Wednesday, August 15, 2012



A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in a store. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful red haired, freckle faced image of innocence.
It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time to flow down the spout.. We all stood there, under the awning, just
inside the door of the WalMart.
We waited, some patiently, others irritated because nature messed up their hurried day.

I am always mesmerized by rainfall. I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the world. Memories of running, splashing so carefree as a child came pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day.

Her little voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in, 'Mom let's run through the rain,'
She said.
'What?' Mom asked.

'Let's run through the rain!' She repeated.

'No, honey. We'll wait until it slows down a bit,' Mom replied.

This young child waited a minute and repeated: 'Mom, let's run through the rain..'

'We'll get soaked if we do,' Mom said.

'No, we won't, Mom. That's not what you said this morning,' the young girl said as she tugged at her Mom's arm.

'This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?'

'Don't you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said, ' If God can get us through this, He can get us through anything! ' '

The entire crowd stopped dead silent.. I swear you couldn't hear anything but the rain.. We all stood silently. No one left. Mom paused and thought for a moment about what she would say.

Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being silly. Some might even ignore what was said. But this was a moment of affirmation in a young child's life. A time when innocent trust can be

nurtured so that it will bloom into faith.

'Honey, you are absolutely right. Let's run through the rain. If GOD let's us get wet, well maybe we just need washing,' Mom said.

Then off they ran. We all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they darted past the cars and yes, through the puddles. They got soaked.

They were followed by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the way to their cars. And yes, I did.
I ran. I got wet. I needed washing.

Circumstances or people can take away your material possessions, they can take away your money, and they can take away your health.. But no one can ever take away your precious memories...So, don't forget to make time and take the opportunities to make memories everyday.

To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven.

They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.

Send this to the people you'll never forget and remember to also send it to the person who sent it to you. It's a short message to let them know that you'll never forget them.

If you don't send it to anyone, it means you're in a hurry.

Take the time to live!!!

Keep in touch with your friends, you never know when you'll need each other --

And don't forget to run in the rain!




-- Ann(Nancy/Bal) Ballantyne 

Frustrated UK citizen ----- Open Letter ---- MUST READ!

Dear sir/madam

I am a 26 year old father. My partner and I have 2 children, of which both are boys. The eldest, 6 years and the youngest, 6 months. My partner and I both work and collectively take home around £28000 annually. We currently claim our small allotment of child benefit but we do not claim Working Tax Credit. This is due to being surprised with a £6000 bill for overpayment. We tried to follow the obvious route of dispute but this failed and we have been forced to pay this back at a rate that their claims department deemed affordable. We therefore do not claim this anymore through fear. We live week by week and are struggling like most are.  I only give you this information so you can understand that my family and I are working class and part of the tax paying majority. 

I have decided to write this letter due to my sheer frustration over the composition and state of the United Kingdom, and global financial structure/economy. In order to do this properly I feel it's highly important to address a critical issue affecting the majority of our great nations population. This issue is the fact that an enormous amount of us leave eduction with very little, if any understanding of how our financial system works. But more importantly, how money is created. This fact has often left me wondering if this lack of financial education is deliberate?

Many of us simply assume that money emerges from trade within the economy. This idea is essentially flawed and incredibly nieve. Money is created very simply as debt. When you enter into a contract with your Bank, perhaps for a mortgage or other type of loan, you would probably assume that the financial institution you are borrowing from is lending you their money, or the money of their customers. This is rarely the case. Generally the Banks create this money, essentially from thin air. They type the digits you require into your account and from the instant the Bank employee presses enter, that money emerges into existence. No funds are moved around and no coins are minted. From that moment on you are obliged to pay this money back along with vast amounts of interest, fees and charges. This process accounts for 97% of money created in the British economy. The remaining 3% is created by the Government in a process known as seigniorage. That very unusual word basically means the difference in value between the cost of producing a bank note and the value it represents. So if it costs 5 pence to produce a £10 note, the government will have made £9.95 profit when it sells that note to the banks. The profit made is in turn used to reduce our tax burden. However in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't amount to a great deal. 

