Monday, August 20, 2012

Message from Jesus Thru John Smallman ~~ August 19, 2012

Message from Jesus

Thru John Smallman ~~ August 19, 2012

The utter joy of returning to your natural divine state
Your awakening is a done deal. Nothing can prevent it from occurring exactly as divinely intended. Many of you are anxious, wondering when you will see some positive indications in the physical environment of the inevitable arrival of this momentous event. You are all accustomed to drama – earthquakes, floods, revolutions, wars, accidents – and may well be expecting your awakening to be equally dramatic, possibly preceded by shocking or amazing revelations trumpeted by the mainstream media.
This is not the divine way! God is Love, Peace, Compassion, Joy, Bliss, and any other loving Reality that you sense or feel – and every one of Those is experienced within yourselves. The external world is illusory; Reality is within. It is within yourselves that you will experience your awakening, and when you do, it will be amazing! Looking outside is a distraction because it is an imaginary environment made up by your collective human consciousness. When you awaken, it will be gone!
To awaken is to know yourselves as one – with each other and with God. In your present dream state, filled, it seems, with fascinating and enticing distractions and billions of individual beings, it is impossible for you to conceive of the wonder that awaits you on awakening. You can, at present, only conceive of situations and events that you experience through your bodily senses, and the extensions to them that your science and technology have provided.
When you awaken, none of those means of thinking, seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, or smelling will be necessary because you will know and experience All That Is, God, Creation, Reality directly – no intermediation of any kind is required.
It is very difficult for you to get a handle on this because you are so fully acclimatized and accustomed to dealing with others, individuals or groups – separate entities in bodies. In Reality there is no separation: what one knows, all know. And yet there is identity, in so far as all are aspects of one loving God, creating and communing together.
It is impossible to describe to you the utter joy of returning to your natural divine state. It has to be directly experienced. Some of you have had inklings of what this means when you have read about the ecstatic experiences of mystics throughout the ages who tried to express in words what it is like, and a few of you have had your own brief encounters with the brilliant Light of God’s Love for you in altered states of consciousness or during near-death experiences. But those experiences are just teasers, nudges, calls to lead you on towards your permanent awakening.
Those of you who have had those experiences were overwhelmed by Love, by ecstasy, by the sense of the Presence of God, and although you knew in that moment that you are never judged but infinitely loved, you also knew that that was not the moment for you to return Home permanently, that you still had work to do, just by remaining among your sisters and brothers who are struggling to find their way out of the illusion.
Nevertheless, your experience removed all fear of death; in fact, it removed all fear — and you were filled with a permanent and constant love for all humanity. That love shines out from you continuously, affecting everyone with whom you interact in any way at all, and your duty, your task, as you are well aware, is to continue sharing that love indiscriminately at all times.
Within the illusion vast changes are happening all across the world as the field of divine Love enveloping you seeps into every heart that is the least bit willing to allow It in. Never before in human history has there been such an outpouring of love and compassion by humans for humans. Previously, the amount of love truly shared was small, but over time the indestructible seeds it planted have grown, and they are now flourishing vibrantly as they engage with God’s divine Love field embracing the planet.
These changes remain almost totally unreported by the mainstream media, and yet Love is flowing boisterously, ebulliently, and irrepressibly across the world – everyone will be swept up in It. And as It becomes the prime energy and all attempts to maintain unloving attitudes and behaviors collapse, you will all experience the most marvelous inner changes that It encourages and promotes.
You are not frightened individuals, left alone and abandoned in a terrifying and threatening environment by a fierce and judgmental god; you are divine beings of immense power, created in Love by your Father, for both His eternal joy and yours – and only temporarily lost in an imaginary world of your own construction. That is His Will, and It will not be constrained in any way. Continue to share the Love in which you are enveloped, and know that you can never be separated from God — with Whom you are eternally one.
Your loving brother Jesus.


