Saturday, August 18, 2012

The James Holmes Conspiracy Documentary

Video on the coming financial collapse

All who read this blog are aware of the coming collapse of the US dollar, aka petrodollar, aka FRN ( Federal Reserve Note).
But, do you know how we got here? And, more important, how to gauge when this economic upheaval will likely start?
What are you doing with your wealth to preserve it? Are you still in stocks? Bonds? 401k that is managed by a broker?

I'd like to ask you to watch this video from a friend of mine. His name is Gregory Mannarino.

Despite his youthful appearance, he has over 20 years experience in the markets. And, unlike the pundits who claim to be financial experts, and talk over us hoping we'll just think they're smart and tell everyone else what they said (hoping everyone else will think we're smart! lol)
Greg spells it out, in recognizable terms and everyday language, along with charts pinpointing historic events and how they relate to today's financial roller coaster. Like the quantitative easing  #1, #2 and ongoing #3 the Fed initiated, which artificially drove the market up each and every time it was announced.

In this video, he shows you the news chatter and press releases by very prominent people of the time;  bankers, politicians and newsmakers. The similarity to today's situation is uncanny.
And, Greg explains how every move by the Fed, or the Treasury to prop up the financials, it cancels the markets attempt to find fair value ... in everything the propping up influences, directly and indirectly - stocks, equities etc.  This overriding of the free market's mechanisms have a consequence. 

I call it the Federal Reserve blow job! - It seems their job is to blow bubbles. And, they like really BIG bubbles. So, they blow, and blow and blow some more. Completely inflating the market. On a chart, you'll see it plain as day. Then, you'll see the nemesis of the Fed, the Free Market, poke at  that bubble. Like a great equalizing stick pin, the market attempts to pierce the ever expanding, ever thinning veil of interference, which is the only trick the Fed has.
Then, in the instant the Fed tries to catch it's breath, the market forces the value down to, and usually below, the actual fair value. Till the market catches up.
Then it starts all over again. 
Check out Greg's charts and explanation in this video. I'll bet you'll do what I did - You'll find yourself checking out his previous work.
And, then you too, will subscribe to his youtube channel.
Because another thing he does that those other pundits don't, is bring you a video chock full of very useful information every single day, seven (7) days a week. 
Believe me, like thousands of other well informed folks, you'll soon make him part of your daily routine. 

Mark Vette

Another reason to remove the Greedy , Satanic, NWO Elitists from the face of the earth

The insidious Cabal must be eliminated; they have ruined the financial health of the entire planet , now they seek out to take from us, what is next; no we must eliminate THEM !

RedIce Radio
Rosa Koire – Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21
August 16, 2012
Activist, speaker, and blogger, Rosa Koire is a forensic real estate appraiser specializing in eminent domain valuation. Her research into and fight against redevelopment led her to UN Agenda 21 and was the genesis to co-found the Santa Rosa Neighborhood Coalition, Democrats Against UN Agenda 21, and the Post Sustainability Institute. She has been speaking and inspiring groups nationally to take action. She is the author of Behind The Green Mask. Don’t miss this important program as Rosa details how Agenda 21 is being used to transition the world into a global totalitarian state where one must pay to live. She’ll explain how this agenda is the biggest public relation scam in history. We’ll cover how this plan is designed to destroy the individual, create scarcity and make us vulnerable to control. Rosa talks about the ideology of ….
the first hour is free..

Video about the usurpation of their freedoms and wealth

Please forward this video to anyone that you know who is totally naive and asleep as to the usurpation of their freedoms and wealth. Bar codes and cell phones and body & car X-RAY scanners will supervise 'your every move, and purchase.
     These NWO Satanists are embodiment of true evil. We must stop them. HLS just purchase one billion round of ammunition. For what- they should be charged with sedition against " We The People", then treason. 
  Why are they acting this way, they are being well paid by the Satanic NWO Financial-Industrial-Military Cartel operatives, headed by the Rothschild Financial Cartel.  The world is Broke !  We are vulnerable, so please be on guard ! It is your life, please keep it !

U.S. Gov't creating 'Super Cartel' in Mexico

The same cartel that received guns from the ATF,
also recieved 'favor' from other U.S. gov't agencies.

Allowed to ship in drugs 'carte blanche', shielded
from arrest and prosecution, and even helped to
launder their drug money.

I've been following the story on our sister site...


Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

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videos with friends and colleagues.

That's how we grow. Thanks.

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2380 California St.
San Francisco, CA 94115

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News, Rumors and Opinions in Dinarland Late Friday Night

News, Rumors and Opinions in Dinarland Late Friday Night


[highlander65] Central Banks and Wall Street Insiders Are Preparing For Something Big…. cruiser ---

[cruiser] Wow!!! Did someone fix Europe??? European Shares Extend Best Weekly Run in 7 Years

[rustyc] cruiser there is a chart showing what you explained at

[CoolClownFish] . this is what I first saw when I checked a little bit ago. hmmmmmmmm!

