Friday, August 17, 2012

Initiation into the Incunabula

Introduction - The Incunabula

In late May and early June of this year (2003), at the Grand Hotel des Iles Borromees, in Stresa, Italy, a supersecret conclave of about 600 of the wealthiest and most powerful people on Earth met behind closed doors in abject secrecy, to discuss and plan the fate of the world. Although the meetings have been going on since their first at their namesake Bilderberg Hotel in 1954, this confab was covered by only a smattering of European media, and by American Free Press in the US.

Other than that the entire North American media maintained a total and utter press black-out. Such is their power, and so much for the mythical “Free Press”. This year’s Bilderberger Conference attendees included
  • first timer Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates
  • Donald Graham, CEO of the Washington Post
  • Indra K. Nooyi, CEO of PEPSICO
  • David Rockefeller
  • Henry Kissinger
  • Richard Perle, dual US/Israeli citizen and architect of the Iraq war
  • Vernon Jordan
  • Richard Holbrooke, key aide to John Kerry
  • and on and on...
There were unconfirmed rumors that George W. Bush, who may have taken a brief day trip to the meeting while in Rome, was called on the carpet by this group to explain his current policies on the Middle East which they think has “gotten out of hand”. But these fantastically wealthy and influential people are all simply puppets to the real power behind the throne. This year’s honorary Bilderberger chairman, Belgian Banker Etienne Davigon, acts as a liason and taskmaster for a board of 15 controlling inner members.

The highest ranking member, a Spanaird with longish, greying hair, known only by his code-name "15", is a brilliant scientist, whose brain has been cybernetically enhanced to unimaginable levels, and whom many consider the ruling C.E.O. of planet Earth. You will never see these peoples names or faces in the press or on a list of company board members or anywhere for that matter. Their identities are so secret that in many cases their deaths have been manufactured and they have been simply lifted from “existence”.

They are global architects of the MATRIX who control policy at the very highest levels, thinking DECADES ahead, rather than mere quarters, months or years. In many circles it means certain death to even whisper their name: THE INCUNABULA.

The credo for these members is like that from the popular motion picture:
“You will no identifying marks. You will not stand out in any way. Your entire image is crafted to leave no lasting memory with anyone you encounter. You are a rumor, recognizable only as Deja Vu and dismissed just as quickly. You don’t exist. You were never even born. Anonymity is your name, silence your native tongue. You are no longer part of the system. You are above the system. Over it. Beyond it. We are THEM. We are THEY. We ARE... The Men In Black.”
But HOW is this power attained and after that, maintained? A careful study of the methods of these Black Magicians can allow us to see through the veil, into the code of the MATRIX woven around us. With the veil lifted, it gives us wisdom, insight, and empowers us in all that we do and in how we deal with the web they have spun around us. Everybody loves a good mystery. So here is a little light summer reading for you my children. A story of a young man who awakens to a Brave New World where all is not as it seems. A series of lessons, given by the greatest, and most diabolical minds, on Earth, constructed to enlighten in a fanciful and imaginative way.

Are you sitting comfortably? Good.

And so... Once Upon a Time...

Read more....

William Cooper Exposes The Illuminati & The Secret Government

Milton William Cooper (or Bill for short) was most famous for writing the book "Behold A Pale Horse" which was the underground bestseller for many years and is still popular today. It deals with the corruption that he saw in government and, most notably, the cover-up of extra-terrestrial contact that occurred during the latter part of the 20th Century. He was also famous for his radio show "The Hour Of Our Time" in which he talked about secret societies and his research into the ancient mystery schools.

