Thursday, August 16, 2012

Et First Contact Radio~ Earth Allies Will Be Live Thursday at 1:00Pm Pacific

Et First Contact Radio~ Earth Allies Will Be Live Thursday at 1:00Pm Pacific

15 August 2012
Join The Earth Allies Live With Radio Host Maarten Horst with ET First Contact Radio Thursday August 16th, 2012 at 1:00pm Pacific
Topics will be the last run to ascension and the development of disclosure and the building up of the energy leading up to it.

people can listen via www.bbsradio and click on Station 1

Gotta love this T-shirt

Iowa deli co-owner caters for Obama visit, but his T-shirt tells another story

Nikki Kahn/THE WASHINGTON POST - Ross Murty, a registered Republican, serves up supper in Davenport, Iowa, on Wednesday.
DAVENPORT, Iowa — Ross Murty likes business, but he doesn’t like President Obama.
And so the co-owner of the Village Corner Deli here agreed to cater Obama’s visit Wednesday — but not before donning a T-shirt blaring the message: “Government didn’t build my business. I did.”
The Fact Checker, Glenn Kessler, provides context for President Obama’s remark on government’s role in creating infrastructure.
The Fact Checker, Glenn Kessler, provides context for President Obama’s remark on government’s role in creating infrastructure.
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Mitt Romney is mad as hell — and he’s not going to take it anymore

Mitt Romney is mad as hell — and he’s not going to take it anymore
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What Congress’ record unpopularity means for Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney

What Congress’ record unpopularity means for Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney
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What a ‘giveaway’ House seat looks like

What a ‘giveaway’ House seat looks like
#5in5 | We visit a deep-red part of the state that was recently redrawn to include more Chicago suburbs.
It was a reference to a remark Obama made several weeks ago that his Republican opponent, Mitt Romney, has seized upon to portray Obama as anti-business. Obama, referring to the help government provides to businesses by building roads and providing education and other services, said, “If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that."
“No one from the government was there when we were sweating it, when we were building this business,” Murty said. Before him was a bank of chafing dishes filled with smoked beef brisket, pulled pork, vegetable parmesan bake and cheesy hash brown casserole provided to the White House press corps covering the president’s three-day swing across Iowa this week.
Murty, 45, a registered Republican, didn’t really have a choice with the catering job. His partner, Bret Dalton (a registered Democrat), accepted the work on Saturday while Murty was away in Chicago watching a Cubs game. Dalton volunteered for Vice President Biden’s presidential campaign in 1988, when he was a student at Iowa State University.
But that’s not why he got the contract.
“One of Obama’s lead people came into the deli Saturday morning,” Dalton said. “I didn’t even know it was for Obama until that night.”
When he found out, though, Dalton had some fun. He called up Murty, who was driving back from Chicago, and asked: “Guess who’s coming to town this week?”
“He was a little stunned,” Dalton recalled. But the two take their political disagreements in stride, and the conversation was all in good fun, both said.
“I would never say no to anybody for any reason,” Murty said. “My partner and I have different views in politics, but business is business.”
The White House performs background checks on contractors for security reasons, but it does not vet them for their political views. Also, the caterers are hired to provide food for the White House press corps, which pays for the food, even though the White House makes the arrangements.
The Obama campaign had no comment on Murty's T-shirt.
But the Romney campaign seized on the moment, circulating pictures that reporters had tweeted of Murty with his controversial T-shirt. “Mr. President, please stay another day!” the Romney campaign e-mail said.

Las Vegas - Family needs your help

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Las Vegas - Family needs your help
Posted By: AndiV
Date: Thursday, 16-Aug-2012 01:50:40

Please see campaign at
On October 21, 2011, tragedy struck the Mowery family. The two youngest daughters were walking in a crosswalk with their best friend and her older sister, as well as their older sister, when a 78-year-old driver did not see the crosswalk. She went around the stopped cars and struck the three youngest girls. Rain and Mia were thrown over 80 feet. Alyssa was carried on the hood of the car for 143 feet before being thrown off and tumbling across the asphalt.
Rain was released from the ICU after three days with a skull fracture and brain bleed. A few hours later, Mia died from her injuries. Alyssa was on life support and in the ICU for five weeks. She was then in the rehabilitation hospital for another five weeks, where she learned how to move, eat, crawl, walk and talk again.
Although Alyssa has made tremendous improvements, and she truly is a miracle, she has a long road to recovery ahead of her. She suffered brain damage which has manifested in a regression to a toddler state, she no longer understands what is inappropriate or dangerous, and she has short-term memory loss. She often repeats the same phrases and questions hundreds of times per day.
Alyssa requires 24/7 care and attention, which prevents her mom from working outside the home. This has caused extreme financial hardship, as she is now a single mother of six children. She recently lost her vehicle, because the finance company wouldn't work with her. They are also facing eviction and disconnections on their utilities. They desperately need your help.
Your contributions will help this family purchase a reliable vehicle to transport Alyssa to her numerous weekly therapy and treatment appointments. Your contributions will also help them with meeting their basic needs, as well as the long-term medical needs for Alyssa. You have a chance to make a difference in this family's lives...please take this opportunity to show them you care and they are not alone. 

