Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Heaven and Hell

While walking down the street one day a Corrupt Senator(that may be redundant) was tragically hit by a car and died.

His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.

"Welcome to heaven," says St.. Peter. "Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we're not sure what to do with you."

"No problem, just let me in," says the Senator.

"Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from the higher ups. What we'll do is have you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity."

"Really?, I've made up my mind. I want to be in heaven," says the Senator.

"I'm sorry, but we have our rules."

And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell.

The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a green golf course.

In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.

Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people.

They played a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster, caviar and the finest champagne.

Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly guy who is having a good time dancing and telling jokes.

They are all having such a good time that before the Senator realizes it, it is time to go.

Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises.

The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens in heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him, "Now it's time to visit heaven...”

So, 24 hours passed with the Senator joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns.

"Well, then, you've spent a day in hell and another in heaven. Now choose your eternity."

The Senator reflects for a minute, then he answers: "Well, I would never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in hell."

So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell...

Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage.

He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls to the ground.

The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulders.

"I don't understand," stammers the Senator. "Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What happened?"

The devil smiles at him and says,
"Yesterday we were campaigning,

Today, you voted.."

Vote wisely on

November 6,2012

DARPA’s New Cheap Robot

video on the page:

DARPA’s New Cheap Robot is Capable of Changing Apparent Shape, Color, Temperature and More

By Madison Ruppert
August 20, 2012

In nature, some organisms use bioluminescence to
communicate. DARPA’s soft robot achieves the same glowing effect by pumping chemiluminescent solutions through channels in the robot’s color layer. (Image credit: DARPA)It seems that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has taken a major step forward in creating an astoundingly cheap and quite small robot that “can change the color, contrast, pattern, apparent shape, luminescence, and surface temperature of soft machines for camouflage and display,” according to a report published in Science.
Along with the DARPA-funded miniature spy computer known as the Falling or Ballistically-launched Object that Makes Backdoors (F-BOMB), this robot very well could be produced for less than $100 per unit with costs going down even further over time.
The robot, which is part of the Maximum Mobility and Manipulation (M3) program, is around the size of an average person’s palm and can be seen in motion in the below video provided by DARPA:
It utilizes microfluidic networks to create the astounding changes which even “can be changed simultaneously in the visible and infrared — a capability that organisms do not have. These strategies begin to imitate the functions, although not the anatomies, of color-changing animals,” according to Science.
The research is being performed at Harvard University’s Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering under Drs. George Whitesides and Stephen Morin while the funding is coming from DARPA.
The researchers have demonstrated that microfluidic channels can be used in soft robots for a range of functions from camouflage to display, actuation to fluid transport and temperature regulation.
DARPA states that they are backing the research – with our non-existent tax dollars I might add – because they believe the future of defense will include a wide range of robots of various shapes and sizes.
One of the most remarkable aspects of this technology is the incredibly low cost compared to the costs usually associated with robotics.
The silicone-based robots utilize a manufacturing method which leverages the power of molds and the microfluidic channels are created by introducing many narrow channels into the mold.
These channels allow various fluids as well as air to be pumped through the robot thus changing color, shape, temperature and even produce a glow through chemiluminescence.
However, the most vital function of these small passages is the ability to create movement through the pneumatic pressurization and inflation of the channels in a coordinated fashion.
“DARPA is developing a suite of robots that draw inspiration from the ingenuity and efficiency of nature,” said DARPA program manager for M3, Gill Pratt. “For defense applications, ingenuity and efficiency are not enough—robotic systems must also be cost effective.”
“This novel robot is a significant advance towards achieving all three goals,” Pratt added.
At this point, what seems to be the biggest drawback to this technology is the relative slow speed of travel with a maximum of 67 meters per hour, or around 0.04163 miles per hour.
DARPA has said that they will continue to focus on making the movements more smooth but they did state that the speed of the robot’s movement is secondary to the flexibility and ability to maneuver in tight spaces.
As you can see in the above video, the researchers used a tethered option for the robot which has the power source and control system outside of the robot itself.
Leaving the pumps and power source outside of the robot significantly reduces the size and weight of the robot but future iterations of the technology could very well have the equipment onboard the robot itself, making it an entirely self-contained system.
Of course in an attempt to make it seem like this is a project which will somehow benefit us all instead of just the parasitic “defense” industry and the military, they claim that this technology could have medical applications as well.
“Aside from their potential tactical value, DARPA said soft robots with microfluidic channels could also have medical applications,” writes Government Security News. “The devices could simulate fluid vessels and muscle motion for realistic modeling or training, and may be used in prosthetic technology.”
Indeed, DARPA has worked on some quite impressive prosthetic technology in the past, but to think of DARPA as anything but a research and development arm of the Pentagon is clearly absurd.
DARPA is and always will be tasked, first and foremost, with providing the military with some of the most unbelievable technology on Earth. I believe that any claims to the contrary are just a sorry attempt to justify the massive sustained expenditures devoted to the shadowy agency.
Note from End the Lie: Please support our work and help us start to pay contributors by doing your shopping through our Amazon link or check out some must-have products at our store.
This article originally appeared on End the Lie

Health Benefits of Plantain Leaf

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Health Benefits of Plantain Leaf
Posted By: GHCHealth [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 21-Aug-2012 11:32:53

What is Plantain Leaf?
Not to be confused with the banana-like fruit of the same name, the Plantago major is a green, weedy plant native to North America, Europe and Asia. Cultures around the world have used the plantain leaf (Plantago major) to help relieve health ailments for millennia. The plant is one of nine sacred herbs mentioned in the ancient Lacnunga (‘Remedies’), a collection of Anglo-Saxon medical texts. During the 1500s and 1600s, it was used by Europeans for everything from dog bites and boils to fevers and the flu [1]. The major components of plantain are iridoid glycosides (particularly aucubin), mucilage,and tannins. Together, they are believed to provide anti-inflammatory, antihemorrhagic, antimicrobial, and expectorant actions [2].
How is Plantain Leaf Used?
Today, it is still frequently used in folk medicine. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is found in balms called mehlems for “urogenital tract disorders, respiratory system disorders, gastrointestinal tract disorders, skin ailments, blood system disorders, nervous system disorders, cardiovascular system disorders, and rheumatism [3].”
It is used for inflammation in Columbia. And, the gastrointestinal category dominates its use in Mexico [4]. These are just a few of many examples of how plantain is used across the globe. Due to its long history of use across the globe and recent confirmation of some of its medicinal properties, plantain leaf is now used primarily as an herbal remedy for allergy relief as well as respiratory support for the cold and flu.
Clinical Studies of the Plantain Leaf
Modern science is just beginning to study the effects of the plantain leaf, and studies are confirming some of these traditional uses.
The German Commission E, which is similar to the United States’ FDA but regulates herbs and their medical use, approved the internal use of plantain leaves to ease coughs and irritation of the mucous membrane which are associated with upper respiratory tract infections [5]. They found that experimental research confirmed its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the inflammation and irritation of lung tissues that cause pain and discomfort. It can also help to stimulate the immune system. They recommend the plantain plant for moderate chronic irritative cough, especially for children.
Two clinical trials in Bulgaria documented the plantain plants efficacy for chronic bronchitis [6]. It acts as a demulcent, such as pectin and glycerin, which are common ingredients in cough syrups and throat drops. Demulcents relieve minor pain, irritation, and inflammation by forming a soothing film over the affected mucous membrane.
This property can also make the plantain leaf an effective relief for coughs caused by the flu, colds, asthma, and allergies. Since demulcents can cause more mucus production in the lungs, they are more often used to relieve dry coughs.
A study conducted in Taiwan, where plantain leaves are used in folk medicine for various infectious diseases related to the respiratory, urinary, and digestive tracts, found that hot water extracts from the plant have antiviral activities [7]. They also confirmed the immunostimulatory effects found by Commission E.
The Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the Universidad Nacional Río Cuarto in Argentina also confirmed plantain leaves anti-viral activity when studying alcoholic extracts from 8 different plants [8].
Research conducted by a Brazilian university found that three plants from the Asteraceae family, including the Plantago major, had some degree of antibacterial activity. The same study also detected antimicrobial activity against yeasts. They believe
this explains its use for many infectious diseases in Brazilian folk medicine [9].
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DABFM
1. Macer Floridus, De Viribus Herbarum, 1832.
2. Blumenthal, Busse, Goldberg, et al, The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines, 1998.
3. Sarić-Kundalić, Dobes, Klatte-Asselmeyer, Saukel. Ethnobotanical study on medicinal use of wild and cultivated plants in middle, south and west Bosnia and Herzegovina. PubMed PMID: 20594943.
4. Andrade-Cetto. Ethnobotanical study of the medicinal plants from Tlanchinol, Hidalgo, México. PubMed PMID: 19146936.
5. Wegener, Kraft, Plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.): anti-inflammatory action in upper respiratory tract infections, 1999. PubMed PMID: 10483683.
6. Koichev, Complex evaluation of the therapeutic effect of a preparation from Plantago major in chronic bronchitis, 1983.
7. Chiang LC, Chiang W, Chang MY, Lin CC, In vitro cytotoxic, antiviral and immunomodulatory effects of Plantago major and Plantago asiatica. PubMed PMID: 12856861.
8. Zanon, Ceriatti, Rovera, Sabini, Ramos, Search for antiviral activity of certain medicinal plants from Córdoba, Argentina. PubMed PMID: 10932751.
9. Holetz, Pessini, Sanches, Cortez, Nakamura, Filho, Screening of some plants used in the Brazilian folk medicine for the treatment of infectious diseases. PubMed PMID: 12471432. 

Adolf Hitler Would Never Have Done That.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Ron: Adolf Hitler Would Never Have Done That.
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 21-Aug-2012 09:35:27

Video Rebel's Blog...
I once carried the Pax Christi banner at an anti-war rally. (No, I am not a Catholic.) At the time the religious people who opposed war asked the question:’What would Jesus do?’ We are a secular nation and should set our standards at a more human level. If what the banker occupied government does is way beyond what Hitler would have done to his people in the 1930s, then I think we have let our government go too far. I would ask you to compare the security Hitler made for the Berlin Olympics of 1936 to the farce that just transpired in London.
Adolf Hitler never would have arrested 8 year-old girls for selling lemonade in front of their homes but America is doing that.
Adolf Hitler never would have arrested elderly couples for having a vegetable garden in their yard but America is doing that.
Adolf Hitler never would have arrested farmers for selling fresh produce on the side of the road but America is doing that.
Adolf Hitler never would have fined a woman who owned a farm for giving a birthday party for her friend’s ten year-old child but America has done that.
Adolf Hitler never would have allowed security men to grab Miss Germany at an airport, insert a finger in her vagina and lift her in the air. But America has already done that and never reprimanded the TSA men involved.
Adolf Hitler never would have allowed his security agents let a man with a small bomb on board an airplane in order to sell bogus bomb detecting equipment. But America already done that and never reprimanded the men involved.....




Preface: There might be an innocent explanation. But given recent trends, this is worrisome.
Retired Major General Jerry Curry wrote Friday:
The Social Security Administration (SSA) confirms that it is purchasing 174 thousand rounds of hollow point bullets to be delivered to 41 locations in major cities across the U.S.
Those against whom the hollow point bullets are to be used — those causing the civil unrest — must be American citizens; since the SSA has never been used overseas to help foreign countries maintain control of their citizens.
What would be the target of these 174, 000 rounds of hollow point bullets? It can’t simply be to control demonstrators or rioters. Hollow point bullets are so lethal that the Geneva Convention does not allow their use on the battle field in time of war. Hollow point bullets don’t just stop or hurt people, they penetrate the body, spread out, fragment and cause maximum damage to the body’s organs. Death often follows.
Potentially each hollow nose bullet represents a dead American. If so, why would the U.S. government want the SSA to kill 174,000 of our citizens, even during a time of civil unrest?
If this were only a one time order of ammunition, it could easily be dismissed. But there is a pattern here. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has ordered 46,000 rounds of hollow point ammunition. Notice that all of these purchases are for the lethal hollow nose bullets. These bullets are not being purchased and stored for squirrel or coyote hunting. This is serious ammunition manufactured to be used for serious purposes.
In the war in Iraq, our military forces expended approximately 70 million rounds per year. In March DHS ordered 750 million rounds of hollow point ammunition. It then turned around and ordered an additional 750 million rounds of miscellaneous bullets including some that are capable of penetrating walls. This is enough ammunition to empty five rounds into the body of every living American citizen. Is this something we and the Congress should be concerned about? What’s the plan that requires so many dead Americans, even during times of civil unrest? Has Congress and the Administration vetted the plan in public.
All of these rounds of ammunition can only be used to kill American citizens, though there is enough ammunition being ordered to kill, in addition to every American citizen, also every Iranian, Syrian or Mexican. There is simply too much of it. And this much ammunition can’t be just for training, there aren’t that many weapons and “shooters” in the U.S. to fire it.
We have enough military forces to maintain law and order in the U.S. even during times of civil unrest.
This is a deadly serious business. I hope I’m wrong, but something smells rotten. And If the Congress isn’t going to do its duty and investigate this matter fully, the military will have to protect the Constitution, the nation, and our citizens.
Why are government agencies doing this?
Major General Curry asks a troubling questions:
We have local police, backed up by each state’s National Guard, backed up by the Department of Defense. So in addition to all these forces why does DHS need its own private army? Why do the SSA, NOAA and other government agencies need to create their own civilian security forces armed with hollow nose bullets?
This may sound like a conspiracy theory …
But remember that Senator Daniel Inouye said in 1987:
There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.
Chalmers Johnson called the CIA the President’s private army.
But that’s nothing compared to JSOC. As John Glaser wrote in February:
For the past decade, we’ve seen the rise of a secret, unaccountable U.S. military force … Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) is an unwieldy private army at the command of the President, and him only. And they conduct military and spy missions all over the world, never receiving formal congressional approval ….
“Without the knowledge of the American public,” wrote Nick Turse back in August, “a secret force within the U.S. military is undertaking operations in a majority of the world’s countries. This new Pentagon power elite is waging a global war whose size and scope has never been revealed.” According to a recent Congressional Research Service report, JSOC forces “reportedly conduct highly sensitive combat andsupporting operations against terrorists on a world-wide basis.” As the New York Timesthis week reported:
The Special Operations Command now numbers just under 66,000 people — including both military personnel and Defense Department civilians — a doubling since 2001. Its budget has reached $10.5 billion, up from $4.2 billion in 2001 (after adjusting for inflation).Over the past decade, Special Operations Command personnel have been deployed for combat operations, exercises, training and other liaison missions in more than 70 countries. Since the invasion of Iraq in 2003, Special Operations Command sustained overseas deployments of more than 12,000 troops a day, with four-fifths committed to the broader Middle East.
JSOC operates outside the confines of the traditional military and even beyond what the CIA is able to do.
But it goes well beyond the war zones. In concert with the Executive’s new claims on extra-judicial assassinations via drone strikes, even if the target is an American citizen, JSOC goes around the world murdering suspects without the oversight of a judge or, god forbid, granting those unfortunate souls the right to defend themselves in court against secret, evidence-less government decrees about their guilt. As Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh said at a speaking event in 2009:
Congress has no oversight of it. It’s an executive assassination ring essentially, and it’s been going on and on and on.***
Under President Bush’s authority, they’ve been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing them and leaving. That’s been going on, in the name of all of us….
[Marc Ambinder told Wired]:
There are legal restrictions on what the CIA can do in terms of covert operations. There has to be a finding, the president has to notify at least the “Gang of Eight” [leaders of the intelligence oversight committees] in Congress. JSOC doesn’t have to do any of that. There is very little accountability for their actions. What’s weird is that many in congress who’d be very sensitive to CIA operations almost treat JSOC as an entity that doesn’t have to submit to oversight. It’s almost like this is the president’s private army, we’ll let the president do what he needs to do.
The Federal Reserve – which is not exactly federal (and see this)- also has its own police force. See this and this.


Remember, we’ve gone from a nation of laws to a nation of powerful men making laws in secret. A nation where Congressional leaders themselves aren’t even allow to see the laws, or to learn about covert programs. A nation where Congressmen are threatened with martial law if they don’t approve radical programs.
Veterans returning from the front lines are labeled “potential terrorists”, to the horror of both the Republicanand Democratic leadership.
This is not surprising, given that tyrannical regimes always crumble when the footsoldiers refuse to carry out draconian measures.
Indeed, active duty military personnel are big Ron Paul supporters. And see this. Because liking Ron Paul – as well as liking liberty or the Founding Fathers – may get one branded as a potential terrorist these days, there may be some friction between active military folks and the government as well.
Because military folks are sworn to defend the Constitution, many still would not allow the imposition of overt, full-scale fascism without a fight. See this and this.
As such, Major General Curry’s speculation is chilling, indeed:
Is the purpose [of the lethal ammunition purchases] to kill 174,000 of the nation’s military and replace them with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) special security forces, forces loyal to the Administration, not to the Constitution?

The undeniable hypocrisy of Barack Obama

The President doesn't want small business
owners to take credit for building their own 
businesses, because they didn't build the 
roads that lead to them.

Yet, he wants to take credit for the work of 
the American military simply because he was 
President when Osama bin Laden was killed.

Moreover, Bradley Manning gets prison for
leaking intelligence, but when Obama leaks 
intelligence he gets a Hollywood movie.

Dishonorable Disclosures...



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To comply with the Original Purpose and Intent of the First Amendment.. one must separate the wheat from the chaff..
A. Napolitanio: 2012 World Wide Food Shortages & Riots at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_EB4fEYrog&feature=player_embedded
Prophecykeepers Foundation is a 501(c) Public Foundation and a Congressional District Program at http://www.Prophecykeepers.com
B. KEEP IN MIND; PEOPLE ARE VERY DISTURBED AT THE LAWLESSNESS ALLOWED BY LEADERS, WHICH BEGAN WITH "MONEY LAUNDERING", then the food prices and necessary items began to soar to 'pay off' NON PERFORMING PRIME BANK INSTRUMENTS in Central Banks Globally, which are based on DEAD DEBT, which creates hardships on the People who strenuously object, such as recently occurred in DeSoto Parish, La.
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — At least some of the seven people arrested in a fatal shootout with Louisiana deputies have been linked to violent anarchists on the FBI's domestic terrorism watch lists, a sheriff said Saturday.
Detectives had been monitoring the group before Thursday's shootout in Laplace in which two deputies were killed and two more wounded, said DeSoto Parish Sheriff Rodney Arbuckle. His detectives and other law enforcement discovered the suspects were heavily armed adherents to an ideology known as the "sovereign citizens" movement.
The FBI has classified "sovereign citizens" as people who believe they are free from all duties of a U.S. citizen, like paying taxes. The FBI considers the group's members a danger for making threats to judges and law enforcement, using fake currency and impersonating police officers. read more http://news.yahoo.com/suspects-deputy-killings-linked-extremists-005244499.html
VKD. One must wonder about who influenced our leaders to stray from their Oath of Office of Office of Public Trust. The following article was posted back Saturday, 16-May-2009 09 it is believed worthy of re-reminding all as to responsibilitys' of leadership.
C. The Oath of Office A Historical Guide to Moral Leadership, by Lt Col Kenneth Keskel, USAF
quote: "Editorial Abstract: The Oath of Office as we know it has withstood the test of time. Although its words have gone through many transformations, the significance placed upon it by the Founding Fathers has remained the same. Lieutenant Colonel Keskel provides a brief historical background for the oath, followed by an examination of its specific wording and the ways it has changed over time. His insightful analysis will help all governmental officers and military personnel fully understand the moral implications of their actions and their oath, and what the general public expects of them in the execution of their office." Read more contained in this thought provoking article by Lieutenant Colonel Keskel
England reports in.. D. video: "Public Declaration to Police Officers, Civil Servants and other Agents of the Crown of England"
Published on Jul 29, 2012 by ITCCS International
Public Declaration to Police Officers, Civil Servants and other Agents of the Crown of England - Issued by the Judicial Oversight Panel of the Common Law Court of Justice investigating Crimes of Church and State (Brussels-London), July 28, 2012



S. Africa reports

1]. VIDEO: Striking miners shot, killed in South Africa

August 17, 2012
In one of the worst shootings by South African authorities since the end of the apartheid era, police opened fire Thursday on striking miners who had charged a line of officers. Several miners reportedly were killed and others were wounded.

Warning Graphic Video: http://www.blacklistednews.com/VIDEO:_Striking_miners_shot,_killed_in_South_Africa/21062/0/38/38/Y/M.html

USA report
2]. Mass Extermination of Useless Eaters: "Shade" Trailer Exposes the Plan
Egypt report
3]. Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood 'CRUCIFYING,' Naked on Trees, those in Opposition, Media and Christians
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 20-Aug-2012 02:29:32
The Arab Spring takeover of Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood has run amok, with reports from several different media agencies that the radical Muslims have begun crucifying opponents of newly installed President Mohammed Morsi.
Middle East media confirm that during a recent rampage, Muslim Brotherhood operatives “crucified those opposing Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi naked on trees in front of the presidential palace while abusing others.”

Raymond Ibrahim, a fellow with the Middle East Forum and the Investigative Project on Terrorism, said the crucifixions are the product of who the Middle Eastern media call “partisans.”
“Arabic media call them ‘supporters,’ ‘followers’ and ‘partisans’ of the Muslim Brotherhood,” Ibraham said.
Ibrahim also says the victims can be anyone, including Egyptian Christians.
“It’s anyone who is resisting the new government,” Ibrahim said. “In this particular case, the people attacked and crucified were secular protesters upset because of Morsi’s hostile campaign against the media, especially of Tawfik Okasha, who was constantly exposing him on his station, until Morsi shut him down.”
Ibrahim said extra brutality is reserved for Christians, but the crucifixions are because of Islamic doctrine and are required by the Quran. The time and other details about the crucifixions were not readily available.
Center for Security Policy Senior Fellow Clare Lopez cited chapter and verse from the Quran to explain that crucifixions are not simply normal for Islam, they’re demanded.

“Crucifixion is a hadd punishment, stipulated in the Quran, Sura 5:33, and therefore an obligatory part of Shariah,” Lopez said. “It’s been a traditional punishment within Islam since the beginning, even though it’s not exclusively Islamic. The Romans used it too.
“So, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood haven’t the option to not include crucifixion within their legal code. It’s obligatory to comply with Shariah. And yes, it’s for shock value also to be sure,” Lopez said.
Lopez includes a warning for Egypt’s Christians and compares the coming treatment of the Christians to the Jews in Germany.
“The Copts must get out of Egypt as soon as possible – for the many millions who will not be able to get out, I expect things will continue to deteriorate – just as they did for Germany’s and Europe’s Jews from the 1930s onward,” Lopez said.
read more: http://www.wnd.com/2012/08/arab-spring-run-amok-brotherhood-starts-crucifixions/
4]. Moody’s report comes just two days after we reported that “CALIFORNIA SALES TAX REVENUE NOSE-DIVES BY 33.5%.” Stock brokers have often recommended California municipal bonds as very safe investments, due to historically low default rates and relatively stable finances. But Moody’s said that outlook is changing after the Chapter 9 Bankruptcy filings of Stockton, San Bernardino and Mammoth Lakes.
Moody’s is especially concerned with the growing attitude among many cash-strapped cities that filing bankruptcy to avoid paying bondholders, is politically more advantageous than cutting spending. As a result, Moody’s will re-assess the financial condition of all California cities, which issues about 20 percent of the municipal bond volume nationwide, “to reflect the new fiscal realities and the governmental practices.” More>>
G-20 report by Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck: Unstoppable Economic Collapse is Imminent - Includes Video
Unstoppable Economic Collapse is Imminent, the world has no engine of growth, most of the G20 countries have reached a stalled growth, the only engine of growth in the United States is the stimulus package. The bankers have finally gotten their day. They have removed all competitors to their fiat currencies that surround the world. As the US prints more, so will other countries. Other countries are forced to devalue their currencies in order to compete with our cheap currency, goods and services.
It’s a race to the bottom. Eventually, all currencies will be merged into one world currency. This is the central bankers ultimate goal, but a very difficult one to achieve, to say the least. Start buying gold and silver and when the crash comes, those who live in big cities GET THE ____ OUT!! you don’t want to be in the middle of riots, people killing each other over rations, go into the country side and wait it out.
video http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/2012/08/19/glenn-beck-unstoppable-economic-collapse-imminent-170731/

Congress Now Trying To Outlaw Reporting On Government Corruption

Subj: I thought I'd seen it all - until now - Congress Now Trying To Outlaw Reporting On Government Corruption

Lawmakers are pushing legislation through Congress that will criminalize reporting on illegal activities and corruption in the US government.
Just when you thought the United States government couldn’t sink any lower our beloved politicians in Washington have introduced legislation that will criminalize reporting on US government secrets.
What makes this new legislation shocking is that we have seen the US government repeatedly use the “State Secrets” and the “National InSecurity card to suspend the Constitution at will to commit a wide variety of heinous activities from torture and indefinite detention without trial to outright forced drugging of prisoners and even repeated assassination by the government, of people including US citizens, which is now being done on the direction of the United States’ first even assassination czar.
Keeping that in mind the fact that lawmakers are now trying to go after reporters that “publish government secrets” unequivocally amounts to an outright ban of any and all reporting on government corruption PERIOD because at the end of the day the corrupt and illegal activities conducted by government officials are done in secret in the first place.
This week, House Republicans sought legal advice on whether reporters can be prosecuted for leaking secret information public and the excuse being used is a series of leaks by officials in the Obama administration that have pissed off the republicans.
The latest of those high-profile leaks revealed the truth nature of America’s cyber warfare program and even President Obama’s secret assassination list.
Now Congress is trying to justify the outlawing of such reporting using the excuse of “comprising National Security” when the truth is the information was given to reporters in repeated interviews by government officials speaking on the condition of anonymity with the approval of the White House in the first place.
Once again our government is manufacturing yet another “crisis” that they can take advantage of to expand its evermore dictatorial powers in what has been nothing less than a full-scale ware being waged by out government against the US Constitution.
Liz Wahl joins RT web producer Andrew Blake to discuss exactly what this would that mean for freedom of the press and free speech.

ready??? .

ready??? .
Not only disturbing - could this really be true?
This is from a person in Fresno, CA. but not limited to Fresno .
In fact it's happening all over the U.S.
Quoted from a Fresno resident.
We now live about 30 miles from Fresno. We are up in the Sierras and Fresno is the first big town we encounter when we leave the mountains.

We shop there often. I received this from my ex-homicide partner who is still active in law enforcement circles in the Fresno area.

Excuse the language, but don't excuse the facts. Don't give up your guns, and buy necessary ammunition if you can find it. Be cautious and alert. 

Be ready if, God forbid, we need to protect our families and loved ones.

If you weren't at Rotary meeting on Friday, you missed the only decent speaker we've had in more than a year. LTC John Cotter is the 144th Fighter Wing's anti terrorism officer. John had a two-part presentation. First part was describing his job as the unit’s anti-terrorism officer. Pretty standard stuff.

The second part was information that will curl your hair. A Part-time air guardsman works as a checker at local Von's. Two women in full burkas buy every pre-paid cell phone in the store. Clerk/airman gets to thinking about it. 

