Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Cobra - White Nobility

Cobra - White Nobility

14 August 2012
White Nobility

I have received instructions to reveal some occult information to the public.

This is the first among several blog posts that will reveal to the general public some positive groups that have never been revealed yet and have worked towards the liberation of the planet, some of them for millennia.

The first of those groups is the White Nobility. During human history, not all aristocratic families have associated themselves with the Cabal. Many have resisted passively, some even actively. Noblesse oblige was not an empty phrase for them but an actual imperative to help the less fortunate remainder of humanity. The most famous among White Nobility families are the Medicis that helped to bring about the Renaissance which laid the foundation of our modern world.
Common ground for all those noble families is the occult tradition that goes back a few millennia into the mystery schools of ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt. Mysteries of the Goddess are their greatest secret and their main occult weapon against the Cabal. Many of White Nobility families have a strong connection with Mary Magdalene and the Grail mysteries and are connected with positive Templar groups. 

Black Nobility families that are associated with the Jesuits are allergic to the Goddess energy. They would like to wipe it out from the surface of the planet and have tried to do so many times. Members of families such as Pallavicini, Orsini, Massimo, Borghese, Aldobrandini, Colonna, Pacelli, Odescalchi,  Ortolani  and Luzzatti are receiving their orders directly from the Archons and are at the core of conspiracy against the Goddess. They are waging an occult war against the White Nobility families that are trying to spread the Light and support feminine qualities such as compassion, receptivity, creativity, love…
Rothschilds are nobility wannabes (their lineage goes less than two and a half centuries back and they come from Bauer family which is German for farmer) and do not understand completely the occult war that is going on in the highest circles as they are left out of the information loop. They are too immersed into the physical matter as well. Meanwhile, Rockefellers are plain commoners and do not have the slightest idea about what is really going on.

Most of the White Nobility families are now located in Italy and serve as a counterforce against the Black Nobility. They have lost most of their wealth in the last two centuries, but their positive occult tradition is still very much alive. Their names must not yet be disclosed to the general public, they work tirelessly in the background for the benefit of humanity. They are not associated directly with the Savoy family as some people think. Some of them are involved with creation of the new and fair financial system that will replace the current one very soon, another group is focused on revealing occult knowledge of the ages. I have received instructions from the Resistance to involve White Nobility in Operation Dreamland that is part of the Plan for the planetary liberation. Those among them who are interested in becoming part of this can contact me at cobraresistance@gmail.com . Victory of the Light!


Antipsychotic Prescriptions in Children Have Skyrocketed: Study

Antipsychotic Prescriptions in Children Have Skyrocketed: Study

14 August 2012

Time Magazine
By Maia Szalavitz | @maiasz | August 9, 2012

The dramatic rise of antipsychotic prescribing in youth occurred in conjunction with the illegal marketing of the drugs by their makers, resulting in multibillion-dollar settlements with the government

Brookfield Properties - INCREDIBLE STORY

Brookfield Properties - INCREDIBLE STORY
A story for whatever you make of it.
The amount of corruption of Obama and his gang of thugs is endless.
Obama is a Muslim and will follow the Koran, :
Muslims are ordered by the Koran to lie to unbelievers in order to defeat
them. The word is "Taqiyya" - Saying something that isn't true to deceive
the infidel to befriend convert or kill.
Obama said if it comes to a choice, "He will stand with his Muslim
Brookfield Properties - INCREDIBLE STORY  A story for whatever you make of it

You can't make this stuff up. Read the NY Times Oct 13, 2011 to verify ownership.

Do you know the park in NYC that the Wall Street protesters occupied?

It's Zuccotti Park .
Keep reading!!!!!

Did you know this park is NOT owned by the city of New York ?

It's owned by Brookfield Properties.

Brookfield Asset Management received an Obama Department of Energy Loan guarantee of over $160 million within 10 days of approving the take over of the Park.

Brookfield is a Canadian company with assets of 70 billion. Google it It's all on their website - and WHY is the US Taxpayer guaranteeing a loan to a VERY wealthy Canadian company?!?!

Who was just hired by Brookfield Properties as an attorney?

Vice President Joe Biden's son.

Who sits on the board of Brookfield Properties?

NYC Mayor Bloomberg's live in girlfriend.

Now, guess what company just received some of the last of the Obama Stimulus $$$$$$$.

Thaaaaaaaaaaaat's right, Brookfield Properties. (a Canadian Corp)
Isn't life great in America !

Now, guess what, on a completely unrelated note? Wisconsin is shaping up to be the
**swing state**in the 2012 presidential elections. Not Florida . Not Ohio . But Wisconsin .

Now, guess who owns the company that will be tabulating all the electronic votes in Wisconsin .

Thaaaaaaaaaaaat's right, the biggest contributor to Obama, the puppeteer George Soros. Whaaaaaaaaaaaat a coincidence!

And now for your quick refresher in World History

Remember what Stalin said. "He who votes does not have the power. He who counts the votes has the power".