Military Pay

Subject: Military Pay
Date: August 13, 2012 4:45:55 AM EDT


Military Pay 
If you get this more than once, feel honored that you know more than one person who supports our military and appreciates what they do.

If you don't forward it, you don't deserve their sacrifice.

CINDY WILLIAMS was appointed by Obama as an Assistant Director for NATIONAL SECURITY in the Congressional Budget Office..... 
This is an Airman's response to Cindy Williams' editorial piece in the Washington Times about MILITARY PAY, it should be printed in all newspapers across America ..  
Ms. Cindy William  wrote a piece for the Washington Times denouncing the pay raise(s) coming service members' way this year citing that she stated a 13% wage increase was more than they deserve.   
A young airman from Hill AFB responds to her article below. He ought to get a bonus for this. 
"Ms  Williams:

I just had the pleasure of reading your column, "Our GI's earn enough" and I am a bit confused. Frankly, I'm wondering where this vaunted overpayment is going, because as far as I can tell, it disappears every month between DFAS (The Defense Finance and Accounting Service) and my bank account. Checking my latest earnings statement I see that I make $1,117..80 before taxes per month. After taxes, I take home $874.20.  When I run that through the calculator, I come up with  an annual salary of $13,413.60 before taxes, and $10,490.40 after.  

I work in the Air Force Network Control Center where I am part of the team responsible for a 5,000 host computer network. I am involved with infrastructure segments, specifically with Cisco Systems equipment. A quick check under jobs for "Network Technicians" in the Washington, D.C. area reveals a position in my career field, requiring three years experience in my job. Amazingly, this job does NOT pay $13,413.60 a year. No, this job is being offered at $70,000 to $80,000 per annum............. I'm sure you can draw the obvious conclusions.  

Given the tenor of your column, I would assume that you NEVER had the pleasure of serving your country in her armed forces.  

Before you take it upon yourself to once more castigate congressional and DOD leadership for attempting to get the families in the military's lowest pay brackets off of WIC and food stamps, I suggest that you join a group of deploying soldiers headed for AFGHANISTAN; I leave the choice of service branch up to you. Whatever choice you make though, opt for the SIX month rotation: it will guarantee you the longest possible time away from your family and friends, thus giving you full "deployment experience."

As your group prepares to board the plane, make sure to note the spouses and children who are saying good-bye to their loved ones. Also take care to note that several families are still unsure of how they'll be able to make ends meet while the primary breadwinner is gone. Obviously they've been squandering the "vast" piles of cash the government has been giving them. 

Try to deploy over a major holiday; Christmas and Thanksgiving are perennial favorites.. And when you're actually over there, sitting in a foxhole, shivering against the cold desert night, and the flight sergeant tells you that there aren't enough people on shift to relieve you for chow, remember this: trade whatever MRE's (meal-ready-to-eat) you manage to get for the tuna noodle casserole or cheese tortellini, and add Tabasco to everything. This gives some flavor.  

Talk to your loved ones as often as you are permitted; it won't be nearly long enough or often enough, but take what you can get and be thankful for it. You may have picked up on the fact that I disagree with most of the points you present in your open piece.  

But, tomorrow from KABUL, I will defend to the death your right to say it.  

You see, I am an American fighting man, a guarantor of your First Amendment right and every other right you cherish...On a daily basis, my brother and sister soldiers worldwide ensure that you and people like you can thumb your collective noses at us, all on a salary that is nothing short of pitiful and under conditions that would make most people cringe. We hemorrhage our best and brightest into the private sector because we can't offer the stability and pay of civilian companies.   
And you, Ms... Williams, have the gall to say that we make more than we deserve? What do you think someone should be paid to defend your life, and the life of your family?

A1C Michael Bragg,  Hill AFB AFNCC



August 16, 2012 – The White Hats Report #47

Thursday, August 16, 2012

August 16, 2012 – The White Hats Report #47

Watergate revisited?

The beginning of the end of the Obama Presidency has begun.  The only questions that remain are:
  • How will the charade play out before the American public and the rest of the world?
  • How many will the cabal sacrifice to keep their agenda alive?
  • Will an insider FINALLY come forward, turn Patriotic…and reveal all the secrets?
  • When will it all begin?
The most likely starting volley in this unfolding historic process could very well be the resignation of Vice President of the United States, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.

Whether he uses a fabricated medical condition, or if they make more out of the “slaves and chains” comment he fumbled through the other day, the political machine has to come up with a very convincing reason for his exit. The White Hats believe the brain tumor story, which has come to the forefront again, would be a very good reason for the comments he has been making.   Most of our counter parts in the international intel circles see the handwriting on the wall and say expect it this mid-week … and we are there … right now.

What does this mean in the big picture?

Obama is in serious trouble … on multiple fronts.

