Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What is Real and What Isn't

BREAKING NEWS: What is Real and What Isn't

Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American and European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media propaganda of massive deceptive illusions

by Tom Heneghan, 
International Intelligence Expert
Tuesday August 21, 2012

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that sources close to the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the German Bundesbank are convinced the German Supreme Court will order a referendum on any future German participation in any ECB (European Central Bank) bond purchasing program.

The president of the German Bundesbank Jens Weidmann has made it clear to ECB president Mario Draghi that reconsolidation and recollateralization of European banks must occur first before any new round of bond purchases (derivative hocus pocus) can be considered.

Note: Any new alleged stimulus by the ECB or the Fed would have no real effect on the economy or aggregate demand but would be designed to create new bank derivatives to replace old bank derivatives and would actually be used to try to create a new set of books so the banks could cover up the current LIBOR rate rigging scandal.

We can also divulge that Dallas Federal Reserve President Richard W. Fisher has warned Fed Chairman Bernanke that any future renewed stimulus could blow up the back end of the yield curve and drive interest rates sky high.

So, again, beware of artificial asset bubbles created by derivative hocus pocus, they will burst.

There is no inflation, there is deflation with the banks loaded up with derivatives on the back end of the yield curve and unable to loan money.

P.S. Today on Bloomberg News a CME Group trader appeared as a guest and used Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, a journalist at the London Daily Telegraph as a source regarding ECB policy.

Note: Evans-Pritchard is a British Intelligence agent and a stooge for the Bank of England, who spent the 1990s scandalizing and blackmailing the Clinton White House.

The London Daily Telegraph has two major stockholders: disgraced FOX News CEO Rupert Murdoch and financial terrorist George Soros (laugh out loud).

P.P.S. At this hour the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Inspector General of the United States have informed U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to stop misusing the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds and to cease and desist immediately.

Note: A presidential executive order (the office of the president) is on the books demanding Geithner to implement the Protocols immediately!

Ben Fulford: "Obituary: Dr. Michael Van de Meer, AKA Dr. Michael Meiring, AKA??? the real James Bond"

Ben Fulford: "Obituary: Dr. Michael Van de Meer, AKA Dr. Michael Meiring, AKA??? the real James Bond"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 22-Aug-2012 03:48:27

