Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Within Us : What Are You Inhaling?? ~ 22 August 2012

Within Us : What Are You Inhaling?? ~ 22 August 2012

Spirit mentioned something yesterday that I want to expand on.  I fully didn’t realize what was being said until I had a facebook conversation with some incredible people.  The air we breath and the mind we use are so intimately connected that most of us really do not realize the fullness of this connection.  I sure didn’t, not until this conversation was had.

The mind does not miss a thing.  It is hearing sounds, that we are not audibly paying attention to.  It is processing waves of information that may miss our conscious moment in time.  A leaf falling from a tree in passing, we probably didn’t consciously notice that it fluttered down as we walked by, but, our minds registered it.

All of the above is making up the air that you breathe.  You take it in, processes the incoming information deep in memory receptors (meaning it is registered as an unconscious memory) and exhale it as part of your living energy field.  Just think about how profound that really is?

It seems commercials are everywhere now.  When I went to pump my gas, the moment I paid for it, the personal loud-speaker at my pump started telling me about products.  I go to youtube to listen to a video, but first must make it thru an advertisement before I can now listen to what I want.  I have not heard one ad that told me how wonderful I am.  How full and rich my life already is.  Nope, instead, I am missing something, namely their product or service and then I will have joy and happiness.

Consciously, we know that is not true.  But what if we have a whole cluster of these unconscious memory programs running deep within our unconscious?

What about the conversations being played out by loved ones, family, co-workers?  Do you know anyone who is judging, blaming, complaining… etc?  Then even tho you may not be part of that conversation you are still registering it as a memory.  If it is an emotionally loaded conversation, it registers within your quite deeply.  The more “accepting” you are of anything that is negative or creates a feeling of lack in your life, the more automated your exhale is.

Most of our lives are lived by automated responses.  We don’t “think” to open our eyes in the morning, we just do it.  We don’t “think” to walk to where we want to go, we just do it.  More often than not, we don’t “think” about how we feel or react to something, we just do it.

How can we feel awesome if the air we breathe is filled with toxic energy?  It really is the toxic air, the judgments, condemnations, energies of imperfections that keep us sick.  Altho we want to blame it on the food, the water, the known pollutants in the air, but it has nothing to do with any of that!
One of my most favorite authors is Ken Carey and I want to share an excerpt from the book: “Vision” Published in 1985.

The Great Separation
As the Twentieth Century draws to a close, those who are at peace within themselves will find their lives increasingly aligned with the strengthening field of my Presence. Those who fear will come under increasing pressure to confront their dishonesty and change. The fearful will not have an easy time in these days; for they will be withdrawing from my Spirit, thereby forcing themselves into crisis situations designed to stimulate a change of heart.

My consciousness is available to all, but the time I will wait for it to be received must eventually pass. I have come here to act. Soon my activity will begin. Those who do not accept my invitation to life will be separated in the end from those who do. Weeds and corn may together flourish in the fields, yet at the time of harvest, their destinies diverge. It would not be merciful to forever sustain in consciousness those who give others cause to fear.

I come as the Spirit of Truth to comfort those who live by love, to challenge those who do not. I come with the Great Sword of Division, to separate those who destroy from those who create. All will meet me, in honesty or in deceit. And as the years go by, these two ways will grow ever more distinct.

Conflict cannot exist where Truth is in expression; it occurs only in the presence of dishonesty. Where truth is denied, self-destruct mechanisms go into effect. People get sick because they are sick of themselves; they die because they do not forgive.

Disease is not caused by germs, toxins, viruses, excessive radioactivity, microbes, bacteria or any other physical agent. Such things are ever-present; thousands of them pass daily through every healthy human body. Such agents are only destructive when they do not pass through the human body but are retained instead.

There is only one reason why germs or toxins are retained in a human system: because present in the human system is an evil spirit.  To the degree that an evil spirit is entertained and made welcome in an individual’s life, his or her body will disease. This regulatory mechanism, designed to deprive destructive spirits of physical bodies.

Evil Spirits are negative attitudes, destructive emotions rooted in fear. Some of the more common evil spirits are resentment, anger, shame, guilt, anxiety, hatred, greed, revenge, jealousy. All thinly disguised forms of fear, their presence in a human system gives harmful physical agents something to attach themselves to. …

If you have not read any of Ken Carey’s works yet, I would highly suggest the read!

We must become responsible for the air we breathe!  It is no longer enough to just walk away from such pollutants, we must break the energy of their arrival in our airspace!!  If you hear a conversation being had by someone and they are judging, condemning, complaining or blaming, get into the conversation with an opening up their minds to what their conversation is really doing.  Helping those in conversation to turn their words and feelings around to a positive tone.  If you are present, you are as responsible as they are for the energy if you do nothing at all.

You will also find, as you clear the air around you, you build an allergic reaction to toxic air.  You can feel it, smell it, taste it as it starts to permeate the airspace… which is really good.  Full conscious awareness is Key!!

Spirit has been saying since last year, much will be asked of us.  We are responsible now.  Part of that responsibility is helping others see the harm they are creating for themselves and the world around them.

If you are in this life to win friends and fanfare, you may want to rethink the spiritual path all together.  I have pissed off more people than I can fully remember over the last 12 years.  Some were my really close friends and now they don’t even talk to me, for which I am grateful.  If there is going to be negative energy spewed about (even if it is covered up by pretty words…) count me out!!   I would rather have a door of friendship slammed in my face than a constant bout of diarrhea or the energy flu flushing that toxic energy out of my body!!

How can you live, fully, as we all know we are capable of living, when our air is filled with emotional toxins.  This air also weakens y/our spiritual abilities as well.  How can you fly to your greatest heights when any aspect of negativity, blame, judgement is weighing on your ankles?

You can look at yourself now as a can of Fabreeze!  Clear the air every chance you get!  Because in fact, you are clearing YOUR airspace!  If your air freshener doesn’t work, time to look for new airspace!

You are going to find, the more accustomed you become to breathing healthy love filled air, the healthier you become.  The more free you become.  All of your needs and heart desires are met because now there is nothing keeping you from what YOUR life should be like!!

With all this breathing talk (smile) I have completely forgotten to mention something that came thru a reading I had done a week or so ago.  It was actually thru an intense energy work reading via the biology as opposed to the field.  When we were finished with our work I had notice the lady I had been working with breath.  Her exhale became molecules of soft red energy.  The red of August energy.  Just as a reminder, pure August energy is where thought meets creation.  The more aligned, the more infused out thoughts are with our heart energy, with our radiant emotional field, the more what you want arrives in your created reality…. often, before you even realized you wanted that.