 [CoolClownFish] about 10 minutes ago but now its back
[Lauren305] CoolClownFish why what are we supposed to be watching

[911GTS] what!!!!!

[cherryberry] CoolClownFish hmmmmmmmmmm

[911GTS] that has to be old!!!!

[gunny] Wow!

[CoolClownFish] what is 000.277? is that a place holder?

[CoolClownFish] Lauren305 look at the picture

[Jeepgirl] CoolClownFish ... that would be $3.61 per dinar

[cherryberry] CoolClownFish where are the darn experts when you need them lol

[gunny] Jeepgirl Yes

[aberry] CoolClownFish thats just below kuwaits rate WOW

[911GTS] that was yesterday?

[911GTS] but the euro price is the same

[cherryberry] Jeepgirl $3.61 I am all in

[jacque47] good evening ccf

[Dolly119] CoolClownFish has anyone seen that before???

[CoolClownFish] sorry had about 10 calls. no i just did the screenshot now

[BIGREDDOG] CoolClownFish that's a nice picture!!!

[CoolClownFish] 911GTS i seen the others are the same

[BIGREDDOG] CoolClownFish what is it at now?

[Dolly119] 3.61 could be my new favorite number!

[CoolClownFish] Bigreddog 1166 / 1164

[CoolClownFish] I was freakin out lol

[rustyc] CoolClownFish Is that a fluctuating rate?

[cherryberry] testing, testing, One, Two, Three, blast offfffffffff

Dolly119] i gotta tell ya...I have that screen print of ccf up on another screen....i don't ever want to remove it from my screen! This is the best thing I have seen since the night I met my hubby!

[Dolly119] that HAS to mean something

[cruiser] Now for a little Iraq news: Europe's Fastest-Growing Economy Needs More Oil read the 4th paragraph please.

[steveg] Wow, just read recaps and your comments crusier on QE3. Thought I missed something big but I can not find it on CNBC or bloomberg as of 5 minutes ago. I know you must have been talking about it for a while. May I ask where you got this info on QE3 from or is it your analysis?

[cruiser] steveg just look at this from tonight. You will see that I am not nuts. How could this be happening when there is no fix out there for Europe. European Shares Extend Best Weekly Run in 7 Years:


[steveg] cruiser didn't Merkel reafirm today that Germany will help.

[cruiser] steveg that was today. This is about the week.

[goldman] cruiser so you think there is going to be an unannounced "fake" QE3 which will lead the way to an rv and the rv will put money into the economy like a QE would have.

Rustyc: from MIG

gretco] rustyc - if you look at top right corner - says 9:23 on Friday.......

[trebor1859] rustyc ty

[PatientlyTrek] rustyc so that is a screenshot of someone else's comptuer right?

[rustyc] PatientlyTrek yes it is the owner of mig

[rustyc] cruiser cool clown fish the owner of MIG

[PatientlyTrek] rustyc and they shared it 20 mins ago or it was taken 20 mins ago?

[captaincaveman ] .22 would equal $4.54 per dinar right?

[ForHim] captaincaveman i could live with that

[mbillions] captaincaveman yes... your calculations are correct...

[cruiser] I have to be honest. My problem is the rate period. Not high enough. Will take it. No I won't. I want higher.

[mbillions] cruiser I want higher too... I believe it will be higher...

[goldman] cruiser that rate could be the internationl rate but the package rates will be higher

[cruiser] I WANT OKIES RATE THAT HE POSTED MOTNHS AGO!!!!! lol lol Only Joking!!

[goldman] it will be double digits

[debneureka] At this point...not sure about the rate..just wish it would happen!

[PatientlyTrek] captaincaveman but I'm still not believing that its a legit screen...

[cruiser] steveg Please look back since the end of July when the Fed, ECB and BOE were supposed to annouce all otf the stimulus. Nothing happened. Correct. YET the markets are all up. Why? Was this the first time the ECB annouced a soluttion. No! YeT Europe is booming, from all of the Hedge funds investing there (ARTICE FROM MONDAY ON BLOOMBERG ABOUT IT). The U.S Stock market has been moving higher since then also. Everyday at least 30 -40 times a day there is QE3 talk. For and against it. Now forthe last 2 weeks the U.S Market has been flat. If this was not priced in already or not going to happen the Hedge Funds would have pulled out already. Do you agree? The U.S news is not that great, especially in the banking world.

[cruiser] So tonight we have a screen shot. A warning with a statement that states codes are close. Iraq selling oil to Turkey. and the castle changed characters. Hmmmm?? Yes strange indeed

WORLD TV PREMIER - 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out Watch Live 8/18 Sat. at 7pm MST

WORLD TV PREMIER - 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out Watch Live 8/18 Sat. at 7pm MST

Colorado Public TV to Air ESO Documentary!

When: Saturday, August 18, 2012, 7:00pm (MDT), with encore airings on Channel 12.1.

Live Streaming and Details: Of special interest, CPT12 will be streaming this important event over the internet through Sunday, September 2, 2012 at:

Details of encore airings and public comments can be found at this link.

[link to]

9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out: This new documentary by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth features dozens of credentialed experts in architecture, engineering, and other related fields who argue that the World Trade Center (WTC) Twin Towers and WTC Building 7 were not brought down on September 11, 2001, by the office fires ignited by the jetliner impacts, but rather by explosive controlled demolition. The 43 architects, engineers, physicists, chemists, and others interviewed in the film represent more than 14,000 concerned citizens and over 1,700 architects and engineers from around the world who have signed a petition demanding a new, independent investigation. The film details scientific, forensic evidence that the group claims was omitted or misrepresented by the official reports. Official reports blame the unprecedented destruction of all three modern skyscrapers on fires and on the removal of insulation by the jetliner impacts.

No jetliner crashed into WTC 7....

[link to

Friday, August 17, 2012

Patriotic Marine Arrested By SWAT and taken to mental hospital over political statements on Facebook!!!

 Patriotic Marine Arrested By SWAT and taken to mental hospital over political statements on Facebook!!!
I just got word that apparently one of the contributors on this site has been arrested/detained over Facebook posts.  The Police, FBI and Secret Service swarmed in and took Brandon Raub to John Randolph Mental Hospital.   This patriotic Marine had posted 5 posts on the Dont-Tread-On.Me blog linked below.  Just glancing over them they seem to be of the religious and patriotic fight for truth and justice.  He used the blog to have people join his FaceBook group and even did and promoted a Richmond Liberty March.

I looked through my email to see if there was any emails between the two of us and I did not find any, although I am sure there was as I would not have given him access to post on the blog if I did not.

There are a couple of lessons I want everyone to know form what little information we have from this incident.

1. Delete Facebook. I did a video for The Greatest Truth Never Told series called Delete Facebook giving a non conspiracy reason why people should quit FaceBook as it is destroying our lives. Now you should all see the conspiracy reason why you should Delete Facebook.  This incident proves that it is just a huge monitoring tool for the Elite to track and build a profile of you.  You give willingly the details of your political leaning, friends, interests.  The hidden influence of the CIA  through In-Q-Tel is becoming more and more visible.

2. This is designed to create a chilling effect to people speaking out and more importantly to keep sheeple from look at us for the Truth.  I stated in the 3 Coming False Flags that the Elite would eventually criminalize or restrict our freedom of speech of the Freedom Movement.  The Elite know the economic collapse is going to bring about the Anger Phase of the Awakening.  They are actively preparing for riots and civil war. The thing that I find amazing is that these .gov people don’t ask why they are preparing for Civil War?  What could make people so mad to want to go to war?  Well since the Elite know the collapse of the dollar is coming they are conditioning their minions for that collapse.  What these people should realize is that their paychecks are going to bounce and their entire life’ savings are going to be robbed.

3. Non violent, non compliance is a smart and effective strategy.  Walking away from the paradigm is the best way of resisting the paradigm.  Anyone physically pushing back will be taken down as it is of the same consciousness of those that are spreading debt and death throughout the world.   Go peacefully if you are arrested, but question them on why and for what reason.  You ask the questions and you should give no answers.  You still have the right to keep quiet and ask for a lawyer.  Unless you are really good under pressure I would suggest you just say nothing accept for asking for your lawyer.  Also family members need to shut their mouths too as they immediately go after their friends and family in phone interviews.

4. Video tape everything you can.  If you are confronted record every aspect not only to protect yourself, your rights and keep the story straight but also for a future law suit. You have every right to record every confrontation, I would be discreet about it because you don’t want an officer break the law and take your evidence.  This is also very important to help keep your narrative straight as you will be told a lot of lies along the way.

5. Apparently questioning the government is a mental condition.  Brandon was immediately brought to John Randolph Mental Hospital.  The use of psychology was very common to political tool the Soviets and the Nazis to silence political opposition.  Look at what Vladimir Putin is doing in Russia.

6. You get more flak the closer you get to the target. We must be coming very close to the collapse date with all of the things that are going on.  I recommend that people stock up on food and gear and get ready to ride out the storm.