First, he has purposefully interfered with the Global Settlements, the Iraqi Dinar Revaluation and in turn the Global Financial Reset effort.  Through all of the stories of Obama’s rants, meltdowns and temper tantrums (see past WH articles for details), he has been rational enough to methodically interfere with the progress of the United States and the World with the Global Financial Reset.  In the end, he has completed the work of the New World Order boys very well, but even the NWO boys are concerned as the Cabal is very aware that one of the standing dominoes just turned sideways.  This could be the downfall of the cabal if they don’t grab control and formulate extreme measures to counteract the Obama situation.

Second, the elite crew in the White House has a bigger problem with the international community that has clearly had enough with the greed, corruption, financial terrorism and Nazi agenda.  This has been addressed with 80 some nations signing an official criminal complaint against Obama personally in The World Court … and personally against Biden, Reid, Pelosi and Michelle Obama.  More to come on the criminal charges, just know it has happened and it is slowly progressing through the process.  In short, the world is officially done with American Leadership, and as Americans can’t control their own house, the international community is taking matters into their own hands.  A rogue American President with a narcissistic agenda and controlled by the New World Order is the directed cause.  How can the world know this and our own American leadership not?  This leads us to the next item.

Third, the next significant problem is both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party is in serious trouble.  The boys and girls in the DNC know Obama will lose the election and he will not fight, with all of his personal problems, for his Political life.  Too many of the international interests have the evidence of his crimes! The Democratic leadership has no options as they bought into the Bush (NWO) plans hook, line and sinker and when Obama resigns … the DNC is standing in the cold at election time.

Fourth, Obama is positioning himself to leave the Presidency.  Again, this is nothing new … the exit strategy has been in place for years.  It was always part of the plan!  The question will be when does he leave and will it be due to force (i.e. damaging evidence like a birther issue or the fraudulent SS#) or based on his own volition.  We know the answer to this.

We know that Costa Rica has officially, unofficially rejected Obama’s very kind offer to live in exile in their Country … on that property he has an interest in.  We also know that Venezuela, after five minutes of very careful consideration, has rejected the same kind of offer.  In fact, it seems not one Country in the world has accepted Obama’s kind offer to live in exile in their Country.  Apparently, the word is out that Obama has mental meltdowns and is out of control.  So everyone, with an interest in seeing a better stronger America, is searching for a place that a billionaire man, a woman, two children and a dog can live in quiet exile for the rest of their lives. We know he can easily live on what he has pillaged from the America public and, he has filled his pockets at every turn, so he can easily afford the security required to live in luxury.  Unfortunately, regardless of the wealth of a person, most landlords know that dogs can ruin a house and yard … so dogs are not allowed.

The most likely scenario

In order for Obama to leave he had to cut a deal with the devil(s), this time in mass … the Bush cabal, the Democratic and Republican Party, Bill Clinton and his Chicago clan.  Power structure is a big thing in these types of negotiations.  In order for Obama to announce his departure, a plan had to be developed that pleased all of his controllers.  Why?  As John Wayne used to say … “That’s just the way it is, son”.  Anyway, as the succession game will not be palatable to any of the parties as they all lose control, they need to get the next President into position.  It had to be someone they could control and someone that would qualify to the general public as an incumbent. Someone that is the most electable, in the November general election, as the incumbency period will only be 60 to 75 days.  If you think we are kidding, just check out the memory span of the average American is where Biden comes in and continues to be a patsy. Biden, the consummate “place your foot in your mouth guy”, the “expendable one”, the “fall guy”, the “take one for the team guy”, has to leave in order to get the proper Democrat in position for the next phase of the operation.

So, Biden is the fall guy, the offering up of a stooge, patsy, and scapegoat in order to stem the bleeding. After all, this has been his sole use to the cabal from the beginning, a willing idiot who will sell his soul and friendship for a few greenbacks. The guy you sacrifice as a “condition” to calm the masses and hopefully, the international community as well. The cabal has already goosed its beholden media machine to paint them as the fool and stooge he really is. Did it really take them four years to figure this out when he’s been a complete buffoon his whole political career?

And what does he get?

Answer:  All of the funds that have slipped into his back pocket including the 200 million dollars ($200,000,000.00, see WHs Reports for further info)  Hillary slipped him to keep quiet about the funds Bush Sr. and Romney stole from Biden’s close friend, Edward Falcone.  The funds are a coup for Biden as it was a big financial hit for a guy in office for such a short amount of time and all he had to do was turn his back on his close friend, Falcone. Notwithstanding, you should see what he has taken from people who are not his friends.

Due to the timeframes of the election, Obama will be in need of the most electable running mate and he will need to get confirmation in the Senate and in Congress to sit that party in the Vice Presidency. Think 1974 … Watergate … Nixon … Agnew … Ford.  We have heard that Petraeus was on the short list, but we sincerely hope that Petraeus is far too smart for that game and we don’t believe he will subject himself to any of this.

The only person who would be the ultimate definitive choice is Hillary Clinton, our current Secretary of State.  Interesting how she has been out of the limelight lately.  In fact, the Public Relations campaign has attempted to show her as a fun-loving, down to earth, party gal when she is, in fact, a treacherous snake who cannot be trusted.

