Thursday, August 16, 2012

Russia Issues Apocalyptic Warning For US Gulf Coast

August 15, 2012
Russia Issues Apocalyptic Warning For US Gulf Coast
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A shocking report from Russian Northern Fleet scientists aboard the Gepard Akula II, which just completed its maiden voyage off the United States coastline in the Gulf of Mexico, warns the aftereffects from the 20 April 2010 BP Oil Spill Disaster are “beyond catastrophic” and borders on the “truly apocalyptic.”
The Gepard Akula II nuclear-powered submarine [photo 3rd left] is the most advanced stealth underwater vessel ever built and began its sea trials last month in the Gulf of Mexico where it went undetected by US Naval Forces for weeks until it had left the region and resurfaced in the Atlantic Ocean much to the embarrassment of the Americans.
These Northern Fleet reports, however, state that the Gepard Akula II’s mission was not one of power, but rather economics as Russia continues to weigh buying BP’s Gulf of Mexico oil assets which they are now asking $7.9 billion for.  
Though some in the West continue to speculate that Putin will heal his estrangement with BP since his government has maintained a stance of active aggression against them for the continued lies and deceptions made over their failed THK-BP project, other sources within the Kremlin have long maintained BP has been actively working with the Obama regime to finalize a Gulf of Mexico oil deal so the Americans could then blame Russia for any future damage done to this region.
Putin’s ordering of the Gepard Akula II to the Gulf of Mexico, and a potential confrontation with US Naval Forces, this report says, was based on Russian scientists belief that the damage done to the sea floor was not reparable and that for the last over two years the Americans have continued to use chemicals to disperse the still leaking oil.
According to this report, these fears were confirmed when the Gepard Akula II detected US Naval Forces delivering hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil chemical dispersements to the leaking BP wellhead which, unfortunately, were carried off their scheduled course by Hurricane Ernesto causing the deaths of millions of fish [photo bottom left] that washed up on the beaches in Galveston, Texas this past weekend.  
Unbeknownst to the American people about the BP disaster were emails discovered between the White House and BP wherein they both agreed to set the number of the total amount of oil leaking into the Gulf of Mexico at 5,000 barrels a day when they knew the real amount was higher than 25,000 leading to one of the largest cover-ups in US history.
On the second anniversary of the BP Gulf of Mexico oil disaster Russia Today reported that this massive cover-up was still ongoing leaving the American people to believe this worst ecological catastrophe in their history was over.
Far from it, however, and as we can, in part read from one American report:
Two years later, scientists and commercial fishers alike are finding shrimp, crab and fish that they believe have been deformed by the chemicals unleashed in the spill, according to an extensive report by Al Jazeera English. “At the height of the last white shrimp season, in September, one of our friends caught 400 pounds of these,” Tracy Kuhns, a commercial fisher from Barataria, La., told Al Jazeera, showing a sample of the eyeless shrimp. ‘Eyeless fish, and fish lacking even eye sockets, and fish with lesions, fish without covers over their gills….’ – Darla Rooks, Louisiana fisher Darla Rooks, another lifelong fisher from Port Sulfur, La., told the broadcaster she was seeing “eyeless fish, and fish lacking even eye sockets, and fish with lesions, fish without covers over their gills and others with large pink masses hanging off their eyes and gills.”
To the outrage the American people should have over this catastrophe there is nothing to be seen as those who know the truth won’t tell or report it, and those who know they’re being lied to won’t bother to learn the facts.
August 15, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed underCC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?.]