Preparing for Disclosure

The time for full disclosure is drawing closer.
In this Webinar, Sheldan will discuss how current events are
unfolding that will bring about this long-anticipated moment.
Topics include...
• The Push for Disclosure
• The Art of Discernment
• Readying Ourselves for a New Reality: Why we feel torn between dimensions with one foot stuck in 3-D, the other stepping into 5-D
• Life in a Galactic Society: How will it transform us?
• Our Present Consciousness Shift

Sunday, August 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST (California time)


Thursday, August 30, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST

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Dinar Rumors & Intel --- Papa Bear

[Papa Bear] Prayer will tear these walls down and provide a wonderful future. Leave all fear behind and move forward knowing who is in charge

[artmeister1] PapaBear: Any good word today. Do ya think it will definitely happen by end of month??? Based on what you are hearing?

[Papa Bear] The weather is good for a torrential downpour of manna

[Papa Bear] artmeister1 OK

[williamB] Papa Bear manna thanks

[artmeister1] Papabear: What does O.K. mean. That we will see it this month?? Thanks,

[Papa Bear] LOL

[artmeister1] I guess that means Smile, because we will all be happy in August !!!!!

[Papa Bear] AMEN

[heartfelt] It seems like everyone is agreeing [or at least more then 80% of the providers] that this should be done by Oct 1st or, here's that word...SOONER!!

[hopeful2&2] i'm hoping for sept 1st

[hopeful2&2] thats when shabibi lets the 1's 5's and 25's out to be used

[JamVox] I can not see the "The modern debt jubilee” given the people Pre RV dinars. They must be post RV dinars, otherwise they will all be millionaires.
[hopeful2&2] JamVox i agree

[heartfelt] hopeful2&2 Me too, or anytime before would be nice but still reserve my timeline this should be done by 10/1.

[Sparkles] heartfelt what is funny is again now everyone was saying after Ramadan the the Sept 1 now we are starting to hear Oct1, just funny to me

[Cat-in-the-hat] Sparkles ... October 1st ... who is saying that?

[Imperium] Sparkles to me it's painful not funny.

[Sparkles] Cat-in-the-hat Somebody just did, but it always moves Im just saying

[heartfelt] Sparkles yes I have noticed. Their financial new year begins 10/1 and then the finance meeting prior to that. I still hang on to mid Sept. but I will take anytime b4

[Cat-in-the-hat] I believe that BGG has a news handle on the events in iraq ... i believe the dates to watch are the 23rd and forward ...

[heartfelt] Remember all the news put out is to throw us off.

[Sparkles] heartfelt I know I dont take that any more seriously than the its happenning now stuff

[dealdoctor] I just read Recaps and cruiser's excellent articles about the banks buying Treasury Bonds to shore up their assets for the new asset based Basel lll, the Euro crisis heating up again, and the Rothchilds betting against the euro. All more signs of the big change in the economy worldwide.

[dealdoctor] I am not a great financial guy like cruiser and others but more of a global thinker that integrates many diciplines of which interntional finance is one. I want to encourage all of you to take the free online course to be found at  it will give you information

[dealdoctor] that those who are in the Powers That Be are well aware of on many fronts. The dot com bubble burst and then the housing bubble and we are about to see the banking credit bubble burst and it will be a motherload IMHO. All that is connected with the worldwide energy and environmental crisises

[Papa Bear] dealdoctor Who wrote that?

Stitch] Papa Bear gm

[puppylove] Papa Bear Papa Bear bye

[dealdoctor] POST RV we all need to know the CONTEXT of the world situation. It is about to see big changes that most people are blind to due to the exponential growth factor which is kind of like compound interest. Over time there can be massive change if you double something every often and the

[Papa Bear] Gm Dinar Family

[dealdoctor] people do not know what hits them.

[sunshine] Papa Bear gm let pray for the RV to come... praying

[dealdoctor] Anyway, that is JMHO as always. I can be SO wrong and have been many times. But make your own evaluations.

[Papa Bear] Prayer call at noon CST

[Papa Bear] dealdoctor Who wrote that?

[dealdoctor] Papa Bear guy named Chris Martenson. Do not know his background but I could care less the videos are dealing with facts many of which I have known for years.

[redhead1] Does anyone know if the Iraqi coins which were discussed yesterday were actually released or not??? I was a little confused hearing it from all sides.