So there you have it. A small amount of knowledge that you may not have had before reading this. It's critical that every person know this because our economy is completely dependent on the creation of debt. It is incredible how many people do not understand these very basic facts. Always remember that you are the creditor of your own debt.
Our economy is inherently flawed due to this very process. The banks have complete control over 97% of fiscal creation, but along with this 100% control over where this constant flow of new money is invested and this leads to enormous, damaging problems. These problems are known by their dreaded alias. (Bubbles). You only have to take a brief glance at our housing market to see this detrimental process at work. Our house prices are drastically over inflated. This is because a mortgage is a relatively safe bet. Buyers often put down large deposits and if there is ever a problem paying the mortgage, the house can be repossessed. Leaving the Bank with very little if any losses. This gives the financiers incentive to fund more and more mortgages which inturn drives house prices up. As you pay back more and more, the bankers reap more and more in interest. The longer you pay, the more you pay.
If your a homeowner you may well be reading this thinking this is a good thing. You bought your home for £45k and now it's worth £180k. Well for you, yes it's awesome. But that extra £135k is what it is going to cost the next generation, your children extra to buy a home. Every penny you gain, your children lose. All in all it is a lose lose situation. All the housing bubble has done is price our children out of ever owning a home! The chances are you will have to use all that extra value in your home to pay for your care in later life anyway. This is just 1 example of how letting bankers completely control the creation of money is destroying our future.

This brings me to regulation within the financial sector. Since Thatcher there has been a highly paced race to the bottom. Not just here but everywhere. The reason given for this was that if we could free up the banks from regulation they could perform better being less restricted. That ideology is complete and utter idiocy. What ended up happening is akin to leaving a group of children unattended in a sweet shop and asking them not to eat the sweets. When you come back the shop is empty!

This situation created a boom in the economy, but that very boom was spawned from irresponsible or predatory lending. The bankers were allowed to merge their companies into behemoths that are now deemed too big to fail. They also created a system where they could package worthless debts and make it look as if it was AAA, top notch safe bets. Coupled with a market that allowed them to sell that debt to anyone who wanted it. This was their insurance! They knew they would be bailed out by us if anything went wrong, so with everything in place (They went to town!) They did everything they could to maximize profits and the end result was a fat bill for the working class. Who in turn have to swallow draconian austerity measures. 

Recent estimates indicate that at least 100 million people have been forced into poverty as a direct result of this financial crash. Every day we find out more about the enormity of fraud and money laundering that's going on constantly within our financial system. Out of that 100 million poverty stricken people it is a certainty that many of them will die prematurely and needlessly through the actions of what can only be described as Banksters! Yet we have not seen 1 arrest. The LIBOR scandal affected over $800 trillion in transactions yet we were denied a public inquiry and nobody has lost their freedom to date. The reason for this is very simple. Our elected officials rely entirely on donations for their election campaigns. These doners are the very same people who created this crash. I was raised with a very simple belief and that is "He who pays the piper, calls the tune" Our politicians should be answerable to us but they are not. We are told to make them answer by using our votes but how is that possible when we have only 2 viable choices and they are different sides of the same coin. 

In the 1960s even in postwar decline, an entire family could function on the wages of 1 parent and still own their home. Now it takes 2, often working different shifts and being reduced to nothing more than ships passing in the night. Our family units are working harder than ever leaving us very little quality of life. 

I am so angry about this situation. All our government needs to do is regulate. Take the power of fiscal creation away from banks and make them lend their own money. We should chose where investment is made and use it to benefit us and future generations. How many people must suffer and die before we the people wake up? 

