012.
·         The Cabal along with the ET Greys has hijacked our past history of about (26,000 years) and have instilled moments of violence, tragedy, bloodshed, as a means to produce a negative time-line.
·         Drake states there is catastrophic or Non-Catastrophic timeline that we currently have. One that can be filled with love for the self, others, and the world. This will create a positive time-line. Some will choose a negative time-line filled with wars, famine, bloodshed, etc.
·         There are distinct differences between positive vs. negative time-lines. Because of the differences between every single individual, the outcome can be fundamentally different. As a species we have the ability to adapt or change our bad/negative habits. Our difference is that we have the ability to view and accept people or events in the positive only when we decide to live on a positive time-line. Here things begin to manifest, our envisioning when done right can produce things we desire.
·         We all have a choice whether to live in a positive or negative time-line. We have the ability to unplug from the distress, the ideological differences, the anger, the frustration. When we ignore our inner conscious, we have by choice placed ourselves on a negative time-line.
·         When you actively participate on a daily basis, using the power of “envisionment” you have the ability to change or alter your current path.

******* ½ through the show (6-7 Min Break)***************

·         Drake talks about the Bill of the Rights, or base rights which are “God Given” or given by our creator. He begins to discuss base principles that are fundamentally tied to the creator. He quotes that in Genesis 1:1 “You have the right to choose, to believe or not as you so choose.” When we deal with the present situations that are world-wide we begin to enter or fall on the negative time-line. We all have a freedom of choice, where we can also have the ability to experiment and try things which as an individual we have a hard time believing. 
·         If something is real, which is based on the acknowledgement and validity of the individual you can use the technique of envisionment can clearly work.
·         Currently there have been global instances where “Divine Intervention” where on David Wilcocks site (Divine Cosmos) has mentioned there have been nukes, weapons etc. that simply have been deactivated, disarmed, and deemed inoperable.
·         Alfred begins to talk about his experience in paro-psychology where it approaches such topics as God and Divinity or Divine beings. He talks about 7,000 cases where hypnotic regression techniques are documented where such cases revealed the process of human creation etc. These are such cases can be replicated with the right conditions. God/Source is described as a sea of light, and humans/beings are launched out as eggs of light. We become a holographic component of that light. Whereas a little part of the creator is within all of us. Through replicable science they’ve discovered we currently live in a “multi-verse” or a spiritual community where source and the inter-connection of souls where they connect.
·         He talks about that souls, angels, currently reside in the spiritual dimension, where is creating the exo-political dimension which has the ability to create a menu. Where in our current reality we have the ability to experience an existence where we can feel “soul development”. He believes the main purpose of the “multi-verse” is the ability to experience our current life style and processes.
·         He references Earth as Terra as a planet of work, pleasure. Through his findings, the study of God has produced we are all a part of God. As we live through our connective consciousness we are creator beings, maintaining creator powers.
·         Drake begins to talk about based on his information about ET’s perspective on reality. He states that at the moment all of the inhabitants of the planet have the ability to control the time-line. At present we are facing a decision, currently what we know of our reality is not exactly 100% clear. Our current reality is holographic in nature, just as the Matrix movie.
·         Drake begins to talk about different levels of ET’s his highest introduction was level 6 beings. Some beings who are level 8 are close to being creator status.
·         There are about 100 billion types of planets such as Earth that contain the same complex collection of species as on Earth. The Galaxy is undergoing constant expansion, based at a moderate rate.
·         Drake states, a person has a choice to make followed by the person has to act on the choice whether to be good or evil or the positive or negative time-line, there is no in between. We currently experience “duality” where we have the ability to learn several different experiences until we progress until the next level.
·         There are pending changes in which Earth will rise dimensionally from a 3rd dimension to possibly a 4th or 5th Dimension. The change will not only be on earth, it’s the whole solar system. He describes this change as a “roller coaster ride”.
·         Alfred views this pending global/solar change as that the Draco Reptilian/Greys had plans to turn Earth and this whole entire solar system as another proxy to their Empire.
·         Alfred talks about another contact who is called “Tolec” who connects with an ET race who have formed a group called the “Andromeda Council” who talked about certain events that have passed, quakes in which have destroyed underwater and underground bases which were home to the evil Draco Reptilian/Grey ET races.
·         He talks about that starting Jan 1st, 2014 the entire planet will be fully 4th or 5th dimensional. More information please look at the (Andromeda Council) website.
·         He states that the illuminati hierarchy is currently present with influences from the Annunaki an ancient ET race. They came into our history about 8,000 years ago in which they tampered with Human DNA. Now due to a rise of vibrational frequency, we are reestablishing ourselves, finding who we really are.
·         Ascension is all about re-discovering who we were, which is a process that begins to take place after December 2012. We are re-activating our suppressed DNA in which will open the flood gates of different dimensions. 
·         Drake talks about that when the shift occurs; the vibrational frequency begins to increase. We see a shift where Earth switches from a 3D world to a 4D or 5D planet. In order for us to progress we need a massive awakening.
·         Earth is considered a Key-stone planet, in which we become a focal point of the positive and negative time-line.
·         There are pending cosmic alignments in which it will transform the planet in a variety of ways. Alignments whether they are magnetic, gravitational or etc. have the ability to open communication with other ET beings.
·         There is information that is currently being withheld from the general populace that jeopardizes the current power system and will in effect give power to every individual on the planet.
·         At the present moment we are only using 3-7% of our current DNA. The rest has been officially classified as “junk” but we are currently activating this part of our DNA.
·         Drake close’s the show stating, acquire the knowledge to prepare for the massive pending changes that are coming. 