Hillary would be a definitive stooge for the position.  She is known by the American people as we all watched her defend her husband on television.  She has experience as a Senator of New York and she has carried out the Cabal’s agenda throughout the world as the current Secretary of the State since Obama took office four years ago.    The Cabal has the same position on her, after all, she is close friends with the Bushes and a co-conspirator to many of their criminal enterprises.

So Hilary is pushed into the Vice President position.  Then what?  The Cabal has 60 to 75 days to get Obama out but to what expense to the Democratic Party?  Tough position.  Do you take the hit now and risk that Hillary can beat Romney in 75 days or less or do you take a chance on Obama being able to pull it out, THEN have Obama resign after the election and allow Hilary to take over the Presidency?  Either way is a tough position for the Democrats and the Cabal and either way, Obama is going down in a ball of flames for everything he has perpetrated on the American people and the World.

WH Narrative:  Remember the Vatican Accounts?  It seems the money our elected leadership received in bribes to turn their heads has caught up to them. Our elected and appointed leaders have been compromised. They have no way out of their conundrum.  They know their only option is to sit tight, hold on to their seat and HOPE they don’t get thrown under the bus like Biden.  Remember, it’s a brotherhood up on Capitol Hill … nobody rats out anyone else.  If one is outed, the rest are quick to close ranks and keep it out of the public view, hoping it will not resurface. All of this of course is enhanced and accomplished by the paid off, controlled and compromised mainstream media.

When our elected leaders and appointees are forcibly ousted for their wrong doings, they hold out till someone in the political machine negotiates their “golden parachute”. This includes immunity and some minimal consequence with a blessing of a fortune on the other side to thank the culprit for “taking one for the team”.  Regardless of the maneuvers to get the vermin out, it all is presented as a “for the sake of the country” maneuver.  After all, it would be better for the Country and the World if we just sweep this under the rug, right?   Well, no!  The White Hats believe it would be better for the Country and the world to examine the vermin and what they have been up to for all to see.  Hold them accountable.  Let the American people and the people of the World see that we are accountable for our own.  Let the Country and the World see that we prosecute our treasonous perpetrators.

Unfortunately for the Republicans, they are in the same position.  The only hope for them is that Romney wins, wins big and saves them.  Remember we have continued to state that Romney is also Bush’s (NWO) boy.  He has the Herzog relationship mess to deal with, the theft of funds from Falcone and others, offshore banking revelations, hidden financial interests and numerous other items hidden in the closet and out of public view.  This will make him a target whether in office or not.  He will continue to be our target as he has been in so many of our reports but we can wait.  We want the Cabal to remember that Dewhurst’s demise in the Texas elections was savored at our table.  Money and ground efforts to take down an incompetent political player were exciting.  Let Dewhurst’s demise be a clear warning shot over your bow that we are here to stay and so are the millions of folks that read our information.  The word is out and so will you be.

For Bush Sr. and his clan, they want to control both sides of the ledger as this is the NWO in action.  Many years to plan out and they are down to a few, very intense months.   Why?  All of this is for the control and demise of the United States, control of the Military machine and the Secret Government.  Does this all sound like a mystery spy novel?  Are we sounding like a conspiratorial blog with ranting, raving, lunatics writing stories?  We might be inclined to admit there is more than a bit of lunacy involved but what do you expect from power hungry cabalists? We only reveal this sordid tale for the betterment of the Red, White & Blue and each and every precept that has made our United States of America, the example we should be.  We want the world to know that we do not accept the status quo in our Country, nor do we accept the games being played by professional politicians like the Bush crime family. The world intelligence communities know we are very accurate!  It is interesting when truth is stranger than fiction.  The world never thought Hitler had the plans he did until they found the rail roads leading to the camps.  You all have been told and warned … what are you going to do?  Are you going to let someone else handle it … like our government?  The FEMA camps are warm and inviting.

Another issue is that Obama has claimed he will institute martial law.  Will he institute martial law just prior to the election or will he institute like he uses the War Powers Act to issue Executive Orders thereby bypassing the Senate and Congress for his actions?  Only he and the Cabal know for sure.

Upcoming Elections in the US

This may surprise some of you but its time you realize your elected officials DO NOT care about you. They’re bloodsuckers…..parasites….the epitome of evil.  While the citizens suffer unemployment, foreclosures, their wealth stolen from them on a daily basis through unending taxation…your representatives operate by a different set of rules…a different set of laws.  If the Obama health care plan is so great, why doesn’t it apply to them? Yes, the one Chief Justice Roberts had to rewrite into a tax to justify allowing it to stand….forcing everyone to buy health insurance (and take the chip) or be penalized for not participating.  Is this America? Is this what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote the Constitution?