The whole system is so utterly dependent on the creation of debt that without new debt we are in recession, it is as simple as that. So when you hear David Cameron saying "We need to become a nation of savers" it's plain for all to see that he obviously has no clue about the monetary system of the country he leads. If everyone saved we would have mass disappearance of money and the economy would collapse. The very fact that we need this debt to survive means that the economy is completely dependent on the debt enslavement of the poor. There I said it. Were slaves! The rich don't need loans, the poor do. This financial tyranny exists simply to steal from the poor and give to the rich. It's reverse Robin Hood on steroids! My beliefs are not anticapitalist, there is absolutely no reason why we can't have a vibrant competitive economy and still have something by the people for the people.
It is time for justice. We were told that if we arrested the bankers and changed the system we would face a meltdown. That was a lie! Iceland have done this and although their economy shrank by over 6%, within a few years they were back on track and are now doing much better than the majority of nations within the Eurozone. They even managed to forgive debt to all those struggling. 

I am a young parent who is horrified to witness this national fleecing and is dreadfully worried about the future my children face. There is so much national debt that mathematically it cannot be paid back and we are heading for an almost certain collapse unless we change things now. Everything the government has proposed to tackle these problems amounts to nothing more than sticking plasters. They are treating cancer symptoms but sooner or later we will die from the disease. 

We are now seeing huge protests and demonstrations by the awakened portion of the population and the numbers are growing everyday.  We have seen riots and looting. We want fairness and justice, not just financially but politically. We are no longer content to be mere serfs. Throughout history, oppression leads only to revolution. Our politicians have a choice. Do the right thing and join the ever increasing flow of the stream or delay and be drowned by the flood!  

Yours faithfully

Drake Mid-Week Update - Wednesday

Drake Mid-Week Update - Wednesday

by Global Voice 2012 Radio

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(646) 716-4984

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Home of DRAKE.  Tonight Drake will be giving mid-week updates concerning our freedom.

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ASK DRAKE! To make things run smoother, we are taking questions for Drake to answer on the Global Voices Radio mainly by email at not calls. You can send your questions anytime during the week and during the show. Keep them short and focused.

This email is not for articles and blind links with little explanation but watch this or what do you think. If the video or article you watched or read raises a question, ask that question.

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Dwell in possibility.  ~ Emily Dickinson

Heart-healthy foods that lower blood pressure, reduce symptoms of plaque and improve cardio fitness

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Heart-healthy foods that lower blood pressure, reduce symptoms of plaque and improve cardio fitness
Posted By: LilliHart
Date: Wednesday, 15-Aug-2012 12:13:37

The foods you eat bring pleasure to your palate and provide your body with powerful healing substances. Most people probably never consider that their morning grapefruit protects their blood vessels or that eating a handful of raw almonds daily can protect them from cancer. Certain heart-healthy foods have a reputation as natural cures to lower blood pressure, reduce symptoms of plaque and improve cardio fitness.
Learn more:

Election ad by Catholic Church ---- AWESOME

Incredible ad by the Catholic Church

When churches start running ads then this election is going to get hot.

What Makes Our NDAA Lawsuit a Struggle to Save the US Constitution

I consider this one of the most important "Forwards" I've done yet: PLEASE GET INVOLVED IN IT and while doing so; The attachment is shown in the above link ARE THE VOTING RECORD of EXACTLY WHO GAVE US THIS U. S. Inc. GESTAPO LAW w/ FUNDING TO PUT IT INTO ACTION, IN HOPES YOU MAY WANT TO "EXPRESS YOUR GRATITUDE" TO THEM AT THE POLLS, WHEN YOU VOTE -- IF WE STILL GET TO DO THAT ANYMORE!!!!


What Makes Our NDAA Lawsuit a Struggle to Save the US Constitution 

August 11, 2012  By Tangerine Bolen ( FULL STORY AT )   

Time after time, Obama’s lawyers defending the NDAA’s section 1021 affirm our worst fears about its threat to our liberty.  I am one of the lead plaintiffs in the civil lawsuit against the National Defense Authorization Act, which gives the president the power to hold any US citizen anywhere for as long as he wants, without charge or trial.  