In this lecture he exposes the full scale of his inside knowledge and gives the government a damn good punch in the face by unveiling the false reality that has been created due to the excessive secrecy surrounding the government's knowledge of UFOs and extra-terrestrial entities. It's a MUST watch for all UFOlogists (a phrase that Bill himself coined during this lecture) and seekers of the truth everywhere. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Mini-Trade Meeting Between Chancellor Angela Merkel & Prime Minister Stephen Harper Is 'Over'

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The Mini-Trade Meeting Between Chancellor Angela Merkel & Prime Minister Stephen Harper Is 'Over'
Posted By: RobertS
Date: Thursday, 16-Aug-2012 20:33:34

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, along with her entourage of top German business people, have come to Canada for a meeting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and his entourage of top Canadian business people.
Know that this be at the invitation of Prime Minister Harper for the visit of Chancellor Merkel.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper is seeking Chancellor Angela Merkel's help for a free trade agreement between the European Union and Canada, -----and Chancellor Merkel is seeking Prime Minister Harpers's agreement for Canada to contribute to a financial rescue deal managed by the International Monetary Fund, to help ailing European Union countries.
At meetings with Finance Minister Jim Flaherty were:
  • German chief executives of
    • ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, a major German warship-builder. 
    • Chemical giant BASF. 
    • K+S Group , leading suppliers of standard and speciality fertilizers and the world's leading producer in the salt business 
  • Canadian chief executives of
    • CAE Inc., a leading Canadian defence contractor, which manufactures defence simulators. 
    • Research in Motion, makers of the Blackberry product line.
    • OpenText Corp, makers of information management software. 
    • CGI Group, that provides business process services, consulting, cloud computing. Their new Defence, Public Safety and Intelligence unit in Ottawa headed by retired Canadian General Andrew Leslie, said to be candidate for the next Chief of The Defence Staff. 
But, contribution to the financial rescue program by Canada is officially a 'no-go', and while this may be so, their be other deals 'probably' made to strengthen the economic recovery. You know, like in the moral support. Not to mention the gifting to Chancellor Merkel by Prime Minister Harper a canoe paddle. It be just a gift, no message intended.
Aye, up the creek without a paddle(?), as one commentator say. Still, who knows what may come about behind the scenes.
Oh, and the visit to Halifax, Nova Scotia after, to visit with the climate scientists. This meeting was organized by Dalhousie University and the German Government. This highlight the difference in priorities between Prime Minister Harper and Chancellor Merkel as far as the environment and climate change.
Canadian scientists are upset with the Prime Minister Harper and the Canadian Government with cuts to the environment in the development of Alberta's oilsands pipeline projects, and “pointing to cuts such as the shutting down of Canada’s northernmost research laboratory in Eureka, Nunavut and the termination of the National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy”.
Chancellor Angela Merkel stresses the need for a new global climate pact this year. This increasing climate change, aye, it must be the fossil(?) fuels we use, for all that air conditioning, for all the lights on. HAARP has nothing to do with it, nor the pollution from all the bombings in the wars. Nor all the pesticides and fertilizers. Nor all the chem-trail spraying in the battle against the sylphs.
All this public viewing to keep the attention of the common people. Who do we believe?
But, again, I know nothing.
German Chancellor Angel Merkel looking for investors in European rescue plan
The gifting of a canoe paddle. Its a gift nothing else
German Chancellor Angela Merkel lands in Canada with entourage of top German business leaders
Chancellor Angela Merkel visits climate scientists in Halifax, Nova Scotia
National Defence and the Canadian Forces --Chief of the Defence Staff
DARPA in war against the sylphs
Robert Smith O'Ghobhain
Sarnia, Ontario

VIDEO!!! Bankers being arrested worldwide

Subject: FW: VIDEO!!! Bankers being arrested worldwide. posted July 29th 2012
Just in case anyone has any money left...!!!

Bankers being arrested worldwide. This posted July 29th 2012 (IS YOUR MONEY SAFE?)

London the global headquarters for global banking fraud.

Bankers Arrested In Iceland, Ireland, UK, USA, Switzerland, India, France, Russia, Austria..

GET OUT OF THE BANKS NOW, while you still can.  (It’s all part of the agenda for the U.S.)


Lawyers For Ron Paul Have Tentatively Won The Lawsuit Against The RNC!


