Saturday, August 18, 2012

A CIA Black Op?

A Deeper Look At “The Dark Knight Rises” Shooting: A CIA Black Op?

By Saman Mohammadi
July 21, 2012
The surrealist aspect of “The Dark Knight Rises” mass shooting is spooky. But what if it is even spookier than we can imagine? What if Alex Jones is right and this mass casualty event was staged by U.S. intelligence and security services to create a pro-gun control political atmosphere in the United States?
One apparent political motive is to tilt American public opinion towards gun control laws and pressure politicians into backing the Obama administration on gun control. Coincidentally, on July 27, 2012, President Obama and Hillary Clinton are going to sign the UN gun control treaty.
Another motive is to increase the role of the TSA, beef up security in all areas of society, and make the American people accept the new radical changes as necessary and legitimate.
A mass shooting is a form of political terrorism, but the political motive is not raised in the media or by police, instead it is suppressed. The suspects in almost all mass shooting cases are mute and drugged up robots who obediently hand themselves over to the authorities after they’re finished killing. They act like trained killers who go back to their owners.
So could the mass killer James Holmes be a CIA mind controlled operative? It’s possible. The CIA has trained many Jason Bourne-type killers, and has planned other state terror events, with 9/11 being the most famous example. The CIA may be playing a sick joke and twisting reality by unleashing a real Jason Bourne at a Batman screening.
Anders Breivik, the mass shooter in Norway, was connected to government intelligence and a Knights Templar group. Some people have said that he was a brainwashed patsy. Does Holmes fit this mold?
Could the Obama administration be using political terrorism to achieve their political goals of destroying the second amendment and popularizing the UN gun control treaty? It is not out of the question. They came up with Fast and Furious, which led to the deaths of Americans. So we have to remember that the White House and CIA are controlled by evil totalitarian fascists who believe the end justify the means. They are ruthless.
The demonic U.S. government has used state terrorism before to shift public opinion on an issue. Also, let’s not forget that a former Clinton official said in 2010 that only a terror attack can save the Obama administration.
None of this speculation and questioning is unjustified. We live in wild and crazy times. Life has turned into a movie, and the CIA is writing the script. With that said, it is too early to tell if the trail of blood leads to the CIA and White House. There is little concrete evidence that shows they were behind this mass shooting. There are clues and coincidences. But these are not enough to form a rock solid opinion on the matter.
I have not made my mind up yet about this incident. I have to sleep on it. It is a mistake to rush to judgment. Maybe this tragic mass shooting is connected to elements of the Deep State. Or maybe this was just a crazy guy who was hypnotized by The Dark Knight, especially the Joker character, and fantasized about killing people.
At the end of the day, we have to use our intuition. There are twists and turns in this bizarro world. Life is a mysterious adventure that is filled with terror and joy, tragedy and triumph, darkness and light. We should be surprised by nothing. And we must be willing to go to wherever the truth takes us, even if it is a very dark place.
This article originally appeared on The Excavator Blog

Hallmarks of a False Flag

Hallmarks of a False Flag: Colorado University Held Identical Drill on Same Day as Aurora Theater Mass Shooting, Mind Control, and Multiple Suspects

By Alex Thomas
July 23, 2012
In the last few days there has been numerous reports that seem to indicate that once again the government and corporate controlled media are directly lying and possibly covering up a “black op” that resulted in at least a dozen deaths during a premier screening of the new Batman movie at a theater in Aurora, Colorado.
Now, yet another startling revelation has come to light and, like other bits of evidence released in the last two days, this “coincidence” adds to a series of facts that bear all the hallmarks of a false flag.
On the same day as the Aurora massacre, Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine was holding an identical drill that simulated a shooter in a movie theater.
The tragedy that played out in an Aurora movie theater Friday was ironically paralleled as a classroom learning experience in a medical school in Parker the same day.
Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine is in the middle of holding specialized classes in disaster life support for 150 second-year medical students. Along with response to natural disasters like hurricanes and floods and terrorist attacks, one of the scenarios being used to train the students is how to respond if a shooter fires at people in a movie theater and also uses a bomb in the attack.
“The irony is amazing, just amazing,” said Rocky Vista Dean Dr. Bruce Dubin.
This so called coincidence would be less startling on its own but when you consider all the other facts that have been released in the last two days, the number 1 suspect in the attacks has to be elements of our own government.
ABC News as well as other corporate media outlets initially reported multiple suspects before the official “story” was fed into the newsrooms by government and law enforcement officials.
In a report for, Shepard Ambellas noted this fact:
James Holmes the alleged “Lone Wolf” gunman who opened fire in a Colorado theater at a midnight showing of the new Batman movie killed 12, and injured 50 in a MKULTRA style shooting spree that ended in his arrest.
However, eyewitnesses and press admitted early on that a second shooter was involved.
Witnesses inside the theater have stated that someone actually stood up in the theater after receiving a phone call and preceded to walk towards the emergency exit that was later used by the shooter.
The witnesses then claimed that the man propped the door open in some way and was directing someone outside.
Interestingly enough, a 1986 Dark Knight comic actually foretold the theater shooting, a fact that lines up directly with the numerous other predictive programming techniques used in many forms of media in many different ways.