In a May hearing, Judge Katherine Forrest issued an injunction against it; this week, in a final hearing in New York City, US government lawyers asserted even more extreme powers – the right to disregard entirely the judge and the law. On Monday 6 August, Obama’s lawyers filed an appeal to the injunction – a profoundly important development that, as of this writing, has been scarcely reported.  

Time after time, Obama's lawyers defending the NDAA's section 1021 affirm our worst fears about its threat to our liberty - Activist and reporter Tangerine Bolen, a plaintiff in the case against the NDAA, speaking to the media after a New York judge enjoined section 2012 of the law. Photograph via Fromthetrenchesworldreport  

I am one of the lead plaintiffs in the civil lawsuit against the National Defense Authorization Act, which gives the president the power to hold any US citizen anywhere for as long as he wants, without charge or trial.  

In a May hearing, Judge Katherine Forrest issued an injunction against it; this week, in a final hearing in New York City, US government lawyers asserted even more extreme powers – the right to disregard entirely the judge and the law. On Monday 6 August, Obama's lawyers filed an appeal to the injunction – a profoundly important development that, as of this writing, has been scarcely reported. 

In the earlier March hearing, US government lawyers had confirmed that, yes, the NDAA does give the president the power to lock up people like journalist Chris Hedges and peaceful activists like myself and other plaintiffs. Government attorneys stated on record that even war correspondents could be locked up indefinitely under the NDAA.  

Judge Forrest had ruled for a temporary injunction against an unconstitutional provision in this law, after government attorneys refused to provide assurances to the court that plaintiffs and others would not be indefinitely detained for engaging in first amendment activities. At that time, twice the government has refused to define what it means to be an "associated force", and it claimed the right to refrain from offering any clear definition of this term, or clear boundaries of power under this law.  

This past week's hearing was even more terrifying. Government attorneys again, in this hearing, presented no evidence to support their position and brought forth no witnesses. Most incredibly, Obama's attorneys refused to assure the court, when questioned, that the NDAA's section 1021 – the provision that permits reporters and others who have not committed crimes to be detained without trial – has not been applied by the US government anywhere in the world after Judge Forrest's injunction. In other words, they were telling a US federal judge that they could not, or would not, state whether Obama's government had complied with the legal injunction that she had laid down before them. 

To this, Judge Forrest responded that if the provision had indeed been applied, the United States government would be in contempt of court. 

I have mixed feelings about suing my government, and in particular, my president, over the National Defense Authorization Act. I voted for Obama.
But the US public often ignores how, when it comes to the "war on terror", the US government as a whole has been deceitful, reckless, even murderous. We lost nearly 3,000 people on 9/11. Then we allowed the Bush administration to lie and force us into war with a country that had nothing to do with that terrible day. Presidents Bush and Obama, and the US Congress, appear more interested in enacting misguided "war on terror" policies that distract citizens from investigating the truth about what we've done, and what we've become, since 9/11. 

I, like many in this fight, am now afraid of my government. We have good reason to be. Due to the NDAA, Chris Hedges, Kai Wargalla, the other plaintiffs and I are squarely in the crosshairs of a "war on terror" that has been an excuse to undermine liberties, trample the US constitution, destroy mechanisms of accountability and transparency, and cause irreparable harm to millions. Several of my co-plaintiffs know well the harassment and harm they have incurred from having dared openly to defy the US government: court testimony has included government subpoenas of private bank records of Icelandic parliamentarian Birgitta Jónsdóttir; Wargalla's account of having been listed as a "terrorist group"; and Hedges' concern that he would be included as a "belligerent" in the NDAA's definition of the term – because he interviews members of outlawed groups as a reporter – a concern that the US attorneys refused on the record to allay.