Paul Ryan Sold Bank Shares on Same Day as Private Briefing of Banking Crisis

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI: Paul Ryan Sold Bank Shares on Same Day as Private Briefing of Banking Crisis
Posted By: CGI_admin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 16-Aug-2012 14:31:10

From CGI's BillsBest:
Posted by Bill Rummel
See? You don't have to work on Wall Street to personally profit as an Insider. You just have to be on their payroll!
Vice-presidential candidate denies he profited from a 2008 meeting with Fed chairman in which officials outlined fears for financial crisis
Paul Ryan, US House of Representatives' budget committee chairman
The congressman is facing questions about whether he profited from information gleaned from the meeting in September 2008.
Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney's vice-presidential running mate, sold stock in US banks on the same day he attended a confidential meeting where top level officials disclosed the sector was heading for a deep crisis.
The congressman on Monday denied profiting from information gleaned from the meeting on 18 September 2008 when Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke, then treasury secretary Hank Paulson and others outlined their fears for the banking sector. His office said he had no control over the trades.
Public records show that on the same day as the meeting, Ryan sold stock in troubled banks including Wachovia and Citigroup and bought shares in Goldman Sachs, Paulson's old employer and a bank that had been disclosed to be stronger than many of its rivals. The sale was not illegal at the time.
Not long after the meeting, Wachovia's already troubled share price went into free fall. It plunged 39% on the afternoon of 26 September alone as investors worried the bank would collapse. It was eventually taken over by Wells Fargo for $15bn, a fraction of its former value.Read more>>

Bix Weir - Tired, Battle Scarred and the Early Trip

Subject: Tired, Battle Scarred and the Early Trip

I'm exhausted and battle scarred from this week. I've been fighting battle after battle in the trenches to make sure we win this thing. I currently fight these battles with my pen and my mouth but that might change soon if the Good Guys can't get Ron Paul situated as the Republican candidate. It is that important for a peaceful transition. If not...then the battles likely turn violent. I don't advocate it AT ALL but I am ready to fight for my freedom and there are MILLIONS of us in America and around the world waiting for the word to draw our swords.

The Friday Road Trip has been posted for Private Road Members and you can find it here:

Topics this week include:

- Jon Nadler Says Silver Manipulation is OVER so....IT'S TIME TO BUY!!!
- Palin Tells Us What It's All About...Discreetly!
- A Message From a Senior Ron Paul Official: "LET THE FIGHT BEGIN!"
- We Inherited Our Freedom...Now It's Up To All Of Us TO Fight For It

I notice that I'm about to hit article 1,000 on the Road to Roota! That's a lot of writing if I do say so myself :-) If you have the $149 to spare you can get access to all the archived information on the website as well as updates and all alerts going forward by joining the Private Road here:

If you can't afford it or don't want to join keep an eye out for the free emails and keep calling for CHANGE.

We are in the thick of this battle but we are winning the war!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

Ron Paul to Hold Major Rally in Tampa Ahead of RNC

Ron Paul to Hold Major Rally in Tampa Ahead of RNC

LAKE JACKSON, Texas – 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul will hold a major rally with thousands of supporters ahead of the Republican National Convention in Tampa.
The event will take place at noon on Sunday, August 26th at the University of South Florida’s 11,000-seat Sun Dome.  Yesterday the Ron Paul campaign signed a contract to secure the venue with the approval of the Republican National Committee.
Details of the event are as follows.  Time is Eastern.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
12:00 p.m.
Ron Paul Major Rally
Sun Dome
University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Avenue
Tampa, FL 33620

A map of and directions to the Sun Dome can be found by clicking here.

                      Ron Paul 2012 Official Campaign WebsiteRon Paul 2012 ...


                                 Help Restore America Now with a common-sense, Constitutional government.
                                 Support Ron Paul for President.

                                 Principled Leadership with a record to prove it.

                                 The Issues - Events - Store - About Ron Paul

                                  4,006 people +1'd this


Subject: The doorbell

Line Blog held a prize competition for $100,000 for whoever can most effectively and creatively dramatize the significance of the federal debt crisis. Any creative product was eligible: videos, songs, paintings, screenplays, Power Point presentations, essays, performance art, or anything else. Several entries have gotten a lot of attention and a lot of views or listens. But unquestionably, the most popular so far is The Doorbell. If you haven't yet seen it, here it is.