[dealdoctor] redhead1 heard both yes and no...sound familier lol

[Papa Bear] Shasta would probably have that coinage answer

[redhead1] Dealdoctor - best doublespeak people in the world

[dealdoctor] redhead1 I think it was called non talk or something in 1984 it is like all the bills the politicians pass the names are opposite of what they really do :)

[dealdoctor] Stitch what are your thoughts on the RV today?

[Stitch] dealdoctor it would seem that all is aligned for us to see an RV appearance, but I have thought that for the last many days! rofl!

2012jesus] right now its all a guessing game when RV will be here ,,,,,but ,,,,looks like we should see something by sept 15th pray we do ,,hope this week or next done

[Papa Bear] Shasta just ask me to call Talibani and Maliki and tell them to release it I think a call to Madam better

[dealdoctor]  What are your thoughts on where we are with the RV today brother?

[captaincaveman ] I think we are closer than a nit on the nut of a gnat

[shasta7] Papa Bear ... spelled backwards is Raeb Apap - which is a secret code!!! in Arabic for RV today!!! Lol

[dsatmhk7] Those of you that have been in this longer than a year.........did things look THIS encouraging last year at Ramadan? Or, is the news different etc.?

[hopeful2&2] dsatmhk7 i don't think it looked this good last year

[heartfelt] hopeful2&2 I agree with you!!!

[shasta7] dsatmhk7 ... most certainly different... I am BROKER!!!

[Bigdog55] So where do you fellows think we stand today on this RV

[dsatmhk7] Are they agreeing to have a meeting to decide when to have a meeting?

[shasta7] dsatmhk7 lol good one... except the meeting was cancelled due to the Camel races...

[Papa Bear] shasta7 Did the coinage hit the streets yet in Iraq

[dsatmhk7] Crap! I missed the camel races?

[shasta7] Papa Bear ... I have not heard they did YET!!

[dsatmhk7] So.........we're waiting on T, so they can decide whether to have a meeting, to decide when the meeting will be. Got it! LOL

[USAREMENTOR] SWFloridaGuy ; So what is the date they agreed to???

[shasta7] Papa Bear ... please call Talibani & Maliki & tell them to release them...

BOBGETZ6] I just got off the phone with Papa Bear as I needed to thank him. He took my Guru Decoder Ring over the weekend and shined it up real good for me. That baby is glowing now with anticipation. He even sent it to me FedEx early AM delivery so I could navigate today.

[SWFloridaGuy] USAREMENTOR I have yet to see a solid date announced. I think what they meant by that was they agreed on holding it upon his return.

[USAREMENTOR] SWFloridaGuy : OK, got ya....Does Talabani need a ride???

[BigB] dealdoctor Got word over the weekend that Everbank stopped selling Dinar!

[dealdoctor] cruiser pointing out the articles on Standard and Poors as well as Moody's being sued by the banks AND that Asian banks might stop trading derivitives with our banks due to the new Dodd Frank regulations all shows the banks are all beginning to turn on one another.

[BigB] dealdoctor They are a highly rated full service bank that deals in foreign currencies. They were selling Dinar all along till just recently

BigB] dealdoctor To me, that means one of two things. Either can't get any more Dinar or we are just about there.

[dealdoctor] BigB what would you think that would signal when they stopped what they had been doing. Most of the full service banks have not been selling IQD. Any idea what might cause Everbank to join them?

[mbillions] Dinarstars Yes... you lurk in murky waters... and come up with golden recap news roflmao

[dealdoctor] BigB what would you think that would signal when they stopped what they had been doing. Most of the full service banks have not been selling IQD. Any idea what might cause Everbank to join them?

[BigB] dealdoctor I have read articles that state that Everbank is one that we will want to associate with after RV because they can hold your money in any currency you want.

