Sunday, August 19, 2012


Public Declaration to Police Officers, Civil Servants and other Agents of the Crown of England - Issued by the Judicial Oversight Panel of the Common Law Court of Justice investigating Crimes of Church and State (Brussels-London), July 28, 2012


This is so refreshing to read!!
Subject: GOD AT WORK IN D.C.
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2012 22:37:34 -0700
Please take time to read this, it will encourage you during these times of so much bad news coming out of our capitol.
God at Work in D.C. Good News for a change.
In the midst of all the news about our nations debt, unemployment, elections, and finger pointing, comes an indication of a long overdue spiritual awakening on Capitol Hill.
What follows here is from an email by a person named "Sarah".
"I wanted to share some good news from Capitol Hill!"
"As you know, I lead a ladies Bible study here in the Senate!   One of my girls, Jordan, invited us to a private screening of the movie ‘Courageous’  here at the Capitol sponsored by the Congressional Prayer Caucus.  This screening was open to members of Congress, Staff, and U.S. Capitol Police and their families.”  (This movie is a religious movie made by the Baptist church in Georgia that has made several other religious movies that have been shown in theaters.)
It's highly unusual to be granted permission to show a movie when it's currently in Theaters.  About a year ago a friend asked me if I was aware of the Congressional Prayer Caucus.  (The Congressional Prayer Caucus is a group of 100 members of Congress who meet in a room just off the House floor to pray once a week for upcoming votes.)  I had never heard of it.  When I saw Jordan yesterday, I learned that not only is her dad a U.S. Congressman from VA, but that he also  CHAIRS  the  Congressional Prayer Caucus.
This CPC sponsored the screening of "Courageous" and it was paid for out of the personal funds of 10 members of Congress (I.e. No tax payer money was involved).  My cynical self was anticipating a handful of folks showing up for the screening and at least one group of protesters.  I was STUNNED when I arrived in the Jefferson Auditorium in the Library of Congress to see the place packed.  There had to have been 300-350 people there.
The Capitol Hill Police Chief was present.  I spotted one USCP Officer who brought his wife and all 10 of his children (who were more well-behaved than a lot of adults I know).  From my spot, I counted about 35-40 members of Congress, including one Senator.  I was later told that 90 members of Congress had RSVPd, and many stood in the back but left early for previous commitments.
As we watched the film, I was even more SHOCKED to hear the Gospel CLEARLY Proclaimed.  No one made any apologies.  The member sitting in front of me cried throughout the entire movie.  As soon as it was over, there was an immediate standing ovation from the audience.  No protesting. Then, to my delight, the writer of "Courageous" and the lead actor were introduced   (they were in the audience the entire time).  Another standing ovation for them...
I couldn't believe it. We had three separate standing o's.  I leaned over to my friend Hannah and said, "I'm sorry, am I in the U.S. Capitol or am I at church?"  The chief of staff for Congressman Forbes (Jordan's Dad) told me that I wouldn't believe the Hours of prayer soaked into this evening.
By the time they had reserved the room, opened up tunnels, and paid the Capitol Police overtime, it cost about $5,000 to pull this off -- and about 10 members of Congress paid for this out-of-pocket.  There was no doubt that God was present in that room and that the message in the movie "Courageous"  resonated with many people.  Eternal things took place!
I know all of you care and are praying for our country.  Know that YOUR prayers are being heard and being answered.  God is not finished with us yet.
He is still here and His remnant remains in the halls of our government."