“The horrific shooting at the screening of The Dark Knight Rises in Colorado late last night bears eerie similarities to a scene in the 1986 comic Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. In the comic, a crazed, gun-toting loner walks into a movie theater and begins shooting it up, killing three in the process, reported the Washington Examiner.
“The passage concludes with the media blaming Batman for inspiring the shooting, though he is not involved in the incident at all.”
To top it off, a trailer that played before the movie depicted gangsters shooting up a movie theater. The trailer was promptly removed by Warner Brothers just hours after the massacre.
The suspect was apparently screaming about all kinds of crazy things just a few days ago and now literally cannot talk and is possibly on heavy psychotropic drugs but no one in the corporate media is even asking if this could just be a mind controlled patsy?
Many researchers and independent reporters have speculated that the shooter was under some sort of mind control and the fact that he studied neuroscience and was part of a small program at his college adds credence to the theory.
In the days ahead we will be researching and reporting on the possible mind control aspect in great detail. Stay tuned.
Note: A video report published on YouTube seems to conclusively prove that there were multiple shooters outside the emergency exit and that blood traced back to the theater.

Dinar and Financial Info Commentary

John, a few months ago they were talking about the FED doing a QE3 and shortly thereafter, someone decided to change it to a Stimulus. Check this out.. 


[cruiser] Hi and good evening everyone!!! Please pay attention to this. As Stated today, QE3 has happened along with the ECB Stimulus package (shadowed by the hint and speculated by the market). Explained this afternoon how and why and what indicators have shown us this. THE ACTUAL ANNOUNCEMENTS From the FED WILL NOT HAPPEN!!!!

What will happen and what are you talking about will be the questions and for good concern. WE are at a time where Banking changes are occuring and have been for some time. Currency will be backed by gold and/or other hard assets. This means the USD will no longer be the currency that all other currencies and commodities peg/use as the tradeable currency.

With this change The USD will non existent and replaced with the UST Note/dollar ( Just like the opposite change of the UST note going goodbye and the FED dollar replacing it). How and when this will take place. I DO NOT KNOW.

[Jeff] cruiser wow flipping knew it but I could not verify thanks DUDE pard ole buddy LOL now I am wide awake yeppeeee

[MtnStar] cruiser that is spot on with what my international financer friends are telling me
Tenizen] Cruiser what does this mean to us laymons?

[Jeff] MtnStar I spent all day trying to flipping verify this and I am exhausted now cruiser did it wow I am so thrilled

[Jeff] Tenizen the cover story has begun

[ready4riches] cruiser cruiser means the end of the fed?

[musiccitylady] ok, what exactly does this mean? I am confused. Make it plain n simple for me please

[virgorabbit] i guess Im dense...what does this mean for our CE?

[highlander65] cruiser So QE3 has happened but meanwhile there are reporters claiming it will not happen.... where was it stated?

[dealdoctor] cruiser would that QE3 be in the USA and the FED not mention it ..I get that ECB stimulus is happening in the European Union...SO...what pressure does this put for our RV to happen or delay?

bebba] dealdoctor so last week early this week when they were saying on CNBC no QE3 right now... it was smoke?

[musiccitylady] honeybelle I need it made simplier

musiccitylady] but what will all this mean for the rv taking place? quickly or more delays now?

[moonchild] what I do not understand is why QE3 would take place but be kept secret.

[highlander65] moonchild guess it is not time to be unveiled yet

honeybelle] I am trying to understand this I feel so dumb:(

[dealdoctor] honeybelle It is good news and explains WHY the markets have been so strange AND it is preliminary to our RV

[dealdoctor] Jeff You got independently of cruiser that the ECB did their stimulus and the FED did QE3 but FED will not announce it?

cruiser] Guys, understand, there will be no report or news because there will be NO Formal ANNOUCNEMENT. There was an article either WED or THURS. that talked about this hidden QE3. The end of July, we has a WED and THURS. that everyone expected an annoucement of stimulus and QE3. That did not happen. What Happened was they let the Hedge Funds take over the markets and run Both markets up. Just from a simple promise (that has been said numerous times before) from the ECB, The European markets went crazy. Now with all of the speculation on QE3, in the media, the job was done. QE3 is now priced in the markets and THe FED never has to announce it.