Other advocates have had email accounts repeatedly hacked, and often find their electronic communications corrupted in transmission (some emails vanish altogether). This is an increasing form of pressure that supporters of state surveillance and intervention in the internet often fail to consider.

I've been surprised to find that most people, when I mention that I am suing my president, Leon Panetta, and six members of Congress (four Democrats and four Republicans), thank me – even before I explain what I'm suing them over! And when I do explain the fact that I and my seven co-plaintiffs are suing over a law that suspends due process, threatens first amendment rights and takes away the basic right of every citizen on this planet not to be indefinitely detained without charge or trial, their exuberance shifts, and a deeper gratitude shines through newly somber demeanors. But this fight has taken a personal toll on many of us, including myself. 

My government, meanwhile, seems to have lost the ability to discern the truth about the US constitution any more; I and many others have not. We are fighting for due process and for the first amendment – for a country we still believe in and for a government still legally bound by its constitution. 

If that makes us their "enemies", then so be it. As long as they cannot call us "belligerents", lock us up and throw away the key – a power that, incredibly, this past week US government lawyers still asserted is their right. Against such abuses, we will keep fighting.

• This article was commissioned by the Daily Cloudt and appears here by permission of the editors
• Editor's note: the article originally stated that the administration lawyers filed an appeal against the injunction on 9 August; this was amended to 6 August on 10 August, at 1pm ET



The amateur president has had an easy ride in his re-election campaign – until now. He has been comfortably ahead in most of the opinion polls. The left-dominated news media continue to fawn upon Mr. Obama as though he were – in the words of one of his own close advisers – “black Jesus.”
Now, the black-Jesus freaks are in a panic. The first attack ads were on your screens within hours of Mitt Romney’s confirmation that Paul Ryan, the tea-party movement’s dream candidate, was to be his running-mate for veep.
The Church of Obama, much outspent by the Latter-Day Saints in the White House campaign, is in a panic. It has even resorted to a swear-word in an email inviting potential supporters to stump up $5 or more to keep Mr. Manchurian in the luxury to which he has become accustomed.
The hard-left “Democrats” of today (the quote-marks should surely be part of WND’s house style from now on) don’t just hate conservatives. They fear us.
Why? For all they try to make out that the tea-party movement is a tiny gathering of beyond-the-fringe extremists, they now suspect – and rightly – that this extraordinary, spontaneous, grass-roots uprising against the left’s encroachments upon liberty represents the opinions not of a marginal, numerically insignificant minority but of the great majority of the people of your great nation.
The “Democrats” also have very good reason to fear Paul Ryan. He is young, fresh-faced, good-looking, charmingly articulate, not fooled by the climate scam, conservative in matters of religion, opposed to baby-butchering. All of these are pluses with voters who had despaired of the wimpy pantywaists who have until recently been in control of the Republican Party. (Margaret Thatcher would have called them “wets.”)
Ryan’s biggest plus, though, is the one the “Democrats” are screeching about most volubly. He must have read my column of last week pointing out that out-of-control federal spending could bring America down without anyone firing a single shot. He has a plan for bringing that spending under control.
To control public spending you have to make the biggest possible cuts at the least political cost.
Yet the sheer grossness of Mr. Obama’s overspending leaves very little room to pick and choose between programs before deciding where the ax should fall. The very large cuts that are now essential to the very survival of the United States leave very little room for political maneuver. A lot of people who have been getting a lot of other people’s money for a long time are going to have to do without it.
It is often said that politicians think only in the short term. The truth is that it is the voters – or at least those who have allowed themselves to become habitually dependent upon the labor of the taxpayer for their living – who think short-term.
At each election, those who live at taxpayers’ expense have just one question in their minds: Which party will keep my gravy-train rolling along for a few more years?
The true significance of Mr. Ryan’s appointment is that, like the trail-blazing Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, and unlike just about everyone else in the Republican leadership, he is not afraid to be honest with the voters about the fact that the gravy-train has already tipped into the gulch.
Scott Walker fended off a recall challenge by an unholy consortium of unions and other beneficiaries of the taxpayers’ involuntary largesse by being straightforward with everyone about the extent of Wisconsin’s indebtedness and the seriousness of the consequences if it were not addressed.
Gov. Walker’s entire campaign was refreshingly undoctrinaire. Quietly, politely, gently, firmly, persistently, he spelled out how many beans make five (memo to black Jesus: the answer is a whole number greater than four and less than six).
He followed the advice Lenin gave but never followed: “Explain. Always explain.”
A substantial minority of union members voted for him. They could see he was genuinely worried about Wisconsin’s finances, and with good reason. When he gave them the freedom not to belong to unions if they chose not to, many chose not to.
I was also pleased to see that Ted Cruz, an outstanding tea-party candidate in Texas, won his primary. I had the pleasure of hearing him speak brilliantly in his home state recently. He will go far – you heard it here first.
Thanks to the “teabaggers,” suddenly the Grand Old Party – long dead from the neck up and from the neck down – is springing to glorious life once again.
Do not underestimate Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, or the countless other first-rate candidates who, thanks to your nation’s enduring devotion to your Founding Fathers’ principles, are now being chosen over the tired, custard-faced apparatchiks of the old Republican Party who preferred doing shoddy deals behind closed doors rather than explaining things openly to the voters.
Will the selection of Rep. Ryan be enough to turn the limp Romney campaign around? I don’t know, but it is a very good start.