 I hope to get more details as they develop and eventually I hope to thoroughly de-brief  Brandon as soon as he can.

Join the Insider mailing list at the top right hand side of the blog for email updates.

[link to]


DTOM Contributor Brandon Raub Arrested By FBI For Facebook Posts

ICE Agents need more petition signers to fight amnesty by Drake

ICE Agents need more petition signers to fight amnesty

by Drake

THIS ISSUE: As 2-year executive amnesty begins, immigration agents step up opposition to being barred from enforcing the law -- WE HAVE TO HELP THEM
I sent out a late Wednesday night alert about the ICE agents' union asking the public to sign its protest petition. (Most of you haven't signed it yet. Please go there now at
The petition against the Administration's nullification of immigration laws (that includes the mass 2-year amnesties that began being handed out Wednesday) is toughly worded. But ICE union officials have now come out with even stronger words against their federal bosses who won't allow them to do their job of enforcing laws that Congress passes.
"ICE agents are now under orders to ignore the law as well as threats to public safety and fraud,"the union leaders say in a new press release about their members who work for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) section of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
"Those officers who refuse to follow the Administration's unlawful orders by making arrests will be disciplined and lose their jobs, as well as the ability to support their families," the union statement says.. "The National ICE Council representing approximately 7,200 ICE Agents, Officers and employees were the first to sign the petition on behalf of those that they represent in hopes that through public support ICE, DHS and the Administration can be convinced to take a more responsible approach to law enforcement and cease their collective efforts to devastate and demoralize federal law enforcement officers and their families."
While ICE agents have been ordered to stand aside, we have witnessed this week a steady stream of images of tens of thousands of illegal aliens lined up in public to sign up for work permits to compete in the legal job market against the millions of unemployed young Americans. Estimates are that 1.7 million illegal aliens could get the reward of these work permits even though Congress has three times voted down bills to give out these work permits.
"Morale is in the toilet right now," according to Chris Crane, president of the National ICE Council. "Most of the guys out in the field are just in an uproar."
The ICE agents feel the only way they may be able to survive as a legitimate enforcement entity to protect all of us from another mass wave of illegal immigration is to show the Administration that the public stands with the agents -- and against the anti-security policies of the Department of Homeland Security. That's why it is so urgent that you sign the petition now and circulate it far and wide. The agents are extremely pleased to have the 30,000 signatures since Wednesday, but they need hundreds of thousands of signatures (at least) if they are going to have any real protection in their challenge against the Administration.
The union officers say ICE Agents and Officers nationwide "are now under threat of disciplinary action, up to and including the loss of their jobs and retirements, simply for attempting to enforce federal laws."
Let's do all we can to help our nation's immigration enforcement officers.
FRI, AUG 17th
Sign the ICE Union petition NOW. The petition to ICE Director John Morton urges the agency head to reward agents who enforce immigration laws -- not punish them!
Drake | August 17, 2012 at 3:42 pm | Categories: News | URL:

Tim Turner's boys up to games again ---- BEWARE DINAR HOLDERS

Thank you XXXXX for sending. I had heard a few days ago that Turner was once again attempting to promote another grab for dinar with a phoney RV deal. WAKE UP PEOPLE THIS IS ABOUT LINING HIS POCKETS NOT YOURS.....ALL INDICATIONS from my sources and others are that the ultimate rate for the common citizen is going to be MUCH HIGHER and soon. His claims of deals with Iraq are so utterly ridiculous that a kindergartner should be able to see through them. Please do not fall prey to this con man!! or his con-cronies!!

If you have a blog or a website please post the warning. Enough people have been harmed already! 


Hi Dinar Recaps:

We just received word from one of our members that Jim Fitzgerald's
group, the Republic for the Unites States of America (RuSA), has
been contacting folks to solicit dinar for a "one time cash-in
opportunity." This is not associated with the RV, but rather a
purchase 3:1. We placed the following warning in our chat room:

[4:56:16 PM] XXXX: Family, It has come to our attention that
there are wolves seeking your Dinar. These wolves are preying upon
you via conference calls. Saying that they need X # of Dinar from
you by Monday morning. THIS IS A SCAM! As it was conveyed to us,
the person is one Jim Fitzgerald and the Republic Congress folks.
We have first hand knowledge of this individual and the
organization. We will bring you more as we can. DO NOT SEND YOUR
DINAR TO ANYONE! It is imperative that you heed this warning lest
you lose your money! How many times must we come to you with
warnings of wolves? If you are contacted by anyone requesting your
Dinar, let us know immediately!!! God Bless you all!!!

Reportedly, Fitzgerald's people re contacting people and providing
the reply email addresses R.Barnet*** and

Felt we should pass this on to you, that widest dissemination of
the information was prudent.

Warm regards,