Hi, Folks -
Ben Fulford sent me a copy of this and asked me to post it. I see that it includes some disparaging remarks about Admiral Canaris. Christopher Story used to say some similar things. However, Rayelan's information about Canaris is quite different from the picture painted here. :) Perhaps she'll drop in and tell us more.
Found here:
Obituary: Dr. Michael Van de Meer, AKA Dr. Michael Meiring, AKA??? the real James Bond
The fictional character James Bond does not hold a candle to the real McCoy, the man I knew as Dr. Michael Van de Meer. In one of his rare moments of immodesty, Dr. Van de Meer once told me that “what James Bond does is rather tame compared to what I have done.” This man was unique and will be sorely missed by all who knew him.
When I first met him in person, he showed me an attaché case containing an Uzi and 7 passports, all real and all with his photo on them. The attaché case had a bullet proof lining. While I was visiting him in the Philippines somebody tried to kill him by dumping large amounts of insecticide into the ventilating system of his hotel room. This was apparently not an unusual sort of occurrence for him. In any case, I was privileged to get, through him, a glimpse at the reality of top of world espionage and intrigue. To him CIA stood for Christ In Action.
Dr. Van de Meer used to go by the name Dr. Michael Meiring until he had both his legs blown off by a bomb he said was set by people working for his arch-enemy George Bush Senior, the head of the Nazi Odessa group.
Although Dr. Van de Meer was very reluctant to discuss his past, every once in a while he would release little nuggets of information about his extraordinary life. He said he grew up in a castle near the ancestral home of Sir Francis Drake. He also once let slip that he was a cousin of Queen Elizabeth and Evelyn de Rothschild, who he described as “not very nice people.”
His father, he claims, was a senior official in the British Raj, who worked with Mohandas Gandhi. My own research has led me to believe he at one point held the hereditary title of Lord Mountbatten, something he always denied.
What I learned through him is that when the British overlords left India, they took with them all the historical gold and treasure they could get their hands on. This gold was then allocated to a fund meant to be used for the benefit of the planet earth and its people. Many other nations and groups also allocated their historical treasures to this fund.
When a group of Nazis and fascists murdered President John F. Kennedy and started illegally using this money to finance their project for a fascist “New World Order,” Dr. Van de Meer set out to stop them.
The early James Bond movies are based in part of Van de Meer’s battle against them. The cat-petting villain Ernst Stavro Blofeld, who featured in the original James Bond films written by Ian Fleming, was based on Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, according to MI5 sources. Canaris was not executed during World War 2 for trying to assassinate Hitler and in fact became head of the Nazi Odessa underground after World War 2. It was Van de Meer and his team’s battles against Canaris and his group that formed the basis of the original James Bond novels. Van de Meer himself appears briefly as a young British businessman in the movie Thunderball. Canaris was eventually defeated by Van de Meer only to be replaced by George Bush Senior as the head of Odessa.
Of course Dr. Van de Meer admits he was no angel and he had one huge regret in his life. When he was a young medical doctor in the 1950’s he was sent to Africa to work with Dr. Jonas Salk, a man known to us as the developer of the Polio vaccine. According to Dr. Van de Meer, who then went by the name of Dr. Michael Meiring, Salk and his team killed over 200,000 African green monkeys and sent their blood to the US (Nazi) biological weapons facility at Ft. Detrick.
He found out the blood was being used to develop a disease aimed at depopulating Africa. It is now known as HIV or AIDS.
From that point on his career is something of a mystery. He once told me though of a narrow escape in the Congo where he was forced to confront mass murdering gun-men after crossing a Congo river filled with “hundreds of thousands of bloated dead bodies.”
After his time in Africa, Van de Meer spent 20 years in Asia, mostly the Philippines, researching the mystery of the missing “Yamashita gold” that imperial Japan stashed there during World War 2. He was one of the primary sources for the book “Gold Warriors,” written by Sterling Seagrave.
What Van de Meer learned was that much of the world’s historical gold was being plundered by Nazis. He set out to stop them and that was when Canaris disciple Bush bombed him.
Here is testimony of that event by a good friend of Dr. Michael’s:
The Dr. Michael I met was a neatly-dressed, well-groomed, gentleman, who moved with the power of a body-builder, the grace of a dancer, and the confidence of a man accustomed to command. Strikingly handsome, with sky-blue eyes that held one's attention, he spoke with a high British accent.
Dr. Michael was a man on mission. Once, he opened the Bible that was always near his bed, turning to a passage where God said he would reveal all the hidden wealth in the world, and restore it to the people. Dr. Michael told me that God had commissioned him to fulfill that promise, to relieve poverty, to renew the land, and to restore Creation to its intended state. In nearly every conversation with me, Dr. Michael found an opportunity to affirm his commitment to returning to the poor and oppressed that which had been taken from them. He was passionate about building a world network of teaching hospitals and vocational education centers, and engaged in an unrelenting search for the necessary resources. At age sixty-four he would bound up four stories of stairway to his room, with no accelerated breathing.
After breakfast one fateful day, we parted ways. Dr. Michael, formally attired in a 3-piece suit, went to a meeting, while I took care of business related to the rural youth center I was building. We agreed to meet again an hour later, to discuss a rural development proposal that had been handed to Dr. Michael.
Less than an hour later, I was stepping out of my room when I heard the explosion. I ran down the hall, turning two corners, and arriving at Dr. Michael's room within seconds. Heavy black smoke and extreme heat were pouring out of his door. Two streams of blood led me away from his door and down the stairway. Several flights down I saw two men dragging the corners of a bed sheet in which the body was wrapped. On the street a red pickup truck was waiting, into which the body was dumped. As the body fell out of the sheet, the Dr. Michael I saw looked absolutely like a well-burned road kill, with limbs twisted at impossible angles. The pickup truck sped off through the heavy traffic, and out of sight.
A few hours later, after initial surgery, the attending plastic surgeon met me in the hall at Doctor's Hospital, Davao's finest. The surgeon informed me that the patient had sustained third-degree burns, much of it full-thickness, over forty-eight percent of his body, had severe burns of his mouth and throat, had inhaled and ingested flame-retarding chemicals, had lost the lower portion of both legs, and would probably lose his left arm. The damage was far beyond the threshold for human survival. That the patient still lived was miraculous, he said, but the attending physicians had no expectation that he would survive much longer.
When Dr. Michael was returned to his room, he was wrapped in gauze from top to bottom, with only a space for pulmonary and stomach tubes, and just his right ear, arm and hand free (Think “The Invisible Man”!). He immediately signaled with his free hand that he wished to write. I put a pen in his hand and held a legal pad on which he scribbled, “Better to be a live dog than a dead lion!” Over those difficult days, by writing humor and showing a personal interest in each person attending him, he kept everyone in his environment in a positive attitude. Dr. Michael wrote instructions to his attending physicians, many quite unconventional, but all exhibiting a deep knowledge of trauma medicine. He did not lose consciousness, always refused anesthesia, and never appeared to sleep. He insisted upon inserting his own breathing and feeding tubes, and dictated his own healing diet. On the third day, one doctor told me, “We don't know who he is, but we are learning much from this man.” Although he credited me with saving his life, ultimately it was Dr. Michael himself who was responsible for his survival.
My own connection to Dr. Michael began a few years ago after I survived my own murder attempts by the same group of Nazis. He contacted me through Kerry Cassidy after I appeared on an interview on Project Camelot. He saved my life by telling me that Madame Wu was bad mouthing me to the Triads because she was being blackmailed by George Bush Senior about a slush fund she had illegally accumulated overseas. I later heard that Madame Wu was tortured to death after the Chinese found out about her treason.
In any case, Dr. Van de Meer provided me with an education in the secret world at the very top of the financial system. He also pointed me and Neil Keenan towards the Green Hilton Memorial accord as being the reason for the Kennedy assassination and the historical root of the financial crisis we now face.
The members of Asian secret societies who knew him said that despite his tendency to look down on them, they knew he was, in his heart of hearts, a good man who they wanted to work with.
That is why they approached me and asked me to send $750 billion dollars’ worth of gold backed Kennedy bonds to him. I asked for his snail mail address in order to send him the bonds. It was shortly after he sent me his address that he suddenly died “in his sleep” despite being in robust health and full of plans for the future.
His family refuses to talk about his death and no official autopsy has been made public. We are certain he was murdered and know who was responsible. Rest assured Dr. Michael will not have died in vain. He will be avenged and his dreams of “ending poverty and turning the deserts green” will be realized.
Benjamin Fulford