Goes to Cotter and reports incident. Cotter asks store for surveillance video. It's scary enough that he contacts Fresno FBI.

FBI investigates and determines these women have been doing this all over the Valley. Cell phones shipped through Canada to Iraq/Afghanistan where they become triggers for roadside bombs.

The Shell station at Peach and Shaw. Every time a local GI goes there in fatigues they are asked specific questions. What is your unit? When are you deploying? How many aircraft are you taking?

The F-16s out of Fresno fly CAP for west coast. As such they are the first line of defense so they have the US 's most sophisticated air-to-air missiles. Foreign governments would like to get their hands on those missiles or at least learn how to build them. Also how many we have, etc. Two spy groups are working on it, one based at Fashion Fair Mall (the F-16s take-off pattern) and one based at Sierra Vista Mall (the F-16s landing pattern).

Cotter said the ragheads (but we don't profile) are always probing the base. Two dorks in a pickup show up at the front gate wanting to deliver a package marked Air National Guard, Fresno.. No postage, no UPS, no FedEx, no DHL, no nothing. Just a probe.

I asked Cotter why we haven't seen anything about this in The Bee, on KMJ, on local TV news. He said they're not interested. Since Friday I've learned of two other things. My brother-in-law, Frank, (management at Avaya) had a Muslim tech who took a leave-of-absence for 6 weeks in Afghanistan. After the 6 weeks were up he called from New York requesting an extension. Frank (who does profile) said, you're fired, and called the Fresno FBI who were very interested. Don't know the outcome.
 A Muslim who owns a liquor store in my former hometown of Kingsburg was constantly bugging customers to buy guns for him. Finally one of the guys I grew up with called the FBI.

We are a country at war and the enemy is among us. I don't care what Janet Napolitano says, it's a fight to the death and we should be as prepared as possible. Brother-in-law Frank has a theory and I think it may be closer to the truth than Homeland Security wants to admit. See note below in red There are a certain number (probably a large number) of Muslims among us who are awaiting the trigger date and will begin randomly killing as many of us as they can, sort of a Fort Hood on steroids. I know I'm getting prepared to shoot back.

Two items of interest: Sheriff Margaret Mims wants to grant concealed carry permits to all who are qualified. Columnist Jim Boren, among the most bleeding of the bleeding heart liberals, says it's time for Fresno residents to arm themselves. LOAD up, you can bet this is happening in places other than Fresno..
 David Rayburn
I was asked to send this to everyone in my address book. Some of those I'm sending it to WILL NOT forward it! To those I say, Get your head out of the sand and look around with an open mind or before you know it we will no longer be living in the land of the free and the brave!" We are under attack from a hidden enemy that is everywhere. They are a cancer that WILL attack us and KILL as many as they can to further the Islamic doctrine of Shiria law. They behead, cut off limbs, stone people to death and worse. Beware, there IS a holy war coming. The signs are everywhere if you care to look and listen.

What do we expect from Homeland Security not wanting to admit anything since they are being run by devout Muslims in charge of Homeland Security Posts. 

Well, boys and girls, today the fox is guarding the hen house. The wolves will be herding the sheep!

Obama appointed two devout Muslims to homeland security posts.

Obama and Janet Napolitano appointed Arif Alikhan, a devout Muslim, as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development. DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano swore-in Kareem Shora, a devout Muslim, who was born in Damascus, Syria, as ADC National Executive Director as a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC).

NOTE: Has anyone ever heard a new government official being identified as a 'devout Catholic," a "devout Jew" or a "devout Protestant"...? Just wondering. 

Devout Muslims being appointed to critical Homeland Security positions? Doesn't this make you feel safer already?? That should make our home land much safer, huh!?

Wasn't it "devout Muslim men" who flew planes into U.S. buildings 9 1/2 years ago? Wasn't it a "devout Muslim man" who killed 13 at Fort Hood 

Please forward this important information to any who gives a rat’s behind about the future of our Country.