     "Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille (name of leading French prison back in 1776) of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic." - Dr. Benjamin Rush, Signer of the American Declaration of Independence in 1776, member of the Continental Congress, and Surgeon General of the Continental Army under George Washington. 
     "If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson, Author of the American Declaration Of Independence in 1776.
     "Our contest is not only whether we ourselves shall be free, but whether there shall be left to mankind an asylum on earth for civil and religious liberty." - Samuel Adams, American statesman back in 1776.
     "Not to oppose (evil) error is to approve it, and not to defend truth is to suppress it." - Pope Felix III (483-492).
     "The people cannot be safe without information." - Thomas Jefferson
     "The more corrupt the state, the more laws!" - Tacticus, around 100 A.D. and most famous historian of the early Roman Empire
     "An estimated 66 million and more statute laws and an estimated 1 to 2 billion regulations spun off from all these so-called laws the people have no knowledge of is not freedom, but turning the people living within the borders of America prisoners of law in prison America. Only when the Omni Law is passed, will the people once more have freedom in agriculture, national health, good national economy, etc. God-given rights and therefore true legal freedom will be restored to the American people the day the Omni Law is passed." - Erasmus of America representing the intelligent and brilliant of America who want freedom under law so they can create jobs, industries, and massive prosperity for all the people and businesses in America.
     "If we don't restore the minerals and trace elements to the soils that grow our foods, we'll see a plague of degenerative diseases by the end of the century." - Dr. George Earp-Thomas (1948), medical research scientist. When Gen. Douglas MacArthur was sent to be the Occupational Governor over Japan after World War II, he was startled to see stunning agricultural results in parts of Japanese agriculture and asked how they got these results. They said an American by the name of Dr. George Earp-Thomas showed them how to get these spectacular results in Japan prior to World War II. I propose to use a tactic suggested by Dr. George Earp-Thomas many years ago and tested by him how to restore nutrients to the crops lost to them by prior farming. This will skyrocket good national health to the American people who now are predicted will have 100 Americans out of 100 Americans have or else had already had cancer by 2020 by prediction of sources within the medical field. Cancer is the red flag warning from nature that good health has collapsed within the human body. As Dr. Earp-Thomas taught all his life and cured cancer patients by this teaching, you cannot have good health without having plants for your food which are themselves healthy and possess the nutrients needed by the human body to maintain good health.
     I just saved Wash., D.C. a likely 5 years in national tests and Washington results no better than mine costing them maybe $50 million to $200 million in research to find the common sense answer of if you supply the food crops such as corn, wheat, etc. the water they need to grow and prosper on, heatwaves do not hurt them and they grow large as nature will allow them and loaded with all the nutritients the soil is capable of delivering to them. Wash., D.C. has never used common sense in technical approaches to national issues and always tries to screw up the right answers and instead supply wrong and unscientific answers in the name of "being politically correct!"
     I had a row of flowers in my backyard planted there years ago by an old woman long since dead. I never watered them nor attended to them. They either lived or died, prospered or else grew poorly based upon water they received as rain and what nutrients were available to them from the soil they were planted in. As I know that Wash., D.C. is colossally too dumb to ever use common sense answers to national problems, I solved the national agricultural crisis of America by showing how the farmlands of America can prosper during the toughest droughts and heatwaves America faces. And predictions are the drought and heatwave we saw this year covering much of America repeatedly will now start hitting America maybe every year now. As any good scientific brain knows but the politicians dare not tell the people the truth, we are risking national famine and national collapse of the nation if we do not have now and a smart answer to protect American agriculture in future years from this weather pattern predicted will be the new style weather for American farms across America in coming years. And to correct the con artist politicians, this heatwave and national drought has nothing to do with greenhouse effects from carbon dioxide. The Communists in America years ago were instructed to put "global warming" as the front con on the American people so in the name of the environment, they could nationalize all land in America to Communism, nationalize the national economy to Communism, and make the national government totally Communist in the name of the environment.         
     I targeted one single flower of this row of flowers planted by this woman years ago. I gave it a little waste housewater each day and not the other identical flowers next to it. This year the mightiest and tallest flower I had ever seen from this row of them reached up to my nose in height. Some of the others reached a little over my shoe and one or two were so small as to be maybe one-tenth the size of this super giant flower. One flower next to it got a little of this extra water and while not the size now of this super giant flower which never had grown this huge size before was large in comparison to the other flowers. Substitute corn, wheat, etc. symbolically for this super giant flower and this year by correct national water irrigation and America this year would have had the biggest food harvest crop in the national history of America. And cunning scientific brain that God made me to be, I will supply all the food crops in America with the nutrients they and us humans need by the Dr. Earp-Thomas method of totally feeding the plants so they in turn totally feed us. And one girl with a clever angle in another state got a food staple to maybe grow as large as ten times larger than usual for this food item. Her technique combined with the Earp-Thomas' method of supplying nutrients to our food crops and I really don't know how far we will go in producing the biggest and best food crops seen in the world. And America becomes the real breadbasket of not just America, but maybe the whole world if we want all that business from all nations of the world. If American food delivers great health to all nations eating our food, we have a new national industry creating millions of new jobs in America and a powerful angle for rapidly expanding national prosperity in America.
     I come from brilliant American inventors from both sides of my family. For example, the Vatican endorsed my father's food process to retain all nutrition from wheat or other grains to be so important to world health, Pope Pius  XII endorsed this great food discovery of my father to potentially be the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. I added to my father's great food discovery a super health water that can maybe go as far as eliminating most or all disease on earth. Both processes would be trade secrets of my planned world food industry once I get this jackass Wash., D.C. which since I left the university has savagely fought me to block me from reestablishing my father's trade secreet industrial food process back in America again. University tests back then tested it and predicted the entire human race on earth would later go extinct like the dinosaur unless my father's great food discovery was added to the diet of all nations on earth. They said when the cancer rate got too high in any nation, the entire sterilization and biological collapse of the national race was the next thing to happen to the national race. Recent increases in the cancer rate and growth in America indicates due to the lunatics in power in Wash., D.C. the American race will soon biologically collapse and then go extinct like the dinosaurs. Nations in Africa, the Middle East, Europe, China, India, Central and Latin America according to a number of medical lab test results from all over the world indicate I understand that all nations will biologically collapse at some point like the American people and the human race cease to exist on earth.