Please Visit:

Mr. Gilberts facebook:
Lawyers For Ron Paul FB Group:

Obama Surreptitiously Implementing a Radical Plan to DESTROY American Suburbs

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Obama Surreptitiously Implementing a Radical Plan to DESTROY American Suburbs
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 16-Aug-2012 18:39:56

Obama Surreptitiously Implementing a
Radical Plan to DESTROY American Suburbs
High fuel prices... redistributive taxes...
electric cars with a 30 mi range
It should come to no surprise to any casual observer of US politcs that Barack Obama and his 'progressive' ilk hate suburbanites almost as much as they do clingers,
save some residual hope-n-changey soccer moms out there in the greenbelt, maybe.
But if a new book by Stanley Kurtz has any truth to it, the Obama Administration abhors the actual, physical suburbs that produce these irritatingly self-confident types, too- and they've already targeted the suburban lifestyle -glittering icon of the American standard-of-living the world over- for destruction.
Typical of this despicable regime's m.o. -as with Obamacare and the rest of his stealthy power/money grabs- the true goals are spun, obfuscated, or denied outright.
Yet the minute Kurtz' Spreading the Wealth: How Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities hit the shelves last week, a photo of Obama with racially-obsessed urbanist group Building One America's president Mike Kruglik was scrubbed from the BWA website (it showed them meeting right in the Oval Office,cached -here-). Kruglik also once sat on the board of a group that first hired Barack Obama as a community organizer back in Illinois, and has even been described as a CO 'mentor' to the young Obama.
Since these suburban swing-voters represent many of those Obama must charm in order to eek out a win in November, the last thing on Earth he needs is them knowing he's out to force them to give up their lawn/garden and move into a gritty downtown condo, so we all know why the orders went down to cover his tracks like they did with ACORN.
Kurtz on the anti-suburban strategy:
One approach is to force suburban residents into densely packed cities by blocking development on the outskirts of metropolitan areas, and by discouraging driving with a blizzard of taxes, fees, and regulations.
Step two is to move the poor out of cities by imposing low-income-housing quotas on development in middle-class suburbs.
Step three is to export the controversial 'regional tax-base sharing' scheme currently in place in the Minneapolis–St. Paul area to the rest of the country. Under this program, a portion of suburban tax money flows into a common regional pot, which is then effectively redistributed to urban, and a few less well-off 'inner-ring suburban, municipalities.
Alas, the White House may not have to keep their intentions secret forever... as with most other contentious issues of the day, all you have to do is give Dear Leader a second term and *presto* you'll get to see 'what's in it' (think complete and utter disdain for your opinion while implementing a warped agenda far more radical than anything we've ever seen in this country and you'll likely be in the ballpark).
Skeptical? Note that Barack Obama has long advocated urban 'regionalism'... where suburban areas are rolled-up into larger political/fiscal/tax structures and government, so as to dilute suburban towns' independence in every way- all the easier to spread-the-wealth-around and control with a political machine, doncha know.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/16/12 ‘New Banking and Financial System’

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/16/12 ‘New Banking and Financial System’

