Saturday, August 18, 2012

Where has All the Money Gone?

Where has All the Money Gone?

18 August 2012
World Mysteries Blog 

The World is Broke(n)!

by Dene McGriff
Money is in the news.  The Federal Government needs money.  The States are broke andneed more money.  Cities and counties are going broke.  Businesses are going broke and closing down.  Countries are going broke.  Banks are broke.  And “we the people” are broke.  But wait, isn’t that what bailouts are for? 
Sorry, people aren’t being bailed out.  Neither are governments, or businesses.  Greece isn’t being bailed out.  Neither is Spain.  The Banksare being bailed out.  Who was bailed out after the housing bubble popped?  Home owners?  No, the banks that made risky loans were bailed out.  Did Greece receive any money from bailouts?  No, the banks that loaned money to Greece were paid the interest Greece owed them.  Only the banks were “bailed out.”
If people realized what was really happening, you would really have a “Tea Party” protest!  People are being ripped off and don’t even know it!  Eventually the governments go deeper in debt so they cut their budgets and increase taxes, causing the economy to slow down even more.  We have bought into the idea that we solve the debt problem with more debt.  Is that even logical?  The sick idea that the government creates wealth by taxing the people more to redistribute wealth to the poor is ridiculous!  It has never worked.  Europe is falling apart and America is running headlong down the same path trying to catch up and become a proper welfare state!
In the middle of this mess, we have the central banks – cartels created to protectthe banks interests.  The central banks print money so countries can spend, going deeper in debt in an effort to stimulate the economy. They are doing their job!  Central banks control the money supply for the country.  They also loan money to member banks at practically zero interest.  These banks in turn are supposed to loan money to businesses and individuals so the economy keeps growing. 
But banks have learned a better way to make money.  They no longer loan money.  What is five or six percent when they can multiply money a thousand fold in the financial markets?  So the banks cleverly package their debt and sell it off to other banks, pension funds and investors.   Every time the instrument changes hands everyonemakes more money.  How could this system possibly work?  Is there an end to this seemingly endless game of creating more “money instruments” and passing them along?
Have you ever seen someone go to a gambling casino with the idea that they want to gamble just a little?  The next thing you know, they have been cleaned out of all of their cash, but they see people winning around them.  They are sure they can recoup their loss and maybe even make a killing.  All they need is just a few good hands and a little streak of good luck.  After all, a $100 bet will get you $200 back.  A dollar jackpot could win thousands of dollars.  Have you ever seen the progressive slot machine called Big Bertha?  The numbers keep getting bigger and bigger – displayed on the top and if you get the big jackpot, you could win millions!  Other people sit and play video poker and other games – their eyes glazed over, their arms pumping.  The more desperate loser (and I have seen this happen) may put up his house or car as collateral, thinking they could hit the big one.  Cards, craps or roulette go in winning and losing streaks.  You see someone win ten hands in a row and then lose it all and then some.  Ultimately, the “house” always wins.
Years ago I thought it would be fun to learn to count cards in Black Jack.  I did it twice and won big both times proving it was a system that worked.  But the second and last time I went, I met several people who had lost everything they had, including their families to gambling and were still hooked.  I never did it again.  People, banks and governments can all be addicted to gambling and spending.  No one wants to get out of debt the hard way – by paying it off!
Our government has quietly been changing the rules. Banks have become the highest stakes betting casinos and they are betting your money, risking your retirement and future.  Banks have more “traders” than “tellers,” and they are all sitting at their computer screens betting on winning not just a few percentage points by loaning money but multiplying it by thousands of times.  That is why a single rogue trader can bring down a bank likeBarings which was established in 1762.  A few years ago I wrote an article titled “Derivatives, Fascism and the Almighty Dollar”.  The amount of money in the “Derivatives Casino” now exceeds a quadrillion dollars, many times all the money and assets in the entire world.  The losses at JP Morgan Chase or in countries like Greece or Spain far exceeds the hundreds of billions they admit to but goes into many trillions of dollars.  Ultimately, they are not just too big to fail, there isn’t enough money in the entire world to save them!
Casinos are rigged to win and banks count on the system being rigged so they always win.  Back in the 30s the government let banks fail right and left.  Nowthe banks in collusion with the banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve and your government have rigged the system in their favor.  They get the government to use taxpayer money to save them.   So far it has worked.  But what if the rigged system breaks down?  Some banks have played the derivatives “casino”, made a few bad bets and lost all of their money!  This is a very complex subject but banks don’t have much money to begin with.  I explained the process in an article titledModern Alchemy
Why doesn’t the system work?  Let’s say a bank lends a billion dollars to buy single family homes.  They take all the mortgages and package them together.  They then sell and resell these packages.  Some are credit worthy and others not so much.  Here’s what happened.  Interest rates fell and people who had no business buying a home were enticed to buy.  Homes went into foreclosure.  Housing prices dropped.  The owners were underwater owing more than the home was worth.  It made no sense to keep paying so the banks ended up with a house that was no longer worth the loan amount. The banks dragged their feet rather than selling the house and taking the loss because the “paper” has been leveraged and sold.  They couldn’t afford to take the loss.  Eventually the financial instruments (a fancy world for the mortgages that had been packaged together) became worthless as defaults grew and housing prices dropped. The original mortgages packaged in the derivative securities had been inflated many times over by being sold and resold.  The original billion dollar package may have grown to a hundred billion.  Where is the money?  It’s not there and never was.  If the debt in all these “financial packages” were to be settled, theamount owed would be astronomical!  This result would be bank failure – thus, the bailouts.
So where did the money go?  Good question.  The purchasers of the derivatives – investors, pension funds, cities, states and businesses who thought the high return was great – are holding nothing but worthless paper.  The banks tell the government and the Fed how bad the situation is.  They threaten a banking Armageddon so they get bailouts.  To add insult to injury, the brilliant “banksters” who caused the problem to begin with pay themselves big bonuses.  “We the taxpayers” are left holding a bag full of higher taxes and inflation (deflation in the value of the dollar).
You may think this problem can be easily solved but the numbers are astronomical.   The banks owe far more than the paltry $16 trillion they have been given in the past four years, more than the GDP of the whole United States!  The real size of the problem is many times that size so let’s get into derivatives for a moment with an article I wrote back in 2005.

The Money Casino

You may not realize it but there is a money casino where the stakes are in the trillions! The world GDP is somewhere around 38 trillion dollars (now over $50 trillion), but there are some high rollers out there gambling with our future. These are known asderivatives–a $248 trillion-dollar market!  Warren Buffett, the second richest man in the world believes that Derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction, carrying dangers that, while now latent, are potentially lethal.

