Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Secret War in 120 Countries

The Secret War in 120 Countries

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This article originally appeared at TomDispatch.com. To stay on top of important articles like these, sign up to receive the latest updates from TomDispatch.com.

Somewhere on this planet an American commando is carrying out a mission. Now, say that seventy times and you’re done… for the day. Without the knowledge of the American public, a secret force within the US military is undertaking operations in a majority of the world’s countries. This new Pentagon power elite is waging a global war whose size and scope has never been revealed, until now.

About the Author

Nick Turse
Nick Turse is the associate editor and research director of Tomdispatch.com. He is the author of The Complex: How the...

Also by the Author

An exchange between Colonel Tom Davis and TomDispatch Associate Editor Nick Turse about military involvement in Africa.
After a US Navy SEAL put a bullet in Osama bin Laden’s chest and another in his head, one of the most secretive black-ops units in the American military suddenly found its mission in the public spotlight. It was atypical. While it’s well known that US Special Operations forces are deployed in the war zones of Afghanistan and Iraq, and it’s increasingly apparent that such units operate in murkier conflict zones like Yemen and Somalia, the full extent of their worldwide war has remained deeply in the shadows.
Last year, Karen DeYoung and Greg Jaffe of the Washington Postreported that US Special Operations forces were deployed in seventy-five countries, up from sixty at the end of the Bush presidency. By the end of this year, US Special Operations Command spokesman Colonel Tim Nye told me, that number will likely reach 120. “We do a lot of traveling—a lot more than Afghanistan or Iraq,” he said recently. This global presence—in about 60 percent of the world’s nations and far larger than previously acknowledged—provides striking new evidence of a rising clandestine Pentagon power elite waging a secret war in all corners of the world.
The Rise of the Military’s Secret Military
Born of a failed 1980 raid to rescue American hostages in Iran, in which eight US service members died, US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) was established in 1987. Having spent the post-Vietnam years distrusted and starved for money by the regular military, special operations forces suddenly had a single home, a stable budget and a four-star commander as their advocate. Since then, SOCOM has grown into a combined force of startling proportions. Made up of units from all the service branches, including the Army’s “Green Berets” and Rangers, Navy SEALs, Air Force Air Commandos and Marine Corps Special Operations teams, in addition to specialized helicopter crews, boat teams, civil affairs personnel, para-rescuemen and even battlefield air-traffic controllers and special operations weathermen, SOCOM carries out the United States’ most specialized and secret missions. These include assassinations, counterterrorist raids, long-range reconnaissance, intelligence analysis, foreign troop training and weapons of mass destruction counter-proliferation operations.
One of its key components is the Joint Special Operations Command, or JSOC, a clandestine sub-command whose primary mission is tracking and killing suspected terrorists. Reporting to the president and acting under his authority, JSOC maintains a global hit list that includes American citizens. It has been operating an extra-legal “kill/capture” campaign that John Nagl, a past counterinsurgency adviser to four-star general and soon-to-be CIA Director David Petraeus, calls “an almost industrial-scale counterterrorism killing machine.”
This assassination program has been carried out by commando units like the Navy SEALs and the Army’s Delta Force as well as via drone strikes as part of covert wars in which the CIA is also involved in countries like Somalia,Pakistan and Yemen. In addition, the command operates a network of secret prisons, perhaps as many as twenty black sites in Afghanistan alone, used for interrogating high-value targets.
Growth Industry
From a force of about 37,000 in the early 1990s, Special Operations Command personnel have grown to almost 60,000, about a third of whom are career members of SOCOM; the rest have other military occupational specialties, but periodically cycle through the command. Growth has been exponential since September 11, 2001, as SOCOM’s baseline budget almost tripled from $2.3 billion to $6.3 billion. If you add in funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, it has actually more than quadrupled to $9.8 billion in these years. Not surprisingly, the number of its personnel deployed abroad has also jumped four-fold. Further increases, and expanded operations, are on the horizon.
Lieutenant General Dennis Hejlik, the former head of the Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command—the last of the service branches to be incorporated into SOCOM in 2006—indicated, for instance, that he foresees a doubling of his former unit of 2,600. “I see them as a force someday of about 5,000, like equivalent to the number of SEALs that we have on the battlefield. Between [5,000] and 6,000,” he said at a June breakfast with defense reporters in Washington. Long-term plans already call for the force to increase by 1,000.
During his recent Senate confirmation hearings, Navy Vice Admiral William McRaven, the incoming SOCOM chief and outgoing head of JSOC (which he commanded during the bin Laden raid) endorsed a steady manpower growth rate of 3 percent to 5 percent a year, while also making a pitch for even more resources, including additional drones and the construction of new special operations facilities.
A former SEAL who still sometimes accompanies troops into the field, McRaven expressed a belief that, as conventional forces are drawn down in Afghanistan, special ops troops will take on an ever greater role. Iraq, he added, would benefit if elite US forces continued to conduct missions there past the December 2011 deadline for a total American troop withdrawal. He also assured the Senate Armed Services Committee that “as a former JSOC commander, I can tell you we were looking very hard at Yemen and at Somalia.”
During a speech at the National Defense Industrial Association’s annual Special Operations and Low-intensity Conflict Symposium earlier this year, Navy Admiral Eric Olson, the outgoing chief of Special Operations Command, pointed to a composite satellite image of the world at night. Before September 11, 2001, the lit portions of the planet—mostly the industrialized nations of the global north—were considered the key areas. “But the world changed over the last decade,” he said. “Our strategic focus has shifted largely to the south…certainly within the special operations community, as we deal with the emerging threats from the places where the lights aren’t.”
To that end, Olson launched “Project Lawrence,” an effort to increase cultural proficiencies—like advanced language training and better knowledge of local history and customs—for overseas operations. The program is, of course, named after the British officer, Thomas Edward Lawrence (better known as “Lawrence of Arabia”), who teamed up with Arab fighters to wage a guerrilla war in the Middle East during World War I. Mentioning Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mali and Indonesia, Olson added that SOCOM now needed “Lawrences of Wherever.”
While Olson made reference to only fifty-one countries of top concern to SOCOM, Col. Nye told me that on any given day, Special Operations forces are deployed in approximately seventy nations around the world. All of them, he hastened to add, at the request of the host government. According to testimony by Olson before the House Armed Services Committee earlier this year, approximately 85 percent of special operations troops deployed overseas are in twenty countries in the CENTCOM area of operations in the Greater Middle East: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan and Yemen. The others are scattered across the globe from South America to Southeast Asia, some in small numbers, others as larger contingents.
Special Operations Command won’t disclose exactly which countries its forces operate in. “We’re obviously going to have some places where it’s not advantageous for us to list where we’re at,” says Nye. “Not all host nations want it known, for whatever reasons they have—it may be internal, it may be regional.”
But it’s no secret (or at least a poorly kept one) that so-called black special operations troops, like the SEALs and Delta Force, are conducting kill/capture missions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Yemen, while “white” forces like the Green Berets and Rangers are training indigenous partners as part of a worldwide secret war against Al Qaeda and other militant groups. In the Philippines, for instance, the United States spends $50 million a year on a 600-person contingent of Army Special Operations forces, Navy Seals, Air Force special operators and others that carries out counterterrorist operations with Filipino allies against insurgent groups like Jemaah Islamiyah and Abu Sayyaf.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 21-Aug-2012 07:53:35