Everlasting changes are changes that are made carefully and meticulously, based on well conceived plans that are made and that have the ability to develop systems and governance that can withstand many long years and many changes that may test the integrity and strength of these systems. Here in your world today are many examples of systems that have not survived tests of their integrity, their strength and their design. Here you have systems that have in many cases completely collapsed under just their own weight and not any outside force or influence. You have here systems of banking, of finance, of politics, of government, of education, of medicine and hospitalization that had never any chance to survive the long run, as they were weak and flawed in their original conception. They had no chance, none of them, to serve the people for any great length of time, and most of these systems were not even well enough designed to serve the people beneficially, adequately, efficiently or fairly for even a short length of time.
This is in many cases simply appalling, as these systems were in large part designed for one purpose and one purpose only and these systems carried out that chore very well, and that was to enrich and empower a few while stripping the masses of all their wealth, their health, their freedoms and their power. That is what these systems were designed for, and in this perspective these systems were designed very well for these purposes, for they have done just what it is they were designed for in the first place. We are here to help you tear down these systems that have helped tear down your society while building up the lives of a few. That is one of the main reasons we are here, and we need your cooperation, your assistance, your faith, your confidence and your willingness to first tear down most of these systems so we can begin together building new systems of governance, of finance, of banking, of health and education.
As we have discussed earlier, some of these systems are ready to collapse immediately and we must proceed with great care, as it is much wiser and beneficial for your people to give the breath of life to some of these systems while we simultaneously construct new systems to replace them. It is not always necessary and it is not always prudent to tear down one system completely before its replacement system is already up and running. We are sure you can understand this when we simply look at say one system and examine the shortfalls of allowing it to collapse or to precipitate its collapse before its replacement system is fully operational.
Let us take your banking system as an exam. If we allow your banking system to collapse, then what is it your people will use as a system of exchange for food and goods they will need to simply survive? What would you bring to the store in exchange for food and gasoline to get to your jobs that may be very important for the welfare of others? This has to be considered before one system is completely torn down. A new system has to be designed, constructed and implemented in its place to immediately and efficiently take the place of the old system, or it must be already up and running fully functional before the old system is brought down. This is what we would like you to consider, and think about how many systems are needed at this time, even if these systems are running very poorly and efficiently and still to this day rob the masses of their wealth and their health, and in some cases their freedoms such as your judicial system, which in itself is a criminal empire built on profit and greed while it imprisons millions of your populations simply to earn more money for a few at the top of these pyramidal structures.
We wish to begin implementing these new systems, but as we have said, we must proceed very slowly and very cautiously as we must be very careful in some cases not to disrupt at all the system in place at this time that must not be allowed to crumble and fall such as your banking system. We have designed for you a new banking and financial system, but this is an area that must be resolved by your own people, for it is not us that can open up new institutions and it is not us who will physically distribute your new currency, if this is the way it shall go, for it is you, the people of your world, who must take these reigns and drive your new system into reality. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, are working with members of your world who do have the power, the abilities, the integrity and now the resources to make this dream a reality, but it is imperative of the people of your world to remain ever patient, to remain confident and faithful in your new banking and financial system, for it cannot be constructed overnight and so quickly replace the old system. It must be built slowly, in small and certain areas of your world as a testing ground, as a proving ground, a place where confidence can be built in your new currency and system.
This is what we will do. We will begin your new banking system that will replace all of your current currencies. There will not be different forms of currency and collateral throughout every nation, for that will not work or garner fairness, security or organization. That was part of a system based on inequalities and the ability to manipulate the value of these currencies and siphon off profits on a daily basis for just a few now incredibly wealthy individuals in your world. This money that has been stolen from you, the people, will be, in most cases and in most part, returned to the wealth of the people. This money that was stolen from the people you may see as only being borrowed from you, and now it is time this money is paid back and paid back this money will be.
There is no place that anyone can hoard or hide away funds of these sizes anywhere in your world. These funds can and have been easily traced and we, as well as the members of your Earth allies who are responsible for your new banking and financial systems know exactly where most of these funds pilfered from the people reside, and they will be extracted from the greedy clutches of these few men and women in the days ahead when it is the time for such a procedure.
As we have said, all things must take place in their appropriate time and no sooner and no later. Timing is of the essence in this operation and many others as well that will replace your systems that today run your world. We could get in depth about your new systems, how they will be implemented, even discuss target dates for when your new banking and financial system may begin to be implemented, but we say to you this is not important. For what is important is that you at this time focus on your current system and do what it is each nation must do to keep them afloat, for as we have outlined, your old system cannot be allowed to collapse before your new system is fully operational.