What are derivatives? A derivative is like a bet. A derivative “derives its value” from another asset. It is like covering a $1000 bet with only $10! If you lose, you have to come up with the collateral to cover the bet. Or better yet, you put up a few thousand dollars to make a billion dollar wager. This is a high stakes game and during the 1990s there were some notable losses from derivatives.
Barings Bank was a stuffy old British Bank founded in 1762. In 1995, a 27 year old trader named Nick Leeson, speculated in derivatives and ended up losing $1.3 trillion, the entire asset base of the bank, bankrupting Barings Bank. A few years later, a hedge fund named Long Term Capital Management (LTCM) nearly went broke but was bailed out by the Federal Reserve. The fund had $4.8 billion in assets but managed a portfolio of over $200 billion and derivatives with a “notional” value of one and a quarter trillion dollars with total derivatives of four trillion. It was run by two Nobel prize winning scientists but they lost control by making some bad bets. Orange County in California lost two trillion in a derivatives scandal – this is still small compared to what could happen.
Bailouts are not without precedent as you may recall the $32 billion Savings and Loan bailout in the 80s. But the derivative market is nearly 250 trillion – seven times the world GDP and many times greater than all the “money” in the world. There isn’t enough money in the world to bail out a big player.
Thirty percent of those derivatives are held by just three banks: JP Morgan Chase, Citibank and Bank of America. The number one bank, JP Morgan Chase Bank has 43 trillion dollars in derivative exposure – more than the entire GDP of the entire world economy! Chase is in a precarious position. It lost billions in bad loans to companies like Enron, Tyco, Global Crossing and countries like Argentina. This sets up a spiral. The bank’s Standard & Poor’s rating keeps dropping. As Chase’s fortunes keep falling, the rating drops, it has to put up more cash which makes matters worse and causes a liquidity crisis. Banks are interlinked by various derivative positions so if one falls, it will bring the others down like dominoes. If you happen to be a bank and your credit rating drops, the bank has to put up more cash collateral to increase the marker (in book making parlance).

The chart shows American bank derivative exposure and almost 60 percent is Morgan Chase! Their exposure which was only 26 trillion dollars in 2001 and has grown to 43 trillion today! It is not being alarmist to say that this is a time bomb waiting to go off – enough to bring down the global economy. If Morgan Chase were to fail, a chain of interlocking commitments would break down and other major banks would topple. This would bring down not only banks, but your house, retirement, investments, and possibly even your job. A failure of this size would dwarf any smaller failures that have gone before. LTMC only had a little over a trillion in derivatives. Banks the size of Chase, Citibank or Bank of America would be too big to bail out.
The housing market is also tied in. It is well known that real estate loan giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are heavily into derivatives. Fannie Mae is the second largest corporation in America in terms of assets and the largest source of home mortgages. Freddie Mac buys mortgages and securities and passes them through as securities and debt instruments to the capital markets. For every $1 they have on their books, they have a $1.70 in derivatives. The danger comes if the market moves against them.
Easy money and foreign investment have kept corporate America, including Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae liquid. In Japan, where the interest rate has been zero for many years, investors borrow for nothing and invest in long term equities which has kept the real estate market booming. Japan is beginning to raise rates at the same time interest rates are rising in Europe and America as a reaction to the inflation caused by the increase of the money supply (printing money out of thin air). Other countries take their trade surplus dollars and buy treasury bonds and dollars (to buy oil with). This comes to about $3 billion a day flowing into the U.S., keeping the 30 year mortgage at record low levels even as the Fed continued to raise rates. But Japan is beginning to raise rates. Iran is switching oil to the Euro. Asian countries which have historically supported the dollar are beginning to diversify their portfolios (meaning they are buying less dollars). Nearly everyone agrees that it is not a sustainable trend for America to absorb over 80 percent of the world’s savings to pay for our trade and government deficits, now amounting to over a trillion dollars a year!


Since that was written, we have seen the housing bubble pop as American homeowners lost about half the value of their homes.  The meltdown of 2008 was related to the housing bubble and derivatives. The banks and investment houses bundled home mortgages into derivative packages and realizing the size of the risk, bought insurance called “credit default swaps”.  Then we saw the bailout of the largest insurance company in the world, the American International Group (AIG), which would have failed if not for the bailout.  AIG had been selling default swaps that insured bank derivative losses.  The fact of the matter is, AIG wasn’t bailed out but by saving AIG, the bailout saved Goldman Sachs, German, French, American and English banks to the tune of $182 billion dollars.  AIG had a $1.6 trillion derivative problem and the bailout prevented it all from unraveling. 
At the same time some of the oldest and most revered money houses such as Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns failed, along with the largest mortgage company, Countrywide, and many smaller mortgage companies and banks.  These failures were derivative related.  One day, like a tightly wound ball of yarn, the bets unravel.  They represent debt that has to be paid.  The only problem is there isn’t enough money or assets in the world to settle these derivative bets.  The casino analogy is quite accurate.  Rather than learn our lesson, the amount of derivatives has continued to grow since 2008 and is now near $1.4 quadrillion according to recent analysis:
If you add up the value of every stock on the planet, the entire market capitalization would be about $36 trillion. If you do the same process for bonds, you’d get a market capitalization of roughly $72 trillion.
The notional value of the derivative market is roughly $1.4 QUADRILLION.
I realize that number sounds like something out of Looney tunes, so I’ll try to put it into perspective.
$1.4 Quadrillion is roughly:

Country Failure

The European Union is buried in debt.  There is only one European Central Bank which is the only entity that can print the euro.  So how do member countries get money?  They issue bonds which banks package and sell to investors.  This is known as “sovereign debt.”  As the debt grows, so does the risk and the greater the risk, the higher the return and the higher the interest rates.  Eventually this becomes unsustainable.  The burden of the debt falls on the citizens.  The bailout money goes to the banks to pay the interest on the debt.  What a deal for the banks!  The people lose once again.
I wrote several articles in the past few years on the problems of the Eurozone and these are largely derivatives related so let me quote from one of these articles
There is a tremendous amount of debt all over the planet – corporate debt, government debt, local debt, personal debt, bank debt, not to mention the so-called unfunded liabilities (also an international problem) of retirement, medical care for the poor and elderly, unfunded pensions, etc. Nearly every country in the world is having the same problems that we are but their problems are much worse. The government “solution” is to print money (increase the money supply), both in cash and credit markets and just spend, spend, spend. Debt is parlayed and expanded in the form of derivatives. One would think that since the 2008 meltdown fiasco we learned our lesson, but we haven’t and the derivative debts continue to grow exponentially. The world is awash in funny money – fiat currency with no backing, but rather than causing hyperinflation, we see deflation which is the financial enema solution to excess liquidity. Dead broke businesses, banks and factories go out of business and local governments and countries default (just don’t pay their debt). The irony is that the world knows that America will never default and that is why the dollar is golden – even if they have to tax and take away nearly every dollar earned. Nations flock to buy US Treasuries. They can’t get enough even when they make nothing on them. Those are the facts.
Look at Europe. Greece already received $153 billion and now the Eurozone and IMF are providing another $152 billion. Where does that money come from and who benefits? It comes from tax payers. The bailout doesn’t go to the Greek government. It is just passing through to pay the banks the 14% interest Greece already owes on their $476 billion in original debt! This guarantees another default which will filter back through the banking system in Europe, the US and other countries. Greece is very small potatoes. It is 38th in size, $318 billion in 2010, whereas Italy is 10th and Spain 13th in size with a total economy of nearly $3 trillion. Looking at it another way, the chart on the right shows the size of country debt by GDP. We hear about the PIGIES all the time (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain), but look at the other countries that are in equally bad condition. Countries like the UK, France and Germany are the ones providing the loans to the PIGIES, but when the PIGIES default, who will cover those countries?  Guess who will be left to save them all?  Only one guess is allowed.
Analysts know that Italy and Spain are close to default and may soon be followed by England and France. It isn’t a matter of the amount of debt. Japan and the U.S. have shown that they can and will pay it back. It is whether they can finance the debt and at what price. The U.S. and Germany finance their debt for practically nothing (in the 2 percent range) whereas the PIGIES are paying all time highs of 14 to 30 percent. These are holes they can’t dig out of and as one country after another defaults, Europe will be torn apart. But will the Euro die? Probably not. Once the PIGIES drop out of the EU, then the EU will survive. The PIGIES will default, flush the debt, reorganize and rebuild. I would like to emphasize at this point that Europe and the rest of the world will look, perhaps grudgingly, to America to save them and establish order.
Since this was written, the situation has become more serious.  Europe doesn’t even have enough resources to save Greece which has the GDP of Philadelphia!  If Europe can’t save a tiny country like Greece, how does it expect to save countries such as Italy, Spain and France – all of whom are going down the same road to insolvency?   Italy and Spain are ranked the 8th and 12th by size of the economy, and England and France are the 6th and 5th largest respectively.  The big question is does Germany want to throw their own hard earned money away to save countries that don’t exactly have a history of financial responsibility?  Does it really make sense to try and hold the EU together when there are such disparities in wealth?
Please look at this fabulous article which illustrates so well the gargantuan size of the problem.
So where does that leave America?  Again, I wrote this a while ago but our politicians pretend that debt doesn’t really matter.