Be encouraged. God is at work through your prayers among those we have elected to office, who are committed to honor and exalt The King of kings and the LORD of lords in their efforts to Restore the Nation.”
President and CEO of Restore America
"If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
II Chron. 7:14


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Infoeditor [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 19-Aug-2012 14:12:36

Whether you still favor the criminal Repukes (Republicans) or not, you should never forget how the criminal Democrat Party unlawfully stuck this treasonous foreigner, B.O. SOETORO, onto America as President and wrecked what was left of our nation.
It would be difficult to believe that America can recover from what this stink B.O. USURPER-FALSE PRESIDENT has done to our country. No sooner does Congress reject the Dream Act and Scamnesty does B.O., the real Body Odor of the land, turn around and free the foreigner slaves to invade America again.
America is not supposed to be the dumping ground where the world's poor are dumped. America has accepted enough immigration to last for the next thousand years. Instead, let the larger continents and less developed countries accept some of this burden. It is only fair.
Where the hell are all the people who are said to care about America and why are they so quiet?
Never forget how Pelosi, Clintons, Dirty Harry Reid, criminal military, and the Clint-Bush Cabal finished America and our jobs by empowering this lying, murderous, homosexual foreigner to take what was left of us.
Never forget and don't give them or their people one damned vote more.

Keeping It All In The Family - 'Mark Zuckerberg' Is Grandson Of David Rockefeller. Real name. Jacob Greenberg

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Keeping It All In The Family - 'Mark Zuckerberg' Is Grandson Of David Rockefeller. Real name. Jacob Greenberg.
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 19-Aug-2012 13:50:10

Gotta love your facebookin'...
Ok so this Greenberg / Zuckerberg thing is getting weirder by the second.
A Jacob Greenberg was arrested for possession of Marijuana and this mugshot was taken.
It was later revealed that this could indeed be the man the world knows as Mark Zuckerberg.
His family members include David Rockefeller, his Grandfather.
A little strange because Rothschild owns 8% of Facebook shares.
Both Rothschild and Rockefeller are well known names….
TAP with One World Government associations.
and his other granpa….greenberg…CEO of AIG
TAP – Facebook was funded with $500 million from a CIA owned bank, which was a bit suspicious.
I wonder if Google has similar disguised progeny.
Zuckerberg means ‘sugar mountain’.
That’s their secret word for Facebook no doubt.
A mountain of information from which they can extract billions.
Bill Gates comes from a multibillionaire eugenicist
family, which was kept well hidden in the early years of Microsoft.
The same families control it all.
The Tap Blog is a collective of like-minded researchers and writers who’ve joined forces to distribute information and voice opinions avoided by the world’s media.
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Related posts:
Facebook founder called trusting users dumb f*cks
Food and Depopulation: Rockefeller Family
Photo shows Obama at dinner with Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg
Profiles in Evil: The David Rockefeller, Ball and Chain,
Armageddon Club.
Mark Zuckerberg – Inside Facebook (BBC Documentary)Rockefeller Foundations “Hypothetic Scenario” – 13K Dead In London Olympic Bombing

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Keeping It All In The Family - 'Mark Zuckerberg' Is Grandson Of David Rockefeller. Real name. Jacob Greenberg.
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 19-Aug-2012 13:50:10

Gotta love your facebookin'...
Ok so this Greenberg / Zuckerberg thing is getting weirder by the second.
A Jacob Greenberg was arrested for possession of Marijuana and this mugshot was taken.
It was later revealed that this could indeed be the man the world knows as Mark Zuckerberg.
His family members include David Rockefeller, his Grandfather.
A little strange because Rothschild owns 8% of Facebook shares.
Both Rothschild and Rockefeller are well known names….
TAP with One World Government associations.
and his other granpa….greenberg…CEO of AIG
TAP – Facebook was funded with $500 million from a CIA owned bank, which was a bit suspicious.
I wonder if Google has similar disguised progeny.
Zuckerberg means ‘sugar mountain’.
That’s their secret word for Facebook no doubt.
A mountain of information from which they can extract billions.
Bill Gates comes from a multibillionaire eugenicist
family, which was kept well hidden in the early years of Microsoft.
The same families control it all.
The Tap Blog is a collective of like-minded researchers and writers who’ve joined forces to distribute information and voice opinions avoided by the world’s media.
Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on printMore Sharing Services
Related posts:
Facebook founder called trusting users dumb f*cks
Food and Depopulation: Rockefeller Family
Photo shows Obama at dinner with Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg
Profiles in Evil: The David Rockefeller, Ball and Chain,
Armageddon Club.
Mark Zuckerberg – Inside Facebook (BBC Documentary)Rockefeller Foundations “Hypothetic Scenario” – 13K Dead In London Olympic Bombing