Your new system is being created, and it is being implemented as we speak. We are not playing a waiting game. It is being developed in certain parts of your world, and it is not being developed firstly in some of the nations of your world that you may expect, for it must be this way as your new systems of banking and finance must begin to be implemented in secure areas, in areas safe from the manipulative hands of the members of your criminal cabal who want nothing more than to see your new systems crumble, allowing their systems to continue as the only systems of banking and finance in your world, which would continue to enrich them so greatly and allow them to perpetuate their agenda of power and control and their nightmare dream of enslaving the populations of you world. We will not allow this. This has been decreed by your Creator; the agenda of the dark cannot be permitted to continue to reach fruition and cannot be allowed to continue any longer towards these goals. This you have our word on.
Our word has been misquoted by a number of individuals throughout your online circles who believe that we have promised this and we have promised that and have failed to deliver. This is fallacy, this is misunderstanding, this is disinformation. We only promise what we can, will and do deliver. Our promises are based solely on what we can and will do. Our promises are not based on what you can and have to do. Do you understand the difference? So many things that so many of you want are not ours to give you, they are yours to give yourself, therefore, how can it be that we have promised you these things?
Your freedom from the cabal is one of these things. We cannot give you your freedom from the cabal, for it is not our right, it is not our responsibility, it is yours. You, the people of your world, must take charge and free yourselves from the cabal and their clutches. This is happening. There are many women and men fighting each and every day for the freedom of your people. We witness this first hand. This is happening. There are those that may say this is not happening because they cannot see it. This may be understandable to a certain degree, but we say to you today as we have said to you on several occasions, the freedom of the people of your world is being fought for, it is being battled for, there is, as it may be described, a war going on right now just below the surface of human consciousness and awareness. It will like an oil gusher burst through the surface and drench the dry in its flow. We say this will happen as well.
Be patient, be faithful, be confident, be strong, be courageous, be helpful. Be all of these things, but be not doubtful, distrustful, dividing, problematic, instigating. These are attributes that are not helpful to you, to others, to your world, your planet and your universe. These things are not helpful. When we report to you what we observe we do expect a certain amount of resistance, of challenge, of doubt, maybe even distrust and suspicion, but we do not feel our reports deserve the responses that they enlist from such a wide range of readers. This we have trouble with, for these individuals are not showing the others the path to success, to triumph, to the changes that you all want for yourselves. These individuals are leading you down a dark and precarious road where the distrust and suspicion will never stop no matter what evidence is produced and no matter what changes take place. They will always take this contrary, unproductive, argumentative, challenging and manipulative stance. In most cases these individuals will not ever begin to exhibit, at least in this lifetime, positive forms of behavior that will assist their world and assist their brothers and sisters through these many changes and challenges, and when they successfully enlist followers to their attitudes and their demeanors they are enlisting foes to productivity, to efficiency.
As we have said, your faith, trust, confidence, strength and positive mind sets are imperative to the success of your new world, and these voices of dissent are not conducive to success, they are not compatible with the positive changes that all of you seek. We do not wish for one moment to silence these voices, please do not misunderstand us, and we will clarify this for you so there is no misunderstanding about what we say. We encourage these voices of dissent and say to them as far as we are concerned you are entirely free and welcomed to continue to leave your comments beneath our messages, challenging us, berating us, insulting us, mocking us, spreading lies and disinformation about us. Whatever it is you feel you need to do to express what it is within you we welcome.
What we are saying and what we are only saying today is that there is a certain percentage of your population that is needed to take another position, a positive position, a stance of confidence, faith, trust, determination, courage and willpower that these others are not, and in many cases cannot display, for it is not within them. They do not have all of these things. They do not possess all of these attributes. This is why they fill their vernacular with insinuations, insults and inflammatory rhetoric and words that stab and wound others. Do you see the difference? Do you see the difference between us asking these voices of dissension to silence, which we are not doing, and instead we are asking for the voices of constructive attitude to continue their efforts to fill your world with the echoes of light, of confidence, of faith, of determination, of courage, for it is you, the owners of these voices who are the pioneers of your new world. You are the creators, not the destroyers. You are the Gods, not the mortals. You are the eternals that will bring forth your new world as the stewards that you are.
The others they will go in the way of their choosing, down the paths that they swath today. There can be and will not be any other way for them, for they are not walking the same path as you, for they at this moment in their journey cannot walk the same path as you. This is being made clear to all of you who have eyes to see this. We say to you that you are free to choose to follow them down their darkened pathways. It is your right. We will not do anything to stop you or to try to convince you to turn around and follow us down our pathway. This choice is entirely up to each and every one of you and as we always do, we will honor and respect each and every choice each of you shall make. And so it shall be.
Continue on now down the paths of your choosing. We are also continuing down our path, and we hope to see many of you on that road. We are your fellow travelers on the path of the light. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles English