Congratulations to the United States on topping the gold-medal table at the London Olympics. Britain came third after China. Bigger nations like ours have an unfair advantage over smaller ones in the official rankings, so – exclusive to WND – I’ve compiled new rankings adjusted for population – see the charts here. Grenada came out on top. Though only one gold medal was awarded in London for every 23.2 million of the world’s population, Grenada raised an Olympic champion from its population of just 109,000, making it the most successful sporting nation on Earth.

The new standard for policing protests

A little over two years ago the G20 met
in Toronto to discuss how they were going
to divide up the world amongst themselves.

With that meeting, Canada was introduced to
American-style protest suppression and police

Our rulers don't want to see you, they don't want
to hear you, they just want to plan their conquests
in relative peace and tranquility.

Or else...


Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
videos with friends and colleagues.

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - August 15, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - August 15, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 15-Aug-2012 06:39:47

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - August 15, 2012
We are entering the closing stages of the preparations for Ascension, and that requires a great deal of co-operation from our Allies. To dismantle the web of corruption, and the corporations that have been empowered by the Illuminati, has been a mammoth task and is still proceeding. Bear in mind that the plan of the dark Ones was established over 200 years ago, and its tentacles have penetrated almost every facet of your existence. Like a cancer it has quickly spread until it has become difficult to completely eliminate, but we have been able to bring it to a halt. Our allies have been using the very circumstances that the dark Ones have created, to turn it in upon themselves and have seriously weakened their power structure.
The removal of many top members of the Illuminati proceeds, and in general there is a build up to remove others who are their pawns in the political and Government circles. It is going well and will soon open up opportunities to move nearer to Disclosure, and get organized for the advancement of other projects. Believe us Dear Ones, we are well behind those who are carrying the responsibility for getting things really off the ground. We will all breath a sigh of relief when at last we can be seen to openly work with you. One aspect of your upliftment proceeds regardless of any activities to hold up your progress, and that is the amount of Light being received by you. It is pouring upon the Earth from many sources, many of which are outside of your solar system. You are in a Galactic shift of immense power and by now you are beginning to feel the changes.
At your level following your daily routine, you could be forgiven for thinking that very little was happening. That is far from the truth, and many Beings off Earth are involved in one of the most exciting adventures they have ever attended. It is such that your Universe is aware of the immense importance of what you are about to experience. If you truly realized what you have undertaken, you would hardly concern yourselves with what we would call the minor details. They are of course important to you, but none more so than your actual Ascension. So please keep your unwavering focus on where you are going, and leave the details to us and you will not be let down.
As you absorb more Light so you will find that your level of consciousness is growing. At a physical level you may feel at times as though you are walking upon air, even bouts of dizziness. That will pass and you will be truly aware of a greater peace within and be so assured about your future, that you will stand out as one who is glowing with love. Emotions will be calm and easily controlled, but you will experience a deep feeling of happiness and joy just to be on Earth at such a momentous time. It is also the subconscious realization that you have at last lifted up out of duality, and that it can no longer have any hold over you. You have reached your goal and won the battle to come through it all with your Light shining bright.