America and the Debt Crisis – Smoke and Mirrors!

America has a debt problem, no doubt about that and neither party faced it. The so-called $4 trillion in cuts are not cuts at all. It is not a cut in spending but a cut in the increase. The deficit was slated to double from $14 to $28 trillion over a ten year period. The agreement was to cut that increase in debt back to only $10 trillion. The graph on the left shows the growth in the national debt through 2020 at that rate. It shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that this is not sustainable. One lesson we should have all learned from the recent debt ceiling debate, is that if the rating agencies downgrade the US economy, we pay a higher interest rate on our debt. Let’s look at some round numbers for a moment. If we say that our national debt is $14 trillion and we pay two percent on that debt that makes our debt payment a mere $280 billion and everyone agrees that is okay. That represents about eight percent of the total Federal budget.  If interest rates rose to historical levels the interest spent on debt would triple. This would be debilitating.  What would we cut?

The more you tax, the more you grow government, the more of the GDP allocated to government, the smaller the productive economy and the higher the tax rate to pay for this massive debt. This is why some legislators are screaming about debt and wanting a balanced budget! The “compromise” reached by Democrats and Republicans did not limit spending but merely the size of the increase in deficit spending.
So what does this mean? Bottom line it means massive tax increases if the administration has its way or massive cuts in government programs such as the military, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and education.
The question you all may have is how did we get into this situation? Where has all the money gone? What about the stimulus and bailouts? According to Bloomberg News in 2008, the total bank bailout amounted to $8.5 trillion. According to the first audit ever done in the 99 year history of the Federal Reserve, they loaned over $16 trillion to US and foreign banks. Now think about it, the federal banking system is run by a private banking cartel called “The Federal Reserve” which oversees our financial system made up of dollars – those little greenbacks that are backed by the “full faith and credit of the United States of America.” We’ve heard those words before but what do they really mean? “We the people” are the ones backing these huge loans. Please read this article about the “Greatest Bank Robbery”. For more information on the Federal Reserve, please see the article I wrote some years ago.
Banks aren’t going broke.  We the sheeple are.  Whether in America or the Eurozone, the people are not being helped and they are ultimately paying.  The government doesn’t get anything.  All the money goes to the banks.  Banksters are robbing the world blind and getting away with it.  They have the freedom to lie, cheat and steal.  The so-called “central banks” around the world are nothing more than cartels that rig interest rates and manipulate prices and markets.  They have the power to send oil, real estate or food prices soaring or plummeting.  People are being stripped of their savings.  Jobs are disappearing for good and all government can think to do is increase taxes. 
Poverty, uncertainty and unrest are the result of these failed economic policies.  Now we have class warfare and racial strife (because racial minorities are significantly worse off).  People vote for the dole, only to emaciate what is left of the economic system.  Money is diverted from productive activity to the welfare state.  Almost all wars are economic and we haven’t seen the last of them.
Human government has not shown the foresight, intelligence and maturity to honestly solve any of these problems.  They are content to leave them to the next generation.