How I became George Obama's 'brother'

How I became George Obama's 'brother'

Published August 16, 2012
A few days ago I received a call from a man I recently met named George. He was a bit flustered, and soon informed me that his young son was sick with a chest condition. He pleaded with me to send him $1,000 to cover the medical bills. Since George was at the hospital I asked him to let me speak to a nurse, and she confirmed that George’s son was indeed ill. So I agreed to send George the money through Western Union. He was profusely grateful. But before I hung up I asked George, “Why are you coming to me?” He said, “I have no one else to ask.” Then he said something that astounded me, “Dinesh, you are like a brother to me.”
Actually, George has a real life brother who just happens to be the president of the United States. (George Obama is the youngest of eight children sired by Barack Obama Sr.) George’s brother is a multimillionaire and the most powerful man in the world. Moreover, George’s brother has framed his re-election campaign around the “fair share” theme that we owe obligations to those who are less fortunate.
One of Obama’s favorite phrases comes right out of the Bible: “We are our brother’s keeper.” Yet he has not contributed a penny to help his own brother. And evidently George does not believe, even in times of emergency, that he can turn to his brother in the White House for help.
So much for spreading the wealth around.
Obama’s refusal to help George is especially surprising because George doesn’t just live in American-style poverty but rather in Third World poverty. He lives in a shanty in the Huruma slum in Nairobi. He gets by on a few dollars a month. Obama also has an aunt named Hawa Auma, his father’s sister, who ekes out a living selling coal on the streets of a small village in Kenya. She says she would like to have her teeth fixed, but she cannot afford it. Obama hasn’t offered to help her either.
What’s going on here? Why is President Obama so hesitant to help family members in need?
A couple of years ago, George teamed up with a British journalist Damien Lewis and the two of them published George’s story in a book called "Homeland." Yet according to Lewis, shortly before the book’s publication in America, the publisher Simon & Schuster decided to shred the entire print run, more than 20,000 copies. Lewis tried unsuccessfully to get an explanation from Simon & Schuster but to no avail. He now suspects that the White House convinced Simon & Schuster that George’s story might prove embarrassing to the president.
In 2010, George also applied for a visa to come to the United States and was refused. While George confesses that in his younger years he was a delinquent, he has never been convicted of any crime. Moreover, he has a very good reason to visit the United States: his mother Jael Otieno lives in Atlanta. So why would the U. S. embassy in Nairobi refuse a tourist visa to the brother of the president who just wants to spend time with his mother?
In the past few days, an article has been circulating on the web that depicts George as a social undesirable. First published in the London Daily Mail, the article portrays George as a habitual drunk and philanderer. I spent a day with George this past February while interviewing him for my documentary film 2016: Obama’s America. I can attest that George is not an innocent. If he had been, he would not have survived life in the Huruma slum. Yes, George is street smart and cunning and I did smell alcohol on his breath.