Her inhale really took me by surprise!  It was blue energy.  I realized that she was actually starting to inhale the blue energy of September.  Until that moment, I never even seen blue in September.  Instead what I had seen was strands of intense white light beaming up from the humans on the earth.  I should have realized that if we are living as our true aspects of Light Bodies, then we are also living the truth of our soul expression.  Blue is the color of the throat chakra, our Self expression.

August is giving us the leeway to fully embody our soul, our creative skills of manifestation and service.  Let me be equally clear on those last three words.  We are here to be in service, to help those around us to live more fully, more radiantly and abundantly (and trust me, abundance has very little to do with cash!) as we live that full on self-expression we are manifesting to beat the band… more than we can keep up with and conceive!

To be Fully in Service to the greater All for the greater good is to live a life of instant manifestation of all your heart desires, often times before your consciousness even realized you had that desire!

So, once again I ask, what is in the air your breathing?  Breath-mints to everyone!! (smile)

I cannot even imagine my life without your wisdom, your questions, your awesomeness within mine!!  Your Breath of Love is my oxygen!!

(((((HUGZ)))))) of loving joy to All!!

Lisa Gawlas link to original article


Posted By: pax [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 22-Aug-2012 14:32:02
Thanks js.
UPDATE: Friends, I just received this note from our friend and mortgage fraud expert Vermont Trotter regarding this story:
“The trusts are all empty. The master loan doc contractually allows for the hypothecation and re-hypothecation of the assets. Hypothecation is a legal term meaning to pledge, but not deliver an asset. To hypothecate means there is no true sale of the asset. To re-hypothecate means it can be pledged multiple times and, again, never have a true sale. No one owns anything.” – V. Trotter
from Foreclosuredefensenationwide:
August 21, 2012
Confirming, under oath and in print what we already suspected: there is no schedule of mortgage loans evidencing what JPM allegedly “purchased” from the FDIC in connection with the failure of WaMu. This is from the sworn deposition testimony of Lawrence Nardi, the operations unit manager and a mortgage officer for JPM, who was previously with WaMu and was picked up by JPM after WaMu’s failure. The 330 page deposition was taken by counsel for the homeowner on May 9, 2012 in the matter of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. as successor in interest to Washington Mutual Bank v. Waisome, Florida 5th Judicial Circuit Case No. 2009-CA-005717.
Here is the question and the answer:
Q: (page 57, beginning at line 19): Okay. The — are you aware of any type of schedule of loans that would have been created to represent the — either the loans that were asset loans or the loans that were serviced by WAMU? Are you — was the — do you know if there is a schedule or database of loans like that?
A: (page 58, beginning at line 1): I know that there was a schedule contemplated in certain documents related to the purchase. That schedule has never materialized in any form. We’ve looked for it in countless other cases. We’ve never been able to produce it in any previous cases. It would certainly be a wonderful thing to have, but it’s — as far as I know, it doesn’t exist, although it was — it was contemplated in the documents.
As we all know, JPM has also stated, in a Federal Court filing, that it is NOT the “successor in interest to WaMu.” However, the deposition testimony gets even better as the day went on:

The Richard Aoki Story: More Evidence the FBI Runs Violent Political Groups


The Richard Aoki Story: More Evidence the FBI Runs Violent Political Groups

By Kurt Nimmo
August 22, 2012
Over the past few years, has provided ample evidence that the FBI is intimately involved in creating radical and violent political groups that are used as propaganda by the government to push for further implementation of a police state.
We have consistently underscored the fact that a post-COINTELPRO effort is operating in the United States and is being used to demonize legitimate and constitutionally protected opposition to the government.
From supposed white supremacist Hal Turner operating for years as a prized national security asset and provocateur to a long line of Muslim patsies manipulated in ludicrous terror stings subsequently exploited to hype the government’s increasingly repressive war on terror, we have documented without a doubt that COINTELPRO is alive and well, despite the FBI claiming it put the illegal program to rest back in the 1970s.
Now we learn that the very apex of 1960s radicalism in the United States – the Black Panthers – was compromised by the FBI.
“The man who gave the Black Panther Party some of its first firearms and weapons training – which preceded fatal shootouts with Oakland police in the turbulent 1960s – was an undercover FBI informer, according to a former bureau agent and an FBI report,” writes researcher and author Seth Rosenfeld.
That man was Richard Masato Aoki, a Japanese American with a reputation as an extreme militant who bragged about his street fighting ability against Bay Area cops. “But unbeknownst to his fellow activists, Aoki had served as an FBI intelligence informant, covertly filing reports on a wide range of Bay Area political groups, according to the bureau agent who recruited him,” Rosenfeld writes.
Aoki’s story serves as a warning – the most radical political activists, those calling for violence and the wholesale destruction of property, should face intense scrutiny by default.
The government naturally has a vested interest in fomenting violence that can be cynically exploited as a vehicle to characterize all political action outside of the mainstream as terrorism.
COINTELPRO was far too successful for the government to discontinue it. It led to the destruction of the black nationalist movement, factionalized the civil rights movement, and destroyed a large and thriving antiwar movement during the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Informants of Richard Aoki’s ilk are still active today. The FBI has more informants, operatives and agents provocateurs working undercover now than at any time during its long and sordid history.


"The world suffers a lot. Not because of the bad people, but because of the silence of good people." - Napoleon