Back to the question, “Where did all the money go?”  Let’s go back to our original analogy.  The poor sop goes into the casino and loses everything.  But the casino is deeply in debt because of high overhead, the decreasing number of tourist/gamblers who have less money to burn.  The casinos owe banks and investors who have packaged and resold the debt many times over in the derivatives market casino.  This is just an example of what is happening across the economy.
The debt keeps growing with each transaction and multiplying.  What started out small grows from $10 million to $100 million to billions… until it can’t be saved.  The greedy investors who organized the whole scheme deep in their hearts knew that the bets were too big to cover and in the end, they were just that – bets!  So what happened to the money?  It was never really there in the first place.  There was the loan and the value of the building – known as collateral. Say you had a chain of institutional investors ten or more deep.  As each took their cut, the debt grew and grew.  The only thing to do is keep the chain together and never let it break.  If the AIG chain had broken, the bailout would have gone from the billions to the trillions!
That is exactly what they are trying to do with the bailouts right now, but once the game is revealed for the fraud it is, it begins to unravel and you begin to lose an investment bank (e.g., Lehman Brothers) here, a mortgage giant there (e.g., Countrywide) and they are liquidated paying off pennies on the dollar if that.  They are gone!  We have actually done far more damage trying to save business and banks than letting them fail or be reorganized, the natural healing process that allows free economies to readjust and thrive.
At the country level, countries default on their debt all the time.  In the past few years many nations have defaulted on debt – Russia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina, the Ukraine, etc.  They experience a few years of pain.  Some are ostracized by the world community, but they eventually restructure and work their way back into the world economic community. 
We have been living beyond our means, and that includes individuals, families, business, state and local governments and countries.  The Greek goal of retiring at 50 with full pay sounds good, but they can’t afford it.  Nor could Europe’s socialist states support all of the entitlements.  Nor can the United States as big and powerful as it is continue to go into debt at these unprecedented levels.  It isn’t just the national debt of $16 trillion, but the unfunded liabilities which is over $110 trillion!   Now we have ObamaCare  – debt increasing at over a trillion a year going out the next ten years.  The US has had its credit score downgraded for the first time in history.  Even Germany has been downgraded.  What does this mean?  It means that even the credit rating agencies agree that the current trends are not sustainable.  I know I use this word “unsustainable” way too much – even my word processor tells me so… but do you know what that really means?  It means we can’t keep going down this path without hitting the proverbial brick wall!
It should be obvious to us all.  Can you as an individual go into debt month after month, year after year and get away with it?  Of course not!  Neither can a business, a city, county or state.  But a sovereign nation gets away with it because they can go into debt indefinitely (well sort of) by issuing bonds, treasury notes, printing money, etc.  But even that has its limits.  The traditional escape route is for the country to inflate away debt and pay it off with devalued currency.  I have pointed out many times in my writings that the greatest tax any of us pay is inflation.  Our dollar is worth about 2 percent of what it was worth when the Federal Reserve was created in 1912.  A dollar is worth one tenth of its value 50 years ago.  The house my parents bought 65 years ago in California for $10,000 is not worth $500,000 today because it is bigger, newer, better or in a great location.  That is the inflation tax!  It is a silent killer that robs from everyone.  It leaves you with the illusion that you are making more money when in fact you are earning less.  Even by lying government statistics adjusted wages have been going down for the past 40 years.
So what can government do?  They should cut taxes and the size of government.  They should streamline regulations and encourage growth but they probably won’t because that would decrease the importance of the politician and the bureaucrat.  Instead, they will probably print money, go into more debt and deflate the value of the currency and pay off debt with cheap dollars.  The only other option is to default and incur the wrath of China, Japan, Europe and the rest of the world who expect to be paid a fair amount for their loans, money we took and spent.  That will never happen.
Let’s be honest the U.S. government is not likely to do anything.  We are just too short sighted.  Back in the 1980s the Minister of Health in El Salvador told me that the present government didn’t really care that the millions of dollars we were loaning them would have to be repaid some day with principle and interest.  They could spend it now and someone else would have to pay it back later.  It’s really not their problem.  So much for human nature!
Unfortunately, there is no happy ending.  There aren’t enough Ron Pauls around to change the course.  The older generation apparently doesn’t really care about the younger generation coming up, all protestations aside.  Putting it simplistically, the banks have the money which the government gives back so they can get more.  They are into sustaining their own jobs, doing more, delivering more services, making the people more dependent on them.  They know it won’t end well but don’t care.  Gee, maybe some charismatic leader will take control and fix things?  At least that will be the selling argument.  Friends, not to be paranoid, but I think we are being set up and this will not end well.
The bottom line for those who know and follow Christ is that, like Abraham “He waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” (Hebrews 11:10)  “Therefore let us go forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing His reproach. 14 For here we have no continuing city, but we seek the one to come.” (Hebrews 13:13-14)  The world can’t be fixed.  We can obsess about it but it won’t do any good.
The reason I have been writing about the economy so much for the past ten years is because it illustrates so well how out of control the world is, how it is hurtling toward disaster.  It isn’t just broke!  It is broken! You can look at the world from any perspective.  The traditional family is falling apart.  The world is headed toward financial disaster.  We have built such a complex, global apparatus.  We get our fruit from Chile, our cars from Germany and Japan, our winter vegetables from Mexico, our clothes from the cheapest producer of the moment and most everything else from China.  Debt and irresponsible monetary policy are about to throw the world into the final major depression.  In all likelihood, this will derail our fragile production and delivery systems.  War in the Middle East could disrupt our oil supply and send fuel prices soaring.  An EMP (electromagnetic pulse) or even a solar flare could disrupt our satellites and power grids causing the nation to grind to a halt.  Just one crisis could disrupt our complex, interconnected system throwing this sedate, civilized society into utter chaos.
Jesus was asked, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”   And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you.  For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.  And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.  For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.  All these are the beginning of sorrows.”  (Matthew 24:3-7)
It is hard to conceive that this world can go on “business as usual” much longer.  If what Jesus said is true, and I believe it is, the smartest thing we can do is to pay attention to what He says, quit worrying about all the problems of this world and begin to prepare for the times that are coming and the glory before us.  I have posted a free novel on line, Book 1 of “Gideon Chronicle” in which I deal with issues that soon may be upon us.  Why are Christians misunderstanding prophecy?  Why are they so vulnerable to deception?  What should we do?  Bury our head in the sands and trust God that everything will work out all right?  Gee, maybe He is warning us for a reason…
Copyright 2012 Dene McGriff
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Cease & Desist – Neil Keenan Papers (Rev.) by Drake

Cease & Desist – Neil Keenan Papers (Rev.)

by Drake
This is the reason dates don't seem right.

    The Green Hilton Agreement was not implemented until 1968 (this is why the dates differ between Kennedy’s signature and the dates of the assets) when Soekarno fell from office and when Global Trade made it imperative that the world have a Global Currency. As the Gold had been transferred to the US Treasury in 1968, a series of Bonds known as Kennedy Bonds were issued in order to honor the terms of the Green Hilton Agreement made between Kennedy and Soekarno, the 1968 terms of the gold delivery to the United States being different than made in 1934. When after 30 years, interest had not been paid as promised, a reissue of the bonds in an increased number were issued as commemorative notes and were accepted by the owners of the Gold, the Dragon Family being held by the Soekarno Trust, the Indonesian Elders, Holders and Gatekeepers.  The Soekarno Trust held mostly all assets throughout Asia.

From: Neil Keenan
To: 'Drake Bailey'
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 12:05 PM
Subject: Emailing: Cease & Desist UBS-BIS + Evidence (05-14-12)
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Drake | August 18, 2012 at 1:16 pm | Categories: News | URL:



A few years ago I released the national report "The Scorpion's Sting" which detailed how C.I.A. stole money from nearly 100% of all banking accounts in America. A former Navy Seal who had worked with the federal C.I.A. computers used to steal from virtually all bank accounts in America got disgusted with doing dirty things like this to the American people. He disappeared from Wash., D.C. and told us how C.I.A. stole from basically all bank accounts in America with full secret approval of the F.B.I., etc. The trick tactic was to hit several million bank accounts nightly small amounts like 10 cents to one quarter and people would not notice small amounts disappearing from their accounts like this. They would just think they had made a bookkeeping error and let the matter go. By the time millions of accounts of bank accounts were hit nightly, it added up to millions of dollars stolen nightly from up to all the citizens of America who had bank accounts. Also, much larger accounts such as for businesses, maybe even agencies of state governments, etc. were hit for larger amounts. We heard of one woman who had $50,000 lifted from her private bank account in Roanoke, VA and when she demanded the missing $50,000 be restored to her account, since the federal government had stolen this money from her, federal influence was used so she could force no legal investigation into this whether state or federal. All legal angles were blocked to her by Wash., D.C. so she could never recover this federally stolen money.
Obamacare finally legalizes the federal government stealing up to 100% of all money in any bank account in America and again no legal investigation can ever be initiated to recover the federally stolen money. It is like when my mother was just a young woman who had $300,000 in a New York bank when F.D.R. decreed his 10 day "banker's holiday" in America when all the banks were federally closed. When the banks reopened, she had $5,000 in her bank account as that was the amount that was "federally insured." After I was grown up and had studied so much national economics, I finally knew where the missing $295,000 had gone to. F.D.R. had the federal government steal all this money that disappeared from all bank accounts across America. At that time the Wall Street bankers arranged the money disappearance the same as when the Stock Crash occurred which New York bankers did on the day Sir Winston Churchill was their guest as they wanted to show him how they controlled the American economy, British, etc. and at will could bankrupt any economy on earth overnight if they wanted to. They wanted Sir Winston Churchill to understand that Britain could not be independent of international banking control. They were threatening him not to oppose their banking policies in Britain by the example how they had just smashed the American economy overnight. They had warned their allies in America to quick get their money out of the stock market before Bernard Baruch and allies smashed the American stock market for them. At one point, Wash., D.C. totally out of money was loaned a secret $1 billion by Metropolitian Life Insurance to keep the federal government from totally collapsing from lack of money. The $1 billion secret loan was later paid back once Wash., D.C. got money coming in again.
I understand due to the incredibly dumb and totally corrupt financial policies of Obama, the federal government at a secret time likely later this year is to hit all bank accounts in America and either wipe them out or else nearly wipe them out. Obama will do this under news censorship policy so the American people will not understand why the American economy has suddenly totally collapsed in America. Then Obama with a smashed American people under him turns America into a Communist nation, Communist government, and Communist economy.
To help save America and the American people from this planned national disaster engineered by Obama, my hand was forced and so I resurrected the Confederate Government authority not seeing any other effective angle how to save the American people and nation from total national destruction by Obama and co-traitors in Wash., D.C. You have a secret coalition of traitors in control of Wash., D.C. Around 20 years ago, the registered private nurse for maybe the leading Satanist leader in America had secret meetings with me. She reported how many leaders in the State Government were secret Satanists, also in other states of America. But Wash., D.C. took the cake! The real power of Wash., D.C. was secretly in the hands of the Satanists. She showed me one time the ring of Satanist authority for this Satanist leader she was working for who was the head royalty for all the Satanist underground infiltrated heavily into all state and federal levels of government they could infiltrate and take over. This nurse asked me if I knew anything about this Satanist ring of royal authority over all Satanists in America. I said I knew nothing about this secret ring. However, examining it, it was several hundred years old, The ring was worth a fortune and the images placed in it came from noble or royal culture of likely one of the Slavic nations of Europe.
The Satanists in Congress, the Communists in Congress, and direct agents of the Illuminati (secret ruling society of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.) in Congress all have a working alliance to totally take over Wash., D.C. I understand they plan to kill off probably between 50 million Americans up to maybe 200 million Americans. They are very insane but filled with savage hatred of the American people, backed by even trillions of dollars of Illuminati money also joined with Arab oil money laundered by Obama and co-traitors in Wash., D.C., they are now all in united alliance and all filled with savage hatred of the American people and America as a nation.
Now that the trap is sprung, I have flushed out large numbers of traitors in Wash, D.C. including S.S. "Super Stud" federal boy who boasts that he has slept with millions of women and as a federal psychological warfare operative boasts on the internet how he loves to do evil all day long. He was one of those hiding from public view while pumping to all you out there how "boastful, arrogant," etc. I was. When a boy claims in public print on the internet that he has slept with millions of women in America, he has the wildest imagination and colossally conceited boasting I have ever seen in any man in American history. Investigating him while he did not know that he had been spotted and tracked down, his actions legally add up to that his Washington secret assignment is to track down patriots in America, smear the daylights out of them and thus remove any leadership for the American people exposing or opposing the high treason now going on in Wash., D.C. He is not good at law. I once beat in court a Jewish lawyer who had never lost before in state court until he faced me. I also won a number of other legal upsets. I am not an amateur in law, but God blessed me with a good mind for law. Now S.S. made a fatal mistake in law. He tried to engineer a secret smear campaign against me while I was exposing the high treason plan of our secret Muslim, Communist pretender "President" Obama to murder maybe 10 million at least up to half of all the American people in America. If that is not high treason under American law, then high treason does not exist under law. By S.S. trying to protect the rear end of Obama from getting legally investigated for a massive conspiracy of high treason and mass murder which would make Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin look like Sunday School Choir Boys in comparison, S.S. committed high treason as a co- conspirator to planned mass murder of Americans. I therefore formally request the F.B.I. as a branch of the U.S. Justice Dept. to promptly arrest S.S., co-conspirators of his in federal employment, and Obama for high treason in America! Getting a little hot in Wash., D.C. now?
Knowing how federal law works, it is easy to have the Confederate States of America legally withdraw under federal law from the federal union on Nov. 7, 2012. Texas joined the federal union with the legal clause they could later secede. Under federal law, this means that Texas can legally secede from the Union anytime they want to. We join under a confederation with Texas and we can peacefully and legally secede from the federal union all quite proper and legal under federal law. I hereby appoint Governor Rick Perry as Vice President of the Confederate States of America effective Nov. 7, 2012 at noon Eastern Standard Time. Unless I cancell this legal declaration by Nov. 7, 2012 at noon Eastern Standard Time, Governor Rick Perry may be sworn in to office at that time. The Southern States loyal to the Confederacy can meet together and update the Confederate Constitution and set up permanent elections can be held for all offices and positions elected to the Confederate Government.
If the Omni Law is passed before noon Nov. 7, 2012, I will cancel the authorization for the Confederate States to go legally indepedent as a nation, but put Washington on the hotseat to behave themselves or else we can secede later on if we judge necessary.
To teach the smart aleck federal officials and operatives, return the $525,000 to me you stole from me by August 25, 2012 or else return to me $25 billion in damages for the deal you sabotaged I had for up to that amount of profit. Do not pay one or the other amount by the time factors required, I will not sign the cancellation papers for the secession of the Confederate States of America for Nov. 7, 2012.
You federal boys do not always figure things out, if we secede Nov. 7, 2012, your federal credit is dead with the world and you will shortly go bankrupt as a national government and all 50 states will automatically join us as the new national government of America then. By the way, I was amazed that some of your "military intelligence experts" thought you figured out how I arranged the I.R.A. escape angle and when. I did not know that you were that Mickey Mouse amateur. You got the wrong incident, wrong technique, and two wrong Hollywood movies spun off the event. Since you are so colossally amateur in C.I.A. and I am afraid Pentagon intelligence as well, the London newspapers said one week later after I told the I.R.A. how to do this, an American pilot was hired and rented a heliocopter to set up the escape. I did not know that C.I.A. and Pentagon were that colossally moron and rank amateur in military intelligence. You couldn't even put the pieces together right when I handed it to you on a silver platter to decode correctly the true story I released. No wonder that you don't know a damn thing how Russia has tested your national defense and correctly found four ways to annihilate America in one fast blow and you never even knew in Washington intelligence that they had just tested you and gave you an "F" for the dummiest intelligence service in the world. The Russian generals are laughing at the Pentagon now you look so dumb to them. You couldn't name correctly what Nazi tactic I told the I.R.A. to use. Now I used the I.R.A. to prove a point because I was using the I.R.A. to give America the angle needed to save America again when the idiots in American defense screwed up everything. The I.R.A. was very professional in military tactics but spent two years trying to figure out how to beat the British designed security system of the prison. They couldn't find an answer and I gave them the right answer how to arrange the prison escape in 5 minutes flat after they showed me the security for the prison. Now Russian intelligence and Chinese intelligence and others will keep from nuclear attacking America in 2012 or 2013 because they will figure I am too good at military intelligence and have the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb technology and the Hitler Ultimate Weapon System while you will look so dumb in military intelligence to them they will judge you should go back to kindergarden in military intelligence instructions as they will be amazed that you could be so dumb that with all the key clues given to you, you couldn't even crack correctly and figure out the I.R.A. escape, when it occurred, what Nazi idea was borrowed to make it work right, etc. You had better turn over American intelligence to me and I like a drill sergeant will put your boys into shape and teach you how you play the game!
Since Washington acts like morons and pretends they are geniuses, your national farmland is threatened with potential collapse of most of the farmland in America and you like Nero playing his fiddle while Rome is burning haven't even recognized yet how close American agriculture is to potential national collapse. When the Omni Law is passed or else the Confederate Government must rise to power again, we will save the agriculture of all America, not just the South. As the South is a Christian nation, we won't let the people of the North mass die due to enormous collapse of their agriculture created by the morons in Wash., D.C. currently running your national agriculture.
Since you are not smart in Wash., D.C., if the South withdraws and won't support your national currency, you will go bankrupt and all 50 states will join the Confederacy because our economy will be great while yours will be collapsed.
Okay folks, promote this message all over America. Yours For God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. I have already received threats "how they know where I am at" and so on. If I don't take the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon and teach them 4 ways Russia can currently annihilate America and is heavily weighing whether to annihilate America or not, if Russia attacks, all Americans dead except for the South. Russia will consider us an independent nation and spare the South from annihilation. A message for Russia. I win in America either by the Omni Law or else by raising up the South to national independence again, I have big plans for Russia to share my giant world industry with Russia so America and Russia jointly control the world food market. This will skyrocket both the economies of America and Russia. This now changes the playing field. Russia will be enraged at Washington, D.C. if you try to do anything to suppress or harm the people of the South! God did not make me a dummy! There are lots of smart and brilliant people and I love them all. But I was born with a good gift for cunning and Wash., D.C. has just been checkmated! The South is going to win!)