But so what? George may be a drinker and a skirt-chaser but, as becomes clear from his book, he is also a survivor. He has overcome his past as a gang-member and petty thief and now works as the organizer of a slum soccer league. He is trying to uplift himself, and he is trying to help slum kids aspire to a better life. On balance, Lewis assures me, “George is not a bad guy. He is on the side of the angels.”
But even if Lewis is wrong, and George exhibits some harmful cultural pathologies, the liberal argument—one that Obama himself makes in his book "The Audacity of Hope" — is that the cultural pathologies of the poor are themselves the product of social disadvantage.
Barack Obama Jr. first met George in 1987, when George was five years old. He met George again in 2006 when he visited Kenya as a U.S. Senator from Illinois; George was then in his early twenties. Had Obama helped George along the way, perhaps this young man would not have ended up dirt-poor and living such a degraded life.
So what’s the real story here? Where’s George Obama’s “fair share”? George’s tragic situation exposes President Obama as a hypocrite. Here is a man who demands that others pay higher taxes to help the poor—even poor people who are not related to them—while Obama himself refuses to help a close relative like George.
Yet I believe there is a deeper explanation that goes beyond hypocrisy for why Obama wants nothing to do with George. After all, it would cost Obama so little to raise George out of poverty, and yet he won’t do it. This isn’t mere negligence; it suggests an active animus. The reason for that animus emerges in George’s book and also in my interview with George in the film 2016. In that interview, George rejects the anti-colonial philosophy that was espoused by Barack Obama Sr. This is the “dream from my father” that President Obama celebrates in his own autobiography.
From the record of their lives and writings, it’s clear that Barack Obama Sr. and Barack Obama Jr. both share the anti-colonial view that blames Western colonial exploitation for the poverty and suffering of the Third World. Yet George doesn’t buy it. He observes that at the time of its independence in the early 1960s “Kenya was on an economic par with Malaysia or Singapore. Look where we are now, and where they are. They’re practically developed and industrialized, while Kenya is still a basket case.” George believes that poor countries should take responsibility for their own situation. “What’s our excuse for failure? We don’t have one. We’ve only got ourselves to blame.”
Incredible though it seems, George Obama is, within the context of his own society, a conservative. He doesn’t worship at the shrine of Barack Obama Sr. and he espouses an ideology diametrically opposed to that of his father and his famous brother. George has experienced first-hand the empty rhetoric of the two Baracks, and he rejects it based on his actual experience of Third World poverty.
No wonder President Obama despises George, doesn’t want him around, doesn’t care to hear George’s views circulated in America, and won’t lift a finger to help him even when George’s son is in the hospital.
So that’s why George Obama felt he had to call me. He had no one else to call. He reached out to me in his time of need because he felt he couldn’t call on his real life sibling living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
That’s how I got to be, if only metaphorically and for a short time, George Obama’s “brother.”
Dinesh D’Souza, narrator and co-director of the film "2016 - Obama's America," is also the author of the new book "Obama’s America," published this week by Regnery.