BigB] dealdoctor I have a very good friend that has been an Everbank customer for years. She is in SW Florida. Told me she had a family member that went to by more Dinar and was told they have stopped selling it. They will, however, buy it back as always. HMMMM

dealdoctor] BigB GOOD SIGN they are willing to buy back. In that case they say it has VALUE and they are on the buy not sell side of the

[2012jesus] BigB heard that to

[dealdoctor] BigB Yes...we want to have it held in other currencies I THINK

Senate Update

I'm forwarding this in all sincerity, as best stated in this closing paragraph I'm pasting here:

"Please forward this email to your family and friends so we can recruit others to our cause. Most of the nation will be focused on the race for the White House over the next two and a half months, but we ignore the U.S. Senate at our own peril. We must also change the Senate if we're going to save America."


Deb Fischer, George Allen, Tom Smith, and Dan Bongino.
If you can't view this email, click here.

Fellow Conservatives:

As the primary elections draw to a close and we head down the home stretch of the 2012 elections, the Senate Conservatives Fund is expanding the list of candidates we support. This will broaden our efforts and increase the impact we have on the United States Senate.

I'm proud to announce four more endorsements for the U.S. Senate today -- Deb Fischer in Nebraska, George Allen in Virginia, Tom Smith in Pennsylvania, and Dan Bongino in Maryland. These are exceptional candidates and they urgently need your help.

NEBRASKA | Deb Fischer

Deb Fischer is a rancher and a lifelong Nebraskan who understands hard work and conservative values. She shocked the Washington establishment earlier this year by winning one of the most impressive come-from-behind primary victories we've ever seen.

Deb Fischer supports all of our policy goals, including a Balanced Budget Amendment, full repeal of Obamacare, a ban on earmarks, and term limits for federal office holders. She's also tough and won't be pushed around by party leaders in Washington.

Deb Fischer is running against former Senator Bob Kerrey who left the Senate and moved to New York City where he considered running for mayor.  Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer talked Kerrey into moving back to Nebraska to try to save this seat for Democrats.

Now Kerrey's campaign is being funded by his liberal friends all over the country. It's up to us to fight back and make sure Deb Fischer has the resources she needs to win in November.

VIRGINIA | George Allen

George Allen is the former Governor and former U.S. Senator of the Commonwealth of Virgina. During his time in the Senate, he built a solid conservative record. He fought for budget reforms like the Balanced Budget Amendment and the line item veto, he voted against the Medicare Part D entitlement program, and he was one of only a dozen Republicans to vote against the Bridge to Nowhere.

George Allen is running against Tim Kaine, the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Kaine supported the failed stimulus program, he supported raising the debt limit, he supported Obamacare, and he supported a national cap-and-trade program.

This race is going to be very close. Allen and Kaine are currently tied in the polls and have been for most of the race. All of the liberal interest groups are dumping money into the state so it's up to us to level the playing field.


Tom Smith grew up on a farm in western Pennsylvania and mortgaged everything he had to to enter the coal business and build a better life for himself and his family. He succeeded, building a series of companies through some tough economic times. When he sold the companies in 2010, they were mining more than a million tons of coal a year and employed over one-hundred people.

Running for the U.S. Senate after he left the coal business was the farthest thing from Tom Smith's mind, but that changed when an old friend asked, “What will our children say to our grandchildren about why our generation avoided the tough decisions and simply passed the bill along to them?”

From that question was born a campaign for the Senate, not to fulfill a long-held ambition or to climb the political ladder, but rather to answer that question: Who will go to Washington to safeguard the American Dream before it is too late? Tom Smith has taken on that challenge, and his campaign has drawn the support of a wide cross-section of Pennsylvanians.

Tom Smith is running against U.S. Senator Bob Casey, a first-term Democrat who has an extremely liberal record and zero accomplishments. It won't be easy to win in Pennsylvania, but we've done it before and we can do it again if we work together.

MARYLAND | Dan Bongino

Dan Bongino has built a distinguished career in law enforcement. He started as a New York City police officer and later became a Secret Service agent and served under three presidents -- Clinton, Bush, and Obama.

There isn't a candidate in the country who has more passion for conservative principles than Dan Bongino. He's fearless when it comes to articulating how liberal policies have destroyed inner cities, and he's unwavering is his support for the principles of freedom that make this country the best the world has ever known.