[cruiser] Article was on CNBC

[bebba] Cruiser... makes sense as to why the markets have stayed propped up for the last couple of weeks... see it now..

[dealdoctor] cruiser The CNBC article said something about a "hidden QE3" or do I misunderstand what CNBC said? Also this makes perfect sense WHY the markets have been so HIGH and the real economy so HARSH! Insiders knew of a hidden stimulus especially the hedge funds. Correct?

[highlander65] cruiser OK so why would they do it this way-- just as a cover for our baby and to be less obvious so people not in the know would not get all crazy with more printing dollars out of thin air?

[cruiser] highlander65 to avoid politics

[cruiser] highlander65 They are not going to print any more worthless dollars.

[greek1212] cruiser if QE3 has happen quietly and we havent seen our RV is that not a bad situation for us to be in???

[cruiser] greek1212 No. It had to happen. first. Should mean we are in the process.

[~healthy3] cruiser I was asking if that info will move the announcement of the IQD rv? What we are waiting for

[~healthy3] dealdoctor ty. so now we should see the rv, correct?

[cruiser] ~healthy3 I have not figured out the entire process. Once I do, I believe it will not matter.

[highlander65] cruiser but that's what QE is all about?

[mbillions] cruiser Ok.. so our currency is now backed by assets... the federal reserve note is no more... QE

[dealdoctor] ~healthy3 we will...all this says to me we are rate or date from this guy...:)

[cruiser] goofy Hinted more toward the ECB and Europe, but talked a little about QE3

[~healthy3] cruiser IMO, you are a lot smarter than I am

[mbillions] QE3 has been released, now what? crusier

cruiser] mbillions Not that it is realeased. The markets took the lack of movement and ran with it. Saving the FED from doing anything.

[diverdown] All currencies pairs stopped trading at 17:00 hours but USD/IQD is still updating as of a couple minutes ago. The EUR/IQD last updated at 18:57 hours. The USD/IQD updates to Bid 1162.75 Ask 1168.50 then changes back to Bid 1165.50 Ask 1165.50

[diverdown] pick3king yes there is. I do not know what it means, but it is interesting

[diverdown] FOREX IS suppose to be closed

[misskitty05] cruiser I thought they were going to announce QE3 in part to explain the sudden infusion of cash, and consumer spending resulting from the RV? If QE3 has already occurred and won't be announced, how does the positive change in consumer spending (houses, cars vactiobs etc get explained?)

[dealdoctor] cruiser THANK you for your intell tonight you are a few in America have this information...we are blessed and have a blessing on the way...I see the first world becoming the second world and the second world becoming the first world and the poor third world has no change

[mbillions] cruiser I apologize... I misunderstood you... I thought you said QE3 has happend...

[goofy] cruiser do you think the hidden QE3 and the changing to the UST notes and to an asset based currency are all tied together?

[cruiser] goofy Yes. Just do not know how and when it will all play out.

[dealdoctor] diverdown IS that Forex or just a currency website?

[Jeff] cruiser STILL HERE THINKING COULD QE4 being September announcement but veiled as QE3? Then RV? Plot thickens

[diverdown] dealdoctor NETDANIA still showing the USD/IQD updated while all other pairs stopped at 17:00 hours. WHich is when the forex closes for the weekend

[diverdown] dealdoctor the only pair updating is the USD/IQD. Very Strange

[misskitty05] cruiser I made a comment along those lies earlier today and someone suggested that the amount of cash infusion we are expecting from the RV would be noticed in a minute .. no way to hide it... do you agree?

[cruiser] misskitty05 It will remain hidden. There wil be other issues, think that will ahve tobe addressed other than our Dinar.

[highlander65] cruiser so just saying they are doing it caused the same effect therefore no longer necessary

[2mater] cruiser the suggestion of this from the Fed Res brought this on

[highlander65] diverdown dealdoctor can anyone else confirm what diverdown is seeing??/

[misskitty05] diverdown let's hope it means something!

[Jeff] I need to confirm this with my banker friends

[dealdoctor] highlander65 I do not have access to those kinds of websites. I do know they are NOT official but it is weird nontheless

[diverdown] Jeff the bid and ask changes and the time is updating for the USD/IQD

[diverdown] Jeff great please confirm

[Jeff] dealdoctor this may just be only testing folks not anything official

[dealdoctor] Jeff yes.. a trial run comes before the RUN! So RUN it already!

[ForHim] diverdown thx

[sonnayhwh] Jeff - Do you know of other times the Forex has moved after hours?

[diverdown] sonnayhwh not me

cruiser] 2mater Yes it did. Also Suggestion and words from the ECB.