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Infoeditor [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 19-Aug-2012 13:50:51

This nation needs an injunction filed right away seeking immediate relief from any more of Obama/Soetoro's unconstitutional, unlawful, unreasonable orders, edicts, and, especially where they obstruct current constitutional laws and the security and well-being of Americans already legally living in the U.S..
By that, I mean an immediate QUO WARRANTO action needs to be filed by enough attorneys, Congressmen/women, and other persons of high status that would bar Obama/Soetoro from issuing orders which could take effect before there has been adequate and fair time to argue and debate such dangerous so-called laws and/or executive orders.
Any of you lawyers with some fortitude who are persons of any means should file, as a group, an emergency injunction request to stop the madness by at least disallowing THE GRAND USURPER from continuing to pillage the nation until all the public has opportunity to examine and be notified of such pillaging.
Such an order needs to commence at once at the filing upon approval and order of the judge. Surely to GOD there must be a federal judge somewhere who will listen.
Where are the mighty men and brave souls? "Not one name? Not one finger?"

Nurse Who “Saw Everything” At Hospital After Suspicious Batman Shooting Found Dead at 46

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Nurse Who “Saw Everything” At Hospital After Suspicious Batman Shooting Found Dead at 46
Posted By: Maryhrt [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 19-Aug-2012 12:54:12<>
Aug 17, 2012
Jenny Gallagher, a nurse who treated victims of the highly suspicious “Batman” shooting in Aurora, Colorado last month, is dead at age 46. The reported cause of death: drowning.
“She worked the morning after the Batman massacre in a very busy unit of the hospital — so she saw everything really, some really bad injuries,” her husband Greg reportedly
told< >
Ireland’s *Herald *earlier today.
The mass-shooting, which left 12 dead and 58 more injured at a midnight premiere of *The Dark Knight Rises* at Century theater, is widely suspected
to have been a black operation (akin to Columbine< > or
the Sikh Temple shooting< >)
based on the available evidence, numerous inconsistencies and
implausibilities in the “official story”, the timing, and the way the event has been framed (some would say exploited) by certain powerful interests in
the media and political arena. See for example…
Obama Seeks US Congressional Ratification of UN Global Gun Control
Treaty< >,
Susanne Posel (July 16)
Colorado Batman shooting shows obvious signs of being
Natural News (July 20)
James Holmes Batman shooting to justify UN small arms treaty gun
grab?< >,
Mike Adams (July 21)
Eyewitness: Second Shooter in Batman
Massacre< >,
YouTube, (July 21)
Witness: Someone let gunman inside Colorado movie
theater< >,
CNN/ (July 22)
Colorado University Had Identical Drill On Same Day As ‘Batman’
Massacre< >,
Paul Joseph Watson (July 23)
Shooter James Holmes and DARPA Weird
Science< >,
Kurt Nimmo/Wayne Madsen (July 24)
Fox News Channel Questions Narrative Of ‘Batman’
Massacre< >,
Infowars/WXIX-Fox19 (July 25)
Gun Owners of America President Larry Pratt: Batman Shooting Could be Staged< >
James Holmes Is Behaving Like Sirhan
Paul Joseph Watson, (July 27)
Why Are Republicans Calling To Disarm The American
Paul Joseph Watson, (July 30)
The Batman op expands: you shot those
people< >,
Jon Rappoport (Aug 3)
Jennifer Ann Gallagher (“Jenny”) lived in Denver and worked at the University of Colorado Hospital (UCH), where the largest share of the victims< >
of the shooting were taken in the aftermath of the July 20th theater massacre.
On July 22nd, Barack Obama personally visited the hospital to meet with the victims and staff. In a speech, Obama praised the UCH staff< >for their “extraordinary efforts”. As he spoke, he was flanked< >
by Colorado Governor Hickenlooper, Aurora Police chief Oats, and several Congressmen.
A photo taken during Obama’s visit shows Gallagher just feet from Obama. This was just over two weeks before her death.
[image: Jenny Gallagher with Barack Obama during his visit to
Gallagher was actually found dead ten days ago, on August 7th. Despite recent conflicting and incorrect reports about the location (multiple reports say it was in Colorado, while another says Ohio), The End Run has
determined that she was actually found dead in Okoboji Lake, which is in Dickson County, Iowa, about 700 miles from her home town of Denver by car.
Within 24 hours or less of the discovery of her body, a short blurb about the death, which did not identify her by name, was published by the Associated Press and picked up by several local
media< >
outlets <>. It
Drowning reported at West Okoboji Lake
OKOBOJI, Iowa (AP) — Authorities say someone has drowned at West Okoboji
Lake in northwest Iowa.
The Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office said officers responded to a report of a drowning a little after noon on Tuesday.
The office hasn’t released the victim’s name or any other details about the drowning.
On the morning of August 8th, the day after her body was reportedly discovered, the Dickson County Sheriff’s office issued a press
release< >
(cache < >) identifying Gallagher as
the victim (although they misspelled her name) and providing a few additional details:
Victim identified in West Okoboji drowning
Published on Wednesday, 08 August 2012 06:30
On Tuesday, August 7, the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office responded to a drowning on West Lake Okoboji. An investigation found that Jennifer Galagher, age 46, from Denver, Colorado, had been swimming the previous night in West Lake. On Tuesday morning, Galagher was reported missing by
A short time later, a family member located Galagher underneath a nearby dock. Medical personnel responded and she was pronounced dead at the scene.
Assisting the DCSO were:
- Milford Fire/Rescue
- Arnolds Park/Okoboji Dive Team
- Lakes Regional Healthcare Ambulance
The incident remains under investigation by the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office.
The AP then published another blurb based on this press release, which was reworked and/or republished by numerous local media outlets, primarily
in< >
Iowa< >,
where she was found dead, and in Denver,< >
Colorado< >,
where she lived. However, none of the short stories published in the local press at the time appear to have mentioned her connection to the then-highly-topical “Batman shooting”, or virtually any biographical information about her. The death of this national heroine does not appear
to have been picked up at all by the major U.S. national media. [Note: If this is incorrect, please send in links to the relevant stories by e-mail.]
Yesterday, nine days after her body was found, an article was published by Ireland’s Herald< >which
finally revealed some information about Gallagher and broke the story of her status as a UCH nurse and witness to the bloody aftermath of the carnage in Aurora.
This revelation has since been picked up and reported on by several other Irish sites, such as Ireland’s< >
and the Irish-America< >,
as well as the UK-based Belfast
Telegraph< >.
However, as of this writing there still do not appear to be any reports by the major U.S. national media.
Gallagher grew up in Ireland, but has
lived in Denver since moving there for college in the 1990′s.
To review: According to the initial press release by the Dickson County Sheriff’s office, Gallagher went swimming in West Lake Okoboji on the evening on Monday, August 6th, and didn’t come back. The next morning she was reported missing by her family members. “A short time later, a family
member located Galagher [*sic*] underneath a nearby dock. Medical personnel responded and she was pronounced dead at the scene.”
Ireland’s, who, again, revealed the Gallagher/Batman shooting connection yesterday, apparently conducted an exclusive interview with Gallagher’s husband Greg Pinson today, and they have now published a second
article based upon it. Mr. Pinson is a surgeon with Surgical Specialists of Colorado. According to his curriculum
vitae< > posted
to the firm’s website, he received his undergraduate degree from Yale in 1994, his Doctorate from GWU in 1998, and did his residency at the University of Colorado School of Medicine through 2003. He is quoted by the Herald as having been married to Jenny for seven years. They have a five year old son, Jack.
Regarding the question of how Jenny died, the new Herald article
says< >
(cache < >):
Greg explained that the family had travelled [*sic*] to nearby Ohio [*sic*] for a holiday when Jenny tragically drowned.
He and Jack had gone to sleep when Jenny and her friend decided to take a boat out on to a lake.
“She wasn’t a very strong swimmer and I suppose she just wasn’t able to stay afloat.
“The hardest thing is I may never know what really happened to Jenny.”
Before analyzing this, let’s get a critical caveat out of the way: It is very difficult to discern the truth when dealing with second-hand media snippets like these, which are liable to contain misquotes, out of context
quotes, misleading statements, and other misinformation. For example, the first Herald article incorrectly said that Gallagher drowned in “a lake close to her home”. The second article says that it was a lake in “nearby Ohio”. Besides the fact that Ohio is 1000+ miles from Denver, and thus not “nearby” at all, Gallagher was actually found in a lake in Iowa, which is also nowhere near Denver.
With that said, taken at face value, these two short accounts of Jenny Gallagher’s death (Sheriff’s Office and The Herald) seem to raise a number
of questions:
1. Was she really not “a very strong swimmer”? Is her husband even correctly quoted on this matter by the Herald (who seem to have misquoted him elsewhere)? Jenny was 46 years old and a formidable athlete. She had been playing Gaelic football for over a decade, having competed in the North American finals in 2000. Recently, she and her teammates on the