Dan Bongino is running against Senator Ben Cardin, a first-term liberal Democrat. Maryland is a deep blue state and it will be very difficult to win. But this one is worth the fight. If there is a candidate in Maryland who can break the mold, it's Dan Bongino.

If you want to really turn Washington upside down and put a true conservative fighter in the U.S. Senate, then support Dan Bongino. He's mad as hell and he's not going to take it anymore.

Please forward this email to your family and friends so we can recruit others to our cause. Most of the nation will be focused on the race for the White House over the next two and a half months, but we ignore the U.S. Senate at our own peril. We must also change the Senate if we're going to save America.

Thank you for your continued support. We'll keep fighting.

Best regards,

Matt Hoskins
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Fund

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The Senate Conservatives Fund is an independent, grassroots organization dedicated to electing true conservatives to the United States Senate. SCF only supports candidates who have the courage to fight for limited government, a strong national defense, and traditional family values.

SCF has endorsed the following candidates for U.S. Senate in 2012: Josh Mandel (R-OH), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Richard Mourdock (R-IN), Deb Fischer (R-NE), George Allen (R-VA), Tom Smith (R-PA), and Dan Bongino (R-MD).


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Why Do They Need So Much Ammunition?

Why Are Domestic Government Agencies Purchasing Enough Lethal Ammunition to Put 5 Rounds In Every American?
Retired Major General Speculates Hollow Point Bullets will be used to quell not just citizens but American military
“Is the purpose [of the lethal ammunition purchases] to kill 174,000 of the nation’s military and replace them with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) special security forces, forces loyal to the Administration, not to the Constitution?”
Major General Jerry Curry, USA (ret)
August 17, 2012

Why Do They Need So Much Ammunition?
Preface: There might be an innocent explanation. But given recent trends, this is worrisome.
Retired Major General Jerry Curry wrote Friday:
The Social Security Administration (SSA) confirms that it is purchasing 174 thousand rounds of hollow point bullets to be delivered to 41 locations in major cities across the U.S.
Those against whom the hollow point bullets are to be used — those causing the civil unrest — must be American citizens; since the SSA has never been used overseas to help foreign countries maintain control of their citizens.
What would be the target of these 174, 000 rounds of hollow point bullets? It can’t simply be to control demonstrators or rioters. Hollow point bullets are so lethal that the Geneva Convention does not allow their use on the battle field in time of war. Hollow point bullets don’t just stop or hurt people, they penetrate the body, spread out, fragment and cause maximum damage to the body’s organs. Death often follows.
Potentially each hollow nose bullet represents a dead American. If so, why would the U.S. government want the SSA to kill 174,000 of our citizens, even during a time of civil unrest?
If this were only a one time order of ammunition, it could easily be dismissed. But there is a pattern here. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has ordered 46,000 rounds of hollow point ammunition. Notice that all of these purchases are for the lethal hollow nose bullets.  These bullets are not being purchased and stored for squirrel or coyote hunting. This is serious ammunition manufactured to be used for serious purposes.
In the war in Iraq, our military forces expended approximately 70 million rounds per year. In March DHS ordered 750 million rounds of hollow point ammunition. It then turned around and ordered an additional 750 million rounds of miscellaneous bullets including some that are capable of penetrating walls. This is enough ammunition to empty five rounds into the body of every living American citizen. Is this something we and the Congress should be concerned about? What’s the plan that requires so many dead Americans, even during times of civil unrest? Has Congress and the Administration vetted the plan in public.
All of these rounds of ammunition can only be used to kill American citizens, though there is enough ammunition being ordered to kill, in addition to every American citizen, also every Iranian, Syrian or Mexican. There is simply too much of it. And this much ammunition can’t be just for training, there aren’t that many weapons and “shooters” in the U.S. to fire it.
We have enough military forces to maintain law and order in the U.S. even during times of civil unrest.
This is a deadly serious business. I hope I’m wrong, but something smells rotten. And If the Congress isn’t going to do its duty and investigate this matter fully, the military will have to protect the Constitution, the nation, and our citizens.
Why are government agencies doing this?
Major General Curry asks a troubling questions:
We have local police, backed up by each state’s National Guard, backed up by the Department of Defense. So in addition to all these forces why does DHS need its own private army? Why do the SSA, NOAA and other government agencies need to create their own civilian security forces armed with hollow nose bullets?
This may sound like a conspiracy theory …
But remember that Senator Daniel Inouye said in 1987:
There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.