Report on a showing of the new move "2016: Obama's America"

Report on a showing of the new move "2016: Obama's America"

“Even the dumbed-down are beginning to panic.”

The movie "2016: Obama's America" premiered yesterday.
Only showing thru Tuesday is their plan. All theaters sold out yesterday.
I was in matinee and only a few front row seats were empty. Even the dumbed down are beginning to panic. What is coming is a plain as the nose on your face.
One theater had so many people, that they opened up five more theaters than originally planned. Theater manager said he had never seen anything like this before, where thousands were buying tickets.
The movie painted a very clear picture. Of course the producer did not go into the "conspiracy" stuff. Just the facts, and they were enough, to scare the audience to death.
The ladies room was packed after the movie, and I took the opportunity to address the whole group waiting their turn.
Later in a grocery store nearby, my friend took the opportunity to address the lines at the checkout to announce the issue and warn the folks not to vote Obama or Romney. It was a peaceful announcement, and I was very surprised that not one person in line argued the points. They just listened, most wide-eyed.
I think it is past time to take every opportunity to speak up and wake these brain dead Wal-Mart zombies.

'2016 – Obama's America' Movie Review: Getting Inside the President's Head

Film co-producer and narrator Dinesh D'Souza interviews Philip Ochieng,
who is a lifelong friend of Barack Obama Sr., in Nairobi, Kenya. Movie released August 2012.

By Alex Murashko , Christian Post Reporter
August 17, 2012|9:54 am
At the film's outset, it is clear that conservative activist Dinesh D'Souza wants to get inside the head of President Barack Obama perhaps like no one else ever has in the making of the fast-paced, documentary-style "2016 – Obama's America."
By juxtaposing Obama's Dreams From My Father – often using Obama's own voice from the audio book version – with narration that includes information from his own two books about the president's past and potential second term, D'Souza makes a strong, intellectual case that the president's dream for this country is not in line with what many consider to be the American dream.
"One of the themes in the movie is the anti-colonial goal of downsizing America in the name of global justice," D'Souza recently told The Christian Post. "So the core idea here is that America has become a rogue nation in the world and also that America enjoys a standard of living that is unconscionably high compared to the rest of the world. So anti-colonialism is a program of global reparations, not racial reparations. It's reparations for global injustice. Obama's goal is to shrink America."
That may seem like an unthinkable thought for a U.S. president to have. However, as "2016" develops, viewers see the giant jigsaw puzzle of Obama's life put together like never seen before. It brings to question, "Who's writing the history books?"
What turns out to be one man's, one country's perception of wealthier nations partaking in oppressive takeovers in the past and present, is another man's, another country's view of economic recovery and modernization…
Audiences are reported to be clapping with approval at the film's conclusion at theaters everywhere it is shown. The audience was clapping at the public viewing I went to. My own quick survey of a few friends that watched the film with me showed that the movie did not perhaps reveal to them anything new about Obama, but they agreed it was made in a well-done, understandable package.
D'Souza's experience during viewings was perhaps more dramatic. "I would describe it as powerful, energized, tumultuous, ferocious, almost revelatory. I've seen people weeping as they come out of the theater. There have been people that want to hug me, people that look dazed, every kind of extremely kind of powerful response," he told CP.
It may be too much to expect a large swath of America to see the movie. However, it touches on subjects every U.S. citizen should be interested in – democracy, socialism, and U.S., British, and Third World history – and what is more than likely motivating Barack Obama to make the decisions that he has made and still might make.
About 2016: Obama’s America

2016 Obama's America takes audiences on a gripping visual journey into the heart of the world’s most powerful office to reveal the struggle of whether one man's past will redefine America over the next four years. The film examines the question, "If Obama wins a second term, where will we be in 2016?"
Across the globe and in America, people in 2008 hungered for a leader who would unite and lift us from economic turmoil and war. True to America’s ideals, they invested their hope in a new kind of president, Barack Obama. What they didn't know is that Obama is a man with a past, and in powerful ways that past defines him--who he is, how he thinks, and where he intends to take America and the world.
Immersed in exotic locales across four continents, best-selling author Dinesh D’Souza races against time to find answers to Obama’s past and reveal where America will be in 2016. During this journey he discovers how Hope and Change became radically misunderstood, and identifies new flashpoints for hot wars in mankind’s greatest struggle. The journey moves quickly over the arc of the old colonial empires, into America’s empire of liberty, and we see the unfolding realignment of nations and the shape of the global future.
Emotionally engaging, 2016 Obama’s America will make you confounded and cheer as you discover the mysteries and answers to your greatest aspirations and worst fears.
Love him or hate him, you don’t know him.

Your new post about Wilcock and first contact at the olympics is a Hoax.

The following statement is from David.

The discussion-forum website Godlike Productions has featured writings from an impostor, posing as me.

Many were fooled by this campaign. I have now had it forwarded to me by about seven o
r eight different people through email chain letters.

Let me be absolutely clear: there are no "member excusive" writings here or anywhere else. Any and all things I write, with the sole exception of the Source Field book, are posted freely online.