This a very good warning all AMERICANS to take notice.

Subject:  This a very good warning all AMERICANS to take notice.

Interesting, as a lady that lives by me on Hilltop is from Germany and she says she sees the very same as what this guy says ---  she was in school and watched him take over in 4 years control and esp army and the children so this guy isn’t just talking we need to be listening and trying to get everyone to listen  Pay special attention to  National Defense Resources Preparedness Order. 
 Google it and read it.   Scary!

If you're a dyed in the wool. closed minded Obama supporter then delete this....or ME !!

Could 2012 be our last election ??

Something to think about !!!

Radio Talk Show Host, Michael Savage is saying it : 

A Dictator in the making. Radical...maybe not?

> I've asked this question to a number of people and most them respond as if I were crazy for asking. They tell me that this is America , land of the free and there will always be elections. I tell them that we are no longer the land of the free and that if Obama gets re-elected in 2012, that this just may be America 's last election.

> In the past three years, the Obama administration has been very carefully crafting the nation for a political take over by his Marxist regime and this isn't just my opinion. Popular radio talk show host Michael Savage is the son of Russian immigrants and is very familiar with Soviet and European history. Savage warned his listeners this week saying, "I have to tell you that if this man, God forbid, is the next president of the United States , we're going to be living in something along the lines of - people say Europe . I don't believe it's going to be like Europe- I think it will be closer to Chavez's South American dictatorship.
> "This is the most corrupt, incompetent, dangerous, tyrannical administration in American history. It's not politics as usual. It's not just Democrats versus Republicans. Obama has a long history of being at odds with American values and with America itself and the core principles of this country. They don't want government-sponsored opinions. They only want government-sponsored 'Pravda.' That's exactly what the government-media complex tells you on a daily basis - nothing but the government-media complex party line. Pay attention. Your freedom may be at stake."
> Over the weekend, Rick Santorum told a small group of people in a coffee house that, "Barack Obama is not incompetent, ladies and gentleman. He knows exactly what he's doing and why he's doing it. He sees America differently than you see America .
> [Obama] has gone out of his way to divide this country in a way I haven't seen since the Great Depression when Franklin Roosevelt went around to divide his country. What makes America great [in Obama's mind is that] the government takes money from somebody and gives it to somebody else. No, that's what makes America France."
> With his control over the Executive and Judicial branches of the government, the stage is set for a complete takeover of the government. Think about it.

> Since taking office, instead of helping the economy, Obama has purposely escalated the economic crisis by plunging the country into unprecedented debt. (The last thing a failing government does is to raid the treasury) He has a number of programs that are designed to go into effect in January 2013, just in time for his second term of office. The economic burden and increased taxes on everyone will be enough to cause the final economic collapse of the country. As soon as that happens, Obama declares Martial Law and assumes dictatorial control of the nation.

> The Department of Justice has already been subverting federal laws to strip us of a number of freedoms. The Supreme Court and many of the other federal courts have been seeded with socialistic liberal judges that will rule in Obama's favor on virtually anything, thus ending constitutional rule and law.

> He's already changing the face of America 's military. Allowing homosexuals to openly serve along with changing the retirement program is causing many conservative military leaders to resign commissions and leave the military. Some Pentagon officials are also noting that an increase in the enlistment of radical Muslims into the US military where they get all the training they need on weapons and defense systems. We have no idea how many of them there are in the armed forces or in what positions they may hold.