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


G   A   L   A   C   T I   C         F   E   D   E   R   A   T   I   O   N         S   T   O   N   E   H   E   N   G   E

The Sacred Site of AGARTHA in Matawini have been discovered by Astraelia at the age of 7 after a powerful mystical experience occurred as a Great Blue Heron came levitate over him his wings spread opened in the center of the sun. It is a very ancient sacred site, whose discovery have been kept a secret for more than 50 years. This megalithic site goes back to the previous Age of Light on Earth, and is being reactivated to play it's inspiring role in the birthing of the New Age of Light. This New Age of Light is expected to arise with the return of the Ancestors, those the indigenous peoples call the ''Star Nations'' the great Armada of the Galactic Federation of Light actually around our Planet.

The time has come for the discovery of the fundamentally spiritual nature and meaning of the presence of the Celestrial civilizations actually around Earth in the invisible spectrum. These spiritually advanced extraterrestrial civilizations of the Light, are sent here by Prime Creator, in a paramount mission of birthing the spiritual Ascension of humanity. They are both our archaic genetic ancestors who have seeded humanity on the sacred paradise of Gaia, and are also what we know to be the Gardian Angels sent here by Prime Creator to assist him in the full implementation of the Divine Plan of return to the spiritual dimensions, that has been prophesied by the Ancients for Earth Humanity.