     When I was an engineering student in engineering school, they thought I was amazing at engineering studies and let me study one week's worth of engineering studies each day and I kept an A average while doing this. Charles Kettering, one-time President of General Motors, saw 920 of my inventive concepts I came up with in a two week period and wrote to me that he rated me to be the most original inventive brain he had ever seen in America and he anticipated I would end up the most brilliant inventive genius in the national history of America. If Wash., D.C. had not savagely fought me every time I tried to start a new national industry, I would likely have already given America up to maybe 2,000 new national industries. I call upon the idiots in the White House, etc. to get out of my way and let me proceed to set up my father's Vatican endorsed food process. Also, to fast do final tests and then set up a national irrigation system for the farmers, towns and cities, and industries of  America. As any engineer knows, we have to use engineering to change ocean water to fresh water by removing the salt from it. To do this cheaply is a colossal challenge to engineering. However, God blessed me with a very cunning mind in engineering and I should be able to turn ocean water into fresh water far cheaper than any other engineering brain in America. I have a couple of very clever engineering tricks up my sleeve, but the game is going to be played my way and Wash., D.C. stay out of my way as you screw up nationally everything you ever handle! As the ancient Romans' best engineers in their age demonstrated, the mighty city of Rome survived fine for centuries because they figured how to get very cheaply water from far away to Rome by means of well-planned water viaducts. Water viaducts are still a smart way to help deliver water to distant locations, but if one Pentagon secret is as good as I hear, I have a way of getting water all over America I might deliver water nationally for maybe cheap as 1% of what any engineers of Wash., D.C. would be able to do and my system would be permanent versus constant servicing by Washington conceived engineering. 
     Stop the con! Pass my Omni Law and we can get started on the national water irrigation system almost immediately afterwards. My first test location will be water from the ocean to my proposed Camelot Project which I predict will be the best research and development center ever seen in human history. It always takes a visionary to do the claimed "impossible" in engineering. All "madmen" until their visions were set up. It took daring visionaries to build the Suez Canal, Panama Canal, Hoover Dam, the Manhattan Project, etc. "  And Dr. Wernher von Braun was the usual "madman" in engineering until they tested his theories in rocket warfare and Nazi Germany nearly won World War II with his brilliant concepts in rocket research. I once had the very great pleasure of meeting him years ago in Wash., D.C. and we were instant friends. We understood each other beautifully! And if the American people had met this man who looked like he had never combed his hair in his life, poorly dressed, and looked like an absent-minded old man back in the 'twenties and he told them of his theory how to use this funny looking rock to build bombs that could wipe out entire cities, the ordinary Americans would have thought, "How dumb does he think I am? I am not that crazy to believe this wild theory of using uranium rock or similar radioactive rock to build super bombs with!"
     I am a visionary with several visions. Reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed food process. I am the only man in the world trained by my father and know in this age how to set up this food process. By the way, you outraged me beyond human imagination when you destroyed all the engineering notes, lab reports, correspondence from the Vatican and leading scientists, etc. left me by my father years ago. I have since then considered Wash., D.C. but a colossally asinine and barbarian government unfit to be called a civilized government on earth. Pass my Omni Law now and stop your con game with me now! You thought by destroying all my father's corporation records left to me that you would stop the reestablishment of my father's Vatican endorsed food process for ever. You failed on that as I already knew the trade secret engineering to it, but the outrage I feel towards Wash., D.C. cannot ever be undone by you. Pass my Omni Law in 2012 and none of your intended con on me. You can't con me with your highly practiced lies that work so well on the American people who try to trust you whereas I know better than to trust snakes in office like you in Wash., D.C.!
     I want to set up this proposed national irrigation system for America, Farmers unless you enjoy having your cattle and crops dying before you year after year, all of you back me for immediate passage of my Omni Law (Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America. That ties the tongue of many, so gave it also short name for the ordinary person to say when talking about it.) Industries you know you need a reliable water supply or many to maybe all factories in America are threatened with closing if their water systems in their areas collapse on them. Cities and towns without water for your population and the entire American economy then collapses. So what is your delay in backing me to get this Omni Law passed and in 2012?  Back this just before the November election and politicians badly trapped have to pass this Omni Law immediately and even before the November election is held if you act instead of debating to death whether someday in 50,000 years you will finally get around to finally support and pass it in America.
     Copies of the proposed Omni Law may be read at Nesara News. And all Americans have permission to copy this report and show it to all Americans. Look at the searchbox at the top left side of the archive listing of reports for Nesara News and put in Omni Law. You can read it and make copies of it off of Nesara News. Or look up other national reports of mine on Nesara News and put in that searchbox "Erasmus Of America" which I used as my pen name briefly to get launched this national drive for passage of The Omni Law as the new constitutional amendment to be added to the U.S. Constitution as soon as passed. You can also request direct by email for a copy of The Omni Law from fastboomamericaneconomy@gmail.com . And contractors, workers, supervisors wanting to get involved with my Camelot Project when I can start it, contact me now and let me know your qualifications and any special experience you have which can help building the biggest and best research and development center ever seen in the world. Any brilliant inventors contact me with angles you think good for industry, economy, etc. When we are operational, many of you will be treated like royalty at Camelot and through us you will establish new industries for America and the world. People wanting to live at the greatest location to live at in the world, let us know as we will find how many we can grant to move to Camelot. This is planned to be a giant location and four of us already inspected the land we want to build this Camelot on. Camelot is my pet engineering project and as soon as the Omni Law is passed, I anticipate we will start building it as soon as the American people approve it by national referendum as authorized through the Omni Law. I will use an old, smart trick of Walt Disney and split up the building of Camelot between many contractors and within 90 days of starting, we may already let the first people move to Camelot and maybe by six months if the engineering goes fast enough, we may have Camelot totally built and totally operational. I agree with the Chinese engineers we don't have to stall around. I noticed how they put up from scratch an entire large hotel in 7 days flat or so.