Furthermore, I do not post writings anywhere else but on this site.

I did not go to the London Olympics. No "First Contact" occurred. The whole thing is a hoax.

It has been a while since I last posted, but that has mostly been due to the fact that I am working on several other mission-critical initiatives -- while suffering through a blistering heat wave that made it very difficult to work.

I needed to buy an in-room AC unit and run it in addition to the central AC in order to make it barely livable in my office for the last three weeks.

Furthermore, I am in the process of putting together the next step of the LIBOR timeline -- which is shaping up to be quite large. It also keeps transforming as time goes on -- faster than I can keep up with.

The London Olympics rituals have been so blatant -- and there is so much on that topic alone -- that I am about to post an article just on that, before I can get the huge investigation piece finished.

This attack was a fairly sophisticated operation. In the aftermath these same forums lit up with allegedly real people saying they would "never come back" to this website because I obviously lied to them.

This is a very desperate and easily disproven campaign of disinformation. It most likely was intended to destroy my credibility at a critical moment -- while we are on the brink of genuinely freeing our planet from the Cabal.

I hope to have the next piece up very soon. I have to work in the cracks now, as I am doing this at one of our Convergence events in Vancouver, British Columbia..............

I had posted it too my friend lol


THIS IS A HOAX ----- David Wilcock Gives An Account Of His Trip To The Olympics In London First Contact Has Occurred

THIS A HOAX written by Idiots & Fools!

DivineCosmos Member Exclusive News Update 8/13/12

David Wilcock Gives An Account Of His Trip To The Olympics In London First Contact Has Occurred

David Wilcock wrote
All I can say is WOW!!!!
My Expedition To The Olympic Games - Hard To Put In Words
My trip to the Olympics was no less than Extraordinary. I'm finding it hard to articulate the sheer magnitude of my Experience as it impacted me and most importantly, mankind. I had been tipped Off by no less than three insiders by the time I decided to make the trip to London. Two insiders has contacted me when I wrote my last membership Exclusive update and a third called me when I was on the way to the airport And corroborated what the other two had told me.
Prepare for first Contact.
While I Was Expecting First Contact To Be A Public Spectacle, It Turned Out To Be A Private Affair
By August 11th I started having doubts as to why I had not seen anything to indicate first contact.
That afternoon is when my world turned upside down. An average looking English man sat next to me as I watched the track and field events. He handed me an envelope and then looked directly in my eyes and said, "This is what you waited for your whole life. We appreciated your work. Now reap the rewards".
Stunned I started questioning him right away. But as soon as he said what he had to say he simply ignored me and left. I immediately opened the envelope and the only thing written on the note inside was a time and place. I left and went back to my hotel room to review what just occurred with my support staff. I traveled to London with only two other good friends and volunteers at DivineCosmos. After about 3 hours of discussion, weighing the risks of going to the location at the time in the note I decided to take the risk and go.
What Happened Next Was Simply Amazing
I thought long and hard about whether to take the time to find out what this was all about. The location was about 75 miles outside of where I was staying in London. Part of me thought someone recognized me and was just up to a hoax. But after much thought my inner guidance instructed me to go. I arrived about 25 minutes before the time written in the note at the location.
The location was given as a set of GPS coordinates. It was outside of a small town in a clearing in a forest. It appeared as if the trees were recently cut down in the clearing as I could see fresh wood chips and saw dust on the ground.. This was in the middle of nowhere other than the small town that was about 5 miles away.
I was sworn to secrecy about telling others of the location and time of this miraculous event.
Others Were Already There Waiting When I Arrived
There were about 50 other people standing in the clearing when I arrived. A few government types but mostly it seemed like ordinary people who were just as perplexed as I was. Others arrived after I did.
However exactly at the time given in the note the area was sealed off by more government types who I didn't immediately notice upon my arrival. They were guarding the perimeter of the clearing.
This made the people there a bit nervous, by then I estimate about 70 had arrived. There were only a few of the government agents among the crowd and when they saw we were starting to wonder why the perimeter was being shut off they assured us that anyone could leave whenever they wished and that everyone was safe..
I met a doctor, a police officer and a veterinarian among others. There were people there from all professions.
About 10 minutes after the area was sealed off from anyone else entering is when the magic happened.
What Happened Next I Will Never Forget
The people there started to get a bit anxious. But their anxiousness soon turned to awe.
A whitish metallic ship was spotted in the sky towards the north. I'll never forget as one gentlemen began shouting that he was seeing something in the sky. Immediately the whole crowd of about 70 were fixed on the incoming object. It was approaching our location and coming closer and closer. It was simply surreal. The craft came ever closer and eventually started to hover about 200 feet off the ground above our heads.
It was a white ceramic metallic looking oval shaped craft.
There were a few strange looking characters that I could see on one side. The characters looked similar to those in our alphabet but I could not recognize them. The craft then landed.
There Was Anticipation And Excitement In The Air
It took about one minute, but seemed like an eternity, before a hatch opened and a walkway from the hatch to the ground rolled out automatically. An extraterrestrial appeared in the opening.
The crowd gasped with awe. It was a male in strange clothing. He looked human from my vantage point but I was about 250 feet away so it was hard to see any anatomical details. He then simply smiled and waved at the crowd. The crowd then cheered with total excitement!
It was so surreal I wish that you all could have been there. The man standing in the opening got a standing ovation. His smile got bigger as he saw the crowd's reaction. I can now in retrospect take an educated guess that the people chosen for this epic event were chosen because they were vetted by some sort of international government welcoming committee to be able to accept and react positively to contact based on the crowd's positive reaction.
They Were Human, Just Like Us
Twelve in all walked down out of the craft and into the crowd for a meet and greet. My eyes were filled with tears. I finally got my chance to speak to a few of them.
I had so many questions to ask them. Where were they from, what is their history, what is our history. What I learned that day has verified all that I had studied throughout the years. I will share those details for my next public article which I hope to get done in the next two weeks.
The meet and greet lasted about an hour before our visitors boarded their ship and left.
Post Meet And Greet Briefing
After our friends left one of the government types addressed the awestruck crowd. He told us that we were not the first who had this experience. That there were 4 other groups chosen and that this same event occurred at different locations around the world.
That these meet and greets had started in January of 2012 and would continue until the end of the year. That the good guys and the ETs were circumventing various parts of the world governments that opposed disclosure. But most importantly that by the end of this year or sometime early in 2013 we would have a single world disclosure event with ships making themselves seen in our skies so that no one can deny the obvious truth. That we are not alone.
And not only are we not alone that we on Earth are just one branch of the human family that is spread out throughout this galaxy.
He also told us that this plan was put in place to lessen the panic. He encouraged us to 'spread the news' of this event. I think this plan is brilliant and I feel honored to have been a part of one of the first groups chosen to experience this.
Just Returned From London, More To Come
This trip was physically as well as emotionally draining and I need to get some rest and absorb all that happened in order to better articulate it to those who visit DC.
But I plan to make this report part of my public website as soon as possible, hopefully in the next two weeks. There are many more details and I feel this will be my most important update I have ever given.
I thank you for your support. I look forward to filling you all in on the repercussions of this latest awe inspiring event!
Doing some googling, I found this post on GLP on 7/31/2012, 13 days earlier. This earlier post adds to the veracity of the post on 8/13/2012. –B
DivineCosmos Member Exclusive News Update 7/31 - David Wilcock Changes Schedule To Fly To The..
[11:45:22 AM] Richard A. Labadie:

Mexican Official: CIA ‘Manages’ Drug Trade

Check this out: Same gang that the guns from Holder were supposed to go to is supposedly in JAIL in Chicago.. And look at the date of this also. There is a video on here also. 