The disclosure and landing of the Galactic Federation Armada will be leading to the eventual revelation of the long hidden secret of the existence of the Inner Earth Agartha Kingdom who will play a key role in the Ascension process by providing light transformation chambers that will enable us to reaccess the forgotten memory of who we are, and will reconnect our chakras that have been closed since the great devolution that occurred at the end of the Atlantean Era. The members of the 5th dimensional Agartha Kingdom are the descendants of the LEMURIAN ancient Star Civilization that have built the Agartha sacred site. They had to find shelter in the womb of Gaia after the invasion of the Dark Empire of Anchara who covertly took over our beloved planet 550 thousand years ago.

The impending Spiritual Ascension process is accessible to all spiritually inclined people of Earth who wish to walk on this sacred path of their own free will.   We are destined to become the steward gardians of Gaia that will be reborn in it's original state of a sacred paradise planet of the Light existing on the 4th and 5th dimensional level.

Astraelia is also a contactee for the Galactic Federation of Light, a Light Worker working ''on the sacred side of things'', reactivating the primordial living link between Earth and the Spiritual Dimensions, through the medium of ceremonies, sacred singing and tantric extatic yoga practices. This whole story of the discovery of Matawini is a genuine living legend of our time, bringing us a glimpse of the Light, Bliss and Divine Love which is our true destiny has it will be revealed to all of us in 2012. This is the magnitude of what is being hidden from us, behind the whole secrecy on the subject of UFO presence around our planet, and on the profound spiritual meaning of the Ascension process that is to occur in 2012.

The celestial legions of the Angels of the Light are here, in their heavenly vehicules of living light that we still call UFO, in this paramount mission involving the greatest UFO Armada ever assembled, including over 1000 giant Motherships, dozens of Planetoid size Starships, and over 15 millions UFO, in orbit around Earth waiting for a massive First Contact landing, in order to implement the Divine Plan of liberation of Earth from the entrenched remains of the Dark Force of the Illuminati, and the return to the spiritual dimensions of all those that are ready and willing to enter the dimensional portal of 2012, of their own Free Will and with blissful Love and Joy in their heart. A Divine Intervention of very great magnitude is about to happen. May we all soon be One in the supreme Light of Divine Love.

The role of the Agartha site is to be an anchoring point in the Light Grid of Earth for the Light current energies that are being channeled toward Earth from the Galactic Center and the Planetoid size Starships of the Armada of the Galactic Federation, in preparation for the dimensional ascension of 2012, that will bring us back to our previously enjoyed full consciousness.

There are 5 magnificent sacred sites around the Matawini mountain. There is a crystal obelisk in the sacred cave, a megalithic stone circle on the top of the Matawini mountain, & a Cristal Crop Circle of the symbol of the Galactic Federation on the Giant Rock Site and many UFO shaped ancient Dolmens. Crystal Obelisks shaped like ''Flames of Stone'' have been predicted to be found on the site, and after many years of quest, many have been found, the largest one being over 600 pounds. In 2010 a new sacred site has been discovered, the Agartha Pyramid site.

The discovery of the sacred site by Astraelia at the age of 7, is also the fulfillment of an ancient local Indian Elders prophecy, who had predicted the discovery of an important sacred site in Quebec by a seven years old child. This prophecy also mentioned an important Sacred Bundle would be found. The prophecy has in all it's aspects been fulfilled... The Agartha sacred site is dedicated to the return of the New Age of Light & spirituality on Earth, the reunion with our ancestors, the Celestrial Civilizations from the Star Nations, & the Agartha Inner Earth Kingdom, and the dimensional spiritual Ascension Process of 2012.

