Sunday, August 19, 2012

Poofness - 8-19-12 Detonation

Subject: Detonation
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2012 16:55:22 -0400

Under Pressure Lyrics
by David Bowie / Queen
from Grosse Pointe Blank Soundtrack

Mm ba ba de
Um bum ba de
Um bu bu bum da de
Pressure pushing down on me
Pressing down on you no man ask for
Under pressure - that burns a building down
Splits a family in two
Puts people on streets
Um ba ba be
Um ba ba be
De day da
Ee day da - that's o.k.
It's the terror of knowing
What the world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming 'Let me out'
Pray tomorrow - gets me higher
Pressure on people - people on streets
Day day de mm hm
Da da da ba ba
Chippin' around - kick my brains around the floor
These are the days it never rains but it pours
Ee do ba be
Ee da ba ba ba
Um bo bo
Be lap
People on streets - ee da de da de
People on streets - ee da de da de da de da
It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming 'Let me out'
Pray tomorrow - gets me higher high high
Pressure on people - people on streets
Turned away from it all like a blind man
Sat on a fence but it don't work
Keep coming up with love
but it's so slashed and torn
Why - why - why ?
Love love love love love
Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking
Can't we give ourselves one more chance
Why can't we give love that one more chance
Why can't we give love give love give love give love
give love give love give love give love give love
'Cause love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
And loves dares you to change our way of
Caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is our last dance
This is ourselves
Under pressure
Under pressure

Greetings and Salutations;

 You know I don't write these missives because I can't let go of some 'urban myth'. The st germain trust  all along was preparing for the 'shift of wealth' of the world when europe was still digging out of the dark ages. The dragons started storing up for the shift, before the crusades. So, it's not a case of their not being enough. This has been the longest banking war, the world has ever known. The  methods of the 'art of war' have been applied and when you have your enemy surrounded, you let them know and then prove it to them, they have no way out, except surrender or utter loss. The western mind believes you should kill 'em all and let God sort it out'. The trick is, you win the battle but you don't end the war...might take a generation but the war returns just with new faces. This very time is about ending it for all the foreseeable future..So the war is at heated pitch and those who are holding on to the past are suffering masses losses to their forces. These last number of messages I've given seem repetitive, in a way they have been. The 'time' is here and all the good guys can do, is clean up after their attacks and keep pushing for final victory, one that's felt by the people intended...YOU. What ever shall the bad guys do, if they have no economic power over you? or psychological power to beat on you with?

 Even if you haven't read '1984', you are getting the full effects of 'non speak'. Doing the opposite of your words. The 'clean air act' is one. Medicare Reform is another. One has to get past the words, because the devil is always in the details. Their assumption has always been, you wouldn't understand because the PTB have kept you too busy 'surviving' to pay attention to check the subtle changes being done behind the curtain. Now when the go ahead is given to start the announcements, the howling will begin and everyone will be talking up their innocence....while they'd be figuring out some way to steal from you again. In the early days of this country, campaigns were a whole lot more nasty and personal. We've seen nothing yet. The cabal has it's back against the wall so don't be surprised at anything you hear from now on. When people are given direct 'stimulus' my my won't the world shift then? The only difference is, it'll be hard to give money to the very people that are responsible for the mess. Unless you've deluded yourself, you wouldn't want to to do that anyhow.

 If you are watching, more and more banking institutions are coming up on charges. Don't be shocked when this goes past a slap on the wrist and also the politician that were conspirators in  their crimes against humanity. Once again, I still see the failure to grasp how good this new banking system is with anything that attempts to disrupt it. Perhaps the bad guys wanted to see if they could create enough damage, so the folks in the rafters would give up. Somebody paid a Hacker to make a mess in the new system and he got prison for all his hard work and that's called throwing somebody under the bus. Not a chance in hell of succeeding. No water for you mister...not the potable kind any how.

 Beyond a shadow of doubt, victory is here. It's coming with extreme pressure to the point of knocking a hole in some folk's reality. I have no idea how they'll handle their results at the country club. Some judges are taking night classes to bone up on common law. Bar Attorneys will no longer be able to practice in them...ruh oh. I'm done talking about what will be. The ptb can tell you all about it, I'm going to the beach! There are 2 people in position to start telling you all about it and another to blow the roof off it all. From what I'm told a lot of politicians won't be making their way back to dc from their vacations. They had no idea, the adults were watching the whole time as they threw sand and sticks in each other's eyes

 See ya out there, have fun for God's sake.