Maj. Gen. Vallely – Dishonorable Disclosures by Drake

Maj. Gen. Vallely – Dishonorable Disclosures

by Drake

Video JUST released - Major General Paul E Vallely in OPSEC VIDEO "Dishonorable Disclosures" - MUST SEE 22 minutes.
Please 'Share' this video far and wide.
Drake | August 16, 2012 at 12:40 pm | Categories: News | URL:

Intelligence and Special Operations forces are furious and frustrated at how President Obama and those in positions of authority have exploited their service for political advantage. Countless leaks, interviews and decisions by the Obama Administration and other government officials have undermined the success of our Intelligence and Special Operations forces and put future missions and personnel at risk. 

The unwarranted and dangerous public disclosure of Special Forces Operations is so serious -- that for the first time ever -- former operators have agreed to risk their reputations and go 'on the record' in a special documentary titled "Dishonorable Disclosures." Its goal is to educate America about serious breaches of security and prevent them from ever happening again.

Use of military ranks, titles & photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement of the Dept of the Army or the Department of Defense. All individuals are no longer in active service with any federal agency or military service.


Blackstone Commentary was the legal Bible of the American Revolution and remained the main legal, final reference for American law long after the American Revolution.  1 /Blackstone Comm. 40 (Revised and Updated:) "NO HUMAN LAW IS OF ANY VALIDITY IF CONTRARY TO THE LAW OF GOD." With this legal understanding, Thomas Jefferson and other Founding Father of America wrote the American Declaration of Independence in 1776. This also was the understood legal basis for writing and ratifying the U.S. Constitution which at its end using the words enforced by George Washington who headed up the Constitutional Convention writing the U.S. Constitution that Jesus Christ is "Our Lord" as ratified by the 13 states ratifying the U.S. Constitution. When offered to be made King of America, George Washington replied that we already had a King of America who was Jesus Christ. However, George Washington would agree to become the President of America. But for this legal stand by George Washington, our government would be a national monarchy today, not a republic. 
      Blackstone's Commentaries, Book 1, p. 441, n. 3. was considered by all the Founding Fathers of America to be totally binding on all future law to be created in America: "It (the state) may not require anything forbidden by Christianity, but it may forbear to enact many things which Christianity requires."
     Justice Field, commenting on the 14th Amendment, stated: "That amendment (14th) was intended to give practical effect to the declaration of 1776 of inalienable rights, rights which are the gift of the Creator, which the law does not confer, but only recognizes,..."The Slaughter-house Cases, Dec. 1872.
     As the F.B.I. well knows, my father was written up in the Congressional Record of the U.S. Congress in the 1950's and my father is quoted in the Congressional Record as calling me "a splendid son." This Congressional Report reported on U.S. Army tests on my father's food  product that the Vatican had endorsed so powerfully that Pope Pius XII had contacted all bishops in the world and 25,000 Catholic priests across the world telling them this was so important to the health and survival of the entire human race on earth that it was the moral obligation of all these bishops to publicize this great food discovery across the entire world.
     When I set up the Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse, the F.B.I. investigated me thoroughly not knowing that I was setting up a colossally daring ruse on Soviet Intelligence with this ruse. The F.B.I. picked up an absurd prophecy I mentioned that a man had met with me and said I would in about 3 years receive authority from a foreign land where some of my forefathers came from 100 years ago. Strange prophecy that came true. 3 years later the Jefferson Davis family signed over all legal claims to the Confederate Government to me which was later recognized under international law as being valid since the Confederate Government never legally surrendered to the Union. This is according to the terms of the Confederate Constitution modeled after the U.S. Constitution in most ways, except the Confederate Constitution honored Jesus more openly perhaps than the U.S. Constitution.  One of the top British Commonwealth Parliaments sent a secret diplomatic letter to me in Wash., D.C. recognizing that I had legally reestablished the effective Confederate Government of the Confederate States of America in authority. Also, two other branches of the Jefferson Davis family also granted their claims to the Confederate Government authority to me. What I did not tell anyone then was this man with the incredible prophecies that nearly all have come true since then said I was to use this authority to restore the Confederate Government to national authority and power and lead the South in national independence if Wash., D.C. was too rotten to become a Godly and constitutional government in America again. I hereby legally declare upon the authority of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America that the South will be legally declared an independent legal nation from Wash., D.C. as of Nov. 7, 2012 if my proposed Omni Law is not passed as a constitutional amendment by Nov. 7, 2012. Judge William Roy Bean agreed years ago to be Vice President of the Provisional Govenment of the Confederate States of America to legally certify that he and other Southern leaders had examined the legal documents and recognized that I was the legal President of the Confederate States of America     If Wash., D.C. won't shape up now, I declare the national independence of the Confederate States of America as of Nov. 7, 2012. As the Confederate Govenment never signed the Geneva Conventions or UN Treaties, if war must come, we have no restraints on what ultimate weapons we may use to guarantee the effective national independence of the Confederate States of America from this outrageously tyrannical government of Wash., D.C.