      Folks, as all political drives need at least some funds so they can win in the nation, any financial backing is strongly welcome. Read our reports and spot two ways of how we anticipate we can in the end pay back all fnancial backing and treat all money as loans until the Omni Law is passed. And you read the fine print and you may spot how we intend to richlty reward you if all the plans for Camelot work right. Make any checks, etc. out to NIFI and send to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Show this to state governors, members of state legislatures, etc. Many of our coming industries, etc. will be rewarded to those states who believe in freedom for the American people as  our records show. Pass the Omni Law by vote before the U.S. Congress does and you go first on our national list for a number of things. States not interested in backing us by passage of the Omni Law by state law, we will consider you traitors to the American people and enemy of America as a nation. Guess how long it will take before we give to your state those industries that will make your state rich and create many new jobs for your state. And politicians of Wash., D.C. who do not back our Omni Law drive in 2012, you establish bad public relations with us and harder for you to win us to give you new industries we might have available. We will of course not reward industries to states on the basis of bribes or traded political influence, but our policy will be we reward patiot sources in America and look coldly upon those sources who cared nothing about the future of America or the survival of America as a nation.
      I have been preached to offer something special to our first backers from this hour on. First of all, those who already backed us are automatically added to this list. For those already who have backed us, all of you are so appreciated,  you are already registered to be eligible to move to Camelot once built and all of you are guaranted jobs if you need it. When there is space available, you will automatically be at the top of the list to set up any legitimate, moral business at our Camelot business downtown which may become the best location for any serious retail business in America. Of course, you will have to pay the same fee as others or same rent for a location, but top of the list for available spots with the commercial side of Camelot. For important national business operations, we intend to build what we call Embassyland outside of formal Camelot. Thirteen nations will be allowed to build samples of their national culture and products which will fascinate our many millions of tourist visitors once we open. This can help their nations get first access to our new industries to be established in some nations, but not all in the world. And these national businesses located at Camelot but close to the Embassyland, you have the closest contact to get your products and services sold in the thirteen nations we allow to be located here. These thirteen nations represented may end up the richest nations in the world as they get first option on our many new industries we will release internationally.
      For the first 1,000 people who send in $10 or more, you go on a list where you have first option to move to Camelot once open. We will have fabulous apartment complexes but with the Camelot touch so they match our Camelot theme in appearance. We will have museums according to our plans, fabulous public gardens copied from the most beautiful in the world, cultural events, and all sorts of surprises which will instantly please tourists and those living there also. For the 1,000  sending in monthly $10 or more, you also go on a list to set up a business there which should be the hottest tourist location we hope in the world. Well, might as well let you know a few of our secret angles. We probably know the secret location for the cup really used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. As the descendant of two cousin lines of Jesus Chris, I have first legal claim to this cup hidden away in Europe. When people drank from it, they were instantly cured of incurable diseases, ailments, etc. We will see if we can get this cup delivered to Camelot and in a safe display let all the world see the real cup used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. This has been hidden by loyal Christians for a long time in history. I will see if I can arrange for the Holy Shroud of Turin to be delivered to us. I will give a very attractive offer to Turin for this. I have a trick angle in engineering how  we build fast what should be the largest and most beautiful cathedral ever built in Christianity. We will likely display the real cup from the Last Supper there and also the Holy Shroud of Turin. I closely examined the scientific evidence pro or con whether the Holy Shroud of Turin is genuine or else a fake. I am satisfied that it is the real Holy Shrod of Jesus Christ and paid off some so-called experts tried to testify against it because the enemies of Christianity were afraid how strong Christianity might become if everyone knew this was the true Holy Shroud of Jesus Christ. Also, I probably know the real location of the Ark of the Covenant and if events play into our hands, would like for it to end up at Camelot. But Israel may have other ideas if they realize that we have found the real Ark of the Covenant of the Old Testament. And I showed some Bible scholars where I evaluate the oldest city in the world is located which Genesis called Enoch. If we confirm that we have located it, we may display relics from the city of Enoch, oldest city in the world according to Genesis. A boy good at military intelligence can also use the same talents to crack some of the best historical secrets of the Bible. I don't know this part plays out. But according to ancient Jewish legend, the greatest treasure on the earth is hidden near the destroyed and hidden city of Enoch.Some of the citizens of Camelot may want to join our expedition to see if we successfully locate Enoch or not. And if you know the entire secret why this colossal treasure really exists according to the Bible, you may be allowed to see a treasure so huge that this will totally shock you in awe.
     Okay, send any checks, etc. to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679, This is our clearing house for first finances coming to us to support the national drive for the Omni Law. And a note for any would-be Bible scholars thinking it wrong to decorate our giant, beautiful Gothic style cathedral with beautiful religious artwork, etc., as the Bible lists, the Temple at Jerusalem built by King Solomon under orders from God had beautiful statutes of angels in it and all sorts of artwork covering religious topics and also ordinary life on earth. In any law passed, you must always know the legal intent behind it to know how it should be applied. The correct intent of the 10 Comandments was that no statue or artwork should be made to worship pagan gods with. God did not violate His own 10 Commandments in instructing King Solomon how the Temple of King Solomon should be built to honor God with in Jerusalem. Also, the numerous religious paintings in the catacombs of Rome for maybe 200 years after Christ had no problem with painting religious themes with and reproductions of human beings. This was true for both Jewish and Christian catacombs used for 200 years after Christ. Always find the intent behind any law so you know how to correctly apply it instead of by bad scholarship turned into a fanatic against the truth because you just didn't understand the truth.
      I have said as much as I judge suitable for now. Americans, it is time to stand up for and make God over America our national goal now. Pass the Omni Law right away! Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name briefly. Like the Committees of Correspondence which organized the American Revoluton and founded America as a nation in 1776, borrowing their cry which rallied America to the American Revolution, "We will have no King but Jesus!")