It began with the Spanish-American War in 1898 when the USA gained control of the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam and Cuba, and became a global player; it continued with the intervention in WW1 and by the end of WWII, with the twin atomic terrorist strikes against Japan, the monster was on the world stage.
Since WW2, the USA has been involved in countless battles and wars in the four corners of the globe, using NATO and its members, an organization arbitrarily imposed upon the peoples of the member states without any electoral process (rendering it unconstitutional in most countries) as poodles to widen the base of support so as to present a multi-lateral approach to crisis management.
Such a notion is ridiculous when we look back through the pages of the history book and see that either the USA directly or its FUKUS Axis partners France and the UK have been involved in creating the casus belli in each and every case of international crises.
Although Washington and its poodles like to hide behind the lies and hype spun by their media, it is becoming increasingly obvious that the FUKUS policies have become totally discredited and with every new conflict they involve themselves in, the worse it gets.
Afghanistan was a monster that got out of control - the Mujaheddin were sent to destroy the country's only socially progressive government, before it called for help from the Soviet Union; Iraq was a total foreign policy disaster, an illegal war which culminated in NATO paying the Sunni freedom fighters not to attack (as was the case with the Taleban), Libya showed us all why the west should never, ever be trusted again, as if we needed any more evidence.
And now, the cherry on the cake of Hillary Clinton's foreign policy is to classify Cuba as a sponsor of terrorism.
Did Cuba cavort with terrorists in Libya? Did Cuba arm and finance and train that murderous scourge of torturers, rapists and racists who sliced the breasts off women in the street, who slit the throats of Black Libyans, who committed ethnic cleansing? Is Cuba supporting terrorist forces in Syria doing the very same thing?
Then the conclusion is...
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
The present problem is that the US world concept, that has spread all over the world, is out of control. The same is true of their spaceborn part that generated all debt of this world.
If we, mud peddlers of this world, permit next war, then there will be nothing left to worry about.

A Message from Blue Cross Blue Shield.......

Just a friendly reminder as to who exactly is throwing grandma/pa under the bus!!!!!!!!
A Message from Blue Cross Blue Shield.......
More good news on Obamacare.
A message from Blue Cross Blue Shield
Look clearly at the 2014 rate compared to the 2013 rate.
For those of you who are on Medicare, read the following.
It's short, but important and you probably haven't heard about it in the Mainstream News:
"The per person Medicare Insurance Premium will increase from the presentMonthly Fee of
$96.40, rising to
$104.20 in 2012,
$120.20 in 2013
and then on up to
$247.00 in 2014."
These are Provisions incorporated in the Obamacare Legislation, purposely delayed, so as not to confuse the 2012 Re-Election Campaigns.
Send this to all Seniors that you know, so they will know who's throwing them under the bus.
Peggy Riehle
Internal Representative
Network Contracting

VKD Updates

It is believed we should all do some thinking about those running for election to allegedly represent "we the people".. Several questions each of us should ask such as 1]. Did they keep their campaign promise's? 2]. Are we better off than we were prior to the last election? 3]. Have these individuals competing for Offices of Public Trust (Including president Obama) earned our precious "Vote?" Well! Watch this video
Barofsky: 'Geithner Admitted To Us That Obama's Housing Policy Was DESIGNED To "FOAM THE RUNWAY" For The Banks' *
August 16, 2012
Former SigTARP inspector general Neil Barofsky has informed MSNBC that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner informed him privately during the financial crisis that President Obama’s housing policy was ‘designed to sacrifice homeowners in order to foam the runways for the banks‘. Watch here>>
Dishonorable Disclosureshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-Xfti7qtT0
Mission: "Stop the politicians from politically capitalizing on US National Security Operations and Secrets"

Intelligence and Special Operations forces are furious and frustrated at how President Obama and those in positions of authority have exploited their service for political advantage. Countless leaks, interviews and decisions by the Obama Administration and other government officials have undermined the success of our Intelligence and Special Operations forces and put future missions and personnel at risk.