Denver Gaels ladies football team competed in a tournament at the Colorado Irish Festival, which they won, beating teams from San Fransisco and Dallas. A tribute < >
published in the club’s newsletter says that “memories of trips with the Gaels” such as “surfing in Costa Rica” would not “have been so fond had Jenny not been
2. Why, while vacationing out of state, did Jenny decide to take a boat out onto a lake, at night, after her husband and son had already gone to bed, especially if she “wasn’t a very strong swimmer”?
3. If she did decide to do that, wouldn’t she at least wear a life vest?
4. Who is this friend that was allegedly with her? Why is this friend not identified by name? Why has this friend not been mentioned in previous reports?
5. If she did drown at night while boating with a “friend”, why were police and rescue crews not notified until the following day? The original Sheriff’s office press release said that she was “reported missing by family” the following “morning”. The initial AP report put the time even
later – “a little after noon” — and The Spencer Daily Reporter wrote< > on
Aug 9th that, “Emergency crews recieved a 911 distress call at 12:45 p.m.” If a “friend” was out on the lake boating with Jenny and she disappeared in the water, wouldn’t this friend immediately rush to notify her husband and/or any other family member that may have been present, and wouldn’t they immediately alert rescue crews (assuming the friend hadn’t already)?
Why did this apparently not happen?
6. If Jenny was out boating with a friend, disappeared in the water, and was later found drowned, why would her husband say, “The hardest thing is I may never know what really happened to Jenny”?
7. Who was the family member that located Jenny’s body under the dock? He or she apparently did so shortly after notifying authorities that she was
“missing”, possibly even within minutes. The unnamed family member was apparently able to find her before professionally trained rescue crews. In fact, according to the Spencer Daily
Reporter< >, this family member may have even “located” her before the crews could even begin searching: “Arnolds Park/Okoboji Fire Chief Christ Yungbluth said his
department’s dive team did not have to conduct a search. … Resuce teams were on hand for nearly an hour but once they arrived at the scene, Galagher was pronounced dead.” West Okoboji Lake is approximately 3,847 acres in surface area. The Daily Reporter said that she was specifically found “in the area near Wheeler’s Beach just off of 1st Street in the city
of West Okoboji.”
In an attempt to obtain answers to these questions and clarification about the facts surrounding Jenny Gallagher’s death, The End Run contacted the Dickson County Sheriff’s Office by phone this evening (Friday).
The woman who answered the phone was familiar with the case, but refused to answer any questions about Jennifer Gallagher’s death. This included a direct question as to whether or not Gallagher was boating with another individual that night as reported by the Herald. The woman referenced the
August 8th press release< >
posted to the Sheriff’s website, firmly stating that she could not provide any information besides what was contained in that report.
When asked if she could at least confirm whether or not the incident was (still) under investigation, she again referred me to the press release from nine days ago, which says, “The incident remains under investigation
by the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office”.
Given the suspicious nature of the “Batman” shooting, Jenny”s (heroic) involvement in the rescue operation at the hospital, and the timing of her unnatural death, it is only logical for researchers who understand government black operations (and corresponding cover-ups) to treat it as a * potential* homicide, and seek further information that confirms or refutes
this hypothesis. This does not mean that it *was* a homicide. Accidents happen. This may have been a heartbreaking example of one. However, the publicly-available information about this death is relatively thin at this point, and it contains significant apparent contradictions and problems.
Further investigation is needed by the independent media.
According to accounts written by those who knew her, Jenny Gallagher was an amazing woman; a loving mother and wife, an excellent nurse, and a person whose personality and kindness brought joy into the lives of those around
her. Regardless of the cause, her untimely death is a tragedy, and my condolences go out to the many friends and family who knew and loved her. Hopefully others who investigate her death feel the same, and hopefully her family can understand our desire to seek further information about what
happened to her.
*The source of this report is< >.
The author can be reached by e-mail at the