Love and Kisses,



Obama plans to destroy Israel !
Israel Discovers Large quantities of Oil & Natural Gas
And Asher shall dip his foot in oil.
Bible Prophecy being Fufilled – BEFORE YOUR EYES !
Natural Gas (one of the biggest in the World- will compete directly with Russia who currently supplies Europe)
Israel Will Now Be One of the Wealthiest Nations on Earth.
YES , Damascus is supposed to be destroyed in the First of Two Last Days Wars, the Second War will involve Russia.
Reader correlates Genesis 49:10 with signs in the heavens and considers the possibility of an imminent Second Coming
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 18-Aug-2012 19:28:12
Various apocalyptic events have been predicted in previous posts for September, with the dates September 16 and September 22 being mentioned. These have been largely debunked, but is there an attempt going on to create confusion about events that may actually happen?
Reader BH has made an avocation out of looking for signs of the events of Revelation by correlating terrestrial and celestial events with scripture, a task attempted by many in the past with questionable success. But many people are expecting momentous events during the remainder of this year, so we should consider all inputs.
Here is reader BH’s letter:
I have attached a short video about Gen 49:10. I borrowed heavily from the Open Scroll site [link at YouTube page below] and made adjustments which make more sense. I am a bit hesitant because I dont have confirmation that the sun is the sceptre referred to in Gen 49:10 but it does seem more logical than Jupiter, the King planet.
There is a Star Trek comic ‘Sceptre of the sun’ published in 1971 and a lot of historical coins depict the sun and lion together which indicates that this represents some important astrological configuration. [The Sun is the ruler of the astrological sign Leo, the Lion. -MrFusion]

Something strange is going on in our country

Something strange is going on in our country
“…either we give in to this tyranny or we fight back”

The Aurora, Colorado “Batman” shooting is looking more and more like an orchestrated event, with many similarities to the Gabby Giffords shooting on January 8, 2011 in Tucson, AZ.
Now why would anybody want to set up a series of horrifying public massacres involving firearms with no apparent rational motivation?
Is there any connection to the “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal involving high officials in the U.S. Justice Department ?
Is it even possible that there is a government-sponsored effort underway to provoke anti-gun sentiment in the country sufficient to gain the support of the American people to eliminate the Constitutional protections of the Second Amendment preserving the right of the people to keep and bear arms?
If this sounds like a “conspiracy theory”, it does not mean that there is no conspiracy.
Something very strange is going on in our country.
We have multiple events with official explanations that simply do not add up, including, in addition to the Rep. Gabby Giffords shooting (which resulted in the death of Federal District Court Judge John Roll* who was at the center of Arizona’s immigration controversy and had just issued a critical ruling against the Obama administration’s planned confiscation of individual retirement and banking accounts):
- the strange death of General George S. Patton;
- the JFK assassination;
- the Martin Luther King Jr. assassination;
- the Bobby Kennedy assassination;
- the shoot-down of TWA Flight 800;
- the mysterious deaths of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, Former CIA Director William Colby, and Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jeremy Boorda (among others);
- the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center in New York;
- the Waco, Texas tragedy;
- the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
* Links to articles discussing the strange coincidences relating to the death of Federal Judge John Roll:
In every one of these cases, even a cursory effort to look into the facts and circumstances of these events will quickly turn up very disturbing unexplained facts and inconsistencies in the official stories of the respective events. The official story of every single one of these events flies in the face of extremely disturbing facts which would lead one to a much different conclusion. Just three examples should be sufficient to make the point, but disturbing information on each of these events is readily available:
1.       General Patton’s death in an “automobile accident” as a passenger in a military vehicle driven by a full-time military driver is simply not believable as an accidental death. Patton was convinced of the need to address the problem of the threat posed by the Soviet Union and was extremely vocal regarding his concerns. The stridency of his public statements had become a matter of serious concern to the leftists and Soviet sympathizers who were deeply infiltrated into the U.S. government during WW II.