     I have been given an outline of foreign soldiers ready for the occupation of the 50 states of America. I have been given an outline of how this conspiracy plans to crash the American economy in order to crush the American people forever. I have been access to the latest Army manual telling U.S. soldiers how to crush the American insurrection when Obama makes his move to militarily take over America. I also have access to more top secret information it would take too long to post here.
     I was chess champion in military school using one principle. Know how my enemy fights! Then a strategy can be designed to outflank his strategy and tactics and smash him in the end. I remember when I met with the leaders for the I.R.A. in Dublin, Ireland. They were such defeatists. They had studied this British designed prison for two years and could not see a way to beat its security to get their I.R.A. leader held in prison a way to escape. I told them to show me the security to this Irish prison originally built by the British as I understood it. In about 5 minutes, I told them how its security could be neutralized by a modification of a military tactic Hitler had come up with to beat the security of Belgium and Dutch fortresses if they stood in the way of the coming invasion of France.  The shocked I.R.A. leadership I talked to understood what I said. One week later when in London, England, it was big headlines there how an American pilot hired by the I.R.A. rented a heliocopter and went in right over the top of the prison, picked up the I.R.A. leader imprisoned there but knew the attempt was coming, and clean as a whistle, he was gone and disappeared from view and the authorities could not find him. What was "impossible" to others was a simple 5 minute answer to me. I am unorthodox but know how to win where others do not.
     Okay, people of the South, people elsewhere in America, this unorthodox military brain is going to tell you how we beat the Obama plan to soon militarily take over America and be dictator of America for life while killing off somewhere from a small figure of maybe 10 million Americans up to a higher figure of maybe 150 million Americans or more. I have two aces to play in this game. First, I have my father's Vatican endorsed super health bread which university tests of years ago said the whole human race on earth will go extinct like the dinosaurs if this super health food is not soon added to the American diet and all other diets in the world. It means if anything happens to me that the human race on earth goes extinct as I am the only person on earth who knows the trade secret engineering to this industrial food process. My father taught me the engineering secret no engineers on earth know but me! The Nazis could not crack my father's trade secret food engineering process how to make it work. Stalin admitted that he had assigned his top Soviet engineers and scientists to try and crack this secret and could not. And at one time top engineers of America were assigned to crack this food secret and after I think the figure was $50 million spent and they couldn't crack it, they gave up as the food industry would spend no more on this type research. I personally decide whether the human race lives or goes soon extinct like the dinosaurs did. God did not leave me powerless in this game! Whatever nation or nations I consent to set up this very top secret trade secret food process in, that nation or nations can soon take over the leadership and control of likely a major portion of the food market of the entire world. Also, it means that they can make their nation or nations tremendously prosperous off of this world monopoly. Also, it means the nation or nations I let this world food industry be set up in can easily become the leader of the entire world. The Nazis said this. The Communists under Stalin admitted this. The Vatican stated this. And I assume not too many races or nations are seeking to go biologically extinct on the earth. And medical lab reports from all over the world now predict that this will soon happen to the human race. I am not any supporter of his, but Al Gore as a side result of his incorrect drive on the world environment did accidentially get medical lab reports from nations all over the world saying if an answer was not fast found, then the entire human race on earth will soon go biologically extinct.
      First position I take is any nation supplying Obama with soldiers to take over America, they will be the last to receive this Vatican endorsed food process that will save their race and nation from apparently fast coming biological extinction according to the dire results predicted by these medical labs all over the world. Second position, until Obama is executed by the military, America will never get this food needed for the survival of the American race. And since Obama is mocking and laughing at constitutional law and bill of rights in America, I will legally honor his legal position and say that he and 10 top co-conspirators with him are all to be dropped into hot sulphuric acid and inch by inch dropped down until their entire bodies are eaten up by acid which will scientifically likely be the most painful slow deaths any leaders have ever suffered in human history for planned treason against their own people. Do I mean it? Yes! Not symbolically but for real! I am a tough son of a bitch when reality requires it!
     Also, must not forget. Any nation supplying Obama with foreign soldiers to take over America, I either never will let their nations receive this Vatican endorsed food needed for the survival of their own race and nation or else jack up the price on it so high as to drive their national economies into bankruptcy. As a well trained economist, I know how to engineer the total bankrupty of nations if it is necessary to show them how this can be done.
     I was clever at law and had the first of the descendant Jefferson Davis families sign over all claims to the Confederate Government and Confederate States of America by having him sign the legal document that on behalf of his great grandfather Jefferson Davis, he appointed me Commander-in-Chief of the Confederate Armed Forces. He maybe didn't know constitutional law, but modeled after the U.S. Constitution, the Confederate Constitution with that legal grant of authority made me the President of the Confederate Government and Confederate States of America. I also got authority afterwards from two other branches of the Davis family where they consented to the authority granted by the first Davis family. And the documentation was submitted to a British Commonwealth Parliament elsewhere and they legally recognized under international law that the Confederate Government and Confederate States of America had never legally surrendered to the federal union under Wash., D.C. and therefore the Southern States were still legally an independent nation and I held the legal authority for the national government of the Southern States of America  but called the Confederate States of America. Sothern leaders examined these documents, ceritified they were real and legally binding for the South, and so Judge William Roy Bean agreed to be Vice President under the Provisional Confederate Government of the Confederate States of America with me as the legally recognized President and possessing all authority for the non-surrendered Confederate Government of the Confederate States of America.
      This was a deadly legal move and frankly rather scared Wash., D.C. when they first found out about this including the British Commonwealth Parliament recognizing this as valid under international law. My mother asked me not to push this during the Cold War or else I might split America and give the Communists world victory over America. I had not told my mother but I had already come to the same conclusion and being fiercely anti-Communist, I held off on final decision whether to push it all the way and the South rose up again as an independent nation. Obama is the most evil leader in character I can spot in nearly 6,000 years of human history. The man is consumed by colossal hatred of the American people, colossal hatred of Christianity and Christians, and is filled with many other forms of hatred too massive to list. His hatred is translated into all the ways he wants to kill those who he hates once he can trick them into letting him get the power to mass kill off Americans and others. Obama was recruited by the secret power elite behind the Council on Foreign Relations which has acted as the secret government of America for some time now. He has played ball with them and so they have through him as a front swindled enough money out of all Americans by his first term in office to pay off the national debt of America and much more.