It’s time we all realize that our elected officials are nothing but traitors to the Constitution…..treasonous individuals who care nothing about the people they’re elected to represent but instead, only about the size of their bank accounts, the luxurious lifestyle they maintain and the ego boost of being “in charge”.  They regard the people they represent as idiots….. slaves who cannot think for themselves or do for themselves. Like actors in a dark play, talking out of both sides of their mouths and putting on a “show” that passes for leadership.  They write and pass laws that don’t apply to them…..they write and pass laws that only benefit their campaign contributors….and all the while, their net worth balloons from a few thousand when they’re first elected to hundreds of millions before they finally leave and ride off into the sunset to enjoy their bounty. How does this happen? How can a group who are paid $175,000 a year amass a net worth of hundreds of millions while they’re supposed to be doing their job for us?  Can you say, “Lie, cheat, steal, pillage and plunder from their constituents?”

And you can bet your life they have their tickets.

Yet come November, you all will go to the polls and re-elect them, giving them the mandate to continue to destroy your life, your freedoms and your wealth at their own expense. It’s time to wake up and do something before this country that gave hope to the world becomes another footnote in history….another failed experiment where the people give up and remove themselves from the process and allow their elected “leaders” to control their lives. The only place they will lead us is to poverty, destruction and death. Look around; is this the America you want? Is this the life you dreamed of when you were in school, trying to decide what you want to be when you grow up? A destitute nation where we live paycheck to paycheck or on unemployment and collecting food stamps while paying taxes to a Government that is anything but transparent and does not have the best interest of its citizens at heart?

As the media leads us down the path to ruin, giving us the impression we only have two choices…Republican or Democrat….we continue to “buy in” to the fraud and willingly participate. There are alternatives!

The first alternative is to vote OUT the incumbent.  The approval polls show a 10% rate for Congress yet every election year, a great majority of incumbents are re-elected. Why we continue to re-elect representatives we clearly do not approve of is beyond comprehension.

The second alternative is to vote for ANYONE but a Democrat or Republican. Yes, some of you will complain and say you want your vote to count. Do you really think voting in an illegal incumbent President intent on destroying America is making your vote count????  Or voting for the alternative in the way of Romney will make any difference when BOTH are controlled by the same cabal?  Is this what you call “making your vote count”? No, it’s nothing but an illusion to make the people think they are participating in the process when they are actually WILLINGLY giving a mandate to the agenda.  

The third alternative is to cast your vote for a write-in candidate.  Author Michael Lindsay has detailed how a write in candidate can run for the Presidency of the United States in his novel, A Throne Awaits (  He explains the process by which a write in candidate can run and compete for the presidency outside the controlled party agenda of Democrat and Republican. A write in candidate is NOT beholden to any contributors nor are they beholden to any party hacks or party platforms. They are beholden only to the citizens who cast their votes for them.  They answer only to the people…not the special interest groups, not the bankster cabal, not the foreign countries with too much influence in US politics and not the party affiliation which put them on the ballot in the first place. It’s not too late to register as a write in candidate. Do it for your local election….city, county or state. Do it for the federal election and send a message to DC that we can take back this country.

We’re all aware of the computer generated ballots and the numerous ways the results can be manipulated during this process. The way to get around this? Request an absentee ballot. This will serve as your “receipt”, evidencing who you voted for and circumventing the ability to “fix” the elections through the computer generated process.

It’s time to STOP treating these people like rock stars, movie idols and heroes and start treating them as what they are: criminals, traitors and treasonous poison to our Republic.  The same goes for the prostitute talking heads in the media. Being paid millions of dollars to tell us how to think and what to think and all the while we worship them as if they are special. They are nothing more than well paid shills who keep us in the dark, feed us BS and laugh all the way to the bank.

And let’s be clear, the elected “leaders” of our country and the world are merely the shills, the marionettes and the mercenaries of the puppet Masters who stay hidden in their closets and dungeons, plotting the takeover of the planet with their off-world cohorts. They are the ones handing out the tickets to their minions who carry out their evil and deadly agendas. Have you ever seen a Rothschild or a Rockefeller mentioned in the numerous lists of the wealthiest people in the world? No, only the names of their puppets and co-conspirators in the business world … Gates … Buffett … Walton … Soros … Bloomberg … Murdoch. Why are the bankers mysteriously left off all these lists? The Rothschilds and Rockefellers and Morgans?

They want to keep us divided; debating left and right, Obama or Romney, Republican or Democrat.  The distractions from the real issue are unending. This is our reason to make the call to unite the voices on the internet into one strong, united movement.  We need to come together and we need to do it NOW! For our country, for our planet, for our children and for ourselves.