The unwarranted and dangerous public disclosure of Special Forces Operations is so serious -- that for the first time ever -- former operators have agreed to risk their reputations and go 'on the record' in a special documentary titled "Dishonorable Disclosures." Its goal is to educate America about serious breaches of security and prevent them from ever happening again.

Use of military ranks, titles & photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement of the Dept of the Army or the Department of Defense. All individuals are no longer in active service with any federal agency or military service.

VKD. Please get this out as it includes this very powerful video. http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=249392

[VKD. From appearances; The World Woke UP, took off their rose colored glasses when their banks, their nations, their natural resources, their people and peoples' properties were being vandalized by nothing more than Organized Crime. No wonder BO is in a tizzy! His wife wears $5,000 blouses...while Americans go hungry, without jobs, without homes? That is enough to bring on 'big time tizzys'!]



author: Multiple Authors

What happened with the derivatives used to reduce risk in everything from dental insurance to the housing market was INTENTIONAL. It also violates a ton of treaties, international laws and the Constitution of the United States. Even though it is dressed up as legal, the actions of this small group of plotters, aren't legal in any sense of the word. It was a set up to permit a bunch of greedy bastards to buy up the world at fire sale prices. ALL OF IT WAS PLANNED FROM THE TERRORISM TO THE GLOBAL COLLAPSE. IT IS ALL ILLEGAL UNDER A SERIES OF LAWS CREATED AFTER THE LAST DEPRESSION WHICH WAS CAUSED BY THE SAME GROUP IN THE SAME WAY. READ how below.
ARE GOLDMAN SACHS REALLY ABOVE THE LAW FOR MURDER AND TREASON? By V.K. Durham, Widow of Col. Russell Herman, CEO Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087

These individuals (companies/corporations) will remain above all law as long as they can bribe, threaten, coerce, intimidate US (CORPORATE) HOUSE AND SENATE MEMBERS for the ability to destroy the Law of the Land, i.e., OUR CONSTITUTION AND ACTS OF CONGRESS!

First. Watch this video THE POWER OF NIGHTMARES. The Power of Nightmares, subtitled The Rise of the Politics of Fear, is a BBC documentary film series, written and produced by Adam Curtis. Its three one-hour parts consist mostly of a montage of archive footage with Curtis's narration. The series was first broadcast in the United Kingdom in late 2004 and has subsequently been broadcast in multiple countries and shown in several film festivals, including the 2005 Cannes Film Festival.
POLITICS,  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_5utyRkfdA

Five firms, which declined to discuss their plans for this story, have some of the biggest balance sheets, trading desks and derivatives portfolios of financial institutions in the United States. Great Britain and other major countries are imposing similar requirements for "resolution" plans on their big banks, too. The liquidation plans are coming amid renewed questions about the safety of big banks, following JPMorgan's stunning announcement last month that a trading debacle has cost it more than $2 billion - a sum far too small to endanger the bank, but shocking enough to bring back memories of the financial crisis. A NOD TO GLASS-STEAGALL - If the extensive planning and review process works as proponents hope, big banks will become less hazardous to the public and regulators will be more confident that they can let wounded institutions die without wrecking the economy. continues at source http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2012/08/417472.shtml
(In reading the next article, discernment is advised.)
2nd. August 16, 2012 – The White Hats Report #47 Watergate revisited?
The beginning of the end of the Obama Presidency has begun. The only questions that remain are:
How will the charade play out before the American public and the rest of the world?
How many will the cabal sacrifice to keep their agenda alive?
Will an insider FINALLY come forward, turn Patriotic…and reveal all the secrets?
When will it all begin?
The most likely starting volley in this unfolding historic process could very well be the resignation of Vice President of the United States, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.
Whether he uses a fabricated medical condition, or if they make more out of the “slaves and chains” comment he fumbled through the other day, the political machine has to come up with a very convincing reason for his exit. The White Hats believe the brain tumor story, which has come to the forefront again, would be a very good reason for the comments he has been making. Most of our counter parts in the international intel circles see the handwriting on the wall and say expect it this mid-week … and we are there … right now.
What does this mean in the big picture?
Obama is in serious trouble … on multiple fronts.
First, he has purposefully interfered with the Global Settlements, the Iraqi Dinar Revaluation and in turn the Global Financial Reset effort. Through all of the stories of Obama’s rants, meltdowns and temper tantrums (see past WH articles for details), he has been rational enough to methodically interfere with the progress of the United States and the World with the Global Financial Reset. In the end, he has completed the work of the New World Order boys very well, but even the NWO boys are concerned as the Cabal is very aware that one of the standing dominoes just turned sideways. This could be the downfall of the cabal if they don’t grab control and formulate extreme measures to counteract the Obama situation.
Second, the elite crew in the White House has a bigger problem with the international community that has clearly had enough with the greed, corruption, financial terrorism and Nazi agenda. This has been addressed with 80 some nations signing an official criminal complaint against Obama personally in The World Court … and personally against Biden, Reid, Pelosi and Michelle Obama. More to come on the criminal charges, just know it has happened and it is slowly progressing through the process. In short, the world is officially done with American Leadership, and as Americans can’t control their own house, the international community is taking matters into their own hands. A rogue American President with a narcissistic agenda and controlled by the New World Order is the directed cause. How can the world know this and our own American leadership not? This leads us to the next item.
Third, the next significant problem is both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party is in serious trouble. The boys and girls in the DNC know Obama will lose the election and he will not fight, with all of his personal problems, for his Political life. Too many of the international interests have the evidence of his crimes! The Democratic leadership has no options as they bought into the Bush (NWO) plans hook, line and sinker and when Obama resigns … the DNC is standing in the cold at election time.
Fourth, Obama is positioning himself to leave the Presidency. Again, this is nothing new … the exit strategy has been in place for years. It was always part of the plan! The question will be when does he leave and will it be due to force (i.e. damaging evidence like a birther issue or the fraudulent SS#) or based on his own volition. We know the answer to this.
We know that Costa Rica has officially, unofficially rejected Obama’s very kind offer to live in exile in their Country … on that property he has an interest in. We also know that Venezuela, after five minutes of very careful consideration, has rejected the same kind of offer. In fact, it seems not one Country in the world has accepted Obama’s kind offer to live in exile in their Country. Apparently, the word is out that Obama has mental meltdowns and is out of control. So everyone, with an interest in seeing a better stronger America, is searching for a place that a billionaire man, a woman, two children and a dog can live in quiet exile for the rest of their lives. We know he can easily live on what he has pillaged from the America public and, he has filled his pockets at every turn, so he can easily afford the security required to live in luxury. Unfortunately, regardless of the wealth of a person, most landlords know that dogs can ruin a house and yard … so dogs are not allowed.
Read more: http://tdarkcabal.blogspot.com/2012/08/august-16-2012-white-hats-report-47.html
3rd. British Officials and U.S. Senate Bank Committee Chm. Charles E. Grassley, U.S. Secret Service all were told in 2001 That Groups in the US were Planning Economic Sabotage. U.S. Secret Service stated "We will not investigate the money laundering operation in the Philippines. Our only duty is to protect the president!"
Again in 2003.