     Now since I am putting pieces on this chessboard of world power, let's play the game further. The Confederate States of America goes legally independent as a nation if Obama is reelected as so-called President. As he himself admitted in a taped meeting in 2006 that he was not born in Hawaii but in Kenya. He is therefore a legal imposter, not even an American citizen, but reflecting the colossal corruption of Wash., D.C., he is running for President in 2012 with most leaders in Wash., D.C. knowing that he is a foreign citizen and cannot legally run for President. Wash., D.C. is so corrupt a national government, it would be a blessing to all of America to have it replaced by the revived Confederate Government of America.
      If Obama is reelected to the White House on Nov. 6, 2012, the official seccession of the Confederate States of America will take legal effect unless I consent to cancell this legal proclamation before then on Nov. 7, 2012 at noon Eastern Standard Time.
      Pieces are going on this chessboard which makes this deadlier every moment for the Obama planned military takeover of America. I descend from the royal line of Russia. Frankly, a minor branch and many would have prior claim to the Czarist Throne of Russia over me. However, Russian law includes that the population of Moscow may elect whom they want to be their next Czar of Russia. Russia has the deadliest nuclear arsenal in the world outside of maybe America. Russia has tested American defense systems and found the Joint Chiefs of Staff sleeping and did not spot the four ways they tested American defense security to see if they could annihilate America at will or not. They gave A plus to the Russian military for being smarter than the American military and F as a rating to the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon they rated so incredibly arrogant and dumb due to their unjustified super egos that Moscow evaluates Wash., D.C. is a sitting duck for annihilation any hour they decide to strike. I had secret meetings years ago with a defector from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies and he trained me like a Russian general to know all the tricks of Russian nuclear warfare. Having spent eleven calendar years earlier at American military academies, I knew already how the Pentagon side thought in terms of nuclear warfare. When Obama is removed from office, I will be willing to show the Joint Chiefs of Staff 4 ways Russia can annihilate America right now. While Obama is in office, I will never share with you what I know. I am the leader of a nation about to be reborn again and not a lackey of the Pentagon at this time. I have rank and don't pretend otherwise.
     To make the real estate higher and higher in price for Wash., D.C. to try and seize control of and mass kill the people of the Southern States of America, if one federal soldier enters the Southern States of America to harm or crush the people of the South, I then very boldly declare myself to be the Czarist Pretender to the Czarist Throne of Russia. In exchange that Moscow agrees to and elects me to this title and authority, I will then order the mobilization of the forces of Russia and already knowing both sides how they operate, I will when Russia crushes Wash., D.C. hang all the traitors in Wash., D.C. and I will be as brutal as the Wrath of God to track down all traitors in Wash., D.C. The Confederate States of America will be joined in confederation with the reborn Czarist Russia and treated as a full-fledged independent nation in the Czarist confederation modeled after the British Commonwealth. Those states wanting to join the South can up to all 50 states. Those not, you will be left on your own and you can support Wash., D.C. if there is anything left to support. Knowing Washington thinking, if one representative or more of the Confederate Government is hurt by federal sources, this is to be legally treated as an act of war against Russia since the Confederate States of America will be joining the Czarist Confederation and therefore an attack upon the South will be an act of war against Russia.
     If we are going this far, might as well go all the way. Wash., D.C. repaid Czarist Russia as only a reptile form of government could. When Britain and France were going to extend diplomatic recognition to the Confederate States of America in 1861-1865 and give them all the military supplies they needed to sustain national independence, the Czar of Russia thinking Wash., D,C, believed in high ideals for mankind sent two Czarist naval fleets to America. One was for the Eastern coast of America and one for the Western coast of America. This was to warn Britain and France not to officially back the Confederate States or Czarist Russia would go to war against Britain and France if they tried. The Czar of Russia saved Wash., D.C. from defeat and Wash., D.C. repaid back later Czarist Russia the reptilian way that is the Washington character. Wash., D.C. in 1917 set up the Communist Revolution in Russia with $10 million or more financing from a White House military trust fund, Pres. Woodrow Wilson gave Trotsky an American passport so he could get through customs in Europe and reach Russia to help Lenin in the seizure of Czarist Russia. The Masonic Lodge at St. Petersburg under instructions of American Masons blocked food shipments on the Siberian railway and blamed these food shortages in Russia on the Czar instead of the Masons and Communists in alliance for the overthrow of the Czar. Wall Street bankers supplied $42 million sent through the Federal Reserve to the Bank of St. Petersburg in Russia so this money could be used for the planned Washington backed Communist takeover of Russia. Something like 274 American mercenaries hired by Trotsky in New York City had been seized while going by boat to Europe to help Lenin in killing off 10 million Russians as soon as Lenin seized national power in Russia. The captured American mercenaries were held by Sir Winston Church in charge of the British Navy in political internment in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada so they could not aid the planned Communist Revolution in Russia. President Wilson, a strong Communist supporter as shown by his many friends who were Communists, ordered the U.S. State Dept. to tell Britain to get these 274 or so American mercendaries released immediately so they could go on to Russia or else American would cancel its military support for Britain and allow Kaiser Germany then defeat Britain in World War I. Getting to our punchline now. The Czarist Russian rouble was the only currency in the world 100% backed by gold.
The deal Lenin had to make for Wall Street banker financing was after he won to turn over to these New York Wall Street bankers all the Czarist Gold he could find after winning power in Russia. Russia was stripped of all Czarist Gold which was then shipped to New York City shipload after shipload. If the Russian people wish to elect me Czar of Russia, I will have the legal authority to force the return of the stolen Czarist Gold plus interest made on it. This may be enough to give Russia the biggest national treasury in the world now and Russia can easily then finance itself into being a super giant in all aspects of industry in the world. I know who took the Czarist Gold and know how we can recover for Russia all that was stolen and likely much more owed to Russia. As an economist I know how to add up the bill and we will end up owning the secret empires of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. That should make Russia well rewarded for the decades of hell Russia was subjected to by the Washington created, engineered, and financed Communist Revolution in Russia. With this colossal wealth, we will also need to build back up the population of the Russian people decimated by the Washington imposed stripping Russia of much of its potential wealth policy.Also, if made Czar, I will win back the people of the Ukraine to be part of Russia when the Ukraine was the birthplace for the founding of Russia and the Russian people. And Russia will help the South raise up the Confederate flag once again as an independent nation. Likely all 50 states will join the South when and if this happens because Obama was dumb enough to push things too far and not know when to quit.
     My father's great food industry will be shared equally between Czarist Russia and the Confederate States of America. Our two nations will become the two richest nations in the world due to this colossally huge food industry as it grows. And I have lots of surprise technology for both Russia and the Confederate States to make a colossal industrial revolution in both nations. Russia needs the alliance of the Confederate people. And the Confederate people need the alliance of the Russian people. Russia breathe fire down the necks of any foreign nations willing to supply Obama with foreign soldiers for the military occupation of America. Let's isolate Obama and then finish him off if necessary.
     As for Pentagon military, I offer $100 million as a patriot reward for each of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon to switch from Obama back to loyalty to the American people. I offer $10,000 reward for every member of the U.S. military who will join on the side of the American people and stop Obama from his planned military and crushing of the American people. For those not wanting to be on the side of the American people, they will have their reward too. It will be called firing squads for the traitors in our midst. If the Pentagon is ready, arrest Obama for high treason. arrest the 10 top officials of C.I.A. and close that agency down. Arrest the 10 top officials of Homeland Security as they are heavily involved in the plan for the military crushing of the American people. Arrest the 10 top leaders of the F.B.I. unless they quick show you that they are now on the side of the American people. With or without Congress, once we hold the aces, we will submit to the American people the Omni Law and once ratified by the American people, constitutional law and true national rights will be restored to all the American people. We will apparently by logic probably have to elect a new U.S. Congress if we find the old Congress had no loyalty to the American people having been mass paid off by huge secret bribes from the power elite.
      By the way, Pentagon and U.S. military. Easy to pay off the figures promised for you. We go after the secret power elite bankers and as we recover endless trillions of dollars they stole from the American people, plenty of money to pay all of you off. It was not a mislabel when a very prestigious international organization called me "The Einstein of American Economics." I know alll the tricks needed to bring America out of economic crash, boom the economy, and deliver to the American people the best economy they have seen in 100 years. As for any trying to bankrupt America by trying to crash American money, I can turn the tables so fast on you with my economic tricks that your nations will be the ones crashing in economy, not the American. We have a lot of corruption to clean out of Wash., D.C. Then America itself will finally be on sound ground and a nation reborn. As my industrialist father used to prophesy, "The people of the South will someday save America from collapse."
      Read Nesara News for copies of my nationally released reports including on The Omni Law. When I am willing to give out rewards to others who will help save America from collapse and tyranny, I plan to include the editor for Nesara News. His patriotic courage deserves a reward. From our collected money from the wicked elite, I plan he gets $1 million as a patriot reward. And let all America praise the man who had much more journalistic courage and patriotism than our corrupt national news media. By the way, I said I was clever at law. For those newspapers who thought it such a funny joke to censor the news for the public and mass lie to them on major issues, I know how at law to give them their just national rewards. For not going to the authorities with reports on high treason going on in Wash., D.C. when legally they were suppose to report such criminal information to the proper authorities, I think they should be criminally charged as co-accessories to high treason in America. And let the Wrath of the American People coming crashing down on their heads when all the truth finally gets out in America.
      Anyone wanting to send information to me, use . Those wanting to send financial backing can still use NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Put in the searchbox at the top left over the archives listing for Nesara News to see copies of the Omni Law by putting in Omni Law and for copies of other reports of mine Erasmus of America and see a wide listing of my reports there. And I put a test on the Obama Administration. If he was not planning any longer to pull off this planned military takeover of America, then he had no reason to order federal sources not to return to me by August 26, 2012 the federally stolen sum of $525,000. The amount and date was to put to the test whether we should plan to later arrest Obama and execute him for high treason in America or give him one chance to save himself from high treason charges, etc. I will have one brief policy of amnesty as I prefer not to go through setting up Nuremburg Trials in America. But only one time do I stand for letting many get off the hook from being prosecuted or being executed for high treason if that is justified. And for any military not sure yet, I have already alerted too much of Americans about the planned crushing of the American people under Obama. If you try it now, you will face guerrilla warfare where one guerrilla fighter is equal to 5 to 10 conventional soldiers. As illustrated in the Middle East, once guerrilla warfare is started, it can go on for even decades and the latest military equipment is not enough to stop it. You get started in an endless war in America if you try to militarily take over America. I prefer peace. And I assume laying all these deadly pawns on the chessboard of power to be played now if Obama is not muzzled and stopped now, you maybe now are converts to peace instead of you dying for the worthless cause of Obama. A bit like Gen. Patton addressing his soldiers in World War II, "I don't want you to be the dumb bastards to die for your country. I want you to make the other poor bastards die for their country."
     I throw the gauntlet down before Obama. If he persists, he will be executed for high treason. If he stops now, he can choose his place of exile as he leaves America. As for the power elite, lie low and do not attract my attention. If I come after you, I will smash you and you will lose all your wealth as all will go to the American people and others you stole from. Don't try to kill any leaders or people backing me. You shed blood and then you will be hunted down all over the world like ex-Nazi War Criminals and nowhere to hide.
      Okay folks, you have seen me play my game of chesspower against Obama and his allies. Make copies of this and see all Americans see this incredible but true report. This morning it was reported to me by my military mole that the American people were effectively defeated and checkmated by Obama and could not be stopped. My tactics by this daring report based upon power tactics just gave the victory to the American people instead of Obama. When you have got a cunning general on your side, play the military game his way as the mob has never shown brains when the survival of a race or nation is involved. I have given you the winning hand. Post this report everything and Obama will melt before you like the "Wicked Witch of the North" only we rename this "The Wicked Obama of the North."
     Yours for God And Country, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. Everyone in Wash. intelligence has already indicated to me that they know who I am. Federal officials and personnel, immediately stop carrying out orders for the military takeover of America by Obama and I will overlook your temporary insanity of high treason in America. But persist and I will end up hanging you for high treason in America! Everyone knows that when the Omni Law is passed, I will be the head of the 10 Civil Tribunes of America, so what I say now represents what the other 9 tough, patriotic leaders turned civil tribunes will say once they are sworn into office as the civil tribunes of America. The Romans broke treason and corruption in the Roman Republic by this tactic. We will borrow a smart idea from the ancient Romans!)

Tebow Responds

Gotta love Tim Tebow no matter where he plays ball. 
This should be engraved in stone at the front of the NFL Headquarters......

Gulag America --- The New World Order's Concentration Camp Program & Foreign Troops on US Soil

Gulag America

(The New World Order's Concentration Camp Program & Foreign Troops on US Soil)
"There's not going to be some future event when the invading troops are going to show up. They're already here! When martial law is implemented, these foreign U.N. troops will be policing our country, carrying out the plans of the New World Order."
During the 1950's, the elitists planning for world government made plans to use occupation forces in every country that did not submit to their greedy, arrogant ambitions. Their plan called for using Chinese troops in America. This fact is documented by Dr. Dennis Cuddy in his book, Secret Records Revealed. It is also ocumented by Willard Cantelon in his book, Money Master of the Wor;d.

Now that American soldiers have been used in Kuwait, Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, and Kosovo, a precedent has been set to bring the red Chinese troops here. The UN could justify such an action if the Black Muslims instigate a race war. I expect this scenario if the Democrats loose the White House and Congress in the 2000 elections. Comrade Clinton could not be slicker in making himself Commandant of Gulag America.
In 1997, there were already 43 concentrations camps ready to imprison Christians and other patriotic people, who want to be governed by the Constitution. If the Clintons' hatred for Christians and other constitutionalists seems incredible to you, then ask yourself why the White House instructed the FBI this year to regard us as terrorists. Under this guise, Comrade Clinton can raid the homes of innocent saints and patriots, take them away to never be seen again as in Nazi Germany, and the media will make everyone think they were criminals. In 1997, 20 more concentration camps were under constrction.
Their locations are revealed on the link above, as excerpted from Jim Keith's book, Black Helicopters II:
From: - Photos are missing on this site
In the spring of 1997, Professor Ian Stewart, met with "Mr. Sea" [Mr. "C", Al Cuppet] to discuss what he has learned first-hand about the coming persecution at the hands of the New World Order operatives. With a seven-inch thick portfolio filled with photographs, news articles, correspondence, etc., Mr. Sea revealed disturbing information about New World Order efforts to destroy and enslave America.
The following are some of Mr. Sea's comments. But first, let's take a look at the man who made the comments.
Mr. Sea, a committed Christian, is a former inspector for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Department of Defense, with 31 years of federal service in the military, nine with the Department of Defense, including two years with the Air Staff. He's a holder of the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, three awards of the Joint Service Medal, all of the Vietnamese awards, as well as the Joint Meritorious Unit Medal. When he retired a few years ago, he was awarded the Secretary of Defense Civilian Service Medal. He's been around the world to 31 countries on four continents, and speaks five languages.
Mr. Sea spoke of the coming American Holocaust of the Government's plans for dealing with the non-New World Orderites. He spoke of the infrastructure that has already been set up to incarcerate and execute Americans, and the locations of the facilities that will be used for these purposes -- all with photographs, leaving little to the imagination.
 An interview with Mr. Sea regarding New World Order plans for the U.S. and its citizens
"The infrastructure is set up. There are at least 130 concentration camps, quietly modified facilities which have sprung up and continue to spring up across the country, seemingly devoid of activity, yet requiring strange accoutrements such as barbed wire-topped fencing (with the tops turned inward) and helicopter wind socks. Most have good logistical supportability, with major highways and railroad transport facilities adjacent to the sites.
"These facilities, many in remote areas across our country, are set up to become concentration/detention camps, complete with gas chambers, for resisters and dissidents. Generally speaking, they're set up for dissenters who will not go along with the New World Order. The "resisters" are gun owners who refuse to give up their weapons; the "dissidents" are Christians, Patriots and Constitutionalists. These camps are set up. I've seen many of them.
"On August 6, 1994, I toured the Amtrak Railcar Repair Facility at Beech Grove, Indianapolis, Indiana. There are at least ten maintenance barns at this facility, covering 129 acres, with two separate fences with the tops leaning inward. The windows of several buildings have been bricked up. Hence, you have three levels of security for Amtrak repair barns!
"There are three helicopter 25-knot aviation wind socks (which aren't the correct ones to use for chemical spills which require 10-knot wind socks). There are high security NSA-style people turnstiles, and high intensity/security lighting for 24-hour operation. The box car (gas chamber) building fence is marked with special "RED/BLUE Zone" signs [visible in the photo ]. This corresponds to the "mission" of the RED/BLUE Lists which surfaced in June and July of 1996.
"Under martial law, this will become a death camp. They're only going to handle category one and two (RED and BLUE) people there. This box car facility will be used for execution.
"One of the barns is large enough to put four box cars into. There are powered vents on the top of the barn to vent the gas out of the building after the box cars have been fumigated. All of the buildings have newly installed six-inch gas pipes and furnaces installed in all "railroad barns."
"Since the photo was taken in August 1994, FEMA has allocated $6 million to make the walls and roofs of the buildings "airtight." Under martial law, this facility could be immediately used as an SS-style "termination" gas chamber.
"On January 27, 1995, The Indianapolis News ran an article titled, "Amtrak Lays off 212 at Beech Grove: 170 Lose Jobs at Maintenance Center Today." Why perform $6 million worth of renovations, and then lay off 212 people? Because the people doing the final executions will not be Americans. Thus, the "slots" of the 212 will be filled with non-Americans.
"They'll hire foreigners for this "cappo" task. Cappo ("chief" in Italian) was the title of the trustee prisoners who actually killed many Jews for the SS butchers at Dachau, and at other Nazi crematoria across Europe.
"The news article also said, " . . . hopes the yard may be able to solicit work repairing private train cars, and perhaps subway cars from Washington, DC, or other urban areas." The repairing of private trains is a dead giveaway to death cars!
"The article went on to say, "Late last year, Congress ordered Amtrak to spend at least $5.9 million patching holes in the roof and fixing masonry on the walls of the giant machine sheds at Beech Grove." These buildings have been "sealed." They're airtight. The facility is constructed to allow gas to be blown into all the buildings via the newly installed, two-story, hot air heating furnaces."
Next, Mr. Sea elaborated on the two categories, the RED and BLUE Lists, and what they mean: "The RED List is for pick-up and execution before unobtrusive preparations for martial law are initiated. The BLUE List is also for execution, but at a later date within six weeks of martial law declaration. There are no "re-education" plans for either category--just execution.
"When you get picked up on a RED pick-up, they'll take you from your home at night -- probably around 4 a.m. -- and put you in a black van, then drive you to a helicopter waiting to fly you to an intermediate point. There, you'll be loaded onto a big 64-passenger CH-47 Chinook helicopter -- all black, unmarked and illegally operating under the Treaty on Open Skies.
"Then they'll fly you to one of 38 cities where you'll board a 747, 737, or 727. "You may be taken straight to a temporary detention facility. When you're RED listed, you'll be taken to a red camp. Then you'll be executed.
"At some point, martial law will be declared. (Martial law is when the writ of Habeas Corpus -- to have a trial by jury -- is suspended. Instead of going to the judge, you go straight to jail for a limited time.) I suspect there will be a major outage, or some other crisis which will be the reason to declare martial law. At this point, the BLUE listed people will be picked up. At that time, the country will be regionalized into ten regions, which are already designated by FEMA.
"Be advised that it has been proven (in Wyoming and at least one other location) that the black choppers have state-of-the-art radio (RF) frequency wideband jammers, and can jam cell phones and CBs while they're executing black operations missions (i.e., in your area). This means that your cell phone could be jammed just before and/or during any action against you.
"In June of 1996, an FBI agent got hold of the Region Three BLUE List (from a CIA agent), and found his own name on it, and those of several others he knew in Virginia. The Regional BLUE List stated that the names on the BLUE List would be picked up "within six weeks of the actual martial law declaration."
"This parallels the Nazi RED/BLUE List policy almost to the letter. The parallel Nazi plan was published by Heinz Hohne in his 1966 book, The Story of the Nazi SS: The Order of the Death's Head.
"People say, "It won't work." But it will work if the 300,000 Soviet troops which are ALREADY HERE can get the guns. The name of the game is to blackball the people to get the guns . . . make the militia look bad, make guns look bad, make everybody give up their guns. Once they get your gun, they've got you, UNLESS you've got the angel of the Lord at your door.
"The ones doing all of this are operating out of the highest places in the Federal Government. They're cooperating with "spirit guides and mediums" and using astrology and numerology. The spirit guides are telling them what to do, and the entire thing is being orchestrated at the highest spiritual levels. Every base has been covered. They've thought of everything.  "If you notice, they often do things on the 13th of the month. Mr. Clinton does a lot of things on the 13th. On September 13, 1993, the brokered Israeli-PLO peace accord was signed. He waited 14 days, until September 13, 1994 to sign the Crime Bill. On June 13, 1995, he stated he'd veto the national debt authorization ceiling. On November 13, he did veto it. On January 13, 1996, he made a speech to Bosnia.
"There will be an interim of probably just days from the time they launch the RED List, to the declaration of martial law when they'll start coming after those on the BLUE List. It'll work the same way it did with the Nazis who had a list of people to pick up, on June 30, 1934, before they declared their "mobilization."  "It's the same blueprint being used because it's the same spirit leading the Fourth Reich as led the Third Reich. In Germany, they used trains, here it will be helicopters and 747s.  "When Hitler was villainizing the Jews, he hired thugs and dressed them in black uniforms. He was building concentration camps and setting up a transport system. In this country, they're now in the process of villainizing Christians, Patriots, Constitutionalists, and outspoken talk-show hosts, etc.
 "Who will be doing the actual picking up? Foreign "cops" (United Nations Internal Security Forces). Over 30 foreign military bases under the United Nations flag are already set up in the US., all with the approval of special appointees in high Federal positions. These bases are already manned with over ONE MILLION troops from Russia, Poland, Germany, Belgium, Turkey, Great Britain, Nicaragua, and Asian countries. 
"Why are they here? Because unlike our own troops--many of which along with the Guard and Reserve of 24 states are being deployed overseas--will have no qualms about firing on U.S. citizens when the time comes.
"There are more than 2,000 Russian tanks, military trucks and chemical warfare vehicles just outside Gulfport, Mississippi. They began arriving in January of 1994.
"There are 180 foreign troops at Fort Reilly which was confirmed to me by a Brigadier General. There are 300 who came into the Birmingham, Alabama airport on a big white Russian cargo plane on December 13, 1995. 
"As of 1995, there were 10,000 plus foreign troops at Fort Chafee, Arkansas reportedly making preparations for 20,000 "detainees."
"Also in 1995 at Fort Polk, Louisiana (U.S. Army Post), Russian and Eastern European troops were deployed under the U.N. flag. [When questioned about this, the legislative aide of the congressman who resides over Fort Polk, stated, "Yes, they were there undertaking broad, joint training exercises. And, yes, the U.N. flag was flying. There may still be some there today."]
"At the Aberdeen Proving Grounds, there are many Russian tanks. One of the NCOs told his father that he'd been maintaining them.
"This is going on all over the country. German troops are known to be at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, and Fort Hood, Texas. Chinese troops are known to be at the Long Beach Naval Station in California.
"There's not going to be some future event when the invading troops are going to show up. They're already here! When martial law is implemented, these foreign U.N. troops will be policing our country, carrying out the plans of the New World Order."

Episode 81: McGinty's Report: Busting Underground Bases in the Seattle Area (Mar. 26, 2004)

Incredible Whale Encounter - Mother Gray Whale Lifts Her Calf Out of the Water! [HD]

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Incredible Whale Encounter - Mother Gray Whale Lifts Her Calf Out of the Water! [HD]
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 22-Aug-2012 09:03:16

Published on Mar 14, 2012 by OneWorldOneOcean
Join the movement and view more stunning ocean content at --
A mother gray whale lifted up her calf, seemingly to help it get a better view of the excited onlookers, and we caught it all on camera.
For in-depth information on the whales of San Ignacio and regulations of the area, see our blog post at
The gray whales in San Ignacio Lagoon frequently approach small tourist boats, seeking the human interaction. While they could easily avoid the people, whose small boats are not allowed to closely approach whales, they actually seem to enjoy making contact.
Laguna San Ignacio is on the Pacific coast of Mexico's Baja peninsula and is the destination for hundreds of gray whales, who migrate annually to the region from their feeding grounds in the Arctic. Here, where the water is shallow and warm, they give birth to their young. It lies within El Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve and is the gray whale's last undisturbed nursing and breeding ground, largely thanks to an environmental victory in 2000 that stopped the development of an industrial salt plant.
Whale watching here is highly regulated, with limits on how many boats can be on the water, how long they can stay, and how close they can get; rather than closely approaching the whales, they must idle their engine and wait for the whales to approach the vessel, which is a common occurrence.

Humans are strange and dangerous, another day on another water and both those whales would be harpooned.

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - August 22, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - August 22, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 22-Aug-2012 06:48:54

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - August 22, 2012
You can be sure that there is nothing to worry about where the dark Ones are concerned, because we have aborted many of their attempts to cause trouble. We have contained their activities for some time now and intend to keep doing so. They are staring into the abyss of oblivion and there is no escape for them. Their empire is slowly crumbling and there is no way back for them. We do however closely monitor some individuals who of their own accord still exercise authority over their minions. On all fronts our allies are making good progress, and many issues could well be finalized by the end of this month. Meanwhile you are awakening at much quicker pace, and your awareness is another reason that the Light is ever increasing in its power.
With your comprehension of what is taking place behind the scenes, we are pleased to note that there is less concern about the delays in making our activities public knowledge. You now know that the path to your Ascension is progressing as intended, and anything else is by comparison less important. You will in good time learn the truth about the agenda of the dark Ones, and more to your liking details of the wonderful life that lies ahead of you. Many of you are already quite knowledgeable, but nevertheless there is much that can be added that will give the complete picture. We will not however dwell upon the negative as such matters will be destined for the history books of your civilization, and available for your deeper consideration in the Akashic Records. Everything that has ever happened is recorded in its original detail, and any part of it can be re-lived if that is your desire.
We know that waiting for significant events that you expect any day now can be tedious, but you will have your day of satisfaction and excitement. You can after all see evidence around you of the changes, and even more is going on that is not apparent. The arrests of corrupt officials is spreading, and some are already fleeing and trying to avoid the consequences. It does not matter what steps they take to avoid justice, in reality there is nowhere to hide. So please do not waste your energy by becoming angry at the individuals concerned. Your future is far more important than theirs, and that is where your focus should be. It is not that you will be unable to fit in immediately, but the whole experience will be much more exciting and understandable.
As you enter the final weeks we will give you more details of how to prepare yourself for the changes that Ascension will bring. However there is nothing that will cause you any distress or inconvenience. It will be like stepping out of the Dark Ages into a dreamland where everything is set up for your enjoyment and happiness. It will not be complete and some changes will still be required, but you will have had all aspects of lives present drudgery removed so that it becomes most enjoyable. There is so little time left and that is still speeding up, so try to keep your attention on the great future that awaits you. It will be well beyond anything you can imagine, and perhaps you will consider that your personal changes will be the most acceptable.
To move from your present physical body to one that is of the higher vibrations will be a wonderful feeling. To be free of all of the aches and pains often associated with your present one, will be so uplifting. The level that you will move into has such high vibrations, that your body will be unable to carry forward anything less than the perfection of your original blueprint. Your awareness will be heightened and your perception of things sharpened. The body will no longer tire or suffer fatigue such as you do now, and consequently you will no longer need lengthy sleep periods. You can take recuperative measures if you need them, but will also re-energize from the very environment you are in.
Your present low vibrations and those around you are in fact very heavy, and you need sleep to restore your body. However, as your body cells continue to change to crystalline, your body will become more in line with its new pattern. As a result it will start to need shorter sleep periods to recover, and some of you are noticing it already. In fact sleep patterns will move out of a regular pattern, and you will find yourself able to exist on much less. A similar change is also occurring where your eating habits are concerned. You are needing less and your choice of food will turn to those that are fresh, and unadulterated with chemicals and additives.
Your body is a temple that when treated correctly will serve you well, and rarely if ever experience illnesses. If you feed it with junk food you end up with junk health even if it takes time to reveal itself. You may be young and healthy, but continual abuse of your body will eventually take its toll. In older age you are liable to get the collapse of your major organs, and it is will be hard for them to recover. The good news is that as you lift up your vibrations, you are less inclined to be drawn to the heavy foods such as red meat. Follow your bodies reactions to what you feed it, and you will soon learn how to treat it sensibly and to your advantage.
Think about what you want out of life, and know that you will find more happiness and satisfaction when you are looking after yourself correctly. It also goes as far as what you occupy your mind with, as some of you follow unhealthy paths that simply pull your vibrations down. That in turn attracts similar vibrations and you are likely to drop even further, thus damaging any chance you may have had of lifting up in time for Ascension. We know that some souls just do not seem to care what happens to them, and clearly they need a lot of help. As we have often reminded you, no matter what circumstances you are in there is always help nearby. So please ask for it and it will come to you in some form or another, but do not necessarily expect it immediately.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that all of you have had so many lives on Earth, you should by now be able to benefit from your experiences. Go within and listen to your Higher Self and you will get good advice, but it needs to be heeded if you are to lift yourself up. On the one hand time is short, but you still have sufficient time to make a resolution to change and become what you really are, a beautiful soul of unlimited love. We wish you well.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.



by Ulsterman on August 21, 2012

Just received following message from Insider and, as requested, passing it on to all of you:

That Biden visit to Tampa got my wheels spinning. 

What the hell are they up to?  How far is Biden willing to go to remain relevant?  To stay on the ticket?  So I put some feelers out to the WH.  Got lots of people willing to talk and share these days.
Here’s the deal.  Nobody has heard anything on that visit beyond it’s being planned.  SS had protocols in place only as recently as 72 hours ago.  So this thing wasn’t planned more than a week ago.  At the most.  That means the campaign is being damn tight lipped about it which is out of the ordinary for them.  Now that has me really thinking.  Something don’t sit right here. 
Why send the #2 right down to the GOP convention?  What is the purpose?  Leak the trip, but don’t say anything substantial regarding the reason for the trip.  Just a publicity stunt?  An attempt at poking the eye of the Romney team?
That don’t add up for.  Not even close. 
So I’m asking around some more. And I’m not the only one.  Nothing is coming back. Finally get a call into the Old Man.  Alert him to my concerns.  Within 30 minutes he gets back to me. 
We got legit Intel from military source.  Nothing concrete.  Which got our source’s attention.  That is a big red alert.  This thing is being planned.  Staged. 
Might be a handful of local law enforcement in on it.  Apparently a related communication from DHS within the last 24 hrs.   Union thugs.  Got to be a Jarrett-Gerard initiated plan.  Something along those lines.
I’m giving you and your readers a heads up here.  False flag.  The real deal. 
They will try and control it but make it look uncontrolled.  Dangerous.  Make it reflect poorly on the Republicans and their supporters.  A dangerous and desperate operation here.  Even a dimwit like Biden has to know how dangerous.
So have everyone you can reach, all your readers, let them know.  Obama operatives are attempting a set up here.  Dimes to dollars that’s what is going down.
Will update if more becomes available.  The Old Man is on it now.  Pushing heavy influence to deflect.  One or two secure media sources made aware.  The Romney people will be alerted, though they might have already been thinking along the same lines.  Trying to confirm that now.  If this thing is legit, we are going to try and shut it down within the next 48-72 hrs.  Won’t say more on that. 
If they do go operational on this next week,  you and your readers will know what it is and what it isn’t.  Hoping it don’t get that far, but these maniacs are getting so desperate now they are trying to pull it off. 
As promised, keeping you informed in a more timely manner.  I owe you that. 
Things moving very fast now kid.  Hang on.  This is gonna be the most terrifying, most interesting, and potentially gratifying time of your life.
Or, it all goes to shit????  We lose.  They win.
Welcome to my world.

My understanding of this warning from Insider points to the true intent of the visit to Tampa during the GOP Convention by Vice President Biden. 
There will be a staged protest or something of that nature, intended to make Republicans look bad, and though not mentioned here by Insider, create sympathy for Joe Biden who has received a slew of bad press in recent weeks that is doing harm to the Obama campaign.
The protest is to be initiated by Obama operatives and/or forces sympathetic to the Obama campaign.  Insider is suggesting those forces believe they can control the environment to ensure the safety of those involved – while at the same time getting the intended media coverage images that will then be used to paint Republicans and conservatives as dangerous radicals.
If I learn from Insider my own interpretation is incorrect I will update accordingly.

UPDATE FROM INSIDER:  (late Tuesday, August 21, 2012)
 Here is what I know to this point.  At least what I am comfortable sharing with you:
-Biden scheduled for event Monday prior to official opening of the GOP convention. 
-There is to be some form of altercation, protest, outbreak, etc.  Not sure on specifics.  Purpose is to make VP look sympathetic but more important, give media portrayal of “radical” conservatives a timely visual upon which to build that right through to Election Day. 
-Source relayed they confirmed whispers of this locally by some media in Tampa later this afternoon.  Biden’s arrival in Tampa already deemed “provocative” which will ensure significant media coverage.  The event/false flag will be used to overshadow the Monday convention ceremonies, as well as cast a shadow on convention for remainder of the week.
-Military source indicated this plan did NOT come from Chicago.  Axelrod is indicating surprise and uncertainty.  He has either become a much better actor or he had very little if anything to do with this.  Not that he isn’t capable.  Guy is an assh-le.  That means it is WH specific.  That means Jarrett, as I indicated earlier.  Where is Gerard? 
-What the Obama team is doing here is incredibly dangerous.  Country is at brink already. Just beneath the surface.  This kind of thing, if not totally controlled, could break out into an even more significant event.  Perhaps they want that outcome?????
-Tie this in with earlier reports regarding the ammunition purchases.  Originally I ignored your questions on that.  Last week it received my full attention.  It’s the real deal.  I am gonna add that you don’t do target practice with hollow point.  Those are designed for one thing and one thing only.  Let that sink in.  Why is the Obama government buying up this kind of ammo in such massive amounts?  Place those ammo purchases with their willingness to stage a confrontation such as what they intend this Monday.
-You are right when pointing to the fact this was leaked by SS.  Rest assured they probably gave the Romney details a heads up well before any of us did.  They will continue to do their job as they always do, but there is no love lost between that organization and the administration.  The backstory on that may come out after Obama has left office.  
-Military source warned this could be a well-played head fake to try and expose leakers.  In my rush not get this to you I had not considered that. Rookie mistake.  I should have known better.  I’m still capable of losing my own ass in the dark.
That’s my attempt at humor, but this sh-t is absolutely serious.
As to your last question.  My recommendation is you stay away.  At this point none of us know how this thing is going to break.  Hopefully now that the word is out they will back off it.  But who knows.  So sit this one out.