2.       The JFK assassination could not have happened the way it was described in the Warren Report. The so-called “single-bullet theory”, which is critical to the Warren Commission’s conclusions, is simply not possible. Shortly before his death, President Kennedy had suspended issuance of currency by the Federal Reserve System and ordered the U.S. Treasury to begin issuing Silver Certificates. This posed a direct threat to the international bankers who controlled the U.S. financial system.

3.       The destruction of the Murrah Federal Building could not have been caused by a fertilizer bomb in a pick-up truck located outside the building. There was serious internal damage to the structure of the building which could only have resulted from explosive materials which had been placed inside the building. There were files stored in the Murrah Federal Building which implicated the Clintons (both Bill and Hillary) in criminal activities in Arkansas prior to Clinton’s election to the presidency.  One of the key figures in the Oklahoma City bombing cover-up was none other than the present U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, who was then a lower level official in the Justice Department.
I have never been a “truther” until recently. I just could not accept the possibility that my government would lie to the nation about such a profoundly painful and hostile act against our country as the 9/11 tragedy.
Last night I watched a streaming on-line video broadcast by the Denver public television station concerning the many unanswered questions associated with the 9/11 tragedy (see link below). The presentation is described as follows:
9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out

In this new film, over 40 experts in the fields of structural engineering, high-rise architecture, controlled demolition, physics, chemistry and metallurgy lay out the case for a controlled demolition of the World Trade Center on 9/11. The experts cite evidence showing that high-temperature incendiaries and explosives were planted throughout the twin towers and the lesser-known Building 7 which collapsed later the same day.

The film also addresses the seeming implausibility of the implications of a controlled demolition. Eight experts in psychology (including four from Colorado) discuss the difficulties many people have in confronting this possible reality and how necessary the truth is for healing – both at the individual and collective levels.

Two years in the making, 9/11: EXPERTS SPEAK OUT is the latest film from Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth, represented by founder Richard Gage, AIA.
One cannot watch this film without feeling sick about the way the American people, especially the families and friends of the 9/11 victims, have been abused by our own government in connection with the entire 9/11 episode:
Simply put, the architects and engineers who contributed to the film are absolutely firm and unanimous in their conclusion that the World Trade Center buildings were destroyed by internal explosions involving the use of an explosive material used in professional building demolition projects. This material is called “Thermite”. It is the only material which is capable of producing the temperatures needed to melt structural steel.
Steel liquefies at 2700 degrees F. Thermite explosions produce temperatures of 4500 degrees F. Jet fuel (kerosene) burns at 1600 degrees F. Residue of Thermite was found throughout the 9/11 debris. (Note: This writer holds a B.S. degree in metallurgical engineering.)
This fact alone (and there are many other facts which shred the official 9/11 story) renders the conclusions of the 9/11 Commission fatally flawed.
That said, there is also considerable video evidence of internal explosions in both towers unrelated to the alleged aircraft collisions with the buildings, while there is NO evidence of anything other than internal explosions of carefully planted demolition charges bringing down Building Seven of the World Trade Center.
Interestingly, Building Seven is reported to be the site of large underground vaults which were supposed to be holding vast quantities of gold belonging to certain foreign countries. Also, Building Seven was the location in which several large intelligence and law enforcement agencies resided, containing large quantities of documents relating to criminal investigations which were potentially damaging to very powerful interests in this country.
A new independent investigation of the 9/11 tragedy is urgently needed to restore the faith of the American people in their government.
Even beyond a call for a new 9/11 commission, we need to find out why we are being lied to by our own government in case after case. It appears that the official story of virtually every major tragedy on the long list of tragedies which have marked our post-WW II history has been riddled with lies, serving the purpose of covering up the truth of what really happened.
How can this be?
What has happened to our government and to the people whom we have elected to represent us that would allow these lies to be foisted on the American people?
Many people have commented recently that they long for the relative tranquility which prevailed in the 1950s when many of us were growing up. We trusted our government and we believed in the essential goodness of our fellow-citizens, as well as the essential integrity and truthfulness of those we elected to represent us.
What we must live with now is a constant state of fear and anxiety. It seems that there are more insoluble problems today than we have ever before experienced, while our government seems to be intent on alarming us with a new outrage against the Constitution, liberty, sound economic principles, and good old American common sense every day.
See the eye-opening article below about the strange death of a nurse who was one of the key medical personnel who provided emergency medical treatment to the victims of the Aurora, CO shootings.
How can we feel any trust and sense of peace when these strange events continue to occur?
We cannot continue to live like this. Something must change – either we give in to this tyranny or we fight back.
What is your choice?