> Obama has been wielding executive powers this past year as if he were already a dictator. When Congress is not doing his bidding, he simply bypasses them and used an executive order to accomplish it anyway.

> March 16, 2012 President Barack Obama issued an Executive Order that authorizes peacetime martial law in the United States of America . The Executive Order is titled, National Defense Resources Preparedness Order. In effect that document gives full and complete control over the entire countries natural resources in case of a natural disaster or during a time of war.

> Barack Obama granted to himself authority to approve the dispensing of all domestic energy, production, transportation, food, and water supplies as he deems necessary to protect national security. The document itself though is not limited to a time of war or even of that of a natural disaster. Rather the text of the document says that the President can invoke these powers for national defense in the “full spectrum of emergencies” (Sec 103a). This has set the stage for his disbandment of Congress. He would not be the first world leader to take control of a nation and disband the legislative branch of government.

> He has been effectively using the media to anesthetize the public to the dangers he poses. Like a patient being prepped for surgery, people are numb to the changes and won't have a clue what took place until they wake up in recovery and realize that free America has been removed and replaced with a regime that may parallel those of Stalin, Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler, Chavez and Castro.

> For the sake of our children and grandchildren, I earnestly pray that we are spared from what seems a certain future and that Obama is overwhelmingly defeated in 2012. Otherwise, heaven help us.


Get Your Money Out: "All Legal Bank Deposit Protections Are Now Officially Gone"

WARNING: Get Your Money Out: "All Legal Bank Deposit Protections Are Now Officially Gone"
Posted by Wealth Wire - Monday, August 13th, 2012

Former money manager Ann Barnhardt, who in November of 2011 made the decision to cease operations of her brokerage firm and return funds to her customers citing “systemic” problems within the entire financial industry, has issued a new warning about the stability of US banks and the safety of individual deposit accounts.
The warning, stemming from a recent federal appeals court ruling surrounding customer funds lost during the 2007 collapse of Chicago futures broker Sentinel, indicates that individuals who lose deposited funds because a financial institution improperly manages that money, even if those funds are supposed to be “segregated” from other operations of the firm, are essentially left with no recourse if the firm goes belly-up. According to the court, a misallocation of those customer funds, “is not, on its own, sufficient to rule as a matter of law that Sentinel acted ‘with actual intent to hinder, delay, or defraud’ its customers.”
 The implications of the ruling, according to Barnhardt, will affect the monies of all private individuals who have seen their deposit accounts wiped out in the collapse of firms like John Corzine’s MF Global and put all deposit account holders in the country at risk should their bank be faced with a financial windstorm:  
The NFA, in collusion with the banksters, government and judiciary have achieved their goal. The entire concept of "customer segregated funds" is officially, completely, legally dead.

Guys, it is OVER. I know that many of you are still cowering in normalcy bias, unable to deal with reality, unable to face the world as it is, but you have GOT to snap out of it. The marketplace is DESTROYED. You CANNOT be in these markets. All legal protections are now officially gone.

The federal appeals court ruled yesterday that not only does BNYM stay at the front of the line, but that using customer segregated funds as collateral is NOT a crime, and that co-mingling customer segregated funds with proprietary funds is NOT fraud.
What this means is that even if Jon Corzine is somehow dragged into court by private citizens, because you know damn good and well that the Justice Department will never, ever touch him, Corzine now has a legal precedent, likely from a bribed or otherwise coerced Federal Appeals Court, explicitly stating that an FCM can use customer deposits to pay its debts, and that the customers themselves are subjugated and have basically no legal right to their own monies, no matter what the law says, or what legal assurances, claims or guarantees are made to that customer about their funds held with an FCM or any other brokerage or depository institution. The “secured” party at the front of the line will always be the mega-bank who made the fraudulent loan using the stolen customer funds as collateral.
In other words, all customer funds in the United States are now the legal property of JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, BNYM, or whichever megabank is the counterparty on the loans the FCM or depository institution takes out in order to fund its mega-levered proprietary in-house trading desks.   