The Federal Reserve – which is not exactly federal (and see this)- also has its own police force.  See this and this.
Chalmers Johnson called the CIA the President’s private army.
And that’s nothing compared to JSOC.  As John Glaser wrote in February:
For the past decade, we’ve seen the rise of a secret, unaccountable U.S. military force … Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) is an unwieldy private army at the command of the President, and him only. And they conduct military and spy missions all over the world, never receiving formal congressional approval ….
“Without the knowledge of the American public,” wrote Nick Turse back in August, “a secret force within the U.S. military is undertaking operations in a majority of the world’s countries. This new Pentagon power elite is waging a global war whose size and scope has never been revealed.” According to a recent Congressional Research Service report, JSOC forces “reportedly conduct highly sensitive combat and supporting operations against terrorists on a world-wide basis.” As the New York Times this week reported:
The Special Operations Command now numbers just under 66,000 people — including both military personnel and Defense Department civilians — a doubling since 2001. Its budget has reached $10.5 billion, up from $4.2 billion in 2001 (after adjusting for inflation).Over the past decade, Special Operations Command personnel have been deployed for combat operations, exercises, training and other liaison missions in more than 70 countries. Since the invasion of Iraq in 2003, Special Operations Command sustained overseas deployments of more than 12,000 troops a day, with four-fifths committed to the broader Middle East.
JSOC operates outside the confines of the traditional military and even beyond what the CIA is able to do.
But it goes well beyond the war zones. In concert with the Executive’s new claims on extra-judicial assassinations via drone strikes, even if the target is an American citizen, JSOC goes around the world murdering suspects without the oversight of a judge or, god forbid, granting those unfortunate souls the right to defend themselves in court against secret, evidence-less government decrees about their guilt. As Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh said at a speaking event in 2009:
Congress has no oversight of it. It’s an executive assassination ring essentially, and it’s been going on and on and on.***
Under President Bush’s authority, they’ve been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing them and leaving. That’s been going on, in the name of all of us….
[Marc Ambinder told Wired]:
There are legal restrictions on what the CIA can do in terms of covert operations. There has to be a finding, the president has to notify at least the “Gang of Eight” [leaders of the intelligence oversight committees] in Congress. JSOC doesn’t have to do any of that. There is very little accountability for their actions. What’s weird is that many in congress who’d be very sensitive to CIA operations almost treat JSOC as an entity that doesn’t have to submit to oversight. It’s almost like this is the president’s private army, we’ll let the president do what he needs to do.
An End-Run Around the Constitution?
Remember, we’ve gone from a nation of laws to a nation of powerful men making laws in secret.  A nation where Congressional leaders themselves    aren’t even allow to see the laws, or to learn about covert programs. A nation where Congressmen are threatened with martial law if they don’t approve radical programs.
Veterans returning from the front lines are labeled “potential terrorists”, to the horror of both the Republican and Democratic leadership.
This is not surprising, given that tyrannical regimes always crumble when the footsoldiers refuse to carry out draconian measures.
Indeed, active duty military personnel are big Ron Paul supporters.  And see this.  Because liking Ron Paul – as well as liking liberty or the Founding Fathers – may get one branded as a potential terrorist these days, there may be some friction between active military folks and the government as well.
Because military folks are sworn to defend the Constitution, many still would not allow the imposition of overt, full-scale fascism without a fight.  See this and this.
As such, Major General Curry’s speculation is chilling, indeed:
Is the purpose [of the lethal ammunition purchases] to kill 174,000 of the nation’s military and replace them with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) special security forces, forces loyal to the Administration, not to the Constitution?

Chicago's Quiet Home-Liberation Front


Chicago's Quiet Home-Liberation Front

Sunday, 19 August 2012 09:23 By Laura Gottesdiener, Waging Nonviolence | Report

Protestors carry signs listing Chicago neighborhoods and the numbers of recent foreclosures in an October 2009 demonstration. (Photo: Carrie Sloan)

“Where’s the house?” Trisha James asked, leaning forward eagerly. She couldn’t contain her urgency; living each day house-to-house in Chicago’s poorest neighborhoods had taken its toll. The shelters. The overcrowding. The uncertainty of whether anyone would even open the door.
The friend’s small house where James was staying that day, during a record-breaking heat wave, had 10 adult occupants, a rotating cast of their children and no indoor plumbing.
Martha Biggs smiled at her friend knowingly. Both women had been evicted from Cabrini Green, the city’s now-demolished housing complex, and spent years as homeless mothers. She knew that James would like the house, a modest Bank of NY Mellon-owned home on the South Side that had yet to be completely stripped for parts and trashed by gangs. The team had already secured it.
Biggs and her right-hand man, John Newman, weren’t working for any social service agency. To get a house this way, you have to work for it — buy the locks, paint the walls, fix the broken steps, clean out the trash. Rally some teenagers to help you put up drywall, if necessary. You have to understand that this isn’t just about finding a place to live; it’s about fixing up the neighborhood, making jobs, changing the whole idea of housing. And then you have to pass the knowledge on: another house, another family.
In short, you have to join.
A housing liberation movement is brewing in Chicago. The idea is simple: Tens of thousands — possibly hundreds of thousands — of vacant, bank-owned homes are a large part of what is making the poorest neighborhoods of Chicago into semi-forsaken tracts ridden with crime and blight. These houses are so bad that Mayor Rahm Emanuel recently announced that he’d spend $4 million just to tear some down. Meanwhile, there are more than 20,000 homeless adults and tens of thousands of additional homeless youth in the city fighting through life as capitalism’s refugees. (They aren’t receiving any additional mayoral funding.) The supposed truism of supply and demand seems to have gone haywire. Many no longer recognize the banks’ claim to ownership. The only definition of these so-called assets that makes sense is their immediate capacity to serve as homes for families.
Domino effect
“This is how we can house the city of Chicago,” said Thomas Turner, who has worked with Occupy Chicago and was homeless before he liberated and renovated four homes since the summer began. When a local property owner saw what Turner was during, she donated three more.
“You know this economic situation isn’t getting any better,” he continued. “So just like Harriet Tubman, Marcus Garvey, MLK — all the people that stepped in and made our lives better today, we’re working for — how do you say it? Our living aspects of life. It’s a domino effect — and when it all falls down, we’re going to have a big beautiful design.”
The liberation movement is organized into a loosely connected network of cells that collaborate — and compete — to see how many houses they can free from bank control and open for homeless families, particularly single women with children. There’s no official count of liberated houses in Chicago to date, but there are well over 25, maybe more than 50. The majority of organizers are themselves currently or formerly homeless, working under a variety of banners, including the Chicago Anti-Eviction Campaign, a group that grew out of the Cabrini Green housing project, and Take Back the Land, a national network centered on making housing a human right. Other groups choose to operate under the radar of media attention (a choice I have respected by keeping participants and their actions anonymous). Some hold no organizational affiliation; they are just members of the community who see this work as the best hope to save their city.
John Newman, for example, has his pockets stuffed with red slips — receipts from the pawnshops where he has traded in his own possessions for money to buy locks and building materials. Martha Biggs is hiding his most valuable belongings in her own liberated home to keep him from pawning them, too.
“People need houses,” said Newman. “I’m a veteran, so I’m going to help people. If I have something, you have something, and then we got something together.”
A perfect storm in the Windy City
Since 2008, the housing liberation movement has been building nationally, with actions in Miami, Madison, Detroit, Raleigh, New York and other cities. Nowhere has it expanded as rapidly as in Chicago, though, where various factors have made it the leading place for home liberation. Firstly, 55 percent of the city’s adult African American men have been branded as felons for life, barring them from access to public housing and often private housing as well.