Romney's Background..worth reading..twice..A GOOD THING! JUST THE FACTS!

Romney's Background..worth reading..twice..A GOOD THING! JUST THE FACTS!
Just some facts about Mitt Romney that we will not hear about from the media!
Mitt Romney:
After going to both Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School simultaneously, he passed the Michigan bar, but never worked as an attorney.
As a venture-capitalist, Romney's first major business deal involved investing in a start-up office supply company with one store in Massachusetts that sold office supplies. That company, called Staples, now has over 2,000 stores and employs over 90,000 people.
Romney or his company Bain Capital (using what became known as the "Bain Way") would go on to perform the same kinds of business miracles again and again, with companies like Domino's, Sealy, Brookstone,Weather Channel, Burger King, Warner Music Group, Dollarama, Home Depot Supply, and many others.
Got your calculators handy? Let's recap.
Volunteer campaign worker for his dad's gubernatorial campaign 1 year.
Unpaid intern in Governor's office 8 years.
Mormon missionary in Paris 2 years.
Unpaid bishop and state president for his church 10 years.
No salary as president of the Olympics 3 years.
No salary as MA governor 4 years.
That's a grand total of 28 years of unpaid service to his country, his community and his church. Why? Because that's the kind of man Mitt Romney is!
And in 2011 Mitt Romney gave over $4 million to charity, almost 19% of his income....Obama gave 1%
Joe Biden gave $300 or .0013%
This is real character vs....well you know what!
Romney may not be the best representative the Republicans could have selected. At least I know what religion he is, and that he won't desecrate the flag, bow down to foreign powers, or squander my money on vacations. I know he has the ability to turn this financial debacle that the "Spending President" has gotten us into. We didn't know that when Obama said he'd give us change, he meant nickels and dimes, and he would get the big bucks. We won't like all the things necessary to recover from this debt, but someone with Romney's background can do it.
But, on the minus side, He never was a "Community Organizer", never took drugs or smoked pot. Never got drunk. Did not associate with communists or terrorists. Nor did he attend a church whose pastor called for God to damn the United States .