      Either the Omni Law I wrote up is passed as the national law of America by Nov. 7, 2012 or the Confederate Government of the Confederate States of America legally declares the national independence of the Southern States from the federal Union as of that day. All State Governors are to be prepared to mobilize their national guard units to be the first elements of the reborn Confederate Army. If you make one move militarily towards the South, I have military surprises that can smash the Army of the North. I prefer peace. Let there be no miscalculation that I am soft or any pushover. I am tough as nails and once our military raises the Confederate flag again, we go independent and nothing you can do can win us back to your Antichrist foul federal union. Also, you will immediately return to me the federally stolen $525,000 federal operatives stole from me in 1996 and then tried to federally murder me in June, 2006 when I demanded of Wash., D.C. that this federally stolen $525,000 be returned to me immediately. The incredible prophet that predicted I would get this authority for the land my forefathers came from 100 years ago said that God was behind this to show the utter contempt of God for this incredibly evil federal govenment in Wash., D.C. Also, as I am not stupid in policies of governments, I also have legal claims to a large part of the rest of America and will after we raise the flag of national independence of the Confederate States of America, I will that day declared legally annexed to the Confederate States of America to give us legal claim to half or more of all the land in the 48 states of America and we will enforce our claims to all land not yet occupied by Souhern loyalists.
      The prophet who convinced me that he was sent by God by so many elements of his prophecies later coming true said that God strongly approved of me and strongly despised Wash., D.C. since it was so evil in the eyes of God. You murdered maybe up to 4-50 million Russians when you secretly set up the Communist Revolution in Russia in 1917. You secretly murdered 50 million Chinese according to the interview of Mao Tse-Tung with a French publication who would have lived in a free China if they had not been murdered by the federally sponsored world Communist movement. When my father met with Gen. Marshall, Secretary of State then, and told Wash., D.C. of the Nationalist Chinese intercepted Chinese war plans of Communist China to later invade North America over the Bering Straits with support of the Russian military, and said America must support the Nationalist Chinese to regain control of mainland China. Gen. Marshall was not concerned about the Communist takeover of mainland China and so did nothing to help the Chinese Nationalists. When Wash., D.C. suppressed my father's Vatican endorsed trade secret food process every time I tried to get it reestablished in America, I am sure by God's standards you apparently murdered up to 3 billion humans on earth and thought this a laughing matter to kill off so much of the human race in your hatred and despicable mockery of God who you dared God to stop you from killing off the entire human race on earth if you wanted to. My message from the prophet of long ago is that God now answers you that you are the most evil and Satanic government that has ever existed on earth and God now laughs at all the evil that will soon come upon you. God has cursed you. You were tried and found unable to ever repent of your evils and mass murders of mankind. I was the instrument of God to see if God should let Wash., D.C. continue as the national government of America or else fire you from national and world power. To the other states not technically under the lawful authority of the Provisional Confederate Government, we gladly will welcome you into the Confederate States of America when you are ready and tired of the lunatic and wildly evil government of Wash., D.C. which God as I understand it considers to be the most evil government to have ever existed in human history. No other government has ever murdered 3 billlion people or so and consider it a funny joke to mock God with. God despises you, curses you, and my instructions from the prophet of long ago is now to lead the South into true national independence. I give you until Nov. 7, 2012 to pass the Omni Law  or I lead the South into becoming a resurrected nation with the full blessing and encouragement of God to divorce yourself from this whore, Antichrist Government of Wash., D.C.
      I invite the Pentagon to put Obama under military arrest for high treason against America and see that the Omni Law is fast passed in America. If this is not done, I cannot change the policy I am now committed to. As you clearly know, I cannot be bribed nor intimidated  by threats. Like Martin Luther I say, Here I stand! I cannot and will not recant!"
       Yours for God and Country (either United States or else Confederate States depending on whether the Omni Law is passed or not,. I will not submit my people of the South to the planned total Satanic police state planned by Wash., D.C. to crush and destroy the people of the South forever henceforth. And as a final legal point, when the Provisional Confederate Government held its mass meeting of the representatives for the Southern States including a Col. from Laureen Wallace's personal staff, I proposed and all the delegates voted for it that we united declared that Jesus Christ was the declared legal King of the Confederate States of America and of the Confederate people of the Southern States.) Copies of the Omni Law can be read at the archive listing for Nesara News. Put in Omni Law in the searchbox and read what are my legal terms to save the Union from being dissolved forever. Pass the Omni Law and now! Other reports of mine can be searched in the same searchbox under Erasmus of America.  Federal agents trained in psychological warfare to trick and contol the American people should never have pushed so hard to be so clever and evil. They convinced me that this federal government is so evil in its tricks on the people, I must obey what I was told long ago by this prophet who I firmly believe was sent by God and so the Union of the United States of America is dissolved in 2012 if my Omni Law is not passed and now. Also, sources wanting to, send checks, etc. to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. We will establish a Christian govenment in America one way or another.  

Americans To Begin Killing One Another Over Rothschild Soros Choreographed Looting Scheme?

Veil Of Politics

Americans To Begin Killing One Another Over Rothschild Soros Choreographed Looting Scheme?

Posted on August 16, 2012


Global Banking Zionists – Working towards that New World Order: 1) Jacob de Rothschild. 2) His spooky son, Nathaniel. 3) Baron John de Rothschild, who recently said they are working towards global governance. 4) Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. His wife Lynn Forrester is a big mover and shaker in the Democratic party. 5) David Rockefeller, Sephardic Crypto-Teutonic, who’s son Nick told film director Aaron Russo about 9/11 in advance. 6) Nathan Warburg. His family was not only instrumental in creating the Federal Reserve, etc. they were also behind the rise of Adolf Hitler. 7) Henry Kissinger, Genocidal Rothschild Goon . 8 George Soros, another Rothschild Khazar NGO manipulator. 9) Paul Volcker, Crypto-Khazar big-time Globalist and economic advisor to Obama. 10) Larry Summers, Crypto-Khazar economic advisor to Obama. 11) Lloyd Blankfein, CEO to the rapidly growing & Corrupt Goldman Sachs Cartel. 12) Ben Shalom Bernanke, current Khazar master of the Federal Reserve (a private entity, neither “Federal” nor a “Reserve”).

Arrest these goons and bring peace back to planet Earth.

We Must Stop The Rothschild Banking Cabal And The Use Of Their Communism, Socialism, Marxism As Their Social Constructs For Centralizing Our Wealth To Their Banks And Then Turning Our Judicial, Military, & Police Against Us As They Slip Back Into The Shadows.
  1. Lawsuits Filed On Bank Choreographed Illegal Entitlements aka; Bailouts: Sovereign Citizens Too Big To Fail Not Bankers!
  2. Understanding Rothschild: The Divide And Conquer Of The Khazars ~ But Now For The Banks.
  3. Breaking: US Marshals Expose Biggest Scandal in History ~ The Great Reckoning!

George Washington Fighting The British Banking Cabal’s Military At Valley Forge!

The American Citizen Is Obama’s Enemy

Obama’s Internment Camps
Directly related to the issue of curbing social unrest, cohesive system of detention camps is also envisaged, under the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security and the Pentagon.
A bill entitled the National Emergency Centers Establishment Act (HR 645) was introduced in the US Congress in January. It calls for the establishment of six national emergency centers in major regions in the US to be located on existing military installations.

The stated purpose of the “national emergency centers” is to provide “temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster.” In actuality, what we are dealing with are FEMA internment camps. HR 645 states that the camps can be used to “meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security.”
There has been virtually no press coverage of HR 645.
These “civilian facilities” on US military bases are to be established in cooperation with the US Military. Modeled on Guantanamo, what we are dealing with is the militarization of FEMA internment facilities.
Once a person is arrested and interned in a FEMA camp located on a military base, that person would in all likelihood, under a national emergency, fall under the de facto jurisdiction of the Military: civilian justice and law enforcement including habeas corpus would no longer apply. State’s Constitutional Militias: Sovereign Militias Buy More Firearms In 3 Months, Than What It Takes To Outfit The Entire Chinese And Indian Armies Combined!

Here Is Where Americans Will Be Against Americans Unless Our Military & Police Forces Side With “We The People” & Decide Against Tyranny.

Guy Fawkes

HR 645 bears a direct relationship to the economic crisis and the likelihood of mass protests across America. It constitutes a further move to militarize civilian law enforcement, repealing the Posse Comitatus Act.
Ron Paul’s 51% Military Contributions!
In the words of Rep. Ron Paul:
“…the fusion centers, militarized police, surveillance cameras and a domestic military command is not enough… Even though we know that detention facilities are already in place, they now want to legalize the construction of FEMA camps on military installations using the ever popular excuse that the facilities are for the purposes of a national emergency. With the phony debt-based economy getting worse and worse by the day, the possibility of civil unrest is becoming a greater threat to the establishment. One need only look at Iceland, Greece and other nations for what might happen in the United States next.”
Spying on Americans: The Big Brother Data Bank
Related to the issue of internment and mass protests, how will data on American citizens be collected?
How will individuals across America be categorized?spy-vs-spy-without-bombs-77552911
What are the criteria of the Department of Homeland Security?
In a 2004 report of the Homeland Security Council entitled Planning Scenarios, pertaining to the defense of the Homeland, the following categories of potential “conspirators” were identified:
“foreign [Islamic] terrorists” , [fiction]
“domestic radical groups”, [antiwar and civil rights groups] [fiction]
“state sponsored adversaries” ["rogue states", "unstable nations"] [fiction]
“disgruntled employees” [labor and union activists]. [fiction]

FEMA Faceoff: Truth as an Urban Legend

The Bush administration issued a National Security Presidential Directive (NSPD 59- HSPD 24) entitled Biometrics for Identification and Screening to Enhance National Security (For Further details see Michel Chossudovsky, “Big Brother” Presidential Directive: “Biometrics for Identification and Screening to Enhance National Security”, Global Research, June 2008)

Adopted without public debate or Congressional approval, its relevant procedures are far-reaching. They are related to the issue of civil unrest. They are also part of the logic behind the establishment of FEMA internment camps under HR 645. .
NSPD 59 (Biometrics for Identification and Screening to Enhance National Security) goes far beyond the narrow issue of biometric identification, it recommends the collection and storage of “associated biographic” information, meaning information on the private lives of US citizens, in minute detail, all of which will be “accomplished within the law”:
“The contextual data that accompanies biometric data includes information on date and place of birth, citizenship, current address and address history, current employment and employment history, current phone numbers and phone number history, use of government services and tax filings. Other contextual data may include bank account and credit card histories, plus criminal database records on a local, state and federal level. The database also could include legal judgments or other public records documenting involvement in legal disputes, child custody records and marriage or divorce records.”(See Jerome Corsi, June 2008)
The directive uses 9/11 and the “Global War on Terrorism” as an all encompassing justification to wage a witch hunt against dissenting citizens, establishing at the same time an atmosphere of fear and intimidation across the land.
It also calls for the integration of various data banks as well as inter-agency cooperation in the sharing of information, with a view to eventually centralizing the information on American citizens.
In a carefully worded text, NSPD 59 “establishes a framework” to enable the Federal government and its various police and intelligence agencies to:
use mutually compatible methods and procedures in the collection, storage, use, analysis, and sharing of biometric and associated biographic and contextual information of individuals in a lawful and appropriate manner, while respecting their information privacy and other legal rights under United States law.”
The NSPD 59 Directive recommends: “actions and associated timelines for enhancing the existing terrorist-oriented identification and screening processes by expanding the use of biometrics”.

The procedures under NSPD 59 are consistent with an earlier June 2005 decision which consisted in creating a “domestic spy service”, under the auspices of the FBI. (For further details see Michel Chossudovsky, Bush Administration creates “Secret State Police”, June 30, 2005)
Working hand in glove with Homeland Security (DHS), the proposed “domestic intelligence department” would combine FBI counterterrorism, intelligence and espionage operations into a single service.
The new department operating under the auspices of the FBI would have the authority to “seize the property of people deemed to be helping the spread of WMD”: They would be able to “spy on people in America suspected of terrorism or having critical intelligence information, even if they are not suspected of committing a crime.” (NBC Tonight, 29 June 2005).

General Electric Control Of The Air Waves As The Springboard For Obama’s Communist Takeover

Will we fight one another as the Cabalists want us too, or will we start arresting the seditious looting bastards?

Bill Clinton Repealed The Glass Steagall Act In 1999 allowing Rothschild banks to turn from saving & loans to casino high risk ‘bubble’ investors looting people’s money.

Fly Over Video Of America ---- Beautiful

Beautiful 6 minute video of national monuments, cities, rivers, forests, mountains, and deserts and appears to be following a plane like the Wright Brothers model.


Submitted by an astute reader


The simple fact is, as human beings, regardless of any difference, we now together must all rise and stand hand in hand once and for all. If we do not, the misery and theft of your personal belongings, time and energies will carry on and become even worse, a whole lot worse. The Internet is awash with whistleblowers, commentators, researchers and bloggers whom bit by bit and together have worked and stated, there are agendas that those who think they control the world have and are trying to put into place. We know what they are doing we know what they want to do; well no more excuses for our lack of action our apathy. We must stand now and finally put these people where they belong, We have to come together, have to stop and really listen to one another, to not “judge unless he be judged”, to have, compassion, love and respect from those who stand and place themselves first in the line of danger, WE ALL want the right answer’s to know what the real plans are that consistently go on behind the scenes, people have to stop with the childish ranting’s and cry baby calls when they do not hear an answer they wanted. What do people not understand about STRATEGY! Do your own research an think for yourselves and ask yourself “If I was a White Hat or a Top Brass in the Military what would I do or be doing, how would I communicate as not be discovered?  The information is given that can be given, and it’s beginning to flood out now. Do you all actually grasp the magnitude of the situation, this isn’t one country this is 7 billion odd people on the line! Plans alter and change, they are fluid, make a move and somebody might counter act it, so you step back and decide on the next. We must all do our part, we all have skills so use them, think for yourself, act for yourself, don’t wait for someone to do it for you, If there is a problem in your area, ask what it is, what you can do and do it, don’t look for praise or ask somebody else to do it for you, or argue because you’ve heard different on some forum. You can do it, your are capable, you are a human, with the brain and body to do anything you want to do. We must stop the bickering, the arguing, the slander, the fights and the separation. For as long as we act that way we do not deserve our freedom, for what would we do with it once we got it carry on that way?  Stop the fear They DO NOT have the capability to come and get everyone in the world do not be scarred of them, they are cowards, if we stand and stand together now, we are and will win and bring this to a hault. Stop thinking negative!

I love this planet and I love you all.
Your friend: 22