“I couldn’t live anywhere because of background checks,” explained one formerly homeless mother who now lives with her children in a liberated home on the South Side.
“Wherever I sent in a [housing] application,” she continued, “they said I was denied. Denied, denied, denied” — all because she was briefly incarcerated nearly 10 years ago. Convicted drug felons are explicitly prohibited from almost all public housing, and the Federal Fair Housing Act, which prevents various types of housing discrimination, does nothing to stop landlords from running background checks and refusing to rent to those with a rap sheet.
Secondly, in the last decade, the city has demolished almost the entire public housing stock under former Mayor Richard Daley’s “Plan for Transformation,” creating a wave of evictions that led to the formation of direct-action housing groups, such as the Chicago Anti-Eviction Campaign, before the market even collapsed. And lastly, because Chicago is the most highly segregated large city in the United States, the racially-targeted subprime lending boom and subsequent crisis concentrated foreclosures on the south and west sides of the city, inciting a downward spiral for property taxes. This in turn contributed to school closures, widespread unemployment and the highest murder rate in the country.
The movement will not be televised
Housing activism is perhaps the issue in the United States right now that boasts the most plentiful direct actions:
truck-halting eviction blockades, sale-stopping auction disruptions and bolt-breaking house liberations. Even so, Chicago’s housing liberation movement is rare for its focus on scaling its work not through media coverage but through word-of-mouth recruitment among the city’s homeless and precariously housed. Many either eschew media coverage or simply consider it a waste of time — not out of fear of police repression. Rather, the spurning of media reveals a deeper goal to make these home liberations in and of themselves the solution, rather than symbols or ideas that might inspire solutions. The number one goal of Chicago’s home liberation movement is not to influence the dominant economy; it’s to create an alternative one.
Organizers are aware that eventually, when enough houses are liberated, this sub-economy could force change in the dominant one, just as the Black Panthers’ free lunch program prompted the government to serve free school lunches lest it concede that a radical movement could provide what the state could not.
“If I can put 100 people in 100 houses, when you think the government is going to say, ‘Damn, she doing something?’” said Biggs.
But in the meantime, the focus is on rehab, not reporters.
Which contracts really bind?
Housing activists around the country tend to focus on liberating bank-owned properties as the clearest example of the movement’s political analysis of decommodifying human needs like shelter. But in the poorest neighborhoods of Chicago, the on-the-ground reality of ownership is even more messy. There, both residents and banks habitually give up their ownership of properties, throwing houses into legal limbo. When vacant houses are littered with animal and human feces, marijuana, used condoms and empty white bags, when the walls are covered in gang signs, when neighbors inform a group of liberators that someone had been shot just the previous night in the backyard of one of the street’s abandoned houses, it doesn’t seem to matter very much what a given building’s legal status is.
The politics of occupying homes in these neighborhoods, therefore, is not only about decommodifying housing and ameliorating homelessness. It is also about recognizing the often overlooked social contract of neighborhoods, where one abandoned home can bring down the quality of life for everyone. During the housing crisis, millions were evicted for violating their mortgage contracts, but those evictions did not only punish the homeowners; they punished everyone around them. Perhaps the question, then, is not whether the banks had the right to assert their individual contracts through mortgage repossessions, but whether they had the right to break social contracts through physical eviction. Yes, the individual houses functioned as collateral for the loans, but the survival of the neighborhoods did not. There have been moments throughout U.S. history when the courts have ruled to break contracts, including both mortgage and property-ownership contracts, when the public welfare is threatened.
Even an afternoon’s tour of South Chicago will reveal that we are in one of those moments in which something will have to break. The city is cutting funding for shelters in order to spend millions tearing down vacant buildings. And at a time like this, a growing number of people are deciding that the most rational thing to do is — in the words of J.R. Fleming of the Chicago Anti-Eviction Campaign — “play matchmaker to pair peopleless homes with homeless people.”
This piece was reprinted by Truthout with permission or license. 

Laura Gottesdiener

Laura Gottesdiener is an activist with Occupy Wall Street, a freelance journalist, and a contributor to Waging Nonviolence.