Take This as an Advisement by Drake

Take This as an Advisement

by Drake

From: Neil Keenan
To:  Drake Bailey
Tuesday, August 14, 2012 12:58 PM
Subject:  An Informational Warning Letter Arrived Today. This article may be helpful

Read all below
Subject: An Informational Warning Letter Arrived Today. This article may be
helpful but I do not yet know of Ms Barnhardt's reliability. Take it as an
"advisement" for now perhaps.
Warning: Get Your Money Out: "All Legal Bank Deposit Protections Are
Now Officially Gone"
August 13, 2012
Former moneyxAnn Barnhardt, who in November of 2011 made the decision
to cease operations of her brokerage firm and return funds to her
customers citing "systemic" problems within the entire financial
industry, has issued a new warning about the stability of US banks and
the safety of individual deposit accounts.
The warning, stemming from a recent federal appeals court ruling
surrounding customer funds lost during the 2007 collapse of Chicago
futures broker Sentinel, indicates that individuals who lose deposited
funds because a financial institution improperly manages that money,
even if those funds are supposed to be "segregated" from other
operations of the firm, are essentially left with no recourse if the
firm goes belly-up. According to the court, a misallocation of those
customer funds, "is not, on its own, sufficient to rule as a matter of
law that Sentinel acted 'with actual intent to hinder, delay, or
defraud' its customers."
The implications of the ruling, according to Barnhardt, will affect
the monies of all private individuals who have seen their deposit
accounts wiped out in the collapse of firms like John Corzine's MF
Global and put all deposit account holders in the country at risk
should their bank be faced with a financial windstorm:
The NFA in collusion with the banksters, government and judiciary have
achieved their goal. The entire concept of "customer segregated funds"
is officially, completely, legally dead.
Guys, it is OVER. I know that many of you are still cowering in
normalcy bias, unable to deal with reality, unable to face the world
as it is, but you have GOT to snap out of it. The marketplace is
DESTROYED. You CANNOT be in these markets. All legal protections are
now officially gone.
The federal appeals court ruled yesterday that not only does BNYM stay
at the front of the line, but that using customer segregated funds as
collateral is NOT a crime, and that co-mingling customer segregated
funds with proprietary funds is NOT fraud.
What this means is that even if Jon Corzine is somehow dragged into
court by private citizens, because you know damn good and well that
the Justice Department will never, ever touch him, Corzine now has a
legal precedent, likely from a bribed or otherwise coerced Federal
Appeals Court, explicitly stating that an FCM can use customer
deposits to pay its debts, and that the customers themselves are
subjugated and have basically no legal right to their own monies, no
matter what the law says, or what legal assurances, claims or
guarantees are made to that customer about their funds held with an
FCM or any other brokerage or depository institution. The "secured"
party at the front of the line will always be the mega-bank who made
the fraudulent loan using the stolen customer funds as collateral.
In other words, all customer funds in the United States are now the
legal property of JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, BNYM, or whichever
megabank is the counterparty on the loans the FCM or depository
institution takes out in order to fund its mega-levered proprietary
in-house trading desks.
Source: Ann Barnhardt via Steve Quayle
The ruling is specifically designed to protect large financial
institutions that have (purposefully) mismanaged customer funds and
used the hard-earned life savings of Americans to gamble on equities,
commodities and bond markets. If those firms happen to make the wrong
bet, as MF Global, Sentinel and a handful of others have recently
done, depositors who have placed funds with the banks under the belief
that their bank account is securely protected from trading liabilities
are now completely exposed and liable for the incompetence and
negligence of those who engage in market trading.
This latest ruling combined with recent actions by the Federal Reserve
and other government regulators suggests a massive fraud has taken
place and the financial system itself is under extreme strain with the
potential to make the financial collapse of 2007/2008 look like just a
training exercise.
In recent days, for example, it's come to light that the government
has secretly called on the country's five major banks to prepare
themselves for collapse by creating stress recovery plans to be used
in the event of worst case scenarios.
A few weeks ago, the Federal Reserve also implemented a new policy for
money market funds held by financial institutions. Per the new policy,
money market funds, which account for some $2.7 trillion in deposits
across the United States, can be frozen in the event of an emergency
or financial panic. This means that if and when the system does go
into a tailspin, at exactly the time people will want to pull their
money out of their bank account, they will be restricted from doing
These latest actions by government regulators, judges and financial
institutions point to one thing: that we have an unprecedented
financial collapse in the making. If such a financial crisis comes to
pass it is clear that the policies and procedures now in place will
transfer the legally owned deposits and money market savings of
individual Americans into the hands of the banks at which those funds
are kept.
Get Your Money Out.
Consider alternate, collapse-centric investment strategies and what is
money when the system as we know it falls apart.
Drake | August 14, 2012 at 11:39 am | Categories: News | URL: http://wp.me/p2tRr3-kg

Another Obama Scrubbing

Scrubbed: Photo of President Obama Removed Just Days After Book Exposes Agenda to Eliminate Suburbs

Obama meets in the White House with BuildingOneAmerica president Mike Kruglik in 2011.
According to a source, Obama and Kruglik were working to hide the federal money
trail soon to be opened to Building One America.

A photo of President Obama was suddenly pulled from the website of the group Building One America, whose goals were documented extensively in Stanley Kurtz’s book Spreading the Wealth: How Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities.
The book, which was released ten days ago, reveals what Kurtz refers to as Obama’s plan to undercut the political and economic independence of America's suburbs.
Kurtz connects current Obama administration policy with his personal history, and with groups like Building One America in particular. 
This website shows a cached view of how the BuildingOneAmerica.org site looked on July 19th, 2012 -- with a photo of President Obama talking to Building One America’s President Mike Kruglik, which was taken during a 2011 meeting held at the White House. Kruglik’s official biography on the Building One America site describes him thusly: 
He has been developing grass-roots citizens’ power organizations since 1973 with the Industrial Areas Foundation, the Gamaliel Foundation* and Building One America. 
*Note: Gamaliel Foundation is a George Soros funded organization, along with the Communist-affiliated Health Care for America Now (HCAN) which has connections to Gamaliel**.  Barack Obama was intimately involved with the Gamaliel Foundation in Chicago, and the radical leftists who were behind it:
Obama Meets Alinsky
Obama first learned Alinsky's rules in the 1980s, when Alinskyite radicals with the Chicago-based Alinsky group Gamaliel Foundation recruited, hired, trained and paid him as a community organizer in South Side Chicago.

They also helped him get into Harvard Law School to "learn power's currency in all its intricacy and detail," as Obama put it in his memoir. A Gamaliel board member even wrote a letter of recommendation for him.

Obama took a break from his Harvard studies to travel to Los Angeles for eight days of intense training at Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation, a station of the cross for acolytes. In turn, he trained other community organizers in Alinsky agitation tactics. In 1988, he even wrote a chapter for the book "After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois," in which he lamented organizers' "lack of power" in implementing change…
And at this time we were just creating the Gamaliel Foundation. I met with Barack on a regular basis as he incorporated the Developing Communities Project, as he moved the organization into action and as he developed the leadership structure for the organization. He would write beautiful and brilliant weekly reports about his work and the people he was engaging.

When Barack decided to go to Harvard Law School, he approached John McKnight, a professor at Northwestern and a Gamaliel Board member for a letter of recommendation. When Barack was leaving he made sure that Gamaliel was the formal consultant to the organization that he had created and to the staff that he had hired.