The ruling is specifically designed to protect large financial institutions that have (purposefully) mismanaged customer funds and used the hard-earned life savings of Americans to gamble on equities, commodities and bond markets. If those firms happen to make the wrong bet, as MF Global, Sentinel and a handful of others have recently done, depositors who have placed funds with the banks under the belief that their bank account is securely protected from trading liabilities are now completely exposed and liable for the incompetence and negligence of those who engage in market trading.
This latest ruling combined with recent actions by the Federal Reserve and other government regulators suggests a massive fraud has taken place and the financial system itself is under extreme strain with the potential to make the financial collapse of 2007/2008 look like just a training exercise.
In recent days, for example, it’s come to light that the government has secretly called on the country’s five major banks to prepare themselves for collapse by creating stress recovery plans to be used in the event of worst case scenarios.
A few weeks ago, the Federal Reserve also implemented a new policy for money market funds held by financial institutions. Per the new policy, money market funds, which account for some $2.7 trillion in deposits across the United States, can be frozen in the event of an emergency or financial panic. This means that if and when the system does go into a tailspin, at exactly the time people will want to pull their money out of their bank account, they will be restricted from doing so.
These latest actions by government regulators, judges and financial institutions point to one thing: that we have an unprecedented financial collapse in the making. If such a financial crisis comes to pass it is clear that the policies and procedures now in place will transfer the legally owned deposits and money market savings of individual Americans into the hands of the banks at which those funds are kept.
Get Your Money Out.
*Post courtesy of Mac Slavo at SHTFPlan.com.

*Message to Drake and Earth´s People* ---- Voting Poll Invite

Subject: *Message to Drake and Earth´s People*

 *Message to Drake and Earth´s People*

On June 6th, 2012 you announced a Vote to your listening audience aimed at gathering the collective voice of "We the People" with regards to a supposed possibility of a "Peaceful Surrender" of the Cabalists, and a request of "We the Peoples" contributions as to the preferred "Conditions."  Many were very disappointed and felt let down a few days later when you announced the results of the initial poll, and also indicated that the whole "Poll Thing," was just an exercise of your own creation and ultimately was a bit of "Fun & Games,"etc...
I created this poll on my own with no sanction or instruction from you as I felt it necessary to further expand upon your initial ideas as to what "We the People" should be considering in this regard. This was very well received indeed and it seemed obvious that others out there also had ideas that went far beyond the initial scope of what you offered as a "food for thought."
I have kept this poll vote open and active, continuously, since the initial June 6th announcement with the intent to provide people with an avenue of expression as to their contributory voice.  I can say wholeheartedly that the idealism behind the voting process as a means for the "People" to represent themselves and express their civilian voice is not taken lightly by any means, particularly when many of us still know and remember what this process was intended to serve as.
It seems clear now after 2 months, the "fever pitch" in the air and in all the discussions is that in fact, the Cabalists have no intention of any kind of surrender and hence will need to be removed, replaced and their influence neutralized by the rest of "We the People."  So be it.
There are countless thousands of us whom are awake and aware to these events. Although I have disagreed with some of your previous broadcasts and information relayed, I applaud your courage and perseverance in getting this message of Freedom out to the Public sector. I have always sought to unify the various threads of Freedom movements via the Soldierhugs website and blog and after reading the recaps of your last broadcast you seem to be discussing aspects that I do agree with especially with regards to releasing FEAR and discerning from within to achieve these objectives. 
It is my desire that people begin to understand the mechanics, dynamics, and power embedded within all of us as "Creators" and "Architects" of our own destiny. As such, here is a new release of the previous Voting Poll now re-named more appropriately as "COLLECTIVE CHOICE POLL."  This Poll contains all of the previous conditions listed, but also has new modifications added, and also 2 new polls added for these.
No more Fun and Games as to the Who, What, How, Why, and Where our Freedom will be achieved. Its happening now and that's all there is to it. Lets make it known the World over what we as the Human race have decided for the next phase of our human experience and prosperity. What say you?
Vote YOUR CONSCIOUS! VOTE your FREE WILL! There are NO Right or Wrong answers in the Polls below, only what you desire to live and experience. Many of you have already voted on some of the polls below. There are 2 new Polls included that everyone can now express and contribute their choice.