The time for waiting and watching is over ... but only by your voice and efforts will we achieve:
  • Safety in Numbers
  • Strength in Voice
  • Realization of Freedom
  • Unity of People
The White Hat Reporters

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Subpoenas Sent To A Number Of Major Banks on Libor manipulation

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Subpoenas Sent To A Number Of Major Banks on Libor manipulation
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 15-Aug-2012 20:16:47

New York subpoenas major banks on Libor manipulation

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has sent subpoenas to a number of major banks as part of his office's probe into the manipulation of Libor, the world's benchmark interest rate, according to a source with knowledge of the investigation.
Barclays (BCS), Citigroup (C, Fortune 500), Deutsche Bank (DB), HSBC (HBC), JPMorgan Chase (, Fortune 500), Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and UBS (UBS) have all received subpoenas, according to the source.
In July Schneiderman and the Connecticut attorney general's office told CNNMoney that they had been conducting a joint investigation into the Libor scandal for several months.
The New York attorney general's office did not return requests for comment. A representative from the Connecticut attorney general's office declined to comment Wednesday.
Libor is the world's most important benchmark for interest rates. Trillions of dollars in credit cards, home mortgages and car and student loans, as well as derivatives, are tied to it.
Representatives from Barclays, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, RBS, declined to comment on the subpoenas. UBS did not return calls for comment. A Citigroup spokeswoman referred to an earlier regulatory filing disclosing that New York and Connecticut had requested documents and information related to Libor.
The subpoenas are yet another sign that investigators are pushing forward with their probe into how banks allegedly manipulated this key interest rate. The potential penalties are expected to add up for major banks.
Barclays, the first bank to settle with regulators, paid U.K. and U.S. regulators $453 million in penalties for rigging Libor. The bank's CEO resigned in the wake of that announcement.

Saving the Post Office: Letter Carriers Consider Bringing Back Banking Services

True US History
Saving the Post Office: Letter Carriers Consider Bringing Back Banking Services
By Ellen Brown
Aug 13, 2012 - 7:23:04 PM

Saving the Post Office: Letter Carriers Consider Bringing Back Banking Services

August 12, 2012

Ellen Brown
Chairman and President
Public Banking Institute

On July 27, 2012, the National Association of Letter Carriers adopted a resolution at their national convention in Minneapolis to investigate the establishment of a postal banking system. The resolution noted that expanding postal services and developing new sources of revenue are important components of any effort to save the public post office and preserve living-wage jobs; that many countries have a long and successful history of postal banking, including Germany, France, Italy, Japan and the United States itself; and that postal banks could serve the nine million people who don't have a bank account and the 21 million who use usurious check cashers, giving low-income people access to a safe banking system.

"A USPS [United States Postal Service] bank would offer a 'public option' for banking," concluded the resolution, "providing basic checking and savings - and no complex financial wheeling and dealing."What is bankrupting the USPS is not that it is inefficient. It has been self-funded throughout its history. But in 2006, Congress required it to prefund postal retiree health benefits for 75 years into the future, an onerous burden no other public or private company is required to carry. The USPS has evidently been targeted by a plutocratic Congress bent on destroying the most powerful unions and privatizing all public services, including education. Britain's 150-year-old postal service is on the privatization chopping block for the same reason, and its postal workers have also vowed to fight. Adding banking services is an internationally tested and proven way to maintain post office solvency and profitability.

Serving an Underserved Market Without Going Broke

Many countries operate postal savings systems through their post offices, providing depositors without access to banks a safe, convenient way to save. Great Britain first offered this arrangement in 1861. It was wildly popular, attracting over 600,000 accounts and £8.2 million in deposits in its first five years. By 1927, there were twelve million accounts - one in four Britons -with £283 million on deposit.
Other postal banks followed. They were popular because they serviced a huge untapped market - the unbanked and underbanked. According to a Discussion Paper of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs:

The essential characteristic distinguishing postal financial services from the private banking sector is the obligation and capacity of the postal system to serve the entire spectrum of the national population, unlike conventional private banks which allocate their institutional resources to service the sectors of the population they deem most profitable.
Serving the unbanked and underbanked may sound like a losing proposition, but numerous precedents show that postal savings banks serving low-income and rural populations can be quite profitable. (See below.) In many countries, according to the UN paper, banking revenues are actually crucial to maintaining the profitability of their postal network. Letter delivery generates losses and often requires cross-subsidies from the post's other activities in order to maintain its network. One effective solution has been to create or expand the role of postal financial services.

One reason public postal banks are profitable is that their costs are low: the infrastructure is already built and available, advertising costs are minimal and government-owned banks do not award their management extravagant bonuses or commissions that drain profits away. Rather, profits return to the government and the people.

Profits also return to the government in another way: money that comes out from under mattresses and gets deposited in savings accounts can be used to purchase government bonds. In Japan, for example, Japan Post Bank is the holder of fully one-fifth of the national debt. The government has its own captive government lender, servicing the debt at low interest rates without risking the vagaries of the international bond market.
Fully 95 percent of Japan's national debt is held domestically in one way or another. That helps explain how Japan can have the worst debt-to-gross-domestic-product ratio of any major country and still maintain its standing as the world's largest creditor. If you owe the money to yourself, it's not really a debt.

Some Examples of Successful Public Postal Banks


New Zealand's profitable postal bank had a return on equity of 11.7 percent in the second half of 2011, with net profits almost trebling. It is the only New Zealand bank able to compete with the big four Australian banks that dominate the New Zealand financial sector.