Barack has acknowledged publicly that he had been the director of a Gamaliel affiliate. He has supported Gamaliel throughout the years by conducting training both at the National Leadership Training events and at the African American Leadership Commission. He has also attended our public meetings.
And also says: 
From 1984 to 1998, he was co-director of the Calumet Community Religious Conference, the community organization that recruited and hired Barack Obama as a community organizer. Mr. Kruglik’s role as Barack Obama’s mentor has been chronicled in a number of works of history and periodicals.
The photo of Obama and his mentor appears to be completely gone from the BuildingOneAmerica website. The site has gone from having a photo of President Obama -- one of the best known, most instantly recognizable people in the world -- talking with a leader of Building One America to its current state, with dozens of photos of unidentified people either talking or listening. The photo of Pres. Obama and Mr. Kruglik gave the site and organization an instant, visceral credibility as a politically well-connected group. Removing that instant recognition seems like a bizarre choice for the organization to suddenly make. 
According to a note in Kurtz’s book, the photo with Obama and Kruglik was documented as being on the site January 3, 2012. It was likely posted the year before or earlier. Breitbart News obtained the screen grab above only a few days ago.
Further, the photo itself appears to have been completely scrubbed by Building One America -- a Google Image search finds no record of it from anywhere but Breitbart.com and other conservative websites that featured the image. This suggests that the photo was actually removed from the BuildingOneAmerica.org server entirely or made invisible to search engines. 
The text of the story about the July, 2011 meeting does not appear to have changed; only the photo of President Obama and Mike Kruglik is now missing. In the story, the meeting is described:
And if that wasn’t enough, after the forum, Building ONE America’s founding Executive Director Mike Kruglik was summoned (in the midst of intense debt ceiling talks) to the West Wing to meet with President Obama in the Oval Office.  The two community organizers discussed the Building ONE America event and Mike listed for the President all the states and metropolitan areas that were represented.
This is the first time a conversation like this has occurred at the White House. It's a powerful beginning and a very important conversation about issues vital not only for our communities but for the future of our country, our economy and our environment.
Stanley Kurtz released the following statement to Breitbart News:
I’m grateful to Breitbart News for letting me know that the Building One America website has apparently scrubbed the picture of Mike Kruglik meeting with his longtime friend, colleague, and former community organizing apprentice, Barack Obama, in the Oval Office. I expected something like this in the wake of the publication of Spreading the Wealth. Too late. The substance of Obama’s audacious and transformative second-term plans, forged in close cooperation with Kruglik and Building One America, is now public. If anything, this move simply strengthens the case I make in the book that, at the Oval Office meeting in question, Obama and Kruglik were working to hide the federal money trail soon to be opened to Building One America. The most important presidential policy you’ve never heard of is hidden in that picture.
Why would BuildingOneAmerica.org suddenly remove a photo of the President from their site, just days after the release of Kurtz’s Spreading The Wealth?
Breitbart News will contact both Building One America and the White House on Monday to ask them. 


Health Care for America Now!
Margarida Jorge Memo
Description: http://keywiki.org/skins/common/images/magnify-clip.png

Margarida George
In early 2004, the Communist Party USA affiliated HCAN field director Margarida Jorge, sent out a memo to HCAN field partners offering advice on how to deal with "right wing" protestors at Obamacare town hall meetings.
Health Care for America Now (HCAN) is a national grassroots campaign of more than 1,000 organizations in 46 states representing 30 million people dedicated to winning quality, affordable health care we all can count on in 2010 and beyond.[1]
Our organization and principles are supported by President Obama, Vice President Biden, and more than 190 Members of Congress.
We are building a national movement to win, implement and improve comprehensive health care reform by helping mobilize people in their communities to lobby their U.S. Senators and Representatives in Congress to stand up to the insurance companies and other special interest groups to achieve quality, affordable health care in 2010 and beyond.

According to the HCAN website;[2]
HCAN is working with the Obama administration to ensure health care reform meets the HCAN principles that President Obama has endorsed. For example, many HCAN members participated in the White House Health Care Policy Summit sponsored by President Obama in Washington, DC, and our field partners attended the regional health care forums nationwide.

The Great surrendering

this is a video

The Great surrendering

14 August 2012
Dear Ascension Pioneers!

Here is my automatic writing about what is happening lately during this cycle of great surrendering. Last couple of weeks were very intense releasing weeks. We have actually been releasing deeply for the past two months. We have been adjusting to the new during our inner shifts. This week, there is more playfulness needed in our daily lives, because this energy helps to activate our inner joy, which is a direct link to our own Source connection. Enjoy your week and all of your experiences, everyone!

Within Divine Love, Polona

Obama can kiss my --------------

Subject: : Sign posted at Blue Stream - New Iberia, LA

This is a custom made sign hanging on the fence of Blue Stream – Oil and Gas Rental and Supply Company, Highway 90, New Iberia, La.
The “We” in the sign refers to the Owners, Hard Working and Dedicated Employees, The Suppliers and the most important the Clients and Customers.

I understand that many other successful companies are in the process of having similar signs made.
This may sweep the nation and send a message to the audacity, arrogance and ignorance of Obama.  