[2mater] Jeff operative word being 'may' - hope not

[sonnayhwh] diverdown - h-e-a-r- that is! lol

[Jeff] sonnayhwh I would not call it movement I would call it testing...calling people now LOL

[diverdown] sonnayhwh good question though I would like to here what others have to say

[pmw1973] ive seen net dania down to 1130 .... months ago and baam! back to 1165

[diverdown] pmw1973 forex is closed but the USD/IQD is still updating

cruiser] 2mater Yes. The markets would be on a sell of by now, like all the other times words were spoken and nothing happend. This time is not the case and markets are staying strong.

sonnayhwh] cruiser - Did I understand earlier that the QE3 was to be "hidden", and that meaning there would not be an increase of amount of currency in circulation?

[cruiser] sonnayhwh Yes that is correct.

[sonnayhwh] cruiser - Thx, soooo. . . .then the only other option would be to increase the value of the currency that is already in circulation. . .I think I like what I'm hearing! TY!

[moonchild] I keep wondering how long the reset/RVs can be postponed.

ontime] I like what I am reading tonight and the fact that 7 of the last 9 revalues in Iraq have happened on a Friday. Lol

[2mater] Jess/Cruiser - I have both of you a couple of times ?'s about educational/experience background and you both claim 'oh, just ordinary invested guy' -think you lied lol

cruiser] 2mater I am serious. I do talk with some finance people, and bounce thoughts of of them. When one of them says to me, "I make a lot of sense", I know I have something.

[sananddan24] Did someone say that the IQD and USD is still updating?

[SGD3] sananddan24 It is on Netdania, about every three minutes

[Jeff] oK back sorry my banker buddies told me this is most likely testing, after arguing with each other we all agreed this must be testing for what maybe something good coming next week who knows ? they do not know for sure either.  Sorry,  trying

[ontime] Jeff This would be the perfect time then...we are not expecting it until next week. Lol

[sonnayhwh] Jeff - Thx for the update. And doesn't Forex start their week Sunday afternoon?

diverdown] sonnayhwh yes

pmw1973] okie stated forex or something a time frame is between sat 6pm cst till 5pm sun ....anyone remember/confirm

[tootygal] pmw1973 He said that is when all the banks around the world are closed...and that would be a great time to do the RV???

[ken153] pmw1973 yes thats when forex is closed

[Jeff] I think what Cruiser shared earlier is much more merit than the Forex stuff guys because what Curiser confirmed is the cover story

[diverdown] Jeff thanks for checking

[diverdown] Jeff its is strange out of the currencies in the world the pair which is still updating in USD/IQD

diverdown] Jeff hopefully testing for our BIG Day

Arab Spring run amok: 'Brotherhood' starts crucifixions

Arab Spring run amok: 'Brotherhood' starts crucifixions

Opponents of Egypt's Muslim president executed 'naked on trees'

Published: 4 hours ago
Michael Carl is a veteran journalist with overseas military experience and experience as a political consultant. He also has two Master's Degrees, is a bi-vocational pastor and lives with his family in the Northeast United States.More Less

The Arab Spring takeover of Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood has run amok, with reports from several different media agencies that the radical Muslims have begun crucifying opponents of newly installed President Mohammed Morsi.

Middle East media confirm that during a recent rampage, Muslim Brotherhood operatives, “crucified those opposing Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi naked on trees in front of the presidential palace while abusing others.”
Raymond Ibrahim, a fellow with the Middle East Forum and the Investigative Project on Terrorism, said the crucifixions are the product of who the Middle Eastern media call “partisans.”

“Arabic media call them ‘supporters,’ ‘followers,’ and ‘partisans’ of the Muslim Brotherhood,” Ibraham said.
Ibrahim also says the victims can be anyone, including Egyptians and Christians.

“It’s anyone who is resisting the new government,” Ibrahim said. “In this particular case, the people attacked and crucified were secular protesters upset because of Morsi’s hostile campaign against the media, especially of Tawfik Okasha, who was constantly exposing him on his station, until Morsi shut him down.”

Ibrahim said extra brutality is reserved for Christians, but the crucifixions are because of Islamic doctrine, and are required by the Quran. The time and other details about the crucifixions were not readily available.

“Mideast Beast: The Scriptural Case for an Islamic Antichrist” sorts out what this clash of civilizations is all about
Center for Security Policy Senior Fellow Clare Lopez cited chapter and verse from the Quran to explain that crucifixions are not simply normal for Islam; they’re demanded.

“Crucifixion is a hadd punishment, stipulated in the Quran, Sura 5:33, and therefore an obligatory part of Shariah,” Lopez said. “It’s been a traditional punishment within Islam since the beginning, even though it’s not exclusively Islamic. The Romans used it too.