Mexican Official: CIA ‘Manages’ Drug Trade
July 25, 2012

The CIA refused to comment directly on the allegations of complicity made by a low-level Mexican official [Reuters]
The US Central Intelligence Agency and other international security forces “don’t fight drug traffickers”, a spokesman for the Chihuahua state government in northern Mexico has told Al Jazeera, instead “they try to manage the drug trade”.
Allegations about official complicity in the drug business are nothing new when they come from activists, professors, campaigners or even former officials. However, an official spokesman for the authorities in one of Mexico’s most violent states – one which directly borders Texas – going on the record with such accusations is unique.
“It’s like pest control companies, they only control,” Guillermo Terrazas Villanueva, the Chihuahua spokesman, told Al Jazeera last month at his office in Juarez. “If you finish off the pests, you are out of a job. If they finish the drug business, they finish their jobs.”
A spokesman for the CIA in Washington wouldn’t comment on the accusations directly, instead he referred Al Jazeera to an official website.
Accusations are ‘baloney’
Villanueva is not a high ranking official and his views do not represent Mexico’s foreign policy establishment. Other more senior officials in Chihuahua State, including the mayor of Juarez, dismissed the claims as “baloney”.
“I think the CIA and DEA [US Drug Enforcement Agency] are on the same side as us in fighting drug gangs,” Hector Murguia, the mayor of Juarez, told Al Jazeera during an interview inside his SUV. “We have excellent collaboration with the US.”
Under the Merida Initiative, the US Congress has approved more than $1.4bn in drug war aid for Mexico, providing attack helicopters, weapons and training for police and judges.
More than 55,000 people have died in drug related violence in Mexico since December 2006. Privately, residents and officials across Mexico’s political spectrum often blame the lethal cocktail of US drug consumption and the flow of high-powered weapons smuggled south of the border for causing much of the carnage.
Drug war ‘illusions’
“The war on drugs is an illusion,” Hugo Almada Mireles,professor at the Autonomous University of Juarez and author of several books, told Al Jazeera. “It’s a reason to intervene in Latin America.”
“The CIA wants to control the population; they don’t want to stop arms trafficking to Mexico, look at [Operation] Fast and Furious,” he said, referencing a botched US exercise where automatic weapons were sold to criminals in the hope that security forces could trace where the guns ended up.
The Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms lost track of 1,700 guns as part of the operation, including an AK-47 used in 2010 the murder of Brian Terry, a Customs and Border Protection Agent.
Blaming the gringos for Mexico’s problems has been a popular sport south of the Rio Grande ever since the Mexican-American war of the 1840s, when the US conquered most of present day California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico from its southern neighbour. But operations such as Fast and Furious show that reality can be stranger than fiction when it comes to the drug war and relations between the US and Mexico. If the case hadn’t been proven, the idea that US agents were actively putting weapons into the hands of Mexican gangsters would sound absurd to many.
'Conspiracy theories'
"I think it's easy to become cynical about American and other countries' involvement in Latin America around drugs," Kevin Sabet, a former senior adviser to the White House on drug control policy, told Al Jazeera. "Statements [accusing the CIA of managing the drug trade] should be backed up with evidence… I don’t put much stake in it."
Villanueva's accusations "might be a way to get some attention to his region, which is understandable but not productive or grounded in reality", Sabet said. "We have sort of 'been there done that' with CIA conspiracy theories."
In 1996, the San Jose Mercury News published Dark Alliance, a series of investigative reports linking CIA missions in Nicaragua with the explosion of crack cocaine consumption in America's ghettos.
In order to fund Contra rebels fighting Nicaragua's socialist government, the CIA partnered with Colombian cartels to move drugs into Los Angeles, sending profits back to Central America, the series alleged.
"There is no question in my mind that people affiliated with, or on the payroll of, the CIA were involved in drug trafficking," US Senator John Kerry said at the time, in response to the series.
Other newspapers, including the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times, slammed Dark Alliance, and the editor of the Mercury News eventually wrote that the paper had over-stated some elements in the story and made mistakes in the journalistic process, but that he stood by many of the key conclusions.
Widespread rumours
"It's true, they want to control it," a mid-level official with the Secretariat Gobernacion in Juarez, Mexico's equivalent to the US Department of Homeland Security, told Al Jazeera of the CIA and DEA's policing of the drug trade. The officer, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said he knew the allegations to be correct, based on discussions he had with US officials working in Juarez.
Acceptance of these claims within some elements of Mexico's government and security services shows the difficulty in pursuing effective international action against the drug trade.
Jesús Zambada Niebla, a leading trafficker from the Sinaloa cartel currently awaiting trial in Chicago, has said he was working for the US Drug Enforcement Agency during his days as a trafficker, and was promised immunity from prosecution.
"Under that agreement, the Sinaloa Cartel under the leadership of [Jesus Zambada's] father, Ismael Zambada and 'Chapo' Guzmán were given carte blanche to continue to smuggle tonnes of illicit drugs... into... the United States, and were protected by the United States government from arrest and prosecution in return for providing information against rival cartels," Zambada's lawyers wrote as part of his defence. "Indeed, the Unites States government agents aided the leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel."
The Sinaloa cartel is Mexico's oldest and most powerful trafficking organisation, and some analysts believe security forces in the US and Mexico favour the group over its rivals.
Joaquin "El Chapo", the cartel's billionaire leader and one of the world's most wanted men, escaped from a Mexican prison in 2001 by sneaking into a laundry truck - likely with collaboration from guards - further stoking rumours that leading traffickers have complicit friends in high places.  
"It would be easy for the Mexican army to capture El Chapo," Mireles said. "But this is not the objective." He thinks the authorities on both sides of the border are happy to have El Chapo on the loose, as his cartel is easier to manage and his drug money is recycled back into the broader economy. Other analysts consider this viewpoint a conspiracy theory and blame ineptitude and low level corruption for El Chapo's escape, rather than a broader plan from government agencies.
Political changes
After an election hit by reported irregularities, Enrique Pena Nieto from the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) is set to be sworn in as Mexico's president on December 1.
He wants to open a high-level dialogue with the US about the drug war, but has said legalisation of some drugs is not an option. Some hardliners in the US worry that Nieto will make a deal with some cartels, in order to reduce violence.
"I am hopeful that he will not return to the PRI party of the past which was corrupt and had a history of turning a blind eye to the drug cartels," said Michael McCaul, a Republican Congressman from Texas.
Regardless of what position a new administration takes in order to calm the violence and restore order, it is likely many Mexicans - including government officials such as Chihuahua spokesman Guillermo Villanuede=ON