Is the Muslim Brotherhood a scapegoat for Agenda 21?

The Muslim Brotherhood is simply a scapegoat for a plan which has been in place since 1969, Agenda 21. Make no mistake this camp and others like it throughout Nazi controlled Europe were NOTHING in comparison to the modern facilities having been constructed for this exact purpose. Here in America they are called FEMA camps, not sure what they call them across the pond. The very existence of the capability to repeat these crimes, indeed expound upon them, is not acceptable to a civilized people and the idiotic refusal to admit their very existence is a guaranteed ticket on a train outfitted with shackles of which we now have thousands on rail sidings all over America. The victims of the extinction during WWII were every bit as convinced that it couldn't happen, that God would intervene, that law would prevail... all we hear from them now are ghostly whispers of warning from the dusty pages of history falling on dumbed down and indoctrinated ears awaiting their own ride on the river of no return.

Thank you for sharing this Richard but don't let the bait and switch of placing responsibility on the Muslims who are being used to front the intentions blind you to what is going on right here in our own back yards and being constructed, planned and instigated by our own government at the bidding of the United Nations and a handful of morally bankrupt, soulless individuals seeking global control and slavery for humanity while ensuring absolute power and control for themselves.

Very moving story and history but current in that the Muslim Brotherhood would like to repeat this atrocity:    

The Only Surviving Album of Auschwitz 
This is the story of a Hungarian Jewish woman who survived Auschwitz and found a coat belonging to a guardwhich she took to shield her from the cold immediately after her liberation.  In the pocket of this coat she found a photo album.  It contained pictures of what went on in this extermination camp.  Imagine her reaction when she saw a picture of herself coming off of the train as well pictures of her family who were already murdered. 
This album at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem was donated by this woman in 1980 and will forever be displayed there. 
When you have 5 minutes of peace and quiet in front of your computer, watch it and consider passing it around to people that you know so they can share it and know about it.  It is truly moving and important.

A Scholarly presentation- " The Book They Never Wanted you to Read . Yes , it's all probably TRUE!

An adhesion contract !  Well documentated ' hidden truths about subverting our National Sovreignty to TPTB - THE CABAL -NWO

Cobra Status Report 8/17/12

Friday, August 17, 2012

Omega Pandora POS to 0.01 stable