“So, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood haven’t the option to not include crucifixion within their legal code. It’s obligatory to comply with Shariah. And yes, it’s for shock value also to be sure,” Lopez said.

Lopez includes a warning for Egypt’s Christians and compares the coming treatment of the Christians to the Jews in Germany.
“The Copts must get out of Egypt as soon as possible – for the many millions who will not be able to get out, I expect things will continue to deteriorate – just as they did for Germany’s and Europe’s Jews from the 1930s onward,” Lopez said.
“The warnings were there long before the ghettos and round-ups and one-way train trips to the concentration camps began in the 1940s,” Lopez said.

If you think this is just an Egyptian problem, you’re wrong. Dead wrong. Read “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America”

Author Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs, an analyst of the Middle East and Islam, fully agrees and also cites the Quran.
“The Christians are in serious trouble because the Quran in Sura 9:29 commands Muslims to wage war against them and subjugate them, and they’re also identified with the hated West and the U.S.,” Geller said.
Geller also turned to Sura 5:33.

Islamic hardliners
“These are Islamic hardliners who do everything by the Quran. The Quran says, ‘Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land,” Geller said.
International Christian Concern’s Middle East analyst Aidan Clay believes there is a relationship between the recent attacks on the regime’s enemies, a recent Sinai military skirmish and Morsi’s moves against the ranking generals.

The “Sinai Skirmish” involved suspected Hamas guerrillas trying to cross into the Gaza from Egypt. The Israeli Defense and intelligence learned of the attempted crossing in advance and stopped the incursion. Sixteen Egyptian border guards were killed in the attempted Rafah border crossing incident.

“It’s hard to believe that President Morsi could have dismissed Field Marshall Mohammed Tantawi without the help of lower-ranking military officers. The military’s sense of prestige, which millions of Egyptians still take great pride in, took a battering following the militant attack in Sinai that killed 16 soldiers,” Clay said.

“The military should have been prepared for the attack. Israel was. And the blame has largely been placed on Tantawi for his negligence and for embarrassing the military establishment,” Clay said.

Lopez agrees that Israel’s preparedness is a slap against the Egyptian army.
“That border skirmish that resulted in deaths of Egyptian border guards was known ahead of time by Israeli intelligence, which warned their Egyptian military counterparts,” Lopez said.
She notes that Israeli intelligence avoided contact with the Muslim Brotherhood in the incident because the attacks were a Hamas plot.

Lopez adds that even after notification, the Egyptian army didn’t act.
“The Egyptian military did nothing, even as Israel expected. Thus the attack was carried out, Israel was totally prepared and responded and the result was Egyptian military deaths,” Lopez said.

Responding to ‘crisis’
She adds that Morsi wasted no time in responding to the “crisis.”

“Morsi jumped on the incident as the perfect reason to purge the top ranks of the Egyptian military, install his own MB-sympathizers in positions across the top, chief of staff and intel chief,” she said. “Some call it an internal coup d’etat – and I agree. It put Morsi in sole control of the legislative branch (there is no parliament right now) and in control of the political power in Egypt. The new defense minister is a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer. Things are moving very fast.”
Clay said there are mixed feelings among the military top brass in Egypt. He said some of the brass still support Tantawi; some called for change.

“While many senior military officers maintained their support for Tantawi, his reputation took a dive among many younger officers who saw the need for a replacement. It wasn’t just the attack in Sinai that led to this, but the military’s reputation has been on the decline since a few months following the country’s uprising early last year,” Clay said.
“For some, the Sinai attack was the final straw and Morsi may have viewed it as an opportune time to remove Tantawi and other high-ranking officers from key positions,” Clay said.

“Furthermore, Morsi, not the military, took the lead in responding to the Sinai attacks. In doing so, while also forcing Tantawi out of his cabinet, Morsi has set a precedent that it is he who decides who runs the army,” Clay said.
“While the generals will still advise Morsi, he can decide whether or not to listen to them. It’s apparent that Morsi is quickly becoming Egypt’s sole leader which means control of the country will be in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood,” Clay said.
However, Geller believes Morsi had a second motive for his action.

Reign of terror
“I suspect that Morsi’s action was timed in part to forestall any further military action against the jihadis,” Geller said, adding that the results will make Egypt’s government more monolithic than it already was.

“Morsi is instituting a reign of terror to consolidate his power,” Geller said.
American Enterprise Institute Middle East analyst Michael Rubin agreed: Morsi is after the power.
“Morsi certainly wants absolute control. The Egyptian army have never been saints, but Morsi will broker no checks to his power as the Muslim Brotherhood writes a constitution and imposes its dream of an Islamic state on Egypt,” Rubin said.
Lopez says this all means that Morsi is shedding his “moderate” veneer.