In fact, Kiwibank was set up for that purpose. When the New Zealand postal banks were instituted in 2002, it was not to save the post office, but to save New Zealand families and small businesses from big-bank predators. By 2001, Australian mega-banks controlled some 80 percent of New Zealand's retail banking. Profits went abroad and were maximized by closing less profitable branches, especially in rural areas. The result was to place hardships on many New Zealand families and small businesses.

The New Zealand government decided to launch a state-owned bank that would compete with the Aussie banks. To keep costs low while still providing services in communities throughout New Zealand, the planning team opened bank branches in post offices, establishing Kiwibank as a subsidiary of the government-owned New Zealand Post.

Suddenly, New Zealanders had a choice in banking. In an early version of the "move your money" campaign, 500,000 customers transferred their deposits to public postal banks in Kiwibank's first five years - this in a country of only four million people.
Kiwibank consistently earns the nation's highest customer satisfaction ratings, forcing the Australia-owned banks to improve their service in order to compete.

China's State-Owned Postal Savings Bureau

With the assistance of the People's Bank of China (the central bank), China's Postal Savings Bureau was re-established in 1986 after a 34-year lapse. As in New Zealand, savings deposits flooded in, showing an extraordinary growth rate of over 50 percent annually in the first half of the 1990s and over 24 percent annually in the second half. By 1998, postal savings accounted for 47 percent of China Post's operating revenues; and 80 percent of China's post offices provided postal savings services. The Postal Savings Bureau has served as a vital link in mobilizing income and profits from the private sector, providing credit that is available to finance local development.
In 2007, the Postal Savings Bank of China was set up from the Postal Savings Bureau and established as a state-owned limited company, which continues to provide postal banking services.

Japan Post Bank

By 2007, Japan Post was the largest holder of personal savings in the world, boasting combined assets for its savings bank and insurance arms of more than ¥380 trillion (US$3.2 trillion). It was also the largest employer in Japan. As in China, Japan Post recaptures and mobilizes income from the private sector, funding the government at low interest rates and protecting the nation's sovereign debt from raids by foreign speculators.

Switzerland's Swiss Post

Postal financial services are by far the most profitable activity of Swiss Post, which suffers heavy losses from its parcel delivery and only marginal profits from letter delivery operations.

India's Post Office Savings Bank (POSB)

POSB is India's largest banking institution and its oldest, having been established in the latter half of the 19th century following the success of the postal savings bank system in England. Operated by the government of India, it provides small savings banking and financial services. The Department of Posts is now seeking to expand these services by obtaining a license for the creation of a full-fledged bank that would offer full lending and investing services.

Russia's PochtaBank

Russia, too, is seeking to expand its post office services. The head of the highly successful state-owned Sberbank has stepped down to take on the task of revitalizing the Russian post office and create a post office bank. PochtaBank will operate in the Russian Post's 40,000 local post offices. The post office will function as a banking institution and compete on equal footing not only with private banks, but with Sberbank itself.

Brazil's ECT

Brazil instituted a postal banking system in 2002 on a public/private model with the national postal service (ECT), forming a partnership with the largest private bank in the country (Bradesco) to provide financial services at post offices. The current partnership is with Bank of Brazil. ECT (also known as Correios) is one of the largest state-owned companies in Latin America, with an international service network reaching more than 220 countries worldwide.

The US Postal Savings System

The now-defunct US Postal Savings System was also quite successful in its day. It was set up in 1911 to get money out of hiding, attract the savings of immigrants accustomed to saving at post offices in their native countries, provide safe depositories for people who had lost confidence in private banks and furnish depositories that had longer hours and were more convenient for working people than what private banks provided. The minimum deposit was $1 and the maximum was $2,500. The postal system paid two percent interest on deposits annually. It issued US Postal Savings Bonds in various denominations that paid annual interest, as well as Postal Savings Certificates and domestic money orders. Savings in the system spurted to $1.2 billion during the 1930s and jumped again during World War II, peaking in 1947 at almost $3.4 billion.

The US Postal Savings System was shut down in 1967, not because it was inefficient, but because it became unnecessary after the profitability of catering to the unbanked and underbanked became apparent to the private financial sector. Private banks then captured the market, raising their interest rates and offering the same governmental guarantees that the Postal Savings System had.

Time to Revive the US Postal Savings System?

Today, the market of the unbanked and underbanked has grown again, including about one in four US households, according to a 2009 FDIC survey. Without access to conventional financial services, people turn to an alternative banking market of bill pay, prepaid debit cards and check cashing services, as well as payday loans. The unbanked pay excessive fees for basic financial services, are susceptible to high-cost predatory lenders  and have trouble buying a home and other assets because they have little or no credit history. On average, a payday borrower pays back $800 for a $300 loan, with $500 purely going toward interest. Low-income adults in the US spend over five billion dollars paying off fees and debt associated with predatory loans every year. People with access to banks are better able to resist these services and break the cycle of poverty.

Another underserviced market is the rural population. In May, a move to shutter 3,700 low-revenue post offices was halted only by months of dissent from rural states and their lawmakers, who said the cost cutting would hurt their communities. Banking services are also more limited for farmers following the 2008 financial crisis. With shrinking resources for obtaining credit, family farmers and ranchers are finding it increasingly difficult to stay in their homes.