U.S. Goldman Disclosure a Rare Break in Secrecy

U.S. Goldman Disclosure a Rare Break in Secrecy


Senator Carl Levin had harsh words for Goldman Sachs.
WASHINGTON — After deciding not to prosecute Goldman Sachs for its conduct during the financial crisis, the Justice Department did something rare: it publicly announced that the investigation was closed.
The unusual public announcement came after Goldman’s lawyers pushed for a notification that the bank would not be charged, according to two people with direct knowledge of the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity.
In a 450-word statement issued late Thursday, authorities said that “based on the law and evidence as they exist at this time, there is not a viable basis to bring a criminal prosecution.”
Many legal experts agree it would have been hard to bring charges. But the public announcement also raised eyebrows because under most circumstances criminal inquiries are shrouded in secrecy. When the Justice Department decides to end a criminal inquiry without prosecuting, it usually does not disclose that decision to the public — or even to the target of the investigation.
The Justice Department’s decision rankled Wall Street critics who want banks to pay for their actions. On Friday, the senator that had requested the criminal investigation denounced Goldman.
A report suggested that Lloyd C. Blankfein, the Goldman chief, might have misled lawmakers when testifying about mortgage deals.Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg NewsA report suggested that Lloyd C. Blankfein, the Goldman chief, might have misled lawmakers when testifying about mortgage deals.
“Whether the decision by the Department of Justice is the product of weak laws or weak enforcement, Goldman Sachs” actions were deceptive and immoral,” Senator Carl Levin, a Michigan Democrat, said in a statement.
By closing its case, the Justice Department has removed the taint of a possible indictment against Goldman, which had already paid $550 million to settle a related civil matter brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission. “We believe that the Justice Department’s examination has been thorough and impartial,” said Andrew Williams, a Goldman Sachs spokesman.
Federal prosecutors began investigating Goldman more than a year ago after the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations issued a blistering report highlighting questionable conduct by Goldman and other banks. It focused on Goldman’s lucrative business of selling pools of subprime mortgage securities to clients while simultaneously betting on a decline in the housing market. In effect, the report concluded that Goldman had profited by betting against the very mortgage investments that it sold to clients.
It also suggested that Lloyd C. Blankfein, the chief executive of Goldman, might have misled lawmakers when testifying about the mortgage deals. Mr. Blankfein said that the bank never bet against its clients for its own profit.
As part of the report, Mr. Levin, the chairman of the subcommittee, referred Goldman’s case to the Justice Department for a criminal investigation in April 2011. But after investigating Goldman for more than a year, the Justice Department decided not to bring a case.
“The department and its investigative partners conducted an exhaustive review of the report and its exhibits, independently gathered and scrutinized a large volume of other documents, and tenaciously pursued potential evidentiary leads, including conducting numerous witness interviews,” the Justice Department said in its statement.
Separately, Goldman also disclosed on Thursday that the S.E.C. would not pursue any further claims against the bank related to the sale of a $1.3 billion mortgage bond deal.
On Friday, legal experts said that it was always unlikely that the government would bring a criminal prosecution against Goldman Sachs.
Ever since the 2002 indictment of Arthur Andersen caused the accounting giant to collapse and caused thousands of job losses, the government has been reluctant to bring charges against a company.
Instead, companies are now frequently offered so-called deferred prosecution agreements in which they pay a fine and agree to government oversight instead of facing criminal prosecution.
“The likelihood of the Justice Department indicting a ‘too big to fail bank’ like Goldman Sachs was always slim-to-none,” said Stephen M. Plotnick, a securities lawyer at Carter Ledyard & Milburn. “And a major hurdle in a criminal prosecution of Goldman’s executives was proving that they intended to defraud their clients.”
While the decision not to charge Goldman was not surprising, the uncommon public announcement by the Justice Department raised eyebrows. Because it is illegal to disclose the existence of a grand jury investigation, under most circumstances criminal inquiries are shrouded in secrecy. And when the Justice Department decides to end a criminal inquiry without prosecuting, it usually does not disclose that decision to the public — or even to the target of the investigation.
The Goldman case, however, fit within an exception to these secrecy rules because of the immense publicity surrounding the investigation of the bank. Justice Department lawyers are permitted to comment on investigations that have leaked to the public or received substantial media attention, according to department guidelines.
For instance, in another case involving a bank, the Justice Department announced in August 2011 that it had closed a criminal investigation of Washington Mutual and its former executives connected to its collapse during the financial crisis.
The Justice Department has also announced that it was not bringing criminal charges in several leaked investigations of prominent politicians, including the former New York governor Eliot Spitzer and the former New Jersey senator Robert Torricelli. Earlier this year, federal prosecutors in Los Angeles announced that they had closed their investigation of Lance Armstrong without charging him, nearly two years after they began looking into accusations that he and his bicycling teammates had committed a variety of possible crimes by doping.
“Leaked investigations are like storm clouds that hang over companies and individuals, making it incredibly difficult for businesses to run or for people to live out their lives,” said Boyd M. Johnson III, a partner at WilmerHale and a former federal prosecutor. “The Department of Justice has a responsibility to seriously consider issuing public statements of declination where investigations have leaked. It is a matter of fundamental fairness.”
While it no longer faces the prospect of criminal charges, Goldman has absorbed substantial damage to its reputation from Abacus, the complex subprime mortgage product that it sold to clients. And even though it settled with the S.E.C., a midlevel employee in the bank’s mortgage unit, Fabrice Tourre, still faces a civil trial related to the Abacus transaction. Its public image has also taken a hit from unflattering portrayals in the media, including its depiction as a “vampire squid” in a Rolling Stone article.
On Friday, Mr. Levin said that the Justice Department’s decision only highlighted the need for stiffer regulations for Wall Street banks under the new Dodd-Frank financial reform laws.
“Yesterday’s announcement makes it even more important that regulators implement Dodd-Frank with rules that do not water it down, and that they enforce those rules with vigor,” he said. “The integrity of our financial markets and the strength of our economy demand that we make sure that actions such as Goldman Sachs’s and other recently discovered misdeeds by financial institutions are ended.”
A version of this article appeared in print on 08/11/2012, on page B1 of the NewYork edition with the headline: U.S. Goldman Disclosure A Rare Break in Secrecy.
To read the rest of this story, visit DealBook.NYTimes.com.