“The point I would make is that Morsi is not bothering to play ‘moderate’ anymore. He’s moving very aggressively to consolidate power for the Muslim Brotherhood,” Lopez said.

She adds that Morsi is now free to act without any concerns for public opinion.
“He doesn’t seem to care who thinks what anymore. He knows he’s got the USG and president in his corner no matter what he does. He doesn’t have to pretend, no need for ‘plausible deniability.’ He also knows he’s got the majority of the Egyptian people behind him,” Lopez said.

Rubin believes, however, that Morsi will still try to play the “moderate” to continue to gain U.S. support.

Playing the moderate?
“Morsi is going to play the moderate and the mediator for the world media, all the while complaining that he can’t take more forceful action against the extremists because the radical fringe won’t allow him to do more,” Rubin said.
“It’s nonsense, of course, but still an explanation that will satisfy American diplomats, safe behind the walls of their compound,” Rubin said.

Lopez adds to Rubin’s explanation, but points to the White House as the main cheerleader for the Morsi and the Brotherhood.
“This is exactly what many of us expected him to do (consolidate power) and I think the White House knew, too, and not only expected but wanted Morsi and the Brotherhood to take over Egypt,” Lopez said.

“As far as I know, the White House invitation for Morsi in September still stands – nor have I heard the slightest hint of criticism from any top U.S. government leadership figure about Morsi’s coup. He knows he’s on solid ground with this administration,” Lopez said.

If I Were the Devil by Paul Harvey

A short two minute clip whose words were prophetic...

If I Were the Devil

REMEMBER this is from 1965. 
Paul Harvey.....An Amazing Prediction!
Remember the famous ABC radio news commentator Paul Harvey? Millions of Americans listened to his programs which were broadcast over 1,200 radio stations nationwide. Brilliant, insightful man always made sense. Short, 2 minute clip from 50 years ago.

Of course, no one ever thought this could really actually happen?
Listen to it and remember this commentary was broadcast April 3, 1965. It's short... 


17 August 2012

The light of life shines in me and in you,
The gift of oneness helps us through
The mother of peace comes finally here
The heart filled with love transports us near
May all Souls frequencies be raised up to HEAVEN tonight. I choose to raise the level of LOVE for all man-kind to the very highest and to remain there for the duration. The closeness we now feel is no illusion, but rather the precursor to the end of separation. We have only the last steps to create..., and that creation is the simplest one. We now take flight into our own hearts and stay there because the light has won!
No one can stop this last step and it was always meant to be just this easy so that it could never be interfered with!
Gone is the world of hate and violence for those of us that will move into their hearts to find their freedom.
One small tiny little step tonight, and we will meet together this moment in the perfect peace of the "inside" world.

Ralph Nader: Ryan's Budget Right in Your Face, America!
Ryan’s Budget: Right in Your Face, America!