Postal banking could be a win-win in these circumstances, providing jobs and income for the post office along with safe and inexpensive banking services for underserviced populations.
Countries such as Russia and India are exploring full-fledged lending services through their post offices; but if lending to the underbanked seems too risky, a US postal bank could follow the lead of Japan Post and use the credit generated from its deposits to buy safe and liquid government bonds. That could still make the bank a win-win-win, providing income for the post office, safe and inexpensive depository and checking services for the underbanked and a reliable source of public funding for the government.

Ellen is an attorney and the author of eleven books, including Web of Debt: The Shocking Truth About Our Money System and How We Can Break Free. Her websites are and  She is also chairman of the Public Banking Institute

How YOU can Support a US Postal Bank:

If your Congressperson is on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, please call him/her, ask for an appointment during their recess, and go meet with him/her to discuss post office banks and the history of the US Postal Savings system.  Directory listings are here and here.


Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, Maryland, Ranking Member
Rep. Edolphus Towns, New York
Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, New York
Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton, District of Columbia
Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich, Ohio
Rep. John F. Tierney, Massachusetts
Rep. Wm. Lacy Clay, Missouri
Rep. Stephen F. Lynch, Massachusetts
Rep. Jim Cooper, Tennessee
Rep. Gerald E. Connolly, Virginia
Rep. Mike Quigley, Illinois
Rep. Danny K. Davis, Illinois
Rep. Bruce Braley, Iowa
Rep. Peter Welch, Vermont
Rep. John Yarmuth, Kentucky
Rep. Christopher S. Murphy, Connecticut
Rep. Jackie Speier, California


Rep. Darrell E. Issa (CA-49), Chairman

Rep. Dan Burton (IN-05)
Rep. John L. Mica (FL-07)
Rep. Todd Platts (PA-19)
Rep. Michael Turner (OH-03)
Rep. Patrick T. McHenry (NC-10)
Rep. Jim Jordan (OH-04)
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (UT-03)
Rep. Connie Mack (FL-14)
Rep. Tim Walberg (MI-3)
Rep. James Lankford (OK-5)
Rep. Justin Amash (MI-3)
Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle (NY-25)
Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ-1)
Rep. Raúl R. Labrador (ID-1)
Rep. Pat Meehan (PA-7)
Rep. Scott DesJarlais (TN-4)
Rep. Joe Walsh (IL-8)
Rep. Trey Gowdy (SC-4)
Rep. Dennis Ross (FL-12)
Rep. Blake Farenthold (TX-27)
Rep. Mike Kelly (PA-3)

More about the Public Banking Institute

The Public Banking Institute (PBI) was formed in January 2011 as an educational non-profit organization. Our mission is to restore abundance to local communities.

Public banking frees the credit potential of public revenues and then harnesses this public wealth to create sustainable, abundant and affordable credit. This credit -- our credit -- supports state and municipal budgets with both a new source of non-tax revenue and with increased revenue collection from expanding economic activity.

PBI’s vision is to establish a distributed network of state and local publicly-owned banks that create affordable credit, while providing a sustainable alternative to the current high-risk centralized private banking system. This network will act in the public interest, using its counter-cyclical credit-generating capacity to stabilize potential credit crises, maintain the floor against threats of asset devaluations, build infrastructure, and fund expansion of critical industrial productive capacity.  Most important, public banking will create jobs, by partnering with local banks to fund local business, advancing credit for public infrastructure, and augmenting government revenues.

PBI’s mission includes analyzing U.S. and global financial events to facilitate public banking, sharing best practices and lessons learned from research and initiatives in the U.S. and globally, using PBI’s online resources, website, webinars, blog, and in-person conferences.  PBI’s activities include:

•Publication of research involving the U.S. private banking system, past and current;

•Evaluation of existing and historical public banking models, in the U.S. and abroad;

•Publication of research regarding the legal requirements, structure, and daily operations of existing and proposed public banking and financing systems;

•Publication of a semi-annual legislative guide and presentations to aide local public banking initiatives; and

•Organization of public forums that enable state and local public banking efforts.


For more information on how BND operates, and how it partners with community banks instead of competing with them:

“Public Banking in America” Legislative Guide, Spring 2011, pp. 17-23. Ed Sather and bankers from several states explore the North Dakota model.

• Bank of North Dakota,

• Public Banking Institute,

March, 2011 Newsletter

April, 2011 Newsletter

May "Read the Bills (1 of 2)"

May "Read the Bills (2 of 2)"

May "The Fed Speaks" Special Edition

June, 2011 Newsletter

July, 2011 Newsletter

August, 2011 Newsletter

September, 2011, Newsletter

October, 2011, Newsletter

November, 2011, Newsletter

February, 2012, Special Edition

March, 2012, Newsletter

May, 2012, Newsletter

June, 2012, Newsletter

July, 2012, Newsletter

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Public Banking Institute
PO Box 2195
Sonoma, California  95476

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