May the Great Spirit Sun shine it's Bliss in our heart.
May the christed light of love radiate in our hearts
And announce a new Day for Gaia & her faithful guardians
The most important journey, is the one that leads to ourself


Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - August 21, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - August 21, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 21-Aug-2012 20:37:47

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - August 21, 2012
9 Etznab, 6 Uo, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We come to give you another report on what is transpiring around your world. In Asia and Europe a general rebellion continues against the dollar and its debt-based fiat system. In fact, the new gold-backed currencies are beginning to show their hand. Further, the pressing need for debt forgiveness is demonstrated by what is going on in Iceland, where the peoples' revolution is illustrating just how easy it is to counteract the chaos that is the dark's agenda. The gigantic global debt and its resultant social problems need to be resolved quickly; indeed, the mess now spreading in Greece and most of southern Europe exemplifies this core issue. It is for this reason that the new system is predicated on two central factors: universal debt forgiveness and the return to a precious-metals-backed monetary system. Preventing its swift introduction is the waning, albeit still powerful, presence of dark control. To avert a global economic meltdown, Earth's sacred secret societies are preparing a way to sequester the last dark cabal. We form part of this complex operation and intend to use our technology to assist in its removal.
This process of change is tied to the ongoing shift in consciousness. As you know, our mission is an integral part of a divine pledge to return you to full consciousness, and hence the dark's agenda can no longer hold. We are waiting for the final agreements which permit us to legally terminate the dark's power complex. One aspect of this complex, which is key to breaking its hold over, you is a pattern of cultural and social beliefs which they inculcated into you and which bind you unquestioningly to them. These mental 'prison bars' will be shown up for what they are by our next series of actions. It is disconcerting to us that so many have bought into this very ill woven tapestry of lies! You are sacred souls who have been reduced to a degree of mindlessness that can accept some truly unworthy notions of Heaven and your origins on this world. These falsities are compounded and daily reinforced by a power structure that was manned by individuals who were carefully chosen by your former masters, the Anunnaki. This group of off-worlders set up the system that still gives their chosen Earth minions control over every aspect of your lives. This system is now to be totally dismantled by us.
These members of the dark cabal believe that you will be unable to effect these changes globally; we are ready to prove them wrong. We have spent the past decade letting various groups of 'allies' use their abilities and resources to oust this vast, dark conspiracy from power. All have basically failed in this attempt, in spite of our liaisons pointing them in the right direction. The reason for these failures was the underlying false assumptions that form your collective worldview. To get the job done, we are to employ different means and technologies. We are also helping to form groups of government employees wholly dedicated, like us, to the principles of the dawning new era. These groups exist throughout your world, and we are to assist them in bringing the prevailing chaos into a new heavenly order. This orderly, supportive new reality can become the bridge that leads you to the very brink of full consciousness. Its new governance can welcome us and assist us in moving you to the crystal cities in Inner Earth where you can complete your sacred transformation.
This transformation is why we are here. The divine plan firmly decrees that you are to return to full consciousness shortly. Your current political, financial, and social systems will be dismissed as soon as it is possible to reorder the fundamental nature of your global society. Here, you will come into global prosperity, universal sovereignty, and a full knowledge of who you and Gaia truly are. This knowledge will introduce you to your Ascended Masters and to your Inner Earth cousins, and you will also begin to absorb information about the true history of this world and the Milky Way Galaxy. As we have often said, there is a lot for you to learn. These truths will prepare you to comprehend the nature of galactic society and the huge potential that you possess, allowing you to flower into physical Angels who can work alongside us and the Angelic Hierarchies, and help to unfold the grace and glory of the Creator's Plan. You will become true co-creators with the Divine and rejoin the gleefully waiting, fully conscious human family!
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today to talk about your growing blessings. The Divine has given all of you a most wondrous gift: you have been granted divine grace. This gives us, who are to mentor you during your return to full consciousness, a dispensation to transform this realm into its highest vibrations in an even shorter time than was envisioned by the divine plan. This decree has been sent to our sacred associates, and we are jointly coordinating the legalities that will substantially alter your global banking system. This sets the stage for the distribution of your prosperity funds, which will be accompanied by new governance in many countries around the globe. These developments will lead quickly to disclosure, not only of the Galactic Federation of Light but also of your cousins of Inner Earth.
In accordance with these plans we have assembled a means by which our sacred associates can begin to introduce our teachings to your world. We intend to provide a great deal of information that will end the many lies and misinformation you have been given concerning the teachings of the great souls whom all of you honor with your prayers and blessings each day. It is essential that you begin to understand the truth about what each of us taught you long ago. This knowledge, which we will be able to give you personally now, will prepare for your final steps to full consciousness and allow you to see your spiritual and space families in a new light. You will become true disciples of the great messages given to us by AEON and the divine throne of the Creator!
These coming teachings will set the record straight concerning many of our influential lives in which we were given the opportunity to explain the simple truths and laws of Creation. We intend to use this period to lay to rest the misconceptions that have built up over the intervening time since many of us made that sacred journey to teach you and guide you along a sacred path. We come to transform the many schisms and needless hatreds that tore these great messages apart. The dark has done its work well! But now we come to set right and restore to Love what was imparted to you all those millennia ago. This is done in joy and in divine Light. We welcome this opportunity and look forward to teaching you and preparing you for your own path to Love, Light, and the highest states of joy!
Today, we returned to bring you another message. We ask you be discerning and patient. Much is preparing to manifest. It will be but the beginnings of the promises that Heaven made to you when your current era of darkness began. This darkness is to lift, and a new epoch of Light begins. Be in joy, and ready to accept the gifts of Heaven! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization

BARRY THE DOPE DEALER, is Why His School Files are Sealed *Many Pics*

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's BillsBest: BARRY THE DOPE DEALER, is Why His School Files are Sealed *Many Pics*
Posted By: CGI_admin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 21-Aug-2012 17:30:39

Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way that you can quickly understand them. This quote came from the Czech Republic. Someone over there has it figured out. It was translated into English from an article in the Prague newspaper Prager Zeitungon on 04.28.2010.
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, 'merely a fool'. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their President." Read story>>
photos on link:

David Wilcock Update: An Increasingly-Desperate Cabal of International Bankers May Have Come Out Of The "Cosmic Closet"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

David Wilcock Update: An Increasingly-Desperate Cabal of International Bankers May Have Come Out Of The "Cosmic Closet"
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 21-Aug-2012 15:50:13

OLYMPICS 2012: A Mithraic Illuminati Ritual?

An increasingly-desperate Cabal of international bankers may have come out of the "cosmic closet" at the 2012 Olympics. The Mithraic / Illuminati ceremonial aspects seem so obvious that even the most hardened skeptics will have to take a second look.
by David Wilcock
[PLEASE NOTE: You are encouraged to link to this article and post brief excerpts from it to help raise awareness, but we ask that you please not re-post it on other websites. Thanks!]
Historically speaking, most intelligent, self-respecting people have laughed scornfully at the idea that the world is being run by a highly organized and ruthless cult -- practicing a secret religion that is definitely not Christianity.
No one wants to be bothered with nightmares about a bloodthirsty group that is obsessed with ancient mystery-school teachings and may be seeking to kill people -- potentially in the billions -- to achieve their goals.
However, the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2012 Olympics were so blatant that we cannot afford to ignore the occult symbolism that was put on display.
Read more:

Obama: Like a banana-republic despot


Obama: Like a banana-republic despot

Thomas Sowell: 'The Constitution cannot protect us unless we protect the Constitution'

Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution in Stanford, Calif. He is the author of 28 books, including "Dismantling America" and "Basic Economics: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy."More Less

There are some very serious issues at stake in this year’s election – so many that some people may not be able to see the forest for the trees. Individual issues are the trees, but the forest is the future of America as we have known it.
The America that has flourished for more than two centuries is being quietly but steadily dismantled by the Obama administration, during the process of dealing with particular issues.
For example, the merits or demerits of President Obama’s recent executive order suspending legal liability for young people who are here illegally, presumably as a result of being brought here as children by their parents, can be debated pro and con. But such a debate overlooks the much more fundamental undermining of the whole American system of constitutional government.
The separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial branches of government is at the heart of the Constitution of the United States – and the Constitution is at the heart of freedom for Americans.