By Ralph Nader

The cruel impoverishment of the debate among the presidential and congressional candidates took a gigantic leap into the pits with Mitt Romney’s selection of 42-year-old Rep. Paul Ryan from the deindustrialized town of Janesville, Wisconsin. Ryan is invariably described by reporters as “an intellectual leader of the conservative movement” and by fellow Republicans as a person “who tells the hard truths” to the American people.
The truth is that what has distinguished this fast-talking, glib, Ayn Rand-smitten, congenial young man is that he has a plan for the federal budget. On Capitol Hill that fact alone makes one a “stand-out” in the field of political narcissists whose mental tank harbors gaseous one-liners and kneejerk slogans.
The Ryan budget plan is a Koch brothers’ dream and the American peoples’ nightmare. It leads with a lie – namely to control deficit spending by continuing it for at least 30 more years before his concoction of big tax cuts for the rich, further increases in the already bloated defense budget, and savage cuts in public services for the people, somehow balance the budget around mid-century.
Ryan’s brain is chock-full of such cognitive dissonance that it would blow a normal person’s mind. He is a practicing Catholic, but since his youth has been a disciple of the militant atheist Ayn Rand who despised altruism and “love thy neighbor” values while edifying extreme selfishness and greed.
His plan for social security is social insecurity. Make people work longer before receiving curtailed benefits, invest trillions of dollars of these funds in the volatile stock market and make sure that rich people only have to pay social security taxes on a fraction of their earned income.
He would open the floodgates on future Medicare to the rapacious health insurance companies through a voucher system whereby the elderly are fed to these sharks with ever-higher co-pays. His “block grant plan alone would lead states to drop between 14 and 27 million people (the poor and those with disabilities) from Medicaid by 2021,” according to the Urban Institute.
As a 16-year-old youngster, Ryan and his family were helped by social security when his father passed away. So why now impose this draconian crunch on these three major programs? Ryan says that this is the only way to preserve social security, Medicare and Medicaid for future generations. Very well, Mr. Ryan, then why have you refused to civilly debate your proposals and their consequences with any of your critics inside and outside the Congress before a national television audience?
I requested that you have this important exchange in three letters (first,second,third). Finally, your office demurred on the grounds that you were too busy. Are you really too busy to debate your plan which has passed the Republican-controlled House of Representatives and has been generally endorsed by Mitt Romney? Or are you too fearful of trying to defend your numbers and their plutocratic values to the likes of Princeton professor and Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman, who has called the Ryan budget “the most fraudulent in American history”?
Cognitive dissonance proliferates. His hometown has been devastated by pull-down trade agreements yet he supports NAFTA and the World Trade Organization. He sees himself as a fiscal hawk while being an armchair warrior and military hawk (he wants to stay and win in Afghanistan). He offers “to restore the dreams and greatness of America” but opposes both public works projects to repair America and environmental health standards so Americans can breathe, drink, eat and work more safely.
He proposes deep cuts in widespread hunger alleviating food stamps. He opposes the minimum wage while he fights to eliminate or reduce taxes on capital gains and other taxes on the already undertaxed very-wealthy who have poured money into his and other Republicans’  campaign kitties.
He professes to be against crony capitalism, but he voted for the giant Wall Street bailouts and other bailouts and giveaways that define what real conservatives find so offensive.
An outraged David A. Stockman, President Reagan’s first director of the Office of Management and Budget, dismisses Ryan’s conservative credentials. He said that Calvin Coolidge, Herbert C. Hoover, Senator Robert A. Taft, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and even Gerald A. Ford  “would have had no use for the neoconservative imperialism…”
“In short,” wrote Stockman in The New York Times, “Mr. Ryan’s plan is devoid of credible math or hard policy choices…. Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan have no plan to take on Wall Street, the Fed, the military-industrial complex, social insurance or the nation’s fiscal calamity and no plan to revive capitalist prosperity – just empty sermons.”
So Mr. Ryan is a closet corporatist who won’t even urge cracking down on the hundreds of billions of dollars that companies defraud the federal government every year, including documented fraud on Medicare, Medicaid and the Defense Department.
If the Democrats can’t use the Ryan budget as their ticket to victory this November in Congress and the White House, then they are truly the terminally decaying party of caution, cash and cowardliness.
In reality, the Ryan budget, thrown right in the face of the American people, is the ultimate test of what’s left of the Democrats besides their donkey.
Ralph Nader is an American political activist, as well as an author, lecturer, and attorney. Areas of particular concern to Nader include consumer protection, humanitarianism, environmentalism, and democratic government.

Pastor John Hagee On Obama

  I have marked September 28 on my calendar to begin the 40 days of prayer.  Let us have faith God will hear and answer our prayers.
                                     Pastor John Hagee on Obama

Message to ALL Christians in America from Pastor John Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas .

Greetings to all of our Salt Covenant Partners and friends across the nation and around the world.

First, I want to express my profound appreciation to President Barak Obama for doing what all of the Republican candidates have not been able to do for months: he unified the Bible-believing church in America in one week over the issue of abortion.

When the President ordered the Catholic Church to provide contraceptives to prevent the birth of new life, he hit a nerve in the heart of every true Catholic and Evangelical.

Being a politician, he will attempt to compromise his position until after the election and then release the full power of government to force the church to obey the state. Think about this! If he made this bold statement before the election, consider how brutal he will be if he is re-elected!

I have said it before and I will say it again: the election on November 6, 2012 for the office of President is the day of decision for America . Four more years of Obama will bring absolute socialism to America . Our children and grandchildren will never know the greatness of America that we have experienced. THIS MUST NOT HAPPEN!


I am asking the Christians of America to join us in 40 days of prayer for this Presidential election. These 40 days of prayer will begin on September 28, 2012. You can do it individually or in groups, but prayer is the most powerful force God has given us to bring our nation back to righteousness. I'll be saying more about this as the year progresses, but mark it on your calendar and start telling your family, friends, and church members NOW about the 40 days of prayer.

Pastor John Hagee

If my people, which are called by my name,
shall humble themselves, and pray, seek my face,
and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear
from heaven, and will forgive their sin,
and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

Please read and send to everyone you know.

