Friday, August 17, 2012

SaLuSa 17-August-2012

SaLuSa  17-August-2012

You will know that for a long time we have been working on various issues that have held up progress. Perhaps even we have underestimated how difficult some have been, but we now see that our allies are on the verge of making a sudden breakthrough. We will refrain from being too precise but this time events will be too big to hide away, and the media will be unable to continue ignoring them.

The developments in the financial sector will show that whatever they do now, they cannot return to the old ways and will have to accept vast changes. We are at a point when the only answers are for the big Banks to accept the new set up that is ready to be installed. There is nowhere to go that will allow them to resurrect the old system, and it will soon become defunct. That will effectively give our allies the green light to go ahead and introduce the new one.

There are other matters rapidly coming to a head and to enable governmental changes, we are pressing our allies for once and for all time to remove those who do not serve you. That is going forward at a faster pace, and you may get advance information from other sources than our own. However, no matter how it emerges it will be good news, that will show you that much has been happening of which you have been unaware. Our wish is to see all activity brought into public view, so that in future you know exactly where you stand.

For too long we have had to keep details under wraps, and even now we are still careful as to what we reveal. It is a matter of keeping our plans to ourselves as far as possible, and stopping interference with them from those still loyal to the Illuminati. Some are of course bound to them through bribery or blackmail, and still fearful of the consequences of disobeying them. We have however invited them to join us and grant asylum so that they are not in danger. That does not mean that they get away with their crimes, but that is not a matter that we will deal with and is best left to the higher forces. Since justice is always seen to be done, there is no point in wasting your energy by being concerned about the outcome.

You are entitled to know who and what was behind the heinous crimes against humanity. In the knowing there are also lessons for you, otherwise you will find it hard to accept that as a collective you allowed them to occur. In many instances you have effectively given your approval by not preventing them. However, the dark Ones are very manipulative and deceitful as otherwise they would not be able to carry out or get away with their crime. It has also required extensive collusion with those who have carried out their bidding. Duality has certainly taught you many severe lessons, but also many beautiful ones as it has by no means been one sided. Now that period is comlng to a close you can return to your true reality.

As the truth is revealed it will also bring people together as far as their understanding of what God is, or is not. The truth will no longer be able stand side by side with that which is false, and you will find that many teachers have had their words changed to suit the ambitions of those who desired to control you. Indeed, they have also made additions to support their own interpretations. No one teaching is really better than another, although some have a more accurate explanation for God. He/She is not in the image of Man, or an individual as you would understand it. God is the very essence, the energy that everything has its existence within. God is Love and all powerful and is the Father/Mother of all life. We acknowledge the Source and give due gratitude for all that we have, the most precious being life itself.

Where you have as you might say, gone astray do not worry about the consequences. Duality is for experiencing and spiritual growth, and having lost touch with God you have gone your own way and relied on your conscience to guide you. Unfortunately Man has always had a herd instinct and has usually followed the leader, and been led far from the Light and Truth. Now you have risen up again and thrown off the shackles of the dark Ones, and are returning to the Light. That has attracted the attention of those who guide you as you are now responsive to their presence and "hear" their advice and respond to their promptings. If you have not been aware of it, try sitting quietly and relaxing, and you will most likely start a conversation with your Guides or Higher Self.

For those who are still preparing for Ascension the advice is to hold your energy close to you, and not give it away to situations that have been emotionally stirred up by the actions of the dark Ones. It is too easy to become angry at their actions, and if you have reached a level of control you can avoid it, and you will be all the better for it. Keep calm as you will have plenty to be happy and joyous about as the future is revealed to you. Let go of the old ways and live as you envisage life will be after Ascension. It will be some of the happiest times you have ever experienced, and this period and those before it will seem just as a bad dream. Get ready for sudden changes that are about to enter your lives and will confirm that you are moving out of the legacy of duality, and from the Illuminati who have exploited it for their own ends.

Many times you have asked why we do not simply take over matters, but we have to say that it is impossible unless we are given divine authority. We have often mentioned that we are careful not to interfere, and that is because duality is an experiment. The aim was to find out what you would do if you were separated from God, and each and very one of you volunteered to take part. The reward for you was the experience that you would gain, that would speed up your evolution beyond anything in the normal way. That meant you had to be responsible for your actions, so it would have been taking it away from you if we did intervene. We have to tell you that our authority has now been extended to allow us to take some situations into our own hands.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and close with our love to you all.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

The above address is one way only – my address is:

Erasmus , part2 august 12th......15th..

Erasmus , part2       august 12th......15th.... // +emails //

..Sunday, August 12, 2012. HOW TO SAVE THE NECK OF AMERICA. RETURN AMERICA TO GOD! FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA - AUG. 11, 2012 (+) //I am committed to a political agenda. Anyone who engages in major political activities, is always committed to a political agenda. Okay, what is my political agenda? It is ultimately much bigger than the political shopping list, I will give here, but this gives the political flavor what I am aiming for and committed to. First of all I seriously believe that America must for real honor God, or else this nation will have no real future to it. I do not know why, but God seems to smile on me. Back in 1990, a Seneca Police Officer had been savagely smashed in a car accident and I knew him well and also my wife knew him,  as we all attended the same church then. My wife had been the main church organist at this church for a number of years then, and I was known as the one who constantly talked in the church, that we needed to return to the first recorded teachings and Apostolic Constitution of Christianity, as clearly recorded in the first writings of Christianity for 400 years after Christ and the Apostles. I kept putting out national reports defending Christianity from its critics in America. I had those who wrote to me from across America, strongly backing what I said and put out. ** Okay, what happened to the Seneca police officer. He was rushed to the hospital to save his life. The local hospital told the wife of his partner on the police force that he would not live through the day. And if somehow he lived, he would be paralyzed for life. Everything in his body was smashed to pieces. She worked for the local newspaper, so called for her husband to find out the truth how bad was the injuries he suffered. As friends of his, we were told of his huge amount of injuries and he was expected to die that day or else be paralyzed for life. My wife organized a circle of church members to pray that he did not die, and would somehow be healed by God of these massive deadly injuries. I separately felt the inspiration of the Lord I was supposed to pray for him. Jesus would give me his life if I did and heal him. I prayed for him and apparently a few minutes later he was suddenly healed of everything. ....(....)     
      Read my proposed Omni Law to be passed by the American people in 2012. This is equivalent to the Magna Carta of England in guaranteeing the rights of the English people or the U.S. Bill of Rights to protect the legal rights of Americans against tyranny in law from Wash., D.C. This breaks the Communist conspiracy of Obama to wipe out the Middle Class in America, bankrupt the American economy shortly after his second term in office, and by collapse of the American economy force the American people to accept a Communist economy and government over America. I have spied like the Wrath of God on Obama and that boy is the most evil leader America has eve had in power. He is a fanatical Muslim, a fanatical Communist,and he is bought and paid for by the secret Satanist society of the Illuminati who want to make Lucifer(Satan) "god" of America and the world. I understand their latest figures are to kill off all humans on earth except for 500 million to be allowed to live after Obama gives the Illuminati world power with his planned one world government.   
...(...)And the Jews have enough nucler weapons to easily wipe out the whole Middle East many times over. Not smart to push the Jews too hard in the Middle East. When in Israel many years ago, Israeli Intelligence surprised me by meeting with me and told me they would have given me honor guards at their military bases if I had let them know I was coming to Israel. And they offered me a starting rank of colonel with the Israeli Army if I would join with them. They also shared with me all their nuclear plans how to totally wipe out all Muslim nations in the Middle East wanting to start a war with Israel or wipe out the Jews in the Middle East. My advice to Muslim nations in the Middle East. Better cool it with all your plans of "holy war" to wipe out all the Jews. If you push them too far, Islam may collapse in the world when the Jews wipe out all the Muslims in the Middle East. Peace is far better wisdom in the Middle East than fanatical wars of religion by crackpot fanatics in the Muslim faith.   Read my proposed Omni Law on Nesara News. Look up their search engine box on the top of the archive listing on the left side. Write in Omni Law and read it. Or write in Erasmus of America and read a number of reports Nesara News has posted coming from me. Or send direct a request for a copy of the Omni Law from This also puts you on our list to be eligible to later move to our Camelot Project after we build it and will probably be the nicest place to live at on the face of the earth. Also, we build it and we will likely offer even millions of new jobs for workers and for leaders in industries and other projects of ours. We have a powerful answer how to solve the droughts of America,but first let's build this Camelot Project which is the cornerstone of my plan to establish a huge new industrial base to America. And financial backing for passage of the Omni Law is always welcome! Send any checks, etc. to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. We pass the Omni Law and we expect to easily repay back all money sent to us to help pass the Omni Law. And if you read our reports, see how we might shock you with giant additional money because you supported us when it counted.            Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name briefly. It rattles the enemies of Christianity that I use this pen name briefly for now. When I show the real reason why I played the name game, the public will approve and think very smart! But can't let the cat out of the bag too so        ......
Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:44 PM 


     It is a sad commentary on America when the reality under Obama is far worse than a science fiction horror movie! And it is a far worst commentary on the American people if they try to trust Obama with their futures and their lives by reelecting him to the White House. Agenda 21 is already being treated by Obama as law that half of the land of America is now owned by the UN and the other half goes under legal authority of the UN where basically everyone in America gets kicked out of their homes, their personal property and bank accounts, etc. are now subject to instant confiscation anytime the UN which has now replaced the U.S. Constitution as the national law just judges all Americans must live in a totally Communist society where you are all herded into anthill settlements to live for the rest of your life. Also, with plans for population controls over America, it is likely they will later want to kill off much of the American people to lower population figures approved by the UN. But trust Comrade Obama! He loves you dearly or else he would not want you to lose the land of America and give it over to international powers to replace the U.S. Republic set up by the founding fathers of America.                Upon the announciation of Paul Ryan for the running mate for Mitt Romney, Obama said he did not believe that creating less regulations or lowering taxes for the rich would create more jobs for America. Pres. Kennedy did this and it expanded jobs and prosperity for all Americans. Pres. Reagan did this and it expanded jobs and prosperity, but according to Der Fuhrer Adolf Obama (Sieg Heil !!!), this policy has never worked in America. Obama is opposed to this according to his just released statements and wants the reverse for America. Higher taxes and more regulations and then the remaining industry moves to China or elsewhere to escape this lunatic who somehow tricked the American people to vote for him for President. Actually, the lowering of taxes and lessening regulations would automatically bless all Americans, not just the rich. Charles Kettering, one-time President of General Motors and former director of their research and development, saw a list of 920 inventive concepts I had come up with in a two week period. He wrote back to me that he rated me to be the most original inventor brain in America and expected I would become known as the greatest inventive genius in American history. If I had lived in a free America instead of a regulated to hell America which gave lip service to freedom but in reality did not even understand what serious freedom is, I probably would have given America maybe up to 2,000 new industries and Americans so rich as to dazzle the world with all the wealth of even the most ordinary Americans and good jobs for all in America. Because the Americans had lost their belief in freedom and love for freedom, they have lost the chance to already be maybe 500 years ahead in industry to what they have now. Free enterprise does not work without freedom in a nation. And Obama is the archenemy of serious freedom in America. ...(....)
 Americans who wanted to raise money abroad which they would then invest in America to start new industries in America, found  Homeland Security colossally jammed up the movement of money for producing good profits abroad. This money was  then  to be invested back into America, to start new industry across America.  American banking gave Wash., D.C. their "hit list" of foreign funds which had been paying great for years, and told Wash., D.C. to knock them out, in the name of "fighting terrorism." I think it was maybe Holland which protested one fund was especially quite honorable and had paid regularly for 20 years or more, and Wash., D.C. told them to list it as a "terrorist" organization. A number of European nations were told to list their leading private funds paying good each year, as "terrorist" groups. If the governments refused, Wash., D.C. was to list these governments as "terrorist governments" in Europe. This business news was censored by our worthless, highly treasonable main press of America, which is loyal to the power elite and not to the American people.
.....  His hidden provisions that the federal government under Obamacare can clean out your bank accounts anytime they want to and without court authority to do so. They can spy on all your private papers and throw you into federal prison if you resist. ...... Then all of the American people can be electronically spied upon by Wash., D.C. 24 hours a day 7 days a week, as C.I.A. and the power elite set up the most total police state seen in likely 6,000 years of human history.
     While Obama claims to be trying to seriously improve the American economy, credible reports indicate that he has secretly turned over to the power elite, who secretly put him in the White the last election, more money than the entire official national debt of America today. Obama is the biggest crook for the power elite ever to occupy the White House. Ask why he has repeatedly blocked the realigment of foreign currencies, which would have helped boom the American economy and the economies of the nations of Europe, etc. The news media as hired political whores of the power elite, has censored important financial news very effectively from the American economy. The crooks behind Obama, are trying to figure out how to steal these huge trillions of new dollars, so this additional money for America lands up in their pockets, instead of the American people and businesses of America. Obama is sabotaging prosperity in America, not trying to help boom the American economy.        As for the Obamacare RFID CHIP,  most internet sources have stated this will be mandatory to put under the skins of Americans by March 23, 2013. One medical research doctor hired for important medical research projects, indicated unless they changed the original design for these under-the-skin chips, they will according to his medical tests on them, eventually kill off nearly all 300 millions, who trustingly let Obama order them to put these under their skin, or else face heavy federal fines or else federal prison, if they refuse to let these chips be put under their skins. ....(....)  ..... if the reports are accurate that Obama obtained 30,000 robot controlled, heavily armed drone fighter planes for America, ...there is only one military reason for getting these, and any military person knows this. They are designed for the total military conquest of all Americans, as Obama declares himself dictator for life over America.....(...)      HR4646 is reported by many sources to be passed law. Regardless if passed or else soon to be passed by Obama, as he apparently wants this in his inventory of Communist laws for all Americans, there is to be a 1% service fee(sounds nicer than saying federal sales tax which it is) on all written bank checks or other banking transactions. Take $100,000 spent 2 times a week subjected to this 1% service fee each transaction of money and by the end of one year, and you might have enough left not taxed away to buy a coke drink, a few packages of gum, or candy, etc....(...) Because Obamacare is loaded with features to turn America into Soviet America, I suggest we immediately cancel Obamacare. Pass my Omni Law, and we can continue what parts of federal health coverage are good, and within the reasonable limits of the national economy help out the American people where needed, in a true health system that helps where needed, but does not bankrupt the American economy, as the Obamacare is carefully designed to do. And we do not go Communist in our approach to national health. And let private insurance companies and private doctors continue to exist in America, for any and all in America who want this. The Obamacare Communist Party Line is "We will steal from the rich to help the poor." Sounds good for the larceny in your character, but does not work in real national economics. .....(...) Under Obamacare control of medicine, all good doctors will be suppressed by the federal government, and what you will have as national health, will end up killing off much to most of the people who trust Obamacare for their national health needs. And through doubletalk in Obacacare, they have it worded right to kill off basically all those 75 or older, and most of those 65 or older they want like Nazi Germany to get rid of as "useless eaters"....(...)  I am the only economist in the world, who knows how to correctly set up the Jesus Money/system/, which has 4 times in history fast boomed economies using it. And each time banking interests had to mass scheme, how to overthrow all this propsperity of the people, busnesses, and governments using it..... Thomas Jefferson missed the point that this "classic education" made all the American people so sharp, so smart, so brilliant, etc. that even 17 to 19 year olds, were military commanders fighting the American Revolution, being ambassadors to foreign nations, while still youths, etc. I want to restore "Classic Education" for all Americans, and this will skyrocket the American people into super brilliance, super practical, and restore civic and moral character, instead of the new race of moral barbarians our morally worthless national education, is trying to make the new race of Americans, into.  ....(....)  God liked the great character of the American people back in 1776. The standard military logic is that the American people could not win against Great Britain then, the best and strongest military power in the world in 1776. But the American people were so great then, nothing could stop them. And they won anyway with their Roman influenced character, as Thomas Jeffeson identified it....(...)
And to prove my point how Romanized early Americans were, The Society of Cincinnati founded by George Washington and other officers of the Continental Army fighting in 1776 and afterwards, took this Roman name of the Roman leader who saved Rome in a dark hour. His Roman name symbolized the Roman virtues respected by all Americans then, as all Americans then, knew well the entire culture of ancient Rome, then which was the example which taught the Americans the high qualities they wanted in all of the American people then.    Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name briefly for the descendant of several families who fought in and risked all in the American Revolution to found the new nation of America, "One Nation Under God!")          Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:37 PM
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2012. 
.....(.....) As any good scientific brain knows but the politicians, dare not tell the people the truth,we are risking national famine and national collapse of the nation, if we do not have now and a smart answer to protect American agriculture in future years, from this weather pattern predicted will be the new style weather for American farms across America in coming years. And to correct the con artist politicians, this heatwave and national drought, has nothing to do with greenhouse effects from carbon dioxide. The Communists in America years ago were instructed to put "global warming" as the front con on the American people, so in the name of the environment, they could nationalize all land in America to Communism, nationalize the national economy to Communism, and make the national government totally Communist, in the name of the environment.         
     I targeted one single flower of this row of flowers planted by this woman years ago. I gave it a little waste housewater each day and not the other identical flowers next to it. This year the mightiest and tallest flower I had ever seen from this row of them reached up to my nose in height...... Substitute corn, wheat, etc. symbolically for this super giant flower, and this year by correct national water irrigation, and America this year would have had the biggest food harvest crop in the national history of America. And cunning scientific brain that God made me to be, I will supply all the food crops in America with the nutrients they and us humans need by the Dr. Earp-Thomas method, of totally feeding the plants so they in turn totally feed us. ....., and I really don't know how far we will go in producing the biggest and best food crops seen in the world. And America becomes the real breadbasket of not just America, but maybe the whole world, if we want all that business from all nations of the world. If American food delivers great health to all nations eating our food, we have a new national industry creating millions of new jobs in America, and a powerful angle for rapidly 
expanding national prosperity in  America.             I come from brilliant American inventors, from both sides of my family. For example, the Vatican endorsed my father's food process to retain all nutrition from wheat or other grains to be so important to world health, Pope Pius  XII endorsed this great food discovery of my father, to potentially be the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ, since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. I added to my father's great food discovery, a super health water that can maybe go as far as eliminating most or all disease on earth. Both processes would be trade secrets of my planned world food industry ...once I get this jackass Wash., D.C. ..which since I left the university has savagely fought me to block me from reestablishing my father's trade secret industrial food process..... back in America again. University tests back then,tested it and predicted the entire human race on earth, would later go extinct like the dinosaur, unless my father's great food discovery was added to the diet of all nations on earth. They said when the cancer rate got too high in any nation, the entire sterilization and biological collapse of the national race, was the next thing to happen to the national race. Recent increases in the cancer rate and growth in America indicates, due to the lunatics in power in Wash., D.C., the American race will soon biologically collapse and then go extinct like the dinosaurs. Nations in Africa, the Middle East, Europe, China, India, Central and Latin America according to a number of medical lab test results from all over the world, indicate I understand that all nations will biologically collapse at some point like the American people, and the human race cease to
 exist on earth.         When I was an engineering student in engineering school, they thought I was amazing at engineering studies and let me study one week's worth of engineering studies each day, and I kept an A average while doing this. Charles Kettering, one-time President of General Motors, saw 920 of my inventive concepts I came up with in a two week period, and wrote to me that he rated me to be the most original inventive brain he had ever seen in America, and he anticipated I would end up the most brilliant inventive genius in the national history of America. If Wash., D.C. had not savagely fought me every time I tried to start a new national industry, I would likely have already given America up to maybe 2,000 new national industries. I call upon the idiots in the White House, etc. to get out of my way, and let me proceed to set up my father's Vatican endorsed food process. Also, too fast do final tests and then set up a national irrigation system for the farmers, towns and cities, and industries of  America. As any engineer knows, we have to use engineering to change ocean water to fresh water by removing the salt from it. To do this cheaply, is a colossal challenge to engineering. However, God blessed me with a very cunning mind in engineering, and I should be able to turn ocean water into fresh water, far cheaper than any other engineering brain in America. I have a couple of very clever engineering tricks up my sleeve, but the game is going to be played my way, and Wash. D.C. stay out of my way, as you screw up nationally everything you ever handle!  ....(....) Water viaducts are still a smart way to help deliver water to distant locations, but if one Pentagon secret is as good as I hear, I have a way of getting water all over America, I might deliver water nationally for maybe cheap as 1% of what any engineers of Wash.,D.C.would be able to do,and my system would be permanent, versus constant servicing by Washington conceived engineering.            Stop the con! Pass my Omni Law and we can get started on the national water irrigation system almost immediately afterwards. My first test location will be water from the ocean to my proposed Camelot Project, which I predict will be the best research and development center ever seen in human history. It always takes a visionary to do the claimed "impossible" in engineering. All "madmen" until their visions were set up. It took daring visionaries to build the Suez Canal, Panama Canal, Hoover Dam, the Manhattan Project, etc. "  And Dr. Wernher von Braun was the usual "madman" in engineering, until they tested his theories in rocket warfare...