Man jailed for 30 days after building reservoirs on HIS OWN LAND with enough water to fill 20 Olympic-sized pools

Man jailed for 30 days after building reservoirs on HIS OWN LAND with enough water to fill 20 Olympic-sized pools

  • Gary Harrington, 64, was found guilty for building three man-made ponds containing nearly 13million gallons of water
  • The Eagle Point, Oregon, man was convicted of nine misdemeanors and fined $1,500
  • Harrington built the reservoirs on his 170-acre land and stocked them with fish
  • A 1925 Oregon law says all water is publicly owned
  • The state initially approved permits for the ponds, but later reversed them


Gary Harrington, of Oregon, began serving a 30-day sentence last Wednesday for collecting rainwater and snow runoff in three reservoirs that he had built on his own property.
The Eagle Point man was found guilty two weeks ago for violating a 1925 law which says all water is publicly owned.
Harrington, 64, was convicted of nine misdemeanors and received a $1,500 fine in addition to the jail term.

Watershed moment: Gary Harrington, 64, was sentenced to 30 days in jail for building three rain collection ponds on his land in violation of a state law
Watershed moment: Gary Harrington, 64, was sentenced to 30 days in jail for building three rain collection ponds on his land in violation of a state law

Harrington surrendered himself to authorities to begin his prison term and said that he was sacrificing himself to stand up for liberty, according to AOL Real Estate.
‘When it comes to the point where a rural landowner can't catch rainwater that falls on his land to protect his property, it's gone too far,’ he told the Associated Press following his conviction.
Filled up: Over the years, the reservoirs have collected nearly 13 million gallons of water

Water world: Harrington erected two dams on his property measuring at 10 and 20 feet

Water world: Harrington erected two dams on his property measuring at 10 and 20 feet

Gone fishing: Harrington built boat docks and stocked his ponds with trout and Bluegil

Gone fishing: Harrington built boat docks and stocked his ponds with trout and Bluegil

Oregon's Water Resources Department said that while it is legal to set up rainwater collection barrels on roofs or other surfaces, Harrington's reservoirs went far beyond that and required permits.
‘Mr Harrington has operated these three reservoirs in flagrant violation of Oregon law for more than a decade,’ the department's deputy director, Tom Paul, told the Medford Mail Tribune.
The state initially approved permits for Harrington's water collection pools on his 170-acre property in 2003, but ultimately reversed its decision.
‘They issued me my permits. I had my permits in hand and they retracted them just arbitrarily, basically,’ Harrington told CNSNews.com. ‘They took them back and said, 'No, you can't have them.' So I've been fighting it ever since.’

Harrington began serving his sentence last week
Harrington was fined $1,500

'Don't tread on me': Harrington said the government has bullied him and trampled on his individual rights as a property owner using the 1925 state law as an excuse

The state has ordered the Eagle Point man to drain his ponds, but he vows to continue the fight

Tug-'o-war: The state has ordered the Eagle Point man to drain his ponds, but he vows to continue the fight

Water battle: Harrington has claimed that he has been collecting rainwater for his personal use and for fire suppression

Water battle: Harrington has claimed that he has been collecting rainwater for his personal use and for fire suppression

Harrington has been ordered to drain his three reservoirs, but the Eagle Point resident remains defiant and ready to continue the fight. He said that he is only collecting rainwater for personal use and fire suppression, and that the state is infringing upon his rights.
‘The government is bullying,' he told CNSNews.com. ‘They've just gotten to be big bullies and if you just lay over and die and give up, that just makes them bigger bullies.
‘So, we as Americans, we need to stand on our constitutional rights, on our rights as citizens and hang tough. This is a good country, we’ll prevail.’
His legal adviser said they are willing to fight the issue all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court according to KDRV.

Foreign Cash Disqualifies Romney from Presidential Bid

     Here is Ron Paul's chance to take the helm of The Republican Party.
 Romney blew himself out of the water, big time ! 

Repost for comment and continuity, aloha…
“I haven’t been posting here much lately, but I thought you might like to hear the GOOD NEWS!!
Foreign Cash Disqualifies Romney from Presidential Bid
No other American presidential candidate has ever left the US to garner campaign contributions from foreign citizens.
There is a reason for this, one Romney and his staff seem oblivious to and the mainstream media has ignored.
Using foreign contributions in any American election is a felony.
If you go outside the US, if you stay inside the US, if your contributor is living in the US but not a citizen, any money you get can mean years in jail.
For Romney, he went the whole way, outside the US, foreign citizens, and while traveling humiliated himself and his country with his ignorance and his attempts to trade illegal cash for promises of illegal war. One could hardly break more laws if one wanted.
Romney raised millions in foreign cash at fundraisers across Israel. One table alone gave him a million in cash. None was from American citizens. Fewer than 10% of Romney’s contributors in Israel are estimated to be “dual citizens. ”

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