by V.K. Durham
U.S. Senator, Charles E. Grassley, and
U.S. Congressman, Steve King
cc: Chief of Operations Fraud Division, Interpol

REF. The pending war, and all the documents, letters, information, tape recordings, news paper articles from the encrypted "message" publications, regarding BOGUS BONUS 3392-181 GOLD INSTRUMENTS, RUSSELL HERMAN the MURDERED CEO of One of the primary corporations being used in this BOGUS GOLD INSTRUMENT FRAUD which has "caused this pending war".., AND!, The refusal to "investigate" by the FBI and U.S. Secret Service!
Senator Grassley, your 'position of TAKING NO POSITION' other than to pass on to me a flimsy standard "Thank you for contacting my office. I am always glad to hear from my constituents" etc., when this vital information was provided to your Sioux City, Iowa Offices and Washington Offices.

The absolute negligence, and failure to Investigate, has brought about this current WAR. Your office has been WARNED, TOLD, ADVISED for years of "MUSLIM CULT MEMBERS IN OUR U.S. FEDERAL OFFICES OF PUBLIC TRUST, and in particular THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, TREASURY ETC." Still, the problem went unaddressed. NOW, we are going to WAR and all over FAILURE OF DUTY as prescribed and mandated to those in OFFICES OF PUBLIC TRUST. Senator Grassley, Congressman King. Read the notice affixed hereto from JUDICIAL WATCH. This is confirmation of MUSLIM "CULTISM" in our U.S. Offices of Public Trust.

While all of you were being warned, you found it was better to ignore that being provided from THE CONSTITUENCY for Investigation, while frittering away "Pension Funds" which was not within the Power of Congress to "fritter away" such as the "frittering" by ENRON etc. The precedent was set in"MARBURY vs MADISON" to wit; "Congress cannot give away, that which is not theirs to give"..

Congress is EMPLOYED by the PEOPLE, they are NOT EMPOWERED to give away that which belongs to the People. The Same is applicable for the President. The President was not empowered by the Constitution to SELL OFF and PRIVATIZE the INFRA-STRUCTURE as done in Ex. Ord. 12803.

This Nation and it's people have been seriously harmed by "TOM FOOLERY" of SUPER ARROGANT FEDERAL REPRESENTATION by those in our "Contracted" U.S. Federal Agencies, and overwhelming "Lack of Representation."

As you can see; This is also going to CHIEF GAMMELSGARRD. Chief Gammelsgarrd, through the years, has been constantly kept abreast of this BOGUS BONUS 3392-181 and similar UNLAWFUL CONVERSION ACTIVITY by others "in U.S. Federal Offices such as "The U.S. Department of the Treasury Agents" one of whom was prosecuted by Chief Gammelsgarrd back in 1989 90.
source: http://www.theantechamber.net/V_K_Durham/ConcernFbiCoverUp.html
It is reported 80 some nations signing an official criminal complaint against Obama personally in The World Court.
You will find embodied in this REQUEST FOR THE U.S. HOUSE OF UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES ... written 9/23/06
"Chuck Grassley" <
"U.S. Sec. of the Treasury, Henry Paulson" <
"Steve King" <
"William Anderson" <
"Ron Paul" <

Sep 23, 2006 – snip: When 118 Nations withdraw from the United Nations over the fall out from the Murder, Forgery and False Notary of an individual's signature who has been dead and buried for 4 years when his signature is notarized, and this 'fabrication of prime bank instruments' which allege to be the murdered man's property..which has reached 100's of Trillions of US DOLLARS in Counterfeit US Debt Instruments..intended to "bankrupt" the Mid East Gold Banks.. Then, Gentlemen; It is your Sworn Duty as Officers of Offices of Public Trust to DO YOUR DUTY and Re-Open the House Investigative Arm of Un American Activities and conduct a Full, Formal, Federal Investigation into these matters which has brought those 118 Nations to chant:"Destroy America, Destroy America. America is the devil. We want peace not war." You can read the verification athttp://www.islamonline.net/english/news/2003-02/16/article02.shtml .
Being fully informed US (Corporate) House and Senate Members refused to re-open the House Investigative Arm of Un-American Activities all these years, as nations have fallen due to uncalled for wars as the leaders were systematically wiped from the face of this earth; NO INVESTIGATIONS were ordered?
Its over due.. I remember what my husband said to me and his men on November 17, 1993 after we brought him home from his kidnapping, torture, rape, hung up with meat hooks beneath his collar bones, ribs broken, left hand broken, burned with cigarettes.. as they attempted to make him "sign off"...
WHO WAS MY HUSBAND?! WELL! MY husband was the CONTRA ACCOUNT HOLDER for CI-LTD. He was a Col. in this un Godly mess. When he objected to the slaughter by the CIA of the women and children, and shoving the bodies off into mass graves; His own "superior officers" had him thrown in prison in Latin America. He managed to get out of the prison by one of his female associates, i.e., Cecelia, holding a "gun" on the President of Mexico in the Presidents Office, to allow the time for the Chiapias Indians to get Russell back into the United States. She grew up in Mexico whereas her family was influential and friends of the President.

Barry Seals and Russell Herman, Oliver North, George H.W. Bush, Alan Greenspan, James Baker III, Nicholas Brady, (Hughes Corporations) Bob Maheu, Col. Al Martin, Col. Frank McDonnald, Col. Al Caron, George Whackenhut, Rodriguez and Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, FBI, CIA and MI6 were the original members of WHACKENHUT Services Inc., which was formed in 1955. How do I know this? Russell Herman (Herrmann) told me so, after his kidnapping and torture of October 28, 1993 RUSSELL BROKE "THE CODE OF SILENCE" upon his return home from the St. Mary's Health Care Facility, Clayton Missouri, on November 17, 1993. See:

When Russell was brought home on November 17, 1993, he sat in his chair with that "1,000 yard stare"... Finally he made the following statement [quote]:"If the American People ever wake up, and find out what the Federal Government has really done; I would not want to be in the Executive Branch. I would not want to be a Member of Congress or Senate, state of federal. I would not want to be a judge on the bench. I would not want to be a lawyer. I would not want to be even the local dog catcher. Because; The American People will round all of them up; Give them a fair trial and hang them on the Capitol Steps [end quote]."

I have since heard Ex-President George Bush #41 made a similar statement after his resignation from THE CARLYLE GROUP. sourcehttp://www.theantechamber.net/V_K_Durham/OutsideCongresReview.html

VKD. It appears my husbands statement is a whisper on the wind..around the world.. Now we see:

Congress Approval Rating Slides Back To All Time Lows; 83% Disapprove

author: repost

From Gallup: "Ten percent of Americans in August approve of the job Congress is doing, tying last February's reading as the lowest in Gallup's 38-year history of this measure. Eighty-three percent disapprove of the way Congress is doing its job." So what happens when the approval rating hits 0%? Does America automatically revert back to Monarchy (for all you Sid Meier fans out there), and what then? Back to Slavery?
From a furiously capitalist site, where everyone else are 'muppets', and the comments on articles can be rather crude. The bearish apes of finance seem to think they're the top of the misinterpreted and misapplied 'evolutionary' theory, certainly 19th century thinking. I'll bet few have read Darwin, though they like to throw his name about. Dogs chasing their tails...

So why in hell do we keep electing these people? Why can't we find some candidates that are worthy a place in any poll outside of our rigged and somehow sacred two-party system? I've personally come to the conclusion, like them, that the electorate really is severely delusional. Each to his own delusion, I guess.

 link to www.zerohedge.com


The War in the Shadows

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The War in the Shadows
Posted By: DannyCahalin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 21-Aug-2012 06:57:05

By Chris Hedges
August 21, 2012 "TruthDig" -- A Swedish documentary filmmaker released a film last year called “Last Chapter—Goodbye Nicaragua.” In it he admitted that he unknowingly facilitated a bombing, almost certainly orchestrated by the Sandinista government of Nicaragua, which took the lives of three reporters I worked with in Central America. One of them, Linda Frazier, was the mother of a 10-year-old son. Her legs were torn apart by the blast, at La Penca, Nicaragua, along the border with Costa Rica, in May of 1984. She bled to death as she was being taken to the nearest hospital, in Ciudad Quesada, Costa Rica.
The admission by Peter Torbiornsson that he unwittingly took the bomber with him to the press conference was a window into the sordid world of espionage, terrorism and assassination that was an intimate part of every conflict I covered. It exposed the cynicism of undercover operatives on all sides, men and women who lie and deceive for a living, who betray relationships, including between each other, who steal and who carry out murder. One knows them immediately. Their ideological allegiances do not matter. They have the faraway eyes of the disconnected, along with nebulous histories and suspicious and vague associations. They tell incongruous personal stories and practice small deceits that are part of a pathological inability to tell the truth. They can be personable, even charming, but they are also invariably vain, dishonest and sinister. They cannot be trusted. It does not matter what side they are on. They were all the same. Gangsters.
All states and armed groups recruit and use members of this underclass. These personalities gravitate to intelligence agencies, terrorist cells, homeland security, police departments, the special forces and revolutionary groups where they can live a life freed from moral and legal constraints. Right and wrong are banished from their vocabulary. They disdain the constraints of democracy. They live in this nebulous underworld to satisfy their lusts for power and violence. They have no interest in diplomacy and less in peace. Peace would put them out of business; for them it is simply the temporary absence of war, which they are sure is inevitable. Their job is to use violence to purge the world of evil. And in the United States they have taken as hostages our diplomatic service and our foreign policy establishment. The CIA has become a huge private army, as Chalmers Johnson pointed out in his book “Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic,” that is “unaccountable to the Congress, the press or the public because everything it does is secret.” C. Wright Mills called the condition “military metaphysics”—“the cast of mind that defines international reality as basically military.”
Since the attacks of 9/11 the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)—which includes the Green Berets, the Army Rangers and the Navy SEALs—has seen its budget quadrupled. There are now some 60,000 USSOCOM operatives, whom the president can dispatch to kill without seeking congressional approval or informing the public. Add to this the growth of intelligence operatives. As Dana Priest and William M. Arkin reported in The Washington Post, “Twenty-four [new intelligence] organizations were created by the end of 2001, including the Office of Homeland Security and the Foreign Terrorist Asset Tracking Task Force. In 2002, 37 more were created to track weapons of mass destruction, collect threat tips, and coordinate the new focus on counterterrorism. That was followed the next year by 36 new organizations; and 26 after that; and 31 more; and 32 more; and 20 or more each in 2007, 2008, and 2009. In all, at least 263 organizations have been created or reorganized as a response to 9/11.”
entire article here

Gulick Update

‘In time, Fast & Furious will be a bigger crime scandal than Watergate. I guarantee it!”
~ G. Thomas Gulick at How Money Work – Since 1970

Back in June of 2010, I recall many of my 'inquiry minds' were asking where is the self-evident proof for
all of the exposure to the Bankster/Gangsters robbing the world of their wealth while paying both the current
elected officials and former elected officials to look the other way. Wow!  Since then, our like-minded teamplayers
have done well to expose the Global Vesuvius, the Mother of All Bubbles, those complex Securities, derivatives.
Now the banks have triggered LIBOR-all about derivatives to collapse some $800 trillion dollars in almost worthless
derivatives. Bonds, Pensions, Retirement Plans are included in this cleansing for sure.Yes, many 'dumbed' Great
Americans are about to see their 401Ks vaporize. Big time!

The above quote includes my history making e-teaching for February 3, 2012. I urge you to find the time and take the
time to read & discern. In my e-teaching, we are 'spot on' long before the foundation funded controlled left/right/left
phony news ever put this together. Yes, Stevie Wonder could see this coming. A '2012 Fast & Furious
Watergate' with the time show & telling the Internet & e-mail copies will expose and validate the coming scandal
of the times we live. This Watergate will prove to be about 800 trillion times bigger than Nixon's 1975 Watergate. But you can
know the track for all of this to be exposed & validated leads right to The White House. No doubt about it!

Obama, Biden, Romney will be exposed with the self-evident truth. The weapon of choice to bring down The Enemy Within
will be the Internet & e-mail copies. Attorney General Eric Holder and Timothy Geithner are on the list for party of the first part.
Obama and his failure to even respond to many e-mail will bring him down too. The agenda called for Biden to step down only
to bring Hillary Clinton on board for V.P.. That's not going to happen!  She, in the last few days, turned the job down. Imagine that!

On December 12, 2010 we find much of this was under investigation with the stealing of Ed Falcone's billions.

Watergate revisited?

The beginning of the end of the Obama Presidency has begun.  The only questions that remain are:
  • How will the charade play out before the American public and the rest of the world?
  • How many will the cabal sacrifice to keep their agenda alive?
  • Will an insider FINALLY come forward, turn Patriotic…and reveal all the secrets?
  • When will it all begin?
The most likely starting volley in this unfolding historic process could very well be the resignation of Vice President of the United States, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.. In the last hours of last week, we learned Hillary Clinton has turned the job down. Imagine that.

Whether he uses a fabricated medical condition, or if they make more out of the “slaves and chains” comment he fumbled through the other day, the political machine has to come up with a very convincing reason for his exit. Intelligence reports it may be a cancer used to exit Biden. I know no nothing! The White Hats believe the brain tumor story, which has come to the forefront again, would be a very good reason for the comments he has been making.   Most of our counter parts in the international intel circles see the handwriting on the wall and say expect it this mid-week … and we are there … right now.

What does this mean in the big picture?

Obama is in serious trouble … on multiple fronts. The details from 2010 to our current date can be found as exposure & validation. Behind the scenes, we have 'real patriots' investigating. They too remain on vacation until September 10th. So much of the business at hand is left unattended until Congress returns on September 10th. Between now & Election Day, you can inspect what you expect to be suspect.

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNmYwcMDsjY&feature=player_embedded
  2. http://tdarkcabal.blogspot.com/2012/06/june-6-2012-white-hats-report-42.html
  3. http://tdarkcabal.blogspot.com/
In closing, anytime I use the 'italic' the headlines are 'hot links' for more details. Hank Williams, Jr. and the summary of past articles is full of insights to exposure
and validation.

Hank Williams Jr. Gets It Wrong

Kurt Nimmo
August 20, 2012
Full Article: http://www.infowars.com/hank-williams-jr-gets-it-wrong/
In my opinion, Hank is joining Charlie Daniels, Willie Nelson, Ray Stevens and others to
prove they too are 'spot on' for the knowing & understanding this 'mell of a hess' for sure!
Before you exit from reading; be sure not to miss the attachment. My quote includes
The Rest of The Story. Salute!
Gone fishin,


G. Thomas Gulick'

Cobra 8-20-12 Portal 2012 “Operation Dreamland”… And a “Thumbs Up”

Cobra 8-20-12 Portal 2012 “Operation Dreamland”… And a “Thumbs Up”