(...) I am a visionary with several visions. Reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed food process. I am the only man in the world trained by my father,and know in this age, how to set up this food process. By the way, you outraged me beyond human imagination, when you destroyed all the engineering notes, lab reports, correspondence from the Vatican and leading scientists, etc. left me by my father years ago. I have since then considered Wash.D.C. but a colossally assinine and barbarian government, unfit to be called a civilized government on earth. Pass my Omni Law now and stop your con game with me now! ....  the outrage I feel towards Wash. D.C. cannot ever be undone by you.Pass my Omni Law in 2012.... You can't con me with your highly practiced lies, that work so well on the American people who try to trust you, whereas I know better than to trust snakes in office like you in Wash. D.C.!         I want to set up this proposed national irrigation system for America, Farmers unless you enjoy having your cattle and crops dying before you, year after year, all of you back me for immediate passage of my Omni Law (Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America. That ties the tongue of many, so gave it also short name for the ordinary person to say when talking about it.) ..... Cities and towns without water for your population, and the entire American economy then collapses. So what is your delay in backing me,to get this Omni Law passed? Back this just before the November election...instead of debating to death whether someday in 50,000 years you will finally get around to finally support and pass it in America. ...(...) And contractors, workers, supervisors wanting to get involved with my Camelot Project when I can start it, contact me now, and let me know your qualifications and any special experience you have, which can help building the biggest and best research and development center ever seen in the world. Any brilliant inventors contact me, with angles you think good for industry, economy, etc. When we are operational, many of you will be treated like royalty at Camelot, and through us you will establish new industries for America and the world. People wanting to live at the greatest location to live at in the world, let us know, as we will find how many we can grant to move to Camelot. This is planned to be a giant location, and four of us already inspected the land we want to build this Camelot on. Camelot is my pet engineering project, and as soon as the Omni Law is passed, I anticipate we will start building it as soon as the American people approve it by national referendum, as authorized through the Omni Law. I will use an old, smart trick of Walt Disney and split up the building of Camelot between many contractors, and within 90 days of starting, we may already let the first people move to Camelot and maybe by six months if the engineering goes fast enough, we may have Camelot totally built and totally operational. I agree with the Chinese engineers we don't have to stall around. I noticed how they put up from scratch an entire large hotel in 7 days flat or so.          Folks, as all political drives need at least some funds so they can win in the nation, any financial backing is strongly welcome. Read our reports, and spot two ways of how we anticipate we can in the end, pay back all financial backing and treat all money as loans until the Omni Law is passed. .....  Pass the Omni Law by vote before the U.S. Congress does, and you go first on our national list for a number of things. States not interested in backing us by passage of the Omni Law by state law, we will consider you traitors to the American people, and enemy of America as a nation. Guess how long it will take before we give to your state, those industries that will make your state rich and create many new jobs for your state. And politicians of Wash., D.C. who do not back our Omni Law drive in 2012, you establish bad public relations with us, and harder for you to win us to give you new industries we might have available. We will of course not reward industries to states, on the basis of bribes or traded political influence, but our policy will be we reward patriot sources in America, and look coldly upon those sources who cared nothing about the future of America or the survival of America as a nation. ....  For important national business operations, we intend to build what we call Embassyland outside of formal Camelot. Thirteen nations will be allowed to build samples of their national culture and products, which will fascinate our many millions of tourist visitors,once we open. This can help their nations get first access to our new industries to be established in some nations, but not all in the world. And these national businesses located at Camelot but close to the Embassyland, you have the closest contact to get your products and services sold in the thirteen nations we allow to be located here. These thirteen nations represented may end up the richest nations in the world, as they get first option on our many new industries we will release internationally.                                         For the first 1,000 people who send in $10 or more, you go on a list where you have first option to move to Camelot once open, ....  you also go on a list to set up a business there which should be the hottest tourist location we hope in the world. Well, might as well let you know, a few of our secret angles. We probably know the secret location for the cup really used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. As the descendant of two cousin lines of Jesus Chris, I have first legal claim to this cup hidden away in Europe. When people drank from it, they were instantly cured of incurable diseases, ailments, etc. We will see if we can get this cup delivered to Camelot and in a safe display let all the world see the real cup used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. This has been hidden by loyal Christians for a long time in history. I will see if I can arrange for the Holy Shroud of Turin to be delivered to us. I will give a very attractive offer to Turin for this. I have a trick angle in engineering how  we build fast what should be the largest and most beautiful cathedral ever built in Christianity. We will likely display the real cup from the Last Supper there, and also the Holy Shroud of Turin. I closely examined the scientific evidence pro or con whether the Holy Shroud of Turin is genuine or else a fake. I am satisfied that it is the real Holy Shroud of Jesus Christ and paid off some so-called experts tried to testify against it, because the enemies of Christianity were afraid how strong Christianity might become if everyone knew this was the true Holy Shroud of Jesus Christ. Also, I probably know the real location of the Ark of the Covenant and if events play into our hands, would like for it to end up at Camelot. .....(...)
..../I showed/ where I evaluate the oldest city in the world is located, which Genesis called Enoch. If we confirm that we have located it, we may display relics from the city of Enoch..... A boy good at military intelligence, can also use the same talents to crack some of the best historical secrets of the Bible. I don't know this part plays out. But according to ancient Jewish legend, the greatest treasure on the earth, is hidden near the destroyed and hidden city of Enoch. Some of the citizens of Camelot may want to join our expedition to see if we successfully locate Enoch or not. And if you know the entire secret why this colossal treasure really exists according to the Bible, you may be allowed to see a treasure so huge, that this will totally shock you in awe.....(...)And a note for any would-be Bible scholars, thinking it wrong, to decorate our giant, beautiful Gothic style cathedral with beautiful religious artwork, etc., as the Bible lists, the Temple at Jerusalem built by King Solomon under orders from God, had beautiful statutes of angels in it and all sorts of artwork covering religious topics and also ordinary life on earth. In any law passed, you must always know the legal intent behind it, to know how it should be applied. The correct intent of the 10 Comandments, was that no statue or artwork should be made to worship pagan gods with. ....Americans, it is time to stand up for and make God over America our national goal now. Pass the Omni Law right away! Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name briefly. Like the Committees of Correspondence which organized the American Revoluton and founded America as a nation in 1776, borrowing their cry, which rallied America to the American Revolution, "We will have no King but Jesus!"). Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:40 PM,       // //