Think big and think Ascension, as it is the most fantastic experience that you will have and you will remember every second of it. Every soul has the same opportunity to lift up, so please do not worry about those around you who seem disinterested. They will yet have a final chance to ascend and you cannot know exactly what might awaken them. Either way they will follow a course that is right for them, and they will continue to have life experiences that keep them on the path of evolution. Help people by all means when you have an opportunity to do so, but do not force your beliefs upon them because as helpful as they may seem, you may do more harm than good. Souls grow at different rates of progress, and no two of you are exactly the same. Leave them to find their own path, and know that they have Guides as you do who work with them in that respect.
As you are finding out there are many sources turning their attention to what the future means to you in real terms. It is after all only a short time before you ascend, and you will need to know what to expect. At present no one source is attempting to cover every aspect of the changes, but each in turn is informing you of what you will experience in the immediate future and immediately after Ascension. The old technologies have long passed there usefulness, and must make way for great advances which so far you have been denied. As you already know much of it is based upon free energy which is everywhere in the Universe. No matter how much you use you can never run out, and it is simple to collect it and put it into use.
Another great change will see all pollution making applications replaced by ones that are pollution free. Pollution has not just damaged your land, but also the airways and your oceans. You and other forms of life have suffered illnesses or death as a consequence, and the earth has become poisoned. There is to be clean and healthy water, pure air and land that has been cleansed of poisonous chemicals and all forms of waste. Mother Earth has to be restored to her pristine condition, after millennia of time allowing Man to live off her. Eventually all areas that have been polluted with negative energies will also be restored, until nothing but the higher energies remain.
The Galactic Federation of Light has well prepared for the coming time, and has made audio presentations that will give you a clear understanding of what is going to happen. You have a reasonably good idea already, but we want to expand your knowledge so that you feel comfortable with the changes. The speed at which they will take place will ensure that you do not feel put out by them. Even the lifting up of Earth's vibrations will result in a degree of cleansing, because the lower energies will become transmuted through molecular changes. Our technologies will to a large extent allow us to operate directly from our craft that are stationed around your Earth. Indeed, we have already been working that way for quite a time, to keep major pollution in your oceans at a low level.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank you for your patience that shall be well rewarded. We are your friends and will treat you as such and share much with you that will be enjoyable, including some trips in our craft. Keep going and know that we and many other souls are with you, and love every one of you.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A 12 year old paints Heaven (Absolutely amazing)

Heaven (Absolutely amazing)

 A 12 year old paints Heaven (Absolutely amazing) 

Makes one pause, and reflect!!

Some of her art work is at Mardel and is so beautiful it takes your breath away

If you read the book “Heaven is for Real,” this is the little girl who was talked about in the book
and her rendition of Christ. Every time the little boy in the book saw a picture of Christ, his folks
would ask him if the pictures he saw actually looked like Christ. He would always say no until he
saw Akiane’s picture of Christ, then he said this is what Christ looks like. After you scroll through
her artwork there is a video at the end.

Absolutely amazing. Be sure and watch her video very near the end of the site...
after the last picture in the slide presentation.....

This is just too beautiful to describe.......................
The Video at the end of the little girl's website is beautiful and amazing.
This artist is lovely and her work is gorgeously spiritual.
Don't skip the video at the end... it really is a "must see".!