David F LaRocque

“Given the suspicious nature of the “Batman” shooting, Jenny’s (heroic) involvement in the rescue operation at the hospital, and the timing of her unnatural death, it is only logical for researchers who understand government black operations (and corresponding cover-ups) to treat it as a potential homicide, and seek further information that confirms or refutes this hypothesis.
This does not mean that it was a homicide. Accidents happen. This may have been a heartbreaking example of one. However, the publicly-available information about this death is relatively thin at this point, and it contains significant apparent contradictions and problems. Further investigation is needed by the independent media.”
Aug 17, 2012
Jenny Gallagher, a nurse who treated victims of the highly suspicious “Batman” shooting in Aurora, Colorado last month, is dead at age 46. The reported cause of death: drowning.
“She worked the morning after the Batman massacre in a very busy unit of the hospital — so she saw everything really, some really bad injuries,” her husband Greg reportedly told Ireland’s Herald earlier today.
The mass-shooting, which left 12 dead and 58 more injured at a midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises at Century theater, is widely suspected to have been a black operation (akin to Columbine or the Sikh Temple shooting) based on the available evidence, numerous inconsistencies and implausibilities in the “official story”, the timing, and the way the event has been framed (some would say exploited) by certain powerful interests in the media and political arena.  See for example…
Jennifer Ann Gallagher (“Jenny”) lived in Denver and worked at the University of Colorado Hospital (UCH), where the largest share of the victims of the shooting were taken in the aftermath of the July 20th theater massacre. On July 22nd, Barack Obama personally visited the hospital to meet with the victims and staff. In a speech, Obama praised the UCH staff for their “extraordinary efforts”. As he spoke, he was flanked by Colorado Governor Hickenlooper, Aurora Police chief Oats, and several Congressmen.
A photo taken during Obama’s visit shows Gallagher just feet from Obama.  This was just over two weeks before her death.

Gallagher was actually found dead ten days ago, on August 7th.  Despite recent conflicting and incorrect reports about the location (multiple reports say it was in Colorado, while another says Ohio), The End Run has determined that she was actually found dead in Okoboji Lake, which is in Dickson County, Iowa, about 700 miles from her home town of Denver by car.
Within 24 hours or less of the discovery of her body, a short blurb about the death, which did not identify her by name, was published by the Associated Press and picked up by several local media outlets. It read:
Drowning reported at West Okoboji Lake
OKOBOJI, Iowa (AP) — Authorities say someone has drowned at West Okoboji Lake in northwest Iowa.
The Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office said officers responded to a report of a drowning a little after noon on Tuesday.
The office hasn’t released the victim’s name or any other details about the drowning.
On the morning of August 8th, the day after her body was reportedly discovered, the Dickson County Sheriff’s office issued a press release (cache) identifying Gallagher as the victim (although they misspelled her name) and providing a few additional details:
Victim identified in West Okoboji drowning
Published on Wednesday, 08 August 2012 06:30
On Tuesday, August 7, the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office responded to a drowning on West Lake Okoboji. An investigation found that Jennifer Gallagher, age 46, from Denver, Colorado, had been swimming the previous night in West Lake. On Tuesday morning, Gallagher was reported missing by family.
A short time later, a family member located Gallagher underneath a nearby dock. Medical personnel responded and she was pronounced dead at the scene.
Assisting the DCSO were:
·         Milford Fire/Rescue
·         Arnolds Park/Okoboji Dive Team
·         Lakes Regional Healthcare Ambulance
The incident remains under investigation by the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office.
The AP then published another blurb based on this press release, which was reworked and/or republished by numerous local media outlets, primarily in Iowa, where she was found dead, and in Denver, Colorado, where she lived.  However, none of the short stories published in the local press at the time appear to have mentioned her connection to the then-highly-topical “Batman shooting”, or virtually any biographical information about her.  The death of this national heroine does not appear to have been picked up at all by the major U.S. national media.
[Note: If this is incorrect, please send in links to the relevant stories by e-mail.]
Yesterday, nine days after her body was found, an article was published by Ireland’s Herald which finally revealed some information about Gallagher and broke the story of her status as a UCH nurse and witness to the bloody aftermath of the carnage in Aurora.
This revelation has since been picked up and reported on by several other Irish sites, such as Ireland’s and the Irish-America, as well as the UK-based Belfast Telegraph.  However, as of this writing there still do not appear to be any reports by the major U.S. national media.
Gallagher grew up in Ireland, but has reportedly lived in Denver since moving there for college in the 1990′s.
To review: According to the initial press release by the Dickson County Sheriff’s office, Gallagher went swimming in West Lake Okoboji on the evening on Monday, August 6th, and didn’t come back. The next morning she was reported missing by her family members.  “A short time later, a family member located Gallagher underneath a nearby dock. Medical personnel responded and she was pronounced dead at the scene.”
Ireland’s, who, again, revealed the Gallagher/Batman shooting connection yesterday, apparently conducted an exclusive interview with Gallagher’s husband Greg Pinson today, and they have now published a second article based upon it. Mr. Pinson is a surgeon with Surgical Specialists of Colorado.
According to his curriculum vitae posted to the firm’s website, he received his undergraduate degree from Yale in 1994, his Doctorate from GWU in 1998, and did his residency at the University of Colorado School of Medicine through 2003. He is quoted by the Herald as having been married to Jenny for seven years. They have a five year old son, Jack.
Regarding the question of how Jenny died, the new Herald article says (cache):
Greg explained that the family had travelled [sic] to nearby Ohio [sic] for a holiday when Jenny tragically drowned.
He and Jack had gone to sleep when Jenny and her friend decided to take a boat out on to a lake.
“She wasn’t a very strong swimmer and I suppose she just wasn’t able to stay afloat.
“The hardest thing is I may never know what really happened to Jenny.”
Before analyzing this, let’s get a critical caveat out of the way: It is very difficult to discern the truth when dealing with second-hand media snippets like these, which are liable to contain misquotes, out of context quotes, misleading statements, and other misinformation.  For example, the first Herald article incorrectly said that Gallagher drowned in “a lake close to her home”.  The second article says that it was a lake in “nearby Ohio”. Besides the fact that Ohio is 1000+ miles from Denver, and thus not “nearby” at all, Gallagher was actually found in a lake in Iowa, which is also nowhere near Denver.
With that said, taken at face value, these two short accounts of Jenny Gallagher’s death (Sheriff’s Office and The Herald) seem to raise a number of questions:
1. Was she really not “a very strong swimmer”? Is her husband even correctly quoted on this matter by the Herald (who seem to have misquoted him elsewhere)? Jenny was 46 years old and a formidable athlete. She had been playing Gaelic football for over a decade, having competed in the North American finals in 2000.  Recently, she and her teammates on the Denver Gaels ladies football team competed in a tournament at the Colorado Irish Festival, which they won, beating teams from San Francisco and Dallas. A tribute published in the club’s newsletter says that “memories of trips with the Gaels” such as “surfing in Costa Rica” would not “have been so fond had Jenny not been there”.
2. Why, while vacationing out of state, did Jenny decide to take a boat out onto a lake, at night, after her husband and son had already gone to bed, especially if she “wasn’t a very strong swimmer”?
3. If she did decide to do that, wouldn’t she at least wear a life vest?
4. Who is this friend that was allegedly with her? Why is this friend not identified by name? Why has this friend not been mentioned in previous reports?
5. If she did drown at night while boating with a “friend”, why were police and rescue crews not notified until the following day? The original Sheriff’s office press release said that she was “reported missing by family” the following “morning”. The initial AP report put the time even later –  “a little after noon” — and The Spencer Daily Reporter wrote on Aug 9th that, “Emergency crews received a 911 distress call at 12:45 p.m.” If a “friend” was out on the lake boating with Jenny and she disappeared in the water, wouldn’t this friend immediately rush to notify her husband and/or any other family member that may have been present, and wouldn’t they immediately alert rescue crews (assuming the friend hadn’t already)? Why did this apparently not happen?
6. If Jenny was out boating with a friend, disappeared in the water, and was later found drowned, why would her husband say, “The hardest thing is I may never know what really happened to Jenny”?
7. Who was the family member that located Jenny’s body under the dock? He or she apparently did so shortly after notifying authorities that she was “missing”, possibly even within minutes. The unnamed family member was apparently able to find her before professionally trained rescue crews. In fact, according to the Spencer Daily Reporter, this family member may have even “located” her before the crews could even begin searching: “Arnolds Park/Okoboji Fire Chief Christ Yungbluth said his department’s dive team did not have to conduct a search. … Rescue teams were on hand for nearly an hour but once they arrived at the scene, Gallagher was pronounced dead.” West Okoboji Lake is approximately 3,847 acres in surface area. The Daily Reporter said that she was specifically found “in the area near Wheeler’s Beach just off of 1st Street in the city of West Okoboji.”
In an attempt to obtain answers to these questions and clarification about the facts surrounding Jenny Gallagher’s death, The End Run contacted the Dickson County Sheriff’s Office by phone this evening (Friday).
The woman who answered the phone was familiar with the case, but refused to answer any questions about Jennifer Gallagher’s death. This included a direct question as to whether or not Gallagher was boating with another individual that night as reported by the Herald.  The woman referenced the August 8th press release posted to the Sheriff’s website, firmly stating that she could not provide any information besides what was contained in that report.
When asked if she could at least confirm whether or not the incident was (still) under investigation, she again referred me to the press release from nine days ago, which says, “The incident remains under investigation by the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office”.
Given the suspicious nature of the “Batman” shooting, Jenny’s (heroic) involvement in the rescue operation at the hospital, and the timing of her unnatural death, it is only logical for researchers who understand government black operations (and corresponding cover-ups) to treat it as a potential homicide, and seek further information that confirms or refutes this hypothesis.

This does not mean that it was a homicide. Accidents happen. This may have been a heartbreaking example of one. However, the publicly-available information about this death is relatively thin at this point, and it contains significant apparent contradictions and problems. Further investigation is needed by the independent media.
According to accounts written by those who knew her, Jenny Gallagher was an amazing woman; a loving mother and wife, an excellent nurse, and a person whose personality and kindness brought joy into the lives of those around her. Regardless of the cause, her untimely death is a tragedy, and my condolences go out to the many friends and family who knew and loved her. Hopefully others who investigate her death feel the same, and hopefully her family can understand our desire to seek further information about what happened to her.
The source of this report is  The author can be reached by e-mail at the Information about how to help support The End Run can be found here.

Cows eating candy during the drought

Cows eating candy during the drought

Updated: Thursday, 16 Aug 2012, 7:53 AM EDT
Published : Thursday, 16 Aug 2012, 7:53 AM EDT
MAYFIELD, Ky. (CNN/WPSD) - Ranchers have struggled with skyrocketing corn prices, because the drought has made feeding their livestock very expensive. But one rancher has turned to a very sweet solution.
At Mayfield's United Livestock Commodities, owner Joseph Watson is tweaking the recipe for success.
"Just to be able to survive, we have to look for other sources of nutrition," he said.
His 1,400 cattle are no longer feeding off corn. The prices, Watson says, are too high to keep corn in stock. So earlier this year, he began to buy second-hand candy.
"It has a higher ratio of fat than actually feeding straight corn," Watson explained. "It's hard to believe it will work but we've already seen the results of it now."
Watson mixes the candy with an ethanol by-product and a mineral nutrient. He says the cows have not shown any health problems from eating the candy, and they are gaining weight as they should.
"This ration is balanced to have not too much fat in it," he said.
The packaged candy comes from various companies at a discounted rate because it is not fit for store shelves.
"Salvage is a problem for a lot of these companies and they're proud to have a place to go with it," said Watson.

Cows eating candy during the drought

Updated: Thursday, 16 Aug 2012, 7:53 AM EDT
Published : Thursday, 16 Aug 2012, 7:53 AM EDT
MAYFIELD, Ky. (CNN/WPSD) - Ranchers have struggled with skyrocketing corn prices, because the drought has made feeding their livestock very expensive. But one rancher has turned to a very sweet solution.
At Mayfield's United Livestock Commodities, owner Joseph Watson is tweaking the recipe for success.
"Just to be able to survive, we have to look for other sources of nutrition," he said.
His 1,400 cattle are no longer feeding off corn. The prices, Watson says, are too high to keep corn in stock. So earlier this year, he began to buy second-hand candy.
"It has a higher ratio of fat than actually feeding straight corn," Watson explained. "It's hard to believe it will work but we've already seen the results of it now."
Watson mixes the candy with an ethanol by-product and a mineral nutrient. He says the cows have not shown any health problems from eating the candy, and they are gaining weight as they should.
"This ration is balanced to have not too much fat in it," he said.
The packaged candy comes from various companies at a discounted rate because it is not fit for store shelves.
"Salvage is a problem for a lot of these companies and they're proud to have a place to go with it," said Watson.






Fw:    ALERT!!!
From: Liberty Counsel Action <>
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012
As Sharia rises, freedom dies!
Why has there been such an intense backlash against a simple call for investigation into the activities of a known Islamic terrorist group?

why are so many elitist academic institutions and groups pushing for acceptance of an alien legal system inside our judicial system?

Please read my very important message below – Mat.
With the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into the ranks of our government comes the rising influence of Sharia in our American judicial system. And with Sharia as a strong influence on any nation’s law comes a cultural deconstruction that suffocates true liberty.
At its core, Sharia is the application of Islamic law to the every day lives of Muslims, and the application of justice according to the Quran and Hadith (Islamic writings).

Sharia encompasses every aspect of Muslim life, from religious observances to finances.
++Sharia is the antithesis of the Western legal tradition.

Sharia dictates penalties for many offenses that significantly differ from U.S. law.

For instance, Sharia prescribes that extra-marital sex, theft and highway robbery can be punished by stoning, death or severe flogging. Other punishments can include amputation, forced exile or execution.

Blasphemy laws, which are on the books in many Islamic countries, allow Christians or members of other religions to be arrested, punished or even executed for “insulting” Islam.

Sharia also prescribes that…
·         A Muslim man can beat his wife for disobedience.
·         A Muslim man can divorce his wife simply by stating it three times.
·         A woman’s testimony must be counted half as valuable as a man’s.
·         Rape must be proven by four witnesses in spite of other evidence.
·         Execution is the punishment for those who leave Islam.
·         There can be no criticism of Islam or Mohammad, to the point of death.
++The Muslim Brotherhood’s “civilization jihad” in America .

As Liberty Counsel Action has stated,
the Muslim Brotherhood’s goal is to see Islamic law (Sharia) as the governing political and religious legal code over every facet of life in the United States – and the world, for that matter.

It’s well known that the Muslim Brotherhood already has far-reaching influence in our nation. The depth of that infiltration is what Representative Michele Bachmann and the National Security Five want to see investigated!

++ LCA demands investigation of the Muslim Brotherhood!

Liberty Counsel Action’s powerful petition to Speaker of the House John Boehner and other key Members of Congress calls for support for an immediate wide spread investigation into this radical Islamic group and its activities in America.

++The radical Islamic overthrow of American government, rule of law and culture MUST be stopped!

Every American needs to know how much danger we face from “homegrown” Islamic forces like those fostered by this group. And we need to know sooner than later!

And as a constitutional attorney, I can tell you firsthand that the use of Sharia in American courts is accelerating at an alarming rate. The creeping acceptance of Sharia in America is a very serious danger – especially to women.
I believe the greatest threat our nation now faces from radical Islam is the slow, steady, and systematic implementation of Sharia in our judicial system!
The rise of Sharia in any society or legal system is more than a threat. It is more than a movement. By definition, Sharia is a vehicle for the overthrow of Western Civilization through the imposition of Islamic law and culture!
++Stand with us as, together, we fight for our liberties!

At Liberty Counsel Action, we fight for every Americans’ religious freedom every day. Yet, it seems the more our Christian liberties are being stripped away, the more concessions are being made to those who hold other faiths, especially the Islamic faith.
This is exactly the outcome the Muslim Brotherhood’s “civilization jihad” hopes to achieve!

This is a totally unacceptable double standard – we will not bow to Sharia or and the Judeo-Christian principles of law it stand idly by and watch this religion and its legal code permeate and distort our nation’s laws! Our Constitution expresses make up the very foundation upon which Western Civilization stands!
But liberal “political correctness,” a pro-Islam White House, and a pro-Islam media have censored any information about the radical and dangerous activities of this group.

Will you help Liberty Counsel Action sound the alarm and expose this threat?

Please sign our powerful petition NOW to help bring pressure on Speaker John Boehner and the Congress – including YOUR state representative:

This campaign is off to a very good start and more than 30,000 of our friends have already signed the petition, but we need at least 50,000 signers to begin having the impact this vital issue deserves!

Pleas!  Take this very important stand with us! Thank you for your thoughtful, patriotic response. God bless you!
Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
P.S. Make no mistake: The Muslim Brotherhood is a real and present danger – and they must be INVESTIGATED by Congress and their activities EXPOSED to public scrutiny!

The infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood will only further the Sharia influence in our nation and our culture. And that will inevitably destroy American freedom.

With your help, Liberty Counsel Action will do everything possible to support Michele Bachmann and her four congressional associates in their insistence that elected officials investigate Islamic incursion into America ’s government!


The James Holmes Conspiracy (2012 Full Documentary

!!!!! PAY ATTENTION > GOVERNMENT SPONSORED MASS MURDER IN GREAT DETAIL >>> The James Holmes Conspiracy (2012 Full Documentary) - YouTube    THIS VIDEO SHOULD HAVE 100 MILLION VIEWS !!!!!

The James Holmes Conspiracy (2012 Full Documentary

Published on Aug 15, 2012 by LordDefiler

For those who do not believe the story we are being told by the government and media. The James Holmes Conspiracy. Several witness testimonies, news reports, theories and ideas behind the motives of the crime. Topics discussed include the second suspect, weapons, police audio analysis, James Holmes education and bio, LIBOR scandal, MK Ultra, Project Gunrunner, and several other important elements. Several new pieces of evidence and testimonies all in one video.

Documentary made by Mark Howitt
Video published on August 14th 2012

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Australia Warns America: Don’t Let Them Take Your Guns!

Australia Warns America: Don’t Let Them Take Your Guns!

Government officials and citizens in Australia speak out to warn America “Don’t Let Them Take Your Guns!” According to reports when the Gun Ban went into effect in Australia the crime rate spiraled out of control. The police officers are overwhelmed and are unable to protect the citizens due to so much crime.
When the forced gun ban (buy back program) went into effect law abiding citizens had to turn in their semi automatic firearms, pump action rifles, and shotguns or face going to jail. Six hundred forty thousand conventional firearms were taken out of the hands of law abiding citizens, confiscated and destroyed. Law abiding citizens followed the law and turned in their weapons. Citizens were promised safety in return for turning in their guns. Does any of this sound familiar, like UN Gun Treaty perhaps?

Since the gun ban in Australia, armed robberies are up 69%, assaults with guns up 28%, gun murders increased 19%, and home invasions jumped 21%. More proof that not only does gun control not work, it makes it safer for the criminals at large. In their words
“The cost of lost liberty can be measured in the loss of life”
Andy Dunn from the South Australian Police Association states “The bad guys are happy to break into somebody’s house. They are not frightened to break into somebody’s house while their at home.” He also states “It is very bad right now. It has never been worse.” The police can’t protect the civilians now, because they are undermanned and their morale has never been lower according to reports.
Wake up America! To those Anti-gun activists, you need to realize this is going to affect you also. Wake up before it is too late. Will the United States listen to the warning Australia is sending us? Will it make a difference? I truly hope so. I would like to thank the Australians for taking the time to warn us about the effects of gun-control in their country. Although many of us know what affect gun control has on our nation, many do not and have been fooled by the smooth talking politicians. Others seem to be in the mind set that it doesn’t affect them. Without our right to bear arms, our right to protect ourselves, our family, and our home will be gone. Thus allowing the Constitution to be destroyed by politicians for the sake of their agenda.