New LIBOR Info. UK empty threats

Saturday, 18 August 2012

More From Libor. British Governments Empty Threats

Libor scandal: UK MPs demand changes over rate-rigging

Bob Diamond Some of Bob Diamond's evidence may have been a "smokescreen" UK members of parliament are saying.
(No Shit, springs to mind) 

The UK Treasury Select Committee are saying that urgent changes are necessary in order to restore public confidence in the UK financial system.
In a report, the MPs say Barclays "disgraceful" behaviour damaged the UK's reputation and that the Bank of England was too slow to react. But are admitting no responsibility for the complete lack of regulation and soft touch approach that was taken towards the banks since the Thatcher era.
In response, Barclays said: "We recognise that change is required."
The committee's chairman, Andrew Tyrie, said in a statement: "The committee has called for action in a number of areas, including: higher fines for firms that fail to co-operate with regulators, the need to examine gaps in the criminal law, and a much stronger governance framework at the Bank of England.
"Urgent improvements, both to the way banks are run, and the way they are regulated, is needed if public and market confidence is to be restored."
The MPs said that the rate-rigging had done "great damage" to the UK's reputation.
The MPs firmly blamed the bosses of Barclays bank for the way their staff tried to manipulate the Libor rate-setting process at various times between 2005 and 2009.
The overwhelming truth is that the government is as much to blame as the Banking Cartels!

TSC Quote"

Barclays did not need a nod, a wink or any signal from the Bank of England to lower artificially their Libor submissions”
Select committee report
"[The actions] were made possible by a prolonged period of extremely weak internal compliance and board governance at Barclays, as well as a failure of regulatory supervision," Mr Tyrie said.
"Senior management at Barclays were issuing instructions to manipulate artificially the bank's submissions. It is unlikely that Barclays was the only bank attempting this."
The MPs' report makes it clear they did not believe the evidence of the bank's former chief executive, Bob Diamond, who resigned the day before he explained his role to the MPs.
"Mr Diamond's evidence, at times highly selective, fell well short of the standard that Parliament expects, particularly from such an experienced and senior witness," Mr Tyrie added.
The MPs also accused Barclays of trying to pull the wool over their eyes by publishing, before Mr Diamond's committee appearance, a note of a phone conversation between Mr Diamond and Paul Tucker, the deputy governor of the Bank of England.
Barclays had said this showed the Bank of England had inadvertently given the impression that it would approve attempts by Barclays to submit low and inaccurate Libor submissions, in order to avoid giving the impression that it was having difficulty in raising funds at the height of the financial crisis.
"It remains possible that the information released in the Barclays file note, regarding a dialogue between Mr Tucker and [Mr] Diamond, could have been a smokescreen put up to distract our attention and that of outside commentators from the most serious issues underlying this scandal," Mr Tyrie said.
"Barclays did not need a nod, a wink or any signal from the Bank of England to lower artificially their Libor submissions. The bank was already well practised in doing this," the report says.
Responding to the MPs' report, Barclays said: "We will carefully consider this comprehensive report. While we don't expect to agree with every finding in it, we recognise that change is required, not least to restore stakeholder trust.
"That is why we have established an independent review of our business practices under Anthony Salz, and we expect that review to take full account of this report in producing its recommendations."
Regulators criticised
The MPs accuse both the Bank of England and the FSA of bungling their eventual attempts to make sure that Bob Diamond carried the can for the Libor scandal by eventually resigning from his post at Barclays.
Sir Mervyn King Sir Mervyn King over-stepped his authority, the MPs say
The report says the authorities only appeared to act in response to public pressure, and that the Bank of England's Governor, Sir Mervyn King, did not in fact have any authority to act as he did and intervene to decide if an individual was suitable to run a UK bank.
"Whatever the merits of the action taken by the governor of the Bank of England and the chairman of the FSA - and this committee has sympathy with the conclusions they had drawn about the leadership of Barclays - the action they took has exposed implicit, and potentially arbitrary, power to force out senior figures in the financial services industry," the report says.
The Bank of England is accused of being "naive" about the possibility of Libor manipulation during the financial crisis and of being "relatively inactive".
But the MPs say the failure of the FSA, the main bank regulator, to do its job and properly investigate the market rumours was far worse.
Reform of the way Libor is calculated is currently being reviewed by the managing director of the Financial Services Authority, Martin Wheatley, at the request of the government.
In their report, the MPs said he should recommend changes to the financial services and markets laws to make it easier to prosecute attempts to manipulate Libor or any other similar rates.

 Here in the UK and perhaps all over the world there is an overwhelming theme to all this. Regulators are believers in non regulation. Political parties are reliant on donations from the banking cartels. People like Alan Greenspan were saying for decades that "fraud is not possible in the current financial system" Banks are now too big to fail and are systemically dangerous. They have an implicit guarantee of a bailout from the nations in which they reside. They make an efficient market impossible by being so large that competition between them and other smaller companies is being described as "Bringing a gun to a knife fight!" 

These institutions must be called to account and downsized enormously!
Things must change!


These will bring back memories

Subject: These will bring back memories

They don't make them like they used to!!!