No president of the United States is authorized to repeal parts of legislation passed by Congress. He may veto the whole legislation, but then Congress can override his veto if they have enough votes. Nevertheless, every president takes an oath to faithfully execute the laws that have been passed and sustained – not just the ones he happens to agree with.

If laws passed by the elected representatives of the people can be simply overruled unilaterally by whoever is in the White House, then we are no longer a free people, choosing what laws we want to live under.

When a president can ignore the plain language of duly passed laws and substitute his own executive orders, then we no longer have “a government of laws, and not of men” but a president ruling by decree, like the dictator in some banana republic.
When we confine our debates to the merits or demerits of particular executive orders, we are tacitly accepting arbitrary rule. The Constitution of the United States cannot protect us unless we protect the Constitution. But, if we allow ourselves to get bogged down in the details of particular policies imposed by executive orders, and vote solely on that basis, then we have failed to protect the Constitution – and ourselves.

Whatever the merits or demerits of the No Child Left Behind Act, it is the law until Congress either repeals it or amends it. But for Barack Obama to unilaterally waive whatever provisions he doesn’t like in that law undermines the fundamental nature of American government.

President Obama has likewise unilaterally repealed the legal requirement that welfare recipients must work, by simply redefining “work” to include other things like going to classes on weight control. If we think the bipartisan welfare reform legislation from the Clinton administration should be repealed or amended, that is something for the legislative branch of government to consider.

There have been many wise warnings that freedom is seldom lost all at once. It is usually eroded away, bit by bit, until it is all gone. You may not notice a gradual erosion while it is going on, but you may eventually be shocked to discover one day that it is all gone, that we have been reduced from citizens to subjects, and the Constitution has become just a meaningless bunch of paper.

Obamacare imposes huge costs on some institutions, while the president’s arbitrary waivers exempt other institutions from having to pay those same costs. That is hardly the “equal protection of the laws,” promised by the 14th Amendment.
John Stuart Mill explained the dangers in that kind of government long ago: “A government with all this mass of favours to give or to withhold, however free in name, wields a power of bribery scarcely surpassed by an avowed autocracy, rendering it master of the elections in almost any circumstances but those of rare and extraordinary public excitement.”

If Obama gets re-elected, he knows that he need no longer worry about what the voters think about anything he does. Never having to face them again, he can take his arbitrary rule by decree as far as he wants. He may be challenged in the courts but, if he gets just one more Supreme Court appointment, he can pick someone who will rubber stamp anything he does and give him a 5-to-4 majority.

Marine buddy of kidnapped Marine Brandon Raub speaks out

Marine who served with kidnapped Brandon Raub testifies to his sanity
“Brandon does not have PTSD. He is a Marine who reacted sanely to an insane situation… I am not afraid. I will continue to speak out.”

Kidnapped Marine vet Brandon Raub speaks out from psych ward
“(Military personnel) should remember their oath to the Constitution of the United States…stand up, help your country, rediscover the ideas of liberty and freedom.”

Kidnapped Marine's Mom blows off MSM
“My daughter carries the Constitution with her at all times… It’s not about Brandon – it’s about the First Amendment and the right of free speech…Brandon loves his country… Does what our country is doing line up with the Constitution? … Fox and CNN will not tell you the truth – they are all bought out… We are not going to be shut up.”

From Neil Keenan by Drake

Images of obligations certificates on deposit. MUST VIEW!

News from Neil Keenan --- Drake: Enough is enough

News from Neil Keenan

by Drake
   News from Neil Keenan:
    To Drake from Neil Keenan...
  [1:46:30 PM | Edited 1:46:40 PM] Neil Keenan: Notice:  The drums are rumbling from far away.  Seems as though they are all ready to move to change the climate.  It is what we have been waiting for.
[1:47:08 PM] Neil Keenan: Am not allowed to say anything more.
[1:47:14 PM] Neil Keenan: Pay attention
     Drake: Enough is enough.
Drake | August 21, 2012 at 10:42 am | Categories: News | URL: