Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Christianity & gun owners in the crosshairs: Chilling tactic exposed

Christianity & gun owners in the crosshairs: Chilling tactic exposed

16 August 2012: If you are an outspoken Christian in America, you need to be concerned. If you are an outspoken Christian in America who happens to be a gun owner, you need to be very concerned.  And if you are a Christian gun owner who disagrees with the Progressive anti-Christian agenda in America and have a platform to inform others, you better believe that you are under intense scrutiny. Sound like paranoid propaganda? Read on.
It’s one thing to say that there is a war against Christianity and an active agenda to disarm Americans, but it’s another thing altogether to watch it unfold, up close and personal.  And yet another to actually document an insidious but effective tactic that is presently being used to silence and disarm Christians right here in America. In this report, I will expose a new tactic being used by the atheistic communist supporters of the Obama regime to silence Christian critics and to disarm them at the same time.

I might have never known about this had it not been for our nightly radio program, the Hagmann & Hagmann Report. In fact, our show played a minor role in the events that transpired. Jason Egroff, a 28-year old web designer and graphics artist from Scranton, Pennsylvania, called in to our show last week to comment on current events, including how Christianity seems to be under attack in America and across the globe. From the statements made by the CEO of Chick Fil-A regarding traditional families as defined by the Bible to the resurgence of attacks on Christians across the Middle East as a result of the “Arab Spring,” we conversed about how Christians are in the cross hairs now more than any other time in recent history. We talked about Barack Hussein Obama’s role in what seems to be overt antagonism toward Christianity and Biblical principles. Mr. Egroff’s input to our show was a rational and welcome discourse about the events we see unfolding.
Mr. Egroff called our program before and has always been articulate and well informed. His call last week was equally articulate and without unnecessary emotion or hype, just like his previous calls. He made his points in a very well-reasoned, rational and non-threatening manner and said nothing with which we could disagree. Through our dialogue that included off air correspondence, we were delighted to learn that Mr. Egroff himself is hosting his own weekly radio program called Revelation News Radio, a show that provides his analysis of current events through the prism of the Holy Bible. As he is just getting started, he did a few shows leading up his weekly slot, including a show on August 7, 2012, a day after he called our program as a guest. After his call to our program, we moved on, and our program concluded without incident. This is when events began to get very interesting, and go very wrong for Mr. Egroff.
Monitoring the watchmen

As Mr. Egroff was seated at his computer preparing to listen to our program that began at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 8, 2012, he received a telephone call from a man who identified himself as “officer Steve” from the city of Scranton Police Department, who told Jason that he was calling just to check on him, to see if he was “alright.” Jason, who never heard of “officer Steve,” or really understand the nature of the call, responded that he was fine and had no problems where he might need the police. He was taken off guard by the call and became uneasy, especially since the officer was elusive in providing a legitimate reason for the call.
While our broadcast was playing on Jason’s computer, he received another telephone call from a “restricted” number. It was “officer Steve” again, although this time he was calling from the front porch of Mr. Egroff’s house. The officer reintroduced himself, and asked Jason to turn on the porch light and step outside as he wanted to speak to him. Knowing that he had done nothing wrong, Jason complied with the officer’s request. As he stepped onto the porch, “officer Steve” was there to meet him, accompanied by another law enforcement officer.
I should note that Jason Egroff is not stupid or naive, and sensed that had he not complied with the officer’s request, things might have gotten ugly. “It was a matter of choosing my battles,” he told me, but he was still not quite ready for what happened next.
The officer told Jason that the Scranton Police Department received a telephone call from a “friend” living in New York City who claimed to be concerned about Jason’s mental health. This friend works as a physical therapy assistant at a large New York City hospital.  It is important to note his “friend’s” professional position is well outside of the mental health practice.
According to the officer, Jason’s friend contacted his department, and claimed that he was “worried” about him, citing his recent talk about the Bible in general, Biblical prophecy in particular, and the role of the Obama regime in the larger picture detailed by prophecy. This “friend” has been listening to Jason’s calls to The Hagmann & Hagmann Report as well as Jason’s own recently started BTR radio show.
Additionally, Jason’s friend knew that he owns a couple of guns, none that are of much monetary value or the type people intent on doing harm would possess. Despite this, his friend expressed concern that Jason could possibly use the weapons in some nefarious manner. Based on Jason’s own admission, he rarely uses the guns to target practice and has little attachment to them. During my interview with Jason, he said that he did not care if he had a gun or not, they are simply not that important to him.
“You need to come with us”
The officer told Jason that he had to go with them based on a mental health complaint that originated solely from his friend, the physical therapist assistant in New York, who claimed that he was worried for Jason’s safety. At this point, Jason was under the control of the officers, and was not permitted to be alone as he entered his house to shut things down for the trip he was about to take.
The officers took Jason to the local hospital psychiatric ward for “evaluation.” For the next 18 hours, he was subjected to some of the most humiliating searches, probes, and questions by hospital personnel. Questions included those specific to his religious faith and what he thought about the government and Obama. Questions that were structured in such a manner that regardless of the answer, they would result in portraying him as a dangerous, gun-owning Christian zealot. All as a result of Jason expressing his non-violent, well reasoned, and articulate views on our show as well as his own. All ostensibly from the concern of one “friend” from another state and well over 100 miles away.
Jason Egroff was indeed evaluated by two medical health professionals. Despite the manner in which Mr. Egroff was picked-up, detained, probed, prodded and interviewed (some might call it an interrogation), he remained calm and did his best to comply. He believed that the medical professionals would find him in good mental health and realize that this was all a mistake. He could then use his experience to help others.
Christianity: the medical diagnosis of psychosis
Jason was indeed released after about 20 hours of evaluation. He was given his belt and shoelaces back, and all of his personal belongings taken from him upon admission. He was released without fanfare, without apology, and without explanation. But with little additional interaction, Jason was now labeled with the medical diagnosis of “psychosis” and urged to take medication that he states he does not need and does not want. Additionally, Jason was released under the condition that he gets rid of any and all firearms he owns and report to a crisis counseling center upon discharge.
This gets a bit more interesting when Jason, who felt it best to accommodate the evaluating doctors, reported to the crisis counseling center as instructed. Mr. Egroff furnished the handful of paperwork to the crisis center worker who spent a few minutes looking over the documents. After a lengthy pause, she looked at Jason and made the following chilling observation as if it was a matter of routine: “So, you’re here because of your religious beliefs.” As Jason tells it, this was not a question, but a statement of fact.
As a career investigator, I’ve been exposed to people with mental health issues, and interviewed many. I know that it’s easy to be fooled, and that a person might appear normal, say the correct things, but then turn out to be a complete lunatic. I’ll admit that in Jason’s case, I expected to find just that scenario. I conducted a lengthy interview with Jason, asked him some very personal questions, and demanded to see documentation related to this incident. I was not about to get fooled by Jason or anyone else. To his credit, Mr. Egroff complied with my every request and provided me with the hospital documentation I requested.
Watching the watchers who are watching the ‘watchmen’
After spending two days of constant research and investigation into his case alone, I must report here that there is something very wrong about this case, and it’s not Jason Ergoff. Despite the diagnosis of “psychosis,” he was permitted to keep his guns, at least for now. As for his “friend” who was so worried about his welfare, I’ve got his “number.” You see, one thing I did not tell Mr. Ergoff is that I was able to learn the identity of the man who turned him in as a threat to himself and society. I’ve tracked his IP addresses and his online activity. My investigation found that this is no ordinary case of someone being concerned about a friend’s welfare, but part of a larger agenda to silence the Christian conservatives and critics of this administration. I am holding that information and documentation closely, as I feel that Jason and perhaps others might need it when they come for his guns or even him once again.
By the way, the concerned friend showed just where his concern actually lies, and it certainly does not appear to be with Jason. That was clearly illustrated in a 3:00 a.m. phone call made to Jason by his friend, where he screamed at Jason for daring to mention the incident on our program, sans names, of course.
Lest you think this is an isolated case, I have since heard from five-(5) other individuals in different parts of the U.S. that this has happened to within the last thirty-(30) days. It appears the war against freedom of opinion, freedom of speech, openly professing one’s belief in God and the right to bear arms is now sufficient to earn you a medical diagnosis of “psychosis.”
Christian gun owners of America, be forewarned.


 Letter from Beth Moore -  Chick-Fil-A
I had no idea of the strong ramifications of the Chick-Fil-A issue. Receiving this Email has let  me see that it is much bigger than I realized.  When you see the impact that this carries on the college campuses, it is a reminder of what the youth of this nation are being "fed"----pun intended!!

A Christian conservative does not seem to be protected with the guarantee of "freedom of speech".  This is a letter from Beth Moore for you to read.  It is very important that all Christians hold their ground against the gay marriage lobby.

Hi Friends,

Most of you have probably heard about the issues going on with Chick-Fil-A and the "anti-gay" controversy. Because CFA is one of Keith's clients, he has asked me to share some info that you may not be aware of. This whole issue started on the college campus and that is what is being affected. Keith is responsible for all non traditional stores. (college campus, hospitals, malls, airports, etc.) The media has distorted and flat out lied about what Dan Cathy said in his interview. As a result the gay community is working overtime to damage CFA. This hit the media last Wednesday and Monday of by this week 33 college campus locations  have called to close their CFA stores. As of this morning the number is up to 40. Two universities will literally be closing by tomorrow.Three critical ones are Penn. State , University of Louisville , and St Louis University . 

Keith feels that since most people don't know about all the college stores, the general public doesn't see the gays as doing much damage, nor are they aware of how CHRISTIANS can help CFA. The CFA stores on the
college campus locations are under fire from the LGBT community.For those of you who do Facebook or know how to tweet...NOW is the time to do it! TODAY IF POSSIBLE! Tell as many people as you know to get in touch with the Mike Huckaby Show and ask him to air on his show how
the colleges are being attacked and suggest that he encourage the christian students to start petitions to keep their stores open. They need to go to the presidents of their college and make their voices heard. Most students don't even know that their CFA on campus is being affected. 

I am amazed at the "QUICK" organization of the gay community and their power to PRESSURE college presidents to remove the stores. You can go to the CFA website to get a list of all the college campus locations; there are about 180 stores. PLEASE HELP GET THE WORD OUT!


If you can think of any other public voice (radio, newspaper, etc.) please ask them to get the word out to the students to petition and appeal to the college presidents to keep the CFA's open at their school.

Radical Islam Joins the DNC

Radical Islam Joins the DNC

Posted by Breeanne Howe (Diary)
Tuesday, August 21st at 8:30AM EDT
Starting at the end of this month the Democratic National Convention will open with a focus on Islam. 20,000 Muslims are expected to attend according to the Bureau of Indigenous Muslim Affairs (BIMA), the national Muslim American non-profit coordinating the two days of events they claim are non-political. ”Jumah at the DNC” begins August 29 and will start with a Friday afternoon jummah prayer followed by other unnamed programs and events, leading up to the Islamic Regal Banquet. The following day will be an all day Islamic Cultural and Fun Fest which will include discussions on the topics of Islamaphobia, Anti-Shariah, Middle Eastern Crisis, Patriot Act, National Defense Authorization Act and more. The purpose, according to BIMA, is to attract national and international attention to the plight of American Muslims and to hold political parties accountable for issues that affect them. However, not all Muslims feel that BIMA represents them and M. Zuhdi Jasser M.D., Founder and President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, has expressed serious concerns.
It is troubling that the Democratic National Convention has decided to promote and lend its name and national political platform to the organizers of the “Jummah at the DNC”. The leaders of this event – Jibril Hough and Imam Siraj Wahhaj as advertised are no moderates. They are radicals. These individuals embrace Islamist supremacy and have demonstrated support for radical ideologies.

A quick Google search by the DNC would have shown them that Hough and Wahhaj are leaders in the separatist American Islamist movement. While they may be able to get a few thousand Muslims to attend the event, they are NOT going to be mainstream Muslims. Most will likely come from Hough and Wahhaj’s radical networks that have long been entrenched in the Charlotte area. Make no mistake they are part of the Islamist movement.

This is not about their right of assembly; this group under a different name pulled the same stunt at the US capitol in 2009 claiming 20k and getting 2-3k. THIS IS ABOUT the DNC calling this an “official function” listing these radicals as typical of the DNC community and more importantly about this organization speaking out AS representing supposedly typical American Muslims (or “Mainstream”).

If that is who the DNC is consorting with then all Americans, Democrats should be concerned. There are many patriotic Muslims who are part of both parties, and when radical ideologues like this do a demonstration of “solidarity” in the name of our faith and choose an imam like Siraj Wahhaj who I saw with my own eyes in 1995 seditiously say it his duty and our duty as Muslims to replace the US Constitution with the Quran- then we need to speak up!

Their jummah (group) prayer is supposedly against the Patriot Act, the NYPD, and Islamophobia and is actually NOT about our democracy but about empowering their Islamist and MB (Muslim Brotherhood) sympathetic groups into the very fabric of the political system so that Americans become anesthetized. We need American Muslims to speak up and marginalize these radicals. The DNC needs to understand and reject them because of their radical history and ideas.

They use our American Muslim identity to speak as “one community” as a political unit or as a “bloc vote” – a political Islamist party when in fact most us Muslims don’t want that political unity and seek reform against their ideology that seeks to hijack our community. They do not represent us. (emphasis mine)
In fact, Zuhdi Jasser is correct, Jibril Hough and Imam Siraj Wahhaj have said and done radical things in their past. Which means either the Democrats failed to utilize due diligence or they simply didn’t care. In addition to the Muslims being misrepresented, Democrats and Charlotteans also have a right to know how the DNC has failed them before they even arrive in Charlotte.
Jibril Hough may be a name many in Charlotte are familiar with already. He is the leader of a Sunni mosque, The Islamic Center of Charlotte, who is been known for being outspoken against Representative Sue Myrick – a North Carolina Republican member of the House Intelligence Committee. Beyond calling her plan to fight against jihadist activity in America “a fear campaign” and the “new McCarthyism (or Myrickism)”, he confronted her in a Muslim Town Hall he organized in 2010. According to Jasser, the language used by Hough as his Town Hall was strikingly similar to that of the Muslim Brotherhood when he stated, “As citizens of a non-Muslim country and as American Muslims, we have a contract with America and not a contract on America. This means that we must abide by the laws of this state and we cannot be at war with this state.” As Jasser points out, “note the deep seeded separatism in this ‘we’ mindset. Basically he is saying that this system of laws is not his or the Muslims he represents but they will follow it-for now.” Further, Hough commented on his support of laws that would mandate “Muslim” behaviors for American-Muslims, but wouldn’t affect nonMuslims; again Jasser notes Hough’s separatist tone that mimics political Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood mindset, which supports “separate legal paths for each faith” instead of “one law based in reason”. Jibril has also stated he is the North Carolina head of the Islamic Political Party of America(IPPA), based in Charlotte, who in a 2002 press release claimed the Jews were behind 9/11. As if that weren’t enough, IPPA is close to another organization known as Jamaat Al Muslimeen (JAM), The Islamic Peoples Movement, who (in addition to being Holocaust deniers) had this advice for President Obama:
He should ensure that those Muslims he talks to do represent authentic Islam. All Islamic movements oppose America’s policies. If Obama talks to Muslims who support America’s policies, it will be an exercise in futility.
In response to Hough accusing Rep. Myrick of being anti-Muslim, he was interviewed on the formerly conservative radio station WBT in Charlotte. Radio host Keith Larson questioned him as to why his mosque was owned by The North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), an organization blacklisted by the U.S. Justice Department as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terror finance case in U.S. history. According to the government, NAIT is also a front for HAMAS and the Muslim Brotherhood in America. Hough, when presented by Larson with the documents, claimed he didn’t realize his mosque was owned by NAIT and was also unaware that they had been blacklisted. Hough went on in the interview to defend HAMAS and accuse the U.S. and Israel of the only “real” terrorism.

Imam Siraj Wahhaj is imam of a mosque in Brooklyn, New York, the leader of The Muslim Alliance in North America, a member of CAIR, and an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. As

a character witness for Omar Abdel Rahman (the Blind Sheik) who was convicted of plotting to blow up the World Trade Center and other New York City landmarks, Wahhaj described him as a “respected scholar,” and “bold, as a strong preacher of Islam.” Wahhaj is also a Board of Trustee member of the North American Imams Federation (NAIF)(who’s website currently features an anti-Jewish, anti-black rant), a Muslim Brotherhood front organization, who (coincidentally) held a conference in Charlotte last year on Islamophobia. Like Hough, Wahhaj is also connected to NAIT by way of his membership in the Islamic Society of North America(ISNA), which was also found by the government to be a front for HAMAS and the Muslim Brotherhood. While Hough has been careful to play politics in Charlotte, Wahhaj has not hidden his hatred for America. He is quoted as calling America, “a garbage can… filthy, filthy and sick.” As an imam, he has stated, “Where ever you came from, you came to America. And you came for one reason – for one reason only- to establish Allah’s deen (a complete way of life).” He believes that the only reason to get involved in politics is to use it as a weapon in the cause of Islam. By his own admission, the question of why Wahhaj would be interested in hosting events at the DNC is obvious.

How BIMA gained access to the DNC is more of a mystery. Muhammad Heshaam Jaaber, the Executive Director, Jibril Hough, spokesman, and Captain James Yusuf Yee, BIMA National Representative for the DNC are the only publicly identified members and each one appears to be connected to U.S. Representative Keith Ellison; the first Muslim ever to be elected to Congress and a former supporter of Louis Farrakhan. Ellison, who attended President Obama’s Iftar Dinner earlier this month, made the news last month when Representative Michelle Bachmann called for him (among others) to be investigated for ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Whether or not he has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, Ellison is not far from them having associates within BIMA. Jasser points out that Hough sought advice from Ellison before proceeding with his Town Hall with Rep. Myrick. Captain Yee (who will be speaking at the event) appears in BIMA’s promotional video for Jumah at the DNC quoting Ellison as saying, “If you’re not at the table, then you’re on the menu.” Yee is described by BIMA as “a chaplain in the U.S. Military” and an “eye witness to to the unjust treatment of military detainees and prisoners of Guantanamo Bay” who was allegedly detained “when he took steps to prevent the injustice.” However, BIMA fails to mention that Yee was charged by the military with sedition, aiding the enemy, spying, espionage and failure to obey a general order; charges ultimately dropped due to national security concerns about releasing evidence in the case. Also speaking will be Hassen Abdellah, who BIMA has no problem admitting was “a lead defense attorney for the 1993 First World Trade bombing suspects” Ellison has also appeared alongside Wahhaj on many speaking engagements for organizations such as ISNA and NAIF, despite both organizations being fronts for the Muslim Brotherhood. If Ellison is the link between BIMA and the DNC, then can it be said that, not only does he not mind the questionable associations of those within the organization, but also the other speakers they will be bringing in?

BIMA has stated they have smaller events planned for the Republican National Convention, however when reached out to, GOP convention staff said they have no knowledge of any events planned in or around Tampa at the time. With the Democratic National Convention only a couple weeks away, it will be interesting to see if the media chooses to cover what one would assume to be a controversial start to renominate President Barack Obama.

AGARTHA - INNER EARTH ENTRANCE First Movie ever- by Astraelia


AGARTHA - INNER EARTH ENTRANCE - from: www.astraelia.piczo.com
This is the First Movie ever to be seen of the Polar entrance & the powerful Aurora Borealis like energy field that is occurring at the entrance. This is litterally looking into the 5th Dimension from the Russian MIR space station. A truly Celestial vision more beautiful than we could have ever imagined, simply breathtaking.( Both POLES are -No Flight Zones- so this extraordinary document has been made accessible by a couragous russian Wistle Blower)

This is an outstanding proof of the existence of the Agartha kingdom of Innner Earth. The Agartha Kingdom is a 5th dimensionnal inner paradise of the divine goddess Gaia, our beloved mother Earth.
They are the descendants of Lumeria and those of Atlantis who had remained faithful to the Light.
They had to find shelter in the womb of Gaia and created a paradise for themselve in Inner Earth when our paradise planet was perturbed by dark invaders 550,000 thousand years ago.

What we are seeing is the immense Light sent to Gaia from the Galactic Federation Armada, entering the Polar entry in order to save Gaia's life and heal her energy so she is ready & strong enough for the spiritual Ascension Process of 2012. For the Earth would have died if it was not for the discreet massive help she has received from the Family of Light sent in mission by Prime Creator. When thousand of nuclear explosions where detonated in the 1950's, It is Gaia the Soul of the Earth, that called for help & brought the Gal fed Armada here.

The Gal Fed have been doing massive depollution work in our atmosphere since many decades, neutralizing nuclear radiations & the toxic chemicals of our industry & the Chem Trails secret military operation to annihilate Humanity.


( ABOUT THE MUSIC SOUNTRACK: The specific soundtrack in this video has been produced by Aalborg a musician who added a synth voicing over the original recording from a Tibet cave. If you want to hear the complete 20 min original recording that I got from a Russian web site, send me a email at: astraelia@gmail.com

I have to work with the material I have. To hear the Original recording from the Tibet Cave you have to see my other video on my Channel: -MUSIC from INNER EARTH coming from secret cave in Tibet.flv - 


That other video contains the Original soundtrack from the Tibet cave. 
This actual video is the right video of the INNER EARTH ENTRANCE, but the music although beautiful & very similar to the original recording from the Tibet Cave is from a musician AALBORG that has added a synth voicing over the sound & is called : Aalborg Ambient Soundtracks, "Rings of Uranus. ) 

By the way, do you want to know why there is so much secrecy about extraterrestrials? Why Do you think there is so much secrecy about UFO and extraterrestrials civilizations ? It is because what we call the ANGELS... it is them! Because what we refer to as Extraterrestrials are also higher dimensional Beings from the higher spiritual dimensions in mission here sent by God to come reveal themselves to us. They are sent here by the prime Creator of this Universe to offer immense help to humanity, and also to inform us that they are our family, and that they consider us as family. They are also coming to bring to an end the reign of the dark on this world.

This is why our governments don't want you to know that there is an immense ARMADA of UFO and giant mothership around the Earth, preparing for first contact with us, waiting for the signal from God to come and help liberate this sacred planet and humanity from the forces of the enemies of the Light that have covertly taken almost complete control of our planet. This is the hope beyond hope and the great Light of Hope that is being hidden from us.

May the light of dawn arise in our soul.
Discover the megalithic sacred site of Agartha in Matawini region of Quebec:

Britains Death Spiral - More Austerity And Cuts To Frontline Services.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Britains Death Spiral - More Austerity And Cuts To Frontline Services.

Surprise deficit raises risk of more austerity

A general view shows the sign outside the Treasury building in London March 24, 2010. REUTERS/Toby Melville

LONDON | Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:28pm BST
(Reuters) - Britain's public finances veered further off track in July after a shortfall in corporation tax revenues and higher spending, putting the government's deficit goals in doubt and raising the prospect of more austerity on top of the planned spending cuts.After nine months of recession, the unexpected deficit underscored the lack of scope for chancellor George Osborne to give a meaningful boost to the economy - which looked at increased risk of prolonged weakness on Tuesday as manufacturers reported a slump in orders.

The high deficit also casts doubt over the Conservative-led coalition's plan to defend Britain's top triple-A credit rating and hold down borrowing costs, and Osborne may soon face the unpleasant choice of more austerity or missing his goal to close the budget gap within five years.
The public sector finances excluding financial sector interventions - the government's preferred measure - showed a deficit of 557 million pounds, compared with a 2.8 billion pound surplus in July 2011, the Office for National Statistics said on Tuesday.
"At this rate, borrowing for 2012/13 overall will massively overshoot the Office for Budget Responsibility's forecast," said Vicky Redwood, economist at Capital Economics.
"With the recovery falling well short of the OBR's expectations, we think that the government will struggle to cut borrowing at all next year either," she added.
Economists said borrowing could overshoot the planned 92 billion pounds for this fiscal year by more than 30 billion, if the public finances keep deteriorating at the current rate.
The coalition government of Conservatives and Lib Dems aims to cut the budget deficit to 5.8 percent of gross domestic product this year from 8.2 percent of GDP in the 2011/12 fiscal year, helped in part by a one-off boost from the transfer of Royal Mail pension assets to the public sector.
For the year to date, public sector net borrowing - excluding financial sector interventions, the Royal Mail boost and other one-offs - totalled 47.2 billion pounds, up 11.6 billion from 2011.
Including the Royal Mail transfer, borrowing for the fiscal year to date totals 16.9 billion pounds compared with 35.6 billion between April and July 2011.
The coalition has made the reduction of Britain's record deficit the corner stone of its policies, but calls to soften the austerity drive have been growing due to the weak economy.
The recent Olympics have lifted Britons' spirits and may have made the country some money, but the economy remains stifled by business and consumer fears about the raging euro zone debt crisis.
A survey from the Confederation of British Industry showed that this month manufacturers recorded the worst decline in orders since December.
The finance ministry said that while it would continue to allow automatic stabilisers - mostly benefit payments and a lower tax take - to support the economy, Tuesday's figures showed there was no scope for deficit-financed spending.
"The government remains committed to the credible plan we have set out to deal with Britain's debts, and today's numbers emphasise how risky it would be to deliberately increase borrowing," a finance ministry spokesman said.
Britain's public finances are highly seasonal, and July typically shows a surplus due to inflows of income and corporation tax. However, this year the North Sea oil and gas output has been unusually low, hitting corporation tax revenue.
The government had originally planned to eliminate the structural budget deficit by 2015 with a tough programme of spending cuts and tax rises.
But the weak economy has forced it to extend the planned fiscal consolidation by another two years and Prime Minister David Cameron has warned austerity could last until 2020.
"We expect the Office for Budget Responsibility to revise up its forecast for borrowing and believe the government will eventually have to announce more fiscal measures in order to meet its fiscal mandate," Nomura economist Philip Rush said.
Last month, the International Monetary Fund said Britain could need to cut taxes or boost investment spending to support growth if the economy has not picked up by early next year.
However, the IMF also predicted that chancellor Osborne was likely to miss his secondary goal to ensure that the debt to GDP ratio starts falling after 2014/15.
So far, Osborne has focused on schemes to lower banks' funding costs to get credit flowing, as well as guarantees to support infrastructure investment without spending taxpayers' money directly. Measures to support house-building are expected next month.
Tuesday's data showed that government receipts in July fell 0.8 percent on the year, driven by a near 20 percent drop in corporation tax, while current spending grew 5.1 percent.
(Reporting by David Milliken and Sven Egenter; Editing by Ruth Pitchford)


Noah's Ark and Angels --- see what happens!

This is an actual size of Noah's Ark. Let me know what happens to you tomorrow morning after you open this e-mail. This is an unusual one. It actually gives you a time tomorrow. Let's see if it works.

Forward this message the same day you receive it.
It may sound ridiculous, but it is right on time.
We believe that something is about to happen. Angels exist,
only sometimes they haven't got wings and we call them friends; you are one of them!

Something wonderful is about to happen to you and your friends. Tomorrow at 8:23 am, somebody will call you and tell you something you have been waiting to hear.

Heavenly Father; I come to you as humble as I know how.
I confess my sins, those known & unknown. Lord, you know I'm not perfect & I fall short every day of my life. I just want to take time out to say thank you. Thank you for your love. Thank you for my home, car, food, life, and everything I do have. I realize that this life I'm living is full of trials and tribulations but thank you for not putting more on me than I can bear. Amen.     Please send this prayer to everyone in your directory and the next time you get ready to complain, tell the devil you are a blessed         Child of God and you have more to be thankful for than to worry         about. We must go through the storm to appreciate the sunshine!   ·This is a test to see who has more followers, Jesus or Satan.

If Jesus, forward to ten people. If Satan, close the e-mail.
God is going to fix two things (BIG) tonight in your favor. God Bless.

Global RV news updates

[captaincaveman ] hello all. Already lots of good news articles this morning

[mbillions] captaincaveman Do share...

[captaincaveman ] ol.More proof of hidden QE3? FIRST QUOTE IN THIRD PARAGRAPH


[captaincaveman ] China's injecting record amounts of liquidity into the economy

[Stitch] captaincaveman very telling. I truly believe we are at an "any moment" time in this investment....as they say, timing is EVERYTHING!!! Lol

[cruiser] Hi and good morning everyone!!! Busy day. Real Quick : Secret Libor Committee Clings to Anonymity After Rigging Scandal .


[cruiser] Watch the Markets today. Stimulus Hopes will bring it on the upside. Lot of talk about Global Stimulus this morning. Gold is moving higher. All good signs. USD 82.04 still above 80.
cruiser] More bank talk: Wall Street Leaderless in Rules Fight as Dimon Diminished: .


[blessedandhighlyfavored] cruiser Thank you for the update!! What indications are we wating in now? The signs look good in the news, however, my bank account is still empty!! lol

[cruiser] blessedandhighlyfavored There are a lot of different indicators. Unfortunatly we just have to let this unfold. Nothing else we can do.

[cruiser] Will Yuan's Decline Reignite Trade Tensions With US?: http://www.cnbc.com/id/48734436

[Ladyrose247] interesting - according to the UN oper rates of exchange 27 countries with large devalues from aug 2011 to aug 1 2012....albania/16.39% bhutan/25.18% brazil/30.10% crotia/21.15% ghana/ 29.77% malawi/80.83% napal/26.87% sudan/86.46% srilanka/20.70% syrian arab republic/43.27% many others - these are some of the large devalues....

[BIGREDDOG] Ladyrose247 hey did i tell you a friend of mine called those devals. to my attension yesturday!!

[Ladyrose247] BIGREDDOG ...lots of changes up and down....over the last yr...I do not believe there will ever be the 190 revals tht we have heard about ...they have been working to prevent...things are settling now with some of these countries..

Ladyrose247] winalot ..check the first and 15th...un announces changes...some have not changed in years until the last few months..

] Ladyrose247 did u see the IMF update yesterday?never seen so many blank currency slots... 15 of em

they are updating now... will be interesting to see what changed

[collie]  the CBI is still showing the 16th...do you know if they are down for the week? until Sunday?

 collie yes they are.. but i still thought they would update

[collie] I did to or at least have a currenvy auction..

[wheezer2] DRAKEFORTRUTH hello! what is your take on when us little peeps get to go to the bank? any thoughts on what the hold up is?

[DRAKEFORTRUTH] wheezer2 - I don't think everything is ready completely yet, and possibly the timing is not right, but its all a opinion, just don't waste your time trying to think it out to much

[wheezer2] DRAKEFORTRUTH i have quit "thinking" "worrying" about it lol..it will evenutally happen when are the big boys are finished and the little boys have finished playing politics

Katt: [dietcokeandice]BWM well i heard from my banker that the banks were doing a change and needed to have cash on hand what do you think about a "Virus" [BWM] dietcokeandice well they could use whatever excuse they wanted for a "shutdown"... there is speculation of such an event probable or needed to "reset" the system.. [dietcokeandice]BWM she said maybe this weekend [BWM] I have several time frames I was given some time ago... the main one started today... so I'm watching for things to unfold

A few tidbits from Vic1tgk Late Mon. Night

[katiegirl] Question if one wants to give their children some dinar so they can cash in for them selves do we need to do a gift letter or will their cashing in just become an exchange
[.dc] katiegirl I would do a gifting letter
[vic1tgk] .dc YES!!!

[irishsettergal] vic1tgk Do you believe this CE is out of Iraq's hands, or are we waiting for the GOI to be announced for the CE to occur?
[vic1tgk] irishsettergal No...Comment! That question...requires a Long Winded...answer!!
[irishsettergal] vic1tgk Okay, thanks.

[irishsettergal] vic1tgk Sorry, I wasn't looking for you to make anything but a short answer
[vic1tgk] irishsettergal I not being lazy... I actually did a call about the RED BOOK!

[vic1tgk] irishsettergal Yes... The Secretariat General... Of B.I.S., will send off Electronic... Message as from the stand point that Shab's says... I'm READY to Roll it OUT!!! Remember...I said...that Shabs, cannot be of knowledge for his protection! The Neutral ...Third party ...I hope you got it!
[vic1tgk] irishsettergal See...now the can of worms got openned!!!

[wwwgregn21] Vic1tgk Thank you for coming in, your company is always a blessing. How do you believe the US will introduce the UST notes and how do you think they will phase out the FRN?
[vic1tgk] wwwgregn21 All in DUE TIME...Gradually!

[wyquiltr] vic1tgk I must have missed something -- what is the Red Book?
[vic1tgk] wyquiltr That is a very long story!!! I did a 3 hour long symposium on that...


China is buying 6,000 tonnes of gold?

Heard the rumour China is buying 6,000 tonnes of gold? It may not be as crazy as it sounds

Frik Els | August 17, 2012
Hedge fund gurus George Soros and John Paulson and central banks around the world are jumping back into the bullion market.
At MarketWatch, Myra P. Saefong, speaks to Kevin Kerr, president of Kerr Trading International, Brien Lundin, editor of Gold Newsletter and Mark O’Byrne, executive director at GoldCore about "unconfirmed speculation" that China – the world's number one producer and second-placed consumer (at the moment) – is gearing up to buy up to at least 5,000 to 6,000 tonnes starting before the end of the year.
There is also “the potential for greater demand from unreported purchases by the People’s Bank of China, should they decide to again report an increase in their gold holdings,” [O’Byrne] said.
[Kerr said] "If China buys this much gold, that would exceed annual, global production of gold, he said. “We do not have enough gold for China to buy that much, and it will take China time to purchase this amount of gold.”
“There’s a significant discrepancy between domestic gold demand in China and the level of Chinese gold imports and production, and apparently this gap is being made up by central bank gold purchases,” said Lundin.
“We will know in time, but the bottom line is that China is … consuming an ever-growing portion of global gold production,” he said. “This forms a floor under the gold price, which is why the most pessimistic assumption of downside targets in gold corrections have always been far off the market.”
Global gold mine production has averaged roughly 2,600 tonnes per year over the past five years, according to the World Gold Council.
Central banks went from net sellers to net buyers during 2009 while recycled gold supply has declined over the same period to constitute around a 1,000 tonnes or less than a third of annual supply.
China produced 380 tonnes of gold during 2011 – over a 100 tonnes more than its nearest rival. The country is preparing to launch direct interbank gold trading – a banned activity at present – at the end of August as part of a broader set of banking reforms.



WT Center Collapse Video

The ‘Living Wage’ in Santa Fe lowered unemployment and provided more jobs? WRONG!

The ‘Living Wage’ in Santa Fe lowered unemployment and provided more jobs?  WRONG!

The Albuquerque minimum wage drive appears to be patterned after the Santa Fe ‘living wage’ ordinance.  That ordinance successfully raised Santa Fe’s minimum wage over the past seven years making it the highest minimum wage in the nation.

While it is difficult to know how many businesses in Santa Fe have closed because of the rise in employment costs, just take a walk around the plaza or a drive down Cerrillos and you will see businesses that are no longer operating.  Many employees, who thought a raise in wages sounded great, now find themselves unemployed.  While some of this is due to the Great Recession, much of it is due to the long term impact of Santa Fe's mandated wages.

Unfortunately, it seems those behind the Albuquerque minimum wage drive are using ‘snapshots’ of Santa Fe’s employment stats that, when taken out of context, support their goal of ever increasing minimum wage rates.
Here are the facts and economic lessons from Santa Fe’s Living Wage Ordinance:  Santa Fe's living wage ordinance raised the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour in 2006.  Santa Fe currently has the highest minimum wage in the Unites States at $10.29.  
 New Mexico Labor Force for Santa Fe 
                            March 2006        March 2012         Difference
Employment         76,672               71084                    
- 5588
Unemployed           2,471                4,097                     + 1626
Unemp. Rate           3.1%                 5.4%                     + 2.3% 

5588 lost jobs in Santa Fe and the unemployment rate has risen over 2% since the living wage ordinance took effect in 2006.  
FACT CHECK:  New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions Reports