More headaches for UK banks as lawsuits linked to US housing collapse and Bernard Madoff could cost them billions

More headaches for UK banks as lawsuits linked to US housing collapse and Bernard Madoff could cost them billions

16 August 2012

PUBLISHED: 22:27, 16 August 2012 UPDATED: 22:27, 16 August 2012 
 British banks face multi-billion dollar bills from a host of lawsuits linked to the US housing market collapse and dealings with fraudster Bernard Madoff, adding to their money-laundering and Libor headaches.
The interim financial results season revealed a litany of potential costs facing lenders with divisions in the notoriously litigious US.
The lion’s share of the lawsuits involve the sale of mortgage-backed securities – financial products linked to the US housing market – blamed for a US property bubble which burst, sparking the global financial crisis.

 Lawsuits linked to the US housing collapse and Bernard Madoff could cost banks millions
Litigious: Lawsuits linked to the US housing collapse and Bernard Madoff could cost banks millions
Royal Bank of Scotland subsidiaries are named in more than 30 lawsuits involving the sale of more than £54billion of mortgage-back securities between 2005 and 2007.
And HSBC is also being sued over its issuance of mortgage-backed securities, while Barclays is fighting similar suits with the potential for millions of dollars of losses.


All three banks are accused of misleading customers who bought such products. Among the complainants are collapsed US mortgage lending giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
HSBC has also set aside £163million to settle claims that it made errors in repossessing houses as the US property market plunged. The bank has admitted it may have to set aside much more money to meet financial penalties and lawsuits.
A far larger risk for HSBC is the impact of a suit from those who bought shares in its US arm Household between July 1999 and October 2002, before HSBC owned the division. They allege they lost money as a result of the unit’s lending practices, which forced the bank to make a £307million settlement.
HSBC is arguing it should face no damages at all, but has warned it might have to shell out as much as £2.2billion.
Both HSBC and RBS are also battling claims from the trustee tasked with handing out compensation to victims of the massive fraud perpetrated by Bernard Madoff. The trustee is claiming £186million from RBS, saying the bank benefited from the fraud and ‘knew or should have known of Madoff’s fraud’.
HSBC is named in a £5.7billion suit ‘for allegedly aiding and  abetting’ the fraud, which it is contesting.

Obama Staged ‘Batman’ Massacre – Corporate Media Goes on the Attack

Megadeth’s Dave Mustaine: Obama Staged ‘Batman’ Massacre – Corporate Media Goes on the Attack

Corporate media immediately goes on the attack
August 16, 2012
During a live show in Singapore, Megadeath frontman Dave Mustaine discussed his belief that the Obama Administration could have staged the Colorado Batman Massacre in a bid to further demonize and restrict the 2nd amendment.
Mustaine connected Operation Fast and Furious, which itself was designed to put high power weapons directly into the hands of Mexican drug cartel killers while at the same blaming American gun laws for the problem, to the recent and horrific Colorado theater shooting.
“So he’s staging all of these murders, like the ‘Fast And Furious’ thing down at the border, Aurora, Colorado, all the people that were killed there, and now the beautiful people at the Sikh temple,” said Mustaine, before adding, “I don’t know where I’m gonna live if America keeps going the way it’s going because it looks like it’s turning into Nazi America.”
Predictably, the corporate controlled media has gone on the attack as thousands of newspapers have written about his comments with some even calling for his first amendment rights to be restricted.
As the corporate media continues to attack Mustaine it is extremely important to remember that his comments were RIGHT ON TARGET.
The Colorado Batman massacre was absolutely a staged false flag event with dozens and dozens of facts all lining up to prove this very sad reality. Even a partial glance at a list of facts should make any legitimate, truth seeking individual see this.
Mustaine’s comments hopefully will allow other high profile figures to continue to speak out about false flag terror and the general tyranny overtaking America.

Known Facts that Indicate a Possible False Flag:

  • Government and new world order talking heads such as New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg called for further limiting the second amendment just hours after the shooting.
  • Second gas mask found, blood trail, and neck wound cover up.
  • The U.N. Small Arms Treaty is set to be debated this week with a huge majority of Americans opposing ANY restrictions on guns.
  • On the same day as the Aurora massacre, Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine held an identical drill that simulated a shooter in a movie theater.
  • ABC News as well as other corporate media outlets initially reported multiple suspects before the official “story” was fed into the newsrooms by government and law enforcement officials.
  • Witnesses inside the theater have stated that someone actually stood up in the theater after receiving a phone call and proceeded to walk towards the emergency exit that was later used by the shooter. He then proceeded to prop open the door in some way.
  • A 1986 Dark Knight comic actually foretold the theater shooting, a fact that lines up directly with the numerous other predictive programming techniques used in many forms of media in many different ways.
    • A trailer that played before the movie depicted gangsters shooting up a movie theater. The trailer was promptly removed by Warner Brothers just hours after the massacre.

·         Unanswered Questions: (submitted by an Intel Hub contributor)

1.)     Who placed the booby trap bombs inside the apartment of shooter Holmes ?
·         2.)     Who trained shooter Holmes to assemble and install these high tech booby trap bombs ? These were very complex booby trap bombs that took 2 days to dismantle.
3.)     Why did shooter Holmes reveal to police that his apartment was booby trapped with bombs ?
4.)     When he was well armed and wore bullet proof protection, why did shooter Holmes surrender so easily instead of having a shoot out with the police?
5.)      Who helped shooter Holmes coordinate his attack with a cell phone call and then opened up the emergency door for him to enter? This question is based on eye witness account of a survivor.