Posted,Wednesday,August 15, 2012. MILITARY MOLE: OBAMA NOW READY TO SEIZE NATIONAL POWER, BY MILITARY TAKEOVER! From Erasmus Of America /Written/ Aug. 14, 2012.
....(...) The Whigs of the American Revolution believed that all law must be based upon teachings and authority of the Bible. And God-given rights of man were higher law for America, than any law ever decreed by national or local government. The Tories of the Thirteen Colonies did not believe this and their hold over the courts in the Thirteen Colonies was broken, when the Whigs such as Thomas Jefferson, etc. pushed hard all law on earth must submit to the supreme authority of God, as shown by the God-given rights of mankind on earth. For Tories who did not see the validity of this legal argument, soon were converted, when entire towns tarred and feathers Tory judges, and drove them out of town on open wagons drawn by horses. Soon, all the judges in the Thirteen Colonies now agreed with the American people that all Americans had legal God-given rights under all law in existence. This is a bit of censored history I dug out from books published shortly after the American Revolution when they used to teach this in the schools and showed pictures of judges who got the tar and feather treatment and mocked by the people as they drove them out of their towns and cities. By perhaps nicer methods but still firm, it is time to teach again our judges both federal and state, to obey the U.S. Constitution as written, or else face the legal Wrath of the American People who will demand of all legal sources in America, that their God-given rights will be upheld by all law, not mocked by all law in America.....(...)  In May, 1943, Fortune Magazine wrote up this food process of my father, as "potentially a nutritional revolution." They also wrote up how paid off corruption in Wash., D.C. was being used to try and block this from reaching the American and world market. In the February, 1957 issue of the Catholic Digest, was the article "Real Bread Is Back!" by James C. G,.Conniff. In thar article, it publicized Pope Pius XII considered this so important to end starvation and malnutrition in the world, that he personally contacted 25,000 Catholic priests in the world, and told them that it was their moral duty to publicize this, to everyone they could across the world. ......  My father met with the F.B.I. as I recall in 1950, and told them much or all what the Soviet spy ring transmitted to my father from Stalin, trying to persuade him to let the Communists buy world rights from my father. The Communists also told my father how they would later win America to Communism, so he might as well sell to them regardless as they could not be stopped from later winning power over America. Obama is the final move to make America a Communist nation. His tactics are exactly what Stalin told my father would win America to Communism by Black racial politics, as Obama uses to divide and conquer America politically. The Catholic Digest in its earlier July, 1951 article "Our Broken Staff Of Life" reported how lab rats fed our "enriched white bread" and other skeleton foods we eat as standard diet, eventually collapsed all health in the rats, and they developed the same sicknesse and diseases as the human race eating the same foods. ..... The Vatican also gave a good write-up on this, in their semi-official world newspaper L'Observatore Romano in 1956, in an article by W. Persegati writing on behalf of Pope Pius XII. Separately, Pope Pius XII wrote his strongest endorsement on this, saying this was potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ nearly 2,000 years ago. But Wash.D.C. as a barbarian government,k destroyed all the records left me by my father, letters from the Vatican, prominent scientists, labo reports from universities, etc. Wash. D.C. gave it their best shot, to suppress this forever from the human race on earth.  .....  It was patented in 44 nations. However, my father never told how to make the unique equipment for this process, or else the patent could not work for engineers. .... Engineers could never duplicate my father's results. My father never corrected errors, taught in milling engineering....  I had a federal murder attempt on my life, as confirmed by witnesses. This was the Obama answer to my legal demand, that my federally stolen $525,000 be returned to me and immediately, as I needed it to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed food process for the health of mankind and to establish a mighty new industry in America which would skyrocket the American economy, and potentially create millions of new jobs for America, as I had intended for America to be the world supplier for this super food, to 7 billion people on earth. ...  And you mean that some Americans are dumb enough to want to vote for the man in the White House, who wants to wipe out the entire American race, by continued suppression of this Vatican endorsed food process of my father?            My industrialist father had sent me to military academies for eleven calendar years, and everyone in military intelligence in Wash.D.C. knows who is the only man in America who spent eleven calendar years in military academies. That is my calling card in military intelligence. I have had and still do have many secret, well placed friends all over America. I protect their identities well from wrong parties. One of my military moles today, supplied me a massive report on Obama's plans to seize national power and crush the American people forever, and end America forever as a nation indepedent from foreign control and occupation. He plans to have a select group pretend to try and assassinate him. This will be used by federal operatives to stir up a race war between Blacks and Whites. Once the nation is in turmoil, he will declare martial law and special military forces he has secretly prepared, will kill off potentially even all military veterans in America. As stated, the new military are to replace the old military in America. He is afraid of the veterans, because of their training and he knows that he can't control them. To create a better cover for his massive military buildup to smash the American people with, once he is ready, he had two civilian federal agencies order within the last six months,at least 1.8 billion bullets for the rifles of his mercenary soldiers he plans to use to crush the American people forever. I was given also many other details how the Obama plan works to seize control of America, and make it Soviet America as the Communists will totally control Wash. D.C. through Obama once he does this.               I am letting out the Obama secret, that will maybe put backbone in millions of Americans to fight a civil war against Obama, if things go this far. Also, Obama is trying to crash the economy of America, is why banks all over America have been secretly contacted to prepare for the crash of the American economy (but secretly engineered by Obama, who will pretend innocense to collapsing America as a nation). Police units across America have been secretly organized to work with the Obama military as our national Gestapo, once Obama crashes the American economy.              I am no coward, but civil war is an ugly thing for America to win. Even if the good win, it will likely take years to rebuild the American economy into anything worth living under. ......  Have Congress appoint me a 5 star U.S. Army General. After all, Israeli Intelligence offered me years ago the rank of Colonel with the Israeli Army, if I would join with them and leave America. Separately, I took the defector from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies, who was trained to train the top military commanders of the Soviet Union and had him train me the same as a Soviet general in nuclear warfare Soviet-style, which Moscow still uses today as the basis for their many plans how to annihilate America if nuclear war breaks out between America and Russia. I am already better trained to stop Russia from nuclear attacking America, than anyone else alive in America. And the Russians are far more clever, than the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon give them credit for. I have tried to warn the Pentagon how deadly is the Russian threat, but the Pentagon is too conceited and arrogant, thinking they know everything already. The Russians intend to take this Pentagon arrogance, and use it to trick American defenses into the sudden annihilation of America,by methods of nuclear attack the Pentagon is not anticipating. And our traitor C.I.A. years ago leaked out to foreign intelligence services the best way they judged, to annihilate America with one nuclear bomb. I plugged that colossal security leak, but I am afraid too late, to prevent Russia and China from picking up this angle to annihilate America with. There is one defense against it, but I am the only military brain in America, who knows how to set it up. .... if Obama makes one move to set up his intended military takeover of America, I am the only man in America then with the authority to order his arrest for high treason, put him on trial, and after his conviction have him executed for high treason by a military firing squad. End of conspiracy.... Once I know the American people are safe, I swiftly retire from this and my main interest is to build my Camelot Project as fast as I can. ...  I am the only person who knows how to totally block Obama and his scheme for total military dictatorship over America. Americans are weak on strategy. Tremendously brilliant, to pass my Omni Law as fast as possible. I can also get the rank of a 5 star general through the Omni Law by national referendum.Once I have the authority, I can order the immediate arrest of Obama for high treason and any mili-tary or others connected with the Obama conspiracy, to totally overthrow the U.S. Constitution and make Obama the Communist dictator of Soviet America for life.
     Time is very short. Obama hopes to be the new military dictator of America, before the November election can occur. People you need to move fast. Send this report by email to all Americans, and as fast as possible. Push hard for state legislatures to immediately vote for passage of the Omni Law, before our highly corrupt U.S. Congress does. If enough states vote fast enough, Congress either like lightning votes for and returns the Omni Law for a proposed constitutional amendment to the states for ratification, or else the states have a constitutional convention to pass the Omni Law by vote of the states or else vote to abolish (fire) the present government of America, and set up a new constitutional government for the American people. Let me be chairman, if things go this far, which I hope not. I will see the One World Government crowd is frozen out of this, and we have an honest new proposed national constitution that would make George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc. proud of.   This is not the hour for excessive modesty. If the economy suddenly crashes, have Congress or the state legislatures suddenly make me the Economic Czar of America. I have been written up as "The Einstein of American Economy." I am very good at national economics.
...... I can stop overnight any economic crash with the Bernard Baruch trick, and as soon as we stabilize things, I will proceed to set up the Jesus Money System used 4 times in history,and the best monetary system ever seen in human history. No amateurs from Congress. The right moves have to be done fast, if the American economy crashed by Obama can be saved from permanent national crash. Like Cincinnati of ancient Rome, I will briefly do what is necessary to save the economy of America, and then back to my Camelot Project which I am totally committed to.  ..... is colossally dumb to reject the love of God in this life. You want God to be your friend and you part of His family for eternity, not to be thrown away as an evil soul, who would stink up Heaven like a sewer rat, if God would let you stay there forever.            
Okay, pass along this report to everyone in America, help financially if you can as"late October" as I was informed today, is when Obama wants to take over America. Of course if all America knows first, it is hard to outwit an nation knowing the tricks, Obama plans to pull on America. Ask, why has Obama repeatedly blocked the revaluation of foreign currencies which would have been the antidote, to the economic crash Obama is trying to engineer for America? Our news media is heavily censored, or else you would know that America, Europe, etc. have been scheduled since maybe June of 2011, to have their economies restart and become far more prosperous, and one name seems to keep blocking it. Obama is the hidden rat hidden behind the walls of Washington secrecy.     I think President F.D.R. did make one very shrewd comment to the American people, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." Stand up, start doing what needs to be done, and we can make the would-be military takeover of America, disappear like a bad dream, that could have become reality, but we blocked it from happening. I know law well, is why I suggested the flanking move of briefly making me a 5 star general. I can arrest Obama then, the second he tries anything! And have the boy shot for high treason.        Yours for America, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. Didn't seek what is about to happen. Logic said what had to be done, to save America. I have given you the right, sound answer for America! God bless you and America! If we turn to God for wisdom and support, we will win in this clash of the American people against organized evil in America!)      Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:22 PM

Why Michelle Came Home

Why Michelle Came Home
        by Sheppard Smith, Fox News.

"If you check President Obama's last trip over-seas, his wife left just after their visit to France . She has yet to accompany him to any Arab country. Think about it. Why is Michelle returning to the states when 'official' trips to foreign countries generally include the First Lady."
Here's one thought on the matter.
While in a Blockbuster renting videos I came across a video called "Obama". There were two men standing next to me and we talked about President Obama. These guys were Arabs, so I asked them why they thought Michelle Obama headed home following the President's recent visit to France instead of traveling on to Saudi Arabia and Turkey with her husband. They told me she could not go to Saudi Arabia , Turkey or Iraq .
I said "Why not,(?) Laura Bush went to  Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Dubai ." They said that Obama is a Muslim and therefore he is not allowed to bring his wife into countries that adhere to Sharia Law.
Two points of interest here:
1) I thought it interesting that two American Arabs at Blockbuster believe that our President is a Muslim, who follows a strict Islamic creed.
2) They also said that's the reason he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia . It was a signal to the Muslim world, acknowledging his religion.
For further consideration, here is a responsefrom Dr. Jim Murk, a Middle Eastern Scholar and expert on Islam.

This is his explanation of what the Arab American's were saying.
"An orthodox Muslim man would never take his wife on a politically oriented trip to any nation which practices Sharia law,  particularly Saudi Arabia where the Wahhabi sect is dominant. This is true and it is why Obama left Michelle in Europe . She will stay home when he visits Arab countries. He knows Muslim protocol; this includes, bowing to the Saudi King. Obama is regarded as a Muslim in the Arab world, because he was born to a Muslim father; he acknowledged his Muslim faith with George Stephanopoulus. Note that he downplays his involvement with Christianity (after touting it in the election campaign , by not publicly joining a Christian church in DC. And occasionally attending the chapel for services at Camp David.

He also played down the fact that America is a Christian country and said, unbelievably, that it was one of the largest Muslim nations in the world, which is nonsense. He has  publicly taken the side of the Palestinians in the conflict with Israel and he ignored the National Day of Prayer, something no other President has ever done. He conceals his true faith to the detriment of the American people."
--- Jim Murk, Doctor of Philosophy in Middle Eastern Culture & Religion.
ACTIONS speak louder than words.

Another interesting item regarding Sharia Law. Why has Barack Hussein Obama insisted that the U.S. Attorney General hold the trials of the 911 Muslim Terrorists in Civilian Courts as Common Criminals instead of as Terrorists who attacked the United States of America ? If the Muslim Terrorists are tried in Military  Tribunals, convicted and sentenced to death, by LAW, Barack Hussein Obama, as President of the United States , would be required to sign their death warrants. He would not be required to sign the death warrants if they are sentenced to death by a Civilian Court . Muslim Jihadist, Army Major Hassan slaughtered non-Muslim soldiersat Ft. Hood, Texas rather than go to Afghanistan and be a part of anything that could lead to the deaths of fellow Muslims. He stated that Muslims 'could not and should not kill fellow Muslims.' Is the motive for Barack Hussein Obama's insistence on civilian trials, to make sure he doesn't have to sign the death warrants for the Muslim Terrorists? Why would he, as President of the United States , not sign the death warrants for Muslim Terrorists who attacked the United States and murdered over 3,000 U. S. Citizens on 9/11? Could it be that he is FORBIDDEN by his RELIGION to authorize the execution of  Muslims?

Think about that! Open your eyes, ears and mind to who the President is, how he behaves and what he is doing!
Actions speak louder than teleprompter-written words.
Please pass on to family & friends around the country and ask they do the same!!

Bankers Being Arrested Worldwide (video) Make Viral

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Bankers Being Arrested Worldwide (video) Make Viral
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 17-Aug-2012 01:52:08

Bankers being arrested worldwide (video) Make Viral
posted July 29th 2012
London the global headquarters for global banking fraud.
Bankers Arrested In Iceland, Ireland, UK, USA, Switzerland, India, France, Russia, Austria..
GET OUT OF THE BANKS NOW, while you still can. (It’s all part of the agenda for the U.S.)
Bankers Arrested In Iceland, Ireland, UK, USA, Switzerland, India, France, Russia, Austria...VIRAL 4 - YouTube

Obama's America 2016

Subject: See the Movie the White House does not want you to watch!

In Theaters Now
2016: Obama’s America
See the Movie the White House
not want you to watch
Dear Friends,
The Examiner says that Dinesh D’Souza’s movie "is a biographical masterwork" yet the media won’t talk about it. "Why is the media so Afraid of this Movie?" asks Gerald Molen in a Fox News Opinion. "We don’t know the president we elected in 2008", and this is your chance to find out.
"Must See!" - Movie Guide
"Attention-Grabber" - Variety
This is the weekend you have been waiting for as 2016 opens in over 200 theaters this weekend and will be in over 400 theaters next weekend. Please share this email with 10 friends and make 2016 the must see film of the summer.
Here is an exclusive clip from the film:

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Visit the website to find a theater near you.

On August 24, we will be in over 400 theaters. Here is a map of where:

About the Filmmakers
Gerald Molen has produced many of the most memorable films in the last three decades including blockbusters like Jurassic Park, Twister, Days of Thunder, Hook and Minority Report. He was a producer for the Academy Award winning film Schindler’s List and co-producer for Rain Man which won the Oscar for Best Picture.
Born in Mumbai, India Dinesh D’Souza has truly lived the American Dream. He moved to the United States to attend Dartmouth University and upon graduation he went to work in the Reagan White House as a policy analyst.
He has been a fellow of the Hoover Institute at Stanford University and the American Enterprise Institute. He is also the author of the New York Times Bestseller The Roots of Obama’s Rage. His other book titles include the popular What’s So Great About Christianity, Letters to a Young Conservative, and The End of Racism. He is a popular speaker and has appeared on Hannity, The Colbert Report, Glenn Beck and Politically Incorrect.

The 2016 Obama’s America Team

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©2012 OAF LLC

The Case against the 16th Amendment by Gunnery Sergeant JohnMcClain, USME, Rretired

If you wish to  read PREVIOUS ARTICLES by Gunny McClain, please see:

The Case against the 16th Amendment

As a matter of fundamental principle, the means for funding the federal government, obtaining revenue was constricted to excise taxes exclusively for a number of clearly defined reasons.

First, the continuing competitiveness of our fledgling state depended on our being a net productive economy, and excise taxes are the sole means of leveling the playing field, when confronted with long established exporters.  Secondly, it ensured those elected to office would find the security of our Nation of greater value than making private connections through politics.  Thirdly, it gave us the ability to take the time to consider where our best output would be, allow us to concentrate on our best interests, and remain trading, as others concentrated on their best productive capabilities.

The idea of an income tax was floated many times, but it wasn’t until prohibitionists got into a position of power that it was ever seriously considered.  First of all, the constitution demands taxes be “apportioned”, which means equally applied to all who are taxed and income tax had been considered proper to be graduated, according to earnings – ideologically counter to “apportioned”.

It became a reality only because the primary revenue source for the federal government was the Whiskey tax, and the prohibitionists aligned with the graduated tax advocates, and by similar measures to what just occurred with obamacare, the income tax amendment was passed to be ratified, to provide a solid and substantial revenue source for the government absent whiskey taxes, so prohibition had a chance of passing.

Author and Researcher Bill Benson, in “The Law That Never Was,” makes a convincing case that the 16th amendment was not legally ratified and that Secretary of State Philander Knox was not merely in error but committed fraud when he declared it ratified in February 1913. A review of the process in which many of the states purportedly ratified (or didn’t) shows that their ratifications were not legal and should not have been counted. We should all be aware that in order for the Constitution to be modified, an Amendment must receive ratification by three-fourths of the States, which at the time of the 16th Amendment would have required 36 out of the 48 states. Benson reveals the intricacies of how the ratification process never happened.

When Secretary Knox declared the 16th amendment ratified on February 25, 1913, he had received responses from 42 states and acknowledged that four of those states (Utah, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire) had rejected it, counting 38 states as having approved it. But did they? Let’s take a look…
·        In Kentucky, the legislature acted on the amendment without even having received it from the governor (the governor of each state was to transmit the proposed amendment to the state legislature). The version of the amendment that the Kentucky legislature made up and acted upon omitted the words “on income” from the text, so they weren’t even voting on an income tax. When they straightened that out (with the help of the governor), the Kentucky senate rejected the amendment; yet Philander Knox counted Kentucky as approving it!
·        In Oklahoma, the legislature changed the wording of the amendment so that its meaning was virtually the opposite of what was intended by Congress, and this was the version they sent back to Knox. Yet Knox counted Oklahoma as approving it, despite a memo from his chief legal counsel, Reuben Clark, that states were not allowed to change it in any way.

It should be noted, however, that attorneys who have studied the subject have agreed that Kentucky and Oklahoma should not have been counted as approvals by Knox, and, moreover, if any state could be shown to have violated its own state constitution or laws in its approval process, then that state’s approval would have to be thrown out. That gets us past the “presumptive conclusion” argument, which says that the actions of an executive official cannot be judged by a court and admits that Knox could be wrong. We’re down to the magical THIRTY SIX states approving the Amendment. But there’s more… always is, ya know. If only one more state could be shown to have NOT ratified the Amendment legally, it would have been rejected, but Philander Knox was not about to see that happen!

The state constitution of Tennessee prohibited the state legislature from acting on any proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution sent by Congress until after the next election of state legislators. The intent, of course, is to give the proposed amendment a chance to become an issue in the state legislative elections so that the people can have a voice in determining the outcome. It also provides a cooling off period to reduce the tendency to approve an idea just because it happens to be the moment’s trend. You’ve probably already guessed that the Tennessee legislature did not hold off on voting for the amendment until after the next election, and you’d be right – they didn’t; hence, they acted upon it illegally before they were authorized to do so. They also violated their own state constitution by failing to read the resolution on three different days as prescribed by Article II, Section 18. These state constitutional violations make their approval of the amendment null and void. We’re down to 35 states, which in essence SHOULD mean the Amendment did NOT pass by the three-quarters needed. But let’s “spike the football” and destroy the Amendment even further.

Texas and Louisiana violated provisions in their state constitutions prohibiting the legislatures from empowering the federal government with any additional taxing authority. Now the number is down to 33.

Twelve other states, besides Tennessee, violated provisions in their constitutions requiring that a bill be read on three different days before voting on it. This is not a trivial requirement ~ it allows for a cooling off period. It enables members who may be absent one day to be present on another; it allows for a better familiarity with, and understanding of, the measure under consideration, since some members may not always read a bill or resolution before voting on it. (See, Douglas, things just never change. They don’t read them NOW either!). States violating this procedure were: Mississippi, Ohio, Arkansas, Minnesota, New Mexico, West Virginia, Indiana, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Colorado, and Illinois. Now the number is reduced to 21 states legally ratifying the amendment.

Further review would make the list dwindle down much more, but with the number down to 20, sixteen fewer than required, this is a suitable place to rest without getting into the matter of several states whose constitutions limited the taxing authority of their legislatures, which could not give to the federal government authority they did not have.

With these facts in mind, and noting this has been recorded, established as fact for the past 99 years, isn’t it about time we do something about this?  When we have such a clear and obvious fraud, open for all to see, how can we not set it straight?

(Disclaimer: Statistical information contained in this article are from U. S. government sources and fully available to the public.)