I just received this message from Cobra and felt drawn to post it now, while still at Pu'uhonua o Honaunau.
As I came back from the ocean, I found this piece of coral, which just "appeared". My eyes were caught by it, which means, to me, that it was meant for me to see. It says, "Thumbs Up"! Which in English means, "All is moving in a positive direction."
Then I started my car, and instantly saw the time of 1:11. Now to me that means a Global Brand New Beginning is in store.
Then I saw Cobra had posted this, and felt that all this aligned with this message.
Now here is the message link.
Operation Dreamland
Monday, August 20, 2012
Operation Dreamland is an operation of the Light forces to start a new Renaissance on the surface of this planet. The first Renaissance 500 years ago has been initialized by a certain positive occult group behind the White Nobility in 15th century Florence.
The second Renaissance will be started by the same occult group worldwide and will herald the final victory of the free human spirit over the forces of limitation.
Contact has been made with White Nobility lineages that were involved with the birth of the first Renaissance and might as well help with the creation of the second.
Contact made with Grail White Nobility lineages means restoration of the Magdalene mysteries as preparation for the true revelation of the Goddess.
The Resistance Movement will be the main operating force for Operation Dreamland from the time of the Event onwards. The purpose of Operation Dreamland is twofold.
First, to restore abundance to the Lightworkers. Many Ligthworkers have a belief system that spirituality means living in poverty. This belief system is mind programming from the Cabal. In truth, physical abundance is a natural expression of the beauty of the incarnated Soul and every Lightworker deserves it. The Cabal wants to keep Lightworkers away from money to hinder the progress of the Light forces. The methods of the Cabal range from relatively harmless such as paid disinfo agents posting ad hominem attacks for “Cobra taking $1000 donations”, to moderate such as non-physical negative entities blocking business activities of the Lightworkers and then to more serious such as blocking access to funds that belong to the Lightworkers or outright stealing them.
Saint Germain Trust has been established in the late 18th century by Comte de Saint Germain with a purpose of assisting the Lightworkers at the time of the shift of the ages. Saint Germain Trust will be unblocked as soon as the Cabal is removed at the Event. Lightworkers will be finally able to live in abundance.
The second purpose of the Operation Dreamland is to start disseminating true occult teachings of the mystery schools of the Ascended Masters. In the last 26,000 years as this planet was quarantined and almost completely cut off from direct contact with the Ascended Masters, spiritual teachings have degenerated and now blind are leading the blind. One such example are many channeled messages that supposedly come from the Ascended Masters or Galactic Confederation. What happens in most those cases is a genuine energetic contact, but on the mental plane the Archons come in with their technology and insert messages that look full of love and light on a first impression, but in reality are just recycled phrases.
At the Event, the Light forces will begin to reveal true teachings of Light. In many cases those teachings will be a little bit different from what most people expect, as this planet has been cut off from true Light for 26,000 years and many things have been long forgotten.
There are certain preparations for Operation Dreamland that need to be made before the Event. Some members of the White Nobility have already responded to my call, and if any more from them want to join, they can contact me at cobraresistance@gmail.com.
In addition to that, hundreds of Lightworkers have also contacted me for that purpose, offering their help. I would ask anybody that wants to be involved in Operation Dreamland to very clearly state their talents, skills, contacts and resources that they can offer. If they can be involved in pre-Event preparations, they will be contacted soon. If not, they will be contacted directly by the Resistance soon after the Event.
kauilapele | 2012/08/20 at 13:38 | Categories: ascension | URL: http://wp.me/p1dHgy-3Gb

VIDEO: The Future of the Matrix - We are a Fractal of the Creator with Drake Kent Bailey

VIDEO: The Future of the Matrix - We are a Fractal of the Creator with Drake Kent Bailey

The Future of the Matrix - We are a Fractal of the Creator with Drake Kent Bailey
Drake Kent Bailey (In disguise he uses at VFW meetings)
by Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC - In a wide-ranging August 20, 2012 ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Drake Kent Bailey, an exo-philosopher and radio host widely know as "Drake", explored the nature and future of a matrix of forces that reportedly govern human consciousness and actions, as well as the future of religions and human belief systems.
The Future of the Matrix
The future of the Matrix component of the interview was born when in a private phone conversation, Drake shared with Alfred that he had lived with the originator of The Matrix Trilogy, later adapted to feature films. This interview is a follow-on of the parallels and differences between the matrix that controls our reality and The Matrix of the film.
Earth, humanity, our solar system, our galaxy and universe are on a collective, accelerated ascension, with Earth moving  from the 3rd dimension through the 4th through the 5th dimension.
We are a Fractal of the Creator flows from a letter from Drake to a friend of Alfred's who forwarded Drake's letter to him.  Drake's letter reads:
Response by Drake to a friend (August 20, 2012)

           TO _______________,
       "Mostly correct, yet what you are looking for is contained in
a word 'pros' in the Greek.
       This defines the relationship between man and our Creator.
         With- absolutely and fully...
         Yet-   distinctly independent of...
       Within this are the definitions of relationship.
      Looking into the other definers of context and story line,
several expressions emerge. Even so, each holds a part of this paradox
of separate unity.
      Taken overall, most lose several factors through the inability of language
to offer true distinction as a part of inclusion.
      Once emitted, a spirit only loses its 'identity' when it can not be redeemed.
      Although carrying an equal identity at a pure spiritual level, the soul/life imprint
remains in tact. That which makes you, you, your intellect/personality, simply reorients
to the more spiritual than physical.
       Due to the immense amount/quality of the changes involved, we are given a hand hold
all know as physical orientation, even though we have ascended to a higher level.
       In a short time, we will move exclusively through a separation/forgetful veil.
       This is one of two we will penetrate/pass through.
       When this is fully penetrated, more of the 'fog' between the truth at that level and this one
will be dispelled. Adepts will experience an acceleration towards the next veil. Many at the
apprentice level will be confused but listening, paying attention. Those at the idios level
(uninstructed) will notice a certain amount of confusion, yet awakened.
       As this takes place, a greater understanding will be opened to the adepts...meaning
there is much more 'we' are to know. I already know or am familiar with most of that.
       Completion/correction of understanding and perception takes place at that point.
      One of the main spiritual understandings deals directly with attainment of knowledge.
       Of the ways to garner knowing, only a couple hold water. Channeling is not considered
a good way to achieve contact. The higher spiritual realities require a more direct and clean way
of communication. Until one is completely devoid of any and all influences, they are not
allowed direct audience with Creation or The Creator. This goes directly to 'purity'.
      Thus, those who allow spiritual habitation, also allow all the experiences and prejudices
of the entity they allow to take over, to have full control.
      None of the well known 'readers' or 'intuitive's', operated in this manner using channeling as
their technique.
      We are dealing with mostly uneducated people in this area. In order to 'awaken' them, this
has to be explained in very general terms.
      The specific area of true spirituality has no room for religion or any other form of man's
ideas and belief systems. Forget it, it does not work that way, like it or not.
      All belief systems will undergo extraordinary changes from what we have now.
     Everyone will find the absolute truth as we progress through the ascension process.
     This is without incorrect influence of any kind, thus enters absolute purity of knowing, the
source being The Creator.
     After taking all this in several times, it might be prudent to rescind the prejudices found
in ALL our belief systems. I know of no other way to start getting to this absolute truth.
     I hear many calling for love, light, and happiness...to enlighten, one must first know happiness.
To be happy, one must understand the phrase, 'this is the day the Lord hath made, be glad and rejoice in it'.
We are here only to provide the light of example, in knowing, we can joy again- or rejoice.
Glad defines the base state of being where everything is the same glee of the child exploding into
the creative 'light' of the beauty of spring...run to roll in the grass.
Love is the ultimate combination of the above without condition or qualification of any kind.
     Until we understand that mere acceptance is enough, that we do not need to know every detail of how it all works,
will 'We' (mankind), be able to partake of the grand majesty of even the smallest blossom.
     After many years of reading libraries of books and ideas, I have found a partial answer to knowing.
    There are two requirements.
    Know it is. Accept the unqualified commitment, between you and The Creator. If one wishes, study all
of everything written about it...and you will still come back to acceptance of it. The unqualified knowledge.
    Take action on that knowledge, thus using the power of knowledge in action known as Wisdom.
    We are to teach children...our ability to maintain loving patience in this instructs us to see through the
eyes of a child. Honest, unadulterated, unprejudiced, and pure.
    I strive towards the day when common conversation is about Freedom.
    God says, 'believe or not as you so chose'.
    Freedom of choice, breeds Freedom of will, and is sacred even to our Creator."
1. Date: April 1, 2012
MEMO TO: David Wilcock, Drake, Benjamin Fulford, Alexander Romanov, Chodoin Daikaku
RE: Plan for MASS ARRESTS 2012
FROM: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd - Yellow belt (Aikido)


The purpose of this Memorandum is to support your/our/humanity's project for planetary "regime change" and to transform the international war crimes racketeering organization leadership hierarchy and structure of our planet into a sustainable, democratic, transparent, abundant, multi-dimensional galactic society.



2. ABOUT Drake [From http://freedomreigns.us/Our_Team.html]

It has come to my attention that a lot of people want to know who I am. I will offer a part of the base of what I know without endangering myself or others. The basis of the knowledge I hold is extraordinary in its scope (content and reach) and those whom I am in contact with.

Not being willing to take anyone’s word for it, I went behind the scenes and found who ‘they’ were talking to. This involves most of the ‘news’ web sites many are familiar with, credible or not.

My military service includes nuclear weapons, very high security clearances, and Vietnam. Most of the “incidents” from this time forward, I was involved in at some level, major, minor, and local. I started in the field of information in the late nineties and progressed from that time forward. I use a portion of the old cold war spy network, people in several sensitive positions, and those who agree to pass along info no one else gets. There are several contact avenues that also offer info, military, political and citizen eyes. In all, an extreme information highway.

The validity of what I’ve sent out has been the best at the time, almost all of which was verifiable. And yes, I was called on to prove a lot of it at first. This was not an easy task and caused me to be able to protect and out the info at the same time, I learned how.

Forces in the main stream media took most of what I offered and called it everything but true, and I was a nightmare head case trying to cause problems through the use of my imagination, and the internet…

Those who own the media control its content, most of which is questionable at best…I know, because I was directly involved in a few of those ‘international and local incidents’ that were reported as something else altogether…So I have first hand knowledge of this.

I have been a patriot since taking my oath of service in the 60′s. I had always been raised to be a patriot, but that oath haunted me all the time…until I decided I would start taking action.

The present information I have shared comes from a plan I was privileged to read some years ago. To date it has been in the works well over twenty (20) years. Many old fashioned old timers knew better than the direction our country was headed, even way back then, so they started writing the plan. It deals with offering the basic freedoms our country was founded on, and how to return to that freedom.

My research extends into a lot of law, application, and the origin of law itself. The offerings used in the manner in which I stated them to be used, when used correctly, I never lost. This includes local, state, federal, and international applications.

A group of individual people in individual states, has completed the paperwork that sets our nation free.

It is my hope that we all can keep our freedom this time…that is up to We The People.

The extent of the information offered on the recording is, at this time, the limit I use to protect the many who are involved in our efforts. If anyone who reads this believes that freedom can still be available, then I urge all those to play the recording to others of a like mind.

A qualified person does not have to be a rocket scientist. Try finding someone who is so honest it hurts to be around them. A person who knows the meaning of right and wrong according to their conscience…and who listens to it. In order to start to turn things around, it will take as many people as possible to stand up in any way they can. Put together groups all over our country at the local level. Get everyone to know each other and look into using your group to put the right kind of people in office.

Who am I to speak and by what authority do I do so?

    It is each persons constitutional ‘duty’ to remove a repressive government…the present one qualifies.
    I feel a moral obligation to stop the theft so hungry children in our own country of plenty, can eat.
    It ain’t doing this for me.
    It is for my children and grandchildren, because their future hangs in the balance…
    I feel it is the least I can do for them.
    As one voice in the wilderness…I CRY FREEDOM…!
